What kind of fish is suitable for charcoal grilling? What kind of fish is better to fry on the grill?

It’s already spring outside, the summer season is open and everyone who likes to catch and cook fish will agree with me that grilled fish is a simple and quick cooking and indescribable aroma and taste.

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Grilled foods are very healthy because they are processed only with spices and temperature, with minimum quantity oils Distinctive feature grilling is that no fat is needed when grilling. A large number of meat and fish dishes are prepared on the grill, vegetables are fried, and fruits are baked. Grilled fish dishes are always tasty, original and festive. Grilled fish and meat are the most useful forms their preparation and consumption.

Selecting fish and preparing carcasses for grilling

The housewife will definitely have a question - what kind of grilled fish is best to cook? Best fish for grilling it should not be too dry (hake, pike perch, pike), or too fatty (butterfish, halibut). You need to choose something in between. Any grilled red fish, mackerel, herring, sea ​​bass and so on.

Small or medium-sized fish are especially easy to prepare: simply scale them, gut them, and place them whole on the grill. From large fish It’s better to take fillets or cut steaks. It is very good to combine small pieces of fish or shellfish with vegetables or fruits, making small kebabs.

How to marinate fish for grilling

How to marinate fish for grilling is a matter of your taste. Use salt, pepper, lemon juice, vegetable oil, garlic and any other ingredients for the marinade. aromatic herbs: thyme, rosemary, cilantro. They perfectly enhance the taste of fish; with this marinade you will definitely get delicious grilled fish. It is better to use not greens, but their stems, they are more juicy. You can marinate fish without greens: just pour over the flesh lemon juice, and add a little crushed garlic to it.
For quality marinating, 20 minutes is enough.
If you don’t have time to marinate the fish, you can stuff the fish with herbs and garlic. Or fry the fish, wrapped in slices of lard, spinach or grape leaves. They help the fish keep its shape and not fall apart. Do not overdo it with spices, you can ruin the dish. The taste of spices can overpower the taste of fish and significantly change it.

Ideal marinade for grilled fish

An ideal marinade for fish: juniper berries should be crushed under pressure and heated with olive oil, in ready mixture add more cold olive oil. The marinade can be seasoned if desired with dill, parsley, sage and bay leaf, as well as a small amount of onion. Lemon Balm will add fruity freshness. The marinade should sit for at least two days. It can also be prepared in reserve. Covered tightly, it can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three months.

How to cook fish on the grill - 7 recipes with photos

1. Grilled fish in grape leaves

I will share a very simple but incredibly tasty recipe.

medium-sized fish, preferably sea fish (Black Sea mullet)
grape leaves (salted, but if you have fresh ones, scald them with boiling water first)
salt, black pepper
Vegetable oil


Wash and clean the fish. Salt and pepper.

Arrange the grape leaves like this.

Place the fish, spread it with vegetable oil and put a lemon cut into slices (3 slices) into the belly.

Wrap in leaves.

Coat again with vegetable oil and place on the grill to bake.

It took about 10 minutes on each side (it all depends on the fish and grill, thin ones cook faster).

It is delicious! Bon appetit!

2. Grilled dorado with rosemary and lemon

Juicy fish with a delicious golden crust and a smoky aroma.
Of course, you can simply bake the fish in the oven, but it will have a completely different taste.

Ingredients for 4 servings:
3-4 sea bream (or trout, sea bass, pike perch)
3-4 sprigs rosemary
lime or lemon
vegetable oil


Cut the lime into circles, cut each circle into two parts.

Clean the fish, remove the entrails and gills. Place rosemary inside the fish.

Also, put 1-2 lime wedges inside the fish. Salt the fish.

Grease with vegetable oil.

Place fish on grill grate.

Fry over hot coals until golden crust(about 7-10 minutes).

Serve with country-style potatoes. Bon appetit!

3. Grilled trout with vegetables step by step recipe with photos

This is wonderful savory dish. Light, tasty. Just a delight. The fish can be replaced with any other red fish, but the taste will change slightly. The dish does not require a side dish, as it is prepared immediately with it. It’s the pickled onions that add piquancy.

FOR A DISH for 4 servings
400 g trout (or salmon)
300 g potatoes
250 g eggplants (or zucchini)
200 g carrots
vegetable oil
greens to taste
100 g onion
10 tbsp. vinegar 6% (apple)
15 tbsp. water
3 tbsp. Sahara


Cut the onion into rings. For the marinade, mix water, vinegar, sugar.

Place the onion in the marinade, leave for 15-20 minutes, then remove the onion.

Cut the eggplants into cubes.

Cut the carrots into cubes.

Cut the potatoes into cubes.

Finely chop the greens.

Fry the carrots in vegetable oil for 2-3 minutes.

Add potatoes, fry for 3-4 minutes. Add eggplants. Salt and pepper.

Pour 50-100 ml of water, cover with a lid, simmer until tender (about 30 minutes).

IN prepared vegetables add greens.

Salt and pepper the trout on both sides. On a grill pan (or regular frying pan), on small quantity fry the trout in vegetable oil (the trout is fried quickly; as soon as the meat begins to lighten, it is ready).

Turn over and fry on the other side.
Place vegetables on plates, place trout on vegetables, place onions on trout.

Bon appetit!

4. Grilled fish recipe: leeked salmon fillet

Due to juicy filling and leaves that retain the juice inside during frying, the fish turns out juicy with a smoky aroma.

Salmon (fillet) – 300 g
Soy sauce
Leek - 1 piece
Tomato – 0.5 pcs.
Sour cream (thick, not sour) - 1 tbsp. l.
Dutch cheese (any hard) - 50 g
Green onion


Mix sour cream with spices and sauce. Greens, tomatoes and green onions finely chop. Grate the cheese onto fine grater. Mix all.

Cut the fish into three pieces and fry a little on both sides. Disassemble the leek into leaves and blanch a little. Drain the water, wait for it to cool down and lay it out overlapping each other to make three onion mats. Place a little filling in the middle of each. Place the fish on it and fill it again.

Carefully wrap in leek and secure with thread. Now you can put it in a bowl on its edge and safely take it to a picnic.

Bake on the grill for 6-8 minutes. from each side. Remove threads.

The fish is ready.

Bon appetit!

5. How to cook sturgeon on the grill

Sturgeon is very fatty fish, it turns out great on the grill.

Fish (sturgeon)
Salt (coarse)
Lemon juice


Sturgeon does not have scales, so the fish only needs to be thoroughly washed to remove mucus. Cut into large medallions and marinate for 1-2 hours in spices and salt.

We use the following spices for the marinade: lemon juice, salt, Provencal herbs(sold directly in bags, there is basil, marjoram, oregano, rosemary, sage, savory, thyme, mint) and ground black pepper.

We put the medallions on the grill and go to the grill. You don’t need to create coals like you would for a barbecue, but you shouldn’t have an open fire either. A small flame is needed, because the fish is oily, and droplets of fat flow down and brown the medallion, making delicious crust. Cooking time - on good heat about 25 minutes.

Ideal for this suitable for the dish a side dish of vegetables; you can top the fish with finely chopped garlic and herbs. The advantages of this fish are obvious; whoever loves fatty fish, in general, a lot of good things have been written about sturgeon, as well as the almost absolute absence of bones, except for the backbone! The downside of this fish is, of course, its cost :). Bon appetit!

6. Grilled salmon in foil with lemon

The fish turns out just right - not dry and with sourness. Picnic option.

Salmon – 1 kg
Lime – 2 pcs.
Tomato – 4 pcs
Basil (fresh or dried) - 3-4 pcs.
Black pepper (ground)
Seasoning (Italian herbs)
Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.


Remove scales from the fish, cut into steaks 1.5-2 cm thick. Salt and pepper each steak, pour over the juice of one lime, put in a bowl and refrigerate for 1 hour.

There were no fresh limes on hand, only juice in a bottle and lemon.
Make an incision crosswise on the tomatoes, place them in boiling water for 30 seconds, remove the skin, and finely chop the pulp.
Scald the lemon with boiling water, finely chop along with the zest.
Cut the foil into squares and grease with vegetable oil.

Place salmon steak in each square, chopped tomatoes, finely chopped basil and lemon on top, season Italian herbs taste.
Instead of fresh basil was dried.

Wrap the foil in an envelope and bake on the grill for 5-7 minutes on each side until done.

Bon appetit!

7. Crucian carp “Appetizing”, fried on a grill over coals

Fried stuffed crucian carp, cooked smoky in the fresh air, will not leave you indifferent! Simple and quick preparation, indescribable aroma and taste.
Crucian carp baked in foil is very healthy. It contains iodine, zinc, calcium, fats and vitamins.

Crucian carp (fresh) – 3 pcs.
Soy sauce (Teriyaki TM Kikkoman) - 3 tbsp. l.
Onion - 1 piece
Lemon - 3 dollars.
Bell pepper - 0.5 pcs.
Lovage (fresh) - 1 handful.
Bay leaf - 3 pcs
Allspice (to taste) - 1 g
Olive oil - 1 tsp.
Salt (to taste) - 1 g


Clean the crucian carp, remove the entrails and gills.

Cut the crucian carp on both sides every 1-1.5 cm.
To avoid being bothered by fish bones while eating, make cuts along the back and between the gills. During the cooking process, the bones will become non-prickly and therefore not dangerous.

Pour Teriyaki over the crucian carp, rub in lightly and leave for 15 minutes. Prepare the filling.

Take a sheet of foil, grease with oil, place the crucian carp on the oil, put inside a slice of lemon, 2-3 onion rings, a little bell pepper, bay leaf, a couple of lovage leaves. Grease with oil, add salt, sprinkle allspice through the mill.

It is good to pack the crucian carp in foil.
Pack other crucian carp in the same way.
Fry on a grill over hot coals (you can place directly on the coals) for 5-7 minutes.
Then take a toothpick, pierce the foil of each fish in several places (to saturate it with smoke and fry it) and fry for about another 3-4 minutes.

Carefully unpack the crucian carp and can be served directly in foil boats or transferred to a plate.

You can serve crucian carp with any side dish. This dish is especially suitable for a holiday table. You can bake crucian carp in foil on a weekday after work, because cooking this fish does not take much time and effort.

Bon appetit!

OK it's all over Now! The coals are already smoldering, and the perfectly fried and juicy fish is already waiting for you on the festive table. All you have to do is invite your friends! Have a great May holidays!
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There are dozens or even hundreds of options for cooking fish on the grill. This is a whole baked carcass, steaks, barbecue, smoking, and so on. Each option is suitable for a certain type of fish, then the dish will be harmonious in taste and presentation.

How to choose fish for different dishes

The successful implementation of all the culinary abilities of the person on duty at the barbecue depends on how correctly the breed is chosen. What kind of fish is better to fry on the grill - one that has few bones and a lot of fatty meat. Lean varieties of white fish do not always turn out well on coals, but this is not a rule, but rather a warning.

As a rule, for baking whole seafood, medium-sized carcasses are chosen, which do not need to be marinated beforehand. It is enough to salt and pepper outside and inside, add herbs. Large carcasses will take a long time to cook, and the skin on the outside may be well burnt, but the inside may be uncooked.

Whole carcasses are placed on a grill and grilled over coals, first on one side, then on the other. You can make shallow cuts across so that the meat is fried faster and better, and small bones become less noticeable while eating.

When preparing steaks, you always choose large, meaty carcasses with a minimum amount of bones in the back. These are easy to cut into portions and quickly fry on the barbecue.

The meat for fish kebab is chosen in the same way. Usually they take ready-made fillets, which they cut into cubes and thread on a skewer. The main condition is that the meat should be dense, not liquid. If you come across something like this, you can cook it in portions, but not on skewers, but on a special grid with small cells. The result will not be fish kebab, but something similar to goulash.

What types of fish should I fry whole?

Noble varieties of sea fish are ideal for grilling. These are salmon, trout, chum salmon, sea bass and tuna are not inferior to them. Such fish can be fried whole, if it is possible to choose young small carcasses, cook steaks and kebabs.

Red fish is the queen of the picnic

The main advantage of these varieties is the absence large quantity bones. The meat cooks very quickly and remains juicy and tender. Below is a list of varieties that also perform well when roasting whole carcasses:

  • mackerel;
  • sea ​​bream;
  • haddock;
  • sea ​​bream;
  • sea ​​bass

From river fish, it is better to choose medium-sized carp and bream. Pike or crucian carp are a bit dry, and they also contain a lot small seeds. River fish is usually not marinated; it is enough to add salt and spices. You can put fresh herbs or Provençal herbs in the belly. Sea fish is also not always pickled, only if it is white and lean. A good river fish is bream or white bream. This fish stores a lot of fat under its skin, and during cooking it permeates the meat, making it very tender and even sweetish in taste. To make the carcass fried and crispy, you can coat it with mayonnaise and vegetable oil on top.

The most budget and simple option is the preference for mackerel carcasses to other types of fish.

This fish is very fatty, fleshy, there are almost no bones in the back. It is also easy to prepare fillets for baking. Due to the large amount of fat, the meat does not become tough and dry even after being on the coals for a long time. The only negative of the variety is the pronounced fishy smell, which not everyone likes. You can kill it by generously stuffing the carcass herbs, especially dill and sage. You can pour lemon juice on top of the carcass.


Cooking steaks outdoors will take much longer than roasting a whole carcass. The fish must be properly cut so that the backbone and ribs are separated from the fillet. The most profitable option here is to purchase a gutted tuna carcass.

Tuna is a representative of the mackerel fish, but, unlike the common mackerel, it is impressive in its huge size and weight up to 300 kg. During its life, its meat turns pink-red. This is a medium-calorie variety of fish with increased content protein in meat. Meat remains healthy for humans during any heat treatment, which is why nutritionists and other specialists healthy eating It is recommended to eat tuna as often as possible.

Tuna and trout are ideal for steaks

Large carcasses sea ​​fish very easy to cut into steaks. The best option is to obtain a tenderloin with skin weighing 170-200 g. Such portioned pieces sprinkle with lemon juice and season with spices. You can cook on coals for only 10 minutes. It's best to cook on a wire rack, although some people prefer to do it in foil with tomatoes, onions and zucchini.

Silver carp also performs well - an affordable and tasty fish with tender white meat. There are not many bones in it, and the large carcass is easy to separate from the ribs and backbone. You can cook silver carp on the grill without pre-marinating. You can coat the steaks with mustard and sprinkle with herbs. Small fried carcass Whole silver carp is also very tasty.

Red fish - salmon or trout - is the most self-sufficient variety that does not require special preparations and a set of spices. This fish can only be poured with fresh lemon juice. This is quite enough, because the taste of such fish does not need to be interrupted by spices, herbs or sauces. You can buy a whole carcass and cut it into 5-6 cm pieces, or you can buy a fillet with the skin on and also cut it into portions. Cook trout and salmon on a grill or grill pan for a few minutes.


Swordfish is not a very common seafood product and is harder to find in the store than any other. Its meat is white, moderately fatty, dense. Ideal for preparing barbecue in the classic way on skewers. You need to marinate the fish for 15-20 minutes. soy sauce, ketchup or lemon juice with spices and olive oil.

For shashlik from suitable for fish freshwater catfish It also has few bones, and the white meat is very soft and tender. To prepare shish kebab, the fillet is cut into a cone or cubes so that 6-7 pieces fit on one skewer. You can make shish kebab from ide, whitefish and stellate sturgeon.

Here are some rules for choosing fish:

  • if the carcass is purchased whole with the head, an indicator of its freshness is the light, pink or reddish color of the gills, the eyes should also be expressive, not in a cloudy film;
  • the scales on the carcass should be hard, dense, and not crumble when touched;
  • smell – pleasant, light, fishy;
  • When buying steaks, pay attention to the density of the fillet. It should not be loose and easily separate from bones and skin;
  • a fresh carcass does not have yellowed areas on the abdomen;
  • If you purchase glazed fish, the ice layer should not be damaged.

It is also important to pay attention to storage times and conditions. Frozen products are stored at a temperature not exceeding 16°C, refrigerated products - at a temperature from 0 to +4°C for only 2 days. Choosing a young, whole and fresh carcass is the key to a successful picnic.

A fresh carcass has dense flesh, smooth skin and pink gills

How to cook properly

For the barbecue, choose deciduous or fruit wood. Ideal logs would be made from alder, apple or pear. Coniferous wood is not suitable, as the smell of resin can spoil the aroma of the prepared dishes. So, we decided which fish to choose, we prepared the barbecue, barbecue or grill pan. All you have to do is wait for the coals to be ready and start cooking.

Some rules for frying fish on the grill:

  • small fish are fried whole on a grill, occasionally brushing them with melted butter;
  • large carcasses can first be fried on both sides on a wire rack and then finished in foil so that the meat inside is well cooked;
  • if a flat fish, for example, flounder, is fried, first place the carcass on the grill or frying pan with the light side, then turn it over onto the dark side;
  • kebab from red varieties of fish is cooked for 5-7 minutes;
  • any kebab is poured with either lemon juice, or butter, or wine diluted with water;
  • wooden skewers are used as skewers for fish kebab, which are soaked in water for 30-40 minutes - this way the meat will not stick to them;
  • The grill pan must be greased with oil, as well as the grate;
  • Steaks are usually fried on both sides; portioned pieces with the skin on are placed skin-on on the grill and not turned over.

Fish is lower in calories and more healthy than meat. In addition, it is fish that can diversify the usual outdoor recreation; both adults and children love it.

Grilled fish - incredible tasty dish. It combines an appetizing crispy crust and tender flesh. Grilling is generally a very good culinary technique, since it does not require the addition of fat, and therefore the dishes turn out healthier than those fried in a frying pan. And such dishes are prepared quite quickly. And most importantly, it’s exciting. Even children can be trusted to hold a grill of fish, meat or seafood over the fire. Grilled fish - great option for a picnic. It cooks three times faster than meat kebab. At the same time, you don't have to worry about pieces falling off the spit onto the hot coals. The wire rack will hold the dish securely. And the mark of the hot iron on the fish will cause a rush of saliva even in the most notorious picky eaters. Previously, only a portable grill was available, which only worked on outdoors. But now this method culinary processing became very popular. And as a result, we got a grill newest ovens and even microwaves. It is enough to know a few secrets - and you can cook delicious fish. Read about it in this article.

BBQ secrets

Baking the product for open fire- the technique is good, but it is important to know that not every fish is suitable for grilling. Best used for BBQ fatty varieties. Even if you find a recipe that includes cod fillet, the end result will be porridge, since the meat of this fish is very tender. In principle, you can grill pollock, but in most cases it will stick hopelessly to the grill. You will take a long time to peel it off and as a result you will end up with the same mess. How to cook grilled fish correctly? Firstly, firewood. They must be made from deciduous trees. You should place the grate on the barbecue when you can no longer hold your hand over it. The fish needs to be marinated for about a quarter of an hour - this way it won’t dry out. A medium fish is baked whole carcass, the larger one is cut into pieces. The more often you turn the grill, the better. Cooking time depends on the fish itself. It could be 5 minutes, or it could be twice as long. A new grill must be heated over a fire before use to prevent food from sticking to it.

Fish in an envelope

This method allows you to save tender fillet from overdrying. It is advisable to use fatty varieties of fish - oilfish, ocean halibut, chum salmon, pink salmon. We cut the carcass. We remove the spine and main bones. But we don’t fillet the fish completely - we leave the skin on. Cut the carcass into strips. Now fold the meat in half so that the skin is on the outside. Inside the “envelope” we put various seasonings, onions, mushrooms, vegetables. Due to the fact that the skin will be closer to the open fire, the flesh will remain juicy and tender. This basic recipe. You can experiment endlessly, which fish to take and what filling to put in the “envelope”. At the same time, you can put a side dish (for example, mushrooms) on the grill, or you can cook it “solo”. Grilled fish will always be delicious.

Barbecue at home and outdoors

You can also cook grilled fish in the oven or microwave. In this case, you have greater freedom of action. You can even take dry and bony fish. To protect it from falling into pieces (and even splinters), you need to dip it in batter or roll it in breading. This is difficult to do in a forest clearing. But a barbecue in the lap of nature also has its undoubted advantages. The main one is the smoky aroma. But there are also secrets here. Fish requires a lower cooking temperature than meat kebabs. Therefore, you need to soak the wood chips in advance so that they do not burn out immediately. It is good to use fruit wood. The coals in the grill are lit 45 minutes before laying out the grate. It is important that they burn through. Correct temperature regime ensures that grilled fish on the grill is not only baked, but also lightly smoked.

Norwegian BBQ Salmon

We clean the fish, gut it, and rinse it with water. We cut the carcass into steaks - flat pieces with the spinal bone inside. You can also cut the salmon into fillets in the shape of a “butterfly” - not all the way to the end, but to the back. Now let's prepare the marinade for the grilled fish. Mix half a glass of lemon juice and olive oil in a deep bowl, sprinkle with finely chopped parsley (3 tablespoons), fennel (1 stalk) and chili (half a pod). Sprinkle with two teaspoons of salt and a pinch of red pepper. Place salmon pieces (0.8-1 kg) into this marinade. Let stand for half an hour. We fish it out and let the marinade drain. Lubricate the pieces of fish with any vegetable oil and place them on the grill. Fry until the fish acquires a beautiful golden brown hue. At the end of the process, add salt and sprinkle with your favorite spices.

Red fish with zucchini and avocado

This recipe is good to make at home. Grilled trout or salmon (in general, any red fish) with a delicious side dish will delight your guests for festive table. First marinate the red onion rings. To do this, mix two tablespoons of Dijon mustard, half the amount of honey, 100 g of olive oil and a pinch of salt. Cut one red apple and two avocados into slices, pour over the juice of half a lemon. We fillet the fish. Mix three spoons in a plate sesame seeds, chili pepper on the tip of a knife and a pinch of salt. Dip the fish pieces in this and place them on the grill. Heat the grill to maximum. Fry for 2-3 minutes on each side. Cut medium-sized zucchini into slices and place on a baking sheet along with the fish. On the sides we place pickled onions and an apple with avocado. Drizzle with olive oil and bake in the oven until done.

Sturgeon baked on the grill

Beluga, stellate sturgeon, and sterlet have very tender meat, the taste of which cannot be overpowered by spices. In addition, grilled sturgeon fish feels excellent on the grill and does not express any desire to stick to it. It doesn't need a marinade either. Cut sturgeon or other similar fish into portioned pieces. Of the spices, we allow ourselves only black pepper and salt. 50 grams butter melt in a water bath. Dip pieces of fish into it. Place them on the grill and bake over an open fire on both sides. Separately, serve sliced ​​lemon and some sauce (“Thousand Islands,” for example).

Grilled fish: recipe for mackerel

Four medium-sized carcasses are cleaned, gutted and washed. You can leave the heads on - this way the mackerel will have less chance of breaking into pieces. Using the tip of a knife, make four or five diagonal scratches on the sides of each fish. Place the mackerel in a flat bowl - glass or ceramic, but not metal. Now let's get started with the marinade for the grilled fish. This recipe allows you to experiment.

Here's the first option. Mix two tablespoons of chopped fresh marjoram and olive oil. Peel the lime. Squeeze the juice into the marinade and grate the zest. Finely chop or squeeze two cloves of garlic. Season the marinade with salt and black pepper. Stir and pour over the fish. Cover the vessel cling film and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Here is another marinade option. Mix 100 g of soy sauce and white wine, add three tablespoons of olive oil, dissolve 6 pieces of sugar, and also add 60 g of ginger. Season the marinade with pepper and refresh with cilantro. The mackerel should swim in this mixture for 20 minutes, but we do not put it in the refrigerator. Then place it on the grill and bake on a well-heated grill for 5 minutes on each side, basting with marinade from time to time.

Grilled fish: recipe for sardines

But not only sturgeon and mackerel can be baked this way. Small dry fish also have the right to be cooked on the grill. You just need to know that you need to salt it after baking. Hot sardines absorb it perfectly. Before putting the fish on the grill, you need to warm up the grate well and rub it with a piece of lard. If you are a staunch opponent of meat (or pork), you can use any vegetable oil for lubrication. Place the sardines on the grill tightly next to each other. Pinch, sprinkle with vegetable oil and bake on both sides until the grilled fish is browned. Serve with potatoes and light vegetable salad.

Salmon steaks

Let's prepare the marinade from 30 ml wine vinegar(can be replaced with lemon juice) and 10 ml soy sauce. Four salmon steaks should sit in it for about half an hour. In a blender or food processor, puree 40 g of basil with 90 ml of olive oil. Place the fish on the grill and fry for 5 minutes on each side until golden brown. From time to time we pour marinade over it. Peel eight tomatoes, cut into cubes, mix with green onions and salt. Our grilled fish will rest on this vegetable side dish. Cover it with a basil blanket.

There is nothing tastier than fish grilled, aromatic, tender, with appetizing crispy stripes, rosy sides and juicy flesh. It would seem that there is nothing difficult in cooking fish on the grill - put it on the grill, and after a while it is ready. However, this business has its own subtleties and secrets, as in any culinary recipe. Let's talk about how to properly cook fish on the grill so that it doesn't stick to the grill and turn into mush, as sometimes happens with inexperienced and even experienced chefs. And the reward will be the increased appetite of your children and other family members, since no one can resist this dish!

Why is grilled fish so healthy?

Grilling is the oldest method of cooking, simple, natural and healthy. It is no coincidence that they say that everything ingenious is simple, and humanity has not yet come up with anything simpler than frying food on hot coals. Grilling preserves the natural flavor of the fish, which is complemented by subtle aroma herbs, spices and smoke if you are cooking outdoors.

Grilled fish is similar to fried fish due to its golden brown, crispy skin, but without the disadvantages fried foods. Everyone knows that vegetable oils when heated, they release carcinogenic substances that are harmful to health, in addition, Fried fish becomes saturated with fat and becomes more caloric.

Grilled fish retains not only all vitamins, minerals and trace elements, but also antioxidants, which strengthen the immune system and protect the body from premature aging.

Preparing fish for baking

Any fish with dense meat, not very bony and fatty, is suitable for grilling, for example, Norwegian salmon, swordfish, tuna, trout, mackerel, sea bass, sea bream, herring, chum salmon and pink salmon, but cod and halibut If they are soft, it is better not to cook them in this way, otherwise they will fall apart. Before cooking, the fish should be washed well, scaled and gutted, although it is more convenient to buy ready-made fillets or steaks in the store. Fish can be cooked in pieces 2.5–3 cm thick or whole, especially if we're talking about O river fish. For piquancy, it can be marinated for 5–20 minutes; besides, the marinade gives even dry fillets softness and tenderness.

Before baking, you should grease the carcass or pieces with vegetable oil to prevent it from sticking to the grill grate. If you are going to cook a whole fish, make a few small cuts on it to allow the marinade and flavor of the spices to penetrate inside. You can stuff the fish with herbs, onions, garlic, mushrooms, vegetables, lemon slices, and grate with spices and herbs. If you wrap fish in grape leaves, spinach, thin slices lard, ham or bacon, fastening them with skewers, it will turn out very beautiful and tasty, the fish will not dry out and will retain its shape. Fish kebabs with pieces of fruits and vegetables - zucchini, pumpkin, zucchini, sweet peppers, onions and avocado look very appetizing.

A few subtleties of preparing the marinade

The classic ingredients for marinade are vegetable oils, fruit juices, white wine, yogurt, soy sauce, garlic, salt, lemon, spices and aromatic herbs. At the same time, remember that fish does not like excess seasonings, from which it loses its special taste and aroma, so the marinade should be moderately spicy. The easiest way to marinate fish is to pour fresh lemon juice for 5 minutes and place garlic cloves on it. Some chefs say that the acid in lemon and wine makes the fish soft varieties loose and destroys fish protein, so it is better to marinate the carcass and pieces in oil with salt, rosemary, cilantro and thyme. Pleasant aroma produces juniper, sage, dill and parsley stems. Interestingly, dry herbs are more fragrant than fresh ones, so they are best suited for marinade.

If you are going to grill red fish, try making a marinade of honey, soy sauce, lime juice, ground coriander and sesame oil. For white fish, a marinade of lemon juice, grated ginger, garlic, turmeric and fresh chopped mint is suitable. Extraordinary delicious marinade obtained from crushed juniper berries heated in olive oil, with dill, sage, parsley, bay leaf, lemon balm and onion. This marinade should sit for about 2 days.

Sometimes the fish is rubbed with sugar, left for half an hour in the refrigerator, and then soaked in soy sauce with sesame oil, fried sesame seeds, garlic, green onions and ground ginger. Excellent marinade made from honey, cilantro, garlic and lemon, and in Georgia for barbecue they prepare a mixture of white wine, chopped lemons, cilantro and raw onion. With the help of marinade you can change the taste of fish, making it more piquant, bright and rich.

Preparing the barbecue or grill

At home, for cooking fish, a grill pan, an electric grill with infrared radiation, an air grill, a roaster, an oven and a microwave oven with a grill function are usually used, and outdoors a grill and barbecue are suitable for these purposes. Fish prepared by grilling is more tasty and aromatic, as it is saturated with the smell of fire and smoke. A poor choice of charcoal for the grill can ruin the taste of the fish, since pine charcoal has an intrusive pine aroma, unlike coal obtained from deciduous trees.

The barbecue or grill grate should be thoroughly cleaned and greased with oil so that the fish does not stick, and it is better to cook on high fire, making sure that the grill grate is far enough away from the fire. Special racks for fish, in which fillets or carcasses are clamped, are very convenient - in such devices it is very convenient to turn the fish over. Delicate fish such as cod and halibut are best prepared this way.

How more tender fish and the thinner the steak, the stronger the heat of the fire should be, since it is the crispy crust that will protect the delicate fish flesh from turning into mush. The time when the grill is hot enough is easy to determine - the coals turn slightly white, and your hands over the grill are unbearably hot, and it is impossible to hold your palm for more than a few seconds.

Fry, fish, big and small

From the “Eat at Home” brand store they will help you add brightness to your dishes! By learning how to cook fish on the grill, you will delight your family with a delicious, light and healthy meal that will successfully compete with meat. The fish bakes instantly, has an endless variety of cooking options, and is eaten very quickly. You can serve the fish with herbs, vegetables, potatoes or rice, after sprinkling it with white wine. But true connoisseurs of this dish claim that grilled fish acquires a smoky flavor during the frying process and is good on its own without a side dish. As they say, there is no arguing about tastes!

Fatty fish with dense meat is ideal for grilling fish. Such qualities of fish will allow you to create luxurious dish, which will cause a lot of delight among guests and family and simply cannot go unnoticed. The main advantage of grilling fish is that during frying it takes excess fat And harmful products combustion. You get tasty, healthy and hearty dish worthy of the cuisine of the best European restaurant. Grilling fish is quite simple and quick. To diversify home menu, try cooking fish according to the recipes we offer. This section contains recipes for preparing grilled fish using various additives (spice mixtures, marinades, sauces) that will give ready-made dish original taste and subtle aroma.

There are 110 recipes in the "Grilled Fish" section

Mullet on the grill

Mullet is suitable for both frying and barbecuing. This recipe for grilled mullet with herbs is a classic for picnic menus. The fish does not require any fancy marinades, is quick to cook, and has few bones. The finished grilled mullet is simply transferred...

Grilled fish (on the grill)

What a success! For any fisherman, tench is a desired trophy! How to cook fish on the grill so that the tench remains juicy? The recipe for grilling tench is very simple; you don’t even need to clean the tench. It is best to prepare it on the same day, without leaving it for...