Is it possible to freeze strawberries for the winter? Pleasure all year round: how to freeze strawberries with sugar

It is better to take strawberries for freezing only that are freshly picked, not crushed, not limp or overripe. The berries should be dry and literally “rattling” when poured into a pile.

Strawberries should not have stalks. If there are any, remove them.

Since strawberries grow close to the ground, they may be covered in sand, soil, dust and other dirt. Therefore, you need to wash it very well, but at the same time do everything as carefully as possible.

Fill a large wide bowl, pan or other container with cold water. Immerse strawberries in it. All leaves, debris, twigs should float to the surface, and dirt and sand should settle to the bottom.

Change the water in the pan or bowl several times, carefully picking the berries with your fingers. Do not wash the berries in your palms; they are easily damaged.

Now you need to catch the strawberries from the water and let the water drain. Do not pour the entire volume of strawberries into a sieve or colander. The weight may crush the lower berries. It is better to do this in parts, in several steps.

Collect the berries in a small strainer (just use it to scoop the strawberries directly from the water), shake off the excess water to drain, and transfer to a clean towel.

To ensure that moisture is absorbed into the fabric as quickly as possible, it is better to lay out 2 towels or make several layers of paper towels. Arrange the berries so that there is sufficient distance between them - this way they will dry faster.

If, while washing and laying the berries on a towel, you come across crushed, deformed or overripe berries, put them on a separate plate. They can also be frozen, but separately and in a different form.

Place the dried strawberries on a cutting board or flat tray in the freezer so that they do not touch each other. To prevent the surface from becoming stained by the berries, first cover it with cling film.

Freeze the strawberries in the freezer for 1.5-2 hours at -18 degrees or below.

Transfer frozen berries to a plastic container or thick plastic bag. It is better to pack strawberries with a spoon or a plastic scoop, rather than with your hands, so that the delicate berries do not thaw from the warmth of your hands.

Close the container with strawberries tightly and release the air from the bag as best as possible. Sign the label indicating the shelf life is 12 months.

Whole strawberries can be added to baked goods (for example, in or in), without first defrosting them.

Strawberries can be frozen not only in the form of whole berries, but also in the form of puree.

Take the previously crushed and overripe berries (you can also take good whole berries if you want to freeze strawberries only in the form of puree), place them in a blender bowl and puree until smooth.

If desired, you can add sugar to the strawberry puree to taste (in this case, it is advisable to indicate this on the label).

It is convenient to freeze strawberry puree in ice cube trays. Just fill them and put them in the freezer for 2-3 hours.

Strawberry puree can be frozen in larger quantities. In this case, use plastic cups or silicone muffin tins.

Fragrant, tender, sweet strawberry. It has long gained popularity in our latitudes for its excellent taste and beneficial properties. A handful of fragrant berries in your mouth is an unforgettable experience. Its healing properties are known to many, so experienced experts try to use strawberries for many ailments.

And the ability to freeze food in freezers expands the possibilities of their use. Now summer joys are available in any season. You can pick strawberries in the summer and freeze them for future use - diversify and enrich your menu, and continue to replenish your body with vitamins and nutrients for a long period of time. After all, wild strawberries are a multivitamin that absorbs the sun's rays, warm summer rains and all the benefits from the earth, a remedy incomparable to pharmaceutical drugs.

When properly processed and frozen, strawberries retain all their beneficial properties. Its composition is enriched with many vitamins and biochemical elements, allowing the berries to be used for their intended purpose in order to obtain good prevention and healing from numerous ailments.

Frozen strawberries - composition, benefits

1. Easily digestible sugars - glucose and fructose;

2. Organic acids – citric, malic, salicylic, quinic;

3. Essential oils;

4. Micro- and macroelements: iron, calcium, copper, cobalt, manganese, potassium, phosphorus;

5. Vitamin C;

6. Vitamin B1, B2;

7. Vitamin PP;

8. Carotene;

9. Folic acid;

10. Pectin substances.

Environmentally friendly and mega-healthy strawberries have long been widely used in folk medicine. Its merits are difficult to overestimate. It can be used either fresh or frozen after defrosting.


1. Strawberries are good for the cardiovascular system, increase the performance of the heart and its endurance;

3. For the prevention of atherosclerosis;

4. Removes cholesterol from the body;

5. A good remedy for improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, increases appetite, improves digestion;

6. Has a beneficial effect on stomach and duodenal ulcers;

7. Normalizes stool;

8. Used for hemorrhoids;

9. For colitis and gastritis;

10. Strawberries are an effective remedy for inflammatory diseases of the biliary tract;

11. Beneficial effect on the thyroid gland;

12. Normalizes kidney function;

13. Excellent diuretic;

14. These berries are useful for salt metabolism disorders, cystitis, gout, uric acid diathesis;

15. Used for anemia;

16. For joint diseases;

17. To normalize the functioning of the spleen;

18. For diabetes;

19. To improve metabolism.

Many books have been written about the great benefits of strawberries. People who have received healing from many diseases by regularly eating the berry share their experiences and recipes. Such literature can be used by anyone who experiences any ailments. But you need to take into account the characteristics of your body and first consult a doctor.

Strawberries have also found their use in cosmetology; masks made from this berry have a very noticeable effect on the skin. Refreshes, whitens and nourishes. In winter, such procedures using defrosted berries are just right for tired skin.

Why are frozen strawberries bitter?

Even fresh strawberries have a sweet and bitter taste. Why, what is the reason, how to freeze it so it doesn’t taste bitter? It turns out that bitterness is contained in tiny grains inside the berries. Berries that grow in pine forests also have a much more bitter taste. It is best to freeze strawberries with berry puree and sugar if it tastes bitter.

Possible contraindications when eating berries

Strawberries are a plant allergen. Since there may be individual intolerance, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Strawberries are usually eaten fresh, since they are many times more aromatic and tastier in their original form than in preserves, jellies, or any other processing. However, if you have a lot of strawberries and want to stock up on a natural source of vitamins for the winter, then it is best to puree them with sugar and freeze them. In such a berry, both beneficial and taste qualities will be fully preserved.

Fresh strawberries bring a lot of benefits to the body - improves digestion, has a diuretic and diaphoretic effect, quenches thirst and normalizes salt metabolism in the body. And strawberries ground with sugar and frozen allow you to retain up to 99% of all their beneficial properties. In addition, when defrosted, such a berry does not become cottony and is not as unsweetened as a whole one.

Strawberries lose some of their sweetness when frozen. To ensure that the berries are sweet and tasty when defrosted, they can be frozen with sugar.

How to freeze whole strawberries with and without sugar

Freezing strawberries in a bag without sugar

In this case, it will be most convenient to freeze strawberries on flat trays and then transfer them to plastic bags or plastic containers. It is necessary that there is enough free space in the container in which the strawberries will be stored, otherwise you risk getting an ice lump.

Delicious frozen strawberries with whole berries for the winter with sugar

Yes, strawberries will give a little juice during the freezing process, but when you defrost them in winter, the taste and shape of the berries will remain the same as before freezing - fresh and bright.

To freeze strawberries with sugar, you need to take approximately 300 g of fine granulated sugar per 1 kilogram of berries. If you find coarse sugar, it is better to grind it into powder. Place the prepared strawberries (without sepals) quite tightly in a plastic container, sprinkling each layer with sugar. Place in a cool, dark place for 2-3 hours until the strawberries release juice. Then transfer the container with the berries to the freezer.

How to Freeze Bottled Strawberries with Sugar

Another way is to freeze strawberry puree. To do this, crush the prepared dry and peeled strawberries; you can quickly puree them with a blender. Pour into a plastic container or bottle (this way it will take up much less space) and put it in the freezer. If there is not enough space in the freezer, then 2-3 days after freezing the strawberries can be removed from the container and wrapped in cling film. This method works well for “weak” strawberries.

You can immediately cover the strawberries with sugar at the rate of 300 g per 1 kg of berries, or you can add it in the winter after defrosting the strawberry puree.

Strawberries prepared in this way can be used for a variety of dishes: ice cream, berry smoothies, sauce, homemade curd mixtures, jelly and much more. You can even use it simply as an independent dessert made from fresh strawberries.

Natural strawberry puree can be used to flavor pancakes, porridges, make homemade fruit yogurt, and you can also make compote from it.

This is useful to know:

Summer with an abundance of berries and fruits does not last forever. You can extend it, for example, by freezing them for the winter. It would seem that freezing strawberries or wild strawberries at home is so difficult? But there are a lot of nuances in this matter. We will tell you how to properly freeze these delicate berries in this material.

Selection of berries and their preparation

  • Many recipes for freezing strawberries begin with instructions to wash them thoroughly and remove the sepals. But this is not true. The secret of this berry is that you should not wash it before freezing. Therefore, you need to choose only perfect berries, without any flaws.
  • The tails cannot be torn off from them either, otherwise the integrity of the berry will be damaged and moisture and air will penetrate inside it. This will prevent its long-term storage.
  • Fresh, just picked berries are best stored. They should not be too ripe and soft, otherwise they will lose their shape when defrosted.
  • Berries of late varieties have less moisture than early fruits.
  • If you can’t do without washing the strawberries, then you should turn to the secret of Italian chefs. They rinse the berries with white wine and dry them thoroughly.

The benefits of frozen strawberries

If you freeze and defrost the miracle berry correctly, it does not lose its beneficial properties. What are frozen strawberries rich in?

  1. The amount of vitamin C in it can be compared to lemon or black currant. For example, there is as much of it in five berries as in one orange.
  2. Folic acid, which is necessary for expectant mothers and those planning a pregnancy.
  3. It contains a lot of pectins, which help digestion, as well as antioxidants and fiber, which rid the body of toxins.
  4. Minerals and trace elements - magnesium, iodine, potassium, copper and others.
  5. Omega-3 fatty acids, which are necessary for the full development of the child, prevent inflammation, regulate hormonal balance and much more.

Strawberry freezing technology

There are several options for freezing strawberries for the winter. The simplest way is as follows:

  1. The berries are placed in ziplock bags or regular bags that need to be tightly tied.
  2. The packages are placed in rectangular trays and frozen that way.
  3. Then they are put in the freezer without trays.

How to freeze strawberries for the winter (video)

In this case, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • Considering that thawed berries cannot be re-frozen, you need to freeze them in small portions;
  • It is better to first place the strawberries in the freezer on a flat surface, let them freeze a little, and then put them in a bag and tray.

Another freezing method is as follows:

  1. Whole, unwashed strawberries are peeled from the stems and dipped in powdered sugar.
  2. Place it in layers in a container, sprinkling each layer with powder.
  3. The container is placed in the freezer. It is important that the strawberries do not have time to release juice.

Method number 3:

  1. The washed and peeled berries are crushed in a blender.
  2. Sugar is added to this mass and everything is mixed.
  3. The berry puree is placed in plastic containers, covered with lids and frozen.
  4. An economical variation of this method is to put the strawberry mixture into plastic cups, which, after freezing, are placed in bags.

Storage and defrosting rules

If they were frozen quickly and correctly, then they can be stored in the freezer for up to 9 months without loss of properties and taste. At a temperature of -15, the berries are stored for no more than six months. And if the temperature is at least three degrees higher, then no more than 3 months. In this case, the packages should lie freely, and not in several layers.

Recipes and uses

Pie in a slow cooker

A set of products: one and a half glasses of flour, half a glass of sugar, a packet of baking powder, lemon zest, 2 eggs, half a glass of sweet yogurt, a glass of strawberries.

Cooking sequence:

  • mix flour, sugar and baking powder;
  • pour yogurt, 3 tablespoons of sunflower oil, lemon zest into them;
  • beat the eggs and also add to the dough;
  • Place the berries last, mix everything carefully;
  • Bake in a multicooker at the “baking” mode for 1 hour, and in the oven at 180 degrees for 45 minutes.

Ice cream with strawberries, or sorbet

You can do it like this:

  • mix the zest of 2 lemons and an orange with a glass of sugar and half a glass of water, cook until thickened for 10 minutes and cool;
  • squeeze juice from citrus fruits;
  • mix it with a kilogram of strawberries and syrup, pass everything through a blender;
  • transfer the dessert into containers and place in the freezer;
  • defrost as needed, 30 minutes.

Strawberry smoothie

Half a glass of frozen strawberries, a glass of fruit yogurt, a third of a glass of orange juice are mixed in a blender. The drink is served in a glass with a straw, decorated with a strawberry. You can replace the yogurt with a glass of cold milk and add a banana and a little cinnamon instead of orange juice.

Frozen strawberry jelly

For it you need: 3 glasses of water, half a kilogram of berries, half a glass of sugar and a heaped spoon of gelatin. It is diluted in a glass of ice water and left for 2 hours. Then heat it in a water bath, avoiding boiling. The defrosted berries are crushed, the juice is separated, and the puree, filled with water, is boiled with sugar for about 10 minutes. The juice and dissolved gelatin are poured into the cooled puree, mixed and poured into silicone molds. You can put a couple of berries at the bottom. The dessert is placed in the refrigerator until thickened.

Housewives reviews

Many people like to make desserts from frozen strawberries. Both children and adults eat them with pleasure. But, according to women’s reviews, these berries can also be used to make useful and inexpensive cosmetics:

  1. Mask for dry skin. For it you need to beat a handful of strawberries with a teaspoon of honey and sour cream. Apply the product to your face for 15 minutes, then rinse off.
  2. Mask for refreshing facial skin. Puree of berries whipped in a blender is applied with gauze to the face for 15 minutes.
  3. Strawberry scrub. Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil and a spoonful of honey to the chopped berries (half a glass). Rub the product into the skin on your face for about five minutes and then rinse off.

Freezing strawberries: the easiest way (video)

Can frozen strawberries be used in the same way as fresh ones? Of course, it is no worse than fresh berries. There are just as many benefits from it. But all this is provided that the freezing of the berries was quick, the storage was correct, and the defrosting was gradual.

How to properly freeze strawberries? A similar question is often asked by zealous housewives who want to pamper themselves and their family with tasty and healthy berries not only in season, but also in the colder season. Information of this kind is quite important, because improperly organized storage can lead not only to a deterioration in taste characteristics, but also to a decrease in the amount of vitamins and minerals in the product.

What are the benefits of strawberries?

Of course, knowing how to freeze strawberries at home is very important, but you also need to understand why this should be done, that is, how can the berry be useful?

First of all, it should be noted that berries are low in calories, mostly consist of water and contain almost no fat. But they contain glucose, fructose, healthy peptins, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and other useful minerals. In addition, strawberries contain numerous acids, such as oxalic, malic, and ascorbic.

Before moving on to specific recipes on how to properly freeze strawberries, let's talk about the general principles of collecting and preparing berries for further storage. The main useful postulates for this process are as follows:

Recipe 1: freeze whole

What's the best way to freeze whole strawberries? This recipe is one of the simplest. To begin, select and clean the berries, wash them if necessary, and then dry them completely. Then prepare the container for initial storage. For these purposes, even an ordinary tray will do, on top of which a clean cling film is placed, on which the berries are stored in one layer. Then the improvised container is placed in the freezer for a couple of hours, until the berries become firmer.

The next step in how to freeze strawberries at home is to place the berries in clean bags (made of cellophane) and place them in the freezer on a permanent basis. Please note that the preparatory stage described above is very important, without it the berries will simply stick together in the bag into a sticky mess.

Recipe 2: Strawberry puree

When answering the question of how best to freeze strawberries, it is necessary to take into account the final goals for which the preparations are made. If you plan to use the berries for further preparation of purees, yoghurts, smoothies or even ice cream, then the following solution will suit you perfectly.

So, strawberries can be crushed until smooth. To do this, it is necessary to select large ripe berries without damage, wash them thoroughly, and, if necessary, remove the sepals and tails. Then the strawberries are dried and sent to a blender. In addition to berries, you should add sugar to the bowl of the device. Each housewife determines its quantity according to her own taste, but in most cases, about 300 grams of sand are taken per 1 kilogram of raw materials.

A small but important tip: after you have beaten the berries to a puree, the resulting mass can be rubbed through a sieve, in which case you can get rid of small soft seeds. However, such an action is not mandatory. Divide the strawberries into the prepared clean molds and place them in the freezer.

Recipe 3: berries with granulated sugar

In the article above you can find a recipe on how to prepare strawberries pureed with sugar. Frozen berries can be stored for the winter with granulated sugar and an even simpler method. This recipe requires only fresh and unripe strawberries, without rot or other external damage. It should be placed in a clean container, sprinkled with sugar on top (in the ratio of 1 kilogram - 200 grams), and then close the selected container with a tight lid. They still place it in the freezer.

Recipe 4: berries with syrup

The answers to the question of how to properly freeze strawberries can be not only standard, but also very unusual. So, if you want to make the preparation for a short period of time (up to 6 months), try implementing the recipe with syrup. To do this you will need:

  • select large ripe berries, wash and dry them thoroughly;
  • place the selected raw materials in a plastic, pre-prepared container;
  • prepare sugar syrup from boiled water and sand (4 to 1);
  • pour the syrup into the container with the berries.

Recipe 5: berries on ice

How to freeze strawberries in the refrigerator for cosmetic purposes or for making drinks? The simplest advice is ice with berries. To do this, you will need to purchase ordinary containers for freezing water, in each of which, in addition to boiled liquid, you will need to put one clean and appetizing strawberry. The containers are then placed in the freezer and used over the next few months. They can be added to alcoholic cocktails, juices, and lemonades. In addition, these ice cubes are very useful for refreshing your facial skin on a hot day.

Now you know how to properly freeze strawberries. By strictly following all the rules and recommendations specified in a specific recipe, you can count on excellent results, preserving the taste and aroma of these wonderful gifts of summer.