Roasted coffee beans. How to know when your coffee is ready

Today I will tell you how to lightly roast green coffee beans (Arabica) in a regular frying pan on a gas stove. The article consists of several blocks. In each block I tell you what to do and why exactly.

I won’t tell you why you should roast coffee at home, but I can tell you why you shouldn’t do it. It is quite difficult to fry grain evenly and efficiently, and you most likely will not be able to do everything right the first time. Therefore, I strongly recommend choosing cheaper grains for your first roasting experiments. It would be a shame to ruin dear Colombia San Pascual.

Required Tools

What you need to prepare:

  • gas (electric) stove;
  • cast aluminum or cast iron frying pan (saucepan) without non-stick coating;
  • whisk or wooden spatulas (for mixing grains);
  • stopwatch;
  • a clean, dry metal baking tray in which to cool the grains. It is highly advisable to have a kitchen scale.

Why is this necessary:

  • Gas stove

    In fact, it doesn’t matter whether you roast coffee on a gas or electric stove. But I will give examples for a gas stove - I don’t have any other stoves. By the way, you can read about the positive experience of roasting grains in a convection oven.

  • Pan
    It is very important to follow several rules. The frying pan must be absolutely clean inside, no soot or stuck fat. Yes, you will have to clean the dirt right down to the metal. Ideally, you should have a separate frying pan for coffee, in which nothing other than coffee should be fried.

    Nowadays it is not easy to find an aluminum frying pan or saucepan without a non-stick coating, so you can use a non-stick frying pan that has been washed inside to a “like new” condition. But even in a well-washed frying pan, the smell of previously cooked dishes can remain. To get rid of extraneous odors, you need to boil water with detergent in a frying pan for 5-10 minutes and rinse thoroughly. You will not need a lid during the frying process.

  • Spatulas or whisk for mixing

    Stirring the grain is a very important part of the roasting process and the most difficult. The point of stirring is to turn the grains so that they are evenly fried on each side. Therefore, you can stir coffee with any object that will allow you to turn the beans as intensively as possible, for example, whisk.

    If you don't have a whisk, you can use wooden spatulas. While frying, the pan becomes very hot, also heating your hands. To avoid getting burned, I recommend choosing spatulas with long handles. By the way, in order to mix the grains with the required intensity, it will be more convenient to use two spatulas at once, as Andrey Laube does in his video. You need new spatulas (wood is not a frying pan, you can’t really wash off the grease), the cheapest ones from the nearest supermarket will do.

    Personally, I liked stirring coffee with a whisk more than with spatulas. There is no need to turn the grains by shaking the frying pan: by lifting the frying pan from the stove, you disrupt the heating mode.

  • Stopwatch

    Available in almost any cell phone. We will determine the exact roasting time using a stopwatch (and more). Make sure your phone screen doesn't go dark while the stopwatch is running.

  • Tray for cooling grains

    The roasted grain must be immediately poured onto a cold baking sheet. The good thing about a baking sheet is that it will quickly absorb some of the heat and you can spread the grains on it in a thin layer so that they cool faster. If you don’t have a baking sheet, any clean metal dish will do, into which you can pour and spread your roasted grains in a thin layer.

Roasting coffee

Step 1

What to do?

Measure 150 or 200 grams of green coffee on a scale. Prepare a baking tray for cooling the grain.

Why is that?

During the roasting process, coffee grows in volume and loses weight. When lightly roasted, coffee loses at least 13% of its weight, depending on the variety, humidity, etc. That is, 150 grams of greenery will turn into 130 grams of light roasted coffee, and 200 grams of greenery will turn into 174 grams of roasted coffee.

If you mess up your roast, throwing away 150 grams of coffee is not as bad as throwing away half a kilo or a kilogram.

The roasted grains must be immediately poured into a baking tray and begin to cool. There will be no time to search for a baking sheet: prepare it in advance. I will tell you more about cooling below.

Step 2

What to do?

Turn on the middle burner on the gas stove, turn up the heat so that it burns at half power. Heat an empty frying pan for 10-15 seconds, pour green grains into it, start the stopwatch and immediately begin mixing the grains.

The roasting time will be from 8 to 15 minutes, depending on the strength of the fire.

Why is that?

If the fire is stronger, you can handle it faster. But there is an increased chance of getting coffee with a smoky flavor towards the end of the roast. If you roast over very low heat, you can get unroasted (albeit darkened) coffee with a nasty grassy taste in a whole hour.

There is no need to heat up an empty frying pan for a long time, as the chance of getting uneven frying or a smoky aftertaste greatly increases.

Step 3

What to do?

Stir the coffee vigorously. Not a single grain should lie in its place for more than one second. We carefully observe the grains. We look at the stopwatch at the moment in time when the grains began to crack (not one at a time, but the whole bunch at once), remember this time.

Why is that?

The more intensely you mix the beans, the more even the roasting will be. I remind you again: you cannot stop for a second. Pay attention to the grains near the edge of the pan. As I wrote above, the point of intensive stirring is to turn the grains, and not just push them around the frying pan. It is necessary that each grain is heated evenly on each side.

Closer to 5-9 minutes (depending on the strength of the fire), the coffee begins to crackle. When the grains begin to crack not one at a time, but simultaneously (like popcorn, only a little quieter) - this is the beginning of the first crack. From this moment, grain development begins and continues until the end of roasting.

Step 4

What to do?

Stir the grains intensively, looking at the stopwatch. Remove the frying pan from the heat at such a point in time that the grain development time (from the beginning of the first crack until the end of roasting) amounted to 20-25% of the total roasting time. After removing the pan from the heat, immediately pour the roasted grains into a baking tray and begin cooling the grains.

Why is that?

As I wrote above, grain development should account for 20-25% of the roasting time. That is, if the first crack occurred 7 minutes 30 seconds after the start of frying, then at 9.30-10 minutes after the start of frying you can remove the pan. If the first crack began 9 minutes after the start of frying, then stop frying after three minutes (the total frying time will be 12 minutes).

If everything works out as it should, the intensity of the cracking by the end of roasting is significantly reduced, the grains crack one at a time, and not all at once, as in the middle of a crack.

Pour the grains onto a clean, dry metal baking sheet and begin cooling.


Nutritional value and chemical composition "Roasted coffee beans".

The table shows the nutritional content (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per 100 grams of edible portion.

Nutrient Quantity Norm** % of the norm in 100 g % of the norm in 100 kcal 100% normal
Calorie content 331 kcal 1684 kcal 19.7% 6% 509 g
Squirrels 13.9 g 76 g 18.3% 5.5% 547 g
Fats 14.4 g 56 g 25.7% 7.8% 389 g
Carbohydrates 29.5 g 219 g 13.5% 4.1% 742 g
Organic acids 9.2 g ~
Alimentary fiber 22.2 g 20 g 111% 33.5% 90 g
Water 4.7 g 2273 g 0.2% 0.1% 48362 g
Ash 6.2 g ~
Vitamin B1, thiamine 0.07 mg 1.5 mg 4.7% 1.4% 2143 g
Vitamin B2, riboflavin 0.2 mg 1.8 mg 11.1% 3.4% 900 g
Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol, TE 2.7 mg 15 mg 18% 5.4% 556 g
Vitamin RR, NE 19.7 mg 20 mg 98.5% 29.8% 102 g
Niacin 17 mg ~
Potassium, K 2010 mg 2500 mg 80.4% 24.3% 124 g
Calcium, Ca 147 mg 1000 mg 14.7% 4.4% 680 g
Magnesium, Mg 200 mg 400 mg 50% 15.1% 200 g
Sodium, Na 40 mg 1300 mg 3.1% 0.9% 3250 g
Phosphorus, Ph 198 mg 800 mg 24.8% 7.5% 404 g
Iron, Fe 5.3 mg 18 mg 29.4% 8.9% 340 g
Digestible carbohydrates
Mono- and disaccharides (sugars) 2.8 g max 100 g
Saturated fatty acids
Saturated fatty acids 5.7 g max 18.7 g

Energy value Roasted coffee beans is 331 kcal.

Main source: Skurikhin I.M. and others. Chemical composition of food products. .

** This table shows the average levels of vitamins and minerals for an adult. If you want to know the norms taking into account your gender, age and other factors, then use the My Healthy Diet app.

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The nutritional value

Serving Size (g)


Most foods may not contain the full range of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, it is important to eat a variety of foods to meet the body's needs for vitamins and minerals.

Product calorie analysis


Ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates:

Knowing the contribution of proteins, fats and carbohydrates to calorie content, you can understand how well a product or diet meets the standards of a healthy diet or the requirements of a certain diet. For example, the US and Russian Departments of Health recommend 10-12% of calories come from protein, 30% from fat and 58-60% from carbohydrates. The Atkins diet recommends low carbohydrate intake, although other diets focus on low fat intake.

If more energy is expended than it is received, the body begins to use up fat reserves, and body weight decreases.

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Roasted coffee beans rich in vitamins and minerals such as: vitamin B2 - 11.1%, vitamin E - 18%, vitamin PP - 98.5%, potassium - 80.4%, calcium - 14.7%, magnesium - 50%, phosphorus - 24.8%, iron - 29.4%

Benefits of roasted coffee beans

  • Vitamin B2 participates in redox reactions, helps to increase the color sensitivity of the visual analyzer and dark adaptation. Insufficient intake of vitamin B2 is accompanied by impaired condition of the skin, mucous membranes, and impaired light and twilight vision.
  • Vitamin E has antioxidant properties, is necessary for the functioning of the gonads and heart muscle, and is a universal stabilizer of cell membranes. With vitamin E deficiency, hemolysis of erythrocytes and neurological disorders are observed.
  • Vitamin PP participates in redox reactions of energy metabolism. Insufficient vitamin intake is accompanied by disruption of the normal condition of the skin, gastrointestinal tract and nervous system.
  • Potassium is the main intracellular ion that takes part in the regulation of water, acid and electrolyte balance, participates in the processes of conducting nerve impulses and regulating pressure.
  • Calcium is the main component of our bones, acts as a regulator of the nervous system, and is involved in muscle contraction. Calcium deficiency leads to demineralization of the spine, pelvic bones and lower extremities, increasing the risk of developing osteoporosis.
  • Magnesium participates in energy metabolism, synthesis of proteins, nucleic acids, has a stabilizing effect on membranes, and is necessary to maintain homeostasis of calcium, potassium and sodium. A lack of magnesium leads to hypomagnesemia, an increased risk of developing hypertension and heart disease.
  • Phosphorus takes part in many physiological processes, including energy metabolism, regulates acid-base balance, is part of phospholipids, nucleotides and nucleic acids, and is necessary for the mineralization of bones and teeth. Deficiency leads to anorexia, anemia, and rickets.
  • Iron is part of proteins of various functions, including enzymes. Participates in the transport of electrons and oxygen, ensures the occurrence of redox reactions and activation of peroxidation. Insufficient consumption leads to hypochromic anemia, myoglobin deficiency atony of skeletal muscles, increased fatigue, myocardiopathy, and atrophic gastritis.
still hide

You can see a complete directory of the most useful products in the appendix - a set of properties of a food product, the presence of which satisfies a person’s physiological needs for the necessary substances and energy.

Vitamins, organic substances required in small quantities in the diet of both humans and most vertebrates. Vitamin synthesis is usually carried out by plants, not animals. A person's daily requirement for vitamins is only a few milligrams or micrograms. Unlike inorganic substances, vitamins are destroyed by strong heat. Many vitamins are unstable and are “lost” during cooking or food processing.

How to roast green coffee

The easiest way is to fry green coffee beans in the old-fashioned traditional way, in a frying pan. A cast iron frying pan or a thick-walled aluminum (Sovkov) frying pan is ideal for roasting green coffee beans. The coffee in such a frying pan should be stirred with a wooden spatula throughout the roasting time.

Pour the beans into a cold frying pan so that the frying pan and the green coffee beans warm up at the same time. If you are roasting coffee for the first time, then you need to remember a few Russian folk proverbs:

    “Measure twice, cut once”

    “He who does nothing makes no mistakes”

    “The first pancake is lumpy”

And, accordingly, don’t be upset if the coffee doesn’t turn out the same as the one from a professional roaster the first time.

Roasting coffee in a kettle or saucepan

It is somewhat easier and faster to roast coffee in a closed container than in an open frying pan. But we must take into account that in this case you cannot observe the roasting process itself under the lid, how the coffee beans change color, and the process in a closed volume will go faster. There is, of course, one trick: take a transparent fireproof glass saucepan, this will allow you to see how the color of the coffee beans changes. Also, professionals, for complete control, recommend shaking out the coffee, for example, in a colander and checking how evenly the beans are roasted and to what extent. This way the coffee is roasted in several stages. If the coffee is under-roasted, the roasting process must be continued.

Roasting coffee in special roasters.

For roasting small volumes of green coffee, special mini-roasters are produced. And in recent years, very tiny household coffee roasters have appeared on the market. Unfortunately, their cost is high, even more expensive than coffee machines and coffee makers. This pricing policy is explained by the low demand for such goods. But with the growing popularity of roasting coffee at home, the price of home roasters will steadily decrease every year.

What is important to consider when roasting green coffee?

What is important to consider when roasting green coffee? At the initial stage, the smell of coffee resembles dried grass or hay, the beans become slightly yellowish. As it warms up, gradually, the coffee beans begin to smoke and give off a more aromatic aroma. From this moment we can expect the first wave of crackling; the coffee beans, like seeds, begin to “shoot”, i.e. crackle, because Water begins to evaporate from the grains. Actually, from this moment you need to be especially careful, because... The roasting process itself begins. The structure of the grain begins to change intensively, essential oils begin to reach the surface of the grain, moisture evaporates, and the grain increases in volume. The sugar contained in the grain begins to melt and caramelize.
Then the grain begins to go through all stages of roasting, from the lightest to the darkest. In order for the grain to be roasted evenly, it is necessary to stir constantly and not interrupt this process. Slightly yellowish coffee beans begin to change color quite intensively. Then the second wave of cod will come, after which you need to be extremely careful and reduce the heat to a minimum, because... Within 1-2 minutes, several degrees of roasting change each other at once.

What to Avoid When Roasting Coffee

What to avoid. For example, when the coffee beans are heated too much, drops of oils appear on the surface. This is extremely undesirable, moisture and essential oils evaporate too quickly, most likely you will not even notice how the grains are transferred. In this case, immediately stop frying and start cooling, reduce the heat to low. Then you can continue frying over low heat.

How to know when the coffee is ready.

When roasting coffee at home and wanting to get the same degree of roast every time, the easiest way is to focus on several factors. The first is color. Having a sample of roasted coffee will give you something to compare the next batch with. The second is the smell. Each degree of roasting is accompanied by its own unique bouquet of odors. Third is the roasting time.
Having roasted coffee several times, you will remember the roasting time, although it is better to set an alarm clock, remember the intensity with which you need to stir the coffee beans in a frying pan or shake them in a saucepan.

Cooling roasted coffee

The coffee roasting process is completed by cooling the coffee beans. If they are not cooled and left in a frying pan or in a pot, they will “burn”, i.e. The roast will come out darker than expected.
Roasted coffee must be cooled quickly enough to register the degree of roast to which the coffee beans reach in the pan. To do this, coffee is quickly poured onto a flat surface in a layer of one grain. The distance between the grains should also be 1-2 grains in size. You can use a fan for ventilation. With the amount of coffee that is roasted at home, this will not be a problem.
After cooling the roasted coffee beans, they must be packaged in an appropriate container and wait 10-15 hours. During this time, various physical and chemical processes continue in the coffee beans. Some substances break down and new compounds are formed, thanks to which the coffee drink will have a number of remarkable properties.
It should be noted here that the properties of different types and varieties of coffee can differ greatly from each other. This is explained by the composition of the soil on which the coffee grew and the degree of roasting. Therefore, often some people like strictly certain types of coffee, some people like certain mixtures, and some people may experience high blood pressure or depression from certain types of coffee. And, therefore, coffee is such an interesting product that needs to be selected individually for everyone. And if you don't like one coffee, you might like another blend or single-origin coffee. There are more than one known cases when people returning from a tourist trip became passionate coffee drinkers, because... we tried real coffee, and not instant surrogate from the nearest supermarket or stale, sour powder or repackaged coffee beans.

In what container should you store roasted coffee?

It is recommended to store roasted coffee in an opaque glass or ceramic sealed container. Or, if the jar is transparent, then it should be placed in a dark cabinet. You need to grind coffee beans immediately before brewing coffee.

On a note

Different types of coffee roast slightly differently. In addition, different degrees of roasting give very different flavors and aromas. And the color of different types of coffee can be different at seemingly the same roasting time. Therefore, if you are preparing a mixture of different varieties of coffee beans, it is not surprising that the mixture will look colorful. The main thing is that there are no undercooked, overcooked or charred grains.

When making a coffee mixture from several single varieties, the field for experimentation is huge. After all, you can fry one variety a little weaker, another stronger, and vice versa. Coffee can be roasted either as a separate single-origin or as a blend of different varieties. When roasting coffee at home, you can combine varieties, guided by any of your considerations and preferences. This is how coffee blends are born in large factories and in small roasting shops of small companies.

If you know the basics of this process, you can roast coffee in a saucepan or on a baking sheet, in an army pot, etc. You can roast coffee over a fire or on an electric stove. If you are using an open fire and cannot make the fire small, then use a flame divider.

Have you managed to roast coffee at home? Can you roast coffee and get consistent flavor and aroma every time? If yes, then we congratulate you! So you have become a little Italian!
And we accept your recipes for coffee blends and roasting methods for publication. Possibly with photographs.

Roast the green coffee beans for a minute over high heat under the lid.

How to roast coffee

Green coffee beans 500 grams

Vegetable oil 1 tablespoon

(or butter 8 grams)

1. Pour half a kilo of coffee beans into a colander and rinse under running water for 3 minutes, then dry by pouring the beans onto a napkin or towel.

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2. Heat a cast iron (or steel) frying pan over high heat to a temperature of 220-250 degrees (depending on the selected degree of frying).

3. Pour in 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil (or grease the frying pan with butter).

4. Place 500 grams of green coffee beans in a frying pan in 1 layer (layer thickness 2-3 beans), close with a lid. Roast coffee for minutes. Shake the pan up and to the sides to mix the grains, holding the lid closed with a towel.

5. Pour the roasted coffee beans from the frying pan into a wide tray, sieve or colander, stir the beans or blow them out.


Coffee should be roasted on the largest burner and with the lid closed so that the bottom of the pan is fully heated and roasting is more even.

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After roasting, coffee beans acquire ideal taste within 24 hours.

Store roasted coffee beans in an opaque glass or ceramic airtight container.

Degrees of roasting of coffee beans

Light roast

With a light roast, no vegetable oil is released from the coffee beans.

The color of the grains is light brown.

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The aroma is faint bready.

With a medium degree of roasting, a small amount of oils and other substances are released from the beans.

The color of the beans is chocolate brown.

When coffee is roasted to a high degree, a large amount of essential and vegetable oils are released from the coffee beans.

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How to roast green coffee at home. Roasting coffee at home.

The easiest way is to fry green coffee beans in the old-fashioned traditional way, in a frying pan. A cast iron frying pan or a thick-walled aluminum (Sovkov) frying pan is ideal for roasting green coffee beans.

How to grow coffee at home

How to roast coffee at home

How to roast green coffee

The easiest way is to fry green coffee beans in the old-fashioned traditional way, in a frying pan. A cast iron frying pan or a thick-walled aluminum (Sovkov) frying pan is ideal for roasting green coffee beans. The coffee in such a frying pan should be stirred with a wooden spatula throughout the roasting time.

“Measure twice, cut once”

“He who does nothing makes no mistakes”

And, accordingly, don’t be upset if the coffee doesn’t turn out the same as the one from a professional roaster the first time.

Roasting coffee in a kettle or saucepan

It is somewhat easier and faster to roast coffee in a closed container than in an open frying pan. But we must take into account that in this case you cannot observe the roasting process itself under the lid, how the coffee beans change color, and the process in a closed volume will go faster. There is, of course, one trick: take a transparent fireproof glass saucepan, this will allow you to see how the color of the coffee beans changes. Also, professionals, for complete control, recommend shaking out the coffee, for example, in a colander and checking how evenly the beans are roasted and to what extent. This way the coffee is roasted in several stages. If the coffee is under-roasted, the roasting process must be continued.

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Roasting coffee in special roasters.

For roasting small volumes of green coffee, special mini-roasters are produced. And in recent years, very tiny household coffee roasters have appeared on the market. Unfortunately, their cost is high, even more expensive than coffee machines and coffee makers. This pricing policy is explained by the low demand for such goods. But with the growing popularity of roasting coffee at home, the price of home roasters will steadily decrease every year.

What is important to consider when roasting green coffee?

What is important to consider when roasting green coffee? At the initial stage, the smell of coffee resembles dried grass or hay, the beans become slightly yellowish. As it warms up, gradually, the coffee beans begin to smoke and give off a more aromatic aroma. From this moment we can expect the first wave of crackling; the coffee beans, like seeds, begin to “shoot”, i.e. crackle, because Water begins to evaporate from the grains. Actually, from this moment you need to be especially careful, because... The roasting process itself begins. The structure of the grain begins to change intensively, essential oils begin to reach the surface of the grain, moisture evaporates, and the grain increases in volume. The sugar contained in the grain begins to melt and caramelize.

Then the grain begins to go through all stages of roasting, from the lightest to the darkest. In order for the grain to be roasted evenly, it is necessary to stir constantly and not interrupt this process. Slightly yellowish coffee beans begin to change color quite intensively. Then the second wave of cod will come, after which you need to be extremely careful and reduce the heat to a minimum, because... Within 1-2 minutes, several degrees of roasting change each other at once.

What to Avoid When Roasting Coffee

What to avoid. For example, when the coffee beans are heated too much, drops of oils appear on the surface. This is extremely undesirable, moisture and essential oils evaporate too quickly, most likely you will not even notice how the grains are transferred. In this case, immediately stop frying and start cooling, reduce the heat to low. Then you can continue frying over low heat.

How to know when the coffee is ready.

When roasting coffee at home and wanting to get the same degree of roast every time, the easiest way is to focus on several factors. The first is color. Having a sample of roasted coffee will give you something to compare the next batch with. The second is the smell. Each degree of roasting is accompanied by its own unique bouquet of odors. Third is the roasting time.

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Having roasted coffee several times, you will remember the roasting time, although it is better to set an alarm clock, remember the intensity with which you need to stir the coffee beans in a frying pan or shake them in a saucepan.

Cooling roasted coffee

The coffee roasting process is completed by cooling the coffee beans. If they are not cooled and left in a frying pan or in a pot, they will “burn”, i.e. The roast will come out darker than expected.

Roasted coffee must be cooled quickly enough to register the degree of roast to which the coffee beans reach in the pan. To do this, coffee is quickly poured onto a flat surface in a layer of one grain. The distance between the grains should also be 1-2 grains in size. You can use a fan for ventilation. With the amount of coffee that is roasted at home, this will not be a problem.

After cooling the roasted coffee beans, they must be packed in an appropriate container and waited for hours. During this time, various physical and chemical processes continue in the coffee beans. Some substances break down and new compounds are formed, thanks to which the coffee drink will have a number of remarkable properties.

It should be noted here that the properties of different types and varieties of coffee can differ greatly from each other. This is explained by the composition of the soil on which the coffee grew and the degree of roasting. Therefore, often some people like strictly certain types of coffee, some people like certain mixtures, and some people may experience high blood pressure or depression from certain types of coffee. And, therefore, coffee is such an interesting product that needs to be selected individually for everyone. And if you don't like one coffee, you might like another blend or single-origin coffee. There are more than one known cases when people returning from a tourist trip became passionate coffee drinkers, because... we tried real coffee, and not instant surrogate from the nearest supermarket or stale, sour powder or repackaged coffee beans.

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In what container should you store roasted coffee?

On a note

Different types of coffee roast slightly differently. In addition, different degrees of roasting give very different flavors and aromas. And the color of different types of coffee can be different at seemingly the same roasting time. Therefore, if you are preparing a mixture of different varieties of coffee beans, it is not surprising that the mixture will look colorful. The main thing is that there are no undercooked, overcooked or charred grains.

And we accept your recipes for coffee blends and roasting methods for publication. Possibly with photographs.

How to roast coffee at home

Today, there are still true coffee lovers who appreciate the taste of true coffee and allow themselves to roast and grind the beans themselves.

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Every master has his own secrets. But even without being a professional, after a short practice it will seem simple and exciting.

Degrees of roasting of coffee beans:

  • The raw grains are pale gray in color with a greenish tint, have a smooth skin and are practically odorless.
  • The Scandinavian roast is distinguished by a light brown hue of the beans, which increase slightly in size. At this stage a slight smell of bread appears.
  • American roasting occurs when crackling or cracking begins, sugar crystallizes, acidity increases, and the size of the beans increases a little more. The shade becomes more brown.
  • City is determined by the end of the first stage of crack.
  • Full city – beans balance acidity and sugar. The second stage of cracking is approaching. The clicks are much lighter and not as loud as the first time. The shade turns into a rich brown. The coffee will be rich in all shades of taste.
  • Vienna roast - the second clicking stage is completed. Oil begins to come out. The color becomes more vibrant. There is a rich coffee aroma.
  • Espresso – the smell becomes bittersweet. More oil is released.
  • French roasting gives the beans a darker brown hue. The acid is almost completely gone. The sweetness in the smell gives way to the smell of burnt oil.
  • Italian roasting is an extreme degree during which all oils are lost and the color approaches black. The smell characteristic of coffee disappears.

In practice, it is difficult to determine the exact degree of readiness of coffee. Coffee lovers often use roast degrees such as Scandinavian, Viennese, French and Italian. Individual preferences determine the required stage of roasting the coffee beans.

  • Smell. When initially heated, the green coffee beans will turn a slightly yellowish color and will smell like grass or hay. And already at the moment of full frying, the beans will begin to smoke and emit a coffee smell.
  • Color. Roasting time is based on the color of the beans. Starting from green to dark brown or even almost black. It is worth noting that the darker the beans, the richer the taste of the brewed coffee.
  • Sound. You need to listen carefully to the crackling sound. Once the beans start to actually roast, the water in them begins to evaporate and a crackling sound occurs. There are usually two stages of cracking that occur due to the increase in temperature.

Methods for roasting coffee beans

  1. In a frying pan. To do this, you need to use a cast iron frying pan or a thick-walled aluminum and wooden spatula. It is advisable to use a clean spatula that has not been used for mixing other products, so that foreign odors are not transferred to the beans. The roasting process takes from 7 to 25 minutes, depending on the expected qualities of the coffee (richness, bitterness, astringency). To achieve even cooking, fry the beans over medium heat, stirring constantly.
  2. In the oven. The oven needs to be preheated to 230˚ and place a baking sheet with grains scattered on it. In order for the roast to be uniform, the baking sheet should have slits or other holes in the bottom. Stir the coffee every 2-3 minutes and check the degree of readiness while stirring.

There are other ways: fryers, popcorn makers and special roasters. The principle of frying is almost the same for each device. But, regardless of the method, it is very important to immediately remove the finished beans from the hot surface and pour them onto a tray or other flat dish to speed up the cooling process. Then leave the grains for a day and after that you can grind them and use them for their intended purpose.

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Roasted coffee beans


with free delivery throughout Russia

Roasted coffee is used to prepare a coffee drink. This means that before preparing the coffee, the green beans must be roasted to the desired degree. The special taste of coffee is formed during the roasting process, this occurs due to a variety of chemical compounds formed at that moment. Depending on what taste and aroma you need, we roast coffee in a certain way, and accordingly select the roasting mode.

The roasting process is extremely complex and extremely important. This is the most important step in cooking. This is usually done by professionals, but some people calmly do it at home. When roasting, the grains change greatly in appearance, they become larger, change color, and lose moisture.

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Traditionally there are 3 degrees of roasting, but different countries use their own gradation. During each roasting there are several stages.

Light roast. Stages

The first stage of light roasting is called light or bread. The entire process takes place at a temperature not exceeding 150ºC. At the first stage, coffee beans warm up and lose moisture, their weight decreases by 10-13%. Due to the loss of moisture, their volume slightly increases, but this is not noticeable to a professional eye. After roasting, the beans acquire a yellow or light brown color. The surface of the grains remains dry, since during this time the fats do not have time to evaporate. The brewed beans form a drink that is faintly similar to regular coffee. It has very little flavor, with an aroma similar to roasted corn or baked bread. This kind of coffee is extremely rare on sale, as it is not used for making coffee.

The second stage is called American or medium-light. For this roasting, the temperature is raised to ºC. At this stage, the following changes occur: the grains acquire a brownish color and continue to increase in size. The coffee beans acquire a stronger aroma and taste similar to regular coffee. Although, it is still too sour and weak. This type of coffee is also extremely rare on sale, but it can be found in some special establishments.

The third stage is called medium-light or urban. The temperature at this stage reaches 200ºC, the grains quickly lose moisture and increase in size, beginning to crack heavily. The grains become light brown or with a greenish tint. The aroma is already quite intense with light notes of herbs. This coffee is suitable for preparation in a Turk; espresso from it will be light, inexpressive and ugly reddish in color.

Medium roast

Medium roasting occurs at ºC. At this stage, the grains increase greatly and begin to shoot again. The grains become a beautiful brown color with hints of fat. The drink made from this coffee is aromatic, with a rich taste, which is dominated by sourness, bitterness, sugar and piquant fruit notes. It is also worth noting that the coffee lacks bitterness and any density. This option is suitable for brewing in a Turk or French press.

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The medium Viennese roast is darker and occurs at a temperature of around 225ºC. Roasted grains become dark brown in color and have an oily coating on them. The drink made from such grains is dense and rich; the sourness harmonizes well with a slight bitterness and a velvety bouquet of different aromas. Viennese roasted coffee is suitable for any preparation method.

Dark roast

Dark roasted beans have a dark, almost black color and are covered with an oil film. They come in three types:

Italian roasting – coffee beans have a very rich aroma, the taste of the drink is deep and velvety. The taste is dominated by sourness, shaded by the bittersweet taste of chocolate and caramel. It is best to dilute this coffee with milk.

French roasting – the beans acquire a dark red-brown color and have a shiny oily surface. With such roasting, the delicate and sour taste is lost, caramel and bitterness appear.

Mexican Roast – Black beans roasted for the longest time. They make a tart and very strong drink, which is extremely popular in Mexico.

Features of professional roasting of grains

Each type of coffee must be roasted according to a special recipe. It is necessary to choose the right temperature and frying duration. The ideal method is achieved only through trial and error. If you roast coffee in a large machine specially designed for this purpose, you first need to warm up the drum, and only then pour coffee into it. The entire roasting process is additionally controlled using a scoop into which grains are poured directly from the drum.

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A few minutes before the end of roasting, a small amount of water is injected into the drum to slightly reduce the temperature of the beans. If you do not add water, the grains will crack and break.

After this, the grains are cooled with dry air on a special machine similar to a carousel. Then the coffee is cleared of defects and sent for packaging.

At the time of roasting, new aromatic compounds appear in the coffee beans, which are fully revealed within a few days. Therefore, it is very important to get coffee to consumers before this happens.

Roasting coffee at home

Roasting coffee at home is not difficult, but doing it perfectly is not at all easy. To do this, you must follow the following recommendations. The oven is first turned on to low heat, approximately 160º. On a shallow baking sheet, you need to spread the grains in a thin layer, throwing out the ugly or defective ones. When the oven has warmed up, place a baking sheet in it under the fan. After 5 minutes, increase the temperature to 230 degrees. You need to keep track of time very strictly, this is of great importance. You need to keep the grains in the oven for another 5-6 minutes, carefully making sure that they do not burn.

In order to cool the grains, they must be quickly transferred to a mesh colander and shaken, blowing the grains. You can also use a hairdryer with cold air. Under no circumstances should water be used for cooling.

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If you don’t have a very good oven, you can roast grains on the largest burner. The grains should be poured into a frying pan in several layers and constantly stirred with a wooden spatula. Stirring is necessary to ensure that all beans go through the same stages of roasting. However, it is worth knowing that this is not possible with all varieties. The process must be monitored very carefully, as the grains burn quite quickly. Remove from heat when oil begins to appear.

Keep in mind that after roasting, the coffee will still need a few hours to mature. All flavor characteristics are revealed no earlier than after 7-9 hours.

The benefit of roasting coffee beans at home is that you can experiment and use the combination of coffee beans you want. You can also choose your desired degree of roasting. It is worth remembering that roasted coffee cannot be stored for a long time, because it loses all its taste and aroma. It is necessary to grind the grains right before cooking.

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How to roast coffee at home

There is an incredible feeling of satisfaction when you drink a cup of coffee from your own roasted coffee beans. And the main thing is that self-roasted coffee beans produce coffee that is fresher in taste, which you cannot buy in a store. Skip to step 1 to learn how to roast your own coffee beans to suit your taste.

Steps Edit

Basics of roasting coffee beans Edit

Whatever method you decide to use when roasting, keep a few important characteristics of the beans in mind. For the most part, your preference will determine when to stop the roasting process.

Method 1 of 3:

Due to the very small air flow, roasting coffee beans in the oven can sometimes cause some deformation of the beans. However, if the oven is used correctly, the lack of airflow can increase the richness of the flavor.

Method 2 of 3:

The best way to roast coffee beans is on the stove in an old popcorn maker. Better than any handmade style you can find at resale or online. Roasting beans on the stove produces denser beans but reduces the strong coffee flavor.

How to roast green coffee at home?

There are several ways to roast coffee at home, and the choice of one of them depends only on your taste and/or the technical equipment of your kitchen. In any case, by roasting coffee yourself, you will feel a huge difference between coffee that has been roasted in a warehouse or store for who knows how long, and coffee brewed from freshly roasted beans to your taste.

What does "according to your taste" mean?

The fact is that there are many degrees of roasting of coffee beans: from the lightest, when the grain barely turns brown (Fig. 3-7), to extra-strong, in which the bean becomes almost black (Fig. 14-16). In stores, medium-roast coffee is most often sold, at which the beans acquire a pleasant chocolate hue (Fig. 8-13). But each category has nuances, and you can understand them only by experimenting.

What to fry in?

Many people roast coffee in a regular skillet, but a cast iron frying pan is best suited for this purpose. In this case, it is better to select a separate frying pan, since the coffee bean easily absorbs the odors surrounding it.

Some people use an oven for roasting, but we do not recommend doing this, as it will be inconvenient for you to turn the beans over and they will roast unevenly.

How to fry?

The grains are poured into a preheated frying pan in 1-2 layers. At first, the fire is set to low, and it is gradually increased. Throughout the entire process, the coffee should be stirred with a wooden spatula to ensure uniform roasting. On average, roasting takes 7-15 minutes depending on the desired degree of roasting.

Under no circumstances put the grains on high heat: they will burn and be bitter.

Roasting stages.

  • After the first few minutes, the grains will no longer be green and will gradually turn light yellow and exhibit a characteristic herbaceous odor.
  • Steam begins to emit from the grains, and after this the first crack (crack) is heard, after which a stage begins at which the sugars contained in the grains begin to caramelize, and this happens until all the water has evaporated.
  • Oil can be seen coming out of the grains
  • The grain is gradually increasing. This is where the roasting enters the “dark” stage.
  • Now it's time for the second crack, which is much quieter than the first
  • The steam is more caustic and thick, since now there is almost no sugar left in the grain. If you overcook, this coffee will be very black, but completely unaromatic.

When to remove from heat?

Remove coffee at any time after the first crack. If you want very black, but still aromatic coffee, you need to watch the beans very carefully after the second crack, otherwise not a trace of your favorite drink will remain!

You can determine readiness by biting into one grain.

Cooling of grains.

Once the grains have acquired the color you want, they need to be cooled. If you need lightly roasted coffee, it is better to turn off the stove a little in advance, since the beans will still “reach”.

The grains can also be cooled at room temperature. You can pour the grains into a colander or sieve and cool them while stirring.

When can you grind roasted coffee?

It is not recommended to grind freshly roasted coffee: it will simply be tasteless - raw and sour. It is advisable to wait at least 12 hours for the carbon dioxide released during frying to evaporate. For this, it is best to use a container with a lid in which you can make a hole for the gas to escape.

Store roasted coffee in a jar with a tight-fitting lid, in a dry place away from light.

Interesting tips

  • If you are already a sophisticated coffee lover and have tried coffee at different stages of preparation, try adding cardamom, ginger, cloves, fennel and/or cinnamon during roasting, and grind them together with the coffee after roasting! You will receive fresh coffee of unforgettable taste and aroma!
  • Try adding a little sugar or butter to the pan before frying: the coffee will acquire a very interesting flavor!