Name of French coffee shops. How to name a confectionery shop: naming from professionals

When creating your own business, choosing an original business name is often considered almost the last item on the list of tasks. Of course, the most beautiful name of a cafe cannot compensate for shortcomings in organizing work and developing methods for attracting customers. But if you choose it correctly, you can avoid many problems and improve the effectiveness of your advertising campaign and promotion of your services.

Criteria for choosing a name for a cafe

One of the easiest and most profitable options is opening your own cafe. In some respects, such a catering and recreation establishment is similar to a restaurant, but has a limited assortment and can operate in different formats, for example, self-service, confectionery, coffee shop, etc. In addition, opening it requires less investment and lower level requirements service. When choosing a name for a cafe (it doesn’t matter where it is located - in a big or small city, town), you need to take into account the basic criteria:

  1. Do not evoke ambiguous associations or unpleasant emotions.
  2. Easy to remember and pronounce, be sonorous.
  3. Harmonize with interior design, form of customer service, level of service.
  4. It is desirable that the name reflects the concept of the establishment.

These parameters are also relevant when choosing. To quickly choose a beautiful name for your cafe, you can use the following approaches:

  • use a foreign word with suitable semantics depending on the format of the establishment or a Russian word, one syllable of which is converted into Latin transcription;
  • display the name of the concept, format of the establishment, interior, service features, assortment;
  • creation of neologisms - words or phrases that can combine Russian and foreign bases;
  • choosing an easy to pronounce, short name without a heavy semantic load;
  • playing on words that mean opposite concepts;
  • play on words.

When choosing an original name for a cafe, it is better to avoid using personal names (Lydia, Anna) and words with strong emotionality (Happiness, Dream, Without Cares). You should very carefully choose names that are tied to historical figures (Cafe Stirlitz, Dovbush, Pasternak, Pushkin, Landrin), films or works of art (At the Pokrovsky Gate, Gentlemen of Fortune, The Cherry Orchard, Moby Dick, Hero of Our Time, Hachiko, Turandot) , geographic locations, city names (Toronto, Tibet, Tel Aviv, Windsor). It is advisable to do this only in case of 100% combination with the concept of the establishment, so that the original name does not seem too pretentious and does not disharmonize with the atmosphere in the cafe. It is also important to choose a name that is harmonious in meaning (for example, Chalet Berezka - in our opinion, the semantic combination of a word denoting an Alpine rural house and the already boring name Berezka is not a very good solution. Other examples: , Soprano, Revolution, Olive Beach, Mu- Mu, Cat and Cook, Spark). And, of course, you shouldn’t choose banal, boring names: Troika, Berezka, Barberry, Marzipan, Youth.

Advice: when choosing a beautiful name for a cafe (including fast food), you need to make sure that it is not taken by competitors or patented. You can view the list of operating establishments on specialized portals.

Examples of cafe names

The name of the cafe should become a brand for its owners and visitors, be easy to remember and evoke positive emotions and associations. Typically, this task is entrusted to professionals in the field of naming, but if you want to choose an original name, you can do it yourself. We present the following options for beautiful names for cafes (many positions are also suitable for fast food establishments):

Advice: If you don’t succeed in opening your own fast food establishment, you shouldn’t despair, there are still many interesting and easily implemented ideas. For example, creating a business for preparing and selling herbal tea, making handmade soap, growing mushrooms (reaches $500-1000 per 1 kg).

When choosing a beautiful name for a cafe, it is important to feel the fine line that you should not cross, otherwise the name will not be in harmony with the establishment or be positively perceived by visitors (Seven Cockroaches bistro, Hannibal, LosVegas cafe, You Ate Woohoo? diner, Clockwork Eggs). You should not opt ​​for double-digit options or those that may cause ambiguous understanding: the Paradise Hell cafe, Herase Japanese pub, Children of the Grill. When creating a neologism for a name, you also need not to overdo it (Night Watch, BuchenNaus, Drunken traffic cop, Deep Throat, cafe HZ - stands for “good establishment”, but causes ambiguous associations).

“We should definitely buy a bar. It will be called "Puzzles". Everyone will come up and watch - why “Puzzles”? And this will be the whole puzzle!”

TV series "How I Met Your Mother"

The characters of the popular TV series decided to buy a bar, and the idea for the name arose naturally. Such cases are extremely rare. Successfully naming an establishment is not an easy task. Competition among bars in Moscow is high. The name should at the same time be different from the rest, and convey the main idea, and attract guests.

Want to know what to call a bar? What mistakes in names should you be wary of? Read about this in the article. We will list the basic principles of naming, consider the best bar names and less successful options.

How to come up with a name for a bar: basic principles of naming

What do you need to do to get guests to come to your bar? Attract their attention, interest them with your originality. The name is the first thing visitors learn about the bar. Therefore, you need to approach its selection consciously.

Follow the basic naming rules:

  • Brevity. The title must contain no more than 2 words.
  • Uniqueness. There are more than 1000 bars in Moscow. If your name coincides with others, you risk losing customers; they may simply confuse the establishments.
  • Euphony. A complex name will quickly be erased from memory.
  • Associativity. When you mention the name, your visitors should imagine a place with a pleasant environment. Negative associations discourage guests.

The name is the face of the establishment's brand

The first thing you need to do is think through all the nuances of your bar brand. Beer house in German, British, Czech style, youth bar with live music, tavern, sports bar. The style of the establishment dictates the interior, menu, nature of the service and name. Sometimes the opposite happens - the name becomes a source of inspiration when developing the concept of an establishment.

Think about how your establishment will be decorated, work out every detail of its brand. The more original the image and the special atmosphere of the bar, the more interest it will arouse among guests. The public in Moscow is sophisticated, so you will have to come up with something truly original.

For example, a British-style bar can be called “Queen”, “Scotland Yard”, “Becker Str.”, a German bar can be called “Munich”, “Stirlitz”, “Frau Müller”.

If you are looking for a name for a loft-style bar, use the words industrial. Examples - “Floors”, “Manufactory”, “CheerDuck”.

Play with existing titles

Establishments named after literary characters or taken from feature films are very popular. For example: “Coyote Ugly” (the film “Coyote Ugly Bar”), “Duhless” (the novel by Sergei Minaev “Duhless”), “The Leaky Cauldron” (from the series of novels about Harry Potter), “Sherlock” (from the series of novels about Sherlock Holmes), The Prancing Pony (The Lord of the Rings).

Try to take the name of a literary character or title as a basis and transform it to suit the specifics of your establishment. A good example is the name of the pub "Harry Porter". Guests form an association with the famous hero of books and films. At the same time, “porter” is a type of dark beer.

Bad bar names

Beer is the most popular drink in bars. But you don't need to get hung up on this word. “Pivko”, “Pivo-Vody”, “Beer Refueling”, “Beer Kingdom”, “Champion” - all these names evoke a strong association with a cheap beer establishment where marginalized individuals gather. The name builds the reputation.

There are names that are ambiguously assessed by visitors. For example: “Honey, I’ll call you back,” “Where am I?”, “I love you, life!” Such names for bars are original and funny at first glance, but often cause confusion and rejection.

Name as a way to increase profits

What does a visitor to the establishment evaluate? Level of service, pricing policy, quality of food and drinks, interior. There is no name on this list, but it is what pushes people to visit the bar.

St. Petersburg bars and coffee shops have always stood out for their atmosphere. Instead of the classic “Moscow” and “Natalie” there are biting phrases that evoke double feelings. Against the backdrop of super-originality, many of the names are so boring that I wouldn’t even notice them if it weren’t for my laughing friends from other cities.

Translates to “I am grateful for today.” The meaning is great, but the pronunciation is just terrible. It's like getting a foreigner to say "welcome." While you’re trying to talk him out, you just want to give up these attempts and say - don’t care, let’s go to Zoom. They say that complex names are abbreviated in simple speech. Among my friends, this is “the bar on the corner of Gorokhovaya and Fontanka Street,” or “the place where the window sill is on the asphalt.” I can’t say anything bad about the bar itself: good food, delicious coffee.

My mother told me that if I licked the plate clean, sooner or later I would be accepted into the company of clean plates. I didn't deceive you. The bar has a stylish interior and delicious cocoa.

Pun: either a family restaurant or a hyper-friendly one. The interior is homey, the food is inexpensive, you can safely sit down with your laptop or hang out with friends.

There was so much buzz around the name that it was impossible to ignore. Some were offended by this, some didn’t care, some thought it was an excellent marketing ploy. I consider this a provocation, but I have nothing against the establishment.

"I want Larisa's bath"

When I saw the name, a Georgian spoke in my head. Straight from the movie "Mimino". But the cuisine is obvious: if the voice in your head speaks with a Georgian accent, it means there is samosa and kebabs.

Lebedev is not on them. The bold rule of leadership stated that & cannot be placed between Russian names. The logo is a flying pig on a fork, transforming into a sausage. Almost a mermaid. The restaurant specializes in a huge selection of beer and homemade sausages. There is some kind of associative logic here.

"What people"

Simple expressions are often chosen as titles. “Hello”, “How are you”, “What kind of people!” The establishment is good. True, I expected that every time someone came in, everyone would exclaim the name of the bar in unison. It would be stupid, but funny.

If you are faced with the task of coming up with a name for a cafe, then a short excursion into the history of this establishment will not hurt you.

The name comes from the French word cafe; initially only coffee, hot chocolate, tea, cakes and other confectionery products were offered. They were prepared here and local cheap products were used to the maximum to keep prices low and so that the owners of the establishment always had a profit.

The first cafe appeared at the end of the 17th century in Venice, and then in Marseille and Paris. They were also local centers of cultural life, where political news and theatrical performances were discussed, poets recited poetry, and writers read their novels aloud.

These were, in fact, the same fashionable salons of aristocrats, but anyone could come here, he did not need an invitation.

The atmosphere was free, there were arguments, sometimes even duels arose, but everyone could express their opinion. Because of this very freedom of communication, their wild popularity began in Europe, especially in Paris.

There, on the corner of Boulevard Saint-Germain, the Café de Flore opened in 1887 and still exists. The name for this cafe was given by the goddess Flora, the patroness of flowers, youth and the flowering of all things. Her statue was located in front of the establishment. These days, a prestigious literary prize for young authors is awarded here. It is also popular among tourists and lovers of authentic French onion soup.

There is a wide variety of these establishments: cafe-bar, cafe-snack bar, grill cafe, ice cream parlor, coffee shop, internet cafe.

Many entrepreneurs use a cafe franchise of the appropriate profile in their activities, which greatly reduces business risk. But in this case, the name of the establishment is regulated by the clauses of the franchise agreement.

The contingent of visitors to cafes of various types differs in composition and age, as do the interiors of the premises: modern and retro, made in American, Italian, Japanese, Mexican styles.

The cuisine also varies. Therefore, when deciding what to call a cafe, you can start from the category of clients, the style and location of the premises, or from specialty dishes.

In Europe, they really like to name cafes by their location - “At the high-rise”, “On the bridge”, “At the fountain”, so that they are easier to remember.

If your signature dessert is called “Romance”, “Tango” or “Bolero”, then you can make it the name of the enterprise.

TO When the majority of clients are students, then it would be quite appropriate to choose the following titles: “Resume”, “Portfolio”, “Illusion”, “Mood”, “Rendezvous”, “Wheel of Fortune”, “Oasis”, “Amigo”, “Android”.

If an art cafe opens, then something artistic will suit it: “Vernisage”, “Maestro”, “Pastoral”, “Caprice”, “Avant-garde”, “Autograph”, “Modern”, “Beau monde”, “Photograph” , “Salvador”, “Majestic”, “Pearl”, “Muse”, “Elegy”. The beautiful name of the cafe is always liked by people of art, aesthetes and patrons of the arts.

Regardless of the style, the name for the cafe is selected in such a way that it is understandable and absolutely clear to everyone, without any discrepancies. This will serve its popularity, create a superior image, reduce advertising costs and attract more customers. For example, “Aquatorium”, “Crown”, “Temptation”, “Coffeeman”.

Sometimes you can use fashionable slang for the name, that is, simplified, well-known words, since slang is very popular among young people and after a couple of decades smoothly flows into colloquial speech. This is justified when a youth cafe or a cafe for teenagers opens.

Here are some examples of slang: IMHO (IMHO - my humble opinion), freebie (free), avatar (picture), user (user), diskach (disco), umatovo (excellent).

The name of the cafe should in no case cause discomfort to customers.

For example, a cafe-bar, designed for working guys at an automobile plant who come after their shift to sit with beer and pasties, cannot in any way be called “Blue Ball”, “Fashionable Outfit” or “Siren”. You will simply lose these clients, real men.

However, there are owners who do not think for a long time about what to name the cafe. They use, relying only on their opinion, the words they like: agate, arabesque, blanche, hammock, glaze, domino, continent, panorama, containers, ultraviolet.

This approach also has a right to exist, since entrepreneurs risk only their own money and have the right to make any decisions.

Copyright "All-Russian Business Club"

What to invest small amounts in? One of the easiest and most profitable options is opening your own cafe. In some respects, such a catering and recreation establishment is similar to a restaurant, but has a limited assortment and can operate in different formats, for example, self-service, confectionery, coffee shop, etc. In addition, opening it requires less investment and lower level requirements service. When choosing a name for a cafe (it doesn’t matter where it is located - in a big or small city, town), you need to take into account the basic criteria:

  1. Do not evoke ambiguous associations or unpleasant emotions.
  2. Easy to remember and pronounce, be sonorous.
  3. Harmonize with interior design, form of customer service, level of service.
  4. It is desirable that the name reflects the concept of the establishment.

These parameters are also relevant when choosing a name for a clothing store. To quickly choose a beautiful name for your cafe, you can use the following approaches:

  • use a foreign word with suitable semantics depending on the format of the establishment or a Russian word, one syllable of which is converted into Latin transcription;
  • display the name of the concept, format of the establishment, interior, service features, assortment;
  • creation of neologisms - words or phrases that can combine Russian and foreign bases;
  • choosing an easy to pronounce, short name without a heavy semantic load;
  • playing on words that mean opposite concepts;
  • play on words.

When choosing an original name for a cafe, it is better to avoid using personal names (Lydia, Anna) and words with strong emotionality (Happiness, Dream, Without Cares). You should very carefully choose names that are tied to historical figures (Cafe Stirlitz, Dovbush, Pasternak, Pushkin, Landrin), films or works of art (At the Pokrovsky Gate, Gentlemen of Fortune, The Cherry Orchard, Moby Dick, Hero of Our Time, Hachiko, Turandot) , geographic locations, city names (Toronto, Tibet, Tel Aviv, Windsor). It is advisable to do this only in case of 100% combination with the concept of the establishment, so that the original name does not seem too pretentious and does not disharmonize with the atmosphere in the cafe. It is also important to choose a name that is harmonious in meaning (for example, Chalet Berezka - in our opinion, the semantic combination of a word denoting an Alpine rural house and the already boring name Berezka is not a very good solution. Other examples: Old House, Soprano, Revolution, Olive Beach, Moo-Moo, The Cat and the Cook, Iskra). And, of course, you shouldn’t choose banal, boring names: Troika, Berezka, Barberry, Marzipan, Youth.

Advice: when choosing a beautiful name for a cafe (including fast food), you need to make sure that it is not taken by competitors or patented. You can view the list of operating establishments on specialized portals.

Examples of cafe names

The name of the cafe should become a brand for its owners and visitors, be easy to remember and evoke positive emotions and associations. Typically, this task is entrusted to professionals in the field of naming, but if you want to choose an original name, you can do it yourself. We present the following options for beautiful names for cafes (many positions are also suitable for fast food establishments):

Click to enlarge

Advice: If you don’t succeed in opening your own fast food establishment, you shouldn’t despair, there are still many interesting and easily implemented ideas. For example, creating a mobile cafe on wheels, a business for preparing and selling herbal tea, making handmade soap, growing mushrooms (the price of truffles in Russia reaches $500-1000 per 1 kg).

When choosing a beautiful name for a cafe, it is important to feel the fine line that you should not cross, otherwise the name will not be in harmony with the establishment or be positively perceived by visitors (Seven Cockroaches bistro, Hannibal, LosVegas cafe, You Ate Woohoo? diner, Clockwork Eggs). You should not opt ​​for double-digit options or those that may cause ambiguous understanding: the Paradise Hell cafe, Herase Japanese pub, Children of the Grill. When creating a neologism for a name, you also need not to overdo it (Night Watch, BuchenNaus, Drunken traffic cop, Deep Throat, cafe HZ - stands for “good establishment”, but causes ambiguous associations).

Opening a cafe from scratch is not a very simple, but exciting process. When choosing a beautiful name for it, the owner should remember that it must be interesting, memorable, and different from other names. But you can’t get too carried away with this process either, because if you go to extremes, you won’t be able to choose a good name. If necessary, you can always turn to naming professionals for help.

When creating your own business, choosing an original business name is often considered almost the last item on the list of tasks. Of course, the most beautiful name of a cafe cannot compensate for shortcomings in organizing work and developing methods for attracting customers. But if you choose it correctly, you can avoid many problems and improve the effectiveness of your advertising campaign and promotion of your services.

Criteria for choosing a name for a cafe

One of the easiest and most profitable options is opening your own cafe. In some respects, such a catering and recreation establishment is similar to a restaurant, but has a limited assortment and can operate in different formats, for example, self-service, confectionery, coffee shop, etc. In addition, opening it requires less investment and lower level requirements service. When choosing a name for a cafe (it doesn’t matter where it is located - in a big or small city, town), you need to take into account the basic criteria:

  1. Do not evoke ambiguous associations or unpleasant emotions.
  2. Easy to remember and pronounce, be sonorous.
  3. Harmonize with interior design, form of customer service, level of service.
  4. It is desirable that the name reflects the concept of the establishment.

These parameters are also relevant when selecting . To quickly choose a beautiful name for your cafe, you can use the following approaches:

  • use a foreign word with suitable semantics depending on the format of the establishment or a Russian word, one syllable of which is converted into Latin transcription;
  • display the name of the concept, format of the establishment, interior, service features, assortment;
  • creation of neologisms - words or phrases that can combine Russian and foreign bases;
  • choosing an easy to pronounce, short name without a heavy semantic load;
  • playing on words that mean opposite concepts;
  • play on words.

When choosing an original name for a cafe, it is better to avoid using personal names (Lydia, Anna) and words with strong emotionality (Happiness, Dream, Without Cares). You should very carefully choose names that are tied to historical figures (Cafe Stirlitz, Dovbush, Pasternak, Pushkin, Landrin), films or works of art (At the Pokrovsky Gate, Gentlemen of Fortune, The Cherry Orchard, Moby Dick, Hero of Our Time, Hachiko, Turandot) , geographic locations, city names (Toronto, Tibet, Tel Aviv, Windsor). It is advisable to do this only in case of 100% combination with the concept of the establishment, so that the original name does not seem too pretentious and does not disharmonize with the atmosphere in the cafe. It is also important to choose a name that is harmonious in meaning (for example, Chalet Berezka - in our opinion, the semantic combination of a word denoting an Alpine rural house and the already boring name Berezka is not a very good solution. Other examples: Old House, Soprano, Revolution, Olive Beach, Moo-Moo, The Cat and the Cook, Iskra). And, of course, you shouldn’t choose banal, boring names: Troika, Berezka, Barberry, Marzipan, Youth.

Advice: when choosing a beautiful name for a cafe (including fast food), you need to make sure that it is not taken by competitors or patented. You can view the list of operating establishments on specialized portals.

Examples of cafe names

The name of the cafe should become a brand for its owners and visitors, be easy to remember and evoke positive emotions and associations. Typically, this task is entrusted to professionals in the field of naming, but if you want to choose an original name, you can do it yourself. We present the following options for beautiful names for cafes (many positions are also suitable for fast food establishments):

Advice: If you don’t succeed in opening your own fast food establishment, you shouldn’t despair, there are still many interesting and easily implemented ideas. For example, creating a business for preparing and selling herbal tea, making handmade soap, growing mushrooms (reaches $500-1000 per 1 kg).

When choosing a beautiful name for a cafe, it is important to feel the fine line that you should not cross, otherwise the name will not be in harmony with the establishment or be positively perceived by visitors (Seven Cockroaches bistro, Hannibal, LosVegas cafe, You Ate Woohoo? diner, Clockwork Eggs). You should not opt ​​for double-digit options or those that may cause ambiguous understanding: the Paradise Hell cafe, Herase Japanese pub, Children of the Grill. When creating a neologism for a name, you also need not to overdo it (Night Watch, BuchenNaus, Drunken traffic cop, Deep Throat, cafe HZ - stands for “good establishment”, but causes ambiguous associations).

Everyone is familiar with the saying: whatever you name a ship, that’s how it will sail. The name of a coffee shop is an important question, the answer to which largely determines the loyalty of the audience.

In this article we will look at the rules of naming, as well as examples of successful and unsuccessful coffee shop names.

How to name a coffee shop: start from the concept

Some entrepreneurs go out of their way to surprise people. This is the first mistake: you need to attract your audience, not impress with your creativity. A successful name for a coffee shop reflects its corporate style and carries a certain message and “trick” of the establishment. For example, “Coffee courtyard” with figured benches and old Russian interior is a successful example of naming.

Taking inspiration from names around the world

Peculiarities of naming coffee shops in the West will tell you what the owners are betting on: a beautiful name or hitting the target audience?

Study examples of foreign and domestic coffee shops to find inspiration.

To answer the question, let’s take a walk through foreign cities:

  • London: Kaffeine. A coffee shop with a simple name gathers many guests in a small hall every day. The suffix in the word emphasizes coziness, miniatureness and attracts lovers of peace.
  • Paris: Closerie des Lilas. The name is translated from French as “Lilac Farm”. A cult place with a long history: the terrace in the fragrant lilac attracted artists, writers, musicians - the entire capital's elite. A good example where the original name reflects the appearance
  • Vein. The Landtman coffee house appeared in the 19th century and bears the name of its first owner, Franz Landtman. They serve delicious desserts and the best coffee in Vienna. The establishment changed several owners, was rebuilt, but retained the name of the creator in the title. In Russia, few people call companies by their family name, and in vain: relying on tradition is an excellent marketing ploy
  • Calgary (Canada): Analog Coffee. The coffee shop's menu includes more than 20 varieties of high-quality coffee and several preparation options. For example, in a Japanese drip coffee maker, which gives the drink a special taste. Baristas use alternative methods of roasting and brewing beans. The name of the coffee shop reflects its unique feature
\ Note! Examples of foreign coffee shops are original, but reflect the peculiarity of the establishment, the interior, or are part of the concept.

Successful coffee shop names: ideas and examples

The name must contain thematic words “coffee”, “cup” and others, otherwise it will be lost. For example, “Cozy home” is a pleasant phrase to hear, but it is associated with a furniture store, not a cafe. But the names “Coffee Life” or “Coffee Grinder” immediately indicate where you are being invited.

The name should reflect the essence of the establishment.

The correct name reflects the idea, and therefore it is easier to come up with a slogan:

  • "Coffee Life". Coffee as a lifestyle
  • "Coffee grinder." A cozy place for tasty conversations.

Don't mindlessly chase uniqueness! Sometimes the simplest name is more profitable than a fancy one. For example, “Coffee Room” indicates that coffee is brewed here and that it is a homely, calm place.

How not to overdo it with originality

The desire to stand out from competitors is commendable. But a flashy sign does not always contribute to this. We already touched on this above: the title should show the content.

For example, the LES coffee shop with a predominance of wood in the interior. Tempting, but not for an establishment where the main product is coffee. The Latin letters are confusing: is this an abbreviation or the name of the secret order of the Sinaites? Potential clients will pass by if they don’t understand what the author wanted to say. At the same time, the simple Russian “Forest” is quickly readable and looks more pleasant.

Thus, the name of the coffee shop should be part of the project concept, but naming alone will not get you far. If there are uncomfortable seats inside, shabby tables, tasteless coffee and rude waiters, then the originality of the name will not save you from customer dissatisfaction.

Don't forget about the quality of drinks and service in the coffee shop!

How to express yourself in the name of a coffee shop

We have given examples of successful and not so successful names. What is the main principle of naming a coffee shop that will make it profitable? Remember: you make coffee, everything else is secondary. Put high quality product and service at the forefront. A simple but sonorous name and competent marketing will attract the audience.

How to name a coffee shop so that customers line up? Which sign will immediately attract the attention and interest of guests? In this article we will look at which naming techniques will help you make a profit, and which naming options are not relevant.

How to name a coffee shop: start from the concept

Remember that your task is not to surprise, but to attract visitors. Think ten times before calling the place “Koffee”. The name for the coffee shop is intended to reflect the “trick” of the establishment and carry a certain message. For example, the “Coffee Yard” coffee shop with the appropriate interior and wrought-iron benches is a good naming option.

Names of coffee shops around the world: looking for inspiration

Let's look at the features of naming in the West. What do the owners rely on: beautiful or original names of coffee shops?

To answer this question, let's take a short trip around the world:

  • Vein. Coffee house "Landtman" discovered in the mid-19th century by Franz Landtmann. They serve delicious desserts and delicious coffee. The coffee shop changed owners many times, was rebuilt, but retained the name of its creator. It was this that helped the establishment become a symbol of stability and high quality products. Focusing on preserving traditions is a working marketing ploy.
  • Paris. "Closerie des Lilas" is the name of a coffee shop in France, which can be translated as “Lilac Farm”. This is a cult place for the French. The terrace, surrounded by greenery and permeated with the aroma of blooming lilacs, attracted writers and artists. The right combination of a “cozy” name, attractive interior and rich menu is one of the successful naming options.
  • London. "Kaffeine" is an example of a simple coffee shop name, which daily gathers a large number of guests in a small cozy hall.
  • Calgary (Canada). Analog Coffee offers original coffee recipes. A successful naming technique that helps to emphasize the “feature” of the establishment. One of the preparation options involves using a Japanese drip coffee maker, which gives the drink a special taste. Baristas use different methods of roasting and brewing coffee, so the establishment’s menu is not limited to 5-6 drink options.

How to come up with a name and slogan for a coffee shop in Russia

We looked at examples of naming coffee shops abroad. As follows from this short list, the name options for coffee shops are very different, but all are relevant. They can act as part of the concept of the establishment or reflect its main feature.

The best coffee shop names: ideas and options

Remember that coffee shop names must be related to the product they offer. Thus, “Cozy Home” sounds pleasant, but evokes associations more with a home textile store than with a fragrant drink. But such options as “Bon Cappuccino” or “Coffee Maker” will leave no doubt that the establishment serves hot coffee.

The correct name reflects your idea, which means it will be much easier to come up with a slogan for a coffee shop:

  • "Bon Cappuccino" Real Italian coffee in the center of Moscow!
  • "Coffee maker". Your coffee is already on the stove, we are waiting for you!

Don't chase uniqueness! Sometimes the simplest name is the most attractive. For example, a cozy establishment under the sign “Coffee Club” immediately declares: they love coffee here and this establishment is for its own people.

Original names of coffee shops: how not to overdo it

The desire to stand out from competitors is commendable. However, don’t think that a creative coffee shop name will do everything for you. The competition in the market is enormous and you won’t be able to attract guests only with an unusual sign. If a potential visitor does not understand you, he is unlikely to come.

Among entrepreneurs, the desire to be “original” cannot be eradicated, hence the coffee shops with names in Latin. For example, “LES” is an establishment with a predominance of wooden furniture in the interior. The idea is not bad, but the use of Latin letters is confusing. It is not clear what it is: either an abbreviation, or the name of some secret organization. Coffee lovers are unlikely to want to solve the owner’s riddles and would rather go to establishments with simpler signs. At the same time, the Russified version of “Forest” sounds and looks much nicer.

In a word, the original name for the coffee shop can be part of the concept of your project, but you should not start only from an interesting idea. If the room looks simple and cheap, and the coffee is not very tasty, then no bright naming will save the situation.