Canning viburnum berries. Sweet sauce with viburnum

What do we associate with autumn? With bright yellow foliage and scarlet clusters of viburnum. The fruits of this plant ripen somewhere in the middle of the autumn period, but they are collected only after the first frost. Before frost, the berries have a slightly bitter taste, and after the frost catches them, the bitterness goes away. If you harvested before frost, then before cooking, put the berries briefly in freezer, the bitterness will go away and a pleasant sweetish taste will appear.

You can often see these healthy berries in winter; they turn so wonderfully red under their snow-white cover. People leave some viburnum especially for the birds so that they have something to eat during the cold season. But many people ignore this berry, believing that it does not smell very nice. And completely in vain. If you know how much benefit this plant brings, you will certainly start harvesting berries, and pureed viburnum with sugar will forever live in your refrigerator.

Viburnum with sugar for the winter (without cooking)

Most modern housewives try to make preparations for the winter that will preserve maximum amount benefits. Our recipe today is especially relevant; we prepare viburnum berries, ground with sugar, for the winter. In this version, viburnum will fully retain all its properties.

There is no need to say much that viburnum is very useful; it will be an excellent means of prevention during colds. But also on the basis of viburnum you can make very delicious teas and warming drinks, adding, for example, lemon, orange zest, dry mint or lemon balm leaves. So, if you are interested, join us, let's replenish our bins with a few jars of vitamin preparation.

Taste Info Jam and marmalade


  • Viburnum – 350 g;
  • Sugar – 350 g.

How to prepare ground viburnum with sugar for the winter

At the beginning of autumn, viburnum is sold in almost all markets. Well, if this berry grows in your garden, even better. Actually, we start by plucking the bushes with viburnum, or purchasing viburnum at the market. The average bunch weighs approximately 350 grams, enough for a 250 ml jar. In general, since viburnum will be stored on the refrigerator shelf, it is better to choose small jars so that the contents can be used within one to two weeks. Rinse the selected viburnum branches under cool water, lay them out on a kitchen towel, and let them dry a little.

Now we begin to pick off the branches, the viburnum berries can be cut with scissors, or you can tear them off with your hands, appearance berries for us Any will do, because we will still crush them. Picked berries can be frozen if you have a lot of viburnum. You can also make viburnum juice or compote.

Let's return to our recipe. Transfer the tattered viburnum into a deep container. We take any press that will be convenient for kneading the berries. We carefully begin to knead the viburnum; the juice from the bursting berries scatters very quickly, so we work without fanaticism. We try to squeeze out the juice from all the berries as much as possible.

Measure out 2/3 of the granulated sugar. Pour sugar into a container with mint viburnum. We leave the rest of the sugar aside; we will need it a little later.

Mix the viburnum and granulated sugar, we try to make sure that sugar crystals completely dissolved.

Although we will not roll up jars of viburnum, we will still take care of sterility, this will be our guarantee of longer storage of the workpiece. As mentioned above, it is very good if you have small jars. We wash all the jars with soda, sterilize them, and also process the lids. We transfer the viburnum into clean jars, leaving a little space for the remaining sugar and future juice.

Add the remaining sugar.

Place the lid on the neck of the jar, tighten it, and place it on the refrigerator shelf or in the cellar, on the balcony, whichever is more convenient for you.

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Viburnum with sugar for the winter through a meat grinder

The recipe for this preparation is as simple as shelling pears:

  1. Carefully sort out the viburnum berries, free them from the branches.
  2. Place in a colander and rinse thoroughly under running water, then allow the berries to drain and dry slightly.
  3. Place a fine rack on the meat grinder and scroll the viburnum through it.
  4. Combine the resulting mass with granulated sugar equal proportions, mix thoroughly.
  5. Prepare pasteurized dry glass jars, place viburnum with sugar in them, without filling 1-1.5 cm to the very top.
  6. In each jar, sprinkle the surface of the viburnum a little more with granulated sugar and close with a tight nylon lid.
  7. Store in the refrigerator.

How else can you prepare viburnum with sugar for the winter?

  • If you think that the contact of viburnum berries with the metal parts of the meat grinder is not very useful, you can grind it manually. Place in a deep bowl and crush using a kitchen wooden masher.
  • If you want to get seedless and skinless viburnum, rub it through a fine plastic sieve. But remember that both the skin and the pits contain an incredible amount of useful substances, it’s not for nothing that the viburnum seed is shaped like a human heart. Throwing them away is a crime.
  • Instead of a meat grinder, you can easily use a blender to prepare such a preparation.
  • And how delicious the preparation will turn out if you give it a little citrus notes. For 1 liter of the resulting sweet viburnum mass, add half an orange minced through a meat grinder (along with the zest). Stir, put into jars and put in the refrigerator.
Viburnum juice without cooking

An excellent solution would be viburnum juice without heat treatment, still, under any influence elevated temperature beneficial features partially lost.

To prepare the juice, the proportions will be different: for 1 kg of viburnum you will need 200 g of granulated sugar.

Grind the berries in a bowl with a masher, and then squeeze out the juice through cheesecloth. You should only have bones and skins left on the gauze cloth, and all the pulp will seep into the bowl. Add granulated sugar, mix thoroughly and let stand for a while until the sugar grains are completely dissolved. Then mix thoroughly again, pour into hot jars, roll up the lids and store in the cellar. If you have space to store such juice in the refrigerator, you can close the jars with nylon lids.

To speed up the process of preparing viburnum according to this recipe, you can squeeze the juice through a juicer.

How is viburnum useful?

The beneficial properties of viburnum with sugar can be listed endlessly. Its berries are rich in tannins, vitamins A and C, and pectins, which will effectively cleanse the intestines of harmful substances. The phytoncides contained in the fruit cope well with microbes. The berries also contain copper, potassium, iron, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and even some iodine. Both fruits and leaves are a source of formic, acetic, valeric and oleic acids.

It’s even difficult to name the organ in human body, on which viburnum would not have its beneficial effect:

  1. Its most important benefit is in the treatment and prevention of respiratory and colds. It perfectly thins mucus, helps in the treatment of bronchitis and pneumonia, and is good for severe chronic cough.
  2. Any doctor along with medicines Will definitely prescribe viburnum for the treatment of throat and sore throat.
  3. Healing red berries will help get rid of painful sensations in the heart, will help dilate blood vessels, eliminate constant headaches and hypertension.
  4. Viburnum will help cleanse the liver and improve blood composition, get rid of small stones in the gall and bladder (it is a good choleretic agent).
  5. Viburnum is especially useful for disorders digestive tract. Here she is susceptible to many diseases: stomach pain and ulcers, gastritis with low acidity and indigestion, constipation and loose stools, duodenal ulcers and hemorrhoids.
  6. It is useful to take viburnum for nervous strain and fatigue.
  7. You can apply this remedy to treat skin diseases: eczema and pustules, boils, ulcers and wounds.
  8. Viburnum is a good prevention of cancer.

Contraindications for viburnum

Preparing viburnum for the winter with sugar is not suitable for people who suffer from hypotension. It lowers blood pressure, which can cause harm in this case.

Women during pregnancy should consult a doctor before taking this remedy.

If the acidity of gastric juice is increased, you should not take viburnum with sugar. We also need to give up this healthy berries people suffering from diseases such as arthritis, gout, urolithiasis disease and kidney diseases.

If a person has increased blood clotting and a tendency to thrombosis, viburnum is contraindicated.

Viburnum is very useful for child's body, but still doctors recommend not giving it to children under two years of age. After reaching this age, still do not self-medicate, but be sure to consult a pediatrician.

How to take and how to store?

Since our viburnum was prepared with sugar for the winter without cooking, it can only be stored in the refrigerator. It is believed that its shelf life is 90 days, but believe many years of experience, it perfectly retains its properties almost until summer.

Make it a rule to start every morning with a teaspoon of the prepared mixture, washed down with 1 glass of warm water. boiled water. You can dilute the mixture in water and drink. If you do this every day, then you will not be afraid of any of the above diseases.

In case of colds, viral diseases, bronchitis, constantly make tea from viburnum mass and drink as much as possible.

You can replace sugar in the given recipes with honey, it will turn out even healthier.

Nature has gifted us with a wonderful natural cure for many diseases. All you have to do is harvest and make preparations. Don't miss this opportunity to give your body maximum health!

Viburnum also treats infectious diseases, and colds are not at all scary for those who regularly eat dishes with this berry.

Red viburnum berries are a real multivitamin complex of natural origin, which contains many antioxidants and rare minerals. Regular use helps protect cells from mutations, reduces blood pressure and relieves bronchial asthma, eczema. Viburnum also treats infectious diseases, and colds are not at all scary for those who regularly eat dishes with this berry. That is why it is useful to make preparations from viburnum for the winter.

Fact! It is not necessary to make preparations from viburnum using recipes or sugar; it is enough to put it in jars, rinsing it well before doing so. Thanks to high content antifungal substances, viburnum does not become moldy for a long time and is stored for at least 2-3 months.

How to properly harvest?

Viburnum begins to ripen in September, but gains maximum benefits after the initial frosts, and the cold also removes all the bitterness from it and gives it more sweetness. You need to pick berries with brushes, cutting them with scissors, preferably in dry weather. The fruits should not be allowed to become very wrinkled or cracked. And you can preserve viburnum for the winter using recipes that even not the most will like. an experienced housewife(or the owner).

Method number 1. Dried viburnum

You can make tea or fruit juice from such raw materials, add a few berries to your everyday drink and get useful decoction. Prepare this recipe like this:

  • viburnum is laid out on a baking sheet in whole tassels, which must be covered with parchment;
  • put in the oven, preheated to 60 degrees, and the door should be left slightly open;
  • dry for several hours;
  • put into linen bags.

Keep dried viburnum Needed in places with good oxygen access.

Method number 2. Preparation of juice from viburnum

To implement this recipe, you need to take 2 kg of berries, 0.5 liters of water and approximately 400 g of sugar (or 200 g per 1 liter of juice). Harvesting viburnum for the winter is done as follows:

  • rinse the berry and put it in a saucepan;
  • add water and bring to a boil;
  • after 5 minutes, squeeze out the berries using cheesecloth;
  • strain the broth and add sugar;
  • cook until sugar dissolves.

If you don’t want to add sugar, then you can make a preparation of viburnum with honey, using 4 spoons instead of 200 g per liter.

Method No. 3. Deep freeze

Of the preparations of viburnum for the winter, it is the most inexpensive and quick way- this is freezing. Cold is only good for the red berry; in this form it retains beneficial enzymes and can be used for any dish. It is enough to wash and dry whole berries, put them in bags or containers and send them to freeze. Store at standard conditions.

Recipes with red berries without cooking

  1. With sugar. The washed and dried berries are sprinkled with sugar, laid in layers in a jar: first sugar, then a layer of berries, then sugar again (the thickness of the layers is from 1 to 1.5 cm). The sugar layer should complete. Then they are closed and placed in a cool place. In this way, the berries can be stored for up to 2 years!
  2. Another recipe for preparing viburnum for the winter is using honey. The berries are ground with liquid product in equal proportions and stored in sterilized jars.

You can also prepare preparations from red viburnum for the winter, which use other ingredients, and the result is delicious desserts - jam and marshmallows.

Delicious recipe with orange

To prepare jam, take 1 kg of berries and 500 g of orange, as well as 0.4 liters of water and approximately 1 kg of sugar:

  • the berry is washed;
  • grind it with a blender or meat grinder;
  • oranges are peeled and crushed;
  • mix puree and sugar;
  • put into jars prepared in advance;
  • cover with lids and store for 1 year.

Important! Any jam that is prepared “raw” without cooking should be stored in a cellar or refrigerator.

Viburnum with apples

What else can be done from viburnum for the winter is to prepare very delicious jam with your favorite apples: take 1 kg of berries, 2.5 kg of apples, the same amount of sugar and a glass of water:

  • wash the berries and make juice from them;
  • apples are peeled and chopped;
  • fruit slices are mixed with sugar and simmered with water until syrup is formed;
  • add viburnum juice;
  • bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 30 minutes;
  • You need to stir regularly and skim off the foam.

The viburnum recipe for the winter can be supplemented with cloves, cinnamon, and cardamom.

Delicious viburnum pastille

To prepare aromatic and healthy dessert you should take 1 kg of berries and sugar, as well as 250 ml of water:

  • the fruits are blanched in boiling water for 5 minutes;
  • poured cold water and cook until soft;
  • rub with syrup through a sieve;
  • add sugar and cook over low heat until thick;
  • lay out 3-4 mm thick on a sheet of parchment (on a baking sheet);
  • cook for several hours at 60 degrees in the oven.

Important! The pastille will be ready only when it easily begins to move away from the paper. After cooking, it needs to be rolled and cut, then sprinkled with sugar on both sides and stored in a cardboard box.

Here's how to prepare viburnum for the winter using the most simple products and completely simple recipes. As a result, there will always be delicious dessert, useful supplement for tea and excellent remedy for a cold!

We all love winter for the New Year and Christmas holidays, for warm cozy family evenings, for the crunch of snow under our feet. But we must not forget that in addition to this winter period poses a lot of dangers, such as colds, colds or seasonal diseases, as a result of which our immunity inevitably weakens and requires additional strengthening agents. Today we’ll talk about how to preserve viburnum long term so that a reliable cold remedy is on hand for the entire cold period.

Viburnum berries are a real storehouse of nutrients and minerals. Dried - they are indispensable for cooking aromatic tea, fresh - for making compotes, jams or fruit drinks.

In order for viburnum dishes to be not only as healthy as possible, but also have unrivaled taste qualities, it is important not only to properly prepare the fruits for further processing, but also to follow several harvesting rules:

  • The berries reach technical ripeness by the beginning of September, but harvesting is strongly recommended when the first frosts arrive. This is due to the fact that viburnum berries have a bitterish tint, and after they are “acquainted” with light frost, this effect disappears and the berries become juicy and sweet;
  • Harvesting is carried out in dry, not too windy weather;
  • Viburnum bunches are cut with scissors, very carefully, making sure that the berries do not fall off or become wrinkled.

Fresh storage

And now all the bunches of viburnum have been collected, carefully laid out in baskets, now the only thing left to do is decide how best to preserve them for the winter.

Of course best option- this is to preserve the berries in a fresh, natural form. At home, a cold room will do for this, for example, a cellar (where you need to tighten the ropes and carefully hang the bunches for the winter) or a regular refrigerator (the bunches are laid out in dry containers, covered with a lid and stored on a special shelf intended for vegetables). In this form, viburnum can be preserved not only for the winter, but also for up to six months.

Other storage methods

When it is not possible to keep viburnum berries fresh, you can resort to other methods. There are several popular options for storing viburnum without compromising its beneficial properties.

Frozen storage. Viburnum berries are picked from the bunches and packaged portioned packages, after which they are sent to the freezer for the whole winter. Such viburnum can be easily obtained at will and used for its intended purpose - to make tea, fruit juice or vitamin compote. As we have already found out, frost has a beneficial effect on the taste of berries, so your dishes will not suffer, but will only benefit.

Dried viburnum. To prepare dried viburnum for the winter, it is first washed, placed on a baking sheet lined with parchment and placed in a slightly heated (up to 60 degrees) oven without closing the door. If you are in no hurry, you can dry the berries outside: to do this, choose a shaded place and place the viburnum bunches on textile napkins there, or you can simply tie the bunches in bunches and hang them up. When the viburnum is completely dry, it is carefully torn off and stored in a tightly sealed container (or fabric bags).

Viburnum juice. This method will require some effort: for one serving of juice you will need 2 kg of berries, 500 g of water and 200 g of granulated sugar per liter berry juice. Clean berries are boiled for several minutes, squeezed out and the resulting liquid is mixed with the rest of the ingredients. All this needs to be brought to a boil and poured into pre-sterilized jars. Sealed containers with ready-made juice are sent to a cold place for the winter.

Viburnum jam is prepared from the same set of products as juice, only using a different technology. Berries (1 kg) are washed, blanched in boiling water, poured with syrup (300 ml of water and 1.3 kg of granulated sugar) and left to infuse for 12 hours. Next, the prepared mass is placed on low heat and boiled for 30 minutes until thickened. Ready jam Place in sterilized jars and store in a cool place.

Viburnum ground with sugar is a very simple recipe that allows you to preserve the properties, taste and aroma of viburnum throughout the winter. The berries are simply ground with sugar in equal proportions, pasteurized for 30 minutes and, sealed, stored in a cool place.

Viburnum vitamin syrup is prepared from viburnum juice (we described the process of its preparation above). It is mixed with sugar in a ratio of 1:2 (1 part juice and 2 parts granulated sugar), add a pinch citric acid and cook until the sugar is completely dissolved. This product should be stored in sealed bottles.

Pastila is not really traditional way, which can be used to prepare viburnum for the winter. Blanched berries (1 kg) are poured with water (250 ml), boiled over low heat until soft. The resulting mass must be ground through a sieve, mixed with sugar (1 kg), then boiled over low heat until the consistency of thin sour cream. The mass prepared in this way is poured in a thin layer onto a baking sheet previously lined with baking paper, and put into the oven at a temperature of 50–60 degrees. You can tell if the marshmallow is ready by how easily it comes away from the parchment. Ready dish roll up, cut in portioned pieces, sprinkle powdered sugar and, having been placed in cardboard boxes, sent for storage in a cool room with good ventilation.

Viburnum with sugar. To cope with such a preparation, you need to stock up on powdered sugar (200 g), starch (you will need no more than 5 g), and viburnum berries (1 kg). Pre-washed viburnum is sprinkled with sugar mixed with starch and sent to dry for 12 hours in a slightly warm oven. The finished sugar viburnum is placed in jars and stored under lids in a cool place.

Morse - represents rather vitamin cocktail, rather than preparing it yourself, because it is made from viburnum juice. The recipe is extremely simple: dilute 0.5 liters of juice with 2 liters of water, adding 250 g of sugar, and bring to a boil. When the granulated sugar is completely dissolved, turn off the fruit drink and leave for several hours. Of course, you can’t save such a drink for the whole winter, but you can support the body with vitamins and useful microelements in cold weather he is quite capable.

These are not all the ways in which priceless berries can be preserved: there are many recipes for viburnum jam or marmalade with other ingredients (honey, rowan, citrus fruits) that only enhance the beneficial properties of viburnum. But this is more reminiscent of confectionery delights, which we will definitely talk about in the following articles.

Video “Viburnum preparations”

Perceiving winter as a magical and fabulous time, we must not forget that it is also a time of vitamin deficiency, colds and illnesses. The immune system is weakening and should be supported and raised by any means accessible ways, and strengthen the body as a whole. But this will work best in nature, or rather in its gifts! And immediately the exclamation sounds in my head: “Kalina!” It is a popular source of vitamins. Red viburnum for the winter, preparations from its juicy berries will save you during the period of viral diseases and will become an indispensable source a wide range of vitamins. It’s not at all difficult to make incredibly useful preparations. But their applications are extensive; but the main goal of all is protection against colds.

Viburnum is an excellent alternative to tablets. In addition to treating colds, it is used for diseases of the kidneys, heart, liver, blood vessels... Therefore, its use is mandatory during the cold season! You can buy red berries for twists or pick them yourself in the garden. not so numerous. Some of them, in which beneficial properties are retained in the fruits, are described below. And everyone has the right to choose the one they like. After all, some people like juice-syrup, others like jam.

Red viburnum for the winter: Jelly

Good ones are selected for the delicious viburnum jelly, ripe berries and, after washing, douse with boiling water. The latter procedure helps to “extract” from them the unwanted bitterness characteristic of viburnum. Next, you need to rub the prepared product through a small sieve or colander. The resulting puree has a consistency similar to thick juice, combines with sugar. Sweet crystals are taken in equal proportions by weight. The mass is stirred, dissolving the grains by this action, and then heated over low heat. There is no need to boil for a long time. Some boil for about an hour; but with hermetically sealed and correct proportion There will even be many components of this time. Readiness is often determined by the moment when the mass begins to stick to the edges of the cooking utensil and to the spoon.

The future jelly is removed from the stove, poured into jars and tightly closed. Before filling, packaging containers are doused with boiling water, and the lids are also boiled. More often, nylon caps are used for sealing. As it cools, the mass will harden moderately and resemble melted jelly. If harvesting red viburnum for the winter will be stored in the refrigerator, then less granulated sugar is taken to prepare it.

There is also a “cold” cooking method. This is preferable from the point of view that there is no heat treatment, and, naturally, more vitamins are saved, which are “killed” by boiling. The mashed puree or juice is intensively mixed in equal parts with sand and sugar, and poured into clean, hot jars for convenient storage. Storing a “cold” recipe exclusively in the cold, otherwise the dish will ferment.

Red viburnum for the winter: fruits in sugar

Viburnum, sealed in sugar sand, is an excellent addition to tea. In hot liquid it will swell and reveal its “potential” and unique delicate aroma. The products are taken in the following quantities: for 1 kilo of red viburnum - 0.7-0.8 kg of granulated sugar. In addition, you will need sterilized small jars, which are processed in advance. The cooking technology is extremely simple. There is no cooking involved, and the process itself will take no more than 5-10 minutes. Similar " Red viburnum. Recipes for winter preparation of viburnum» methods leave the berries intact, plump, bright, and they are used to make original jewelry for baking.