Burgundy meat recipe by Julia Vysotskaya. Beef Bourguignon: Boeuf Bourguignon from Julia Child and various bloggers (2)

This dish can be served at a holiday table, but after tasting it once, your family and friends will ask you to cook the meat in Burgundy style just like that, for no reason. After all, this is a very tasty and satisfying dish. It can be served with or without a side dish.

Ingredients for Burgundy meat. You will need 1 kg of beef, 100 g of bacon, a tablespoon of olive oil, one large carrot, large onion (1 piece), 200 g of champignons, 2 tbsp. spoons of flour, 500 ml of dry red wine, 50 g of tomato paste, 250 ml of broth, salt and ground black pepper (to taste), a teaspoon of mustard, rosemary, garlic.

Video tutorial on how to cook Boeuf Bourguignon

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The process of preparing meat in Burgundy style

Wash and dry the meat. It is better to do this with a paper towel, this way you will remove excess moisture after washing. Cut the meat into pieces. It is recommended to cut them the size of a matchbox, but this, of course, is a matter of taste. Some people like to cut the meat smaller. Place the pieces in an enamel bowl or pan, add coarsely chopped onions (in rings or half rings) and carrots, cut into slices. Salt the meat, add black pepper and rosemary, bay leaf, and pour dry wine. If desired, you can add a little cognac.

Turn the meat over and leave to marinate. When enough time has passed (at least 3-4 hours), fry it over high heat until golden brown, using olive oil for frying. Leave the vegetables that were marinated with the meat for now. Their time has not yet come. While frying, lightly sprinkle the meat with flour to create a crispy crust.

Take a deep roasting pan or frying pan, or even better, a cauldron. Pour out the marinade that contained the meat, bring it to a boil, add pieces of fried meat, add chopped garlic and tomato paste. If there is not enough marinade, add broth. Simmer everything over low heat for about an hour.

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Cooking vegetables and mushrooms

Cut the bacon into strips, fry it in a frying pan, and place on a plate. Fry the vegetables from the wine marinade in the remaining bacon fat. Cut the champignons into slices.

Add the fried vegetables and bacon to the meat, simmer everything together for another 30 minutes. The Burgundy meat is ready. Serve it with coarsely chopped parsley, garnished with green onions. Do you want a side dish? Prepare boiled potatoes or rice.

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Another way

Beef will require 1.2 kg. By the way, you can use other meats - lean pork, chicken. Goose Burgundy is very tasty. You also need 250-500 g of champignons, 80-100 g of raw smoked brisket, a tablespoon of tomato paste, flour, dry red wine 350 ml, chicken broth 0.5 l, a clove of garlic, pearl onion sets (onion sets) - very small onions - 100 g, 3-4 large carrots, 30 g butter, bay leaf, salt and ground pepper to taste.

Many people love this Burgundy meat recipe for its speed of preparation. There is no need to pre-marinate the meat. Prepare both the first and second recipes to evaluate the taste. A dish from the same ingredients is prepared in different ways; meat prepared according to the first method differs in taste from meat prepared according to the second recipe. Or rather, it’s not even the meat that’s different, but the sauce, but it plays an important role in this dish.

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Step-by-step guide to quick cooking

  • Step one: prepare the mushrooms

They must be washed, peeled and fried in vegetable oil for 8-10 minutes until golden brown. Please note that there is no need to cut the mushrooms - they are fried whole.

  • Step two: fry the meat

Cut the meat into small pieces, add salt and pepper, and fry over high heat until golden brown. Do not put a lot of meat in the pan; it is better to fry in several batches for 2-3 minutes.

  • Step three: fry the bacon

Cut the smoked brisket into thin strips, fry until golden brown, add tomato paste and fry for another 2-3 minutes, remembering to stir so as not to burn. Add the flour and fry the brisket with the flour and tomato paste for 30 seconds.

  • Step four: prepare the gravy

Place the beef in a cauldron, pour in wine and broth, add chopped garlic and bay leaf, bring to a boil, stir. Cover with a lid and simmer for about an hour in the oven at 160 degrees.

  • Step five: add vegetables

Peel the onions and carrots, cut the carrots into thick circles, remove the cauldron from the oven, put the onions and carrots there, stir the dish and put it in the oven for another 1.5-2 hours if it is beef and for 1 hour if it is another meat. It should become very soft.

  • Step six: add mushrooms and season the dish

Fried champignons are added 15 minutes before the dish is ready. Add butter to the finished Burgundy meat and mix everything.

Serve the dish garnished with parsley.

Many will not agree that this method can be called fast - the meat is stewed for first an hour, and then another two. But while it's in the oven, you can calmly go about your business. Preparing the ingredients for stewing will take no more than half an hour. But in three hours you will receive amazing Burgundy-style meat, which you, your family, and your guests will definitely enjoy.

Beef Bourguignon is a traditional French dish. It is prepared from meat, which is cut into small pieces, and then lightly fried and stewed along with vegetables and mushrooms.

A distinctive feature of this lunch is that it is cooked in a thick, spicy wine sauce. For aroma and taste, at the end of the cooking process of the mentioned dish, grated cloves of garlic and herbs must be added to it.

Cooking technology

Beef Bourguignon, the recipe for which will be presented to your attention a little lower, is prepared in two stages. First, the meat product is thoroughly fried and then stewed for a long time. This double heat treatment is explained by the fact that the beef used can be quite tough, therefore, simple frying will not be enough to make it as soft as possible.

Beef Bourguignon can be prepared in many different ways. However, the traditional recipe is one that calls for unsulphated Burgundy wine. It is with this drink that the meat product will acquire the tenderness, aroma and taste that are inherent in this dish.

A little about traditions

How is beef Bourguignon prepared? The recipe for this dish is mysterious to many cooks. Not all housewives can make such a dinner. This fact is explained by the fact that over the years the method of its preparation has undergone many different changes.

To make beef Burgundy in a slow cooker or on the stove as tasty as possible, you should pay special attention to the correct frying of the meat ingredient and the process of preparing a thick wine sauce.

The mentioned French dish takes quite a long time to prepare (2.7-3 hours). It should also be said that there is no generally accepted recipe for this lunch. In this regard, the process of preparing meat in Burgundy should be approached differently.

Beef Bourguignon: recipe with photo of the dish

Despite its apparent simplicity, preparing such a French dish is quite difficult. Moreover, to make it as aromatic and tasty as possible, you need to purchase a fairly large set of ingredients. Which one, we will present right now.

The process of marinating meat

Beef Burgundy will be especially aromatic and tasty if the meat product is pre-marinated in red wine. To do this, place a chopped onion, slices of one carrot, dried thyme, bay leaves, ground black pepper, clove buds, dried basil and chopped leeks in a large saucepan. After this, fresh beef, pre-cut into large pieces (approximately 5x5x5 cm), is added to the ingredients.

Finally, all components are poured with Burgundy wine and sent to marinate in the refrigerator for 24 hours (a little less is possible).

Roasting a meat product

After the beef has marinated, carefully remove all pieces of meat from the wine and dry with paper towels. As for the remaining marinade, strain it through a colander and leave it aside. We will need this liquid to stew the beef on the stove.

After the described steps, place a deep saucepan on the stove and heat it up strongly over maximum heat. Then add a little butter and vegetable oil to the bowl.

Having previously marinated and dried meat placed in a frying pan, it is fried until a brownish crust forms on the surface of the product.

When the meat is browned, place it on a separate plate and leave it aside. After this, vegetable and butter are added to the pan again. Place onion rings and pieces of bacon in a bowl, fry them and remove from the stove.

Stewing a dish

Beef Bourguignon stew should be cooked in a deep saucepan. The previously prepared wine marinade is poured into it, and then leeks and carrots are added. Place the pan on the lowest heat and simmer the ingredients for about 5-8 minutes. After this, fried bacon and onions are added to them. After mixing the ingredients thoroughly, add wheat flour and fried beef to them.

After salting all the ingredients to taste and adding the necessary spices to them (if desired), cover them with a lid and simmer on the lowest heat for about 3 hours.

While the dish is cooked in the marinade, begin processing fresh mushrooms. Small champignons are cut into slices and fried in a frying pan with butter.

30 minutes before the beef Bourguignon is fully cooked, add fresh potato cubes, as well as dried parsley and mushrooms, if desired.

After mixing the ingredients with a large spoon, remove them from the heat and keep covered for half an hour. During this time, the dish will infuse, become more aromatic, rich and tasty.

How to serve it at the dinner table?

Many housewives do not understand what beef Bourguignon is. Is this the first or second course? Experts say that it is something in between.

Burgundy-style meat should be served in deep plates. The dish is distributed using a soup ladle and immediately presented to the guests. Additionally, lunch can be seasoned with fresh chopped herbs. It is also recommended to present it with a piece of white bread.

Cut the beef into large pieces, rub with salt and pepper, and roll in flour. Fry in a saucepan in hot oil in batches until brown. Place on a plate.

Tie thyme, peppercorns and bay leaves in a linen cloth. Peel and chop onions, carrots and garlic. Wash the tomatoes and cut into slices. Place onions, carrots and garlic in the pan where the meat was fried. Cook, stirring and scraping up meat juices, 10 minutes. Add tomatoes and cook for another 5 minutes.

Pour in half the wine and simmer for 10 minutes. Pour in 300 ml of water and the remaining wine.

Return the meat to the pan and add the bag of spices. Boil. Cover and place in an oven preheated to 160°C for 2 hours.

Prepare the side dish. Peel the onions, place them in boiling water for 7 minutes, then discard in a colander and let cool. Wash and dry the mushrooms. Cut the bacon into small pieces.

Heat some oil in a frying pan and add bacon. Cook until almost all the fat is rendered. Using a slotted spoon, transfer cracklings to paper towels. Add onions, mushrooms and diced bell peppers (optional) to the pan, add butter and cook until golden brown, 5–7 minutes. Season with salt, remove from heat. Place the finished meat from the pan onto a dish. Remove the spice bag from the sauce. Add cracklings, onions and mushrooms. Stir and bring to a boil. Pour the sauce over the meat and serve.

Boeuf Bourguignon by Julia Child
(from the blog "Culinary Creativity" - recipes by Eva Daren)

Boeuf bourguignon (French bœuf bourguignon - beef in Burgundy) is a traditional, but not widespread dish of French cuisine. It is prepared from stewed, lightly fried pieces of beef in a thick wine sauce on beef broth, seasoned with garlic, onions, carrots, and mushrooms.

On our trip to France II couldn’t pass up this wonderful recipe. Thanks to Julia Child for it.


1 kg of lean beef (next time I’ll take 2 kg, there’s a lot of delicious sauce left)

180 g bacon

2 carrots

10 shallots

750 ml dry red wine

500 ml beef broth (cooked on the bones)

2 tbsp. l. tomato paste

4 tbsp. l. flour

2 tsp. salt

2-3 sprigs of parsley

2 cloves garlic

2-3 sprigs of thyme

1 bay leaf

vegetable oil + a piece of butter



1. Cut the bacon into pieces. Heat a deep saucepan with 2 tbsp. vegetable oil and a piece of butter. Render the bacon fat for 4-5 minutes and place on a plate.

2. Wash the beef and dry it with a paper towel. Cut into pieces approximately the size of a small egg. Reheat the oil and fat until almost burning. Fry the meat in portions (it won’t all fit at once) until browned on all sides and set aside with the bacon.

3.Wash, peel, cut the carrots into small cubes, and peel the onions. We also fry them in boiling oil with fat. Place separately on a plate.

4.Return the meat and bacon to the saucepan, add salt and pepper, and stir. Then sprinkle with flour (2 tbsp) and mix.

5. Pour red wine, then add beef broth so that the meat is slightly covered with liquid.

6. Add tomato paste, garlic, crushed with a knife, a couple of thyme sprigs, parsley sprigs, bay leaf, carrots, onions and bacon. Bring the contents of the saucepan to a boil, then close the lid and simmer over low heat for 2.5-3 hours.

P.S. I held it for exactly 3 hours. The result is simply incredible sauce and tender meat.

You all know what movie you think about when you think about Julia Child. Of course it's "Julie and Julia" with the unrivaled Meryl Streep! This film is one of those that everyone who is interested in cooking needs to watch.


Cooking Boeuf Bourguignon
(together with Tatiana Ait)

Everyone who has ever watched the film “Julie and Julia” probably wanted to master the famous dish “Boeuf bourguignon” (Burgundy-style meat). Cooking happiness according to the recipe." It was Julia who brought fame to beef stewed in red wine; with her books and TV shows about food, the rise of “haute” cooking to the general public began.

In France, there are many variations of the preparation of bourguignon: initially it was a traditional peasant dish, which over time became part of the menu of famous restaurants. The main idea is that not the best beef is used, but good Burgundy wine is a must.

In Julia Child's first edition, published in 1961, the recipe for Boeuf Bourguignon took up 10 pages. In subsequent books, it is significantly reduced in description and simplified in the list of ingredients - by and large, all recipes have already been adapted to American cuisine, since the books were written taking into account the characteristics of the region and products that can be easily found in the store.

The reason to “conquer the gastronomic Everest” was a recent trip to Paris and a bottle of Bourgogne Rouge (Aegerter) 2011, which I uncorked and set off to experience all the delights of a rather complex dish in terms of the number of manipulations.

According to the recipe for 6-8 servings, I needed:

  • 170 gr. blanched bacon, pre-cut into 6*25mm pieces.
  • 2-3 tbsp. vegetable oil
  • salt and freshly ground pepper
  • 1.8 kg trimmed beef shoulder, cut into 5cm cubes.
  • 2 cups onion slices
  • 1 cup carrot slices
  • 1 bottle of red wine
  • (here Julia advises either “American Zinfandel” or “Italian Chianti”, in the original you need to use young Burgundy wine, which is what I did)
  • 2 cups beef broth, homemade or concentrated.
  • 1 cup chopped tomatoes, fresh or canned.
  • 1 medium bouquet of herbs (I use Bouquet garni) - a classic French mixture of dry fragrant herbs, with a characteristic spicy aroma, which necessarily includes thyme, bay leaf and parsley.
  • Beurre manie is a thick French custard sauce. To prepare it, I needed 3 tbsp flour and 2 tbsp. softened butter, whipped until smooth.
  • Garnish: 24 small white onions and 3 cups quartered mushrooms (the original uses champignons).

According to basic measures of volume and weight, 1 cup is 230 grams. We clean and cut all the vegetables in advance and blanch the bacon. Dry the meat on a paper napkin and fry in a hot frying pan until golden brown with a little vegetable oil. Place the meat and bacon in a deep saucepan. After browning the carrots and onions in the same frying pan, add them to the meat. Glaze the pan with wine and pour its contents into the pan along with the broth so that the meat is completely covered with liquid. We also send there a bouquet of garni and tomatoes, as well as two cloves of garlic, crushed with a knife according to the French version of the recipe (Julia does not have this product). Next, put the pan on the stove or in the oven, cover with a lid and simmer until the meat is completely cooked, about 2 hours 30 minutes (to check, try a piece).

Pour the contents of the pan into a colander placed over the saucepan and place the pieces of meat back into the pan. And here again a catch awaits us in the recipe! According to it, we need to squeeze the remaining grounds into a saucepan, that is, carrots and bacon are completely absent from the dish, although in the original French recipe these two ingredients are present when serving. It turns out that everything is simple - the French have a very negative attitude towards overcooked foods, and that is why we send the first cup to boil in the first half of cooking, and use the second as part of the “decoration”.

So, in the modified - “modified” - version, we put the pieces of meat and bacon back into the pan. Squeeze the juices from the remaining grounds, skim off the fat and boil the liquid in a saucepan to a volume of three cups. Remove from the heat and whisk into the beurre magnière, whisking it with quick movements, and place the resulting sauce on low heat for 2 minutes, stirring constantly until it thickens slightly. Add salt and pepper to taste and pour the sauce over the meat. We also send champignons and carrots pre-fried until golden brown. Then, over low heat or in the oven at 170 degrees, bring the vegetables until soft (this is about another 20 minutes), add small onions, pouring sauce over them so that they warm up thoroughly and... that’s it! Boeuf bourguignon is ready!

Some of my personal tips when preparing this dish. In some recipes, there are recommendations to pre-marinate meat in wine for up to 8 hours, which should never be done. Red wine contains tannin (tannic acid), which is very beneficial for the human body, but plays a cruel joke on raw meat, turning it into a tough fibrous mass. It is better to marinate meat with white wines, which are completely free of tannin.

When frying meat, it is better to use a deep frying pan, which should be thoroughly heated over high heat, placing a few pieces at a time in a small amount of oil. If, when bringing the meat to a golden crust, juice begins to emerge from it, then you will subsequently receive a dry stew. The idea is for the meat to be firm on the outside while still being tender on the inside.

By following these simple rules, I got a dish that was excellent in its combination of beef and wine.

And if you ever happen to visit France, do not miss the opportunity to try the most delicious Boeuf Bourguignon. To do this, you don’t have to look for a pretentious place marked with a Michelin star; just book a table in advance at the Joséphine family restaurant “Chez Dumonet”, located in the sixth arrondissement of Paris. And sitting at a table right on the rue Cherche-Midi or in a cozy little room, remembering Julia, who sang the praises of Boeuf Bourguignon, don’t forget to wish yourself Bon Appétit!


(From the culinary blog "Delicious Recipes of the World")

Beef Bourguignon or boeuf bourguignon - every cook knows about the existence of this dish, but few dare to repeat Julia Child's legendary recipe. Daniela invited her friend for this purpose. Together they accomplished this culinary feat and now regret the lost years - after all, they could have started preparing boeuf bourguignon much earlier. Boeuf bourguignon differs from other meat stew recipes in its deep and rich taste. The meat becomes like game, and each component has its own special taste.

In fact, there is nothing complicated in the recipe, you just need to have enough time, and you need a friend not so much for help, but for a pleasant conversation to brighten up the wait. And it’s more interesting to enjoy the taste of boeuf bourguignon in the company of like-minded people.

Ingredients for boeuf bourguignon

  • 150-170 g bacon,
  • 3-4 tbsp. olive oil,
  • 1.5 kg lean beef, cut into 2.5-3 cm cubes,
  • 1 onion,
  • 2 carrots,
  • salt, pepper to taste,
  • 2 tbsp. flour,
  • 3-4 glasses of red wine,
  • 2-3 cups beef broth,
  • 1 tbsp. tomato paste,
  • 3 cloves of garlic,
  • 4 sprigs dried marjoram,
  • 1 tsp thyme,
  • 25 shallots,
  • 4 tbsp. butter,
  • Bouquet garni - parsley, bay leaf, thyme,
  • 400-500 g of fresh porcini mushrooms,
  • 1-2 tbsp. beurre manier - a dough made from equal parts flour and butter to thicken the sauce.

Boeuf Bourguignon recipe

Preheat the oven to 230ºC. Dry the beef thoroughly with paper towels.

Cut the bacon into thin ribbons, and then into 1.5-2 cm pieces. In a heatproof frying pan, fry the bacon in olive oil over medium heat for 2-3 minutes, place on a plate.

In the same fat over high heat, fry the meat until golden brown on all sides.

Fry the meat in small portions and add to the bacon.

Then fry the coarsely chopped carrots and luak rings, transfer to a plate, drain off excess fat.

Place the bacon and beef in the pan, lightly salt and pepper, sprinkle with flour and mix thoroughly.

Place the pan in the preheated oven for 4 minutes, stir and return for another 4 minutes - this will create a crust on the surface of the meat. Reduce oven temperature to 160ºC.

Add fried vegetables to the meat, pour in wine and broth until the liquid completely covers the meat. Add tomato paste, crushed garlic, herbs. Bring to a boil on the stove, cover and place in the oven for 3-4 hours.

While the meat is cooking, prepare the sauce. Heat 2 tbsp in a frying pan. butter and olive oil and fry whole shallots until brown. Transfer the onion to a plate and fry the coarsely chopped mushrooms. Return the onion to the pan, pour in a little broth, add salt, pepper, add a bouquet garni, cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes.

Pour the sauce into the main dish 45 minutes before cooking. Stir the beurre manier into the finished dish and leave covered for a few more minutes.

Boeuf bourguignon can be served directly in the frying pan and placed on plates with boiled potatoes, generously pouring over the thick sauce. As a side dish, fresh herbs and vegetables are required, for example, blanched green peas.

  • 1 kg of beef (shoulder or neck);
  • ¼ cup olive oil;
  • 2 medium onions;
  • 2 tablespoons flour;
  • 3–4 small carrots;
  • 1 glass of dry red wine;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • Bay leaf;
  • parsley stems;
  • fresh thyme.


For this recipe, you can even use stringy meat: in any case, after two hours of stewing, it will become soft.

Cut the beef into approximately 4-5 cm cubes and season with salt and pepper.

Heat some oil in a frying pan over high heat and quickly fry the meat until browned on all sides. The beef should be fried in portions so that the pieces have time to brown, and do not release juice and begin to stew ahead of time.

Place the fried meat in a separate bowl, and place the onion cut into half rings into the frying pan. Reduce heat and fry for about 5 minutes. Sprinkle flour on the onion, stir and pour in a glass of dry red wine.

Return the meat back to the pan. Send carrot cubes there along with garlic, salt and pepper. Stir.

For flavor, the so-called bouquet garni is added to the meat - a bunch of fresh herbs tightly tied with cotton thread. Here we have collected several stems of parsley with three sprigs of thyme. Separately, add a couple more bay leaves to the dish.

After adding the herbs to the base of the dish, pour water over everything to cover the meat (the ratio of beef to water should be approximately 2:3).

After boiling, reduce the heat, cover with a lid and simmer the beef Bourguignon for two hours.

The dish should be stirred approximately every 15–20 minutes, paying particular attention to the process towards the end of cooking. At the same time, collect any foam and fat that forms from the surface.

Remove the aromatic bouquet and laurel leaves from the finished dish. Serve sprinkled with herbs, with bread or any side dish.