Mother rye. Origin, history, description and cultural and economic significance of rye

Conversation for children 5-7 years old: “Bread is the head of everything”

Dvoretskaya Tatyana Nikolaevna
GBOU school No. 1499 DO No. 7
Description: The event is intended for older children preschool age, educators preschool institutions and parents.
Purpose of work: The conversation will introduce children to the stages of making bread, customs, traditions, and folklore. An original game was developed for this event.

Target: familiarizing children with the process of growing and preparing bread;
1. form an idea of ​​the bread production process;
2. introduce children to the diverse world of grain crops;
3. cultivate a caring attitude towards bread;
4. consolidate acquired knowledge about bread in Everyday life and in gaming activities

Progress of the conversation

Leading: Dear Guys! Bread is our wealth; the labor of many people is invested in it. You and I cannot imagine a dinner table without white and black bread. Many of you love to eat baked goods, cookies, bagels, pies, and pies. Do you know what these food products are made from? (Children's answers) Correctly made from flour. What is flour? Where is it obtained from? (Children's answers)
Do you want to know how long a spike of bread goes to turn into fluffy bread on our table.
Once upon a time a long time ago primitive noticed that ripened seeds of wild plants are spread by the wind or birds, and fall into the soil, sprout, and a new plant with many seeds grows.
Ancient man he tasted the seeds of wild plants and liked them. Since then, man himself began not only to collect these seeds, but also to sow them in cultivated land. The first hoe for cultivating the land was a wooden stick, then the man thought of placing a hewn stone on the stick. With the help of such devices, people loosened the soil and then planted seeds in it. The collected seeds were threshed with a stone, turning them into flour. Then he baked bread from the flour over the fire.

Counting books about bread.

Rain, rain, water - there will be a harvest of bread.
There will be buns, there will be baked goods, there will be delicious cheesecakes.

As time passed, people began to use domesticated animals in agriculture to loosen the soil. A wooden plow appeared, with the help of which the soil was cut, turned over and loosened.

Nowadays, technology has come to the aid of farmers. Name what agricultural machinery do you know? (children's answers)
That's right, seeders are working in the fields, with the help of which seeds fall into the ground. Combines cut the plants, thresh the ears, clean the grain and load it into a truck. Tractors that stack grain stacks for drying.
Presenter: Guys, do you like to play? (Children's answers) Go out to the middle of the hall, stand in a scattered position. Now we will play a game: "We have sown the seed". I will tell you words and show you movements, and you will repeat after me. WORDS + SHOWING MOVEMENTS
Long ago in the spring
We have sown the seed (we alternately spread our arms to the sides, first to the right, then to the left)
Sprouts will sprout (we squat down, then slowly stand up in
Soon there will be spikelets. full height and raise our arms above our heads)

And the time will come
The tractors will go out into the field. (we bend our arms at the elbows, moving them rhythmically back and forth)
Let's harvest the harvest. (tilt, imitate harvesting ears of corn)
Let's bake a loaf! (we clasp our hands at chest levels in a lock in the form of a circle)
Note: The game is played 2-3 times
Presenter: Well done boys. We played well. Now sit down on your chairs and let’s continue our conversation. There are many grain crops found in nature. But the most nutritious for humans are rye and wheat.

Our ancestors respected, cherished and revered bread!
According to Russian custom, if you accidentally drop the bread, you need to pick it up, and not only wipe it carefully, but also kiss it and ask for forgiveness.
Bread is a gift from God, people said. They considered bread their main wealth.

Listen to Russian sayings about bread.

Bread and water are heroic food.
Bread father, water mother.
Eat bread, listen to good people.
Lunch is bad if there is no bread.
Work until you sweat, eat bread when you want.
The sweat on your back means the bread on the table.

Presenter: Growing bread is hard work. A hundred sweats will go away until the bread rises. In early spring, people sow grains in the ground. After a while, the sprouts sprout, drink rainwater and reach for the sun. Over the summer, the spikelets will get stronger and gain vitality and useful substances. In autumn, when the grain ripens, the ear acquires a yellow-golden color. It's time to harvest. Equipment and people enter the fields. The painstaking work begins. After the combines carefully cut the ears, they are loaded onto trucks and transported to the mill. There the grain is sorted, ground and ground into flour.

Then the flour is sent to bakeries. From wheat grain it turns out Wheat flour, from it it turns out White bread, bagels, cookies, rolls, dryers, pies and other products. And rye flour is obtained from rye grains, and bakers bake Rye bread.

Trucks deliver around the clock hot bread to shops and kindergartens, so that each of us could taste the taste of real bread.

Riddles about bread.

Guess easily and quickly:
Soft, lush and fragrant,
He's black, he's white,
And sometimes it’s burnt. (Bread)

They crush and roll
They are hardened in the oven.
Then at the table
They cut with a knife. (Bread)

The ring is not simple,
Gold ring,
Shiny, crispy,
For everyone to enjoy...
What a treat! (Baranka or bagel.)

Here it is - warm, golden.
In every home, on every table -
He came - he came.
In it is Health, our strength,
There is a wonderful warmth in it.
How many hands raised him,
Protected and protected! (Bread)

What do you pour into the frying pan?
Yes, they bend it four times? (Pancakes)

The hostess comes out in a Russian sundress, kokoshnik, and holds a loaf of bread in her hands.
Mistress: In Russia there is a tradition of greeting dear guests with bread and salt. A loaf of bread is placed on a beautiful towel hand-embroidered by the housewives, in the center of which there is a salt shaker and salt. This custom expresses the hospitality and cordiality of the Russian people. Guests in Rus' were surrounded with honor and respect. It was believed that the traveler who looked into the house had seen a lot on his way, knew a lot, and had a lot to learn from him.

Bread is a symbol of wealth and well-being, and salt was attributed the properties of a “amulet,” that is, the ability to protect against evil forces. To greet a guest with “bread and salt” meant to invoke God’s mercy on him, to express one’s respect and to wish him goodness and peace. Bread was the most noble treat.

Pure sayings about bread.

Zhok-zhok-zhok is a pie.
Shki-shki-shki - mom is frying pies.
Zhok-zhok-zhok - eat the pie, daughter.
Chi-chi-chi - rolls are baked in the oven.
Ach-ach-ach – our kalach will be delicious.
Presenter: Guys, today we learned what a long journey it takes grain of bread, until whom how to end up with us dining table. Now I think each of you will treat bread with care and respect. A person who does not learn to save bread will never enjoy the respect of those around him.

Rye can be called a native Russian cereal. This cereal is dietary product, many useful and delicious dishes, for example, rye bread, flatbread, kvass and cereals.

Composition of rye

Rye is a close relative of wheat, but much healthier than the latter. Its protein contains large quantity valuable amino acids for the body, and grains contain less gluten. Rye flour has 5 times more fructose than wheat flour. And products made from it are rich in hemicellulose and fiber, which improve microflora, enhance intestinal motility and strengthen the immune system. Rye contains vitamin A, which prevents premature aging and preserves the integrity of the cellular structure, vitamins PP and E, no less important for the body, as well as B vitamins. The cereal is also rich in microelements: phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium, etc.

What are the benefits of rye?

Rye grains are an antioxidant, they have anti-inflammatory and anti-allergenic effects. Products made from them strengthen the body, improve hematopoietic function and have a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system. Regular use rye will prevent cancer of the lungs, stomach, breast and throat. It will be useful for people suffering from chronic constipation and colitis.

The benefits of rye include its ability to cleanse the body and help treat colds, allergies and bronchial asthma. It helps treat diseases of the stomach, kidneys and liver, is also good for wounds, and also helps with eczema. Rye is getting things going lymphatic system, improves metabolic processes, relieves nervous tension and depression. The substances contained in it stimulate the production of hormones and the functioning of the adrenal glands.

The beneficial properties of rye are used to restore the body after operations and serious illnesses. Rye bread, cereals and flatbreads are recommended for thyroid diseases and to improve heart function. He provides good action on the condition of gums and teeth, normalizes cholesterol levels in the body, strengthens muscle tissue and improves brain function. A decoction of rye bran helps with anemia, pulmonary tuberculosis, diarrhea, atherosclerosis and hypertension. And thanks to its softening and expectorant effect, it copes well with dry cough.

Rye, or cultivated - Secale cereale L. - a tall plant, 60 to 250 cm high, covered with a waxy coating. The ears are two-row, dense, 5 - 10 cm or more long, light or gray-yellow when fully ripe. The spikelets are 2-flowered, the lower lemma with an awn is up to 9 cm long. Rye is a cross-pollinated plant, the pollen is carried by the wind. A caryopsis with a deep groove, usually wrinkled, yellow, greenish-gray or brownish in color.
It is believed that the ancestor of the currently cultivated rye is the weedy field rye, which infested the wheat and barley crops in Transcaucasia and Western Asia. In years of severe weather conditions, wheat and barley often died in the fields, and weedy rye continued to grow. Farmers were forced to collect its grain, and over time they began to specially sow rye.
It has been established that Slavic tribes in the south of our country sowed rye in the 3rd - 4th centuries. our chronology. The chronicle of Nestor, dating back to the 11th century, contains information about the culture of rye in Rus'. Together with Russian settlers in the 17th century, rye came to Siberia and became the main cereal here for many years.
Nowadays rye is grown in many countries.

In our country, rye is cultivated quite widely. Among cereal grains, rye ranks third in our country (after wheat and barley), and quite recently in Russia rye was almost the main grain crop. This is explained by the fact that it is less demanding natural conditions than wheat, it is quite drought-resistant and also cold-resistant, which allows it to be grown in more northern regions on less fertile soils. Until the middle of the 20th century, wheat crops were located mainly in the Black Earth belt, and rye was cultivated to the north. But in the last half century, it has been possible to develop wheat varieties adapted for cultivation in the Non-Black Earth Region, so many fields that were previously sown with rye are now occupied by wheat as a more valuable food crop. In Russia, rye is mostly grown in the Non-Black Earth Region, the Volga region, the Urals, and Siberia.
Rye is cultivated mainly as a winter crop. In winters with little snow, it can withstand frosts down to -35°C, and with deep snow cover, much lower. Spring rye (yaritsa) is cultivated in a limited area in Buryatia and Yakutia, where harsh winters and autumn drought do not allow the sowing of winter varieties. The growing season lasts 120 - 150 days, including 45 - 50 days in autumn and 75 - 100 in spring and summer.

Rye and its economic use

Rye is an important food, industrial and feed crop. In our country, until recently, the bulk of bread was baked from rye flour. No wonder the Russians said: “Rye bread is our dear father.”
Rye grain contains more than 60% starch, up to 17% protein, up to 1.5% fat, vitamins B1, B2, PP, E, etc. Rye flour used for baking bread. In addition to ordinary black bread, special varieties are baked from it: Borodinsky, custard, etc., which have a specific taste and are very healthy. A lot of grain is processed into starch, alcohol, molasses, and feed for livestock and poultry. The best varieties Vodka, it turns out, is obtained not from wheat, but from grain and rye bran. Has always been popular in Rus' bread kvass. It is made from specially sprouted rye or barley grain. Dry kvass sold in stores, from which any housewife can easily make a tasty Russian drink, is dried and ground rye grains with some additives.
Whole and crushed rye grain, its bran, flour - concentrated feed for farm animals. Rye is often sown specifically as a forage crop. In early summer, its green shoots are mowed to feed livestock. In the Vyatka region, in a number of villages, bunches of flowering rye were hung in rooms to expel cockroaches.

Rye is a tall cereal, so rye straw is widely used for making various building boards, mats, mats. Previously, in villages, roofs were covered mainly rye straw. It is also suitable for the production of paper and pulp. It is used to make baskets and straw hats.

Rye - medicinal value and methods of medicinal use

Rye is applied traditional medicine many countries. Rye bread has a mild laxative effect and is recommended for those suffering from constant constipation.

This effect of rye bread is explained primarily by the fact that it contains five times more fiber than in wheat. Lack of fiber and other fibrous substances leads to sluggish intestinal activity.

A decoction of rye bran is drunk for diarrhea and chronic bronchitis (as an emollient).

Rye, boiled in water or milk, is given to children to drink before and after dinner as an anthelmintic.

Flowers and ears of rye are used to prepare infusions and decoctions used for respiratory diseases (tracheitis, bronchitis).
Rye bread soaked in hot milk applied to abscesses accelerates their ripening. Warm dough is used as a softening and absorbent for hard, painful tumors.

According to Norwegian cardiologist P. Oveh, people who eat rye bread are less susceptible to heart disease (due to the presence of lipolenic and other fatty acids that help remove cholesterol from the blood). Wheat does not contain this acid.
The Botanical Dictionary of Hermetic Medicine says: “Bread grains, roasted with husks on a fire lit in a field on Ivan Kupala, on the night of June 24, cure dental disease; prevent the formation of boils.”
Rye has the powers of the Sun, Venus, Jupiter. Collect grains on the waxing Moon.

Cereals (grain crops) have been grown for several millennia. They have enormous food and even cultural significance. But modern people have little idea of ​​the difference between individual cereal crops.

Plant characteristics


Both cereals can be grown in spring and winter modes. This solution allows you to get more grain with optimal use of fields. But rye is much better suited to growing in Russia. Even with a snowless winter, frost of 30 degrees is not scary for her. That is why this plant is actively grown in the northern and central regions.

A variety of areas are suitable for growing rye. This crop ripens well on both clay and sand, even if they are not rich useful substances. The grain does not care what the acidity level of the soil is. Moreover, he will be able to make clay fields better. After rye, such areas turn out to be looser and increase their drainage characteristics.

Excessive moisture levels are not harmful to rye. It has excellent immunity against fungal diseases. But the problem is that an elongated rye stalk lies down more often than a wheat ear. This complicates harvesting and slows it down. But there are other advantages.

  • Rye germinates quickly even in relatively unfavorable conditions.
  • For 1 cultivated species of this cereal there are 12 wild varieties.
  • The straight, hollow inside stem is covered with special bluish leaves.
  • The ear grows in two rows.
  • The roots of rye are very well developed, they reach a depth of 2 m. It is this property that makes it possible to obtain decent yields on poor sand.


Wheat, regardless of the varietal group, pollinates itself. The size of the harvest is determined by climatic factors. For this plant, the duration of illumination during the day and the flow of heat are critical. The condition of wheat plantings is very badly affected by strong winter cold. Often, when there is little snow, winter wheat does not survive until spring.

This plant is demanding on the soil. The best harvests are achieved on nutrient-rich black soil. Podzolic soil would also be good. But the high acidity of the soil immediately destroys the wheat. If the humidity rises above a certain norm, fungal damage is likely.

This cereal is also much weaker in protection from various weeds than rye. Both crops produce grain suitable for:

  • making bread and other baked products;
  • getting pasta;
  • food for domestic animals and poultry;
  • production of ethyl alcohol.

We need to say a little about what wheat looks like. The wheat leaf can grow up to 2 cm wide. There may be hairs on it, although this is not necessary.

The inflorescences of the main cereal form a spike reaching 0.15 m in length. All ears are formed by 3-5 flowers. Wheat fruits belong to the category of grains.

Similarities and differences

By appearance

Even those people who have never gone to a grain field in their lives understand that there is a significant difference between rye and wheat. It affects both the properties of bread and its appearance. However, the grain of these crops is also different. Wheat fruits are painted in a golden tone. Rye grains are greenish with a gray tint, like meadow timothy.

Comparing the ears also shows noticeable differences. Thus, a wheat shoot is thicker than a rye shoot; both crops have “antennae”, but on wheat they can break off completely when the grains ripen. Wheat has more varieties than rye or any other grain. But a rye ear is heavier than a wheat ear, because it can reach 2 m compared to the maximum height of 1.5 m for wheat.

Both wheat and rye are grown throughout almost the entire inhabited territory globe. They have a peculiar hybrid (triticale). Wheat comes from the southeastern regions of Turkey.

Rye was first introduced into culture somewhere on the Mediterranean coast. It has not yet been possible to determine more precisely. Durum varieties wheat completely belongs to the spring group, and is planted exclusively before winter soft look cereal.

If we compare grains by chemical composition, That in rye they contain a higher concentration of niacin. They also contain more tocopherol. Such components have a positive effect on nervous system. Rye grain has a higher concentration of dietary fiber, which helps prevent many cases of colon cancer. But gluten, which wheat produces more actively, helps improve the quality of the dough.

By properties

Another interesting question for consumers is which cereal is healthier. The nutritional value of wheat is somewhat higher, it allows you to get more delicious bread. But the difference is energy value is only 1 calorie (338 and 339, respectively). Therefore, other components and technological aspects its production. For 100 g of rye grain there is:

  • more than 60 g carbohydrates;
  • 8.8 g protein;
  • 1.7 g fat.

Important additional components turn out to be alimentary fiber(there are 13.2 g of them) and mineral components (almost 2 g). Chemical analysis of wheat grains shows that they contain:

  • 68 to 71 g carbohydrates;
  • 14 g protein;
  • from 2 to 2.5 g fat.

Dietary fiber accounts for 10 g, starch and sugar are also present. Therefore, in terms of overall nutritional value and health benefits, wheat is far ahead of rye. But the dietary characteristics of the latter are noticeably higher.

Therefore, rye products, primarily obtained from flour coarse, are better suited for people with excess body weight and high cholesterol levels.

The final characteristics are determined by the specifics of the variety and subsequent processing.

Wheat grains, after germination, turn out to be a valuable remedy for medical and cosmetic purposes. They help speed up wound healing and strengthen the immune system. Cosmetologists value wheat germ for its ability to rejuvenate the skin. But rye germs are unsuitable for such purposes. But its straw is even now occasionally used to cover the roofs of outbuildings in rural areas.

Rye is a cereal grain crop, which is a unique product for the right dietary nutrition. She has low rate glycemic index, and is also considered low-calorie product. Rye is rich in nutrients and is a source of vitamins and minerals necessary for humans.

Rye as a cereal crop

Rye is a cereal crop that is a herbaceous plant. The color of rye can vary and range from yellow-brown to gray-green. The fruit of rye is a grain that has oval shape. Rye is the main ingredient in rye bread. Due to the fact that its gluten is less elastic than, for example, wheat, rye has less gas formation during the leavening process, so rye bread is denser.

Rye - 10 beneficial properties

In many countries of the world, wheat is usually preferred among cereal crops. However, rye products still enjoy some popularity. Rye attracts connoisseurs not only for its exquisite taste, but also health benefits. Let's take a closer look at the benefits and harms of rye for our body.

    In weight loss diets, rye grains occupy a special place. They contain a large number of fibers, which lead to rapid satiety and satisfaction of hunger, which helps in weight loss. For those for whom the problem of obesity is relevant, it is recommended to pay attention to the benefits of this product.

  1. Preventing Gallstones

    According to studies that were conducted over 16 years, women who consumed rye fiber reduced their likelihood of developing stones by 13%. gallbladder. And if you consume insoluble fiber, the result will be even more outstanding - the risk will decrease by 17%. Studying this product, scientists found that rye not only speeds up the process of moving food through the gastrointestinal tract, but also helps reduce the acidity of gastric secretions and the amount of triglycerides. In addition to rye, fiber is also found in nuts, fruit peels (apples, pears) and vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkin). This must be taken into account by people who monitor their health, follow a diet, or simply seek to diversify the menu with different products.

  2. Treatment of diabetes

    Rye is a rich source of magnesium. It must be remembered that without magnesium in the body, many enzymes (more than 300) are not active, including those that are involved in the body’s development of insulin secretion. The fiber in rye bread reduces the need for insulin, which is why the risk of diabetes decreases. Eating rye bread prevents diabetes and helps normalize blood sugar levels.

    As for medical experiments, it was revealed interesting fact. Scientific research, which lasted eight years and studied 41,186 black women, found that women who ate whole grains, had a 31% reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Another product, the consumption of which reduces the risk of diabetes, is low-fat milk. Consuming this product will reduce the likelihood of disease by 13%.

    People suffering from diabetes mellitus should stop using wheat bread, giving preference to rye. This is confirmed by ongoing international studies. Thus, American scientists have discovered that wheat bread increases insulin, which cannot be said about rye bread. Finnish scientists who conducted experiments with volunteers made similar conclusions.

  3. Help with cardiovascular diseases and restoration of the gastrointestinal tract

    Another positive fact for consuming rye is the ability of this product remove toxins from the body. Thus, dietary fiber, which is found in rye bread, absorbs cholesterol and toxic substances. In addition, vitamins B and E, which rye contains, protect a person from diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

  4. Benefits for postmenopausal women

    Women suffering high pressure, high cholesterol or cardiovascular diseases, during the postmenopausal period should be given Special attention nutrition and give preference to rye products. IN American magazine A study was published that involved 200 postmenopausal women with cardiovascular disease. They consumed rye grain products six times a week. An improvement in health was noted, in particular a slowdown in the development of atherosclerosis and stenosis.

  5. Preventing Heart Failure

    Heart failure is one of the most common reasons for hospitalization in older adults. On average, it affects 10% of the population over 75 years of age. The treatment is only partially successful, as evidenced by the figures - of the 2445 discharged patients diagnosed with heart failure, 37.3% of them died within the first year, 78.5% died within 5 years.

    Given the fact that this problem is very acute, research was conducted at Harvard for about 20 years with 21,376 volunteers. Since it had previously been proven that grain products had a beneficial effect on human health, volunteers, in particular men, ate porridge made from rye grains for breakfast every day. The results of the study exceeded all expectations - the risk of developing heart failure decreased by 29%.

  6. Prevention of tumor diseases

    Rui Hai Liu, MD, of the American Institute for Cancer Research, and colleagues from Cornell University presented their work at the International Conference on Diet and Cancer. Scientists have concluded that a diet rich in high content The fiber contained in rye grains helps reduce the risk of colon cancer. However, further studies yielded conflicting results, which were explained by unaccounted factors. However, Dr. Louis believed that it was whole grains that had medicinal properties.

  7. Lignans for heart disease

    Whole grain rye contains lignans. These nutrients transform the intestinal flora, forming enteralactones, which protect the body from cancer and heart diseases. In addition to rye, rich sources of lignans include nuts, berries, vegetables, fruits, and drinks such as coffee, tea and wine. A Danish study published in the Journal of Nutrition found that 800 postmenopausal women who ate whole grains as well as kale and other leafy vegetables had increased levels of enterolactone.

  8. Fiber from grains and fruits protects against breast cancer

    A UK cohort study of 35,972 women found that food intake rich in fiber(rye and fruit) improves protection against breast cancer during perimenopause (Cade YE, Burley VY, et al., International Journal of Epidemiology).

    However, if a woman eats food containing more than 30 grams of fiber per day before menopause, this leads to a lower risk of breast cancer compared to a woman whose diet contains less than 20 grams of fiber per day. In this case, the greatest effect will be achieved if you consume whole grains (13 grams per day) or fruits (6 grams per day). In the first case, the risk of the disease will decrease by 41%, in the second – by 29%, respectively.

    Another study, which was conducted over 8.3 years involving 51,823 postmenopausal women, showed impressive results. Thus, those representatives who consumed fruit fibers experienced a 34% reduction in the risk of breast cancer. In addition, women who have ever had hormonal changes and at the same time they consumed a large amount of fiber in their food, in particular cereals, more outstanding results were observed - in 50% of them a decrease in the risk of disease was found.

    As for foods that contain fiber, you can highlight apples, dates, pears and prunes. Of the cereals, rye comes first. Rye flakes for breakfast, rye bread for soup or sandwich - this is a great way to enrich your body with fiber.

  9. Whole rye grains and fish - protection against asthma in children

    Based on findings from the American Lung Association, about 20 million Americans suffer from asthma and wheezing. International studies examining allergies and asthma in children have found that increasing the consumption of whole grains and fish leads to a 50% reduction in the risk of the disease. (Tabak C, Wijga Ah, Chest).

    In a study by the Dutch National Institute of Public Health and environment Parents of 598 children aged 8 to 13 years were surveyed. The topic of the questions concerned food products such as fish, fruits, vegetables, dairy and grain products. In addition to this questionnaire, data on asthma were studied using tests and questionnaires. Studies have produced conflicting results. There was no connection between the disease and consumption of fruits, vegetables and dairy products. But as for whole grains and fish, as it turned out, they affect the course of asthma. Children who ate little fish and whole grains had wheezing and wheezing - these changes were noticed in 20% of kids. As for asthma, this figure was 16.7%. In turn, in children who frequently consumed these products, there was a decrease in wheezing problems to 4.2% and asthma to 2.8%.

Meta-analysis explains health benefits of whole grains

Many studies have shown that eating whole rye grains protects against diseases such as atherosclerosis, ischemic stroke, diabetes, and obesity. New experiments confirm and explain these findings. Whole grains are a source of fiber. This fact was scientifically confirmed using a meta-analysis in which 7 studies were conducted. They involved 150,000 people who consumed dietary fiber. As a result, conclusions were drawn - the risk of cardiovascular diseases decreased by 29%.

The grains contain dietary water-soluble, fat-soluble and insoluble antioxidants, which include vitamin E, tocotrieonols, selenium, phenolic acids and phytic acid. Although antioxidant supplements have been poorly studied and their ability to protect against cardiovascular disease has been questioned, researchers are making promising predictions.

Rye is one of the most recent domesticated grain crops. Unlike other grains, which can be traced back to prehistoric times, rye was not cultivated until 400 BC. e. It was first grown in this way in Germany. Rye is believed to have originated from wild species plants that grew like weeds among the wheat and barley.

During the times of the Greeks and Romans, rye did not have wide application. In many countries it was considered the food of the poor. However, in Scandinavian and Eastern European cultures, rye was important.

Currently, most of the world's rye crops are grown in Russian Federation, Poland, China, Canada and Denmark.

Rye and gluten grains

Rye is part of a group called “gluten grains.” However, recently scientists have questioned the presence of certain types of grains in it. New technologies have allowed scientists to study the composition of grains in more detail. Therefore, some doctors include only wheat, oats, barley and rye in the above group. Other experts, based on recent research, suggest separating rye from these grains.

What else is useful?