Chicken broth: secrets and recipes. Chicken bouillon

Amazing dish, which has a long-standing reputation as a natural medicine. It restores the strength of patients, helps in rehabilitation after operations, and helps fight colds and viral diseases. Fresh homemade broth will improve bronchial patency and thin mucus, strengthen the functioning of the stomach during indigestion, alleviate the condition of patients with gastritis with increased acidity, normalizes heart rhythm.

The broth has a lot of protein - more than meat. Chicken broth contains B vitamins, which regulate the functioning of the nervous system, fat metabolism and stimulate hematopoiesis, as well as polyunsaturated fatty acids, which protect against hypertension, heart attacks and strokes. The broth also contains easily digestible iron, copper, selenium, calcium and magnesium. In people with excess hemoglobin, broth thins the blood.

To properly prepare this tasty and healing dish, you need to follow a few simple recommendations.

First of all, choose the type of dish you want. If you want to get a rich and strong broth, take a whole gutted one. The more clear broth you want so less meat should be in it. The most transparent, dietary broth is brewed only from bones.

If you are making broth from whole chicken, then, depending on the size of the pan and your desire, you can cook it whole or cut it into pieces - this will not affect the taste of the dish.

Place the washed meat in a saucepan, wait until it boils and drain the first broth - it will contain those chemicals that, unfortunately, are now found in almost any product: they enter the chicken’s body with food. Wash the chicken again and rinse the pan. Pour water over the chicken again and cook over low heat, after a while add vegetables - (right in the skins), whole or halved carrots, and herbs. Don't add too much aromatic spices: allspice, etc. Cook the broth for two hours. If you don't want it to be greasy, skim off any excess fat with a spoon. At the end of cooking, add Bay leaf.

Remove all meat, bones and vegetables from the finished broth. Strain the broth and you can eat it (or drink it, depending on your preference). If desired, add raw vegetables, herbs and carrot pieces to the broth.

A more transparent broth is cooked in the same way, but only bones without meat or with its remains are used for cooking it. chicken giblets. You can buy a special soup set - it includes what remains after cutting a chicken carcass into fillets. It takes less time to cook such a broth than from whole carcass: approximately one and a half hours.

The clearest and lightest broth is made only from bones. It only takes one hour to cook.

You can not add any vegetables to the broth, but cook it only from chicken. It will be almost as tasty, although not as rich in flavor.

Finally, we will give you some tips on using chicken broth. It can be used to prepare soups, gravies and sauces, or add a little when cooking rice or buckwheat porridge. The broth will add flavor and juiciness stews– add a little to meat or poultry, and you will be very pleased with the result.

The broth can be stored for for a long time, if you pour it into a plastic container or plastic bag and place it in freezer. All you have to do is defrost the broth whenever you want it, and then use it as usual.

Stay with the “Home Guru” and you will learn all the secrets of delicious, healthy and simple dishes which can be made from chicken.

To cook chicken broth for a patient, all you need to do is choose high-quality chicken and master the simplest skills of preparing this dish. All chicken broth recipes are quite simple - after all, in this case you just need to cook the bird correctly.

However, there are also some peculiarities regarding cooking time and the addition of certain components. Chicken bouillon for a patient it should not be too fat - this is the main rule. Especially if it is prepared for those after surgery.

A detailed description of how you can prepare chicken broth to restore a sick person after a cold, surgery and other complications is given below.

Chicken broth is an excellent food for a patient after surgery.

First of all, you need to be especially responsible when choosing the main product from which the broth will be obtained - chicken. It’s good if we know for sure its origin (a trusted manufacturer or a village chicken purchased from friends).

But in most cases, the purchase is made in a regular supermarket. Therefore, we need to arm ourselves with what nature has given - eyes, smell and tactile sensations.

Here are a few simple tips, how to choose the right meat for chicken broth, which will help a person recover after surgery:

  • First of all, there is no need to buy poultry in unverified places - from hand, in unfamiliar markets, etc. It is better to purchase it in packaging, with all the relevant marks (manufacturer, GOST, date of manufacture and packaging, expiration date).

  • We immediately discard the option of frozen chicken - in most cases it is better to purchase chilled meat. Firstly, then we don’t overpay for ice, which adds “extra” grams. And most importantly, frozen meat cannot be smelled or touched. Therefore, there is a real risk of encountering low-quality products that have long expired.

  • Of course, first of all we pay attention to appearance. The surface of the chicken skin should be smooth, without defects. The skin is clean and elastic. The presence of feathers, dents, and scratches is unacceptable.
  • To determine the age of a bird, you can simply look at the color of the skin. In young chickens it is pink, quite a pleasant color. Older chickens have a yellowish color, which is quite normal. This kind of meat takes longer to cook, although it turns out very rich, aromatic broth. We categorically exclude bluish, blackened, green carcasses.
  • Now let's check the freshness of the meat. The date indicated on the package is one thing, our feelings are another matter. Just press on the surface of the skin (the fleshy parts). Fresh meat will instantly “spring back” and no dents will remain. The old will leave a hole.
  • Besides, the old hen will have enough loose skin– it will give several folds on the surface, and the color will be very uneven.

  • And one last point. Even if everything looks fine with the chicken, we will definitely smell it. If the smell is fresh, it means your eyes haven’t deceived you. The slightest foreign odors are a reason to reject the carcass.

How to cook chicken broth for a patient after surgery: a classic recipe

This dish is very simple, although it takes quite a long time to prepare:

  1. The average cooking time is at least 1.5-2 hours.
  2. At the same time, the calorie content is only 15 kcal per 100 ml of liquid (essentially 2 g of protein in 100 ml of soup). Moreover, every 100 g of meat itself will provide approximately the same amount of calories - about 120-140 kcal, which is quite normal.

In the classic recipe we will need the following products:


  • chicken – 1 carcass;
  • water – 3 liters;
  • onions and carrots - 1 piece each;
  • greens - 1 sprig (usually dill);
  • chicken eggs - 2-3 pieces (or 4-5 quail eggs);
  • salt - to taste.

We will act like this - first of all, we will decide on the part of the carcass from which we will cook chicken broth for the patient:

  • if a person just needs to regain strength after a debilitating illness, a cold, or after surgery, you can use any part.
  • but if a strict diet is prescribed (for example, for diseases of the digestive system), our option is only breast and maximum wings.
  • At the same time, it is better to remove as much skin from the chicken as possible.

How to cook chicken broth - recipe

Step 1. Cut skinless chicken into 3-4 pieces large pieces(or divide the carcass into 2 halves) and place in cold water. You can put it in whole - then it will be easier to take out, and cooking will take a little longer. This is an unimportant point.

But the amount of water matters - you need to take 3-3.5 times more water than chicken. For example, chicken carcass weighs 1.5 kg. Then we take large saucepan and pour 5 liters of water into it at once, because some part will inevitably boil away.

Step 2. Place the pan with the chicken on the fire and first turn on the stove at full power. You need to wait until it boils, then immediately reduce the heat to medium. This is very important stage, because it largely depends on him how to cook chicken broth for a sick person, and for healthy people as well.

We monitor the foam all the time and remove it. Also, cook in a saucepan without a lid, because otherwise the water will become too cloudy due to strong boiling.

Step 3. Immediately after boiling, the soup can be salted - first it is better to take it without a large number of salt, for example a teaspoon. Thanks to this, we will definitely not over-salt our broth. So that the broth has pleasant taste, you can also add a bay leaf and a couple of peas of allspice black pepper.

Step 4. After boiling, the broth will cook for at least 45 minutes, and in the case of old chicken– from 1.5 hours. All this time it should not boil at all.

There should be a very weak, barely noticeable formation of bubbles on the surface of the water (water temperature no more than +80 o C). And again, we constantly remove the foam, especially since after adding salt it will come off more intensively for some time.

Step 5. Meanwhile, thoroughly wash the onions and carrots and remove all contaminated areas. Cut the vegetables in half and fry in a completely dry frying pan until a blackish surface appears.

In the end, the vegetables should look something like this. They don’t look very appetizing, but that’s okay - they are not intended for consumption, but to create the taste and color of our broth.

If you don’t have the time or opportunity to bother with frying, then you can do this. Peel the carrots, rinse, cut into large cubes. Peel the onion and wash it as well. You can also take parsley root - peeled and well washed.

Step 6. Place the vegetables in the broth and cook all together for 15-20 minutes. Taste the broth and add more salt if necessary.

Step 7. Turn off the heat, cover the pan with a lid and leave it on the stove (if necessary, you can cover it with a thick towel). The soup must sit for another half hour, or even more.

Step 8. Meanwhile, cook 2-3 chicken or 4-5 quail eggs. This can be done as you wish, because eggs serve only as an addition to our main recipe. But eggs will provide additional calories without the slightest fat, and they will also add beauty to the finished broth.

Step 9. Everything is almost ready. Now we take the meat out of the pan, remove the vegetables - they have already given up their color and aroma. Be sure to strain the chicken broth through a sieve. This general principle preparing chicken broth classic recipe- both for the patient after surgery and in other cases.

When serving, add some greens and half a boiled egg. If you want to make the dish brighter and more beautiful, also add a few slices of carrots to the plate.

And don’t forget to sprinkle with finely chopped dill. If necessary, the broth can be salted.

Chicken broth for the sick - with herbs and egg

As a result of simple efforts we get tasty dish- chicken broth, which has long become a classic. It awakens the appetite and evokes some cozy, homely sensations. And most importantly, it helps a person recover from surgery or illness, giving him new strength for life.

Bon appetit and be healthy!

Chicken broth has been familiar with its taste since childhood, when during colds it was given to replenish strength and speed up recovery. Even without vegetables and pieces of meat, the broth is very nutritious and satisfying, and if flavored with spices, it is very tasty.

How to prepare chicken broth so that it turns out delicious? And what are its benefits?

Chicken selection

Delicious chicken broth comes from domestic chicken. But not everyone can afford to boil such a carcass. That's why you have to buy.

Of course, you can cook a whole store-bought chicken, but it is better to give preference to a cut carcass. There are already prepared broth sets on sale, which include wings and a chicken carcass with a small amount of meat. Such sets are very good as a basis for light vegetable or mushroom soups.

For noodles or vermicelli soup You should choose chicken parts with meat and bones, such as legs or drumsticks. This will make the broth richer.

As for the chicken breast, it is better not to use it for cooking broth. It does not give the fat that is necessary for the broth. It can be cooked separately and added to the prepared broth.

Chicken back makes the richest broth. After cooking, you can strain it, or dilute it with water, or cook the back together with the fillet - this way you can reduce the fat content of the future broth.

If you need to cook chicken consommé for a child, it is better to make it from the thighs, drumsticks or breast of the bird. So, delicious chicken broth will not be greasy, but also very healthy.

How to make traditional chicken broth?

How to prepare chicken broth so that it is not only tasty, but also beneficial? To do this, you need to follow several rules for proper cooking.

IN classic version Poultry consommé uses several ingredients:

  • poultry or chicken bones - 1 kg;
  • carrots - 1 kg;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • salt - to taste.

Before starting cooking, all products are washed and cleaned. After this, the washed chicken or its parts are placed in a pan and filled with water so that it covers the meat. The pan is placed on strong fire and wait for it to boil. As soon as this happens, reduce the heat to low and leave to simmer.

Any foam that appears during the cooking process must be removed. While the chicken meat is ready, start chopping the vegetables. There are no clear guidelines on this issue: onions and carrots can be chopped finely, halved, into 4 parts, or left whole. It all depends on whether they want to use the vegetables in the broth or simply want them to add their own flavor.

So, vegetables are put into the broth. The foam continues to be removed. Continue cooking until the meat is ready, as a rule, this takes 30-40 minutes. But, if chicken bones are boiled, the time is extended by another hour or two.

The readiness of poultry meat is determined by piercing the meat fibers on the drumstick. If this is done easily, then the bird is ready. It should be taken out of the pan quickly so that it does not have time to dry out, and covered with a cloth or gauze.

Vegetables, if cooked whole, are also removed from the pan, and the chicken broth itself is filtered. You can add chopped herbs to the finished, clean broth. There is no need to overdo it with seasonings, it can ruin it true taste poultry consommé. The most the best seasonings is salt and vegetables that were cooked along with the chicken.

Benefits of broth for illness

The benefits of chicken broth for illness have been proven by more than one generation of people. Although, there is also an opinion that this liquid dish It is not advisable to give it to people with a cold, since it is difficult to digest in the stomach, which leads to a worsening of the condition.

But, if the broth is cooked correctly, from lean parts of the bird, and also strained at the end, then, on the contrary, it will be beneficial. After all, in it great amount substances so necessary to restore strength.

Also, chicken broth normalizes the functioning of the cardiac system, gastrointestinal tract. It is useful for gastritis and for those who are prescribed a diet.

Poultry broth is used to treat not only serious illnesses, but also hangovers. Freshly brewed liquid helps get rid of alcohol poisoning, replenish strength, relieve nausea and dizziness.

Could there be harm?

Chicken broth can cause harm to the body. This depends on several factors:

  1. A stale chicken carcass or its components was selected.
  2. The onions and carrots are fried before going into the pan. Fatty foods, as you know, do not bring benefits, only satiation.
  3. You need to drink broth in moderation. No matter how tasty it turns out, it should not be abused. The stomach will not have time to cope with the fatty foods entering it.

Obviously, the broth itself is not harmful. Detrimental qualities arise from human inattention.

Which broth is considered the healthiest?

Broth made from poultry. But this does not mean that the purchased chicken will not be beneficial at all. Domestic chickens do not contain any substances of a chemical nature.

However, what is useful in the broth?

  1. High protein content, which is the main building material for muscle fibers. This component is easily absorbed by the body and is contraindicated only for those with protein intolerance.
  2. B vitamins, which have an effect on the body’s metabolic processes, immune, nervous system. Improves the condition of skin, nails and hair.

In addition, chicken broth is a low-calorie food. 100 grams of infusion contains only 50 kcal. Energy value in 100 grams it looks like this:

  • proteins: 4.3 g;
  • fat: 3.6 g;
  • carbohydrates: 0.4 g.

Nutritionists who prescribe this dish as the main dish also talk about how many calories are in chicken broth. Therefore, if there is a need to lose weight, then a decoction of chicken meat- This perfect option first course.

Broth with egg

This dish in itself is hearty and healthy, but if you add an egg to it, it won’t spoil it at all. How to make chicken broth with eggs?

  • poultry drumsticks - 3 pcs.;
  • water - 3 liters;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • onion head - 1 pc.;
  • orange root vegetable- 1 PC.;
  • salt - half a teaspoon;
  • peppercorns - 5 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.;
  • sunflower oil - 2 tsp;
  • white bread;
  • green onion feathers.

And now the cooking process:

  1. Cooking chicken broth with eggs begins by washing the drumsticks, placing them in a pan, and adding water. Next, add peppercorns, bay leaves, washed onions in the husks and carrots cut into cubes. This set is sent to medium heat. Timed for 1 hour.
  2. As soon as the broth boils, you need to remove the foam from it. After half an hour of cooking, add salt to taste.
  3. While the broth is cooking, hard-boil the eggs.
  4. Boiled eggs cool down.
  5. Pour into a heated frying pan vegetable oil and pieces are fried on it white bread before golden color.
  6. When the broth is cooked, remove the onion and carrots from it. The eggs are cut in half.
  7. Served ready dish in a deep plate with chicken leg, half an egg, sprinkled with croutons and finely chopped green onions.

This is an excellent low calorie food with high content squirrel. But you shouldn’t eat it for dinner.

Chicken broth in a slow cooker

You can cook anything in a slow cooker. And chicken broth in a slow cooker is no exception. Preparing a dish in this device is simple and, most importantly, time-saving.

If you have a slow cooker, write down the recipe. You will need:

  • chicken soup set - 0.5 kg;
  • carrot - 1 small;
  • water - 2 liters;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • black pepper, salt - to taste.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Pieces from soup set washed under running water, remove fat and skin.
  2. Carrots and onions are peeled and washed.
  3. Place chicken parts in the multicooker bowl, add water, salt, pepper, and place whole vegetables.
  4. The device is set to “Soup” mode, which lasts 120 minutes.
  5. Ready broth should be strained and served, first sprinkled with herbs.

Chicken broth in a slow cooker can be cooked in the “Stew” mode.

For people who are losing weight

Light chicken broth is exactly what is needed for people losing weight, as well as for those who prefer proper nutrition.

You will need a familiar set of products:

  • young chicken carcass - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • orange root vegetable - 1 pc.;
  • parsley - a couple of sprigs;
  • celery - 1 stalk.

Now let's move on to cooking:

  1. The chicken carcass is thoroughly washed and placed in a pan. Fill with water and place on high heat.
  2. As soon as foam appears on the surface of the water, it should be removed with a slotted spoon. When the future broth boils, turn down the heat. Cook over low heat for an hour.
  3. Essential Vegetables clean, wash and place in a pan 30 minutes before the end of cooking.
  4. A sprig of celery is cut into rings and sent to a “common pot” 15 minutes before the end of the cooking process.
  5. Once the broth is cooked, remove the chicken, onions and carrots and celery. Strain the liquid.
  6. The previously removed celery slices and chopped parsley sprigs are added to the already pure chicken broth.

The aromatic dish is served hot. After cooling, the taste will no longer be as rich.

Add dumplings

Chicken broth with dumplings is a dish that our grandmothers prepared. This is a hearty and incredibly tasty dish that will become great lunch for the whole family.

It's as easy to prepare as regular broth, just add the dumplings a few minutes before it's ready.

To prepare them you need:

  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • flour - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt;
  • dill - several sprigs;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tsp.

Beat the egg in a bowl. Dill is finely chopped and added to the egg - stirred. Add flour, add oil, salt and mix. Take a couple of spoons from the saucepan with the broth being prepared and add it to the dough. Mix thoroughly. The dough should not be liquid, but not thick either.

15 minutes before the broth is ready, add the dough into it using a teaspoon. This is how dumplings are made. They will “inform” of their readiness by floating to the surface.

You will get a simple version of chicken soup with dumplings if you add fried onion and carrots to the broth.

Broth soup

A simple chicken broth soup is prepared as follows:

  • chicken drumsticks - 3 pcs.;
  • water - 3 liters;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • vermicelli - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, pepper, bay leaf.

It should be prepared as follows:

  1. Chicken drumsticks, after rinsing, add water and bring to a boil over high heat. I remove the foam, and after boiling, reduce the heat to medium.
  2. The potatoes are cut into cubes and sent to the pan half an hour before the broth is ready. Following the potatoes, a bay leaf is sent.
  3. Prepare onion and carrot frying in oil.
  4. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add vermicelli, fry, salt and pepper into the pan.
  5. When the soup is cooked, the drumsticks can be left whole or removed from the soup, separate the meat from the bones, discard the bones, and place the meat back in the pan.

The soup is ready to eat.


Chicken broth is not only a soup base, but also an independent healthy dish. It is useful for both adults and children. Its benefits are indicated not only by its composition, but also by how many calories are in chicken broth.

Chicken bouillon- This best dish for any diseases. What makes it so useful? What healing properties does it have, how to prepare it correctly, and why doctors recommend chicken broth for poisoning.

Toxic substances cause serious disruption to human life. After prolonged diarrhea or vomiting, the body loses a lot of fluid. As a result, dehydration may occur. Dehydration is especially dangerous in children, pregnant women and the elderly. The electrolyte balance in the body is disrupted, resulting in loss of calcium and potassium. Because of this, the patient experiences muscle weakness or spasms.

Signs of dehydration include:

  • thirst;
  • rare urination;
  • darkening of urine
  • dry skin;
  • rapid fatigue;
  • inability to sweat.

To prevent dehydration, drink plenty of fluids. Water replenishes fluid reserves, but it is not able to compensate for the loss of microelements, vitamins and salts. Most doctors recommend drinking chicken broth for this.

The healing properties of chicken broth

Chicken broth is indispensable for a patient after poisoning and other diseases, which is why many call it a “magic potion.” It mobilizes the body's energy and has many beneficial properties. What are the benefits of chicken broth?

Chicken broth to replenish water balance and restore strength

The broth is easily digestible and helps replenish the loss of water, microelements and protein. The composition contains abundant minerals: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and other elements. All of them have an easily digestible form. It also contains three important amino acids: glycine, proline And arginine:

  1. Glycine cleanses the body well of harmful substances, has calming properties and promotes sound sleep;
  2. Proline prevents cardiovascular diseases, it is especially useful for pregnant women;
  3. Arginine improves immunity.

Chicken cartilage and bones contain large amounts of gelatin, which is an excellent source of protein.

Chicken broth to restore healthy stomach microflora

Low-fat chicken soup It is well digested, therefore it relieves intestinal problems and helps restore healthy intestinal microflora, for example after surgery.

Bacteria inside the intestines die from toxins, antibiotics, laxatives, heavy metals, and dysbiosis begins. Unlike living bacteria, dead cells are not able to perform bacterial functions.

As a result, the immune system weakens. Can appear: diabetes, obesity, eczema, seborrhea, anemia, internal bleeding, peptic ulcer, stroke, cancer and other diseases. Chicken broth replenishes protein deficiency, restores intestinal acidity, minimizes harmful effects for the body. After poisoning, not only dehydration occurs, the body is attacked by allergens, viruses and antibodies. Chicken broth is also good for a patient because it improves immunity.

Research has shown that chicken soup affects the human body on a deep level. It inhibits the growth of white blood cells, which feed bacteria and cause nasal congestion and sore throat.

Medicinal chicken broth should be yellow color. It comes from fat, which is great for replenishing energy.

The benefits of chicken broth for children and pregnant women

Children and pregnant women after poisoning should restore their bodies with chicken broth. Light broth has a positive effect on hemoglobin synthesis and increases protein metabolism.

The pregnant body has a greater need for important minerals. Nutrients contained in bone broth, help improve kidney and adrenal function. Therefore, the body gets rid of toxins faster, which improves physical and mental condition. Chicken broth is also very beneficial for the baby in the mother's belly.

In addition, chicken broth has detoxifying activity and helps rid the body of. Since toxins usually accumulate in fat mass, it is especially useful for obese people.

Additional broth ingredients that improve its properties

Each chicken broth ingredient has its own special healing properties. There are a great many recipes for chicken broth. Depending on the ingredients chosen - additional vegetables, herbs and spices, this homemade soup, approved for all types of poisoning, can become even healthier. It usually includes:

  • chicken or chicken meat contains a large amount of acid, which helps expel mucus and toxins from the lungs;
  • carrot. The beta-carotene contained in this vegetable helps strengthen immune system and fights infection well;
  • Onions contain antioxidants that reduce inflammation and act as an antihistamine.

You can also add bay leaves, onions, and celery to the chicken broth for a sick person. But if you need to cook medicinal drink, pepper and other spices cannot be included in its composition.

How to make chicken broth

After poisoning, chicken broth - the best remedy for recovery, the main thing is that it should not be greasy.

The recipe is simple:

  • remove the skin from the carcass and remove subcutaneous fat;
  • the prepared chicken is washed under running cold water;
  • then the chicken is placed in a pan, poured cold water and put on fire ( cold water enhances beneficial features broth);
  • after boiling, cook for another 15 minutes;
  • then drain the broth if the chicken was bought in a store, since its meat may contain hormones and other additives harmful to human health. That's why the first water containing harmful substances, must be drained, since such broth can be harmful to health;
  • pour cold water over the chicken again and cook over low heat;
  • remove the formed foam;
  • reduce heat after boiling;
  • add carrots and onions, this is a dietary soup, so there is no need to fry them;
  • add a little salt;
  • then cook for another hour;
  • you can add bay leaf and herbs before the end of cooking;
  • the finished broth is filtered to a clear liquid to get rid of all large particles.

White bread croutons go well with the broth. It can be consumed only on the second day of poisoning. If you decide to drink a little broth on the first day, then remember that the portion should not exceed 50 grams.

To prepare chicken broth, it is better to buy chicken at the market or from a trusted farm.

When is chicken broth bad for you?

In some cases, chicken broth does not help the patient, but worsens his health. When and what kind of broth is harmful:

  • prepared from concentrates. They contain irritants and low-quality fat;
  • after alcohol poisoning.
  • if you are allergic to chicken
  • if you decide to cook it from fatty chicken.

Is it possible to cook chicken broth if you are poisoned from fatty chicken? Many farmers give chickens antibiotics and special hormonal drugs to help them grow faster. Therefore, if you buy chickens that were also fed not grain, but soy flour, you must follow the recommendations for cooking the broth. In this case, you will be able to prepare a healthy soup.

In all other cases, chicken broth is useful after any type of poisoning. It is a complete source of easily digestible protein. And just a tasty and healthy dish.

Infectious disease doctor, private clinic “Medcenterservice”, Moscow. Senior editor of the website "Poisoning Stop".

This is a product that fully corresponds to the famous saying that food should be medicine and medicine should be food. He is the primary assistant in restoring strength after illness and surgery. Particularly useful for colds and viral diseases, because... improves bronchial patency. Contains easily digestible protein, B vitamins, a large number of iron, calcium, copper, magnesium, selenium. Chicken broth is very easy to prepare and is the basis of many soups.

You will need:

  • onion 1 piece
  • Bay leaf

This is the one minimum products, from which it will turn out delicious broth. You can add more carrots and parsley root. It is better to take homemade chicken. If this is not possible, cook from farm-raised poultry, but then when it first boils, drain the water, fill the chicken with water again and then cook until done. This is necessary in order to remove hormones and antibiotics from factory-processed chicken.

I usually cook broth from half a chicken - this is approximately 1 kg. You can cut the chicken into small pieces. Use the meatier parts for stewing, cook or, and cook broth from the remaining parts.

Step-by-step photo recipe for making chicken broth:

Place the chicken in the pan and fill with cold water (3 liters). It is convenient to put the chicken in a five-liter pan and fill it with three liters of water, and at the end of cooking, remove the chicken and pour the broth into three-liter saucepan. Place the pan with the contents on strong fire, bring to a boil. Don't miss the moment when it begins to form on the surface. foam. It should be collected with a spoon or slotted spoon and thrown away.

When the foam is removed, reduce the heat and add the peeled onion, Bay leaf And salt. Cover with a lid, leaving a gap for steam to escape, and cook for 1.5 hours. Make sure that the broth does not boil too much, let it gurgles slightly, then it will turn out transparent.

After an hour and a half, turn off the heat, discard the onion and bay leaf, and remove the chicken from the pan. If desired, the broth can be strained, but I think that home kitchen there is no need to do this.

You can drink the broth as independent dish, you can wash down sandwiches with it or use it with boiled hard boiled egg. This is an excellent and necessary basis for various soups. Most often it is used to prepare or

Advice: if you use chicken meat for salads, cool the chicken in the broth, so it will be juicier.

Chicken broth. Brief recipe.

You will need:

  • onion 1 piece
  • Bay leaf

Place the chicken in a saucepan and cover with cold water. Place over high heat and bring to a boil. Don't miss the moment when foam begins to form on the surface. It should be collected with a spoon or slotted spoon and thrown away. When the foam is removed, reduce the heat and add the peeled onion, bay leaf and salt to the pan. Cover with a lid, leaving a gap for steam to escape and cook for 1.5 hours. Make sure that the broth does not boil too much, let it gurgle slightly, then it will turn out transparent. After an hour and a half, turn off the heat, discard the onion and bay leaf, and remove the chicken from the pan.

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