Curry seasoning used in cooking. Properties and uses of exotic curry seasoning

Curry is a mixture of several different spices. The spice appeared in India and from there it spread to other territories. Curry comes to store shelves in the form of a dry powder, which is colored yellow, green, red or ocher (see photo). Thus, the powdered spice may look different. Interestingly, the curry leaves themselves, which directly influenced the name of the spice, may not be used in the mixture, since the plant grows exclusively in India. The taste and color of a spice is directly dependent on its composition.

Main 4 ingredients of curry:

  1. Turmeric root. The spice makes up 1/4 of the total amount. It is used in official and folk medicine. This ingredient gives the curry a spicy taste and unique aroma.
  2. Chopped coriander. The amount can range from 30 to 50% of the total weight of the spice. Thanks to this ingredient, the curry gets its piquancy and sweet-spicy taste.
  3. Fenugreek. The spice is the powder of the plant's beans. Curry contains no more than 10%. Gives the ingredient a bittersweet taste and a nutty note to the curry.
  4. Red Cayenne pepper. This ingredient takes up approximately 6% of the total mass.

Other components of curry may vary depending on the country of origin, for example, it can be cardamom, pepper, ginger, salt, cinnamon, garlic and many others.

If you have the ability, it's best to make your own curry. To do this you just need to buy everything necessary ingredients and grind them using a coffee grinder or mortar.

How to select and store?

When choosing curry, pay attention to the composition, give preference to options that are more acceptable to you. The main thing is that the seasoning contains the above 4 ingredients. The smell of a quality spice should be rich. The color of a good curry, regardless of shelf life, should be vibrant. It is not recommended to buy tarnished spices. The curry mixture must be dry.

Curry should be stored in an airtight container away from direct sunlight. If the spice contains cumin, then it should not be stored for more than a year, as the spice will become bitter.

Prepared curry mixture at home can be stored for no more than two months.

Beneficial features

The benefits of curry are due to the use of various spices, which have a unique chemical composition. For example, the addition of turmeric improves brain activity, and the spice helps the body fight cancer. It also improves blood composition, which is important for patients with anemia.

Coriander, which is also included in curry, improves performance digestive system, and it also has choleretic properties. The spice helps normalize blood cholesterol levels.

Curry counts perfect seasoning for people who want to get rid of extra pounds or watch their figure. The components of the spice resist the formation of adipose tissue and remove it from the body. excess liquid, which is the cause of puffiness and cellulite. Curry improves the functioning of the digestive system and metabolic rate.

Thanks to the presence of cumin, the body’s protective functions increase, which helps to cope better with negative impact viruses, infections and other negative factors.

If the spice contains cumin, curry has the ability to remove toxins and waste.

In the presence of ginger, the spice helps relieve constipation and improve blood circulation.

Use in cosmetology

The beneficial properties of curry are also used in cosmetics. The spice is used for industrial production various masks that help tighten pores and reduce the secretion of subcutaneous fat. It has a curry and whitening effect, which allows you to cope with freckles and pigment spots. The cream, which includes curry, helps increase the protective layer against the negative effects of ultraviolet rays.

The spice can also be used in cosmetics used for hair care. Such products promote hair growth and increase nutrition of the hair follicles. With regular use, the risk of baldness and graying of hair is reduced.

Use in cooking

Curry is used in cooking not only to add additional taste and aroma, but also to disinfect the ingredients of the dish. The spice is included various sauces, dressings and marinades. Ideally complements curry with the taste of meat, fish, as well as a variety of second and first courses. Also, many consider this spice an excellent addition to stewed vegetables.

Curry can be called a universal seasoning that can improve the taste of drinks, cold and hot dishes and even desserts.

Considering beautiful colour, the spice is used during the making of cheese and alcoholic beverages.

Harm of curry and contraindications

Curry can be harmful to pregnant and breastfeeding women. It is also worth considering that individual intolerance to curry components may occur, and therefore, in the presence of any allergic reaction, consumption of curry is contraindicated. Since the spice has the ability to reduce blood clotting, it is not recommended to be consumed before surgery. Also, curry should not be combined with some medicines, for example, with aspirin and anticoagulants. You should be careful when using the spice if you have problems with the gallbladder.

Curry is the real pride of India. This carefully mixed combination of spices does more than just give dishes their special unique taste, but also improves digestion. Indians have a huge variety cooking options spicy seasoning curry.

Curry spices composition

But these are just derivatives classic mixture, which is prepared from several components. It includes the following spices:

  • cinnamon stick
  • turmeric seeds
  • 8 cardamom seeds
  • 4 tablespoons coriander
  • 2 spoons fenugreek seeds
  • 2 spoons of cumin seeds
  • 0.5 spoons of clove buds
  • 1.5 tablespoons peppercorns

How to cook curry

Lightly heat all the spices in a frying pan (need medium heat) and cool. Afterwards you also need to add a little dry crushed turmeric root, a pinch of nutmeg and the same amount of salt. Then all the components are thoroughly crushed with a pestle, and the famous Indian seasoning curry is ready. To ensure that it is distributed evenly, you need to stir a spoon into it before use. vegetable oil. Every Indian knows how to cook curry since childhood

Curry spice flavor

You could say that curry seasoning is evolving. Something new is constantly introduced into it, the quantitative composition changes, but the basis of the mixture - turmeric - is always present. Indians add powder to many dishes. It can be a soup, a hot side dish of vegetables and cereals, and a mixture of curry spices goes perfectly with poultry. Without curry seasoning, any food is simply devoid of its true “face”.

Important components of curry are turmeric, cumin (cumin), coriander, cardamom, black pepper. Why are Indian chefs so fond of them? Cardamom, or rather its seeds, when fried, give the dish a more expressive aroma. When roasted, coriander acquires a sweet-spicy, slightly nutty smell. Turmeric imbues the seasoning with a tart, bitter taste, and thanks to it, dishes acquire a rich yellowish-orange hue. Cumin (or cumin) is an oblong seed with a delicate bittersweet aroma and pleasant notes of lemon.

well and Chili pepper is the most favorite additive in curry spices.. It depends on its quantity extra taste. If you don’t put too much of it, you can feel a pleasant tickling sensation on your tongue, while those who like it more spicy prepare a truly explosive mixture that provokes an extreme burning sensation in the mouth.

Cooking curry dishes

Cooks add curry powder to dishes to infuse it with a bouquet of aromas and add a golden hue to meat, side dishes or soup. Unforgettable taste at fried potatoes with curry, chicken meat with spices and rice on the side. Today, what is not served with spicy seasoning, both in India and in many other countries. Kebabs and meatballs with a bouquet of spices, mussels and shrimps with curry, noodles with hot sauce and much more.

Try and experiment with curry ingredients and prepare a mixture that everyone at home will like. Then your usual family dishes will take on a new sound.

All articles in the "Seasonings" section

In the collection of spice mixtures and seasonings, there is one that is mysterious even to the most experienced users. This is curry. For most she is ready mix, a package of which can be bought in every supermarket. Meanwhile, curry occupies a leading position in cooking.

What is curry seasoning?

Curry seasoning is considered a traditional Indian spice. The name itself comes from the Tamil word “curry”, which means “taste” or “taste for rice”.

Although for many it appears to be a powder with one flavor, it is actually a mixture of many spices included in its composition.

It was used in India 4000 years ago. After the colonization of India by England, they were brought to Europe and Japan. Then I got into New World in the 16th century, that is, to America.

In fact, spice powder under this name is a European invention, which does not belong to any type of Indian cuisine. There it is called garam masala. Several spices and herbs brought together give dishes a warm, distinctive taste.

In addition to the standard turmeric powder, which gives the familiar yellow color, there is another variety called madras curry. This mixture is a little spicier. Has a red tint due to the presence ground pepper Chile.

There is a spicy curry prepared with big amount chili pepper. Maharaja curry is slightly sweet. It is the mildest in taste.

As relationships developed, this seasoning became a fundamental addition to many cuisines around the world. Their own national mixture compositions appeared. The most famous is Thai curry. It has a sweeter aroma of coriander and the spiciness of chili. Thai curries come in red, yellow, and green colors.

In Africa and the Caribbean islands they make their own curry with mustard, Jamaican pepper, and chili. This curry is very spicy.

Curry seasoning composition

There is no single fundamental composition. Every Indian family has its own secrets for preparing the mixture, mixing different spices in different proportions to create a unique taste and aroma.

And yet the key ingredients are there. At the very old recipe included:

Then they started adding chili pepper.

Nowadays, most curry mixtures consist of:

Fenugreek seeds;


Chili pepper.

Depending on the recipe, these may include:


Fennel seeds;

Carnation buds;

Mustard seeds;

Green cardamom;

Black cardamom;


White turmeric;

Curry leaves;

Indian pipli pepper;


Black pepper.

Add to the ground powder Bay leaf, different types pepper

Combining spices and herbs, adding them to different ratios, you can get your own mixture with unique taste and aroma.

Beneficial features

Most of the ingredients that make up the seasoning have:









For example, turmeric improves brain performance. Coriander – choleretic effect. Normalizes digestion.

Jeera and cumin help cleanse the body of toxins. Fennel – removes increased gas formation. Ginger improves blood circulation and strengthens the immune system.

Many components:

Improve blood composition;

Reduce cholesterol levels;

Prevents the formation of blood clots;

Protect the brain from age-related changes (Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease);

Increases the production of endorphins (hormones of joy);

Improves sleep quality.

It is impossible not to note the anti-cancer properties. Most ingredients slow down the development of cancer cells.

Curry helps you lose weight because... overall it improves digestive processes. Helps burn fat and remove fluid from the body.

Where to add and for what dishes

In India, it is added to almost all dishes depending on the composition. Rice dishes are best. It must be taken into account that in this country it occupies not the last place in nutrition.

Adding spices gives the dish a beautiful yellowish color.

It is used in:

Meat, including minced meat;

In fish dishes;


Candy (yes, there are such recipes);

Poultry dishes;

How to select and store

First of all, pay attention to the composition. Look at what is included in the mixture and what dishes it is recommended for.

When buying by weight, be sure to smell it. The aroma should be rich. The color of the spice is bright. The powder should be dry, without lumps.

Always store the seasoning in a dark container with a lid. The powder retains all its aromas for 1-2 months.

If you're making your own, there's no need to grind more than you'll need at the time. It's always better to make fresh.

How to make curry

A standard recipe is difficult to define. Each set of incoming spices is unique. Start with standard simple recipe. Although complex recipes No. Experiment and decide on a set of main ingredients and their proportions. Here are some recipes.

Easy curry recipe

It's really lightweight and versatile. All the spices included in it may already be in your kitchen. If not, they are easy to buy at the store. All you need to do is mix together.

Take in ground form:


Black pepper


Here's another recipe.

Curry with coriander

You will need:

2 tablespoons ground coriander

2 tablespoons ground cumin

1.5 tablespoons turmeric powder

2 teaspoons ground ginger

1 teaspoon dry mustard

0.5 teaspoon ground black pepper

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

0.5 teaspoon ground cardamom

0.5 teaspoon cayenne pepper or chili powder

Add all ingredients to the jar and shake well. Store unopened for no more than 3 months.

Spicy curry with cloves

You will need:

4.5 teaspoons ground coriander

2 teaspoons turmeric

1.5 teaspoons cumin seeds

0.5 teaspoon whole peppercorns

0.5 teaspoon paprika

0.5 teaspoon cardamom

0.5 cinnamon sticks

0.25 teaspoon clove buds

0.25 teaspoon ground ginger

Grind seeds and grains. Mix with the remaining ingredients and pour into a jar with a lid.

Curry with bay leaf

You will need:

1 tablespoon turmeric

3 bay leaves (bottom stem removed)

3 tablespoons coriander (whole or ground)

2 tablespoons cumin seeds (whole or ground)

2 teaspoons ginger (ground)

1 teaspoon white pepper(ground or whole)

1 to 3 teaspoons chili flakes (or cayenne pepper depending on how hot you want it)

1 clove (whole or a pinch ground)

When using whole spices:

  1. Gather your ingredients.
  2. Place in a dry frying pan over medium heat. Stir constantly for 1 minute or until the pan is very hot.
  3. Then reduce heat to medium and continue stirring for 6 to 10 minutes. Pre-drying the spices will make them even more aromatic and tasty.
  4. Remove from heat and pour spices into a bowl. Refrigerate.
  5. Place in a coffee grinder and grind.

Add to meat, minced meat, and poultry dishes.

Contraindications and harm

Adding too many spices can lead to side effects. People at risk may include:

Chronic diseases;

Diseases gastrointestinal tract;

Blood vessels;

Patients with oncology.

When choosing a composition for yourself, be careful and take into account the contraindications of the ingredients included in the mixture.

How to replace curry

Curry is a mixture of different spices. Nothing can replace it. But it’s easy to make it yourself, using the spices you have on hand.

Calorie content of curry

Since it contains different spices and spices, the calorie content will depend on the specific composition.

Curry seasoning and turmeric are the same thing

No. Turmeric is one of the seasoning ingredients.

Is the curry seasoning spicy or not?

There are different ones, both spicy and not so spicy. Depends on the composition of the incoming spices.

What gives curry its color?

From the spices included in it. Yellow Turmeric gives. Chili pepper, paprika - red.

Curry is a seasoning of Indian cuisine, which today is very popular not only in Asian countries, but throughout the world. The beneficial properties of curry are due to the fact that it is not just one spice, but a mixture of spices. Accordingly, the vitamin and microelements composition here is much more diverse than in any individual spice.

What does the spice consist of?

Curry is used in the preparation of rice and meat dishes, added to salads and vegetable foods, as well as in drinks and salty pastries. This spice is often used to prepare sauces and soups - this spice has a very diverse range of uses. It's hard to think of where it isn't added. It gives dishes a rich, spicy taste, and even the most ordinary porridge with curry spice will “sound” completely different.

Curry is also the name of thick vegetable dishes Indian cuisine (something between the “first” and “second”). They exist huge variety, but they all have one thing in common - the use of this particular spice as a base ingredient.

On sale you can see red, yellow, brown curry - the color depends on the spices included in the composition. The basis is always turmeric (we have already talked about it separately). Its part is at least 25% of the total mass. According to the rules, the mixture must be prepared immediately before use, since essential oils the spices that give it its special benefits and aroma quickly disappear. But in our conditions, finding fresh spices for this seasoning is very troublesome, so many people prefer to buy a ready-made dry mixture.

Also required ingredients of the mixture are coriander, ginger root, red and black pepper. For European consumers, cumin is often added to the mixture, and for sale in the eastern regions, a different spice with more pungent taste— azhgon or Indian cumin.

Optionally, the curry seasoning may contain cardamom, fenugreek, cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, fennel, garlic, mint and even basil.

Some manufacturers, trying to improve the taste and physical properties mixtures are not used at all necessary ingredients spices included: salt, potato starch, legumes, as well as monosodium glutamate as a flavor enhancer. That is why it is important to pay attention to what the seasoning offered for purchase is made from.

Useful properties of seasoning

As you already know, the recipe for this spice always includes turmeric. It, being a basic element, has a positive effect on the functioning of the liver, helping it remove toxins from the body. Turmeric is also considered effective means against oncological diseases- her regular use is an effective prevention of this problem.

As for the other curry ingredients as seasonings, they also have a beneficial effect on the body:

  • coriander - improves blood flow, activates brain activity, and also helps with hangover syndrome;
  • curry leaves - help in the treatment of diabetes, and taking them regularly improves the condition of hair and skin;
  • ginger - prevents blood clots, improves blood flow and strengthens the immune system.

Curry is a special seasoning, in its homeland it is valued not only for its richness of taste, but also for its positive influence on human health. The climate and geographical features of India provide an excellent environment for the development of numerous harmful bacteria, and hot spice helps to fight them effectively.

To summarize, curry has the following beneficial features:

  1. antibacterial effect;
  2. improvement of intestinal motility;
  3. improved appetite;
  4. lowering cholesterol levels;
  5. prevention of Alzheimer's disease.

Definitely curry powder is worth at least trying. It is quite possible that you will like it, and so remedy will be consumed regularly - and with pleasure.

It should be noted that the beneficial properties of curry are directly proportional to the shelf life: than fresh seasoning curry, the more useful substances saved in it.

Can Indian spices cause harm?

In addition to the benefits of curry as a spice, it can cause damage to health. This is due wide range the effects of seasoning on the body, and if in some cases it helps get rid of the problem, in others, unfortunately, it can create it.

Thus, turmeric, which is highly valued as an anti-cancer agent, is contraindicated for use if cancer has already been diagnosed and the patient is undergoing chemotherapy - in this case, curry powder will block therapeutic effect drugs. But between courses of treatment you can and even need to use it.

Also, the benefits of curry are less significant than the harm for children under two years of age - the child’s stomach does not yet produce the enzymes necessary to digest spicy food. And any caring parent understands that red pepper and ginger in curry are not the best choice for a child.

In what other cases should you not use it? There remains only one contraindication - chronic gastrointestinal problems: gastritis, ulcers, obstruction of the bile ducts. If you have these problems, eating spicy food is a priori prohibited, as it can lead to a worsening of the condition.

Enough has been said about the benefits and harms of curry to make a decision: is it worth getting acquainted with this spice? Let the choice you make bring only health benefits, regardless of whether this spice is firmly introduced into the diet or, on the contrary, removed from it.

Today, the favorite Indian seasoning, curry, occupies a strong place in our kitchen. In addition to the unique bright taste, this seasoning brings great benefit to our body.

In this article you will learn about the composition of your favorite seasoning, its harms and benefits, and also what curry products go best with.

Curry seasoning composition

If the curry seasoning you are using is a classic one, then it must contain coriander. Coriander is known to activate the digestive process, and also has a pleasantly pungent and cooling taste, which gives the seasoning a piquant and bright taste.

Ginger is often added to curries. It is also known to speed up the process of digesting food, and also stimulates blood circulation, eliminates bloating and promotes fat burning.

Curries often contain fenugreek, a spice that is an anti-inflammatory and expectorant.

Turmeric, which gives curry its unique color, is a blood cleanser.

Cumin cleanses the body of toxins.

Benefits of curry seasoning

If we talk about the benefits of curry, first of all it is worth remembering turmeric, which is the main component of our favorite seasoning.

Turmeric really cleanses the blood, it will help fight inflammatory processes, normalize the functioning of the liver. Turmeric normalizes the absorption of protein in the body, prevents bloating and gas formation. It is thanks to turmeric that curry gives dishes such a bright and appetizing color.

Cumin, also often contained in curry, removes toxins and waste from our body, and also normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. If the curry you use in the kitchen contains a lot of cumin, then this seasoning can be stored for no more than a year.

Fennel is often added to curries, which is very useful for nursing mothers; it increases milk production. In addition, fennel increases sweating. Fennel makes the curry sticky and also gives it a sweet taste.

Often added to curries a small amount of black pepper, it is beneficial for people who suffer diabetes mellitus 2 types, as it contains a lot of chromium.

Curry helps remove cholesterol from our blood vessels.

In India, curry has a special place; they believe that curry can cleanse the chakras and subtle bodies of a person. Curry and yogis are especially valued, as the seasoning stimulates the functioning of the muscular system and also has a general tonic property. In its homeland, curry is used to treat rheumatism, arthritis, gout, and also to get rid of gas.

Studies have shown that people who regularly eat curry are four times less likely to develop degenerative brain diseases.

Harm of curry seasoning

Despite the fact that there are incredibly many benefits in curry, there is also harm. For example, curry impairs blood clotting. If you are undergoing surgery, it is better to avoid eating curry.