The best chocolate in Russia has been named. Choosing the best milk chocolate

Chocolate is not just a confectionery product made from cocoa beans, but a product of happiness. It is believed that the delicacy has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, stimulates the production of serotonin, improving mood, and, thanks to the presence of glucose, improves mental and physical performance. The main thing that you should not forget about when eating chocolate is a sense of proportion. 9th place. Vosges (USA). The American manufacturer is famous for its combination of incompatible tastes. For example, milk chocolate with pieces of smoked bacon is extremely popular; There is also a rich assortment of fillings in the form of mushrooms, wasabi, curry sauce, chili peppers, etc. (TheFoodJunk)
8th place. Soma (Canada). The history of the company dates back to 2003. The manufacturer has gained popularity due to the high quality and variety of its products. (jara_mae)
7th place. Lindt (Switzerland). The history of the company dates back to 1845. The manufacturer is famous for its premium, high-quality chocolate; Lindt products are represented on the markets of 100 countries. (Live4Soccer(L4S))
6th place. Scharffen Berger (USA). The manufacturer is famous for its elite chocolate with a high cocoa content and complex recipe. (John Loo)
5th place. Michel Cluizel (France). The manufacturer is famous for its so-called “noble ingredients”, which are ideally selected components of the highest quality chocolate that meet all criteria; Michel Cluizel products are represented in the markets of 40 countries. (Floccinaucinihilipilification)
4th place. Valrhona (France). The history of the company dates back to 1922. The range consists mainly of dark chocolate. For the production of the product are used different varieties cocoa beans, various methods firing and a long process of conching chocolate masses. (Everjean)
3rd place. Bovetti (France). The history of the company dates back to 1994. The Bovetti assortment includes more than 150 items; there are very original symbioses of tastes; for example, chocolate with flower petals (violets, lavender, roses), fruits ( whole pieces banana, orange, cherry), spices (mustard, rosemary). (Coralie Ferreira
2nd place. Leonidas (Belgium). The history of the company dates back to 1913. Today Leonidas is considered one of the best chocolate manufacturers Europe. (Purrrpl_Haze)
1 place. Amedei (Italy). The history of the company dates back to 1990. Amedei products have been repeatedly recognized as the best in the world. Today, some Amedei items are the most expensive in the world. (Sarah R)

About products

As part of a fan study of Roskachestvo, products of 37 were studied brands milk chocolate according to 41 quality and safety parameters. The most popular brands among Russians took part in the tests. The cost of production ranged from 35 to 278 rubles per unit of goods. More than half of the samples were made in Russia. The study also presents products from European countries famous for their chocolate - Belgium, Germany, Finland, France, and Switzerland. We hasten to please those with a sweet tooth: more than half of the milk chocolate studied is really High Quality. The samples met not only the mandatory requirements of the law, but also the norms of the advanced standard of Roskachestvo. These are 21 brands, of which 13 declared their Russian origin: “Alenka”, “Vozdushny”, “Confil”, “Victory of Taste”, “Russia is a Generous Soul”, “Russia is a Generous Soul” (porous), “Russian Chocolate” ", "Yashkino", DOVE, FINE LIFE, Milka, NESTLE, SOBRANIE. Experts will make a decision on awarding them the Russian Quality Mark after an assessment of production, during which the level of localization of products will be determined. Brands Karl Fazer, Lindt Excellence Extra creamy, MERCI, MÖVENPICK, PLAN B, Ritter SPORT GOLDSCHATZ, Ritter SPORT Alpine Milk and Schogetten ALPINE MILK CHOCOLATE, which meet the higher standard, cannot claim the Quality Mark due to their foreign origin. Let us note that all samples presented in the milk chocolate study turned out to be safe - they corresponded technical regulations Customs Union. There were still some violations, but they were isolated and exceptional.

Russian quality system standard

The Russian quality system standard for milk chocolate has established stricter (advanced) requirements for the content of cocoa butter equivalent: chocolate applying for the state Quality Mark must contain only natural cocoa butter. The required level of product localization for awarding the Quality Mark is at least 40% of the cost of the product.

Widespread in the market some time ago confectionery received a confectionery bar, where the main components of chocolate (cocoa butter) were partially or completely replaced with a cheaper alternative. In accordance with the requirements for product labeling, the product label must contain the relevant information, but some manufacturers produce such packaging that at first glance you cannot tell the difference between a chocolate bar and a chocolate bar. In such cases, all doubts should be dispelled by the composition - the manufacturer of the confectionery bar is obliged to indicate that its products contain substitutes.

– I consume chocolate mainly during intellectual games,– the famous polymath, star of the TV show “What?” told Roskachestvo. Where? When?”, “Own game” and many others Anatoly Wasserman.This for me is something like acceptable doping. I tried a pastry bar once, but it was completely different. Firstly, it usually does not contain those caffeine derivatives that are found in chocolate, and therefore does not stimulate the body, and secondly, this product, as a rule, imitates the taste of chocolate very approximately. These two minuses were enough for me to limit myself to two or three samples. Since then, I have no longer purchased confectionery bars.
Given that Roskachestvo sampling experts purchased only products whose packaging said “milk chocolate,” one of the goals of the study was to find out whether it was actually hidden there, and not a confectionery bar, which is what many of our consumers fear.

“Chocolate” from palm trees: how to replace cocoa products

The basis of chocolate is products of cocoa processing, the fruits of the so-called chocolate tree: cocoa mass (cocoa mass) and cocoa butter (butter from ground cocoa beans). Since these are the most expensive ingredients in chocolate, the easiest way to reduce the cost of production is to replace these components. In these cases, instead of cocoa butter, substitutes are added to the product, that is, one substance, and equivalents - a mix of several oils.

Roskoshestvo, together with industry experts, introduced several indicators into the study of milk chocolate that demonstrate the naturalness of chocolate. This is the percentage of cocoa butter substitutes and equivalents contained in the total weight of the chocolate mass. Moreover, if GOST allows adding up to 5% cocoa butter equivalent, then in the advanced Roskachestvo standard no equivalents are allowed at all.

“Cocoa butter in chocolate can be replaced with palm, palm kernel, and coconut oils,” he told Roskoshestvo star pastry chef Renat Agzamov, which has decorated hundreds of celebrations of representatives of the domestic show business with its products. – A group of lauric-type fats, which includes palm kernel oil (from the kernels of oil palm fruits) and Coconut oil, - This solid fats. They give a crispy effect and can be used for glazing. Palm oil (from the fleshy part of the oil palm fruit) belongs to the group of non-lauric fats and has a soft consistency. It is not harmful in itself, but it cannot be mixed with dairy products, because the combination of two types of fats - lauric and non-lauric - is dangerous to health. By the way, only a professional confectioner or technologist can distinguish chocolate from a confectionery bar. The consumer most likely will not feel the difference. But I noticed that for some reason Russians like icing with substitutes more than natural chocolate.

Among the products studied, the labeling of which read “chocolate”, there were indeed those that did not meet the requirements of GOST.

However, such samples cannot be considered violators of regulatory requirements, since, firstly, they were released according to technical specifications(TU), secondly, in Russia there are no accredited testing laboratories that determine cocoa butter equivalents. Roskachestvo plans to combat both of these problems. And, undoubtedly, such goods are deprived of the opportunity to qualify for the state Quality Mark. Detailed information about the content of the above-mentioned substances can be found in each of the milk chocolate cards.

Critical Mass: The Cocoa Powder Marketing Spell

Cocoa butter - white, and therefore the myth that White chocolate unnatural and does not carry any benefit, fundamentally incorrect. Although the other main component of chocolate - cocoa mass - due to the peculiarity of its color, of course, cannot be present in it.

– In quality and, most importantly, healthy chocolate must certainly contain grated cocoa, that is, crushed cocoa beans,” a famous doctor explained to Roskoshestvo, Candidate of Medical Sciences, TV and radio presenter Konstantin Ivanov. – When buying relatively inexpensive cocoa, you should not be mistaken about the “magical” properties of this drink. Cocoa powder, which is often used to replace grated cocoa, is nothing more than crushed cocoa bean cake, which, of course, does not have the same beneficial properties as natural product. It costs less, and therefore we can often find chocolate on the shelves with the addition of cocoa powder with various preservatives, dyes and emulsifiers. Marketers, being good psychologists, use their charms: such chocolate will not only not be good for you, but will also disappoint your food receptors, at a minimum.

But the main thing is that in such synthetic chocolate high content sugar and vanillin. And as a result, you are next in line to develop metabolic syndrome and diabetes mellitus...

But full-fledged, alas, expensive cocoa beans are an excellent natural antidepressant that produces endorphins and serotonin (“happiness hormone”), as well as a source of antioxidants (we want to stay slim and youthful for as long as possible), vitamins - in particular, group A, which increase visual acuity. Caffeine and theobromine, also found in cocoa beans, charge us with energy, improve brain function, and increase vascular tone. But you should not abuse it, as these substances can lead to increased blood pressure.

The content of total cocoa solids and the mass fraction of non-fat cocoa solids, for which each sample was tested, also demonstrate whether it can be considered this product chocolate. Alas, here too the samples of “fake” chocolate, which were identified by Roskachestvo specialists, with two saving letters “TU”, actually saved themselves from the need to meet quality parameters.

The imperfection of Russian legislation does not allow such a product to be recognized as a violator, but Roskachestvo, taking care of the consumer, clarifies: if “TU” is indicated on the label, then it is very likely that this is not chocolate in the full sense of the word. True, conscientious Russian manufacturers chocolate producers perceive GOST requirements as mandatory when developing their specifications.

– The fact that today confectionery products are produced according to specifications, and not according to GOST requirements, indicates both a decrease in the purchasing power of the population and the degradation of our confectionery market, - speaks Dmitry Abrikosov, director of the A. I. Abrikosov Sons Partnership.“This is extremely unfortunate: the consumer becomes accustomed to a low-quality product, to the “plasticine” taste of cheap and low-quality tiles, and also harms their health. When choosing a product, you need to look at who produced it and what composition is indicated on the label. Those products that contain (at the beginning of the line with the composition) sugar, cocoa powder, milk, and at the end of the list cocoa mass and cocoa butter, are actually not natural chocolate, since there are very few cocoa products in their composition and they are present there only to justify the word “chocolate” on the label.

Let us note that Roskachestvo has already revealed a similar situation: this is how a number of producers of sprats in oil actually escaped responsibility for numerous violations. See the study on sprats.

As you milk, so will you feed: is milk chocolate possible without milk?

It turns out that not everyone knows why milk chocolate is called milk chocolate. As a Roskachestvo survey showed in in social networks, only 38% of voters chose the correct option (chocolate with added dairy products). 48% of respondents answered that milk chocolate is chocolate with the addition of only natural milk, another 7% each consider milk chocolate to be chocolate with the taste of milk and chocolate with cocoa fruit juice.

The higher the mass fraction of dairy products in chocolate, the more useful microelements it contains (read more about why none of the types of chocolate can be called healthy).

In a study by Roskachestvo, the content in milk chocolate was determined mass fraction milk fat, as well as the mass fraction of the dry skimmed residue of milk or dairy products. In the sample under the Globus trademark, both of these indicators were below the level required by GOST.

– The interstate GOST for chocolate and the international standard Codex Alimentarius clearly define the requirements for milk chocolate: it must contain at least 25% of the total dry residue of cocoa products, at least 2.5% of the dry non-fat residue of cocoa products, at least 12 % of milk solids and (or) products of its processing, at least 2.5% milk fat and at least 25% total fat, - told Roskoshestvo Vyacheslav Lashmankin, executive director of the Association of Confectionery Industry Enterprises. – A product that, for one or another characteristic, does not meet the criteria for milk chocolate, firstly, can hardly be called milk chocolate, and secondly, the non-compliance of the product with the above requirements will directly affect its organoleptic properties. Simply put, “milk chocolate” that does not contain the required amount of cocoa products, milk solids and/or milk products, and milk fat will most likely be significantly inferior in taste to milk chocolate made strictly to specifications. In a highly competitive confectionery market, the manufacturer must have compelling reasons to take such a step.

At the same time, a low content of milk fat and dairy products was detected in a number of samples. However, they cannot formally be recognized as goods with violations, since the manufacturers did not declare compliance with GOST.

Note that during the study, some chocolates were found to contain nut butter, which may be strong allergen. This is not a violation, but people who suffer from allergies or are predisposed to them should read the ingredients especially carefully.

The Deceptive Soybean: The Truth About the Crucial Ingredient

In recent years, the fashion for healthy eating. Tempted by it, as well as by the variety of choices, attentive Russian consumers, having found the word “soy” in chocolate, will probably put this product back on the shelf. However, soy and soy are different. Especially if we talk about soy lecithin (E322): it turns out that not a single chocolate bar can do without this substance.

“Liquid soy lecithin is necessarily included in the composition of all chocolate masses, since it is necessary to optimize their viscosity,” Natalia Linovskaya, a senior researcher at the Laboratory for the Production of Sugar and Chocolate Confectionery at the Research Institute of the Confectionery Industry, explained to Roskachestvo. – Moreover, lecithin is a very important product for health: in particular, it is integral part membranes of every living cell in our body. And nothing else is used from the so-called soybean raw materials. However, there is such a product - deodorized soy flour. It is occasionally used in the production of candy bars, but the addition of this product to chocolate leads to a sharp increase in the viscosity of chocolate masses, and therefore to a sharp increase in the introduction of cocoa butter per ton of product. That is, the price of chocolate is increasing, not decreasing.

It is possible to detect the presence of soy in chocolate only organoleptically, that is, by appearance or taste. If the surface of a fresh chocolate bar is matte or uneven, or has spots on it, this may mean that the manufacturer has indeed introduced soy substitutes into the product. As in those cases when chocolate, when broken, makes a dull sound and does not melt in the mouth. But if your chocolate has turned white over time and light streaks have appeared on it, do not be alarmed: this is a natural reaction of natural chocolate, although it only appears if it is stored improperly.

Who among us as a child did not dream of taking a “delicious” trip? See new countries - and try everything famous brands chocolate! Ride the “chocolate train” around Switzerland. Try a unique treat in a tiny Brussels patisserie Belgian chocolate. And when returning home, buy a couple of Spartak dark chocolates - they are produced by our Belarusian neighbors... So, let's go!

In the birthplace of the chocolate bar in Switzerland

The ancient Swiss city of Vevey, on the shores of the picturesque Lake Geneva. The famous resort, so popular among European nobility. And the homeland itself popular dessert. It was here that a factory was built in 1819, where for the first time in the world they began to produce chocolate delicacies in their current form - in the form of bars. Amazing delicacy has become a source of special pride for the people of Switzerland, their national product.

A national trait - ingenuity - could not help but manifest itself in the production of such a beloved product as Swiss chocolate. Innovative devices and technological techniques were created. And behind the secret recipe there was real “industrial espionage”. But the most famous innovation is milk chocolates, without which it is now impossible to imagine any confectionery shop.

Who doesn’t know Nestlé products today? Baby food, instant coffee... But it was Swiss milk chocolate that allowed this company to rise to the very top of the world industry! The technology created in 1875 literally “blew up” the then confectionery market. Around the same years, Rudolf Lindt founded the company Lindt & Sprungli. He improved the recipe - and Swiss chocolate acquired that famous soft creamy taste for which it is famous. He managed to automate the production processes - and chocolate was put into production. To this day, the Lindt company is one of the world's largest manufacturers.

Another ancient brand, incredibly popular today, was created in 1899 by the Bernese confectioner Tobler. Chocolate bar with nougat and nuts original form- triangular, like the peaks of the Alps. This is perhaps the most recognizable Swiss chocolate. And the Russian consumer, ask him a question about chocolate brands Switzerland will probably answer: “Toblerone!” Or - as an option - "Milka". These chocolate bars incredibly popular in Russia. But not everyone knows that they have more than a hundred years of history. But the most delicate miracle with Alpine milk has been produced since the beginning of the last century.
The Swiss themselves prefer “Frey”, known since the end of the 19th century. The founders of the company, the Frey brothers, sought to create high-quality and at the same time affordable Swiss chocolate. And they succeeded!

Chocolate Kingdom - Belgium

Belgium. The country of beer, French fries and... chocolate! There are a great variety of them.

But the main thing that Belgian chocolate is famous for is its exceptional quality.

None vegetable fats and there cannot be any other substitutes in it. Prohibited by law. Only natural cocoa beans! The whole flight of fancy lies in a variety of additives and fillings. Sometimes very unusual ones, like beer or flower petals. Belgian chocolate is a real standard of quality! And for more than a century and a half.

Back in 1857, a modest Swiss emigrant pharmacist named Neuhaus came up with a new way to sweeten pill. He covered the bitter pills chocolate layer. And soon the Neuhaus family enterprise became the largest producer of sweets, including the famous Belgian chocolate. And the first in the world chocolate candies with filling.

Excellent Belgian chocolate is also produced under other equally well-known brands. For example, the luxurious Godiva, so beloved by the Queen of England. Or the democratic Leonidas, which conquered the world. Elite Belgian chocolate Mary, very innovative Hamlet... And a funny “toy” Belfine. Looks like a lollipop. But under the bright glaze - it’s still the same Belgian chocolate!

German quality

German chocolate is not so famous. There is neither Swiss exclusivity nor Belgian delights in it. Traditional practicality and pedantry make themselves felt - the product is of excellent quality, tasty and nutritious. This is exactly what the famous Ritter Sport is like. Refresh yourself on the run - that’s exactly what it was created for a hundred years ago. Convenient packaging, “ergonomic” shape, healthy supplements- nuts, yogurt, cereal. Tasty, healthy, nutritious. Real German quality! And truly German chocolate.

Return to native land

Our Russian chocolate has an equally glorious and long history. This delicacy has become known to us since the time of Catherine II, and factories for its production appeared not much later than in the chocolate kingdom - Belgium. The first of them were discovered by the Frenchman Sioux and the German Einem. But soon the Russian confectionery genius gave them worthy competition. And from the middle of the 19th century, amazing Russian chocolate began to be produced in factories owned by the merchant Abrikosov.
Abrikosov undoubtedly had a talent as a marketer. Quickly realizing that the secret of success is in packaging, he was the first to come up with colorful wrappers for children, without which it is impossible to imagine Russian chocolate. And what is his “ethnographic” series worth?

This enterprise survived the turbulent revolutionary years - only the name changed. And when buying one of the most popular chocolates from the Babaevsky concern, do not forget about their creator - Alexei Abrikosov. Perhaps the most famous
the creation of the confectioners of the factory named after. Babaeva is the familiar chocolate “Inspiration”. The same one, divided into tiny candies and with a ballerina on the packaging. Russian ballet, Russian chocolate - truly inspiring!

The Einem factory also retained its traditions and was renamed “Red October”. Who among us doesn’t know “Alenka” - the most famous Russian milk chocolate? Created in the early 60s of the last century, “Alenka” still delights children, just as it once did for their grandparents.

Everyone is familiar with the delicate and airy bars with the inscription “Russian chocolate”. They are produced by the factory of the same name. It was founded quite recently - in the late 90s. But its products quickly conquered Russian market. Porous Russian chocolate is amazing - our confectioners worthily continue the glorious traditions.

...The journey has ended. And at home there is a cup of coffee and a chocolate bar of your favorite brand waiting for you. And it doesn’t matter whether it was brought from distant travels or bought nearby. After all, the main thing is taste, isn’t it?

All the best, bye!

2017-03-06 9:18

The Russian quality system (Roskachestvo) today published the results of a large-scaleresearch milk chocolate - the most popular among Russians. An important vector of the research was the identification of counterfeit products and chocolate substitutes. What can really be called chocolate and what can only be called a confectionery bar - in a study by Roskachestvo.

The most popular gift during the holidays is chocolate and chocolate candies. This was reported by 68% of respondents surveyed by Nielsen in 22 Russian cities with a population of over half a million people. On the eve of March 8, Roskoshestvo conducted a study of the quality of such popular product. Samples of 37 transnational brands and Russian brands of milk chocolate were subjected to consumer testing. The studies were conducted on more than 40 quality and safety indicators, including the presence of cocoa butter equivalents and the mass fraction of milk fat. The study included products from Belgium, Germany, Finland, France and Switzerland, as well as those produced in Russia, in particular Kaliningrad, Leningrad, Moscow, Tula, Yaroslavl, Ryazan regions.

Research by Roskachestvo has dispelled the popular myth about the superiority of imported chocolate over domestic chocolate. Moreover, since chocolate Russian production is currently widely in demand in Asian markets and receiving the Russian Quality Mark will open up additional export opportunities for domestic producers.

As reported Minister Agriculture Alexander Tkachev, commenting on the results of the Roskachestvo study, “We have very good results in the confectionery industry. Last year, we increased the production of sweets to 3.5 million tons, halved imports and exported about half a million tons. And there was always quality chocolate business card Russia. And today it is in great demand abroad - more than 60 countries buy our chocolate. Last year alone, about 160 thousand tons were exported and fewer imported tiles were purchased.”

Roskachestvo has established stricter requirements for high-quality milk chocolate: an applicant for the state Quality Mark must be made from natural raw materials and must not contain vegetable fats, cocoa butter substitutes, dyes, flavor enhancers and preservatives. 21 samples met these increased requirements, i.e. almost half of the chocolates studied. These are samples Alenka, Vozdushny, Confil, Pobeda Vkusa, Russia generous soul, Russia generous soul (porous), Russian chocolate, Yashkino, DOVE, FINE LIFE, Milka, NESTLE, SOBRANIE, KarlFazer, Lindt Excellence Extra creamy, MERCI, MOVENPICK, PLAN B, Ritter SPORT GOLDSCHATZ, Ritter SPORT Alpine milk and Schogetten ALPINE MILK CHOCOLATE. Experts will make a decision on assigning the state Quality Mark to Russian-made goods after conducting an assessment of production, during which the level of its localization will be determined.

It is important to note that all milk chocolate samples presented in the study turned out to be safe. There were still some marking violations, but they were isolated and exceptional.

“It is extremely important for us, as a state institution, to provide support for the export of the highest quality Russian goods, and chocolate, along with other confectionery products, is one of the most successful export items today. The study conducted by Roskachestvo is additional confirmation that our products are truly high-quality, safe and worthy of the highest ratings,” noted Petr Fradkov, head of the Russian Export Center group.

According to research results, store shelves contain both high-quality natural chocolate and cheap analogues. Legislation allows the production of milk chocolate using equivalents and even substitutes for cocoa butter, and allows the replacement of milk fat with vegetable fat. At the same time, the addition of cocoa equivalents and substitutes is regulated only by voluntary GOST. If a manufacturer produces products not in accordance with GOST, but in accordance with technical conditions (TU), he establishes the content of cocoa butter and its equivalents independently and the product according to TU called “chocolate” may not be chocolate at all.

The results of laboratory tests showed that in approximately 25% of cases the consumer risks buying sooner chocolate product. Such a confectionery product containing cocoa butter equivalents, for example, palm kernel, coconut and confectionery fats, is not a violation in Russia, and falls into the “high-quality and safe” category. Thus, cocoa butter equivalents were identified in four samples (SunMilk, Pobeda Vkusa (porous), Slad&Co, Mishka in the North). At the same time, not a single laboratory in Russia is accredited for this test method, so this indicator is a reference. Low content of total cocoa solids, indicating the use of cocoa butter substitutes, in three more (Fiori, Alten Burg, Holiday Card).

The study also tested a common consumer myth about market presence large quantity so-called "lauric tiles". Lauric-type cocoa butter substitutes were found only in three samples (Fiori, Alten Burg, Holiday Card), which does not confirm the myth about the widespread adulteration of chocolate with laurine.

The fact that today confectionery products are produced according to specifications and not according to GOST requirements indicates both a decrease in the purchasing power of the population and the degradation of our confectionery market,” says Dmitry Abrikosov, director of the Partnership of A.I. Abrikosov’s Sons. - Those products that contain sugar, cocoa powder, milk at the beginning of the list, and cocoa mass and cocoa butter at the end of the list, are actually not natural chocolate, since there are very few cocoa products in their composition, and they are present there just to justify the word "chocolate" on the label.

In addition, the study examined the mass fraction of milk fat, as well as the mass fraction of nonfat solids of milk or dairy products. In the sample under the Globus trademark, both of these indicators turned out to be below the level required by GOST, which is stated on the sample packaging, which misleads the consumer. At the same time, this sample contains a high cocoa content, which indicates the naturalness of the product. Low milk fat content was detected in 6 samples (SunMilk, VICTORY OF TASTE (porous), Spartak, Holiday Card, Fiori, Alten Burg, while in the last four samples milk fat was completely absent), however, they cannot be recognized as goods with violations, since they were not declared to GOST.

Detailed research results for each milk chocolate sample are available on the portal

All types of chocolate: classification by shape and consistency, method of processing ingredients, content of cocoa products. Brands, manufacturers and brands of chocolate.

Chocolate products are multifaceted, like gems. And the production of a noble product is almost jewelry work. The multi-colored wrappers that smile at us from store shelves contain chocolate products of different composition, shape and taste. A detailed classification of chocolate and familiarity with its best brands and trademarks will help you navigate this diversity.

So, what types of chocolate are there?

Let's start with the fact that chocolate is a product based on cocoa butter and grains of the cocoa tree growing in the tropics - cocoa beans. The fruits of the cocoa tree deserve a separate classification.

Types of cocoa beans by origin

  • American;
  • Asian;
  • African.

Types of cocoa beans by quality

  • Varietal or noble - have a pleasant delicate aroma and delicate taste.
  • Ordinary or consumer - have a sharp aroma and a tart, bitterish-sour taste.

Chocolate classification

Types of chocolate by cocoa content

  • Bitter – contains at least 55% cocoa products.
  • Classic or ordinary - consists of 35-60% cocoa products.
  • Dairy – contains less than 35% cocoa products.

Types of chocolate according to its ingredients and method of processing

  1. Ordinary - contains 63% sugar and 35% cocoa mass. It is usually made from consumer grades of cocoa beans.
  2. Dessert - unlike ordinary, it is made only from noble varieties of cocoa beans, consists of a more finely ground mass, and also contains less sugar and more cocoa mass (from 45%), respectively, has best quality and aroma.
  3. Porous - made from dessert chocolate using a special technology: it undergoes special treatment under variable pressure, due to which it acquires a porous structure.
  4. Chocolate with filling– nut, cream, fruit-marmalade, jelly, fondant, cream, etc. The share of filling should not exceed 50% of the total mass of the product.
  5. Special purpose chocolate(dietary, for patients with diabetes).

The first three types of chocolate - ordinary, porous and dessert, are produced with and without additives.

This is interesting! The composition of dark dark chocolate without additives is considered standard. It is a product made from cocoa butter, grated roasted cocoa beans and powdered sugar, With bright aroma and a pleasant bitterness. This chocolate is considered the most respected throughout the world.

A bar that contains any additives is inferior in value to pure chocolate, which contains more cocoa, which is the main quality criterion. Nut kernels, candied fruits, coffee, waffles, and dried fruits are used as additives.

Types of chocolate with additives

  1. Dairy - with cream, condensed or powdered milk.
  2. White – confectionery mass without adding grated cocoa.
  3. Nut – with roasted nuts: crushed or ground.
  4. Coffee - with coffee extract or ground coffee.
  5. With grilled meat – chopped nuts and caramel.
  6. With large additives: whole nuts, dried fruits, candied fruits.
  7. With waffle crumbs.

Types of chocolate by shape and consistency

  1. Chocolate bars (porous or solid) usually have a rectangular shape.
  2. Patterned - in the form of figures, hollow, solid or with filling (eggs, animals, shells, etc.).
  3. Figured - in the form of flat relief figures like coins.
  4. Bars (porous or solid), with or without filling.
  5. Glaze is melted chocolate, which is mainly used to decorate confectionery products: cakes, ice cream, glazed cheese curds.

The largest chocolate manufacturers, famous brands and the best trademarks

Today we have access to great amount brands of chocolate products that, thanks to the efforts of thousands of craftsmen, are constantly acquiring new shapes and tastes. At the same time, there are companies, as well as individual brands, that occupy leading positions in chocolate production.

The most famous chocolate manufacturing companies

  • "Maestrani" (Italy);
  • "Valor" (Spain);
  • "Stollwerck" (Germany);
  • "Hershey" (USA);
  • Craft Foods (USA);
  • "Valrhona" (France);
  • "Godiva Chocolatier" (Belgium);
  • Nestle (Switzerland);
  • "Barry Callebaut" (Switzerland);
  • "DeLafee" (Switzerland).

The most famous chocolate brands

  • Lindt@Sprungli (Switzerland);
  • Toblerone (Switzerland);
  • KitKat (Nestlé, Switzerland);
  • Cadbury (UK);
  • Guylian (Belgium);
  • Patchi (Lebanon);
  • Mars (USA);
  • Galaxy (Mars, USA);
  • Ghirardelli (USA);
  • Ferrero Rocher (Italy).

It should be noted that Russia has also succeeded in producing a noble product. Domestic chocolate is known all over the world. You can safely buy a product whose packaging is marked TU: GOST 6534-89 “Chocolate” or TU “Chocolate”: this is high-quality chocolate, which complies with all Russian GOSTs.

The best confectionery factories in Russia

  • "Sladunitsa";
  • "Russian chocolate";
  • "Victory of taste";
  • "Babaevsky Confectionery Concern";
  • "Russia";
  • "Bogatyr";
  • JSC "Red October";
  • "Loyalty to quality";
  • JSC "Rot Front";
  • Odintsovo Confectionery Factory LLC.

The most popular brands of chocolate bars in Russia

  • Ritter Sport;
  • Alenka;
  • Nestle;
  • Fruit
  • Alpen Gold;
  • A. Korkunov;
  • Milka;
  • Nesquik;
  • Russian chocolate;
  • Spartacus.

The love for this noble product, especially for the fair half of humanity, inspires chocolate masters to new feats every day. This is how real masterpieces are born - exquisite views chocolate, designed to delight those who know a lot about products made from cocoa beans.