Treatment with juices. The healing power of currants and currant juice

Currant juice for the winter– it’s delicious, incredible useful thing. The preparation will quickly invigorate and saturate the body with vitamins winter time, when it is so necessary. If you drink it regularly, you can forget about illnesses.

Blackcurrant juice for the winter

You can squeeze the juice using a juicer, press, or manually. The first two methods allow you to automate the process, so you will spend a minimum of time and effort. If you don’t have such equipment at hand, you will have to squeeze it out manually. For cooking, it is better to get a juicer, which should be thoroughly washed before use.

You will need:

Filtered water
- granulated sugar – 90 g
- blackcurrant berries

Cooking features:

Pour water into the juicer compartment, place it on the stove, and turn on the heat to maximum. Wait until the liquid boils. Sort through the collected fruits. You can use berries for variety different varieties. Place them in a special container with holes, sprinkle with granulated sugar. After some time, open the tap and drain the finished liquid. It is better to immediately substitute a sterile container. After filling the container, seal it immediately.

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Currant juice recipe for the winter


Half a liter of water
- 2 kilograms of currant berries
- granulated sugar – 0.35 kg

How to prepare:

Sort the berries, wash them, and let the liquid drain. Place in a saucepan and prepare a masher or pestle. Crush to form a berry pulp. Add water according to the recipe. Place the currant mass on the stove and boil. Reduce heat intensity and cook for half an hour. Line a colander with a clean cotton cloth. Use gauze if desired. Pour the juice, squeezing out the grounds.

Combine with granulated sugar. You can vary its quantity or exclude it from the recipe altogether. Place the drink on the stove and boil for 3 minutes. Pour into baked containers, screw on tin lids.

Currant juice for the winter using a juicer

Required components:

Currant berries – 1 kg
- granulated sugar – 0.15 kg
- water – 600 ml

How to prepare:

Free the washed berries from spoiled fruits and tails, wash in a basin with big amount water. Transfer to a colander and let stand for half an hour. Twist through a juicer and look at the pulp. If it is wet, run it through the juicer one more time. Pour the juice into a saucepan, add granulated sugar, add water. Heat the liquid, wait until it boils, skim off the foam, and immediately pack it into sterile jars. Screw on the tin caps. Place the containers on the neck and let cool completely. Turn it over to its normal position and put it in the pantry or basement.

Consider the information: "".

Recipes for red currant juice for the winter

Recipe with mint

Required Products:

Half a liter of water
- a couple of mint leaves
- liquid honey – 3 tbsp. spoons
- currant fruits – 2 kilograms

How to prepare:

Wash the berries, put them in a saucepan, add water, cover, and steam until the skins are soft under a closed lid. Stir the mixture periodically to soften the currants. Cool and strain. Be sure to squeeze out the grounds that contain a large number of aromatic substances and pectin. Drain the liquid into a clean saucepan or rinse this one. Throw in mint leaves and boil for a minute. Turn it off, add honey, stir quickly. After adding honey, you should not boil the drink. Pour the hot liquid into jars and seal immediately.

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Recipe with apples

Required components:

Water – 290 ml
- sugar – 0.25 kg
- apples – 1.6 kg
- currants – 1 kg

How to prepare:

Chop the washed apples into pieces and twist through a juicer. Drain the juice into a saucepan, add granulated sugar with some water, place on the stove to shorten the cooking time. Boil it. Sort the currants, wash them, and now process them through a juicer. Pour the juice into a saucepan, combining with the apple juice. Boil everything together after it starts boiling for a couple of minutes. Prepare a ladle or ladle, collect liquid from the pan, and pour into clean jars. Wait for the juice to boil and leave the stove on. Screw on the lids; to cool the rolls faster, turn them upside down. Move it to the basement.

If there are any fruits left, prepare them.

Redcurrant juice - recipes for the winter

You will need:

Several mint sprigs
- granulated sugar – 0.15 kg
- lemon – ? pieces
- water – 400 ml
- currant berries – 0.9 kg

Cooking features:

Place water on the stove to warm up, mix with granulated sugar, throw in mint sprigs. Be sure to rinse your greens first. clean water. Remove the zest from the lemon and place it in a saucepan to simmer. Boil the aromatic syrup for about five minutes, strain, and return to the pan. Remove the berries from the branch and rinse. Squeeze out the liquid using any device. You can also use a regular food processor and strain the liquid through regular layer gauze. Pour the liquid into a saucepan along with the syrup. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon. Place in a shared drink. Let the contents boil, cool, then package.

Consider and.

Red currant juice for the winter

You will need:

Water - ? liters
- granulated sugar – 0.25 kg
- large orange
- currant berries – 1.4 kg

Cooking features:

Wash the orange with a brush, thoroughly cleaning all the pores. Prepare a grater and remove the thin peel. Throw the zest into the water, add granulated sugar, and let it cook. Peel the orange, separate into individual slices, and remove the seeds. Wash the currants, process through a juicer, then throw in the citrus slices. Combine everything together, strain the syrup from the zest, boiled for 5 minutes. Mix currant juice with syrup. Boil for a couple of minutes after it starts boiling. Pour into a sterile container and roll up the lids.

Blackcurrant juice has most pleasant aroma And unique taste, and its properties are determined in a wide range of options for influencing human body. Based on its own composition, it strengthens the entire immune system, removes headache during colds, increases appetite, activates digestive processes and metabolism in general. A glass of juice significantly strengthens the walls blood vessels, normalizes blood composition, improves liver function and improves blood pressure.

Blackcurrant juice, the benefits of which cannot be exaggerated, is a must for people suffering from sclerosis, since this drink has an anti-sclerotic effect. A similar effect on the body occurs due to the imparting of significant elasticity to the walls of blood vessels. The juice has a positive effect in the fight against edema; it can also exhibit antioxidant properties and antispasmodic, choleretic, and tonic effects.

How to squeeze blackcurrant juice

There are a large number of options for harvesting black currants, and everyone will be able to find the option that will be useful to them in terms of complexity, duration, and storage conditions. Useful material, characteristic of berries, are best preserved in juices.

You can make blackcurrant juice different ways. The difference is in the time spent, devices used and storage periods of the prepared product. But they all need careful preliminary preparation. The initial stage is considered to be the selection of berries. They need to be taken ripe. The use of overripe berries is the main reason for obtaining large quantity liquids, since the processes of decomposition of sugar-containing elements have already begun in them. If the currants are not ripe, the output will be juice without a specific aroma and with a reduced content of essential vitamins.

Next you need to choose a harvesting method. Blackcurrant juice for winter requires a longer preparation process, since it is necessary to undergo even minimal heat treatment. This can be done by boiling the juice manually or by sterilizing it already in jars, as well as using special devices.

However, before you start canning, you should understand the question of how to make blackcurrant juice. A meat grinder with several layers of gauze immediately comes to mind. Yes, this is an old and proven method, but too labor-intensive. Using a hand press also takes a lot of your time and effort. There are much more effective method- juicer. This technique makes it possible to save time and sometimes reduce the amount of waste. Currant berries passed through a juicer are subjected to such severe pressure that the so-called cake comes out almost dry. Thereby this method the most economical.

Currant juice from a juicer is quite tasty and aromatic, but it cannot be stored for long. You can solve this issue by immediately boiling it for a couple of minutes and pouring it into jars while hot. If desired, you can first bottle it and then place it in a tank of water for sterilization.

Having received the juice, you can immediately consume it, or you can take care of the months in advance when such an opportunity will not exist. Blackcurrant juice with optimal conditions storage can last for more than one year. He needs coolness and the absence of bright light.

Juice can be prepared fully automatically. For this you will need a juicer. It cooks quite quickly and with the least human intervention. The juicer is prepared, the blackcurrants are sorted, washed and placed in the juicer, adding sugar.

A proportion of 1 kg of berries and 100 g of sugar is added to the juicer. After preparing the juice, the process automatically ends. The jars filled with juice just need to be cooled and placed in a cool, dark place for storage.

Blackcurrant juice will not be a superfluous stock in your pantry. After all, currants are rich in vitamins, and in winter you will really appreciate your foresight. Unlike syrup, blackcurrant juice can be prepared without sugar or with it. minimum quantity. In this case, the juice can be used as a base for compote or jelly, without fear that your dishes will be too sweet.

For cooking black currant juice required:

  • 1 kg of berries;
  • 150 grams of water.

Place the currants in a colander and rinse them under running water. cold water. Clean them from stems and leaves.

Place the berries in a saucepan and crush them well with a potato masher. Add water and place the pan on the stove.

Bring the berries to a boil, and immediately remove the pan from the stove, cover it with a lid and wait 2-3 hours.

Place a sieve or fine mesh colander on a clean pan and strain the juice. Take your time, let it drain on its own. It may take a little longer, but the juice will be clear and there will be no need to further filter it.

If there is not a lot of juice and it is intended for baby food, it can be frozen by pouring the juice into ice molds or into a plastic candy box. If there is more than two cups of juice, then it is better to put it in jars.

Black currants are not afraid of high temperatures and the juice can be boiled. Just don’t overcook the juice, just bring it to a boil and skim off the foam.

Pour the juice into sterilized bottles or jars and immediately close the lids. Later you can do

Blackcurrant juice without sugar can be stored for up to 6 months, because sugar is a preservative and can last for years. Therefore, if you need to increase shelf life, add sugar when preparing juice, at the rate of 100 grams of sugar for each liter of juice. This will be enough for the juice to last for 12-18 months.

How to prepare blackcurrant juice in a juicer, watch the video:

Step 1: prepare blackcurrant berries.

We take a deep bowl and put two kilograms of black currants in it, sort it out, remove the spoiled ones and use a fork to clear the stems.
Pour the currants into a colander and rinse under running water. Let the water drain and transfer the berries to a washed deep bowl.
We crush the prepared dried blackcurrant berries with a masher. Do it easily, so that the berries just burst, we don’t need blackcurrant puree, we’re preparing the juice.

Step 2: cook blackcurrant juice.

Take a deep, clean pan, treated with boiling water, pour into unprepared berries, pour into them 300 grams of pure distilled water and put it on the stove, turned on at a high level. Bring the water to a boil and turn the stove to medium level.
Cooking berries within 30 minutes, during this time the water will evaporate and only juice will remain in the pan. Do not forget to periodically and carefully stir the cooking mass with a wooden spatula to prevent the berries from burning to the bottom of the pan.

Step 3: strain the blackcurrant juice.

Hot juice with berries must be filtered. To do this, take a deep pan, place a clean sieve on its surface and place a clean towel on top of it. Remove the pan with the fruit mixture from the stove and carefully, using a ladle, pour its contents into a sieve covered with a waffle towel. With this process, the juice will be crystal clear, without sediment or pieces of berries. Now we must be patient and let the juice completely drain into the pan, Filtration will take approximately 4 hours. Now is the time to prepare the jars and lids.

Step 4: prepare a container for storing blackcurrant juice.

We take a large 10 liter saucepan, pour running water into it and place it on the stove, turned on at a high level. After the water boils, put into it clean 4 half-liter jars and 4 lids for preservation, washed with soda or detergents. We sterilize them within 15 – 20 minutes. We remove the sterilized jars from the pan using canning tongs, drain the water and place them neck down on a table previously covered with a kitchen waffle towel. Take a clean bowl, lower it, holding it with your hand, into a pan of boiling water for a couple of minutes and take it out. Using canning tongs, remove the sterilized lids from the pan, place them in a bowl treated with boiling water, and pour boiling water from the pan. In the remaining hot water we process all the other pre-washed equipment that we will work with further – a ladle and a slotted spoon.

Step 5: re-boil the currant juice.

Passed 4 hours and the juice is almost gone. We connect the edges of the towel and squeeze it slightly light hand downward movement to filter out the remaining droplets of juice. Do not throw away the squeezed black currants; they will make excellent jam or preserves. Place the pan with the juice on the stove, turned on at high level, bring to a boil, turn the stove to medium level and add 500 grams of sugar. Boil the juice until the sugar is completely dissolved for 10 – 15 minutes.
Foam collects on the surface of the cooking currant juice; remove it with a slotted spoon throughout the cooking process. Necessarily remove the foam, with it comes out all the remaining bacteria and chemicals that could be in the berries they processed.

Step 6: preserve blackcurrant juice.

Turn the prepared half-liter jars upside down and pour the boiled currant juice into them with a ladle. Using canning tongs, remove the lids and cover the jars with them. We take a preservation key and use it to tighten the jars so that there are no gaps between the lid and the neck of the jar. We spread a woolen blanket on the floor and place it on one of its ends. canned juice currants with the lid down. Cover the jars with the other end of the blanket so that there are no gaps. Thus, the preservation cools slowly, without unnecessary temperature changes during 12 days. We put the cooled jars of juice in the pantry or cellar.

Step 7: serve blackcurrant juice for the winter.

Vitamin juice blackcurrant served cooled to room temperature in a decanter from which it is poured into glasses. A bowl of ice is placed nearby for lovers of cold drinks. This juice is concentrated and can be diluted boiled water. From such concentrated juice You can prepare mousse, jelly, jelly, and you can use it to dilute aperitifs such as vodka, tequila, and wine. Blackcurrant juice can be added to alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails. This vitamin drink You can wash it down with any food, but most of all it appeals to hot meat dishes. Tasty and healthy! Bon appetit!

- − Following the recipe, you can make juice from other berries, it can be raspberries, strawberries, strawberries, red currants, cherries and others.

- − You can sterilize jars in an autoclave, microwave or using a kettle by placing the jar neck down in the hole in the lid.

- − While preparing the juice, you can flavor it with vanilla or cinnamon.

- − Black currant berries can be combined with any other juicy berries.

- − If you purchased very sweet currants. You can acidify it with lemon or concentrated lemon juice, they can be purchased at any store.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Black currant- extremely useful, ranks second after rosehip in vitamin C content. It also contains PP, carotene, potassium, iron, citric, malic and other organic acids, pectins, tannins, sugars.

Black currant has therapeutic effect for stomach ulcers, gastritis with low acidity, atherosclerosis, kidney disease, metabolic disorders, anemia.

" Water infusion black currant increases the antimicrobial activity of tetracycline, penicillin, biomycin and other antibiotics 10 times. "

It has been established that the substances that cause the color of the skin of currant berries have a detrimental effect on influenza viruses A2 and B. Black currant significantly increases.

"In the experiment, black currant increased the number of surviving animals infected by 5 times lethal dose staphylococci. "

The amount of juice per dose (for adults) should be no more than a tablespoon: otherwise overstimulation is possible nervous system. The amount of vitamin C in the prepared juice depends on how it is prepared. It is better to prepare juices using juicers rather than in juice cookers. The fact is that in a juicer a large amount of vitamins breaks down: it affects heat, steam condenses and therefore the juice is diluted with water. The juice obtained from the juicer must be mixed with sugar (a glass of granulated sugar per glass of squeezed juice). The juice soon turns into jelly, which can be stored without sterilization. room temperature in a dry, dark place.

In addition to juice, they are very useful and infusions from its leaves, which are also used as a multivitamin and restorative in order to increase the body's resistance to various infections. At the same time, the fruits and leaves have anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, diuretic, choleretic and hemostatic effects.

In this regard, currants can be used in combination with other drugs in the treatment of increased bleeding, diseases of the kidneys, bladder, liver, biliary tract and respiratory system.

An infusion of leaves is given to children when. For those who love tea, we recommend brewing dried berries or dried leaves and drink decoctions. This will help increase the body's resistance to influenza and influenza-like illnesses.