Lightly salted cucumbers in sparkling water. Quick lightly salted cucumbers with mineral water, recipe with photos, folk knowledge from Anatoly Kravchenko

I offer a recipe quick salting lightly salted cucumbers on mineral water. Pickling cucumbers with soda makes it possible to preserve not only the aroma of the greens - they do not lose their beautiful greenery and are enriched with substances that fill the mineral water. And, most importantly, they remain deliciously crispy! The method is easier than easy, allows you to enjoy it very quickly summer snack. The only drawback of pickling is that the snack is not suitable for storing for the winter.

Why on mineral water? Salts of minerals beneficial to human health, microelements, and a complex of biologically active supplements are dissolved in natural water. The carbon dioxide that mineral water is saturated with is endowed with the ability, together with salt, to easily penetrate the structure of vegetables, in turn enriching cucumbers.

Thanks to this, the pickling process goes as quickly as possible, the greens retain their fresh color and become crispy. And the snack can rightfully be called healthy.

Secrets of delicious pickling of cucumbers in mineral water

The recipes are simple, but you should know some subtleties of pickling:

  • Lightly salted cucumbers do not need mineral water pre-soaking, which reduces cooking time.
  • Ideally, cucumbers should be straight from the garden. If it doesn’t work, select strong ones with dark skin.
  • Choose ones that are not too large and thin-skinned - this is a sign of the “youth” of the vegetable. Thick-skinned cucumbers can be used in salads.
  • To ensure that the appetizer is salted quickly and evenly, take cucumbers of equal size.

Lightly salted cucumbers with mineral water - a quick recipe

Cucumbers made according to the recipe with gas will turn out lightly salted and deliciously crispy, beyond all praise. The recipe is quick, you can try it after a day.

Calculate the amount of ingredients as follows: take a liter of water per kilogram of vegetable. If you take more cucumbers, then adjust the volume of mineral water accordingly.


  • Mineral water, highly carbonated – liter.
  • Garlic – 3-5 cloves (I take a head because I like a lot).
  • Salt – 3 large spoons.
  • Dill - a small bunch.
  • Cucumbers - kilogram.

Step-by-step pickling of cucumbers:

  1. Wash the greens and trim them on both sides. Divide the garlic head into cloves and cut into slices. Wash the dill.
  2. Cover the bottom of the pickling dish with half of the dill. Pickling can be done in a jar, but I used a tall container, which suits me.
  3. Spread the cucumbers on top, sprinkle with garlic, and cover them with the remaining dill. You can do it in two layers.
  4. For convenience, pour the mineral water from the bottle into a saucepan, dilute the salt and pour over the cucumbers. There is very important nuance: our task is to dissolve the salt, but not to allow gas bubbles to escape into large quantities, otherwise the salting speed will be lost. To do this, I advise you to pour approximately 100 ml. water, add salt and stir. And then pour all the mineral water into a pan and add water and salt.
  5. Be sure to cover the workpiece with a lid so as not to lose gas.
  6. Place the container in the cold and keep it for exactly one day. After the specified time, take it out, start tasting and get ready to listen to compliments.

Recipe for delicious lightly salted cucumbers in sparkling water

Based previous recipe you can create a lot of variations. Look around and determine what is still ripe for you. A creative housewife will always want to break the rules and add something unexpected to the pickling. Apples, tomatoes, young zucchini and squash are suitable, red currants, and gooseberries will make the taste of the brine original. This means the taste of cucumbers will change. Try it, then share your impressions in the comments.

Video recipe for quick lightly salted cucumbers with carbonated mineral water. May you always have delicious food!

This home preparation– one of the simplest to make, delicious, retaining its taste as much as possible fresh product. Quick recipe lightly salted cucumbers should be included in each cookbook: it will help to utilize excess harvest and simply make crispy healthy snack in half an hour.

Mineral brine for lightly salted cucumbers

This method of preservation raises an endless stream of questions for some housewives: why replace plain water mineral, what it should be, will it negatively affect the color and taste of the vegetable. Professionals believe that such a step will only benefit the preparation: the brine will retain its transparency, the cucumbers will crunch fervently, even if the appetizer is made from specimens that are not the youngest and most elastic. Conservation will require less time than always due to the rich mineral composition of the water.

Please note that:

  • The brine cannot be boiled - it is poured cold so that there is no loss of taste and basic properties.
  • If you take cucumbers with smooth, thin skin, even mineral water will not save them - they will quickly lose their density.
  • The amount of salt should be selected individually: use a little for lightly salted vegetables, and mineral water further reduces its need in terms of taste qualities.
  • You need to cook with carbonated mineral water - otherwise the cucumbers will not crisp, and the brine may become cloudy.

What to cook lightly salted cucumbers with in mineral water

Classic recipe includes only standard set from dill with horseradish, some housewives additionally use garlic. Salt is present by default. However tasty dish– not always just the traditional: there is a place for experimentation in cooking. Housewives advise you to try cooking lightly salted cucumbers on mineral water with the following additives:

  • Oak or cherry leaves for more bright aroma.
  • Clove buds and coriander create a spicy, warm flavor.
  • Cumin, mustard seeds, black pepper - for connoisseurs savory snacks.
  • Branches of red currant, green country apples, plums - for connoisseurs of unusual combinations.

Recipe for delicious lightly salted cucumbers

Professionals remind that anyone, even the most best recipe, can be ruined if several conditions are not met. Firstly, you need to take care of the freshness of the products - cucumbers for pickling should be ripe and strong, no yellowed fruits. Only then will they crunch fervently. Secondly, it is recommended to take winter garlic - it is more tender, and sea salt - coarse, but without iodine.

For a 2 liter jar take:

  • cucumbers – 1 kg;
  • mineral water – 1.4 l;
  • salt - a low heaped spoon;
  • garlic - head;
  • a bunch of greenery.

Lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water can be made as follows:

  1. Wash the vegetable, remove the ends. It is not necessary to cut if the fruits are small. There is no need to soak either.
  2. Cover the bottom of the selected container with sprigs of herbs, distribute the cucumbers, and sprinkle with garlic.
  3. In a separate bowl, mix salt (30 grams) with mineral water and wait until dissolved.
  4. Fill the contents of the jar with the resulting liquid, immediately close and refrigerate. A metal lid is not necessary: ​​thanks to mineral water, preservation is possible even with a plastic one.
  5. The snack can be eaten within a day.

Lightly salted cucumbers are a song (the words from which you will sing all summer long!). Both for new potatoes and for a picnic – lightly salted cucumbers are good everywhere! Many people love lightly salted cucumbers. There are many ways to prepare lightly salted cucumbers, each housewife makes according to her favorite recipe

This is probably The easiest recipe for lightly salted cucumbers of all known! And although some masters of pickling vegetables make their own adjustments in the form of trial experiments with the recipe, the result is invariably excellent!
The recipe is also notable for the fact that the standard set herbs simplified as much as possible: without horseradish, without cherry, currant and oak leaves.

Everything ingenious is simple, but very tasty! I was convinced of this at personal experience. Lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water turn out exactly what you need! Crispy and flavorful!

We will need:

Cucumbers (preferably not very large) – 1 kg;
1 bunch of aromatic dill.
Garlic – 1 head;
2 tbsp. level spoons of salt;
1 liter of mineral (medium carbonated) water. Any ordinary mineral water (medium carbonated), and the cucumbers turn out just right!

Cooking lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water(well, a very “complicated” recipe!).

Lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water as a brine do not need to be pre-soaked in cold water. This nuance greatly simplifies the process and reduces cooking time.

We wash our cucumbers and cut off the tails.

We take a beautiful container in which the cucumbers will be salted. We put half of our dill in it.

Cut the garlic into slices.

Pour 1 liter of mineral water into another bowl and dissolve the salt in it.

Pour this brine over the cucumbers and cover with the remaining dill.

We cover all this beauty with a lid or plate and put it in the refrigerator for a day.

It’s strange, isn’t it, that we immediately provide cold air for salting our cucumbers? Such temperature regime gives our snack a chance to retain its crunchy properties. It's about sparkling mineral water!

Natural (natural) mineral waters are complexes of mineral salts dissolved in it, biologically active ingredients and microelements.

This whole complex enriches mineral composition our cucumbers through carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide penetrates into vegetable fibers, drawing salts and microelements into them - both from the marinade and from the mineral water itself.

That is why the pickling process occurs very quickly, and the fruits retain their appearance and crunchy properties.

After 12 hours, take it out and enjoy spicy taste lightly salted cucumbers in an unusual brine made from mineral water.

The recipe for lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water turned out to be so successful that all my relatives asked to “repeat at BIS” lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water with gas, and are looking forward to publishing the recipe on the website Home Restaurant. Preparing crispy lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water is very simple, but there are still some nuances and subtleties, which I will talk about later. So, let’s prepare lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water – a step-by-step recipe with photos is at your service on the Home Restaurant website!


  • 1 kg cucumbers
  • 5-6 cloves of garlic
  • 2-3 dill umbrellas
  • a piece hot pepper
  • cherry and currant leaves


  • 1 liter of highly carbonated mineral water
  • 1.5 tbsp. salt

How to cook lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water:

We choose salad varieties with thin skin for pickling cucumbers. Wash the cucumbers and soak them in running cold water for 1-2 hours. Thanks to soaking, the cucumbers will “take” the missing water and finished form will turn out crispy.

To the bottom of the prepared liter jar add: dill umbrellas, garlic, currant and cherry leaves, a piece of hot pepper. You can prepare lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water in any deep container: a saucepan, container, bowl, but it is most convenient to cook in a jar because you do not need to use additional pressure. In addition, the degree of readiness of the cucumbers is clearly visible in the jar, and you need to periodically “look” into the pan to control the process of pickling the cucumbers.

We dilute salt in mineral water and fill the jar with cucumbers. A little brine remains, but this is a “payment” for the convenience of pickling cucumbers in a jar. If you use a saucepan, for example, 1.5 liters, then both cucumbers and brine will fit perfectly.

Closing the jar of cucumbers nylon cover, and put it in a warm place. It can even be exposed to direct sunlight. The fermentation process begins almost immediately and you can see bubbles in the jar.

After 12 hours, lightly salted cucumbers instant cooking in mineral water they will be completely ready. We put the jar of cucumbers in the refrigerator so that the cucumbers cool down, because warm lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water are not very tasty.

We take the cucumbers out of the jar and serve with or to meat dishes. This completes the preparation of lightly salted cucumbers in mineral water. I really hope that you will like the recipe, and you will certainly prepare these lightly salted cucumbers for your loved ones.

I like cold salting with mineral water and gas because these cucumbers turn out richer, more elastic and have a loud crunch. You can prepare them in a matter of minutes. In this case, you won’t have to bother with boiling water, which is not always safe. The motto of this snack is that there is no such thing as too much crunch!

Hot brine kills most useful elements. And this is another advantage of choosing carbonated pickling. At the same time, vegetables are preserved natural composition, aroma and crunchiness. It is impossible to love them. And it’s very difficult to stop eating. In my family, this dish is a full-fledged hero of the feast. Not a single celebration is complete without it. And in the summer, my family asks me to prepare lightly salted cucumbers every day.

They are great to pair with any side dish. In addition, they are a great replacement for any unhealthy snacks. Both tasty and healthy!

It's very easy to do. The recipe is no different from classic salting cold water. Just replace it with soda and you will feel the difference when tasting. Choose expensive varieties It's not worth the water. Any highly carbonated mineral water will do. Ingredients for this recipe we will take minimal amount, which will reduce preparation time, but in no case will have a bad effect on the taste of the snack.

If desired, you can add your favorite herbs and spices to the composition. But you can't go wrong without them either. After all, it is not possible to find high-quality greens, roots and leaves in all seasons.


  1. 1 kilogram of medium-sized cucumbers;
  2. 2 level tablespoons of coarse sea salt;
  3. 1 liter of mineral water with gas;
  4. coriander seeds - about 1 dessert spoon;
  5. cap and greens with dill stalks;
  6. 1 teaspoon granulated sugar;
  7. 5 cloves of garlic.

First of all, you need to prepare the cucumbers. If you don’t have small or medium-sized fruits and you have to use large fruits, then cut them into several pieces. This way they will salt faster. Cut off the ends of each cucumber, about a couple of centimeters on each side. This is also necessary so that the cucumber gets full faster and becomes friends with the marinade.

The garlic does not need to be peeled. Just remember them with a knife until they are cracked, straight unpeeled. Dill needs to be cut into stems and greens. That is, cut one bunch into 2 parts - lower and upper. Leave the umbrella untouched.

Crush the coriander in a mortar. There is no need to turn it into flour. It is only necessary to achieve splitting of the seeds. In this form, they will saturate the brine with its aroma as much as possible.

In a jar, place one half of the prepared ingredients for the marinade on the bottom - garlic and dill. Put his hat here too.

Place tightly on top fresh cucumbers. There is no need to press them down too hard, as they may burst. And this is not included in our plans.

Scatter the rest of the garlic and dill on top.

Now let's start mixing the brine. Dissolve salt, sugar in soda and add coriander. Stir everything thoroughly until the grains are completely dissolved.

If desired, sugar can be omitted. However, it will give a zesty sweetness to the cucumbers.

Pour the pickle over our cucumbers. Cover with a regular lid and leave on the counter for a couple of hours.

Then the jars need to be put in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours, depending on the size of your cucumbers.

So, having prepared the pickling in the evening, in the morning you can happily taste it in the company of loved ones. When the day starts out delicious, it goes off with a bang!

Step-by-step recipe for quick preparation of cucumbers in mineral water

Excellent quick salts are made in just a few minutes. Try it yourself.


  1. A kilogram of dense and smooth medium-sized cucumbers;
  2. 2 small bunches of dill;
  3. 5 cloves of garlic;
  4. horseradish root and/or leaves;
  5. 1 laurel;
  6. basil leaves;
  7. 1 hot pepper;
  8. 1.5 tablespoons of coarse salt;
  9. 1 teaspoon sugar.

If desired, you can add other seasonings. In addition, together with cucumbers, you can also grind tomatoes and bell pepper. In this recipe we will only pickle cucumbers, and you can use your own discretion.

It is better to take small cucumbers, as we did in this case. I really don’t want to wait a long time for large fruits to be salted. The ends, according to tradition, need to be cut off so that the salt quickly saturates the pulp.

Place sprigs of dill on the bottom of the mold, in our case a glass bowl.

If you couldn't find fresh dill, dont be upset! It can be omitted or replaced at all, just like any other ingredient in this dish. Besides cucumbers and salt, of course.

Cover the dill with horseradish leaves and chopped root. Place prepared cucumbers on top. Lay them out tightly, pressing them down a little. If, of course, the dishes allow you to place them more freely, you can do it this way. The main thing is that if you press, don’t do it too hard. Otherwise, the cucumber may crack.

Once you have laid out the first layer, sprinkle it with garlic slices, dill and horseradish.

Repeat another layer of cucumbers on top. Sprinkle dill and garlic on top again.

Pour salt into a bowl and add 1 liter of carbonated mineral water.

On top of the bowl with cucumbers, if desired, you can sprinkle basil and put cut hot peppers. Crush the bay leaf with your hands and add it there. Add sugar to the brine and mix well until the crystals dissolve.

Pour the resulting solution over the cucumbers. Cover with a lid and refrigerate overnight. The next morning you can pamper your family with your favorite crisps. Bon appetit!

Video recipe for lightly salted cucumbers from Yulia Vysotskaya

Lightly salted cucumbers in a saucepan with sparkling mineral water

Not every kitchen has a jar of the required denomination or a wooden roller for pickling cucumbers. But even here there is a way out of the situation, because for lovers of crunchy delicacies there are no barriers. An enamel-coated pan is perfect for salting.

Please note that the container must be enameled. If you take a saucepan without a coating, or with chips and cracks, then there is a high probability of damage to the cucumbers. After all, the metal will quickly oxidize the product.

Choose dishes with the required capacity, depending on how many cucumbers you plan to pickle.

Ingredients for 1 kilogram of cucumbers:

  1. a kilogram of freshly picked cucumbers;
  2. 2 tablespoons of coarse salt;
  3. 1 teaspoon sugar;
  4. dill cap;
  5. 2 bunches of dill;
  6. horseradish leaf;
  7. 3 garlic cloves;
  8. 3-4 leaves of currant and cherry bush;
  9. approximately 1 dessert spoon of coriander seeds;
  10. 1 liter of soda;
  11. for variety, you can pickle carrots along with cucumbers, Bell pepper or tomatoes.

It is better to select cucumbers conscientiously. For this matter ideal option There will be pickling varieties with elastic pulp and thin skin. In general, it will be just fine if you just pick them from the bush before salting. But, unfortunately, this is not always possible. Therefore, you can restore the youthful juiciness of vegetables by pre-soaking them for 8-12 hours in cold water.

After washing and soaking, the ends of the cucumbers should be cut off. We do this so that the salt quickly saturates the entire texture of the vegetable.

Let me also remind you that large fruits should be pre-cut into pieces. Otherwise, the middle will not have time to get enough of the marinade.

Divide all the stored spices into two parts. The first will become a soft and fragrant pillow, and the second a fragrant blanket for our cucumbers. So we will get even more rich taste favorite snack.

Place half of the dill, chopped garlic, and reserved leaves on the bottom of the pan (you can tear them a little with your hands). Place smooth, glossy cucumbers on top side by side. Top with remaining herbs.

Dissolve salt and sugar in water. Crush the coriander seeds a little and add them to the water. Stir and immediately pour brine into the pan. Cover with a lid and set aside for 2 hours.

Then refrigerate overnight. The next morning you can take the first sample. The cucumbers turn out especially piquant and crispy. I make this recipe very often and these cucumbers don’t last more than 1 day. No matter how many I cook them.

Well, what would summer be without lightly salted cucumbers? Particularly ardent lovers do not stop even in winter. After all, once you’ve tried the little salts, it’s impossible to stop loving them.

The topic of lightly salted cucumbers is not closed yet. There are new ones ahead of you original ways pickling, interesting combinations ingredients and extravaganza of tastes. Come to our cozy corner more often and get acquainted with new discoveries in cooking and more.

Did you like the recipes? Be sure to try them out! I assure you, you won't go wrong. Share the article on social networks so as not to lose it and tell your friends. See you again!