Salted chicken cut into pieces. How to properly cook salted whole chicken in the oven

Salted chicken is the easiest way to bake chicken that I have ever seen or known in my life. I suggest you try this unusually simple chicken recipe, namely, bake the chicken with salt in the oven. However, the prostate of the recipe does not beg the dignity of the prepared dish. Ohhh... the chicken prepared according to this recipe turns out delicious and golden brown. Valentine's Day or Valentine's Day is approaching. Do you guys want to surprise your significant other with a delicious culinary masterpiece this holiday? Then get to work and don’t doubt your abilities. As a reward for your work, it will appear on the holiday table with an incredibly crispy crust, simply amazingly delicious. Even the breast of this chicken is juicy and moist.

Salted chicken recipe with photos


  • Chicken
  • Coarse rock salt (without additives) – one pack

How to cook salted chicken in the oven

To bake the chicken, I used a baking sheet; you can take a wide baking dish with sides.

Pour salt onto a baking sheet. Place the chicken, back down, on the salt. The back of the chicken must be at the bottom. This will prevent juices from leaking out of the meat, and the meat will turn out juicy and tasty. The chicken must first be washed, removing visible feathers if possible. We tie the chicken legs together. For this I used strips of foil. We put “mittens” made of foil or baking paper on the tips of the wings so that the tips of the chicken wings do not burn.

chicken baked in salt in the oven

Place the baking sheet in the oven. Temperature 190 degrees for one hour or a little more (it all depends on the oven and the weight of the chicken; 1 kg of chicken takes about 40 minutes to bake). If you are in doubt whether the meat is cooked or not, pierce the chicken thigh with a toothpick. A sign that the chicken is ready is clear, clear juice. It is very important not to dry out the chicken when baking. Then the skin can burn and crack. During baking, a kind of salt sauna is created. Salt absorbs fat from the skin, the skin becomes dry like parchment, forming a kind of protective capsule for the meat. This capsule makes the chicken juicy and very tender in taste.

Recipe: Salted Chicken with Garlic

Another simple lazy chicken recipe. To diversify the taste of the meat, take garlic and some spices.

So, we will need:

For 1 chicken, 1 whole head of garlic, your favorite spices that you use to cook chicken meat, mustard, half a pack of salt. If you use ready-made seasoning, make sure it does not contain salt.

  1. Use chicken seasoning or mix your own spices. I have oregano, turmeric, paprika, basil, black pepper, marjoram.
  2. Peel the garlic and pass through a press.
  3. Wash the chicken and dry it slightly.
  4. Rub the chicken with the spice mixture and garlic.
  5. Pour salt onto a baking sheet, place the chicken on the salt and place in the oven. Temperature 190 degrees. About 10-15 minutes before cooking, if you want a crispy crust, brush the chicken with mustard.

Salted chicken is a quick and easy recipe for roasting a whole chicken in the oven without even using a single drop of oil, mayonnaise or sauce.

What else to cook with chicken:

I wish you all a bon appetit and look forward to new delicious recipes!

There are many options for preparing chicken. One of the most interesting is baking the whole chicken in the oven on a bed of salt. Chicken prepared in this way tastes simply excellent, and because of its golden crust it looks great even in the photo. You definitely need to know some good recipes.

How to bake chicken with salt

Making the dish is extremely simple. Salt baked chicken turns out juicy, but covered with a crispy golden crust. Even a person who has never cooked food before can handle the cooking process with ease. This dish will be appropriate not only on an ordinary table, but also on a holiday table. It is incredibly tasty to eat and everyone who tries a portion will definitely want more.

Cooking features

There are some good useful tips, remembering and applying which you will make your dish simply divine:

  1. Choose a chilled, fresh carcass with whole, light-colored skin. It will definitely need to be washed and dried, and excess subcutaneous fat should be cut off. Then you should remove the insides and neck. To bake a chicken, it must be placed on its back. If you're short on time, you can cut it along the breast and unfold it.
  2. The bird's legs must be tied, otherwise it may fall apart. You can use thick thread or do it with strips of foil.
  3. It is advisable to bake the dish with coarse salt, although iodized salt will not work.
  4. To prevent the tips of the wings from drying out and turning black, it is advisable to wrap them in foil. You can carefully cut the breast and insert them into the holes.
  5. Choose a shape so that the carcass fits freely into it. It should be covered with a salt layer no thinner than a centimeter, and preferably even thicker. This will protect the crust from burning.
  6. Don't make the oven temperature too high. This will shorten the roasting time, but the skin of the bird may break.
  7. To test for doneness, pierce the chicken leg where the thigh meets the drumstick. If clear juice flows out, the dish can be served. If it is cloudy, it means the meat is still raw.

Salted chicken recipe in the oven

There are a lot of cooking options, although the principle remains the same. The chicken is placed on a salt bed. The difference is what set of spices and additional ingredients will be selected. You can add seasonings either to the salted base itself or rub them on the skin of the bird. Serve the dish with any side dishes: boiled potatoes, other vegetables, cereals. Cooking salted chicken in the oven is very easy. Don't be afraid to experiment, you're unlikely to ruin anything.

Salted chicken in the oven

In the recipe, which you will learn below, the chicken is cooked not on a bed, but in a salt crust. Thanks to this, the meat turns out surprisingly tender and aromatic, and is evenly saturated with seasonings. Salt-crusted chicken is perfect for a holiday table. It is served without the skin, because the skin is oversalted during the cooking process, which, however, only enhances the taste of the meat itself.


  • chicken carcass – 1 pc.;
  • Provençal herbs – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt – 0.5 kg;
  • parsley, dill – 1 bunch;
  • orange – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 2 cloves.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse and dry the bird with a paper towel before cooking.
  2. Crush the garlic. Using a fine grater, remove the zest from the orange. Chop the greens.
  3. Mix dry salt with garlic. Add chopped herbs, Provencal herbs, zest. Place this entire mixture on a baking sheet.
  4. Place the bird on a layer of seasoning and coat it thoroughly in it. It should all be covered with a uniform salt crust.
  5. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Place the form with the chicken in it. Depending on the size, the salted chicken in the oven will be ready in an hour and a half. Serve it without the skin.

Chicken in the oven with salt on a baking sheet

Classic recipe. Chicken in the oven with salt is prepared with a minimum of ingredients; for the dish you do not need any expensive products or anything that is difficult to get. Meat baked in this way turns out very tasty and juicy, and the crust is crispy. Salted chicken in the oven is incredibly delicious. You definitely have to figure out how to cook it properly.


  • chicken carcass – 1 small;
  • turmeric – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • curry – 1 tsp;
  • salt – 1.2-1.5 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the bird and dry it with a paper towel.
  2. Set the oven to preheat to 180 degrees.
  3. While the cabinet reaches the desired temperature, rub the carcass with turmeric and curry. Adding these spices will improve not only the taste of the bird, but also its appearance. She will be very rosy and appetizing, she will look good even in the photo. Tie the legs and wrap the wings with foil.
  4. Make a bed of salt on a baking sheet. Place the chicken on it. Place in the oven. Cook for at least 60 minutes.

Chicken in the oven with pepper and salt

Another cooking option. Chicken in the oven on a bed of salt and pepper turns out more piquant and fragrant. The combination of various spices makes this dish even tastier and more aromatic. You can mix the seasonings that will be listed in the recipe below with a small amount of adjika or tomato sauce. This will only improve the quality of the dish and its appearance. The bird will look the same as in the photo in culinary magazines.


  • chicken carcass – 1 pc.;
  • ground black pepper – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • rosemary – 1 tsp;
  • olive oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • ground red pepper – 0.5 tsp;
  • mixture of marjoram, thyme, turmeric - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt – 1-1.2 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the bird and dry it.
  2. Set the oven to heat up to 180 degrees.
  3. In a large bowl, stir together the oil, both peppers, rosemary and spice mixture.
  4. Rub the resulting sauce thoroughly over the carcass so that it is all marinated. Tie off the legs and wings.
  5. Pour the salt into an even layer into the baking dish. Place the bird in it and put it in the oven. Bake for an hour and a half.

Salted chicken with lemon

If you prepare a dish according to the following recipe, you are guaranteed to be satisfied with the result. Salted chicken with lemon takes on the freshness and slight sourness of citrus fruit. It turns out juicy and aromatic, with a beautiful crispy crust. Be sure to remember how to prepare this dish, especially if you are going to set a festive table and invite guests. It's amazingly delicious.


  • chicken carcass – 1 piece weighing no more than 1.5 kg;
  • a mixture of dried basil, thyme, oregano - a tablespoon;
  • lemon – 1 pc.;
  • coarse salt – 0.6-1 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. Make an even layer of salt in a baking dish.
  2. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
  3. Wash the bird, dry it and rub it with spices.
  4. Pour boiling water over the lemon. Carefully push it all the way into the bird. It will make the meat juicier and more flavorful.
  5. Place the chicken on the pillow.
  6. Place the dish in the oven. Bake for about one and a half hours. Before serving, the lemon must be removed from the carcass.

Video: cooking chicken with salt in the oven

If you fry a chicken incorrectly, you can ruin even the best carcass. Meanwhile, there is one simple but successful way to prepare juicy, rosy, moderately fried poultry - this is salted chicken in the oven. The recipe is absolutely simple and quick, but the result is always excellent. We offer several similar cooking options.

It requires a minimum of ingredients - chicken and salt.

Brief description of cooking:

  • take a well-fed medium-sized chicken - one and a half kilograms or a little more;
  • rinse, dry inside and outside;
  • cross the chicken legs and tie them with thread - this will make the carcass more compact;
  • pour coarse salt onto a baking sheet or large frying pan in a thick layer - usually at least a kilogram;
  • Place the carcass on the salt with its back down. To prevent the thin parts of the wings from burning, wrap them with foil;
  • Place the chicken in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Fry until cooked - the fried meat should become soft; when pierced, clear, not cloudy, juice will be released.

The crust should be a nice yellowish-brown color. If you notice that the top of the chicken is starting to burn and the meat is not cooked, cover it with food foil or wet paper and cook until done. The result should be a tasty, rosy chicken, moderately salty and juicy.

Tip: When choosing poultry, try to buy chilled and fatty ones. In this case, there will be no excess fat, since the excess will melt in the heat and be absorbed into the salt. If you have to cook frozen, then before cooking the carcass should be completely defrosted, rinsed and dried with a paper towel.

Classic salted chicken recipe

Large parts of the legs can be prepared in the same way. The classic recipe involves only using salt and chicken thighs. However, many people like to experiment with flavors by adding different seasonings. Spices and dry herbs complement the natural taste of baked chicken. Seasonings and spices such as marjoram, rosemary, oregano, and basil go well with chicken meat. You can also rub the chicken outside and inside with dry thyme. But there is no need to add salt to the seasonings - the chicken will take the required amount itself from the salt base.

With salt and pepper in the oven

This is another variation of the general recipe for cooking chicken meat on a salt bed. Salted chicken in the oven turns out just as tasty as in previous cases. The only difference in preparation is that coarse salt is first poured onto a baking sheet, and then black peppercorns are placed on top of it. The subtlety here is that when cooking with salt, the chicken is fried more evenly due to the even distribution of heat on the salt bed. And pepper, spread over salt, creates a fragrant cloud when fried. In principle, no other aromatic seasonings and spices are required here.

Important: After cooking the chicken, the salt should be thrown away. It is not suitable for reuse, as it contains melted and burnt fat. But with this component you will not have problems with washing the baking sheet - the salt will come off easily and simply.

Chicken with lemon, garlic and thyme

An incredibly tasty and tender chicken baked entirely in salt is obtained by adding lemon, garlic and thyme to it. Garlic and chicken generally go together perfectly, but in this recipe, thanks to thyme and lemon, it does not acquire a rough, harsh taste, but becomes part of a refined aroma and taste.

What you will need:

  • chilled chicken weighing about one and a half kilograms;
  • salt - 1 pack;
  • a couple of pinches of ground thyme, fresh or dried;
  • several small cloves of garlic;
  • half a teaspoon of ground black pepper and the same amount of rosemary (these spices are added as desired);
  • lemon;
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

The aroma of the chicken in this recipe is given by the marinade, which is prepared on the basis of vegetable oil. Before work, prepare the lemon: scald it with boiling water, wipe it dry. Boiling water will remove excess bitterness from the fruit, because lemon zest will also be used during cooking.

Add spices and juice squeezed from half a lemon to the oil, and a couple of cloves of garlic, passed through a garlic press. Do not add salt to the marinade; the salt on the baking sheet is enough.

Mix everything and generously grease the outside of the chicken.

You should still have a few cloves of garlic left. Cut them into thin slices. Take the other half of the lemon and cut into small pieces. Combine with garlic, put inside the chicken - this way the carcass will also be saturated with aromas from the inside.

Next, after washing the chicken well and removing any remaining feathers, you need to coat the outside with marinade and stuff it with spices from the inside. Now it is ready to go into the oven, but if you have time, leave the carcass for half an hour to marinate. If you want to marinate longer, place the marinated chicken in the refrigerator. You can keep the semi-finished product in the cold for 24 hours.

By the time of baking, the oven should already warm up to 180-200 degrees. Place the chicken on a baking sheet with salt, back side down. Usually an hour is enough to cook a medium-sized chicken. This recipe is good because the chicken comes out not only juicy, well-salted, but also piquant in taste.

When the chicken is ready (and readiness is determined by piercing the carcass), it must be carefully removed from the baking sheet, being careful not to damage the skin, and the herbs, lemon and garlic must be removed from the belly. Cut into portions and serve. Boiled rice and mashed potatoes are excellent side dishes.

Tip: If you want to make both chicken and a side dish at the same time, instead of lemon and spices, you can place rice boiled until half cooked with fried onions and carrots inside. In this case, you will have to sew up the abdomen with threads to hold the contents. This is a good option for preparing a hearty and quick lunch. However, it is less interesting and savory than the lemon-garlic “filling”.

1. This incredibly easy salt chicken recipe only requires 3 ingredients. In addition, lemon is completely optional, and is not always used. However, lemon provides additional flavor, and if you have it on hand, I still recommend using it.

2. You really need quite a lot of salt. It must be placed on a baking sheet or in a baking dish and leveled with your hand or a spatula. Don't worry that this amount of salt will make the dish too salty - this is absolutely not the case. The chicken will take exactly as much as she needs and not an ounce more.

3. The chicken must be washed and dried thoroughly. This is quite important as wet chicken may stick to the salt. If desired, it can be cut, but it looks much more festive in its entirety. Place completely dry chicken on salt, after placing washed and dried lemon in the middle.

4. Salted chicken at home can be placed in a well-heated oven. No additional marinades or spices are needed anymore. If you wish, of course, you can grease it on top with sour cream or tomato sauce, but thanks to the salt it will be quite juicy and tasty without additional spices.

Is it possible to cook something edible from a small broiler of medium fatness and a whole kilogram of sodium chloride? If you act according to a standard, predictable pattern, like the time the evening news comes out, then it’s unlikely. But if you pour white crystals onto a baking sheet and put the bird on top, it will turn out unexpectedly tasty, juicy and tender. Didn't you know about this baking method? Then quickly learn how to cook salted chicken in the oven. There is not one recipe with photos, but two. But I advise you to start with the first, basic one. You can choose the marinade at your discretion.

Juicy chicken baked in salt

A classic recipe that I read in an “ironic detective story” (unexpected, right?) by a fairly famous writer. The original had only two ingredients, but during my experiments I decided to add vegetable oil. Without it, the skin became thin, dry and hard, like parchment. Perhaps these are features of my old gas oven. Or the carcass was unsuccessful. It was impossible to eat the skin. But the chicken underneath turned out to be incomparable. So if having an edible crust is not important, don't use butter.


How to bake chicken with salt (the best and easiest recipe with photos):

To cook on a bed of salt, it is better to use fattier chicken. Poultry may turn out a little dry. Salt will absorb excess fat, so the dish will be exclusively dietary, tasty and not bland, despite the absence of seasonings in the list of ingredients. It’s better not to take frozen chicken either. The best option is chilled broiler meat. Look at the color of the carcass. Ideally, it is smooth, light pink, without yellow, gray or red spots. The skin should not be loose or damaged. Wash the carcass. If there are remnants of feathers, remove them with tweezers or scorch them with a gas torch. Dry the surface of the bird with paper towels. If desired, you can rub it inside and out with your favorite dry spices. You can limit yourself to one or two or make a whole bouquet. Garlic, rosemary, marjoram, oregano, basil and thyme, dried or fresh, go well with chicken meat. But if you want the natural taste of baked chicken, you don't need anything other than salt. After cooking in the oven, the chicken will be so juicy and moderately salty that you won’t regret not adding seasoning. Well, next time experiment.

To prevent the thin first phalanx of wings from burning, wrap it with aluminum foil. Or cut the skin a little on the sides near the breast and “hide” the wings in the resulting “pockets”.

To make the chicken fit more compactly into the mold, tie its legs. For these purposes, use culinary thread or a strip of foil folded in several layers.

I recommend lining the bottom of the baking dish with parchment to make it easier to remove the salt layer later. After baking, it will harden, and removing it without damaging the non-stick coating will be problematic. Use regular table salt, not extra finely ground or iodized. Pour it into the mold in a layer of at least 2 cm. You may not need the whole pack.

Place the chicken on the salt and place in the oven. It must be preheated to 180 degrees. Baking time is calculated depending on the weight of the carcass. 45 minutes are allotted per kilogram of weight. A two-kilogram chicken will bake for about 1.5 hours. If you are not sure if it is done, pierce the leg in the thickest part. If clear juice flows, the dish is ready. Reddish juice means the chicken needs to be returned to the oven for another 10-15 minutes.

In the original recipe, the bird is baked only on a bed of salt, without oiling. But with this method of cooking, my chicken skin turned out to be very thin and overdried, like parchment. It was almost impossible to eat it. This option is suitable for those who are going to eat only chicken meat, without the skin. And it turns out really tender, juicy and to some extent dietary (especially the breast). Maybe this is due to the characteristics of the oven or the carcass itself, I don’t know. But the next time I cooked the chicken in this way, I tried to grease the surface of the chicken with vegetable oil. It turned out just right - golden brown and crispy top.

The finished chicken will have a crispy crust, but the inside will remain surprisingly juicy and not at all bland. I especially like the breast. I have never eaten such tender “white” chicken meat.

Spicy chicken on a bed of salt, lemon and garlic

If you thoroughly enjoy the natural taste of chicken meat baked without spices, I advise you to try this cooking method. In principle, another marinade will do. But you certainly can’t go wrong with this!

Required products:

How to cook salted chicken with lemon in the oven (recipe with photo):

Prepare a marinade based on vegetable oil, lemon and spices. It will give the chicken a spicy aroma and taste, make the crust crispy, but not tough. Peel 2-3 cloves of garlic. Set aside the rest for now. Finely chop or pass through a masher. Add spices to the garlic. I had fresh thyme and rosemary. Wash the herbs well and tear off the leaves from the stems. If the seasoning is dry, simply pour it into a bowl. Instead of the suggested spices, you can take your favorite ones.

Wash the lemon. Scald with boiling water. Cut in half. Squeeze the juice from one half into a bowl. Make sure that no bones get in there.

Add oil. I had sunflower without odor or impurities. Olive will work too. But remember that it has a specific smell and taste with a slight bitterness.

Stir. The marinating mixture is ready. Note that no salt is added. The chicken will not be bland due to the bed of salt on which it will be baked in the oven.

Coarsely chop the remaining lemon. Don't forget to remove the grains. Peel the reserved garlic. Chop into slices. Or simply divide the cloves into several parts. These ingredients are needed to stuff chicken. This way the bird will be saturated with aromas not only outside, but also inside. I also took a few sprigs of fresh thyme. You can replace it with a dried analogue or use other spices - oregano, basil, rosemary, herbs de Provence, marjoram, etc.

Instead of lemon and spices, you can put a future side dish inside the bird - rice, boiled until half cooked and mixed with your favorite seasonings and/or dried fruits. It also tastes delicious with potatoes.

Prepare the main ingredient of the dish. For cooking in the oven in general and baking with salt in particular, it is better to take a medium-sized carcass, 1.5-2 kg. It will be well baked inside and will not turn out dry. The bird should be meaty, moderately fatty and not old. Since this recipe uses butter, you can bake both homemade chicken and broiler raised at a poultry farm. Prepare the carcass before marinating. Pluck out any remaining feathers. If the neck is too long, cut it off. Remove the rump and excess fat from the back. Wash well. Dry. The first phalanges of wings can be tucked under the carcass, wrapped in foil or cut off so that they do not burn during baking.

Rub the prepared bird with ground pepper. Coat the outside and inside with marinade. You can immediately put the chicken in the oven. And if you have time, it’s better to marinate it. At room temperature, 30-40 minutes will be enough. If you plan to let the main ingredient “rest” longer, be sure to put it in the refrigerator. He can stay there for up to several days.

Pour salt onto a baking sheet. It is better to place baking paper or foil under them. This will make washing dishes easier. Place the salted chicken in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Roast at the rate of 45 minutes per kilogram of bird. During cooking, remove the chicken from the oven 1-2 times and brush it with the remaining marinade to get a crispy crust.

The chicken turns out incomparable - juicy on the inside and crispy on the outside, aromatic and moderately spicy. Remove it from the salt bed carefully so that the juice does not spill out. First of all, you may get burned. And secondly, wet salt will stick to the bottom of the chicken and spoil its taste. Before serving, remove the lemon, garlic and herbs that were stuffed with the chicken. As a side dish, I recommend serving boiled rice or potatoes (baked, fried, mashed, boiled in pieces or whole).

More marinating mixtures based on vegetable oil

  1. mustard seeds, paprika, dried or fresh garlic;
  2. ground sweet paprika, black pepper, turmeric;
  3. dry adjika;
  4. curry mixture;
  5. fresh or dried ginger with garlic and lemon zest;
  6. basil, oregano, thyme, rosemary;
  7. marjoram, thyme, dill, basil.