How to cook delicious meat cutlets recipe. The main secrets and recipes for delicious homemade cutlets

Secrets of making delicious cutlets

Prepare the minced meat:

  • Of course, the main condition is high-quality meat. We buy minced meat (if we trust the seller) or cook it ourselves using a meat grinder. It’s better to turn the meat through a large nozzle. Chop the meat.
  • Very tasty cutlets are made from a mixture of minced meat: beef, pork and chicken. Or I combine pork with one of the other two - poultry or beef. According to my mood and desire.
  • Now let's move on to the bread! The bread that you plan to use for minced meat will need to be soaked in cold, boiled water, and certainly not in milk. If you soak bread in milk, then this deprives your cutlets of juiciness, since when frying, the proteins of meat and milk interact with each other.

    For cutlet mass, stale, white is best suited wheat bread, because fresh bread will give the finished cutlets an unpleasant stickiness. Keep in mind that white bread increases the volume of products well; it absorbs the released meat juice and gives minced meat sufficient fluffiness, softness and juiciness. Just don’t put a lot of bread in the minced meat, because it absorbs the oil quite well in which the cutlets are fried in a frying pan, and therefore they will turn out very fatty. IN chopped meat you can add 15 or 20 percent of the bun relative to the weight of the meat.

    If you are preparing schnitzels and cutlets from ground meat, then you do not need to squeeze the bread soaked in water before adding it to the prepared minced meat.

  • To improve the properties of minced meat, you can add a little instead of bun low-fat cheese or sour cream.

    Onion. If you are in cutlet mass you put onion, then it would be better not to pass it through a meat grinder, but just finely chop. The onion gives the cutlets juiciness.If you add sauteed onions to the minced meat, it will give the dish a special aroma and extend the shelf life of the cutlets.

    Garlic, salt, pepper or other favorite spices to taste.

    Eggs. If you want juicy cutlets, you don't need eggs!Since they will not add anything other than additional toughness to the cutlets, and then the cutlets will certainly lose their juiciness. It’s all to blame -egg white, because when frying it quickly coagulates, the meat releases a large number of juice, and the cutlets turn out dry.Eggs are usually mixed into minced meat as a binding component only in catering, so that they can then be put into cutlets more bread and water - since without eggs, minced meat with a lack of meat will simply fall apart.

    H So that the cutlets themselves do not stick to each other, and it would be more convenient for you to cut them, add a little starch to the minced meat. I like to add grated potatoes.

Combined all the ingredients.

step 2:

  • Completely already kneaded minced meat for cooking juicy cutlets OK place in a plastic bag (or better yet, two or one thick plastic bag) and beat the meat on a hard surface. This procedure compacts the meat well, and after this it will no longer fall apart in the frying pan, as housewives often complain and therefore prefer to add to minced cutlet eggs. Beat the meat on the table and after this procedure, put it in the refrigeratorrest - from 2 hours to a day.

Frankly, I don’t do this often, I’ll even say I don’t. But the younger generation sometimes specifically asks to cook cutlets, they really like the procedure of beating the minced meat :) At times like this, when they come to visit, I eat cutlets like this.

How do I do it?

  • In order for the cutlets to be “airy”, the cutlet mass must be kneaded for 10-15 minutes. But I'm lazy. I knead the minced meat in the container of the kitchen processor, set the dough kneading mode, for 5-7 minutes I'm free.

Forming cutlets:

    When forming cutlets, it is very useful, to give them the juiciness we desire, to put a piece of ice and a small piece in the middle of each cutlet. butter.

    And so that during the cooking process the minced meat does not remain on your hands, your hands must be moistened with water.

    I advise you to roll the molded cutlet in a loose egg-leison (or, to preserve the juices inside, it’s even better to first roll it a little in flour, and then in the egg) - when you place the cutlets in a frying pan, the egg will provide an impenetrable shell and help preserve it that way. way everything delicious juices inside the cutlet (if you wish, after rolling in the egg, you can bread the cutlet in ground breadcrumbs). The breading can be partial: only in one egg or only in flour. Another way is in flour and then in an egg. Full breading (or it is also called “Viennese breading”) looks like this: first in flour, then in egg, and in breadcrumbs. Sometimes they do double breading: also in flour, in egg, in breadcrumbs, again in egg, and then again in breadcrumbs.

    Cutlets made from minced meat and onions with garlic should be fried immediately, without waiting until they become dry.

    The cutlets must be fried in a well-heated frying pan, then the juice will not flow out of them, and the cutlets will turn out juicy and tasty.

    The correct frying pan is with a thick bottom. Cast iron - perfect

  • The oil is hot, the frying pan is clean.
  • After each frying batch, thoroughly remove any burnt marks.
  • Fire is close to minimal.
  • Fry on both sides. When you press ready cutlets should ooze a little. On the cut - grayish. Not red, not pink.

I hope the tips are useful!

The most ordinary minced meat cutlets.


Ground meat- 1 kg.

Bulb onions- 300 grams.

Chicken egg- 1 piece.

Spices: salt, ground black pepper.

How to cook simple minced meat cutlets

1 . Mixed minced meat (2/3 beef + 1/3 pork) is good for cutlets.

Finely chop the onion and add to the minced meat.

. Beat in 1 egg. Add salt (about 0.5 tsp) and pepper (2 pinches).

4. Mix. To prevent the cutlets from falling apart, the minced meat must be beaten. To do this, lift a piece of minced meat and light effort throw it into the bottom of the cup. Do this several times until the mass becomes homogeneous and viscous.

. We make cutlets from the prepared minced meat and roll them in breadcrumbs or flour.

Place the cutlets in a frying pan with hot vegetable oil and fry until golden brown on both sides.

Simple delicious minced meat cutlets are ready

Bon appetit!

Minced meat is one of the most popular and beloved semi-finished products by housewives. You can use it quickly, inexpensively and very tasty to prepare many dishes, and one of the most adored by all domestic families is cutlets. Of course, it is better to prepare the minced meat yourself, from fresh meat, but a purchased product can also be of high quality, and even cheaper than purchasing a piece of tenderloin.

How to choose good minced meat

When you come to the market or supermarket, you need to know exactly the expiration date of the product. You can often see it on the packaging or ask the seller. But if only it were that simple.

  • Color. If the minced meat is meat, not chicken, you should know that Ground beef more reddish, rich dark red, and pork is lighter, pinkish. And their prices are different. But that’s not the point, the main thing is that the color should be rich, bright, either red or pink. If you see white impurities, it is obvious that the minced meat contains soy or lard additives, or worse. Do not take minced meat of dubious color with a bluish tint - such a product is clearly not suitable for human consumption.
  • The smell of minced meat should be clear - the smell of meat is identical. By smell you can determine whether the product contains the sourness inherent in spoiled meat. It is better if there is no pepper, salt or other spices in the minced meat. This way you can accurately determine by smell whether the product is fresh. Do not take minced meat with spices - this is the first sign that the expiration date has expired, and additives are a disguise.
  • Good minced meat always releases juice, like any meat. Cartilage and other waste do not produce such juice, which means you do not need such minced meat. We want natural cutlets for the family.
  • By touch you can determine what quality the minced meat is. Take medical gloves with you to the market. Try the minced meat, if under your fingers it has a uniform consistency, without lumps, you can safely purchase it. If it doesn’t look much like butter in consistency, it’s not meat, it’s minced meat made from cartilage and waste.

How to properly freeze and defrost minced meat for cutlets

If you bought a lot of minced meat, it is better to freeze it in parts. That is, if you need 400 grams, freeze them in exactly these pieces so as not to constantly defrost whole piece. Frequent defrosting will cause the minced meat to deteriorate.

And so, to defrost the minced meat into cutlets, you need to put the package with the product in a bowl and hide it in the refrigerator for a day. This is exactly how much it will need to defrost on its own, which will preserve the freshness and taste of the product. This is the case if you are cooking for today.

If you need to cook for today’s lunch, put the bag of minced meat in a saucepan and pour cold water. Yes, exactly cold, in it the minced meat will defrost faster, and microbes in it will not multiply, which is inevitable when defrosting in warm water or just near the stove, at room temperature.

Secrets of making minced meat cutlets

If there is not enough minced meat, add a little (1-2 tablespoons) semolina, so the mass of minced meat will increase and you will get more cutlets. The main thing is to constantly beat the minced meat thoroughly, 3-4 times during the entire preparation, and after adding all the ingredients: spices and salt, eggs/semolina/potatoes, onions and garlic, you need to mix the minced meat for about 10 minutes with your hands.

To make the cutlets tasty and not bland, it is better to use minced beef and pork. For children you can prepare and chicken cutlets, they are more tender and softer. Or you can mix all three types, this will not affect the taste of the cutlet.

To make the cutlets juicy and fluffy, add white bread, soaked either in milk, or if there is none, in warm water. So there is more minced meat, and the taste is richer, and the colettes are easier, since they will simply be fresh and hard from minced meat.

To create a crispy and crispy crust, it is better to roll the cutlets in flour. You can also roll it in breadcrumbs, but this is no longer traditional cutlets, and cutlet Kiev (if there is filling inside). You can make breaded cutlets for variety; they have a slightly different taste.

Good day to everyone! Today I will show you recipes on how to deliciously and quickly prepare various aromatic, crispy cutlets in your kitchen that can be given to both adults and children. Of the many options, I hope you will find your favorite and unique look. Cook in a slow cooker, in a double boiler, in a frying pan, in the oven. 😮

Make them with gravy, breaded, with or without flour, with milk, and even without bread, are you surprised? Then read the article to the end. And of course, subscribe to the blog, because very soon I will introduce you to another version of liver cutlets.

So, let's go.

I would like to say that there are two interesting points in preparing this dish:

1. The most important rule is fresh meat. If you want to achieve juicier cutlets, it is recommended to use minced meat in a 1:1 ratio, for example beef + pork.

2. If you are on a diet, then the best option cutlets from chicken meat or turkey.

It's no secret that the most delicious cutlets are made from minced meat, which is mixed in half, this is beef plus pork. They are also called " homemade platter» They turn out fluffy and taste perfect. The main thing is that they are easy and simple to prepare at home.

We will need:

  • Meat - 300 g beef and 300 g pork
  • Loaf - several pieces
  • Eggs - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves optional
  • Flour - 150 g
  • Vegetable oil for frying
  • Salt, pepper, spices - to taste

Cooking method:

1. The whole process of cooking such cutlets will not take as much time as it might seem. First, make the minced meat; to do this, grind the pieces of beef and pork through a meat grinder or a blender. Onions can also be immediately twisted together with the meat. Or you can grate it.

Soak the bread bar in milk or ordinary water, let it get wet, then squeeze it out with your hands and throw it in the meat grinder too. It's almost ready! All that remains is to add the egg. Add some salt. Add finely chopped garlic and pepper to taste. Mix everything thoroughly.

Important! Without eggs, the cutlet will not work, or rather it will, but it may fall apart in the pan and it will look sloppy.

2. Now use your hands to form meat balls, and then flatten them with your hands, you get such cool and delicious cutlets!

3. The final stage before frying is dredging the meat treats in flour. You can use not only flour, but breadcrumbs or semolina. What do you usually roll them with?

Important! To prevent the minced meat from sticking to your hands when you make cutlets, you need to rinse your hands with water.

4. It's time to fry. Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil, then reduce the heat and fry one side first, when you see a brown crust on the bottom, turn it over.

5. Be careful not to let the fat get on your hand and burn you. Although, if you do everything according to the instructions and turn down the heat in time, this will not happen. These are the meat crunches we got! Magnificent and very, very tasty. My men love them very much.

Juicy minced pork cutlets, recipe with photos step by step

There is no special secret in this option; as you can guess, pork meat is quite fatty and juicy in itself. But I still recommend adding onions and garlic for flavor. To make them the most tender, I add to the pork chicken fillet.

My sister always fries this way; in her opinion, it is the best and most delicious option. Try it too.

We will need:

  • Pork pulp - 1.5 kg
  • Chicken breast - 400 g
  • Onions - 2 pcs.
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Dry white bread - 6 slices
  • Frozen butter - 150 g
  • Breadcrumbs - to taste
  • Vegetable oil - to taste
  • Salt - to taste
  • Ground black pepper - to taste

Cooking method:

1. Cut the pork and chicken fillet into pieces and grind them, preferably in a meat grinder along with onions and garlic. Soak the bread in water for 3-4 minutes, then squeeze it out and knead it with your hands, add to the minced meat. Mix everything, add salt and pepper.

2. Now the secret technology is how to make cutlets so that they are very juicy and the most delicious. To do this, use butter, which must first be frozen. Cut it into small pieces, as it shown on the picture. Stir and place the resulting minced meat in the refrigerator for an hour.

Important! The frying pan with vegetable oil should be well heated, but after you start placing the cutlets in the frying pan, do not forget to reduce the heat and fry with closed lid.

4. Fry on both sides until beautifully golden brown. They look simply great and taste even more aromatic.

Important! Since carcinogens are released in very hot oil during frying, the vegetable oil should be changed each time meat cutlets are added to the frying pan. refined oil. Remember this!

These beauties will definitely delight you with their spicy taste, and your loved ones will definitely ask for more.

Beef cutlets

For someone beef cutlets, these are the most delicious))) everyone has different tastes. 😎 Which ones do you prefer the most?

We will need:

  • potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • minced beef - 500 g
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • pepper, salt to taste
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • flour for deboning
  • greenery

Cooking method:

1. Experts recommend mincing the beef, not once, but twice, so they will turn out more tender, softer and juicier. If you use ready-made ground beef, you also need to skip it one more time. Pass the peeled potatoes and meat through a meat grinder. Or you can grate it. Pepper, salt, and finely chop the dill for flavor. Cut the onion into small cubes.

2. Mix all the ingredients, and then form the minced meat into these beautiful meat beauties, which you roll in flour.

3. Fry in a heated frying pan with vegetable oil on both sides until beautiful crust. It should look something like this:

4. Basically, all cutlets are served with a side dish, for example, mashed potatoes or buckwheat, pasta. And for them you need a special and delicious gravy. I suggest you cook this one. It is prepared easily and simply. After frying, fill the dish with water so that it does not cover the cutlets at all, add laurel, spices, allspice, salt and simply boil this mixture for about 20 minutes so that the cutlets release their flavor.

Important! You need to simmer under a closed lid over low heat. If you want your gravy to be thick rather than thin, add flour to it.

How should you add flour to make the gravy thick? It’s very easy, to do this, stir flour (1-2 tbsp) in a glass (0.5 tbsp) with water, and then pour it into the boiling gravy, stir and simmer for another couple of minutes.

Minced chicken cutlets

You can prepare a lot of dishes from such minced poultry, and chicken Kiev is no exception.

We will need:

  • minced chicken— 250 g
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • starch - 1 tbsp
  • milk - 3-4 tbsp
  • salt, pepper to taste, vegetable oil for frying

Cooking method:

1. Take minced chicken, add diced onions, one egg, salt and pepper. For juiciness, pour in a little milk.

2. The mixture will be very tender and slightly pink. Sprinkle with starch, mix and form cutlets into any shape you like. It all depends on your preferences, it will not affect the taste in any way.

3. Then fry them in a frying pan with vegetable oil with the lid closed so that they do not burn. If you want your cutlets to be crispy, then roll them in breading or semolina.

Important! Don’t think that the cutlets in semolina will not be tasty, or that the semolina will squeak on your teeth, nothing like that, it will be very, very tasty, just cool and crunchy! I always roll it in semolina and am very pleased.

Quick cooking option chicken cutlets ready, serve with mashed potatoes or you can make a hamburger out of them, or maybe you can fry them especially for hamburgers?! 🙂

If you like to cook chicken cutlets at home, then take note of this article, in it you will find the most delicious and best practices:

Fish cutlets from pollock (hake, pike perch, cod) with semolina

I suggest everyone try this option, because fish is rich in different useful substances, especially it contains a lot of phosphorus. You can cook from any fish, for example pike or pike perch, you can take sea fish.

We will need:

  • hake, pike perch, pollock - any 1 kg
  • onions - 1-2 pcs.
  • bread or loaf - 2-3 pieces
  • tomato paste - 2 tbsp
  • vegetable oil
  • salt and pepper to taste

Cooking method:

1. How to cook such cutlets? Clean the fish from scales, cut into small pieces. Chop the onion into cubes and fry in a frying pan with vegetable oil until beautiful golden color. Cool it down.

2. Grind the pieces of fish through a meat grinder, soft bread, which must first be soaked in water and squeezed out with your hands, fried onions. Salt and pepper.

3. With wet and damp hands, make balls like these. Fry them in a frying pan, the oil, of course, should be well heated, and then reduce the heat, fry with the lid closed, on both sides. Tender and tasty cutlets are ready!

4. Now after frying, place the prepared cutlets in a saucepan, add water, 1 tbsp tomato paste which should be boiling, you can use it from a kettle, break the bay leaf and simmer for 2-3 minutes. Tomato sauce ready.

5. It is best to serve this dish with rice or potatoes, as well as buckwheat. Bon appetit!

Crab sticks cutlets with cheese

Have you tried such unusual, original things using crab sticks. They use a minimum of ingredients, but the taste is extraordinary, similar to fish.

We will need:

  • crab sticks - 1 package 200 g
  • cheese - 100-150 g
  • egg - 2 pcs.
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • flour for breading

Cooking method:

1. Grate the sticks and cheese. Pass the garlic through a press. Mix all ingredients together, add salt and pepper. Add eggs. Next, make these little red cutlets from the mixture and dip them in flour.

This is the easiest simplified option, even a beginner or any novice housewife can handle it.

We will need:

  • minced meat - 1 kg
  • fresh potatoes - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • water or milk - 2 tbsp
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • egg - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

1. Chop the garlic and onion finely with a knife, usually this is done by hand.

2. Try to grate the potatoes on a fine grater, or on a coarse grater.

3. Add grated potatoes, garlic and onions to the prepared store-bought minced meat. Place one egg in there. Stir and form the minced meat into lumps, then flatten them with your hands. Your hands must be wet every time for everything to turn out beautifully.

4. Now place them in a steamer or you can use any baking dish in the oven.

If you are using a steamer bowl from a multicooker, then turn on the “Steam” mode and bake them for about 20 minutes.

If you are using an oven, then install temperature regime 180-200 degrees and bake until golden golden brown crust. Baked in the oven are also very fragrant and beautiful!

And of course, traditionally you can fry the cutlets in a frying pan. Which method do you prefer? Write your comments, I will be glad))) 😛

5. Wow, that's what happened! Juicy, soft, tender and very, very tasty! This type is universal, you can make it without onions, it will be delicious too! This option is good because if you don’t have bread or a loaf, you can replace it with potatoes. Alternatively, if there are no potatoes, you can sprinkle the minced meat with semolina and let it stand so that the semolina swells for about 20 minutes.

If desired, roll in breading or flour, or make without flour and without breading.

Secrets of cooking the most delicious and juicy cutlets

P.S. You can put a surprise in any type of cutlet, for example, hide boiled food inside each cutlet quail egg or finely chopped chicken eggs, you can also use grated cheese, and even sausage.

Any such meat balls, round or oval shape can be frozen and made into semi-finished products home production. And there, any day you can take it out and bake it, fry it for dinner or for a hearty afternoon snack.

That's all, see you soon) Have a nice, bright and colorful day everyone! May you have a great mood!

How to cook delicious cutlets from ready-made minced meat so that they turn out juicy inside and crispy, with golden crust outside? The secret lies not only in the right consistency minced meat, but also in the frying technology itself: the oil must be hot, and heat treatment carried out immediately after rolling in breadcrumbs. Knowing all the nuances of cooking, you will be able to prepare perfect, classic cutlets, which hold their shape perfectly, are aromatic and very tasty.


  • minced meat 1 kg
  • chicken eggs 2 pcs.
  • onion 1 pc.
  • garlic 2 teeth
  • milk 1 tbsp.
  • bread crumb 200 g
  • pepper mixture 1 g
  • ground crackers 3 tbsp. l.
  • salt 1 tsp.
  • sunflower oil 150 ml

How to cook classic minced meat cutlets

We prepare all products according to the list of ingredients. It is better to take minced pork and beef - due to the fatty pork, the cutlets will turn out very juicy and tender.

  1. We completely cut off all the crusts from the loaf, and cut the resulting crumb large cube or tear it into small pieces with your hands so that they absorb the milk as quickly as possible (200 g of bread crumb is approximately 1 glass). Bread must be added, because it will give the cutlets fluffiness and also make them more tender by absorbing all the meat juice.

  2. We put the bread crumb into a separate container and fill it with a glass of milk, leave for 10-15 minutes, and in the meantime we make minced meat.

  3. Drive a couple of them into a deep bowl with minced meat. large eggs- if the eggs are small, then you can put 3-4 pieces. Add salt and ground pepper to your liking.

  4. Place the bread that has absorbed the milk into a bowl with the minced meat (there is no need to squeeze it out with your hands, pour it out along with the remaining milk). We peel the garlic and onions, and then chop them - in order to get a homogeneous mixture that will combine perfectly with the minced meat, it is best to grate the vegetables on a fine grater. Grinding onions and garlic into a mushy state in a blender or by hand will not work.

  5. Combine all the ingredients, mixing them vigorously with your hands. As a result, the minced meat on the cutlets should be homogeneous and not stick to your hands. If it is still sticky, then it contains little fat, which means you need to add 1 to 2 tablespoons sunflower oil without smell.

  6. Set the minced meat aside for 10 minutes so that all the ingredients are combined, then stir vigorously again, saturating it with oxygen, and begin to form cutlets. The calculation of minced meat per cutlet is approximately 1 tablespoon. Use your hands to form round or oblong cutlets, and then roll them in breadcrumbs.

  7. Immediately fry in hot vegetable oil - 3-4 minutes on one side. high fire, then turn over and cook for another 5 minutes, reducing the heat to low and covering the pan with a lid. We determine the readiness of the dish by lightly pressing and focusing on the color: when pressed, it should appear clear juice, in cross-section the cutlet is light gray in color.

Serve the finished minced meat cutlets hot. They turn out very juicy - the breadcrumb crust allows you to completely retain all the meat juices inside the cutlet. Suitable as a side dish mashed potatoes, rice, porridge, as well as salad or vegetables in any form. Bon appetit!

  1. If the minced meat is not purchased, but will be prepared with your own hands, then the meat should be minced 2-3 times. If desired, you can chop it very finely with a knife - in this case, you will be able to retain maximum meat juice.
  2. To prepare minced meat for cutlets, you should not use a fresh loaf, as it will add extra stickiness to it. A yesterday's, slightly dry loaf is best.
  3. If you use minced chicken, you don’t need to add eggs to it - they will make the cutlets too tough.
  4. For more spicy taste You can put a little mustard in the minced meat, and also experiment with spices by adding coriander or suneli hops.

Minced meat cutlets in a frying pan are perhaps the most desired dish both on weekdays and on holidays. Every housewife, no doubt, knows how to cook minced meat cutlets in a frying pan so that they turn out juicy, fluffy, and most importantly, tasty. The owners of the secrets of making such cutlets simply have no price, because minced meat cutlets in a frying pan are an indispensable hit for all times and a lifesaver that decorates any table.

To cook minced meat cutlets in a frying pan, you will need a minimum of ingredients. The main thing is that you have any minced meat on hand: pork, beef, chicken, fish or assorted meat, for example, pork + beef (whichever you like) - fresh, high-quality and preferably homemade. You can make cutlets from minced meat bought in a store, but you need to be very careful when choosing it.

To add additional juiciness to the minced meat, some housewives add finely chopped or finely grated onions, soaked white bread, others finely grated potatoes, chopped cabbage and other helping ingredients that can give the cutlets that very zest that makes them unique original. There are many options for supplements. So, the cutlets will turn out very juicy if you put a piece of frozen butter inside each one and add chopped herbs to it. You can simply add greens to the minced meat.

A few words about breading. Some housewives are of the opinion that minced meat cutlets in a frying pan must be breaded, while others do without this procedure. Moreover, both of them turn out wonderful cutlets.

You also need to fry minced meat cutlets in a frying pan correctly: pour vegetable oil into the frying pan and distribute it over the entire surface, heat it up, reduce the heat to medium, and then add the cutlets. Fry for about 10 minutes on each side until golden brown, then add a little water to the pan and simmer covered for another 10 minutes until done.

Do you want to surprise your family? delicious cutlets? Visit us and choose the recipe that you like.

Cutlets from mixed minced meat in a frying pan

500 g minced pork,
500 g minced beef,
1 onion,
1 egg,
150-200 g loaf or white bread,
2 -3 cloves of garlic,
2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise,
vegetable oil,

For cooking, use a loaf or bread that is not the freshest, but slightly stale, so that the cutlets do not turn out fluffy and not too sticky. Pour milk over the bread pulp and leave for 15 minutes, then squeeze out. Add finely chopped or grated onion and garlic passed through a press, bread mayonnaise, salt and pepper to taste to the minced meat and mix thoroughly. In order for the minced meat to become dense and at the same time juicy, many chefs advise beating it thoroughly. You can simply lift the mass of minced meat and slam it on a table or plate with noticeable force, or you can put the minced meat in a bag, tie it, leaving enough space and removing the air, and slam it with this structure. In any case, your cutlets will only benefit from such a massage. Next, form the minced meat into cutlets, roll each one in breadcrumbs and fry in a frying pan with heated vegetable oil on both sides until golden brown. Then pour just a little water into the pan, cover it with a lid and let the cutlets simmer for another 10 minutes.

Another tip that may come in handy when you cook minced meat cutlets in a frying pan. Add some dried herbs, having previously ground it into powder into breadcrumbs. The finished cutlets fried in this mixture will turn out very aromatic.

Homemade minced pork cutlets

600-700 g minced pork,
2 onions,
3-4 cloves of garlic,
1 egg,
1-1.5 cups. milk,
2 slices of loaf (150-200 g),
vegetable oil,
salt, ground black pepper - to taste.

IN warm milk soak the pulp of the loaf or white bread and leave for 15 minutes. Meanwhile, chop the onion and add it to the minced meat, knead the mass well with your hands and, adding the squeezed out loaf pulp, mix the minced meat well again. Add garlic, egg, passed through a press to the meat mass, salt and pepper to taste. Stir the minced meat until smooth and begin forming cutlets. This is much easier to do with wet hands. Roll the resulting cutlets in breadcrumbs and fry them over medium heat in a frying pan with heated vegetable oil on both sides until golden brown. When the cutlets are browned on one side, turn them over and cover the pan with a lid. After removing the lid, check the readiness of the cutlets as follows. Pierce the cutlet with a fork - if the juice appears clear, turn up the heat and cook the cutlets for another 2-3 minutes on each side. The cutlets are browned, which means the dish is ready.

Delicious ground beef cutlets

600-700 g minced beef,
2 potatoes,
1 egg,
1 onion,
dill, salt, ground black pepper - to taste,
flour for breading.

Typically, ground beef is minced twice. To make the cutlets more tender. If you are using store-bought minced meat, don’t be lazy, pass it through the meat grinder one more time along with the peeled raw potatoes. Or then add finely grated potatoes to the minced meat. In a word, act at your own discretion. Ready minced meat add salt and pepper, add chopped dill, finely chopped onion and mix well. Form cutlets, roll them in flour and fry in a preheated frying pan with vegetable oil on both sides until beautiful delicious crust. Add a little water to the pan, cover with a lid and simmer the cutlets for about 10 minutes. For flavor, you can add black peppercorns or bay leaves to the water.

Minced chicken cutlets in a frying pan

900 minced chicken,
3 processed cheese “Druzhba”,
1 egg,
1 bunch of green onions,
1 bunch of parsley or dill,
2 cloves of garlic,
3 tbsp. l. mayonnaise,
vegetable oil,
salt, spices - to taste.

Grate processed cheese, chop the onion, garlic, herbs and add all these ingredients to the minced chicken. Stir, beat in the egg, add mayonnaise, salt and pepper to taste. Mix everything thoroughly one more time and form small cutlets from the resulting mass. Roll them in breadcrumbs and fry in a frying pan with heated vegetable oil on both sides until golden brown.

According to statistics, there are much fewer lovers of fish cutlets than those who prefer meat cutlets. However next recipe capable of making you reconsider your views on fish cutlets even the most desperate non-lovers of them.

Minced fish cutlets in a frying pan

500 g minced fish,
200 g pumpkin pulp,
1 egg,
3 tbsp. l. flour,
1-2 cloves of garlic (optional)
salt, pepper - to taste,
vegetable oil.

Connect with minced fish finely grate the pumpkin, add the egg beaten with a fork, the garlic passed through a press and mix. Then add flour to the minced meat, knead it, salt and pepper to taste. With wet hands, form cutlets and fry them in a frying pan with heated vegetable oil for 3-4 minutes on each side.

Minced meat cutlets in a frying pan - this is a minimum of time and maximum pleasure!

Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina