Classic lagman with eggplant and beef - a recipe with step-by-step photos on how to cook it in Uzbek style at home. Classic lagman with eggplant and beef - recipe with step-by-step photos on how to cook in Uzbek at home


Lagman with eggplants is an appetizing and satisfying classic dish of Uzbek cuisine. It has a unique aroma and rich taste. They prepare it for lunch and other family gatherings. Preparing the dish at home is not difficult, so even an inexperienced housewife can cope with this task. The main thing is to stick to the recipe and step-by-step instructions, and everything will work out perfectly. A simple and quick vegetable soup will certainly delight everyone in the household. We assure you that your culinary skills will be appreciated. There is a huge selection of recipes and various ways to make proper and rich lagman. But we will tell you about the best option.
Don't forget about meat. Today we will make a beef delicacy. When purchasing a product, pay attention to color, smell and elasticity. This is really very important if you want to make the dish right. The meat should be free of bruises and obvious defects. Use any soft part of the carcass for Uzbek soup.
When it comes to eggplants, choose a “younger” vegetable, as it contains fewer seeds and the flesh is not tough. And in order to saturate the dish, add tomatoes, green bell peppers, onions and potatoes. All vegetables combine perfectly with each other and give an unsurpassed aroma.

For spices, use ground red and black pepper. This will be more than enough to prepare a savory dish.
You can prepare a dish with eggplant for the winter in the form of canned food and delight yourself and your loved ones with a delicious delicacy all year round.
How to cook Uzbek-style lagman with eggplants at home so that the dish turns out correct and appetizing? We will help you cope with this task. On our website you can find a step-by-step recipe with photos.
Let's start cooking!


Lagman with eggplants - recipe

First, prepare all the necessary products that you need to make the delicacy. The beef must be thoroughly washed and cut into small portions, as shown in the step-by-step photo of the recipe. Then rinse the bell pepper and remove the stem and seeds. Cut it into cubes. After this, peel the potatoes, rinse under running water and cut into small cubes. Place in a bowl. Next, move on to the tomatoes. They need to be washed and chopped, put in a separate bowl. After this, take a ripe carrot and peel it from the top dirty part, rinse and cut the carrots into small cubes. Remove the peel from the onions, wash and chop. Take care of the blue ones. To prevent them from becoming bitter, peel them from the thick skin and cut them into cubes. Place in a deep plate and cover with salt. After 20 minutes, rinse the vegetable and dry with paper towels. Place the prepared product in a container.

After you have dealt with the vegetables and meat, prepare the frying pan. Pour some vegetable oil into it and put it on the stove. Heat to the desired temperature and transfer the chopped garlic into a container. Fry for 5 minutes. After this time, add onions to the pan. Stir. Then add the pieces of meat, stir and cook until the beef changes color.

Add vegetables one at a time. First carrots, then bell peppers, then eggplant. Approximate cooking time is 20 minutes.

After this, add the potatoes. Mix the ingredients. Salt and pepper to taste. Pour in water and simmer over low heat for another 15-25 minutes. After this, set the saucepan aside and close the lid. Let the food brew. At the same time, cook the spaghetti. To do this, take a pan, pour filtered water into it and place it on the stove. When the liquid boils, add the pasta. Cook until done for 10-15 minutes.

Start preparing the dish. Place spaghetti on the bottom of a deep tureen, then season with the resulting thick dish. Garnish with herbs if desired. So the lagman with eggplants at home is ready! Serve hot with black bread. Try how delicious and aromatic it is! Bon appetit!

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Wash the carrots, peel and grate on a coarse grater. Wash and chop the cabbage.

Place zucchini, eggplant, onions, carrots, cabbage in a frying pan, add salt and pepper, add a little water, add vegetable oil, tomato paste and simmer over low heat for 15–20 minutes.

Eggplant baked with tomatoes

Required: 3-4 eggplants, 2 tomatoes, 3 tablespoons vegetable oil, 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons sour cream, 1 bunch of parsley, salt to taste.

Cooking method. Soak the eggplants in salted water for 1 hour, then put them in boiling water, peel them and cut them into slices. Wash the tomatoes and cut into slices. Wash and chop the parsley. Beat eggs with sour cream. Place the finished eggplants in a dish, sprinkle with parsley and serve.

Place the eggplants and tomatoes in a frying pan, add salt, add 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, fry for 5 minutes over medium heat, then place in a mold greased with the remaining vegetable oil, pour over a mixture of eggs and sour cream and bake in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 3 minutes.

Eggplant and tomato appetizer

Required: 4–5 eggplants, 3–4 tomatoes, 3 cloves of garlic, 6 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 1 bunch of parsley, 1 tablespoon of 3% vinegar, pepper and salt to taste.

Cooking method. Wash the eggplants, peel and cut into cubes. Peel and crush the garlic. Wash the tomatoes and cut into slices. Wash and chop the parsley. Mix the remaining vegetable oil with vinegar and pour this mixture over the eggplants, place them in a dish, decorate with tomato slices, sprinkle with parsley and serve.

Place the eggplants in a frying pan, add salt and pepper, add 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil and fry for 10–15 minutes. Then cool, sprinkle with garlic and stir.

Eggplant with garlic

Required: 5–6 eggplants, 5–7 cloves of garlic, 100 ml of vegetable oil, 1 tablespoon of 3% vinegar, salt to taste.

Cooking method. Peel and crush the garlic. Wash the eggplants, bake in the oven, then cool, remove the skin, chop finely, add salt, add vegetable oil and vinegar, mix, place in a heap in a dish, sprinkle with garlic and serve.

Baked eggplants

Required: 3-4 eggplants, 2 tomatoes, 1 tablespoon 3% vinegar, 4 tablespoons vegetable oil, 1 bunch of parsley, 1 bunch of dill, pepper and salt to taste.

Cooking method. Wash the tomatoes and cut into slices. Wash and chop the dill and parsley. Wash the eggplants, bake in the oven, peel, cut into strips lengthwise, put on a plate, add salt, pepper, pour over a mixture of vinegar and vegetable oil, garnish with tomato slices, sprinkle with herbs, dill and parsley and serve.

Eggplant and onion appetizer

Required: 400 g eggplants, 3-4 onions, 2-3 tomatoes, 1 bunch of dill, 1 bunch of parsley, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 5 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 1 tablespoon of 3% vinegar, pepper and salt to taste.

Cooking method. Wash the eggplants, bake in the oven, then cool, peel and chop finely. Combine eggplants with tomatoes, onions, mix, salt and season with vegetable oil.

Wash the tomatoes and chop finely. Peel the onion, wash and finely chop.

Wash and chop the parsley and dill. Mix vegetable oil with sugar, vinegar and pepper.

Eggplant and carrot appetizer

Required: 3-4 eggplants, 2 carrots, 2 onions, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 20 g of butter, pepper and salt to taste.

Cooking method. Wash the eggplants, peel and cut into cubes. Peel the onion, wash and finely chop. Wash the carrots, peel and grate on a coarse grater. Place eggplants, carrots and onions in a frying pan, add salt and pepper, add vegetable oil and fry for 5-7 minutes over medium heat, then add butter, add a little water and simmer until tender.

Uzbek-style eggplant appetizer

Required: 400 g eggplants, 3 tomatoes, 100 g zucchini, 10 olives, 5-6 tablespoons olive oil, 1 bunch of parsley, pepper and salt to taste.

Eggplant recipe in Uzbek with step-by-step preparation.
  • Type of dish: Hot dishes, Snacks
  • Recipe difficulty: Easy to prepare
  • National cuisine: Uzbek cuisine
  • Occasion: For lunch
  • Preparation time: 13 minutes
  • Cooking time: 3 hours
  • Number of servings: 4 servings
  • Calorie Amount: 127 kilocalories

If you want to treat your friends to an original vegetable dish, then this simple Uzbek-style eggplant recipe will be very useful to you!
This recipe has been in our family for a long time. Perhaps you can’t call it purely vegetable; after all, the pilaf is based on meat. But, if you experiment, you can cook it completely lean. To cook eggplant in Uzbek style you will need a good cauldron. Firstly, for pilaf, and secondly, so that the eggplants do not burn later. I advise you to use lamb - a classic ingredient in Uzbek cuisine. See the recipe with photos below.
Number of servings: 4-5

Ingredients for 4 servings

  • Lamb - 1 Kilogram
  • Rice - 1 Kilogram
  • Carrots - 1 Kilogram
  • Onions - 300 grams
  • Vegetable oil - 300 grams
  • Head of garlic - 2 pieces
  • Zira - 1 teaspoon
  • Barberry - 1 teaspoon
  • Raisins - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Eggplant - 4 pieces

Step by step recipe

  1. So, for starters - pilaf. Soak rice in water for 1 hour. Rinse the meat, cut into cubes. Cut the onion into rings, carrots into strips.
  2. We prepare pilaf, the main thing is consistency. Heat the oil in a cauldron, fry the onion, then add the meat and fry for 5-7 minutes. Then carrots and also fry for 5 minutes. Fill everything with water to cover the meat, add cumin and barberry. Simmer for about 30 minutes. Now pour out the rice and add the heads of garlic, add water and simmer over high heat until the rice is half cooked.
  3. Also add raisins during the process. Reduce heat, simmer for another 10-20 minutes. Let the finished pilaf cool.
  4. Now the eggplants. Wash and cut them into strips. Fry in oil on both sides in a frying pan.
  5. Place the eggplants in a baking dish. We also send pilaf there, just make sure there are still free strips of eggplant left.
  6. Now close the eggplants. And put everything in the oven for 10-15 minutes. Ready! Now our Uzbek eggplants can go to the dinner table. You can serve them with wine or fresh vegetables. Bon appetit)

Dishes of Uzbek cuisine are food that many have known since childhood. It is unlikely that many will name more than two or three dishes, and it will most likely be pilaf, manti or lagman, but Uzbek cuisine is rich and varied.
Most importantly, the dishes are prepared from natural products, there are no complex ingredients, and they taste amazing.
Lagman- this is an Uzbek soup with homemade noodles, a kind of Central Asian version of ramen with a very spicy and fatty lamb broth and a lot of vegetables and meat. Depending on the recipe, lagman can be thinner or thicker.

Eggplant appetizer “Badamjan”- these are baked or fried eggplants with pieces of bell pepper and radishes, sprinkled with finely chopped herbs and drizzled with oil.

Chuchvara is a soup with small dumplings, usually served with suzma (a fermented milk product like sour cream) and containing black pepper, onion, tomato paste and bell pepper.

Pilaf- a delicious combination of rice, pieces of beef, veal or lamb, carrots, onions and a special set of spices. It is easy to cook in large quantities in a cauldron, so this dish is often the basis of a holiday table.

Salad "Tashkent"- a signature capital salad made from boiled beef tongue, radish and herbs, seasoned with sour cream sauce and garnished with fried onions.

Manti- a dish of meat and dough that is steamed. The filling is beef, lamb or veal, although there is an option with pumpkin. The filling must be chopped into pieces, otherwise all the juice will leak out. Onions and spices are also placed inside. If desired, a little tail fat is sometimes added for flavor. Manti are eaten with kaymak (not to be confused with curd cheese, which is sold in stores), but it is not found in Russia, so it is better to eat it with sour cream, not forgetting to sprinkle with fresh herbs.

Samsa- triangular pies made from homemade puff pastry filled with meat or pumpkin, onions, lamb fat and spices. As in manti, the filling is cut into cubes. Samsa is baked in a clay oven - tandoor, but at home you can also cook it in the oven. When the samsa is ready, brush it with egg yolk and sprinkle with black sesame seeds.

Salad “Achik-chuchuk”, also known as "Achichuk", is fresh tomatoes, onions, garlic and herbs. This dish is perfect for vegetarians and fasting people.

Naryn is a national dish of Uzbek cuisine made from homemade noodles and boiled meat, served with broth. Naryn is usually prepared from lamb, horse meat or kazy (boiled horse meat sausage) and sometimes from veal or beef. The main secret of this dish is that before cooking the meat, it must be covered with salt and dried for 24 hours. This is done to ensure the transparency and richness of the broth. Onions are added to the meat and noodles. In the original recipe, they take regular fresh onions, chop them, rub them with their hands and add them to the dish. You can also fry the onion and brush the noodle dough with the remaining oil.

Shurpa- rich and fatty soup made from lamb and vegetables. The most famous varieties are kaiitnama, where the meat is placed fresh, and kovurma, where the meat is first fried in oil.

Dimlama- an Uzbek version of roast, which uses beef, lamb, various vegetables, including potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, onions, cabbage, as well as fresh herbs and - of course - spices.

Kutaby- fried flat pies made from the thinnest dough filled with meat, herbs, tomatoes, cheese - individually or together.

Kabob (kebab)- beef, lamb or veal, strung in small pieces on skewers and cooked over an open fire. As a rule, the meat is pre-marinated. Pieces of lamb alternate with pieces of tail fat, which browns over the fire and acquires a delicate taste, and when serving, all this splendor is sprinkled with fresh, finely chopped onions and herbs and sprinkled with table vinegar. Hot tomato or adjika sauces are suitable.

Halwaitar is the liquid embodiment of halva. Flour is added to the heated fat or oil, stirred, then sugar is added, and nuts and vanilla are added only at the end of cooking.

Tea with sweets- this is an Uzbek tradition. There are a lot of options for preparing tea in Uzbekistan, and this drink is certainly served with nuts, dried fruits and other natural and healthy delicacies. By the way, Uzbeks never pour a full bowl for guests, showing that they are very happy and want the guest to sit longer. A full bowl means that the owner is in a hurry to send you away.

The recipes of Uzbek cuisine can confidently be considered the most diverse of their Central Asian counterparts. Thanks to the mixture of Persian and Turkic culinary traditions, as well as the favorable location of the state at the intersection of trade routes, recipes are strikingly diverse in both products and cooking methods. Uzbeks prefer homemade dishes that do not require supernatural ingredients and sophisticated talents.

The five most commonly used ingredients in recipes are:

True, it will not be possible to cook without Asian spices - they add a special national flavor, as well as an extraordinary aroma that instantly awakens the appetite. Uzbekistan is an amazing country, very joyful and hospitable. This is where you can fully experience the meaning of the expression “the tables are laden with food.” They eat here for a long time, slowly, savoring every bite. The string of all kinds of dishes amazes even seasoned gourmets. Ten delicacies per meal - that’s what hospitality is in Uzbek!