Cereals, flour, pasta and cereals. Is pasta a cereal or not?

Milk and eggs Vegetables and fruits Flour products Sweet foods and drinks

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The nutritional value of cereals and pasta is determined, first of all, by the presence of proteins, starch and fats in them, as well as by the method of grain processing and the type of flour. The first place in terms of protein content among products of plant origin is occupied by beans, peas and lentils, and in terms of the content of essential amino acids - proteins from rice, buckwheat and oatmeal.

Cereals, as a rule, lack essential amino acids, vitamins, calcium, iron, so culinary products from cereals should be supplemented with protein products - milk, cottage cheese, etc., as well as vegetable and fruit fillers.

Cereals and pasta are the safest of all foods consumed.

Pasta enjoys well-deserved popularity all over the world due to its high nutritional value, good taste, speed and ease of preparing delicious dishes. There are about 400 types of pasta known in the world. One of the reasons contributing to the growth in pasta consumption is its low (contrary to popular belief) calorie content.

When purchasing cereals and pasta in a store or market, you should pay attention to the following:

- cereals must be dry, clean, free-flowing, without foreign inclusions, browned, darkened kernels, spoiled due to mold, rotting or charring;

— the taste of fresh cereals is slightly sweet. Stale, low-quality cereals have a bitter, sourish, unpleasant aftertaste, musty and moldy odors, the presence of sand and granary pests.

— pasta should not have a bitter taste, mustiness, moldiness or other foreign odors, and when cooked until cooked, they should not lose shape, stick together, or form lumps.

In order to generate additional income, some sellers and manufacturers try to sell counterfeit products to customers.

  1. A common falsification is the sale of low-grade rice under the guise of high-quality premium rice groats or the substitution of polished high-quality rice with crushed, buckwheat kernels - a scam. This type of counterfeit also includes an increased content of impurities, the introduction of various foreign additives - wheat bran, crushed grains, etc. Such falsifications can be identified by the appearance, color and content of benign nuclei.
  2. The smell of ready-made porridges from various cereals should have an odor characteristic of these cereals, which makes it possible to determine the name of the cereal: the stronger the smell, the higher the quality of the cereal and its freshness.
  3. Deception through the sale of cereal products that have expired, especially millet and oatmeal, the fat of which quickly goes rancid during storage. The packaging date of such products is usually destroyed or sealed. Therefore, when buying cereals, you should always pay attention to their expiration date.
  4. Cereals with high humidity (soaked in the rain or in a damp room) quickly become moldy and give off an unpleasant odor. It is better not to eat such cereals.
  5. Good barley groats are white with a yellowish or greenish tint, rice is white, oatmeal is grayish, millet is yellow, and buckwheat is creamy. Darkening of the color of the cereal indicates the low quality of the raw materials. Cereals should be dry, with a fresh smell, without bitterness or mustiness.
  6. The most important thing in pasta is flour. High-quality pasta is made from durum wheat. However, some producers often replace such wheat with soft varieties. Therefore, when buying pasta, carefully read the label on the package, which should indicate what type of flour the pasta is made from. The shelf life should also be indicated there, since pasta dries out over time. High-quality pasta is smooth, glassy, ​​amber-yellow in color, and uniform in shape and size. Gray color indicates the use of second or third grade grain or soft wheat flour. When cooked, good pasta increases in volume by at least 2 times, retains its shape well, should be soft, elastic and resilient, and not stick together.
  1. The increased moisture content in pasta can be determined by placing a bag of pasta in a sunlit place: during the heating process, the pasta is covered with droplets of water (condensation) from the inside. This indicates that this is a counterfeit product.
  2. Sometimes, to obtain flour and, accordingly, premium pasta, the first grade flour used is bleached. Such a fake can only be determined in a laboratory. Recently, some manufacturers have been adding yellow food coloring to pasta. In this case, the packaging should say that they are egg-based, or with the addition of food coloring. If there is no such inscription, and the pasta is yellow, then this is another fake.


  • Before cooking, cereals must be sorted and thoroughly washed: millet and pearl barley are first washed with warm water, then hot, and millet is also scalded with boiling water so that it does not become bitter; The rice is washed several times, first in warm water and then in cold water.
  • To prevent the porridge from burning, pour the cereal into boiling water, and add sugar and salt before adding the cereal. Semolina should be poured into boiling liquid in small portions. Lumpy semolina porridge can be rubbed through a colander.
  • Rice and millet must first be boiled for 3-5 minutes in boiling water, and then cooked in milk.
  • It is best to cook rice in a thick-walled container to prevent burning and cook the porridge more evenly.
  • If the crumbly porridge or pilaf turns out damp, you should, without stirring the rice, add boiling water and bring to readiness over low heat.
  • Milk porridges are salted less than porridges cooked in water.
  • Viscous and liquid porridges are not recommended to be served as a side dish.
  • Millet should be boiled in a large amount of water until half cooked, then drain the water, add milk and cook until fully cooked.
  • It is recommended to boil pasta in a large amount of water (for 200 g - 1 liter of water and 10 g of salt).
  • It is better to rinse the finished pasta with hot water or boiling water and immediately stir it with melted butter so that it does not stick together.
  • To speed up the cooking of legumes, they should first be soaked for 5-6 hours in cold water. Duration of cooking legumes: beans - 1-2 hours, peas - 1-1.5 hours, lentils - 40-60 minutes. Beans should be salted almost ready, and tomato puree, vinegar and sauce should be added after they are fully cooked.
  • Young bean pods are chopped before cooking, and pea pods are boiled whole.
  • To make the puree without lumps, the peas must be rubbed hot.
  • Bean puree will become tastier if you add sauteed onions to it and mix well. Too thick legume puree can be diluted with legume decoction, hot milk or meat broth.

Cereals have many beneficial properties. They contain a large amount of carbohydrates - up to 65-85 percent. The main representative of carbohydrates in them is starch, which during the cooking process absorbs water, swells and forms a starch paste. In this form, starch is easily digested. The protein content in cereals is relatively high - from 6 to 15 percent, but they are no less valuable than the proteins of meat, fish or cottage cheese. There is little fat in cereals - 0.9-3 percent. Only in millet, corn and oatmeal the amount of fat reaches 4-8 percent.

Rice- This is one of the most high-calorie cereals. It is easily digestible because it contains a minimal amount of fiber. Rice is widely used when it is necessary to spare the digestive organs, as well as when exhausted. This is an excellent food for the elderly, but is not recommended for those who suffer from constipation and obesity. Rice is poor in vitamins and minerals.

Sago. Made from potato or corn starch. It is poorer than other cereals in proteins, fats and minerals, but richer in carbohydrates. Sago is especially beneficial for people who are advised to limit their protein intake or who are underweight.

Corn grits. Made from white and yellow corn. Unlike other cereals, it contains vitamin D, E and carotene (provitamin A). Although dishes made from this cereal give a feeling of fullness, its proteins are incomplete and poorly digested. It does not cause constipation or excess weight.

Other products are also produced from corn: puffed corn, corn flakes. Popped or puffed corn and corn flakes taste good and are easier to digest than corn grits.

It is good to use corn flakes for seasoning soups; you can serve them with hot milk and other drinks. There is no need to cook the cereal.

Pearl barley and barley cereals. Produced from barley. In terms of their chemical composition, they are close to millet, but their fiber content is higher. Therefore, they are less easily absorbed, promote bowel movements and do not cause excessive fatness. To reduce cooking time, large pearl barley, after being washed, is soaked in cold water for 3-4 hours and boiled in the same water.

Buckwheat. Surpasses most cereals in protein content. It is also important that these proteins are rich in valuable amino acids.

Buckwheat contains a lot of potassium, phosphorus, and even more iron than meat and fish. It is rich in the B complex of vitamins. It contains 10 times more vitamin B1 than semolina. Buckwheat contains fewer carbohydrates than other cereals, so it is not so dangerous for obese people. In addition to buckwheat, the industry produces prodelny and “Smolensk” cereals, which are obtained by very finely crushing buckwheat grains. The particle size resembles semolina. Liquid, viscous porridges are prepared from it.

Oat groats. Rich in protein just like buckwheat. Its peculiarity is its high content of vegetable fat. It also contains a lot of minerals: phosphorus, potassium and iron.

Uncrushed and crushed cereals are produced from oats, as well as flakes - “Hercules” and an old Russian product - oatmeal. “Hercules” and oatmeal are very nutritious and delicate products.

Millet. In terms of nutritional value, it is inferior to buckwheat, oatmeal and rice. There is quite a lot of protein in it, but it is not valuable enough. There are as many carbohydrates as in oatmeal and buckwheat, and half as much fiber. Millet contains the most potassium salts of all cereals, which is necessary for the heart muscle.

Millet fat easily oxidizes and goes rancid. Therefore, during long-term storage, millet acquires a bitter taste. Loose millet porridge is recommended for obese people and those who suffer from atherosclerosis and are prone to constipation. If you have diseases of the digestive system, in particular gastritis with high acidity, it is better not to eat millet dishes.

Semolina. Refers to wheat cereals. It contains almost no coarse parts of the grain. Its chemical composition is similar to that of rice. High calorie content and almost complete absence of fiber make semolina indispensable in the diet of children, as well as those suffering from gastrointestinal diseases and malnutrition. Semolina dishes are not recommended for patients with diabetes, atherosclerosis and overweight people.

Other types of wheat cereals are also known - “Poltavskaya” and “Artek”. Their nutritional qualities are approximately the same as those of semolina, but they are somewhat coarser.

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Is there somewhere a step-by-step recipe for such homemade yogurt in a cartoon? Can I have a link? Well, for those who... not even in a tank, but in an underground bunker))))
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Yul, I just take my hat off every time I read about your inventions and discoveries :)

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Crafts: "Painting from cereals, pasta and shells."

This is such a fantasy

Winter crafts from cereals and pasta.

In order to get started, you will need: a sheet of cardboard, various grains, a pencil, PVA glue, a brush. Select a suitable design and apply it to the cardboard. We generously lubricate the details of the design with glue; it is advisable that it completely fills the outline, otherwise gaps will form, which will spoil the overall appearance of the product. Sprinkle the area with the glue with cereal that matches the texture and color. By the way, it is better to stick the cereal from top to bottom, this will make it easier to shake off the remnants and the excess will not mix with...

I read about meat below that you need to take into account the weight of the raw product. What about cereals/pasta? Should you count the weight of the porridge in its finished form, or just the cereal? It's impossible to achieve balance yet(

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healthy diet :). Individuale user's blog on 7ya.ru

DIET Breakfast. 30 minutes before breakfast, be sure to have 1 glass of still water. This stimulates intestinal function and prevents constipation. Options or / or - Cheese 50 g + bread with bran or wholemeal flour (2 pieces of 25 grams, 100 grams of bread should contain less than 45-50 g of carbohydrates) or 3-4 bread with fiber (Fin Crisp, Croisette and etc.) / - Cottage cheese 150-200 g + berries (100 grams) / fructose jam (no more than 1 teaspoon 20-25 grams) / - Cottage cheese casserole (cooked in...

Daily food intake: Proteins - 30.

Daily food intake: Proteins - 30% of daily calories Fish or seafood (200-250 g of lean white fish or 100-150 g of fatty fish, such as halibut, butterfish, trout or salmon) - 250-300 kcal - daily Cottage cheese (5- 9% fat) 100-200 g as a separate meal or with vegetables and/or herbs (80-160 kcal) daily. 9 tablespoons of cottage cheese covers the daily protein requirement! 1 chicken egg or 3 quail eggs (100 cal) - 1-2 times a week. You can only consume daily...

girls, how do you count rice, buckwheat, pearl barley, beans, and lentils? dry or boiled? Well, I want to calculate the calorie content of the same squid with rice. Of course, we count squids in peeled and cooked form. and rice? should you weigh the dry bag or cook the rice and only then weigh it? As a side dish, I weigh the finished product... I’ll rephrase the question a little. Does the calorizer count the weight of the dry product?


But what difference does it make, let’s say 100 grams of rice is 300 calories, therefore it is boiled three times, which means 300 grams of boiled rice is 300 calories. unless of course you fried it with something. so count everything else.

I took the number of calories as an approximate example.

I always consider it a dry product. and I take the calorie content of the dry product.

1. Water Water is more important than food. This phrase should become a basic axiom for you. Whatever happens, you should drink enough fluids per day. “Adequate amount” means 30 ml for every kilogram of your weight. That is, if you weigh 80 kilograms, then per day you should consume 2.4 liters of FLUIDS (and at least 2 liters) per day. What is liquid? You must learn that juice, kefir, milk are FOOD. Does this mean that you should consider them a liquid? Yes. But you also have to...


Since we mentioned honey, and moreover, overweight people most often suffer from a lack of sweets, let's start with this sweet one.

Honey is your main sweet tooth. Before 16.00 you can eat 3 teaspoons per day. You can add it to hydromel or porridge or cottage cheese. But remember that for some diseases (especially pancreatic dysfunction), eating honey is not recommended. What can replace it? Firstly, a natural sugar substitute – stevia. What else?

1 tsp honey = 1 tsp. fructose = 10 pcs. raisins = 3 pcs. prunes = 1 dried figs = 2 pcs. dried apricots = 5 g dark chocolate (not lower than 75% cocoa).

Prunes or dried apricots must be “native”, from the former Soviet republics, not chemical. Chocolate as a substitute enters your diet last (!). It is best used before critical days, when you especially want something sweet, or as a reward for yourself, your beloved, at the end of the day, when you realize that today you ate on time and correctly, walked 4 kilometers, and drank all the water you were supposed to drink. Then you need to show yourself that your life will not only become wonderful very soon when you compete in slimness with the beauties on the beach, your life is beautiful right now. You eat chocolate, after all! And you lose weight!! By the way, chocolate is the only sweet you can eat after 16.00. Even in the evening. But only 5-10 grams! And, of course, if you do not go beyond your daily sweets norm.

3. Vegetable oil

Two teaspoons per day. Necessarily. Any vegetable oil contains fatty acids that will help better digestion of food and preserve your youth. The oil can be whatever you like. But remember that during heat treatment (more than one minute), healthy fatty acids become trans fats, so you eat the oil by adding it to salads or vegetables 1 minute before cooking.

If you need to fry something (although you and I know that fried food is harmful), you can use this trick. Mix 1 part vegetable oil with 8 parts water and spray the frying pan with a spray bottle, after shaking the mixture well.

If oil is so healthy, then why is there so little of it, you ask? Because two teaspoons of oil contain as much as 180 kilocalories. We ourselves are surprised how they fit there.

1-2 bunches every day. The bunch is approximately 2-2.5 centimeters in diameter. You can eat any greens. Moreover, since now it is especially important for us not to exclude products from our culinary basket, but to add them to it, you can easily experiment. Make it a goal to try all the varieties of salads and greens that are available in our supermarkets. Try combining salads and greens with different foods: meat and fish, cottage cheese and vegetables, maybe even fruit. Every time you will have a new taste!

Cereals: "educational education" for parents. Nutrition for children up to one year old

What types of cereals are there? Porridge for a child


Useful article, no fuss, a lot of interesting information! My daughter is already 10, we eat porridge every day with milk and water with butter. When she was very little, we had an allergy to milk, I was worried that it would remain like this for the rest of her life, but then gradually everything went away.
I try to cook different grains. And cereals too, we especially like oatmeal with bran. I just read in the article that “oatmeal is a “champion” in terms of calcium and phosphorus content,” and I was glad for myself that I was feeding my child correctly! We tried cereals from many companies, I can recommend Uvelka, we have been friends for a long time. Eat porridge - you will be healthy!

girls and boys, tell us how you prepare couscous and where you get it. I became addicted to it in my life abroad, but I never did it myself. And it’s oh-so-good!


I cook couscous itself (with meat or chicken and vegetables) and tabbouleh, if this is from the classics of the genre :)
Sold in many places, including Auchan and Utkonos. For my taste, the best French one is available in Auchan, quite inexpensively, in two degrees of coarseness - small and medium.
We came across a Tunisian one - something we didn’t like at all. Russian is probably just a packaging, it’s unclear where they get it from. Better than nothing, but the one in bags like rice is not very good for me either.
“Cooking” couldn’t be easier. For tabbouleh, pour cold water, let stand, stir (stir :)) with a fork. For couscous, you can pour hot water halfway with the broth or add a little butter.
It’s also always useful to read what is offered on the package, because I’ve come across some completely “instant” and regular normal ones :)

I would say that these are rather small pasta products. The “correct” way to cook, I suspect, is steaming, but for me it’s difficult. On the stove, I'm always afraid that it will dry out or even burn. So I adapted to cooking it using the microwave. I pour boiling water in a ratio of 1:1.25, and quickly add salt, herbs (if dry) and other spices (if used). After this, I close the vessel well - I cook in a glass bowl with a glass lid - and put it in the microwave for 5 minutes at minimum power. During this time, all the liquid is absorbed. Then I stir, as if loosening, the couscous with a fork and add olive oil. After that, I leave it to sit under the lid for some more time. We eat couscous as a side dish and as a salad base. I also like the filling for peppers based on couscous, as if instead of rice.

Agricultural plants I include:

  • grain crops (wheat, rye, triticale, oats, barley, corn)
  • cereal crops (millet, buckwheat, rice, sorghum)
  • legumes (peas, lentils, beans, soybeans, chickpeas, chickpeas)
  • oilseeds (sunflower, cotton, mustard, castor bean, sesame, rapeseed, hemp)
  • essential oil crops (coriander, cumin, anise, fennel, azhgon, nigella)

An integral part of the food diet consists of cereals, flour and their derivatives. We will not go into the technology of production of flour and cereals from grains and legumes. There is specialized literature for this.

When processing grain, the following products are obtained: flour, grits (fine, medium and large) and duns (the average between flour and fine grits).
The result of the grinding process is:

  • flour
  • bran large and small
  • grain cleaning waste (feed and non-feed)

Extruded bran is also made from bran (by mixing with flavoring and aromatic components, water).

The stages of wheat flour production can be visually depicted like this:

The process separates the whole wheat grain (A) into the hull (bran) (B) and the mealy kernel (endosperm) (C). Then grinding and sorting by size (D and E) takes place. After grinding, flour (F) is obtained.

The most common types of flour are:

  • Wheat flour
    • bakery - premium, first and second grade, wallpaper
    • for the pasta industry - three grades, the highest grade is called semolina
  • rye flour - sifted, peeled, wallpaper
  • corn flour - fine and coarse grinding, such as wallpaper
  • soy flour - deodorized non-skimmed, semi-skimmed, low-fat

Of course, flour is also made from other grains. And also from starch, nuts and even vegetables. Also used in cooking: flax flour, buckwheat flour, rice flour, oat flour, spelled flour, barley flour, wheat germ flour, pea flour, chickpea flour, lentil flour, arrowroot starch flour, sesame flour, cedar flour, almond flour , nut flours (from almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, cashews and walnuts), amaranth flour, triticale flour, pumpkin flour, sunflower flour, coconut flour, teff flour and others.

Pasta (or macaroni, or pasta in Italian) is a product made from dough, usually made from wheat flour and water. Mainly durum wheat flour. Sometimes other types of flour are used, other ingredients are added: natural dyes, eggs, herbs.

The second most important food product (after flour), produced from cereal grains, as well as buckwheat and legumes, is cereals.
Cereals are whole or crushed grains, freed from indigestible parts of the grain. According to the method of grain processing, cereals can be unpolished, polished, polished, uncrushed, crushed, rolled. Depending on the hydrothermal treatment, cereals can be steamed or not steamed.

  • buckwheat kernel, green buckwheat, prodel (buckwheat)
  • variously processed rice (rice)
  • wheat groats (durum wheat)
  • millet \ golden groats (millet)
  • oatmeal, oat flakes and oatmeal (oats)
  • ground pearl barley, crushed barley (barley)
  • ground corn grits, large grits for corn flakes, fine grits for corn sticks (corn)
  • polenta (corn)
  • triticale - a hybrid of wheat and rye
  • semolina - coarsely ground wheat flour
  • bulgur\burgul (wheat)
  • couscous\couscous (semolina)
  • ptitim \ Israeli couscous \ Ben-Gurion rice
  • emmer\spelt (semi-wild wheat) [spelt is a group of species, not a variety]
  • Kamut (drum wheat variety)
  • farro\emmer (wheat variety, Ethiopia)
  • Chumiza \ black rice \ capitate millet (chumiza)
  • wild rice\water rice\Indian rice (tsitsaniya)
  • basmati rice
  • amaranth
  • quinoa
  • sorghum
  • tapioca starch (edible cassava, cassava)
  • peas
  • dolichos
  • mung beans\mung beans\golden beans
  • chickpeas\chickpeas
  • beans
  • lentils


Due to their small size and increased porosity, the flakes brew quickly. But the taste of cooked cereal may differ from the taste of grain porridge. Other properties also change. On the one hand, protein is better absorbed, on the other hand, part of the starch is converted into sugars, which are also easier to digest, and this is a minus.