Do I need to roast nuts for the cake? Recipes for frying different types of nuts

Chop the walnuts, peel off the film and fry for -.

How to fry walnuts in a frying pan

1. A shallow dry frying pan with non-stick coating place on medium heat, heat for 2 minutes - do not add oil, as nuts contain a lot of their own fat.
2. Break each shelled walnut into halves or quarters so that they are better fried (you can put them in a plastic bag and chop them with a food hammer).
3. Place the nuts in a frying pan, preferably in one layer for even toasting.
4. Fry the nuts for 5 minutes, stirring often, so that the nuts fry on all sides for an equal amount of time - the fried nuts should be dark brown, but not burnt.
5. Remove the frying pan from the burner and immediately place the nuts on a plate, otherwise they will continue to fry on the hot surface.

How to roast walnuts in the microwave

1. Break each shelled walnut into halves or quarters so that they are better fried.
2. Place the nuts in an even single layer in a glass bowl or any other heat-resistant container for microwave oven.
3. Place the bowl with nuts in the microwave.
4. Turn on the microwave at 1000 W for one minute.
5. Stir the nuts so that they fry evenly on all sides.
6. Roast the nuts in the microwave for 1 minute on high power.
7. Check the readiness of the nuts - they will not change color, but should smell roasted.
8. If necessary, continue frying the nuts, checking readiness every 20 seconds.


- Price peeled walnuts- about 1000 rubles/kilogram (average cost for June 2016 in Moscow).

Fried walnuts Can to eat How independent dish or a snack, as they are very filling; add to salads, pasta, soups, roasts, baked goods, yogurt, ice cream.

Before roasting nuts, they must first be well wash, since nuts more often withstand spartan transportation conditions that are not compatible with purity. This applies to both shelled and inshell nuts. The washed nuts should be air dried before frying. Break the dried, peeled nuts into halves or quarters to ensure even toasting. Using a serrated knife, cut a small “x” on one side of the inshell nuts. This will make it easier to remove the shells after frying.

To fry a large number of walnuts, you should use the oven: pour the nuts onto a baking sheet and roast at 120 degrees for 10 minutes.

Frying methods

Everyone knows about the benefits of nuts. They contain a lot of protein and microelements. Their regular use has a positive effect on the immune and cardiovascular system, and also serves as a prevention of sclerosis and other diseases.

Few people prefer to eat them raw. To give the nuts spicy taste, they are fried, but not everyone knows how to do it correctly.

The question of whether it is possible to roast nuts causes a lot of controversy. Some people are sure that they are best eaten raw, others think differently. Today, most nutritionists believe that it is advisable to heat any nuts. This process allows you to destroy harmful microorganisms and allergenic enzymes. Frying differs depending on the type of fruit and has its own characteristics.

Frying process

There are many methods of preparation, but mainly these nuts are fried. This process has a number of features that are worth paying attention to. There are several main ways heat treatment peanuts:

  • using a frying pan;
  • in the oven;
  • in the microwave.

It is preferable to use the first two methods. Some people are interested in how to fry nuts in a frying pan correctly. The pan should be large enough to hold the product in a thin layer. First, the peanuts are shelled and washed with water. During cooking, it should be stirred periodically - this is necessary for complete frying. The whole job will take no more than 15 minutes. To check readiness, the nut is broken: it must be all golden color.

It will take about 30 minutes to cook in the oven. You need to fry at a temperature of 180°C. Pour the nuts onto a baking sheet in a thin layer and place in the oven for 10 minutes. After this time, the peanuts need to be mixed and put back in the oven. You can determine readiness by the characteristic crackling sound, after which the oven turns off, and the peanuts remain in it for another 15 minutes.


A common method is to roast walnuts in the oven. After peeling them, it is better to break them into halves - this way they can be fully cooked. The oven is heated to 180°C, a baking tray with nuts is placed in it. After 5 minutes, they take it out and check the degree of frying, then put it back. After about 5 more minutes, the oven can be turned off. The nuts are served after they have cooled.

Convenient to cook in a frying pan. This method is simple and allows you to quickly prepare tasty treat. For this process you will need:

  • wide plate;
  • nutcracker;
  • small saucepan;
  • pan;
  • towel.

Walnuts are peeled and the kernels are broken in half. Then they are poured into a pan of boiling water and left for 10 minutes. After this time, take it out and dry it with a towel. Thanks to this preparation, the skin will come off easily.

Place the nuts in a frying pan and fry for about 10 minutes. How long they are fried depends on the size of the pieces. As soon as the golden color appears, the oven can be turned off. On hot frying pan You should not hold the walnuts; it is better to immediately transfer them to a bowl.

Many people are interested in how to fry nuts in shells. It is optimal to do this in an oven preheated to 190°C. They are placed on a baking sheet and cooked for about 10 minutes. It is important to stir them periodically to ensure even cooking. Ready-made walnuts will have a dark-colored shell and a pleasant roasted aroma.

Pine nuts

Preferably cook Pine nuts in a shell. They are washed and poured onto a baking sheet. The oven should be preheated to 150°C. Pine nuts are placed in the oven for 10 minutes. During the cooking process, you can periodically take them out and try. It is important not to overdry.

The question of how to fry pine nuts in a frying pan interests many. They are pre-washed and poured into a dry frying pan. Fry for no more than 8-10 minutes, remembering to stir regularly. As soon as the shell begins to crack, the pine nuts are considered ready. It is worth tasting them periodically.

The fruits are easy to cook in the microwave. To do this, you can purchase a special bag in which they are filled. How long to fry in it? Place it in the microwave for about a couple of minutes. You shouldn’t pour them out right away; it’s better to leave them for 15 minutes so that they “reach.” After this time pine nuts you can eat.


This nut is called royal. Roasted almonds have an even yellowish color. Many people love it as a sweet dessert. To prepare sweet almonds, you will need:

  • almond,
  • sugar,
  • cinnamon,
  • salt,
  • water.

Pour 3 tablespoons of water into a frying pan, add salt, sugar and cinnamon, mix thoroughly. How many ingredients to add depends on taste preferences. Keep on low heat for about 6 minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved. Then add the almonds and cook for about another 6-7 minutes. The nuts are allowed to cool, and then you can try.

You can fry without sugar. To do this, pour a thin layer of almonds into a frying pan and fry for about 12-15 minutes. The nuts are periodically stirred and tasted. Then they are poured into a wide plate and allowed to cool.

Don't eat nuts too often. If you know when to stop, you can not only enjoy your favorite delicacy, but also saturate your body. useful vitamins and microelements. When asked whether to fry nuts, nutritionists answer that it is possible and even necessary to do so.

Walnuts are a very healthy and appetizing product. Without them, the preparation of many delicious and savory dishes. Salads, pates, desserts, soups, pies, snacks and cakes are just a minimal list of dishes that use nutritious nuts. They can also be used as an independent product, as a light and satisfying snack. Almost all dishes use fried walnuts. How to fry walnuts in a frying pan correctly at home - read further in the article. But you can use this recipe in the oven or microwave. It's not only delicious, but also incredible benefits for the body.

How to fry walnuts in a frying pan: a recipe at home

To achieve the desired taste, texture and aroma of hearty kernels, you can cook them using an electric oven or a frying pan. The first case is more suitable for frying whole kernels (of the same size), while the second option is fashionable to use when frying small pieces. This way you can constantly monitor the cooking of the nuts.

Fried kernels can be used to make chicken, vegetable sauté, sweet baklava, vegetarian dolma or Lenten baking. This way you can enrich your daily diet with healthy and necessary elements to maintain your health.


How to cook walnuts in a frying pan

Place the prepared nut kernels in a frying pan or saucepan with a thick bottom. Carefully distribute the workpiece along the entire perimeter of the mold.

Cook the kernels (at medium temperature) for 8 to 20 minutes (depending on their size and quality). We constantly monitor the workpiece and stir the product every few seconds.

If some pieces become darker than others, remove them from the saucepan and leave to cool. Once the kernels become creamy, the nuts are ready.

Pour the kernels onto a plate. Under no circumstances should we leave the product in the saucepan, as it may burn.

Cleaning the nuts from thin husk. We use roasted walnuts for their intended purpose.

Walnuts are one of the most delicious, nutritious and satisfying fruits. They have a lot of useful substances, fats and macroelements. In addition, they have excellent taste qualities, which makes any dishes made from them appetizing and unique. Nuts are used to make sauces, baked goods, desserts, candies, oriental sweets, as well as jam and even drinks. Walnuts make very nutritious, incredibly tasty, satisfying plant milk.
This product is also consumed as an independent dish. Just a handful of nuts will saturate the body with everything useful substances and will give you energy for several hours. They can be eaten raw or fried. It would seem that there is nothing easier than frying walnuts. But, without knowing some very important nuances, you can ruin the dish, make the nuts bitter and tasteless.
To ensure that the product is of high quality, nutritious and has a bright appearance, you must adhere to all recommendations described in this recipe. You should also take the choice of raw materials seriously. Nuts must be dry, dense, free from blemishes, damage and debris. Read carefully and remember how to roast walnuts in the oven. I suggest you take a look.


- walnuts.

Recipe with photos step by step:

1. We clean the nuts from dense shells and partitions using any method convenient for us or purchase already prepared raw materials.

3. Place the product on the mold. Carefully distribute it around the entire perimeter (in one layer). This is necessary so that each nut is evenly fried.

4. Place in the oven (180 degrees). We wait 4-5 minutes. Gently mix the raw materials.

5. Cook for another 2-5 minutes, depending on the desired shade of the product. The nuts should be dry and creamy or golden in color.

6. We wait for the raw material to cool down and peel each nut.

7. After heat treatment, it is easily separated from the workpiece. We use roasted walnuts for their intended purpose. I think you might be interested to know


  • Walnuts

Are walnuts roasted?

How to roast walnuts in the oven step by step instructions with photos:

We will need:

  • Pan
  • Wooden spoon


  • Walnuts

Are walnuts roasted?

Roasted walnuts - excellent, tasty and nutritious treat. They can be used for further cooking or eaten just like that. They have very rich taste and aroma. But not everyone knows how to roast walnuts.

It is better to buy nuts for frying in shells. They will peel off their shells easily, but will have great taste. Cleaned kernels may be rancid.

There are several ways to roast walnuts. I suggest a method for roasting nuts in the oven. To ensure that they roast evenly in the oven, choose pieces of nuts of the same size - it is better if they are halves or quarters.

The second roasting method is suitable for substandard and broken nuts, since you constantly stir them during roasting and can control the entire process. So, we offer you an easy way to roast walnuts in the oven.

How to fry walnuts in a frying pan, step-by-step instructions with photos:

Step 3

Reduce the heat to low and fry the nuts, stirring constantly, until slightly golden in color and have a delicious nutty smell.