The best varieties of durum pasta. What are the benefits of durum wheat pasta and how to choose real ones

Pasta is the most popular food, although they are classified as traditional Italian cuisine. Affordable price, satisfying, wide range of dishes... But why do our residents get fat on pasta, while the Italians remain slim? In addition, they also increase immunity with this product.

You've probably heard that pasta made from durum wheat is not fattening and is suitable even for those on a diet. But only if you do not supplement them with various fatty sauces. Editorial "So simple!" will tell you how to choose the right pasta and how to cook it to get the maximum benefit and a beautiful dish, not a mess.

Durum wheat pasta

The glycemic index of durum wheat pasta is 55 units. To make it easier to understand this figure: boiled potatoes have 65, corn has 70, wild rice has 65, soda has 74, and beer has 110. That is, in such pasta, carbohydrates are broken down slowly, due to which you feel the feeling for a long time. satiety.

But pasta made from soft varieties of wheat, that is, of lower quality, has a higher index and can provoke surges in blood sugar, which will lead to the formation of fatty deposits.

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Good pasta contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals. B vitamins strengthen the nervous system, vitamin E preserves our youth, tryptophan helps get rid of nervous tension and insomnia, fiber removes toxins.

Pasta also contains vital potassium, iron and phosphorus. With the help of dietary fiber, the intestines are actively cleansed of accumulated toxins and waste. In addition, the difference in price between healthy paste and regular one is not at all great. The main thing is to know how to choose the one made from durum wheat.

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By the way, high-quality pasta consists of only two ingredients - water and durum wheat crushed into grains. So don't be fooled by the fact that the beautiful yellow hue comes from adding eggs. Another important point: healthy pasta after cooking they do not turn white and do not change their shape. So the fact that the pasta is overcooked is not your fault, but the composition of this product.

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Soft wheat varieties are no worse, they are just intended for something else. They are used to make bread and pastries. But unscrupulous producers are sometimes so clever that they use flour from grain that is intended for livestock feed. So it’s often not worth pampering yourself with pasta, especially in combination with sauces or even regular butter.

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So, to choose durum wheat pasta, pay attention to the packaging. It should be marked “Group A” (1st and 2nd classes of grain for flour) - this is durum wheat flour. If you see the inscription “Group B”, you see products made from premium wheat flour, it is good for the production of bread and rolls, but not for pasta. And of course, avoid pasta sold loosely in bags without any labeling or expiration dates.

You can without a doubt buy spaghetti and other products made in Italy, because in Italy it is legally prohibited to use soft varieties of wheat.

Pasta is a dough product usually made from wheat flour and water. Another name is pasta (from Italian Pasta). Italian cuisine is associated primarily with pasta, and the real homeland of this popular product is China. It was from here that the traveler Marco Polo brought the secret of making pasta. How to choose high-quality and most delicious pasta, what to pay attention to when choosing - here are some of our tips.


The packaging must be marked with the type of wheat from which the product is made. Group A - pasta made from only durum wheat flour, group B - from flour made from soft glassy wheat, group B - from bakery wheat flour.
Pasta packaging must be transparent or have a transparent window through which the buyer can evaluate the appearance of the product. Also, check the pasta packaging for leaks.


Smooth surface;

Golden, even creamy color, not white or unnaturally bright yellow;

The amber-yellow pasta is made from durum wheat;

The presence on the product of a small amount of remnants of wheat grain shells in the form of dark dots;

Light pasta with a rough surface and white specks is made from regular flour, artificially colored yellow;

No flour or crumbs in the pack, glassy fracture

How to distinguish a fake?

Pasta made from durum wheat of group A is often counterfeited by mixing flour with soft or baking flour. It is impossible to distinguish a forgery externally, but it is easy to detect when cooking. Cook the pasta according to all the rules and see what happens to the water and the shape of the products. If the figures are intact, but the water is slightly cloudy, you bought real pasta made from durum wheat. If the result is different, it is a fake.

Another easy way to determine the quality of pasta: bend the spaghetti. Products made from soft varieties break quickly, while pasta from hard varieties is durable, bends well, and is difficult to break.

Pasta made from durum varieties does not become overcooked, practically does not stick together, and the finished pasta has a pleasant amber yellow color. Do not be afraid of carotene dye - it is natural and completely harmless. If the pasta is colored in unusual colors after cooking, look at the composition; most likely it contains a natural additive. For example, greenish pasta comes from the addition of spinach; It is not recommended to take pasta that is very crumbly, because... this means that they were dried in violation of all technologies. When cooked, such products will turn into porridge. If cooked pasta tastes bitter, it means that the material from which it is made was stored incorrectly and for too long, and the fats present have become rancid.

Why doesn't grade mean anything?

The grade refers to the type of flour, not the quality of the pasta itself. The inscription “highest grade and highest quality” on simple cheap cones of group B means that they are made from premium baking flour, devoid of almost all useful substances and the most refined. It would be better if pasta were made from first grade flour, which is more healthy.

Sometimes they indicate the class instead of the variety - this is the same thing in relation to pasta.

Expensive or cheap?

In principle, there is no difference, the main thing is that pasta should be made only from durum wheat. You come across pasta at an insanely expensive price, special French and German ones. Why do they cost so much? Nobody knows, probably the distributor wanted to set such a price. Pasta is flour and water. When buying very expensive pasta, you pay for the brand name and bright packaging.

The benefits of durum wheat pasta

Such pasta contains a large amount of useful substances
. B vitamins, which increase stress resistance and alleviate headaches;
. Vitamin E - prevents aging;
. Minerals - potassium, iron, manganese and phosphorus;
. Pasta provides the body with complex carbohydrates that do not raise blood sugar levels, as well as protein in the amount of 15% of the daily value;
. Fiber - absorbs waste and toxins, removing them from the body. Fiber also provides a long-lasting feeling of fullness;
. The amino acid tryptophan promotes deeper and more restful sleep and resists depression.

Types of pasta

In Italy, there are dozens, maybe hundreds, of pasta varieties. All Italian pasta is divided into 3 types:
. Long paste
. Short pasta
. Filled pasta

Based on their form, they are divided into five types:

1. Long

Capellini - products are long, round, very thin. Sometimes they are also called “angel hair”. Eat hot, with a light sauce, broth, or simply with a vegetable salad mixed with olive oil.

Vermicelli (Vermicelli) are long, round and thin (1.4 mm - 1.8 mm) products. Translated from Italian it means “little worms”. Eat hot or cold, with a light sauce or broken, mixed with vegetable salad.

Spaghetti is the most popular type of pasta in the world: long, round and of medium thickness. These are "small ropes". Eat hot, with tomato sauce or in casseroles.

Spaghettini - thinner than spaghetti.

Tagliatelle are long noodles.

Fettuccine - flat thin strips of dough, about 2.5 cm wide. They can be straight or slightly curved. Used in the preparation of Fettuccine Alfredo, eaten hot, with a thick sauce, especially tasty with a creamy sauce.

Lasagne - very wide and long products, can be with curly or straight edges. Also called casserole made from them. They are consumed exclusively hot, placed in layers in a mold, each layer coated with thick tomato or cream sauces. Then bake for 30-40 minutes.

Lasagnette is a wide noodle with ruffled edges.

Linguine - flat, long and narrow, slightly longer than spaghetti, products. Their name is translated from Italian as “small tongues.”

Pappardelle is a flat noodle, about 2 cm wide.

2. Short pasta

Fusilli - made in the shape of a spiral (Archimedes screw).

Penne are tubes with a diameter of no more than 10 mm, a length of no more than 40 mm, and have diagonal cut edges (feathers).

Penne rigate are ribbed feathers.

Cannelloni - pasta tubes with a diameter of no more than 30 mm and a length of no more than 100 mm. Basically, they are prepared with various fillings.

Cellentani are spiral-shaped tubes.

3. Fine paste for soups

Anelli are beautiful miniature rings created specifically for preparing various soups.

Stelline - products in the shape of an asterisk.

Ditalini Orecchiete are small items in the shape of letters or ears.

4. Figured paste

Farfalle - products in the shape of a butterfly.

Farfallette and Farfallini are small butterflies.

Conchiglie - shell-shaped pasta; Great for filling with filling.

Concigliette are small shells.

Conciglioni are large shells.

Gemelli - strands with hollow ends or thin spirals.

Caserecce are ordinary, familiar horns.

Campanelle are bells with a slightly wavy edge.

Gnocchi and cavatelli are frilled shells.

5. Filled pasta

Agnolotti - rectangular or crescent-shaped. These are envelopes with traditional meat filling

Cappeletti - stuffed small pasta. Made in the shape of a hat.

Tortellini are small rings with filling.

Tortelloni - large squares with filling.

Cannelloni is a type of pasta in the shape of fairly large tubes. Designed for filling with minced meat.

Multi-colored pasta

Although they are a simple, natural product, and they contain only flour and water, only natural products are added to the multi-colored pasta: spinach, beets, wheat germ, carrots, etc. They add both taste and color. If the package contains artificial colors, fillers or substitutes, you should not buy such pasta.

Instant noodles

Noodles are not pasta. Fast food noodles brew quickly because they contain a lot of raising agents, thickeners, starches and fats. These components are easily permeable to water and swell well. Glutamate is often added to it for taste, and dyes for appearance. Whether such noodles exist is up to you to decide, but there is nothing useful in them.

Egg noodles

The approximate composition of egg noodles is: “wheat flour, salt, starch, egg powder and baking soda.” These noodles are no different from fast food ones. It contains no vitamins or nutrients. In addition, after it, within an hour you feel hungry again

Pasta doesn't make you fat, it makes you lose weight

Why? In Italy, pasta is eaten with a variety of sauces, the main ingredients of which are herbs, vegetables, mushrooms, seafood, spices, etc. These products are low-calorie and very beneficial for the body. Pasta made from high-quality raw materials can and should be safely included in the diet without fear of excess weight.


Before purchasing, be sure to check the expiration dates. Pasta can be stored for about 3 years; colored products with additives (carrots or spinach) will be tasty for 24 months; egg - about 12 months.

True, unscrupulous manufacturers sometimes artificially change shelf life by printing a new date on a special sticker. You should not buy such a product. For high-quality pasta, the expiration date is stamped directly on the package.

We wish you a good choice!

In the 80s and 90s of the last century, when Atkins and his protein diet were at the peak of popularity, cones, noodles and spaghetti were suddenly declared persona non grata. The public was convinced that pasta, like any carbohydrate food, made you fat, and the public reluctantly began to avoid it in stores. This myth is still alive. Many people who are losing weight are sure: the first thing that needs to be excluded from the diet is bread and pasta. How wrong they are!

In fact, pasta made from durum wheat is a light and dietary food. A glass of boiled spaghetti contains only 130–140 kcal and a lot of “slow” carbohydrates, which give us energy, fill us well and help maintain stable blood sugar levels. They contain a lot of fiber, which removes everything unnecessary (toxins, heavy metal salts, etc.). Those who are overweight and have digestive problems, on the contrary, need to eat pasta! However, everyone else benefits from them too.

Pasta makes us happy... During cooking, a large amount of tryptophan is formed - an amino acid that enters the brain through the blood and is converted into the “happiness hormone” serotonin.

...and smart- thanks to the content of B vitamins necessary for the brain.

They keep us young. Pasta contains vitamins E and F, which slow down the appearance of wrinkles.

Season them Italian style with olive oil, tomatoes, garlic and basil - they will also protect against cancer!

But all this applies only to pasta made from durum wheat. They contain little starch, it is contained in a special crystalline form and is absorbed without harming the figure. In many countries - Italy, France, Greece, etc. - There are simply no other pasta. Unfortunately, our cones, noodles and spaghetti are still made from soft wheat. The starch there is in an amorphous form, which, in terms of its ability to influence weight, equates them to white bread. All valuable substances remain in the water after cooking, and the shape of the products after cooking leaves much to be desired.

The GOST current in Russia divides all pasta variety into three groups:

A- from durum wheat,

B- from highly glassy soft wheat,

IN- from soft wheat.

And also in two classes:

Made from premium flour,

Made from first grade flour.

On a pack of “correct” pasta, which our waistlines are only a joy to eat, there should be one of the inscriptions: “Group A, 1st class”, durum, “durum wheat” or semolina di grano duro.

So, perfect pasta...

✓ translucent, clean, even, amber-yellow or golden color, without whitish inclusions (white dots occur in soft varieties of pasta);

✓ they contain a lot of protein. Look at the composition: protein should be at least 11 g/100 g, preferably 13–14 g;

✓ bend well, while products made from soft varieties, on the contrary, quickly break;

✓ during cooking they increase in volume at least 2 times, retain their shape well. They are soft, elastic, do not form lumps and do not stick together. Cloudy cooking water indicates that they contain a lot of starch. This happens after making cheap horns, but not noble fusilli.

To appreciate both taste and benefits

  • Boil the pasta in plenty of water. The classic cooking ratio is 1000:100:10 (1 liter of water, 100 g of pasta and 10 g of salt);
  • cook until al dente when they are a little hard when bitten;
  • Do not cover pasta dishes with fatty sauces and oil. It is advisable to prepare the sauce yourself or use ready-made tomato sauce;
  • Sprinkle finely grated Parmesan cheese over pasta: it is no less caloric than other hard cheeses, but there is more flavor in a tablespoon of this cheese. More dietary options are also unexpected and good: Adyghe cheese, feta cheese or even low-fat grain cottage cheese;
  • cook them differently. Pasta goes well with fish, vegetables, and herbs. But still, the main secret of pasta cuisine is sauces. In Italy, they are prepared only with olive oil, which stimulates digestion and activates the liver.

Talking names

Traditionally, in Russia all types of pasta are called macaroni (from the word “dough”). However, the Italian term maccheroni refers only to short tubular products, the rest have their own names. Spaghetti- long, round and quite thin (translated as “small ropes”). Capellini- also long, rounded and even thinner, they are also called “angel hair”. Bavette look like flattened spaghetti, etc. In total, there are over 600 different forms of pasta in the world, so the list can be impressive, we won’t list them.

Expert opinion

Tatiana ANOKHINA, Head of the testing center GEAC "SOEX" of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.

Six samples of pasta were tested in our laboratory. And we ultimately give them all high marks! The physical and chemical parameters of the subjects meet the standards of GOST 31743-2012. Their humidity (a very important indicator that determines how long pasta will be stored) does not exceed 13%. Acidity (the taste and freshness of the product depend on it, and it can increase if the dough or raw products have been in a humid environment for a long time) - no more than 40, which is within normal limits. We did not find any pests, GMOs of plant origin, or toxic or any other harmful elements in the samples.

Text: Evgenia Danilova

Still, a competition is a competition, and we must name the winners. In our opinion, the best was Baronia spaghetti, Maltagliati spaghetti received silver, and Makfa received bronze.

Test: Spaghetti*

De Matteis Agroalimentare S.P.A., Italy MakProm LLC, Saratov region. LLC Pasta factory "AMERIA", Kursk region. LLC TD "Oskol", Belgorod region, Spain JSC "MAKFA", Chelyabinsk region. Not specified, importer ZAO InfoLink, Moscow
Durum wheat flour, water Special purpose wheat flour type M55-23, water Premium durum wheat flour, water Durum wheat flour, water
Compliant Compliant Compliant Compliant Compliant Compliant
354 350 340 344 338 355
13,5 13 10 10,4 11 12
9 10,4 10,8 10,2 10,1 9,7
2,6 1,2 1,4 1,4 1,6 2,0
7,7 5 5,9 5,3 5,9 7
100 100 100 100 100 100
Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected
Yellow, long thread-like shape Yellow, long thread-like shape Yellow, long thread-like shape Pale yellow, long thread-like shape
500/70 450/45 400/30 450/40 500/58 500/88
This is exactly what a winner should be - tasty, beautiful, healthy (lots of fiber and protein) and stable (judging by the moisture and acidity indicators, it will be stored well and for a long time). Well deserved first place! “Shebekinskie” stopped one step away from bronze: in most parameters they are slightly inferior to “Makfe”. But not in terms of protein content - here they are very close to the winner! This pasta is a clear outsider: it has less protein than its competitors, and it retains its shape less well after cooking. Which, in general, is understandable: these spaghetti are the only ones from group B, that is, they are made from soft wheat. The taste and color of this pasta are excellent, but other indicators are average. Here we have a classic middle peasant. It’s nice that pasta from a domestic manufacturer is not much inferior in quality to Italian ones. I wonder if if you put them on an Italian's plate, will they notice the substitution? Very tasty and, importantly, beautiful spaghetti. If we were to judge only the appearance after cooking, the Maltagliati would take first place. They are slightly inferior to the winner only in protein content.

* Thank you for your help in conducting the GEAC “SOEX” test

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Some people believe that all pasta is the same and there is no difference between them, so you should take the cheapest one. Others, on the contrary, have extensive knowledge of pasta classification and have almost a dozen different options in their kitchen. Pasta products are actually very diverse - not only in terms of shape, but also in terms of taste and composition. Choosing pasta is not something complicated and requires significant knowledge - the only difficulty may be finding products that have an optimal price-quality ratio.

Groups A, B and C

On the packaging of pasta you can find information about which group it belongs to. Group A is preferable to the other two. However, most pasta products fall into this category. Sometimes you can find pasta of groups B and C - as a rule, these are the cheapest options, for example, “Red Price” from Pyaterochka and Perekrestok.

What does the phrase "group A" mean? The fact that pasta was made from flour obtained from durum wheat, which contains a lot of gluten and little starch. Pasta made from durum wheat tastes better and has less impact on blood sugar levels (which is important, for example, for people with diabetes).

Group B pasta is made from flour obtained from so-called soft wheat; Group B pasta - made from baking flour.


Pasta can be of the highest, first and second grade - depending on what grade of flour is used for its production. Now, in my opinion, only premium pasta is sold. I haven't met any others. Naturally, the highest grade is better than the first and second.

Russian or Italian?

Why pay big money for Italian pasta when Russian ones are no worse? - this is what many buyers think. Often the buyer does not face this question at all: he takes a package of pasta, focusing only on the price, brand or design of the package itself.

Pasta: history of origin, types, composition, calorie content and benefits. How to choose high-quality and healthy pasta.

Pasta is a dried dough product that is kneaded with water and flour. In many countries, another name that came to us from Italy is common - pasta. Wheat flour is used, less often buckwheat and rice.
According to statistics, pasta is most loved in Italy, Venezuela, Greece, Tunisia, Sweden, Switzerland, the USA and Russia. But if the average Italian eats about 26 kg of pasta per year, then a Russian can handle only 6 kg.

Origin story

Most people associate pasta with Italian cuisine, but China is considered the real birthplace of the popular product: it was from there that the merchant and traveler Marco Polo brought the secret of making pasta. True, scientists are still arguing where pasta appeared first - in Greece, Egypt, China, or still in sunny Italy. Be that as it may, it is impossible to imagine Italian cuisine without pasta; it is in this country that so many of its varieties appeared.

Today, store shelves are overflowing with pasta of various shapes, colors and sizes, from domestic and foreign manufacturers. But how not to get lost in this diversity? Is it possible to purchase a high-quality product, since pasta is often accused of being high in calories and completely lacking beneficial ingredients? This is what we will try to find out, and we will start with the classification of pasta.

Types of pasta, benefits and calorie content

There are several criteria by which pasta is classified: the main ones are the composition and shape of the product. The taste, appearance, beneficial properties and cost of the finished product depend on the raw materials and technologies that were used in its manufacture.

1. Shape
Based on their appearance, pasta is divided into 5 volumetric groups: long, short, small, curly (bows, shells, horns) and filled pasta. Separately, it is worth highlighting pasta made from wholemeal flour, intended for dietary nutrition: usually such pasta has a brownish-gray color.

2. Composition
The classic pasta recipe is simple - water and flour. But why then are some pasta healthy, while others are harmful to health and contribute to weight gain?

The quality and usefulness of pasta depends, first of all, on the flour that goes into their production. According to the standards in force in Russia, there are three groups of pasta: A, B and C. The first category includes pasta made exclusively from wholemeal flour: it is obtained from durum wheat (most often the durum variety). Class B pasta is made from glassy flour of soft grains. Group B includes products made from baking flour.

Pasta that belongs to category A is the healthiest and lowest in calories. They retain vitamins and minerals, provide the body with fiber and complex carbohydrates - substances that help get rid of toxins and keep you feeling full for a long time.

The flour from which class B pasta is made is devoid of most beneficial components. In addition, it contains a lot of harmful amorphous starch. And the baking flour that goes into the production of category B pasta is a completely purified, and therefore completely useless, product.

In some European countries, particularly in Italy, pasta is made only from healthy durum varieties of cereals, and this is monitored at the legislative level. Everything else is considered counterfeit. It's a pity that our government is not so strict about pasta.

The benefits of durum wheat pasta

Whole grain pasta retains all the beneficial properties of cereals. Thanks to complex carbohydrates that break down slowly, maintaining a feeling of fullness for a long time and not being deposited as fat in “problem areas”, they are safe for your figure. People get fat not from pasta, but from the additives with which they are eaten - from high-calorie sauces, butter, cheese and mayonnaise.

Pasta made from durum wheat is a source of natural fiber, vegetable protein, vitamins E and group B. Among the trace elements they contain iron, manganese, potassium, and phosphorus. Vegetable protein in pasta is a supplier of tryptophan, an amino acid involved in the production of the “happy hormone” serotonin. That's why it's good to eat pasta when you're feeling blue.

Calorie content

100 g of dry durum wheat pasta contains about 330-350 kcal. Boiled pasta has a lower calorie content - 100-125 kcal per 100 g of product; nutritional value: carbohydrates – 70 g, proteins – 10 g, fats – 1 g per 100 g of product.

What to look for when buying pasta?

1 package
High-quality pasta is never sold by weight. Tightly sealed, sealed packaging with a transparent window through which you can evaluate the appearance of the product is a sign of good pasta.

2. Composition
Flour + water - there should be nothing else in the composition of real pasta. The following inscriptions on the label indicate the high quality of pasta: “pasta di grano duro”, “pasta di semola di grano duro”, “exclusively from durum wheat”, “class A, highest grade” (GOST 875-92 in Russia) .

3. Structure
High-quality pasta has a smooth, as if polished surface. The products are whole, with a “glassy” fracture, without broken specimens, crumbs or flour in the packaging. Wholemeal pasta bends easily, but is difficult to break.

4. Color
Healthy pasta has a smooth, natural creamy, golden or amber-yellow translucent hue. Snow-white, poisonous yellow or dirty gray color indicates a violation of production technology, the addition of low-quality flour, and the use of artificial colors to disguise low-quality raw materials.

As for colored paste, it can only be useful if it contains natural dyes (beets, carrots, spinach, turmeric, tomatoes, cuttlefish ink). A small number of black inclusions indicates the high quality of the products (these are particles of the grain shell).

5. Cooking
High-quality pasta is cooked for about 8-10 minutes, while it does not become overcooked, retains its shape, does not stick together (therefore, there is no need to rinse “correct” pasta with cold water after cooking), almost does not change color, and the water does not become cloudy during and after cooking, remains almost transparent.

6. Taste
The bitter taste of boiled pasta indicates that it is made from bad flour, has been stored for a long time and has become rancid.

7. Price
High-quality pasta cannot be suspiciously cheap. It is very important to know that the inscription on the package “made from durum wheat” does not mean that the pasta is of high quality: whole grain flour may be present in such products in small quantities. Look for pasta that says “made exclusively from durum wheat” on the package.

As you can see, choosing healthy pasta is not difficult at all. You just need to remember simple rules. If you want to diversify your home menu, you can’t think of anything better than pasta: you can delight children with cute butterflies, colorful shells, bells with wavy edges, surprise guests with twisted spirals or wide noodles with corrugated edges, and add tiny stars, miniature rings or pasta in the form of letters - to persuade the child to eat it. Buy only healthy pasta and eat for your health!

Hi all!

I am a lover of Italian pasta, I often like it much more than the advertised Shchebeken pasta.

I bought this pasta in Perekrestok, p about the promotion for only 59 rubles. Oh these promotions, I wish there were more of them.

From the manufacturer:

Composition, BJU:

I can say how to distinguish pasta made from durum wheat from pasta made from regular flour. You just need to look at the amount of protein in 100 grams. product. If the protein is 12 g. and higher(I found 13 grams of protein per 100 grams of product) this means that the pasta is from durum varieties, which will not harm your figure, and even, on the contrary, Such pasta contains a large amount of fiber, which will benefit the body. Pasta that contains less than 12 grams of protein per 100 grams is made from regular flour, which contains a large amount of starch, which entails weight gain. In these pasta I first saw that the amount of protein is 14 grams (!!!), which is very good.

Packed pasta in a cardboard box Blue color, easy to open from the top.

Sami light yellow pasta, The shape resembles round tubes with ribs. All pasta is the same shape.

Cooking pasta until ready, but so that they are “by the tooth”, I don't like boiled pasta.

Additives may be I have the most different ones, this and with cream cheese, And bacon with cheese and cream (carbonara) or, for example pasta with pesto sauce, as they say, this is not an acquired taste.

Pasta Barilla I'm not the first and not the last to buy, they high quality, truly made from durum wheat, which will only bring benefits.