How to bake apples in the microwave: the fastest ways. Baked apples with honey and cinnamon in the microwave

A microwave oven, also known as a microwave oven, is an extremely convenient household appliance. You can not only heat food in it, make delicious crackers, croutons and sandwiches, but also bake delicious apples.

Basic rules for using a microwave oven

Each device has its own operating instructions, and you should study them carefully. Often it also comes with a small brochure with the most popular recipes. Perhaps there will also be recommendations for processing fruits. If not, here are some tips on how to

Recipe guide

Now let's get straight to the apples! Place the fruits on a special dish (must come with the microwave), after cutting them in half and removing the center with the seeds. Place butter in the grooves, sprinkle sugar on top, or maybe ground cinnamon. Set the timer for 5-6 minutes. Power is average. After turning off, do not open the door for another 3 minutes. Then sprinkle with powdered sugar or cool and top with whipped cream.

Apple abundance

The ones we offered were, of course, delicious. But there are many other cooking methods. For example, if you stuff fruit with something special. So, we cut it into halves again and clean out the middle. Or we take whole ones, prick the peel, cut out the “insides” with a special knife, and cut off the top. Make the filling: mix the pureed cottage cheese with raisins, butter and honey into a homogeneous mass. Fill the apples with it and place them on a plate. Cover with baking paper. You can add a little water or syrup to the dish. Then set the timer at full power for 4 minutes. Leave it for another 5 so that the fruits “arrive”. When finished, these apples baked with raisins should turn out juicy, soft, and sweet.

You can bake apples with nuts, pumpkin, jam or jam, or any other filling you like in this way. The main thing is that it tastes good!

When summer generously gifts us with the apple harvest, sometimes you don’t know what to do with the fruit. Many housewives bake them, resulting in an amazing, tasty and healthy dessert. Try it, this is a great option for a light breakfast and even a romantic dinner. And if in the sultry heat you don’t want to mess with the oven, then cook baked apples in the microwave.

This heat treatment is very useful; baked fruits are more easily absorbed by the body, and they retain a large amount of vitamins. Often such apples are included in the diet menu. And this is a rare case when a diet can be tasty.

You can simply bake apples with honey in the microwave, but they will turn out much tastier with fillings inside. They contain various nuts and dried fruits, cottage cheese, banana, berries, muesli, and are also seasoned with honey and aromatic spices. And when serving, don’t forget to decorate even ordinary baked apples; our food should not only be tasty and healthy, but also necessarily beautiful.

General rules for baking apples in the microwave

But the taste, benefits, and beauty directly depend on how correctly you prepare the dish. Therefore, first, read the general tips and recommendations for baking apples in a microwave oven:

  1. Winter varieties of apples with dense flesh are best suited for baking.
  2. Before cooking, wash them thoroughly, you can even scrub the skin with a soft brush.
  3. Pat the fruit dry with a paper towel.
  4. If you make apples with filling inside, cut off the top, but do not throw it away; it will serve as a lid during cooking.
  5. Using a sharp knife, carefully remove the center with the seeds so that the bottom remains unaffected.
  6. Be sure to make several punctures in the peel using a fork or toothpick.
  7. Place the apples on a special flat dish designed for use in microwave ovens. Pour in some hot water (100 ml will be enough to bake two fruits in a small dish). This is done so that during baking the fruit does not burn to the bottom.
  8. And the most important point, how long should you bake apples in the microwave? The time depends on the size, variety and density of the fruit. With a power of 750-850 W, it will take no more than 5 minutes to cook an average apple. But it’s better to set the timer to start for 3 minutes, and then check the fruit for readiness and, if necessary, turn it on for another 1-2 minutes. The lower the oven power, the longer it will take to bake. With a power of 600 W, the apple will be ready in 7-8 minutes.
  9. Serve baked apples warm, or even better, cold.

Advice! Change the amount of sugar in recipes depending on your taste preferences and the type of apple. Approximate proportion: 1.5-2 tsp. for one medium-sized fruit. If your fruits are sour, then take more sugar. Conversely, when apples are juicy and sweet, you can do without any sweetener at all.

Baked apples with raisins and cinnamon

Baked apples go best with cinnamon. There are housewives who do not respect this spice too much, but it is indispensable for baking fruit. The dessert turns out very fragrant.

Taste Info Berries and fruits


  • apples – 3 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar – 5-6 tsp;
  • cinnamon – 1 tsp;
  • raisins – 3 tsp;
  • butter – 50-60 g.

How to Make Baked Apples with Cinnamon and Raisins in the Microwave

Prepare apples for baking.

In a separate bowl, combine cinnamon and sugar, divide the resulting mixture equally for all apples and pour into the cut holes.

Rinse and steam the raisins first, place 1 teaspoon in the center of each apple.

Also distribute pieces of butter evenly into each apple.

Cover the fruit with the previously cut tops and place in the microwave.

At the end of the program, remove the fruit from the microwave. They turned out so beautiful and delicious!

When serving, sprinkle the apples with powdered sugar and garnish with fresh mint leaves.

Apples bake well in the microwave, they are soft and tasty.

Sugar Free Baked Apples (filled with granola and maple syrup)

For this recipe, you can buy granola in the store or make your own granola by mixing oatmeal with various dried fruits and nuts. If you don't have maple syrup, use liquid honey.


  • apples – 3 pcs.;
  • muesli – 5 tbsp. l.;
  • cardamom, star anise, cinnamon - a pinch;
  • maple syrup – 3 tbsp. l.


  1. In a bowl, combine the muesli with the aromatic spices and 2 tablespoons of maple syrup. Mix everything thoroughly and fill the apples with the resulting mixture.
  2. Place in the microwave and bake until done.
  3. Let the apples cool; when serving, pour a little more maple syrup and dust with powdered sugar.
Baked apple pieces

You can make delicious baked apples without filling. We suggest baking them not whole, but in slices. In this case, you definitely need strong fruits with dense pulp.


  • apples – 4 pcs.;
  • honey – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • orange – 1 pc.;
  • cinnamon - a pinch;
  • butter – 20 g.


  1. Wash the apples, dry and cut into slices. For this recipe, never cut off the peel, otherwise the finished pieces will not hold their shape at all.

  1. Squeeze the juice from the orange into a bowl, add honey and cinnamon, stir until smooth.
  2. Grease the microwave-safe dish in which you will bake the apples with butter. Dip the apple slices in the honey-orange mixture and place in a circle in the pan. Place a mug of water in the center.
  3. Microwave the apples. In this case, 1-2 minutes will be enough for baking (depending on the thickness of the slices).
  4. The serving we want to offer you is suitable for special family dinners and holidays. Place 2-3 scoops of vanilla ice cream in the center of a beautiful dish, place baked apple slices around it and pour the remaining honey-orange sauce on top.

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Baked apples with cottage cheese in the microwave

Baked apples with cottage cheese in the microwave prepared according to this recipe are dietary. Some diets recommend this option as breakfast or dinner.


  • apples – 4 pcs.;
  • low-fat cottage cheese – 240-250 g;
  • vanillin – 1 sachet (1.5 g);
  • chicken egg – 1 pc.


  1. Prepare apples for filling with curd filling.
  2. The curd mixture is prepared without sugar and is low in calories. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, beat in the egg, add vanillin and mix. If you do not have any problems with excess weight, you can add dried fruits, nuts, and honey. It turns out very tasty if you mix cottage cheese with chopped banana pulp.
  3. Fill the apples with the resulting mixture and bake.
  4. If you really want something sweet, pour liquid honey over the apples when serving.

Instead of vanilla, you can add cinnamon to the curd filling. There is another option to add a special flavor to the finished dish. Before baking, stick a few cloves into the lid of the cut top of the apple. Due to the fact that the spice is placed not inside the apple, but in the lid, it will not give a strong clove flavor. There will be only a light and pleasant flavor.

Apple halves with dried berries and nuts

Any berries that you have in your preparations are suitable for this recipe - dried or dried cranberries, strawberries, raspberries, currants, blueberries, mulberries, chokeberries.


  • apples – 4 pcs.;
  • mix of dried berries – 1 cup;
  • liquid honey – 50 g;
  • cinnamon – 0.5 tsp;
  • walnuts – 8 pcs.


  1. This time prepare the apples a little differently. Cut the fruit into two halves, remove the seeds and some of the pulp, giving them the shape of cups.

  1. First fill the dried berries with hot water so that they slightly steam and become softer. After this, place in a colander to drain excess moisture.
  2. Combine the berries with cinnamon and liquid honey, mix and fill the resulting mixture into halves of apples.
  3. Grind the walnut kernels in a blender until crumbly, sprinkle them on top of the apple preparations and bake.
  4. The ideal way to serve this version of apples is with whipped cream or vanilla ice cream.

Instead of dried berries, you can use fresh or frozen. Just don’t mix them with honey or sugar, because the berries will release juice and you’ll get a pickle. In this case, you need to sprinkle the apple halves with sugar and cinnamon, then arrange the berries, sprinkle nuts on top and bake. When serving, the finished apples can also be decorated with fresh berries.

Baked apples with honey and nuts in the microwave

In this recipe, so that the filling is not too hard for a child or an elderly person, the nuts must be crushed and softened by adding steamed raisins.


  • apples – 3 pcs.;
  • peanuts – 30 g;
  • walnuts – 30 g;
  • hazelnuts – 30 g;
  • cashews – 30 g;
  • almonds – 30 g;
  • raisins – 100 g;
  • honey – 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • butter – 30-40 g.


  1. Prepare the apples for further filling with nut filling.

  1. Place all the nuts in a plastic bag, cover the top with a kitchen towel and roll over them with a rolling pin to chop (not into crumbs, but into small pieces). Then it is advisable to lightly fry this nut mass in a dry, hot frying pan (2-3 minutes with constant stirring will be enough). If you don’t do this, then it’s okay, roasted nuts are just even tastier.
  2. Place the nuts in a bowl, add pre-washed and steamed raisins and liquid honey. Mix all ingredients thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  3. Fill the apples with the resulting filling, leave a little space on top and spread over a piece of butter. Cover with apple caps and microwave.
  4. Make your dessert presentation extra special. Lightly pour strawberry or raspberry jam over a portioned dish, place a baked apple in the center, and place several whole nuts around it. Sprinkle all this beauty with powdered sugar and complete the composition with a fresh mint leaf. With a glass of white wine - an excellent solution for a romantic dinner.

Baked apples in the microwave with raisins and dried fruits

You can use dried fruits for this recipe at your discretion; if you don’t like sugary figs, add more dried apricots or prunes. Crushed almonds give the dessert a special aroma.


  • large apples – 2 pcs.;
  • raisins – 2 tsp;
  • dried apricots – 4 pcs.;
  • prunes – 4 pcs.;
  • figs – 2 pcs.;
  • almonds – 30 g;
  • sugar – 25 g;
  • poppy – 10 g;
  • cinnamon – 5 g.


  1. Prepare apples for filling.

  1. Place the nuts in a blender bowl and grind until crumbly.
  2. Wash all dried fruits in advance and steam until soft. Cut large ones (prunes, dried apricots and figs) into small pieces. Place in a bowl and add raisins, poppy seeds, sugar, cinnamon and chopped almonds. Stir.
  3. Fill the prepared apples with the resulting filling and cover with the cut off tops. Send to bake.
  4. When serving, finished apples can be poured with liquid honey or caramel syrup.
Baked apples with pumpkin, poppy seeds and pine nuts

Prepare baked apples in the microwave filled with the queen of vegetables - bright and juicy pumpkin. You can diversify it with nuts or dried fruits. We offer an option with poppy seeds and pine nuts.


  • large apples – 2 pcs.;
  • pumpkin – 60-70 g;
  • poppy seeds – 2 tsp;
  • pine nuts – 20 g;
  • sugar – 3-4 tsp.


  1. Prepare the apples for filling.
  2. Cut the pumpkin pulp into small cubes.
  3. Pour sugar into a saucepan, spread it in a thin layer over the entire bottom and set on low heat. Melt until light brown caramel.
  4. Place the pumpkin cubes in a saucepan, mix with sugar caramel and fry for 2-3 minutes.
  5. Add nuts and poppy seeds here. Stir.
  6. Distribute the filling into the prepared apples and microwave.
  7. Sprinkle the finished dessert with powdered sugar.

Today we will talk about my children’s favorite treat, almost since birth. I’ll also give you a few recipes on how to bake apples in the microwave, with honey, sugar, cottage cheese, and cinnamon.

Why not in the oven? In general, there is no big difference where to bake. It’s just that everything is much faster in the microwave; you don’t need to “stoker” it. And the dish turns out just as tasty and healthy. By the way, to opponents of microwaves, they do not emit anything harmful and it is high time to study their effects and use them to their advantage.

Is it possible to bake apples in the microwave?

We always have apples, they are familiar to us, one might say, ordinary. But sometimes you get tired of gnawing on them fresh, you want variety. And another plus, and a huge one, of baked apples is that they do not cause bloating, like fresh ones. This means they can be used by children, even infants, their nursing mothers, and anyone for whom apples are prohibited, for example, after abdominal surgery.

Do not believe those who convince you that baked apples lack vitamins and nutrients. Everything is preserved, even some substances enhance their healing effect. They also contain a lot of fiber, so they are a very healthy dietary product that can restore your digestion.

How to prepare apples for baking

  1. You can bake them whole, stuff them with something, or fill them with halves. But first, you need to wash them. Imported fruits are often treated with paraffin; it is quite difficult to remove from the surface of the peel; you need to wash it with a rough brush in hot water. I simply wash my homemade apples with baking soda.
  2. There is no need to peel the fruits before baking, otherwise they will fall apart and lose their shape. But to prevent it from cracking, it makes sense to make several punctures with a wooden toothpick.
  3. To prepare apples for stuffing, you need to cut off the top part evenly, it will be the lid. Using a sharp knife, cut out the core with the seeds in a circle and take it out. Leave the bottom untouched. Also, to ensure that the apples bake evenly, select approximately the same size of fruit.
  4. If you bake apples in slices or halves, then just cut them and take out the middle. But don't cut the slices too thin, again, they will fall apart.

How long to bake apples in the microwave

Apples come with hard flesh; these take the longest to bake; juicy, crumbly fruits bake faster. The time also depends on the size; the larger, the longer it takes to bake.

The time also depends on the power of the microwave oven, I have a regular, standard one, in which I bake a medium-sized apple for about five minutes when turned on at 700 Watts.

How to bake apples in the microwave - recipes

I first read about how to bake apples in the microwave in a recipe book that came with this very microwave, although it was my first microwave oven, it was not as sophisticated as modern ones, but the first thing I tried were these recipes .

Then, having gotten the hang of it, I started baking apples with a variety of fillings. And when my youngest daughter was born, from the age of three months she began to slowly introduce complementary foods made from apples like these. I am happy to share my recipes.

Bake apples in the microwave with cinnamon

Do you like the combination of apples and cinnamon? I'll give it to the children a lot. We even add it to all our apple pies. This spice gives the smell of warmth and comfort. You can also add sweet raisins to the dessert; I think your kids will be delighted with such a healthy dish.

We take:

  • Six medium-sized sweet and sour apples
  • Handful of brown raisins
  • Two large spoons of sugar
  • A teaspoon of cinnamon
  • Half a glass of water

Cooking process:

Pour boiling water over the raisins for the first time, rinse and drain the water, then rinse again under running water and soak for a few minutes to soften the berries.

Wash the apples too, cut each into eight slices, cutting out the centers in advance. In this recipe, you can remove the peel, since we will cook in a fireproof container and the dish should boil a little. We set the microwave at 800 watts and the time for 5 minutes. Then open the lid, mix the ingredients and set it again for 4 minutes.

Baked apples in the microwave for a nursing mother

I remember when I was a nursing mother, I wanted exactly what was impossible. Then my grandmother told me how she baked pumpkin and apples in a Russian oven. I tried it, it turned out to be very tasty and my baby didn’t have any colic. You can have this dish already on the third day after giving birth. There are a huge number of benefits and at the same time quick disposal of extra pounds.

We take:

  • Eight apples with thick skin
  • Two hundred grams of pumpkin pulp

Cooking process:

To make sure you like the dessert, choose sweeter apples and better pumpkin than nutmeg varieties. We don’t use sugar here, because we not only need to enjoy vitamins, but also return our figure to its previous size.

We wash the apples and remove the cores. Grate the pumpkin on a coarse grater and stuff each apple, place the lids from the top cut part on top and set at 700 Watts for eight minutes; if the apples are too hard, add more time.

How to bake apples in the microwave with honey and dried apricots

I make this recipe with honey almost every weekend. Delicious, indescribable. The aroma in the house is dizzying. I make this dish for breakfast and everyone immediately wakes up from the smell.

We take:

  • Six medium sized apples
  • Five large spoons of honey
  • A handful of dried apricots
  • A little cinnamon

Cooking process:

As always, wash the apples, cut off the caps and cut out the centers. Dried apricots should be poured with boiling water for three minutes, rinsed well and finely chopped. Afterwards, you can stuff the apples into it separately, then pour it with honey, but I immediately mix honey and dried apricots in a bowl, add a pinch of cinnamon, then stuff the apples.

How to bake an apple in the microwave for a child

The development of taste directly affects the development of the child himself, his speech and psyche, as scientists say. At half a year old, you can start introducing baked apples to your baby if the child is absolutely healthy. In general, such food does not harm the stomach like ordinary apples, so be bold and develop your taste.

We need to take:

  • Sweet soft apple
  • spoon of water
  • On the tip of a teaspoon of butter

Cooking process:

You and other family members may also want to try some apples, then take a few. For children over one and a half years old, you can sprinkle it with sugar.

Wash the apple, take out the middle, put a piece of butter there and place it on a plate, at the bottom of which we pour water.

Set the microwave to the highest power for five minutes of baking. After turning it off, you need to let the dish stand in the microwave for a while.

Baked apples in the microwave with sugar

For this dessert, you can use both sugar and powdered sugar. Simple, fast, no frills.

We need:

  • Three medium apples
  • One and a half teaspoons of sugar
  • Cinnamon optional
  • Three large spoons of water

Cooking process:

We prepare the apples in the same way, remove the centers, and pour half a spoonful of sugar into them. Pour water onto a dish and place apples, bake at the highest power for five minutes.

How to bake apples with cottage cheese in the microwave

Baked apples with cottage cheese can easily pass for a light dinner. There are few calories here if you take low-fat cottage cheese, so it will be very useful for those losing weight.

We take:

  • Three big apples, Antonovka will do
  • Two hundred grams of low-fat cottage cheese
  • Large spoon with a pile of sugar
  • A handful of dried apricots
  • Handful of raisins

Cooking process:

Pour boiling water over the raisins and dried apricots, leave for about twenty minutes, then rinse well. Place on a paper towel to dry.

Dried apricots need to be cut into small pieces; if the cottage cheese is grainy, it is better to rub it through a sieve. In a cup, mix cottage cheese with sugar, grind thoroughly, then add dried apricots and raisins.

Wash the apples, cut out the centers, put cottage cheese inside, and cover with the cut off tops. Set the microwave to 500 watts and bake for 8 minutes.

Baked apples with banana and cinnamon

When you have to go on a diet, the worst thing is to give up sweets, but you crave it badly. So, in order not to lose my temper, I make such a delicious dessert. Very good for the tummy, and usually the whole family joins me.

We take:

  • Two red apples
  • Overripe banana
  • Ground cinnamon or stick
  • Vanillin on the tip of a knife

Cooking process:

Cut the apples into halves and remove the middle, placing them on a plate. Mash the banana and immediately add vanilla. Place the banana pulp into the cavities of the apples and sprinkle cinnamon on top. Bake at 700 Watts for seven minutes.

Apples baked with strawberries

Great recipe, I tried it once and now I cook it all the time. An excellent dish for a children's birthday table.

We will take:

  • Five red small apples
  • Two hundred grams of strawberries or wild strawberries
  • Large spoon of potato starch
  • Two large spoons of sugar

Cooking process:

Mix starch with sugar in a separate bowl. Cut out the centers of the apples. Place them on a plate. Place berries in the center of each apple and sprinkle a mixture of sugar and starch on top. Bake for 7 minutes in the microwave.

How to bake apples in the microwave, video

Apples are one of the most affordable, tasty and healthy fruits that can be eaten as a dessert or snack. Each apple is a storehouse of vitamins and beneficial microelements. Under the thin skin hide potassium, calcium and fluorine, easily digestible iron, vitamins A, B and C, iodine, phosphorus, folic acid, fiber, pectin and a whole range of other substances necessary for the body.

But not everyone can afford to enjoy fresh fruits. Breastfeeding women, young children and people with gastrointestinal problems are not recommended to eat apples raw. Fruit acid can cause irritation of the oral mucosa, stomach and intestines, and the digestion of coarse fiber can cause flatulence.

Heat treatment is a great way to prevent unpleasant consequences and preserve the usefulness of your favorite fruit.

Apple cooking is extensive and varied. They are used to make jam, jam, puree and pastille, add to sweet pies, dry, soak, bake and pickle. When choosing one or another cooking method, you need to consider how this will affect the preservation of beneficial properties.

The article will discuss one of the most gentle cooking methods at home, which will preserve all micro- and macroelements - baking apples in the microwave.

Calorie content

Baked apples in the microwave have a low calorie content (47 kcal per 100 grams), so they can be consumed by those who are watching their figure; they are even one of the main components of the diet table.

Apples baked with honey and cinnamon have a high calorie content - up to 80 kcal.

Below is a table with the energy value of apples baked with different ingredients.

I will look at the most delicious microwave recipes, and based on them you can create your own variations.

Classic recipe in the microwave

The easiest microwave recipe is to bake apples without filling.


  1. Cut washed and dried fruits into halves or smaller slices as desired, remove the core and place in a baking dish.
  2. You can sprinkle sugar or cinnamon on top.
  3. Place in oven for 4-6 minutes.

Let cool slightly and you can enjoy the finished dish.

Apples in the microwave for a child

Baked apples are a healthy sweet for children from six months of age, when the baby begins to develop a new diet.

A universal recipe that is suitable for a baby is to bake apples without filler.


  1. Wash the apple, cut off the top and cut into two parts.
  2. Remove the core with seeds and hard membranes.
  3. Place a small piece of butter in the middle of each half.
  4. Place in microwave at 600-700 watts for 5-8 minutes.
  5. Cool, remove the skin and soften to a puree.

If your child is under one year old, do not use litter. For older children, you can fill the halves with sugar, honey, nuts, and add a little cinnamon.

Apples with jam or cinnamon

To prepare the dessert, you will need 3-4 medium-sized apples, jam (1 teaspoon per fruit) or ⅓ teaspoon cinnamon per 3 fruits.


  1. Cut clean and dry fruits into two slices.
  2. Remove the core and make a small indentation.
  3. Place the halves in the mold and fill each cavity with jam.
  4. Cover the mold with a microwave-safe lid and microwave for 5-8 minutes.

You can remove the skin and cut into 4 or 8 pieces. Place apple slices in a single layer in a mold and pour over jam or sprinkle with cinnamon. Bake covered for 10 minutes for a tender dessert. If you leave the dish for 4 or 6 minutes, the apples will retain their shape and will be moderately soft.

Video recipe

Recipe with sugar or honey

Apples baked with honey or sugar are one of the most popular recipes. It is better to choose fruits of sweet and sour varieties with thick skin.

You will need:

  • 3-4 apples;
  • 0.5-1 teaspoon of honey (sugar) per fruit.


  1. Wash the apples and cut off the top.
  2. Cut a funnel-shaped hole and remove the seeds.
  3. Fill the holes with honey (sugar) and cover with the top.
  4. Place in the oven for 5-7 minutes (maximum power).

Cooking time depends on the size of the fruit and the power of the microwave.

As soon as the skin is browned, the juicy, aromatic dish is ready. Let the apples cool slightly and then sprinkle with cinnamon or powdered sugar.

Video recipe

A few tips to help you prepare baked apple dessert.

  • The cut slices can be mixed with the filling in advance and laid out in layers. The result is a fruit casserole.
  • The juice that will be released during cooking can be poured over the finished dessert.
  • When baking whole apples, cut out the core so that the thickness of the walls and bottom remains at least a centimeter.
  • For cooking, it is better to use deep glass or ceramic dishes.
  • To keep the apples in shape, pierce them in several places.
  • Baking time in the microwave takes from three to ten minutes. This is influenced by the type and size, filling and oven power. If you want a softer consistency, cook longer; if you want a denser consistency, remove the apples earlier.
  • With the addition of water and covered, the apples cook faster.
  • Sprinkle the finished dessert with cinnamon, powdered sugar or cocoa. This will give the dish a more aesthetic appearance, additional taste and aroma.

Are nutrients retained?

You can be sure that apples cooked in the microwave retain almost all the beneficial substances of fresh fruit.

Regular consumption of baked apple delicacy is beneficial because:

  • Normalizes metabolism, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys.
  • Removes toxins and cholesterol.
  • Has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.
  • Promotes weight loss and reduction of fat deposits.
  • Smoothes and tightens the skin.
  • Strengthens the body's protective properties.
  • Enriches the body with essential vitamins.

Video story

Microwave-baked apples can be used as a dessert and side dish for poultry or meat dishes. The dessert will not lose its taste both hot and cold. The taste can be changed depending on preferences, and each time you can invent something new. The filling may vary. These are sugar, honey, fresh or frozen fruits, dried fruits and nuts, cottage cheese, jam, chocolate, cinnamon, ginger, wine, cognac and much more.

Hello, dear readers of my blog! Fresh fruit desserts are rich in vitamins.

And baked apples are a healthy dish that is suitable for small children, nursing women and those with problems with the digestive system.

You can prepare this dish very quickly if you know a few tricks. So, let's find out how to bake apples in the microwave. After all, there are a large number of recipes with various fillings.

Did you know that baked apples are almost as healthy as fresh ones? Vitamins are retained in fruits even after heat treatment.

Baked fruits contain iron, calcium and potassium. And, as you know, potassium helps strengthen the heart muscle and also helps stabilize blood pressure.

In addition, such a component prevents accumulation.
The benefits of baked apples are undeniable. In this case, you just need to know how to prepare them correctly. This product contains a significant amount of fiber, which activates the digestive system.

In addition, it allows you to restore the composition of lymph and blood.

Cooked fruits retain a substance called pectin, which absorbs and removes harmful components from the body. This is an excellent option for.
In addition, such apples have low calorie content, so the recipe for baked fruits can be used when losing weight.

Baking rules

Before you make a delicious dish, you need to familiarize yourself with some baking rules, and also find out how many minutes the fruits are cooked.
If you are preparing the fruits whole and with the peel, wash them first with a brush.

Then remove the top and remove the core with the seeds. This must be done even if the fruit is without filling.
If you use fillings, make a cylindrical cutout.

This will make stuffing the fruit easier.
To save yourself the hassle, you can cut the fruits in half and then remove the cores. In the video you can see how some recipes are prepared.

Don't forget to poke holes in the peel with a toothpick, fork or knife. This will prevent the fruit from cracking.

How much time you need to spend baking depends on several factors:

  1. Size of fruit - the larger the fruit, the longer it will take.
  2. From the variety. For sour fruits, the time should be increased.
  3. Composition and quantities of filling.
  4. Power indicator.

To bake a medium sized fruit with sugar it will take 5-10 minutes. Fruits with sauce will cook quickly, but fruits with filling will take longer.
By the way, sour varieties of apples can be prepared with honey, and sweeter ones with viburnum, currants or cranberries.

Options for delicious fillings

You can use different products for the filling. You can add sugar, fresh fruit, butter, jam, cottage cheese or nuts with honey.

If you are wondering whether it is possible to use non-sweet fillings for baked fruits, then you should try it. For example, soft cheese with herbs will do.

Best Recipes

So, try the following recipes.

Apples with cinnamon

It cooks quite quickly with cinnamon. To prepare it you will need two fresh apples, a banana, vanilla and a cinnamon stick. The filling is made from mashed banana with the addition of cinnamon and vanillin.

The core is removed from the apples and the filling is added inside. Fruits are baked for – 7-8 minutes.

Recipe with honey

The sweets contain a large dose of vitamins, which helps. The list of ingredients includes apples, honey, walnuts and cranberries.
The nut kernels need to be fried in a frying pan, then chopped in a meat grinder or using a rolling pin. Add honey and cranberries to them.

All components are mixed well. The centers of fruits are removed. And the empty recesses are filled with the prepared mixture.

Dessert with cottage cheese

This dish with cottage cheese can be a substitute for dinner. It is better to take pureed cottage cheese. To prepare you will need three apples, 150 grams cottage cheese, raisins, dried apricots and brown sugar.
First, dried apricots and raisins need to be poured with boiling water. After half an hour, the water should be drained and rinsed again with boiling water.

The composition should stand for several minutes. The fruits are dried with a paper towel and coarsely chopped. Cottage cheese is ground with sugar and dried fruits.

The core is removed from the fruit and filled with filling. Baking time may vary. To obtain soft cottage cheese, it is necessary to bake 10 minutes.

And to maintain density - about 7 minutes.

These are the simple desserts you can make. If you know any other ones, write about them in the comments. Subscribe to blog updates and share useful information with friends.

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