Lazy manti or khanum: step-by-step recipes with meat, potatoes and other vegetables. Cooking hearty khanum using step-by-step recipes

Good afternoon dear friends!

Yesterday we cooked khanum in a pressure cooker - the most delicious dish from Uzbek cuisine. This dish is as popular in Uzbekistan as manti, lagman, samsa and pilaf. You can easily buy khanum at large oriental bazaars and have a hearty snack.

What is khanum? This is a steamed roll of dough like for manti or dumplings with different fillings. It can be minced meat, pumpkin, potatoes, cabbage, onions... This dish is prepared in a special pan with tiers - a pressure cooker. It is also called mantyshnitsa, manty-kaskan.

Mantovarka tiers

The whole beauty of khanum lies in the thinnest dough with a juicy and appetizing filling.

Khanum is easier and faster to cook than the same Uzbek manti. For many housewives, it is easier to make several rolls than to stick several dozen manti. Therefore, the khanum was given another name - “lazy manti”.

Today in the article:

How to prepare tender and thin dough for khanum - recipe with photo

Khanum, like dumplings, dumplings, manti, begins to be prepared with dough. The dough should be soft, elastic and tender.

I prepared the dough without eggs in warm water with butter. Thin and soft, the dough rolled out perfectly for rolls. From kg of flour I got 6 rolls.

I would like to note that I also took the ingredients for the khanum filling based on a dough of 1 kg of flour.

We will need:

  • Wheat flour - 1 kg;
  • Warm water - 400-450 ml;
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.

Sift the flour in a heap onto a clean table.

Make a hole in the center of the flour slide.

Pour warm water into the jug. Dissolve salt and oil in water.

Pour water in a thin stream into the hole made of flour.

Using a tablespoon, begin to carefully combine the flour and water. We try to prevent water from pouring out of the hole.

From the sides of the flour slide, pour flour into the hole and knead the dough.

Knead the dough with both hands until it becomes smooth and soft and has a uniform consistency.

There is no need to add a lot of flour - the dough should be as soft as an earlobe. If the dough is too steep, it will be difficult to roll it out into a thin layer of 1.5-2 mm.

We put the dough under a bowl or in a bag so that it does not dry out and proceed to the fillings.

Khanum stuffed with potatoes - recipe with photo

We will need:

  • Potatoes - 2-3 pcs.;
  • Onions - 1 pc.;
  • Salt - to taste;

Peel the potatoes and wash them. Cut into cubes measuring 1x1 cm and place in a deep bowl.

The smaller we cut the potatoes, the thinner and more tender our khanum will be. Coarsely chopped vegetables can cause thin khanum dough to tear quickly.

Peel the onion and chop it very finely. Add it to the potatoes.

Place spices and seasonings in a mortar and grind.

Grinding spices and seasonings just before adding them to a dish gives much more aroma and taste.

Mix spices, onions and potatoes. The potato filling is ready.

We will add salt later, because the potato filling can give off juice.

Break off a piece of dough slightly larger than a tennis ball. Lightly dust a dry and clean table with flour.

Using a rolling pin, roll out a layer 1.5-2.5 mm thick.

Do not pay attention that the layer is not perfectly smooth. The roll will hide all this.

Place potato filling on top and add a little salt.

Roll up the roll. We seal the lower ends of the roll tightly.

Thus, we make several rolls and place them on a flour-dusted board or flat tray.

Place the lower part of the pressure cooker pan on high heat until the water boils.

Lubricate the tiers themselves well with vegetable oil. We stack the finished rolls on tiers.

When the water boils, reduce the heat.

We place tiers with khanum on top of each other in a pressure cooker. Steam the rolls for 40-45 minutes.

Using a spatula, place the finished rolls on a large plate and cut into equal parts.

You can pour vegetable oil on top or grease with butter.

Khanum is served with sour cream, tomato adjika or fried tomato and onion. Most often in Uzbek cuisine, khanum is served with fried tomatoes and onions.

Enjoy your meal!

Khanum stuffed with cabbage - recipe with photo

We will need:

  • White cabbage - 200 gr.;
  • Onions - 1 pc.;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Spices - cumin (cumin), coriander seeds, black and red pepper.

We wash the cabbage forks under clean water and remove bad and rotten leaves. Finely chop the cabbage into a deep bowl.

Peel the onions and chop them into cabbage. Add cumin, coriander seeds, and pepper crushed in a mortar. Mix everything well.

Divide the dough into equal balls the size of a tennis ball. Roll each ball into a layer 1.5-2.5 mm thick.

Place the cabbage filling on top of the dough layer. Now you can add a little salt to the filling.

Roll the dough with the filling into a roll and pinch the ends of the roll well so that the filling does not fall out.

We do this several times until the dough and filling are finished.

Place the rolls on oiled manti cascan tiers.

We put the lower part of the manti cascan on the fire with water. When the water boils, reduce the heat and place the pan with khanum on the lower part.

Steam the khanum for 40-45 minutes.

Make sure that the tips of the rolls without filling are thoroughly cooked. They usually take longer to cook due to their dense nature. If you don’t cook them, the dough will taste raw and not cooked.

We take out the finished rolls using a flat spatula and place them on a large plate.

Be careful - manta rays and tiers are very hot. Use special oven mitts and oven mitts to avoid getting burned.

We cut the khanum into several parts and serve on a common dish with sour cream, kefir, or the favorite in Uzbek cuisine, fried tomatoes and onions.

Enjoy your meal!

And below is a video recipe for khanum with meat filling.

Khanum in a pressure cooker recipe

Video recipe for khanum with meat and potatoes

From all the recipes presented, you will choose the most suitable one for yourself and prepare lunch for the whole family. In fact, I don't know a single person who doesn't like this excellent dish. Steamed meat rolls can perfectly complement a holiday table as the main dish. Khanum looks beautiful on the table, and most importantly, it’s very tasty!

The first two recipes can be safely eaten by Orthodox people during Lent. Cabbage and potato rolls will perfectly satisfy your hunger and at the same time will not allow you to leave the race. Feel free to add it to your Lenten menu.

My family is always for it when I ask: should I cook khanum? And guests constantly ask for the recipe for Uzbek rolls. Sometimes they are simply exhausting in the pleasant sense of the word. Now I can give a link to my site with recipes, where there are excellent recipes for my favorite khanum.

And you know, I’ll give you advice - if you have khanum left for another day, it’s better not to heat it in the microwave, but to fry it in a frying pan with a little oil. It turns out a very tasty dish with a crispy crust. Ummm!

Khanum (khanum) are often called “lazy manti”. This dish is also prepared from dough and meat, vegetables, and is also steamed, but requires less effort. There is no need to make one-piece products, just roll a roll with a juicy filling.

Here are homemade step-by-step recipes for khanum with the three most popular fillings.

Khanum - general principles of preparation

Uzbek khanum is always prepared from unleavened dough. And it is very important to roll it out thinly. Only in this case will the inner layers of the roll be saturated with the juices of the filling, making it very tender and pleasant to the taste. The dough can be kneaded with water, milk, or using brewing technology. Below, step-by-step khanum recipes describe all this in detail. The finished dough needs to rest, then it is rolled out, the filling is laid out, and the roll is rolled.

The most popular types of minced meat:

Meat with onions and carrots;

Meat with potatoes, onions, carrots;

Vegetable mix.

The finished roll is transferred to a tray from a special pressure cooker (mantyshnitsa) or a double boiler is used; a small roll can be prepared in a slow cooker. It is important that the surface is lubricated, otherwise problems may arise with removing the khanum. Steam the roll for 30 to 45 minutes.

The khanum is laid out on a flat plate and greased with oil or fat on top. The dish is cut crosswise, like a regular roll. A small bowl of tomato sauce or vinegar is usually placed in the center.

Meat khanum: step-by-step recipe

For the filling you can use any type of meat: lamb, pork, beef, add poultry if desired. If the meat is not fatty, then additionally add a small piece of lard or fat tail. The dough in this step-by-step khanum recipe is the simplest, made with water and butter.


100 ml water;

Spoon of butter;

Salt and flour (3-3.5 cups).

For filling:

500 g meat;


2 onions;

2-3 tablespoons of fat or oil;


1. It’s better to start by preparing the dough, as it needs to rest. Otherwise, you won’t be able to roll out the layer thinly. Add 0.3 tsp to the egg. salt, shake, pour in water at room temperature and add a spoonful of oil. You can knead the dough without it, but fat will make the dough more elastic and easier to work with.

2. Stir, add flour. This amount of liquid will take about three glasses. Knead the dough until the piece no longer absorbs flour. Place the lump in a bag for 30-40 minutes.

3. Peel two large onions and cut into cubes. Peel the carrots too, grate them coarsely or chop them with a knife.

4. Heat oil or fat in a frying pan, add vegetables and fry over medium heat. There is no need to achieve a brown color, just lightly fry until the onion becomes transparent. Turn off the stove and cool.

5. Grind the meat through a meat grinder with a large wire rack. Can be chopped with knives. Fine minced meat is not used for khanum.

6. Add salt and pepper to the meat. You can introduce other spices, for example, cumin, curry, saffron. Choose according to your taste, pour in and stir thoroughly.

7. Take out the dough, roll it out into a large and thin flat cake. If the steamer tray is small, it is better to cook two rolls. In this case, we divide everything in half. We make an elongated cake, something between an oval and a rectangle.

8. Lay out the minced meat, spread it in an even layer, leaving the edges untouched, about 1 cm.

9. Sprinkle the cooked vegetables from the frying pan on top of the meat; they can also be additionally flavored with spices, since onions and carrots have a sweetish taste.

10. Carefully lift the nearest edge and roll up a long roll with the filling. Take your time, the filling should not bunch up, but you don’t need to make the roll too tight.

11. Carefully transfer the formed khanum roll to the pallet. We lay it out in a circle, trying not to completely cover the holes through which the steam will pass.

12. Pour water into a saucepan or steamer tray and bring to a boil. Add a bay leaf and a few peppercorns.

13. Install the khanum. Cover.

14. Steam for 40-45 minutes.

15. Take out the roll and transfer it to a flat dish. Serve with tomato sauce, herbs, lecho, cut into pieces.

Khanum: step-by-step recipe with potatoes and meat

In this step-by-step recipe for khanum, not only the filling changes, but also the composition of the dough. Let's knead it without eggs and with milk. It will turn out softer and more pleasant to the taste.


120 ml milk;

2 tbsp. l. oils;

0.3 tsp. salt;

For filling:

250 g meat;

50 g lard;

2 carrots;

2-3 potatoes;

2 onions;

Spices, a little oil.


1. Add salt and butter to milk at room temperature and dissolve. Add the sifted flour and begin to mix the mixture with a spoon. As soon as it becomes difficult to rotate, remove the spoon and transfer the mixture to a floured table. Make a tough and elastic dough. Turn the bowl over, cover the lump, let it “rest”

2. Twist the meat with lard. Since this step-by-step khanum recipe involves potatoes, additional fat is needed, otherwise the minced meat will turn out to be dry.

3. Peel the onions, grate the carrots.

4. Pour 3-4 tablespoons of oil into a large frying pan, set to heat, add the prepared vegetables, fry for two minutes. Add some salt.

5. Peel the potatoes. There is no need to pre-boil the tubers. Cut into small cubes of 4-5 millimeters.

6. Mix potatoes with minced meat. Add salt and pepper.

7. Put water on the stove, add spices, wait for it to boil.

8. Roll out the rested dough into a very thin layer. We distribute the minced meat filling with potato pieces over it.

9. Place the next layer of fried vegetables on the meat.

10. Raise the ends of the dough and twist the roll.

11. Transfer to a greased tray. Place it seam side down so that it is sealed under the weight of the roll and the juicy filling does not leak out.

12. Place the steamer tray over boiling water and close with a tight lid.

13. Khanum with potatoes and meat also takes about 35-40 minutes. The exact time depends on the thickness of the roll, as well as the meat used. If it is beef, then it is better to hold it a little longer.

14. Transfer the finished dish to a large flat plate. It is advisable to grease the top of the roll. To do this, you can use the fat from the frying pan in which the vegetables were fried, or simply walk over a hot surface with a piece of butter.

15. Decorate the khanum with fresh herbs and serve.

Vegetable khanum: step-by-step recipe with pumpkin and potatoes

Another step-by-step recipe for Uzbek khanum, but only with vegetable filling. No meat is added to it; the dish can be used for fasting or included in the diet of vegetarians. The dough will be kneaded using the choux technology. It can be easily rolled into a thin layer, but at the same time it is very tender and soft.


1.3 tbsp. water;

2 tablespoons of oil;

0.5 tsp. salt;

Filling for khanum:

200 g pumpkin;

200 g onion;

50 g butter;

2 potatoes;

1-2 carrots.


1. Measure out the required amount of water, add oil, salt, and place on the stove. It is convenient to brew and knead in a saucepan with low sides. Bring the mixture to a boil.

2. Turn off the stove, add a heaping glass of flour and stir quickly. Cool until warm, continuing to stir. You can add an egg to the warm mixture; there is also a recipe for this dough. But you can’t add an egg to the freshly brewed mixture; the white will seize in flakes.

3. Add flour, knead very stiff dough until smooth. Put it in a bag, put it in the refrigerator for half an hour, let it sit.

4. Peel all the vegetables, cut the carrots into strips and onions into cubes.

5. Melt 50 grams of butter in a frying pan, lightly fry the cooked vegetables over medium heat. Or we take any fat. For the lean version, you can use vegetable oil.

6. Cut the pumpkin into small cubes. The recipe indicates the weight of pure pulp without peel. Pour into a bowl.

7. Wash the bell pepper, remove the seeds with the inner leaves, cut everything else into small pieces, and add to the pumpkin.

8. Add cooled vegetables with oil from the frying pan.

9. Lastly, peel the potatoes and cut into cubes. There is no need to do this in advance, as it may darken.

10. Place water and bring to a boil.

11. Remove the choux pastry from the refrigerator and divide it into two parts.

12. Sprinkle the table with flour and roll out one large flat cake.

13. Now the vegetable filling can be salted, seasoned with spices, and chopped herbs can be added if desired. If you do this earlier, the vegetables will begin to release juice and lose their taste. Stir.

14. Place half of the minced vegetables on the flatbread and level it out. We reserve the second part for the second piece of dough.

15. First we roll up one khanum and place it on a pallet. Then we also roll out the dough, lay out the filling, and roll another roll. Transfer to a second tray.

16. Place over boiling water, cover, cook for 30-35 minutes.

17. Vegetable khanum also needs to be greased with oil, you can sprinkle with herbs. This dish is served with sour cream sauces, but some people like to eat it with ketchup or horseradish.

There is no need to roll very thick rolls; it is important to consider the height of the steamer tray or pressure cooker. There should be space between the khanum and the next circle or lid so that steam can circulate freely.

If you add a spoonful of salt to a pan of water, the steam will be more intense and the dish will cook faster and more evenly.

Khanum can also be cooked with other vegetables, for example, zucchini, eggplant, and tomatoes. The roll with the addition of mushrooms is very tasty and aromatic.

Khanum is a wonderful and very satisfying traditional dish from traditional Uzbek cuisine. It is prepared, as a rule, from two main fillings, one of which should be lighter and the other hearty. So, for example, one filling can be made from cabbage and chicken, and the second from potatoes and meat. So, all the most important things about the Uzbek khanum: a recipe with photos and detailed explanations.

Uzbek khanum: recipe with photo

Preparing steamed khanum is not at all difficult, but at the same time, it is not fast, and this traditional dish tastes like dumplings or lazy manti. To prepare steamed khanum, you can use a regular steamer, pressure cooker or multicooker.

To prepare the dough for khanum you will need a set of the following components:

  • Water - 110 ml;
  • Large chicken egg - 1 piece;
  • Premium quality wheat flour - 420 g;
  • Unscented vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • Sour milk or kefir - 185 ml;
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon.

Recipe: Uzbek khanum with meat

In addition, you will need a set of the following components to prepare the meat filling for khanum recipe with photo:

  • Garlic cloves - 5 pcs;
  • Beef pulp or prepared minced meat - 420 g;
  • Table salt - 1 pinch;
  • Boiled potato tubers - 2 pcs;
  • Ground paprika - 3 teaspoons;
  • Fresh garden herbs - 1 medium-sized bunch;
  • Peeled large onions - 1 pc.

Chicken filling for steamed khanum

To prepare the chicken filling for steamed khanum, you will also need a certain set of components:

  • Chicken breast, fillet - 2 pcs;
  • Table salt - to taste;
  • White young cabbage - 320 g;
  • Special seasoning for chicken - at your discretion;
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Fresh garden herbs - 1 small bunch;
  • Large onions - 1 pc.

Sauce for khanum: recipe

We will need the following components:

  • Chopped paprika - at your discretion;
  • Fresh spicy garden herbs are dill and parsley;
  • Peeled garlic cloves - 3-4 pcs;
  • Sour cream - 300 g.

How to prepare dough for khanum?

  • First, for steam khanum, you need to prepare the dough, and for this, using a whisk with one pinch of table salt, you need to beat one chicken egg. After this, add sour milk or kefir to the egg mixture, add deodorized vegetable oil in the required amount, and mix everything very thoroughly. Add well-sifted wheat flour to the egg mixture, stir everything again very carefully with a whisk so that the resulting mass is without a single lump.

  • Sift the flour onto the table, then make a well in the center and add one egg there. Wheat flour should be added gradually, while constantly stirring the dough with a whisk.

  • The dough now needs to be kneaded, while adding flour from the table in small portions. The dough must be gradually folded in from all sides so that it looks like an envelope.

  • In the end, the dough should be very elastic, soft and not stick to the table. Place the resulting dough into a bowl, cover it with additional cling film, then leave it on the kitchen counter for at least one hour.

  • While the dough is standing, you can start preparing the filling for the steamed khanum. You can start with a light filling for khanum made from cabbage and chicken. Chop the cabbage very thinly, then cut it crosswise so that you get very small pieces, only in this case the filling will be softer and more tender.

  • Shredded cabbage should be poured with cold salted water, boiled for two minutes, first bringing to a boil over medium heat. The cooked cabbage must be cooled, and to do this it must first be placed in a colander.
  • Grind the chicken fillet using a blender, then additionally pass it through a meat grinder.

  • Chop the peeled onion very finely, then fry it in sunflower oil until light golden brown, and after that you need to chop the garden herbs. Add chopped herbs, stewed cabbage, a small amount of seasonings, table salt, and fried onions to the chicken.

  • Mix all the filling well, chop the beef quite finely into minced meat, finely chop the onion, you can use a blender, grate the potatoes on the coarsest grater, chop the herbs and garlic cloves.
    Add additional ground paprika and all other ingredients to the meat filling.

  • Now it’s time for the dough, which should be divided into two equal parts. Roll out one part of the dough very thinly, and when rolling, you need to give it a shape.

  • Place the meat filling into the dough, after which you need to smooth it out with a spatula. Very carefully roll the future steamed khanum into a roll together with the filling of meat and potatoes; you need to do the same with another piece of dough, roll it out, evenly distribute the filling on it, and roll it up in the same way as the first one into a roll.

  • The walls and grate of the steamer should be greased with vegetable oil, and khanum should be placed on the grate of this device.

  • Dissolve table salt in water and use a brush to grease the roll so that the surface of the steam khanum does not dry out. Cook the steamed khanum for about forty minutes, and during this time you can start preparing the sauce for it. For this purpose, in one small but deep container, mix freshly ground paprika, finely chopped garlic, chopped herbs, sour cream, then add salt to taste.

Sauce for khanum: recipe with photo

Place sour cream in a bowl. Add salt and pepper and mix well until the salt and pepper disperse. Peel 3-4 cloves of garlic and squeeze the garlic into the sour cream and mix thoroughly. Finely chop the sprigs of parsley and dill and add them to the sauce. If you like it, add paprika. Stir and the sauce is ready!

In addition to the khanum, it is advisable to serve a large amount of spicy fresh herbs; if not, you can replace it with fried onions.

In the East, steamed roll is called Khanum. It can be prepared with different fillings. Today we are preparing khanum with potatoes. For piquancy, tomato paste is added to the filling, and onions are fried for taste. It is believed that the filling is tastier when cooked in butter. I also liked frying onions in butter. But this is a matter of taste and no one bothers to replace butter with vegetable oil.

For the test we will need the following products:

Knead the flour, water, eggs and salt into a thick and smooth dough. Cover the dough and let it rest for 20 minutes.

In the meantime, prepare the filling. For this we will need the following products:

Peel the potatoes and cut them into thin strips by hand; the smaller they are, the faster they will cook. I do not recommend grating potatoes.

Peel the onion and also chop finely.

Fry the onion in heated butter, then add tomato paste to it. Fry with the pasta for a few more minutes and cool the filling completely. This is important, otherwise the potatoes, when mixed with onions, will release all their juice.

Mix fried onions and potatoes. Salt, pepper and add spices. The filling is ready.

Roll out the prepared dough into a thin layer, no more than 1 mm. If the dough is kneaded correctly, it will not stick to the table.

Spread the filling.

Roll up, tucking the edges of the dough inward. Seal the edges of the dough.

Place the prepared rolls in a mantyshnitsa or double boiler. The pan must be lubricated with vegetable oil. Cook in constantly boiling water, with the lid tightly closed, for 40 minutes.

Place the finished rolls on a plate, cut into slices and serve with sauces to taste.

You can sprinkle the roll with pickled onions and herbs and serve it with sour cream and garlic sauce. Khanum with potatoes is ready!

Bon appetit!

To prepare a hearty dinner, you just need to get a good recipe in advance and start the culinary process. The combination of dough and filling from potatoes, meat, mushrooms and other products, as a rule, always suits everyone. If you combine all these products, you will get a fantastic result without any problems - delicious khanum.

Khanum is an Uzbek national dish, a type of savory roll with various fillings. The most popular khanum is prepared with meat or minced meat; quite often this filling is accompanied by potatoes, pumpkin and other vegetables, and cheese. This material contains a selection of delicious recipes for making khanum.

Khanum with potatoes, mushrooms and steamed cheese – photo recipe with step-by-step description

Khanum is to some extent an analogue of dumplings and manti. Only, it’s much easier to prepare. In fact, in order not to complicate the dish with a name that refers to Uzbek cuisine, it is enough to imagine khanum as a steam roll. All household members will be delighted with the most delicate dough covering the juicy filling.

List of products:

  • Dough for dumplings – 300 g.
  • Raw potatoes – 100 g.
  • Canned mushrooms – 80 g.
  • Cheese – 50 g.
  • Greens - a bunch.
  • Table salt - to taste.

Cooking sequence:

1. First of all, you need to prepare the dough. You can buy it ready-made in a store or make it yourself. There is nothing complicated about kneading this dough, it is the simplest. You need to mix the egg with water, salt and flour. Knead these ingredients into an elastic dough.

2. Roll out the dough into a thin sheet. The surface of the table and the dough itself will have to be dusted with flour more than once.

3. Grate raw, peeled potatoes on a coarse grater. Spread the mixture onto the surface of the dough. Just leave the edges empty on all sides. To do this, it is better to immediately retreat two centimeters on each side of the flat cake.

4. Then add pieces of mushrooms and grated cheese.

5. Sprinkle all layers of filling on top with chopped herbs. Add a little salt. Carefully roll the dough and filling into a roll.

6. To prepare this treat you will need a double boiler. Steam the roll for 40 minutes.

7. Steamed roll - khanum can be eaten.

How to cook khanum with meat at home

Khanum is a national dish of Uzbeks, consists of dough and filling, often steamed. Modern housewives from other countries have already tried this dish and modernized it. In particular, the following recipe suggests using pork as a filling, rather than lamb, as in the original.

Products for the test:

  • Premium flour - approximately 600 gr.
  • Vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt – ½ tsp. (or a little less).
  • Water – 300 ml.
  • Chicken eggs – 1 pc.

Products for filling:

  • Pork, fillet – 500 gr.
  • Onions – 2-3 pcs.
  • Salt, seasonings.
  • Water – 30 ml.


  1. Preparation is carried out in several stages. So, the first one is kneading the dough. Everything is primitively simple. In a deep container, mix flour with salt.
  2. Use a spoon to make a small indentation in the center. Pour vegetable oil, water into it and beat in the egg.
  3. Knead from the edges to the center until the dough takes up all the flour. Leave the dough for a while, covered with cling film (can be in the refrigerator). Stir again.
  4. The next step, while the dough is “resting,” is preparing the filling. Cut the pork into thin pieces, or even better, turn it into minced meat.
  5. Cut the onion into thin rings.
  6. Mix together, add seasonings. Add salt.
  7. Divide the dough into parts. Roll each into the thinnest layer.
  8. Spread the filling in a thin layer. Roll into rolls.
  9. You can use a multicooker for cooking. Pour water inside and install a tray with holes. Place the rolls in it.
  10. Select the “Steam” mode. Time - about half an hour.

Serve immediately, without waiting for it to cool, decorate the khanum well with herbs, and serve sour cream separately.

Recipe for khanum with minced meat

Khanum, in which the filling is made from minced meat, is considered the simplest and fastest. At the same time, the dish is very satisfying and will definitely appeal to the male half of the family. It needs to be cooked in a double boiler.

Products for the test:

  • Water – ½ tbsp.
  • Chicken eggs – 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil – 3 tbsp. l.
  • Salt is on the tip of the knife.
  • Flour – 2.5 tbsp.


  • Minced beef – 0.5 kg.
  • Onions – 2-3 pcs.
  • Salt, seasonings.
  • Butter – 50 gr.


  1. First of all, knead the dough. Pour flour into a bowl. Mix with salt.
  2. Pour water and vegetable oil into the well in the center and break the egg. Stir with a fork, then with your hands.
  3. Then, sprinkle the table well with flour, knead with your hands.
  4. Divide the homogeneous dough into two lumps, cover with cling film, and hide in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  5. To make the filling, grind the beef through a meat grinder. Salt and sprinkle with spices.
  6. Add finely chopped or grated onion. Mix thoroughly.
  7. Roll out each lump of dough into a very thin layer, sprinkling with flour so that the dough does not stick to the countertop.
  8. Spread the minced meat in an even layer, not reaching 1 cm from the edges.
  9. Divide the butter into small pieces and place evenly over the minced meat.
  10. Roll into a roll, sealing the ends so that the filling does not fall out during cooking.
  11. Pour water into a saucepan and place a container with holes on top.
  12. Place khanum with minced meat in it. Cook for a little over 40 minutes.

Serve hot, with sour cream or sauce. For beauty, you can sprinkle the dish with finely chopped herbs.

Homemade khanum with pumpkin

Not everyone likes meat, so a recipe for khanum appeared, the filling of which is made from pumpkin. The dish, firstly, is very healthy thanks to such a filling, secondly, it is tasty, and thirdly, it looks very festive.


  • Premium flour – 3 tbsp.
  • Water – 1 tbsp.
  • Chicken eggs – 1 pc.
  • Salt.

Filling ingredients:

  • Pumpkin – 500 gr.
  • Onions – 2 pcs.
  • Sugar and salt - 1 tsp each.
  • Vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Seasonings, such as ground pepper.

Ingredients for the sauce:

  • Sour cream – 200 gr.
  • Chopped greens – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Garlic – 1 clove.
  • Salt.
  • Spices.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Stage one - kneading unleavened dough. To do this, mix salt and flour in a deep container. Beat the egg into the well, mix with the flour, add water, and knead into a very stiff dough. Leave it for a while.
  2. Start preparing the filling. Peel the raw pumpkin. Rinse. Cut into cubes.
  3. Onion - in half rings, very thin.
  4. Sauté the onion lightly in oil, add the pumpkin and continue simmering.
  5. Add spices, salt and sugar. There is no need to bring it to full readiness.
  6. Remove from heat. The filling should cool down.
  7. While the vegetables are cooling, you can roll out the dough. The layer is very thin.
  8. Place pumpkin cubes and onions on it, not reaching the edges. Roll up the roll.
  9. Steam in a manti container or use a multicooker.
  10. Grease the pan with oil and leave in the “Cooking” mode for 30 minutes.

Serve slightly chilled and cut into portions.