Pickled chanterelles for 1 liter. Simple step-by-step recipes for preparing pickled chanterelles for the winter at home

Marinated mushrooms are an excellent appetizer for dinner and any holiday feast. Do chanterelle mushrooms pickle?

Pickling chanterelles is a very popular option for preparing them. Such products have a unique aroma and taste. They contain a lot of vitamins and vegetable protein.

Almost every housewife has a favorite recipe for simple pickling of chanterelles for the winter. Each recipe differs in the composition of the marinade. There are pickling recipes that are divided into hot and cold pickling.

A simple recipe for pickling chanterelles requires a minimum of ingredients and time. It will be very tasty!


  • fresh mushrooms – 1.8 kg;
  • boiling water – 1.35 l;
  • salt – 48 g;
  • sugar – 90 g;
  • vinegar – 32 g;
  • allspice – 24 g;
  • cloves – 10 g.


Soak mushrooms in a container with cold water for 1 hour.
Rinse the ingredient. Remove the skin.
Grind into medium pieces.
Pour water into the bowl.
Add salt.
Add mushrooms.
Cook until they sink to the bottom of the container.
Rinse the finished product.
In a separate bowl, cook the marinade for chanterelles from the indicated portions of water, salt and sugar.
Add spices.
Place mushrooms into boiling mixture. Cook for 12 minutes.
Add vinegar 5 minutes before the end of cooking. Mix.
Place mushrooms in a sterile glass jar.
Pour boiling marinade over the top up to the neck.
Cover with iron lids. Roll up the cans.

The preparations for the winter are ready!

Chanterelles drenched in cold marinade

Are chanterelle mushrooms marinated with cold marinade? This method of marinating is simple: you need to prepare the marinade separately and pour this cold mixture over the cooked mushrooms.


  • Mushrooms – 950 gr.
  • Water – 1100 ml
  • Granulated sugar – 55 gr.
  • Salt – 65 gr.
  • Vinegar – 12 ml
  • Bay leaf – 1 gr.
  • Onions – 25 gr.
  • Garlic – 18 gr.


Place a saucepan with hot water over low heat.
Pour in sugar and salt. Mix.
Add vinegar, bay leaf, and peppercorns.
Remove the skins from the onion. Cut the product into rings.
Chop the previously peeled garlic.
Place ingredients into boiling mixture.
Cook the marinade for chanterelles for 5 minutes. Cool.
Boil the previously peeled mushrooms in salted water.
Pour them with the liquid into a colander.
Transfer to sterile jars.
Pour in cool marinade.
Roll up the lids.
Before serving, the dish must be seasoned with vegetable oil.
Serve pickled chanterelles with mashed potatoes.

Delicious marinated mushrooms

By marinating chanterelles with basil, you can not only decorate the table for dinner, but also surprise your guests with a dish with a unique taste.


  • mushrooms – 1400 g
  • clove buds – 12 pcs.
  • bay leaf – 6 pcs.
  • fresh thyme – 6 g
  • oregano leaves – 10 g
  • marjoram – 8 g
  • parsley – 40 g
  • celery leaves – 46 g
  • basil – 7 g
  • onion – 120 g
  • water – 360 ml
  • vinegar – 150 ml
  • sea ​​salt – 48 g
  • allspice peas – 24 g


Sort through the mushrooms. Rinse with running water.
Cut large products into pieces, leave small ones the same.
Chop the peeled onion.
Rinse the greens with water. Place in the bottom of sterilized jars.
Pour water into the pan.
Add mushrooms.
Add all ingredients except herbs.
Wait until the mixture boils. Reduce heat. Cook for another 12 minutes.
Pour the marinade ingredient into jars.
Close with a nylon lid.
Place in a cool place for storage.
The preparation is recommended for consumption after 3-4 weeks.

Chanterelles marinated with cloves


  • Mushrooms – 2.15 kg
  • Garlic cloves – 32 g
  • Dill umbrellas – 2 pcs.
  • Water – 2.25 l
  • Black peppercorns – 8 g
  • Laurel leaf – 5 pcs.
  • Sugar – 70 g
  • Salt – 80 g
  • Vinegar – 24 g
  • Cloves – 3 buds


To pickle chanterelles, you need to cut off the stems, cutting them at a distance of 10 mm from the cap.
Place the ingredient in a bowl.
To fill with water. Leave for 55 minutes.
Rinse the product. Dry.
Pour into a clean saucepan.
Add salt. Mix.
Pour into the water.
Place the container on the stove. Bring the mixture to a boil. Cook for 25 minutes, constantly removing foam.
For the marinade, pour water into another container.
Add spices.
Add salt. Stir the mixture.
Add sugar.
Bring the marinade to a boil.
Pour out the vinegar. Cook for another 5 minutes.
Place the cooked mushrooms in a colander. Rinse. Place in a saucepan.
Pour 500 ml of boiling marinade.
Cook for 20 minutes.
Cut the peeled garlic into thick slices.
Sterilize plastic lids and jars.
Place an umbrella of dill and garlic in each glass container.
Place mushrooms in jars.
Pour the reserved boiling marinade over the chanterelles.
Close the containers with lids.
Turn over and leave it like this until it cools completely.
Wrap the pickled chanterelles in jars with a warm blanket.

  • Before pickling chanterelles, they should be boiled for 20 minutes in salted boiling water. The raw product cannot be consumed.
  • It is better to cover pickled chanterelles with nylon lids.
  • Pickled chanterelles prepared at home require aging in jars for about 3 weeks.
  • The dish should be stored in a dark and dry place for about 1 year.
  • The marinade can be made from cloves and cinnamon. The main thing is not to overdo it with the ingredients, use the amount indicated by the recipe, so that the natural taste of the mushrooms is preserved.
  • To properly marinate mushrooms, you must adhere to the proportions of salt, vinegar and sugar.
  • Small mushrooms can be marinated whole, large ones can be cut into 2 parts.
  • Before pickling, chanterelles can be soaked to make it easier to clean them of debris.
  • Each recipe for pickling chanterelles requires proper preparation of ingredients: before cooking, the mushrooms must be thoroughly washed and the skins removed from the caps; contaminated areas can be cut off.
  • Before eating, pickled chanterelles can be seasoned with olive oil and sprinkled with chopped green onions.
  • There is no need to add vinegar. This ingredient is used in the process of pickling chanterelles.
  • If the recipe calls for pickling only chanterelle caps, there is no need to discard the legs. This part of the product can be used for other dishes.
  • At home, pickling chanterelles should be done in glass jars.
  • When pickling chanterelles, you cannot use other types of mushrooms. Some foods may be overcooked, while others may be undercooked.
  • The dish may be spoiled if the lids were poorly sterilized during the pickling process of the chanterelles or the storage temperature of the product was too high.

Chanterelles belong to the second category of edible mushrooms. They, of course, are not as tasty and nutritious as porcini mushrooms, but mushroom pickers greatly respect this mushroom, since it is not worm-eaten and tolerates transportation well. They can be boiled, fried, stewed, frozen, dried, salted and pickled. There are many different recipes for cooking chanterelles, but consider the option of pickled mushrooms for the winter.

Mushroom dishes using marinade are difficult to spoil even for a novice amateur cook.

Important! A real chanterelle's cap has uneven wavy edges and a fleshy stem that tapers downwards. It is always worm-free and has a pleasant apricot smell. If you press on its flesh, a pinkish mark will remain.

Just before preparing chanterelles for the winter, make sure you have the following kitchen items:

  • Enameled pan - 2 pcs. How many liters the pan holds depends on the number of mushrooms you collected. We can only suggest that in the large one you will boil the mushrooms (and they will significantly decrease in volume), and in the second one you will cook them in the marinade.
  • Skimmer - 1 piece.
  • Colander - 1 piece.
  • Half-liter glass jars with screw-on lids.

It is also necessary to have a gas or electric stove, preferably with 2-3 burners. In principle, you can get by with just one, but the cooking time will then increase.


Before deliciously marinating chanterelles, prepare the following ingredients for the marinade:

  • water - 1 liter;
  • vinegar 9% - 200 ml;
  • salt - 1 heaped tablespoon;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • spices - 3 cloves, 2 bay leaves, 6 pieces of black pepper, 4 pieces of allspice.

This amount of marinade is enough for three kilograms of mushrooms.

Important! The most important factor in the prevention of botulism when pickling mushrooms is the acidity of the marinade of at least 1.6%. When closing the chanterelles with your own hands, follow this rule, and then you can be confident in the final product. But buying them at the market or treating yourself to them at a party, you will be risking your health.

Cooking time

Depends on how long the mushrooms are soaked. Usually, to clean chanterelles from forest debris and dirt, it is recommended to soak them in salted water for two hours. When they are heavily contaminated, it is recommended to change the water periodically. If you are in a hurry, you can put them in water for only half an hour or immediately rinse them under running water. But they will no longer be so easy to wash. Store-bought mushrooms are less dirty than wild mushrooms; they do not need to be soaked, and it takes less time to wash them.

Cooking time without soaking is about an hour.

Read also how to prepare for the winter: tomatoes, beets, carrots, eggplants, Brussels sprouts, milk mushrooms, boletus, champignons, honey mushrooms, zucchini, peppers, squash, green beans, oyster mushrooms

Step by step recipe

In order to prepare pickled chanterelles according to this simple and tasty recipe, you need to follow these steps step by step:

  1. Rinse the mushrooms with water, removing debris and rotten parts. It is better to remove the stems of old mushrooms. Large specimens should be cut in half or quarters, while small ones can be placed whole.
  2. At the same time, put a large pan of salted water on the fire (for each liter of water, 1 level tablespoon of salt).
  3. Throw washed and chopped chanterelles into boiling water, bring the water to a boil again and collect the foam with a slotted spoon. If you didn’t have time to remove the foam, don’t worry, the mushrooms will still be washed. Just foam can flood your slab. Cook over low heat for 15-20 minutes at a barely noticeable boil, as cooking in very boiling water can worsen the taste of the mushrooms. The main indication that the mushrooms are cooked is when they sink to the bottom of the pan.
  4. While the mushrooms are being processed, we sterilize the jars with lids. Housewives usually do this by holding the jar over the spout of a boiling kettle for 10-15 minutes, and throwing the lids inside for 3 minutes. Microwave owners can quickly sterilize jars by pouring a little water into the bottom of the jars and microwave them on high power for 5 minutes. But the tin lids from the cans will still have to be boiled.
  5. Drain the cooked mushrooms in a colander and rinse well with cold water.
  6. In a smaller saucepan, prepare the marinade: add salt, sugar to boiling water, add spices and boiled chanterelles. Cook the mushrooms in the marinade for 10 minutes, adding vinegar at the very end of cooking. To marinate chanterelles correctly, vinegar is always added to the marinade at the end, since it immediately begins to evaporate during cooking.
  7. Without turning off the gas under the pan, use a ladle to pour the chanterelles with the marinade into jars. Try not to take in too much liquid. Roll up the jar, turn the lid down and leave to cool for several hours (or overnight).

How to store blanks

The recommended storage period for jars with metal lids is no more than a year. If there are jars with glass lids, the storage period is extended to two years. Storing pickled mushrooms is carried out in a cool, dry room with a temperature of about 6-8 ° C. Can be used for cooking after approximately three to four weeks.

Did you know? The quinomannose they contain helps chanterelles remain worm-free. Helminths simply cannot tolerate it, and traditional medicine uses these mushrooms as an anthelmintic. But dried raw materials are used for its preparation, since this substance is destroyed during heat treatment.

If mold is found in the jars, the chanterelles should be thoroughly washed with boiling water, after placing them in a colander. Then cook a new marinade and re-boil the mushrooms in it. Then place in sterile jars and again pour boiling marinade. If you notice that the lid on the jar is swollen, throw it away without hesitation.

If you violated the cooking technology, then the pickled mushrooms can be stored for some time in the refrigerator under a nylon lid, but under no circumstances should they be rolled up to avoid botulism.

When pickling chanterelles, you can use useful tips from experienced mushroom pickers:

  • when picking mushrooms, their stem must be carefully cut off with a knife, and not pulled out of the ground, since the causative agent of botulism is in the ground;
  • Before you start pickling, you need to sort out the chanterelles well, and also discard rotten specimens. In order to better free them from various debris, they are soaked in water in which salt and citric acid are previously dissolved. To do this, dilute 2 g of citric acid and 10 g of rock salt in one liter of water. After this, the mushrooms, in addition to being easy to clean, also cook faster and are stored much better;
  • When preparing chanterelles, many people recommend using only mushroom caps. But there is no need to throw the legs in the trash bin - you can make delicious mushroom caviar from them;
  • Before marinating, the chanterelles are boiled. Many sources of information recommend boiling them for about twenty minutes. In practice, during the boiling process, they are ready as soon as they completely settle to the bottom;
  • You can ensure that the chanterelles are evenly soaked in the marinade by selecting them of the same size, but if the chanterelles are different in size, then they need to be cut into approximately equal parts;

  • In order for the pickled mushrooms to turn out crispy, they must be rinsed with cold water immediately after boiling;
  • For pickling and salting, it is best to use rock salt, but iodized salt should absolutely not be used;
  • Chanterelles are among the mushrooms that moderately accumulate radioactive substances. Therefore, if you are confident in the ecology of the place where you collected mushrooms, then for the base of the marinade it is better to take not just water, but the decoction in which they were cooked. The marinade will become more aromatic and mushroomy;
  • Before serving, pour in sunflower or olive oil, add herbs, onions and garlic to taste. A dietary option for maintaining your figure would be to use pickled mushrooms without oil, only with herbs. Such mushrooms can also be added to various salads or fillings for pies.

Did you know? Scientists have proven that mushrooms existed 400 million years ago, that is, long before the appearance of dinosaurs.

By preparing pickled chanterelles at home using this recipe, you can enjoy them in the winter and eat them as a separate dish or add them to other dishes. Marinated mushrooms are not only tasty, they are also easily absorbed by the human body. They can be prepared and stored in normal conditions of a standard apartment.

Well, the season of “hunting” for mushrooms has arrived. Chanterelles are one of the first to appear in our forests and delight everyone with their bright red color. One of the easiest ways to prepare them at home is pickling.

I will tell you in detail how to prepare pickled chanterelles for the winter in my recipe with step-by-step photos taken during the pickling process.

First, you should determine the proportions of the products for the marinade. For every 700 ml of water you will need:

  • table salt – 1 tablespoon (without a slide);
  • granulated sugar – 1 heaped tablespoon;
  • vinegar essence (70%) – 1 teaspoon;
  • black peppercorns – 10 peas;
  • bay leaf – 1 piece.

I had 1.5 kilograms of mushrooms. When weighing, it was taken into account that the mushrooms were removed from forest debris, but not washed. For this amount of mushrooms, it is necessary to increase the marinade rate by 3 times.

How to pickle chanterelles for the winter

So, let's start preparing a preparation from our beautiful and tasty mushrooms. My mushrooms are all very small and do not need slicing. If you have large chanterelles, then for this preparation you will need to cut them.

First, wash the mushrooms, free of dirt and debris, under cool running water. Throw them into a sieve and let the water drain thoroughly.

The next step is to boil the mushrooms. To do this, pour water into a large saucepan and add salt to it at the following rate: 1 tablespoon (level) of salt per 1 liter of water. For 1.5 kilograms of mushrooms you will need 2.5 liters of water and 2.5 tablespoons of salt, respectively. Let's wait until our salt solution boils and drop the chanterelles into it. Cook the mushrooms for 10 minutes after boiling.

Please note that a lot of foam may form when boiling. To normalize the situation, reduce the heat a little. After the specified time, it is necessary to drain the contents into a colander and allow the liquid to drain.

Let's prepare the marinade. Add bay leaf, salt, sugar and peppercorns to the water.

Let's wait until it boils and put our chanterelles in it. Cook the mushrooms for another 10 minutes. At the end, add acetic acid and boil for 3 minutes.

That's it, now, just put the workpiece into clean, seasoned jars and screw on the lids.

As you can see, pickling chanterelles at home is not at all difficult. This preparation can be made very simply and quickly. In winter, pickled chanterelles will delight you with their taste and remind you of a generous and warm summer. Such beautiful mushrooms will look great on a holiday table, and are also great for preparing various mushroom salads.

Chanterelles got their name for a reason. The bright red color of the mushrooms resembles fox fur. Having tried chanterelles in any form for the first time, many are surprised: they do not have a traditional mushroom taste, but with nutty notes. Chanterelles are never wormy. All thanks to chitinmannose, an active substance that repels “living creatures”. They don’t break or crumble, which is why chefs love them. Mushroom pickers appreciate the fact that forest products grow in large groups. If you spot one red mushroom in a clearing, rest assured that you will not leave with an empty basket.

Benefits of orange mushrooms

Chanterelles are one of the most useful types of mushrooms. They have a general strengthening effect on the body, helping the immune system fight attacks from viruses and microbes. These mushrooms are recognized as the strongest antioxidant. Fans of chanterelles need not worry - their aging processes will slow down. The benefits of chanterelles for the body are due to their rich vitamin and mineral composition. In the table you can see the substances contained in mushrooms and evaluate what they are capable of.

Table - Nutrients in chanterelles and their effects

SubstanceEffect on the body
Vitamin A- Improves vision;
- improves metabolism;
- promotes wound healing;
- responsible for the beauty of skin, nails, hair
Vitamin C- Increases immunity;
- protects against infections;
- helps the body recover;
- relieves irritability
Vitamin D- Forms bone tissue;
- tones muscles;
- helps fight psoriasis;
- prevents the development of heart diseases
Zinc- Protects against germs;
- increases immunity;
- calms the nervous system;
- improves memory;
- relieves irritability;
- helps the pancreas cope with stress
Copper- Protects against inflammation;
- normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland;
- increases skin elasticity;
- strengthens bones;
- responsible for the production of the “happiness hormone”
ChitinmannoseKills helminths
Ergosterol- Cleanses the liver;
- Helps the liver function normally
Polysaccharide K-10- Has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the whole body;
- has a general strengthening effect

Chanterelles can trigger the development of allergies. They should not be given to children under three years of age: it will be difficult for the baby’s stomach to cope with the load. You should be careful when eating chanterelles if you have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or kidneys.

Rules for successful harvesting

Preparing pickled chanterelles is easy. However, you need to know the intricacies of the process, otherwise the preservation may turn out to be tasteless and may not last the whole winter. Consider seven points.

  1. Selection. Select mushrooms of the same size. This is a guarantee that they will marinate evenly. Small chanterelles are ideal for preparations. If only large ones are on hand, then they are cut in half, or even into four parts. Naturally, frozen chanterelles are not suitable for preparations, only fresh ones.
  2. Preparation. Forest mushrooms end up in the basket along with grass, soil, and garbage. They need to be prepared for subsequent canning - cleaned. The mushrooms are washed and then soaked in salted and acidified water. The amount of citric acid and salt should be calculated as follows: for each liter of liquid, 2 g of lemon juice and five times more salt. Soaking is necessary not only to clean the mushrooms, but also to extend the shelf life of the product.
  3. Cooking. Before marinating, wild mushrooms are boiled. You won't be able to do without cooking completely - it's dangerous. Recipes usually indicate cooking time; on average, the process takes 20 minutes. Always focus not on the specified time, but on the “behavior” of the mushrooms. You can remove the pan from the stove when the chanterelles settle to the bottom.
  4. Pickling. You can marinate chanterelles in several ways: by boiling them in the marinade or without boiling them in it. In the second case, the prepared marinade is simply poured over pre-boiled mushrooms. But experienced housewives say that fruits of the forest boiled in marinade turn out much tastier. This technology is used in most recipes.
  5. Seasonings. Be sure to add seasonings to your preserves. Cloves and cinnamon are classic spices for pickled chanterelles. You can use other seasonings as well. The main rule is moderation: the natural mushroom taste should not be “clogged” with spices.
  6. Tara. The most convenient way is to roll the mushrooms into small jars. Sterilization of containers and lids is mandatory, otherwise all efforts will go down the drain, and the preservation will quickly deteriorate. Sterilization can be carried out in any way: steam, boiling water, using an oven or microwave.
  7. Storage. Hermetically sealed blanks are stored in a cool, dark place. A basement or storage room is ideal. Immediately after cooking, the rolls should be allowed to cool under a blanket. It is recommended to store no more than a year. Containers with pickled chanterelles can be covered with nylon lids. In this case, the container must be placed in the refrigerator. If there was no seaming, the shelf life will be reduced to three months.

Marinated chanterelles should ideally be crispy. Not all housewives know how to achieve this, although the secret is simple: after cooking, you should not leave the mushrooms to cool in boiling water. The chanterelles should be removed from the pan immediately after cooking and rinsed with ice water. This simple trick helps maintain a nice crunch after marinating.

The classic recipe for pickled chanterelles and its delicious variations

Pickling chanterelles at home is easy. Even a novice cook can do the task. Housewives who make preparations have classic recipes for preparing pickled chanterelles for the winter. Follow the proven recipe, and the mushrooms will delight you with an amazing taste and bright aroma. Remember that experiments in cooking are welcome, but only reasonable ones.

Wild mushrooms are not mixed for pickling, otherwise the taste of the preparation will be spoiled. Russulas, chanterelles, and moss mushrooms can be prepared according to the same recipe, but only separately. You can experiment with the taste of the preparations: for example, by adding garlic, you get spicy pickles.

Chanterelles replace meat during Lent: they are filling and nutritious. They are included in the vegetarian menu. Marinated mushrooms are also served as an appetizer on the festive table. Be sure to sprinkle with vegetable oil - it tastes better. Sprinkle with chopped onions and herbs.


Peculiarity. This recipe is considered a classic. The cooking technology is simple, but it is important to repeat it step by step without experimentation: then the chanterelles will turn out crispy. You can try mushrooms prepared according to the classic recipe in just a month. They will stand in the cellar or pantry for a year.


  • medium-sized chanterelles - 2 kg;
  • cold water - 1.5 l;
  • salt - 50 g;
  • sugar - 110 g;
  • 9% vinegar - 60 ml;
  • carnation buds - five pieces;
  • allspice - ten peas.


  1. Soak the chanterelles in water for an hour, adding salt and acidifying it.
  2. Drain the water from the mushrooms, clean them of excess debris, and place them in a saucepan.
  3. Fill the prepared chanterelles with filtered water (1.5 l). Cook until the mushrooms sink to the bottom of the container.
  4. Transfer the chanterelles to a colander as soon as they are ready. Rinse with cold filtered water. Do not pour out the broth.
  5. Add salt, sugar to the mushroom broth, add clove buds and peppercorns. When it boils, add the mushrooms and cook for seven minutes.
  6. After the time has passed, pour in the vinegar and cook for another five minutes.
  7. Place the main ingredient - mushrooms - into sterile jars. Use the boiling marinade as a filling: the chanterelles should be completely immersed in the liquid.
  8. All that remains is to roll up the glass containers with new metal lids. Don't forget to sterilize them.

When preparing mushrooms according to the classic recipe, housewives often add cinnamon. It is important not to overdo it with the amount: due to cinnamon, the natural bright taste of chanterelles can become weakly expressed.

Spicy “quick”

Peculiarity. Marinated chanterelles with onions and butter are made piquant by adding garlic. Its quantity can be adjusted to suit your taste. This recipe is used to make quick-cooking pickled chanterelles. You can taste the preparation after two days, and there is no need to roll up the container: use nylon lids and store the jars in the refrigerator. If you want to enjoy savory pickles all winter, tighten the containers with a key.


  • small chanterelles - 5 kg;
  • onion - 200 g;
  • cold filtered water - by eye;
  • granulated sugar - 40 g;
  • table salt - 70 g;
  • garlic - one head;
  • peppercorns - ten pieces;
  • cloves - ten buds;
  • laurel - five leaves;
  • refined vegetable oil - 200 ml;
  • vinegar 9% - 100 ml.


  1. Prepare the mushrooms: soak for an hour, peel.
  2. Fill with clean water. The liquid level should be two fingers higher than the mushrooms.
  3. Cook over low heat, skimming off the foam. It will take approximately 20 minutes to cook. The readiness of mushrooms can be determined by the fact that they have “sunk”.
  4. Remove the chanterelles and place in a colander. Rinse immediately with cold water.
  5. Measure how much broth is left. Add water to it: pour so much until the liquid ends up being 2 liters. Pour in sugar, salt, add spices.
  6. Cut the onion in any way you like, and the garlic into thin slices. Add these ingredients to the marinade. This also includes vinegar and oil.
  7. Boil the mixture for three minutes. Add previously boiled chanterelles to it. Keep the pan on the fire for ten minutes.
  8. Fill a sterile container with mushrooms, add marinade and roll up.

If vegetable oil was used during the marinating process, then when serving the chanterelles, there is no need to water them with anything. You can only sprinkle with chopped herbs - parsley, onion feathers, cilantro.


Peculiarity. Using this recipe, you can prepare pickled chanterelles with a spicy taste and aroma. All thanks to spices and fragrant herbs. Such mushrooms are not suitable for twisting. Jars of chanterelles are stored in the refrigerator for no more than four months. The sample can be taken after two weeks.


  • fresh chanterelles - 1.5 kg;
  • onion - five large heads;
  • vinegar (9%) - 50 ml;
  • cloves - ten buds;
  • table salt - 50 g;
  • laurel - six leaves;
  • parsley - half a bunch;
  • allspice - 20 g;
  • thyme, marjoram, oregano - 7 g each;
  • celery - a handful of chopped stalks;
  • basil - three branches.


  1. Soak the chanterelles for an hour, then wash them thoroughly and remove any excess debris. If you come across large specimens, cut them.
  2. Pour water over the mushrooms and let them cook. When they “fall” to the bottom of the pan, place them in a colander. Rinse immediately with cold water - this will crisp them up.
  3. Do not throw away the liquid in which the chanterelles were cooked. It is needed for the marinade. Add salt, vinegar and seasonings to it. If there is not enough broth, add filtered water (you need about 2 liters of marinade). Boil it.
  4. Boil previously boiled mushrooms in the marinade for ten minutes.
  5. Place the chanterelles in jars. Containers must be sterilized beforehand.
  6. Add herbs to the jars with the mushrooms. There is no need to cut it, but it is necessary to wash it. Coarsely chopped celery also comes here.
  7. Pour in the marinade and close with nylon lids.

You can achieve an additional piquant note in a spicy marinade using garlic. Place the garlic quarters along with the herbs.


Peculiarity. Pickled chanterelles for the winter can be prepared with vegetables - onions and carrots. You will get a real vitamin “bomb”. Vegetables give mushrooms extra juiciness. Instead of regular vinegar, you can use wine vinegar: the taste of the product will become more subtle and delicate.


  • small chanterelles - 3 kg;
  • onion - four large heads;
  • carrots - three large root vegetables;
  • vinegar - five tablespoons;
  • salt, sugar - four tablespoons each;
  • allspice - 12 peas;
  • filtered water - 2.5 l (for marinade).


  1. Soak the chanterelles for an hour. Rinse thoroughly and remove excess.
  2. Boil the mushrooms. Drain the water and rinse the chanterelles with cold water.
  3. Pour 2.5 liters of water into the pan. Add spices (except vinegar), boil the marinade.
  4. Transfer the mushrooms to the boiling marinade. Boil for seven minutes, skimming off any foam.
  5. Reduce heat to low. Pour in vinegar and simmer for four minutes.
  6. Cut the onion into rings, carrots into strips. Distribute into sterile jars. On top are mushrooms.
  7. Pour in hot marinade. Seat tightly. After cooling under the blanket, store it in a cool place.

To make the chanterelles juicy, they must be the same size. This way they will marinate evenly. It is better to marinate whole, medium-sized mushrooms with vegetables. If you have collected large ones, then you can only use the caps.

Without vinegar

Peculiarity. You can pickle chanterelles in jars for the winter without vinegar. The recipe involves adding citric acid to the marinade. "Limonka" ensures long-term storage of the workpiece.


  • medium-sized chanterelles - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 40 g;
  • citric acid - 5 g;
  • salt - 20 g;
  • cloves - three buds;
  • laurel leaves - five pieces;
  • allspice - five peas;
  • filtered water (for preparing marinade) - 700 ml.


  1. Fill the chanterelles brought from the forest with cold water. Leave it to soak for an hour. Wash and remove debris.
  2. Boil the mushrooms: after boiling, you need to keep them on the fire for about 15 minutes. Rinse.
  3. Pour 700 ml of water into the pan. Add all spices except lemon. Put it on fire.
  4. When the marinade boils, dip the chanterelles into it. Boil for eight minutes.
  5. Add acid. Keep the pan on the stove for another two minutes.
  6. Place the mushrooms in a sterile glass container and fill the jars with hot marinade.
  7. Roll it up and send it under the blanket to cool. After a day, take it to the basement.

Chanterelles are marinated with Korean seasonings, mustard seeds and even tomato paste - don’t be afraid to experiment. But if you want to preserve the natural taste of mushrooms as much as possible, you can not add spices at all, but prepare a marinade of salt and vinegar.

A jar of fragrant chanterelles will help out if unexpected guests arrive. Serve half of the mushrooms as an independent snack, and from the second part prepare a quick salad with the addition of cheese, ham, cherry tomatoes and mayonnaise dressing. The salad with pickled chanterelles is prepared in literally five minutes, the main thing is that all the ingredients are in the refrigerator. With the help of pickled chanterelles, you can surprise your guests with a new taste of familiar dishes: try adding them to Olivier or replacing champignons with them in the famous Mushroom Glade salad.