Cook turkey pork in the oven. Homemade turkey roast for Easter

Which cut of meat is best for this dish? The one without bones. Most recipes for such boiled pork suggest using pork. But if you have older eaters in your family for whom this meat is not always healthy, or if you generally prefer “lighter” meat, then turkey would be a great option. You can prepare marinade for boiled pork with different types of mustard, Provençal herbs, hot sauces such as adjika, etc. There are many ways and each time the flavor accents are different. So there is always a choice. For example, someone cannot imagine boiled pork without carrots or cloves of garlic. These ingredients decorate the dish and give it special notes. But today we will try to experiment without garlic, even though it is in the photo. However, you will still learn how to use garlic for boiled pork from this recipe.

Ingredients for marinade per kilogram of turkey:

  • water – 1 liter;
  • bay leaf – 4;
  • salt – 4 tsp;
  • a heaped teaspoon each of curry, coriander, paprika, two types of peppers (allspice and black).

Cooking process

Put the water on the fire. Mix all the seasonings and spices.

Throw the seasonings and bay leaf into boiling water and stir well.

Then leave the marinade to cool. To make this happen faster, you can pour it into a pre-chilled container.

Now we take the washed meat and tie it several times with folded threads (or string). This must be done so that the turkey meat does not disintegrate during all processes, because it has a delicate texture.

The dish in which the turkey will be marinated must be covered with cling film. It is better to keep the meat in the marinade longer, ideally 12 hours. But if you can’t wait, then at least 5-6 hours.

If you want to use garlic, That
Before placing the bird in the oven, do the following:

  • peel and cut the garlic cloves in half;
  • Make slits in the meat and insert the garlic into them.

Since we have a small piece of meat, we will not stew it on a baking sheet, but will use heat-resistant dishes. Be sure to pour a little water on its bottom, otherwise the baking sleeve will have to be torn off later.

So, the dishes are ready, the oven is hot (190 degrees). Place the turkey along with the bay leaves from the marinade in a baking pan. We close it on both sides so that it does not stretch to the limit in the oven, but can rise freely.

One hour is enough to cook in the oven, during which time the turkey should be well baked. We take it out, cut the sleeve in the middle, turn it inside out so that the meat can brown under the grill and, in fact, put it under the grill for 10 minutes.

However, you should not expect that turkey boiled pork will be covered with such a beautiful crust as pork, because it does not have such fat.

Now let’s take the boiled pork out of the sleeve, transfer it to a more convenient container along with the resulting sauce, which will then turn into the most delicate jelly in the refrigerator.

The aromas during cooking will haunt your family or guests. And as soon as you take the meat out of the oven, everyone will immediately begin to demand immediate tasting :) By the way, such juicy meat tastes great not only hot, but also warm and cold. It can be served with side dishes and vegetables, it can be used to make sandwiches, or you can simply eat it in pieces while standing by the refrigerator at night :) So, try it!

Step 1: prepare the brine.

In order to bake meat, first of all you need to soak it in brine so that it turns out juicy and very tasty. Therefore, pour into a deep saucepan 1 liter regular cold water and pour it out 4 tablespoons salt. Mix everything well until a homogeneous liquid without salty sediment is formed.

Step 2: Prepare the turkey breast.

Wash the turkey breast thoroughly under running water and place on a cutting board. Using a knife, we clean the meat from veins, film and fat.

Now carefully place the main component in a pan with the solution and leave to infuse for 2 – 3 hours. After the allotted time, drain the liquid and rinse the brisket well under running water. Then wipe it dry with kitchen paper towels and place in a medium bowl.

Step 3: prepare the garlic.

Using a knife, peel the garlic and then rinse lightly under running water. Place the cloves on a cutting board and cut lengthwise into pieces. Transfer the crushed component to a free saucer.

Step 4: Prepare the marinating paste.

Pour ground black pepper, paprika, coriander seeds, ground basil, oregano, ground red pepper into a deep bowl to taste, and also add vegetable oil and mustard. Using a tablespoon, thoroughly mix all ingredients until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Step 5: Marinate the turkey breast.

Place the turkey breast back on the cutting board and use the tip of a knife to make cuts deep into the meat. no more than 2 - 3 centimeters. Now we stuff the component with garlic and then coat it with paste on all sides. Place the breast back into the bowl, cover with the pan lid and place in the refrigerator to marinate for a day.

Step 6: prepare turkey pork in foil.

When the turkey breast is well marinated, remove it from the refrigerator and place it on the center of a long piece of food foil. We wrap the meat so that no air gets inside and later we can carefully unfold the dish, which will be baked without foil. Now we place everything on a baking sheet and put the boiled pork to cook in the oven, which is well preheated to temperature 250 °C. Bake the meat for 35 minutes.

In 10 minutes Before it’s ready, use oven mitts to take out the baking sheet and carefully unwrap the foil with a fork. This must be done so that the brisket is covered with a golden crust. Place the container back in the oven and continue cooking the dish until the allotted time is up. After this, turn off the oven, do not open its door, but leave the boiled pork there to cool to room temperature.

Step 7: Serve turkey roast in foil.

Using kitchen tongs, transfer the turkey pork to a special flat plate, use a knife to cut it into portions and serve it at the dinner table.

This meat goes well with side dishes such as buckwheat porridge, mashed potatoes, stewed rice, and is also used to make sandwiches with the addition of fresh vegetables and lettuce.
Enjoy your meal!

You shouldn’t bake the turkey breast any longer to prevent the meat from becoming dry;

To marinate the turkey, you can prepare a paste with the addition of spices to your taste;

Before baking boiled pork, you need to preheat the oven very well. To do this, you can turn the heat to maximum for 20 minutes, and then reduce the temperature to 250 °C, as stated in the recipe.

Don’t know how to decorate the festive table and please your guests with an exquisite dish? Turkey boiled pork in the oven is the very dish that turns out incredibly tasty, aromatic, piquant and desirable.

How to cook: ingredients, available tools

It is most common to cook boiled pork from pork or beef, but it is no less tasty from turkey meat.

Of course, it would be easier to buy ready-made cuts in the supermarket and serve. But homemade boiled turkey fillet in the oven turns out much tastier, more tender, and most importantly, without dyes, flavor enhancers and other chemicals that are so harmful to the body.

Choose a piece of meat especially carefully: it should be an even light pink color, without unpleasant odors, veins or bones.

You can make this delicious, magnificent treat in foil or a sleeve, or bake it in a piece without wrapping it in any materials.

If you like piquant, hot and spicy dishes, then don’t skimp on spices, but you shouldn’t overdo it either, everything should be in moderation. The most common spices used for marinating turkey are basil, oregano, chili pepper, ground red pepper, black pepper, and garlic.

Tender turkey with a golden-brown crust “for a sandwich.”

The classic way to cook turkey pork in the oven in foil is a step-by-step recipe. By following the instructions, you will receive a magnificent dish that will win the hearts of the most sophisticated gourmets and meat lovers. For preparation you need the following ingredients:

  • Turkey fillet – 1300-1500 gr.;
  • Olive oil – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Salt – 2-3 tbsp. spoons (according to your taste preferences);
  • Garlic – 3 cloves;
  • Spices: oregano, coriander, mustard, basil, paprika, ground red pepper,

Rinse the poultry fillet thoroughly, remove films, fat, and veins using a sharp knife. In a deep bowl that will fit the entire piece of meat you purchased, dilute water with salt, immerse the turkey in it, and put it in the refrigerator overnight.

If you do not have a lot of free time, then you can marinate the meat for 3-4 hours, this will be quite enough. But the longer it simmers in brine, the softer and more tender it will be.

Peel the garlic cloves and divide each into quarters.

The next day, remove the fillet from the brine, make several cuts in different parts of the piece, and stuff it with pieces of garlic.

Combine the spices listed in the recipe in a small bowl with olive oil, thoroughly rub the resulting mixture onto the meat on all sides. Wrap the workpiece in foil and place it on a baking sheet. Wrap the meat so that no air gets inside.

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees, place the baking sheet with the preparation on the middle shelf without opening the door, bake the dish for about 40 minutes, then reduce the temperature to 50 o C, simmer the turkey for about 2 more hours.

Now you know a great recipe for turkey roast in the oven, bon appetit!

To make the cooking process more understandable, we recommend watching a video that shows the baking technology in detail.

It is prepared similarly to a classic dish of Russian cuisine. Traditionally, a large piece of pork meat is baked, rubbed with a mixture of salt and spices. In the dietary version, we will replace pork with dietary turkey. Turkey meat is more tender, soft, and less calorie than pork. You can often find a stated recipe for preparing a turkey boiled pork dish with preliminary soaking of a piece of meat in a salty solution or marinade. Let's correct the existing misconception: this is how another delicious dish is prepared - turkey pasta. Turkey boiled pork is prepared without pre-soaking; the piece of meat is rubbed with a mixture of salt and spices, then baked in the oven or in the oven. We've sorted out the definitions. Let's get down to the specifics of cooking.

The dietary interpretation of the dish gives preference to lean poultry breast fillet, cleared of skin, fat, and veins. Turkey fillet, freed from the skin and fat layer, lacks the natural fat protection that prevents the meat juice from evaporating during cooking. To preserve the juiciness of the dietary dish, the prepared piece of turkey is wrapped in food foil, which acts as a protective shell. Baked turkey pork in foil in the oven, air fryer or slow cooker. It is more convenient to use an oven or air fryer. Food foil can be replaced with a baking sleeve. Before baking, the meat is rubbed with a mixture of salt and spices and stuffed with cloves of garlic. Salt the turkey fillet carefully. Turkey meat is salty due to its high sodium content. Spices are selected to taste, individually. My flavor set includes ground red chili pepper, black pepper, coriander grains (cilantro), cumin seeds. Turkey fillet baked in foil turns out soft, juicy and healthy. The meat is prepared without fat, maintaining valuable dietary properties.

Turkey meat is characterized by a natural saltiness due to the high content of sodium compounds. Therefore, the turkey should be slightly salted, given that spices enhance the feeling of salt.

The New Year and Christmas holidays are approaching. In many Western countries, a whole turkey is roasted for Christmas. For Russia, this dish is not traditional. Russian cuisine suggests cooking Christmas goose with apples. Not a dietary dish at all. It’s tasty, simple and healthy to bake turkey fillet according to my recipe.

Turkey boiled pork is a delicious dish for Christmas.

Our dietary answer to the West's fatty Christmas turkey)

The photo shows turkey roast baked in the oven. For an air fryer, the cooking method differs in the cooking mode. The dish is served cooled, cut into transverse slices on a festive table or used for sandwiches, replacing the popular sausage. Delicious is prepared in the same way.


  • Turkey breast fillet - 500 g
  • Garlic - 5 cloves
  • Cilantro (coriander) grains - a pinch
  • Jeera (cumin) seeds - a pinch
  • Ground red chili pepper - to taste
  • Ground black pepper - to taste
  • Salt - to taste

Turkey boiled pork - recipe

  1. Rinse turkey breast fillet thoroughly with cold water. Dry. Rub with a mixture of salt and spices to taste. I use coriander seeds (cilantro), cumin seeds (cumin), ground black pepper, red chili.
  2. Peel the garlic and wash it. Cut the cloves into longitudinal slices.
    Cut the prepared piece of meat with a knife. Stuff with garlic cloves. You can refrigerate to soak in the spicy aromas or cook right away.
  3. Wrap the prepared fillet in food foil to preserve the released meat juice.
  4. Place the foil-wrapped piece on the middle rack of the oven or air fryer.
  5. Turkey boiled pork is cooked in the oven for 1.5 hours at 180 degrees. In a convection oven - at a temperature of 205 C, medium fan speed - 1.5 hours.
  6. Cooking time is selected individually. Depends on the size of the piece of meat, the power of kitchen appliances and the household electrical network. You can determine the readiness of the meat by piercing the piece with a knife.
  7. Cooked meat will release almost colorless juice.
  8. The baked meat should be cooled and refrigerated for a couple of hours.
  9. Turkey boiled pork is served cut into transverse slices on a festive table or placed on sandwiches instead of sausage.