How to decorate a sponge cake with curd cream. Sponge cake with cottage cheese cream and fruit "birthday"

  1. Separate the whites from the yolks and send to the refrigerator, leave the last at room temperature. Sift the flour through a sieve into a separate bowl. Preheat the oven to 180C, grease the baking dish with butter or cover with parchment paper.
  2. Beat the yolks with a mixer. Whisk without stopping, add half the icing sugar and beat until a fluffy light mass is formed within 3-4 minutes. Stir the sifted flour to the yolk cream and stir until smooth.
  3. Combine the proteins in a separate bowl and also begin to beat with a mixer. When the whites beat up to steady peaks, add the remaining powdered sugar and grated lemon zest. Stir the protein cream to the dough and put everything in a pre-prepared form, send it to the preheated oven.
  4. Bake a cake sponge cake with curd cream for about 20-25 minutes. After the specified time, turn off the heat and leave the biscuit in the oven for another 15 minutes. Take out the mold and leave to cool for a few minutes, remove the biscuit on the wire rack and let it cool completely.
  5. In the meantime, prepare the curd cream for the biscuit cake. Pour gelatin into a small container and cover with cold water, leave for 15 minutes to swell. Then put the container in a water bath and heat the mixture, stirring, until the dry residue is completely dissolved. But do not bring the gelatin to a boil, otherwise it will lose its properties.
  6. Remove the container from the water bath and leave to cool. Cut canned pineapples into small pieces. Combine cottage cheese in a bowl with cream and stir thoroughly with a whisk until completely homogeneous.
  7. Whisk the curd cream with a whisk and pour in the gelatin mixture. Then stir in the icing sugar and canned fruits. Cut the cooled biscuit lengthwise into two equal parts. Put the lower part in a mold (preferably detachable) and soak in syrup from canned fruits (2-3 tbsp is enough). It is not necessary to saturate the biscuit.
  8. When the cake is soaked, put the curd cream on top and smooth the surface. Cover the curd cream with the top crust and press down a little. Send the cake mold to the refrigerator to set the cream and soak the cakes.
  9. Sponge cake with curd cream should be infused in the refrigerator for at least 3-4 hours. After the specified time, you can prepare the icing for the cake. To do this, break the chocolate into pieces and put it in a small bowl along with the cream, put in a water bath.
  10. Heat the chocolate mass, stirring occasionally, until all ingredients are completely dissolved. Remove the container from the water bath and leave to cool for a couple of minutes. Remove the mold from the refrigerator, remove the split ring (or gently turn the cake out of the mold onto a dish).
  11. Cover the sponge cake with curd cream with chocolate icing and leave in the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes. Remove the curd cake from the refrigerator, cut into portions and serve. Bon Appetit!

They appeared so long ago that today it is not known for certain who created this delicacy. And is it really that important? The main thing is that today airy baked goods pleases all connoisseurs of delicate and delicious desserts. The dough is not very diverse, but the filling in it can be completely unexpected, thanks to which each delicacy has its own unique taste. One of the most delicate layers - cottage cheese cream for a biscuit cake - is a direct proof of this.

Light and delicate dessert

Curd cream is one of the most popular types of cake filling. This is not surprising at all, because such a layer is not only tasty, but also very useful. It is a pleasure to work with the cream: it is very flexible and malleable. Dessert is prepared in a matter of minutes, which is very important given the modern pace of life.

You don't need to be an experienced pastry chef to make a delicious and delicate cream from cottage cheese. It is enough to have the necessary products, a good mixer and a little desire to pamper your loved ones with an amazing dessert.

Suitable Ingredients

The main component of the cream is cottage cheese. The choice of this product should be taken seriously, because the taste and appearance of the confection will depend on its quality. The dairy product must have a pasty consistency. Coarse-grained cottage cheese is unlikely to make a delicate, airy and plastic cream. The taste of the ingredient is also very important: it should not be sour, otherwise the cake runs the risk of acquiring the same relish.

One of the most important conditions is the freshness of the dairy product. Low-quality cottage cheese will not only ruin the festive delicacy, but also lead to food poisoning. It is necessary to carefully study the expiration date of the product before purchasing it. It should be borne in mind that the cake can be stored for several days and the cottage cheese can turn sour already in the finished dish. It is highly recommended that you purchase a product manufactured no earlier than a few days prior to purchase. It is especially important to follow this rule if the delicacy is being prepared for children.

Additional ingredients are other dairy products: cream, sour cream, yogurt, kefir, milk, condensed milk, soft cheese and butter. All products must be fresh and of good quality. Only by giving preference to natural ingredients, you can be sure of a flawless result. Various analogs labeled "product" (cheese product, sour cream product, etc.) are not suitable for the production of cream, since they do not have the proper quality and taste.

To diversify the taste of the filling, you can use various fruits: bananas, pineapples, lemons, oranges, strawberries, cherries, peaches, apricots, etc. Cocoa, walnuts, almonds, white and dark chocolate will add bright colors and new flavors to the cream. For a magical scent, add a few drops of fruit extract or vanillin.

To achieve a denser consistency, gelatin or starch is used. However, such a layer is suitable only for juicy cakes pre-soaked in syrup, coffee or liqueur.

Having prepared all the products and taking out the mixer from the cabinet, you can safely start creating a luxurious treat. Sponge cake cream recipes will help create a real masterpiece of confectionery art.

Creamy curd layer

If you want to taste the most delicate, light and airy delicacy that you can imagine, you should definitely make a cream cheese cream for the biscuit. The filling is flawless in all respects: it cooks quickly, is easy to apply and does not leak. The only drawback is the high calorie content, but dietetic qualities are unlikely to be expected from the cake.

You will need:

Step by step guide:

  1. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve with small holes.
  2. Pour the cream into a deep bowl, and then add powdered sugar, lemon juice and vanillin to them. Begin the whisking process with a mixer at low speed. By gradually increasing the power, achieve a splendor of the mass. The well-whipped cream should increase in volume.
  3. Little by little adding the grated cottage cheese, stir the mass intensively, bringing it to a homogeneous state.
  4. Send the finished cream to the refrigerator for half an hour.

Tip: for the cream to whip better, it must be well cooled. The curd used should also be removed from the refrigerator just before cooking.

Yoghurt cream

Can dieters enjoy the delicious sponge cake cream flavor? The yogurt recipe answers - yes! The ingredients of the layer are very useful and in a separate form are used even by those who carefully monitor their figure. So why not turn these foods into light, delicate and insanely delicious cake fillings?


  • one and a half glasses of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • a glass of yogurt 4%;
  • a bag of vanilla sugar;
  • a teaspoon of potato starch.


Tip: if the cream is too thick, the cakes should be soaked in syrup, alcohol or coffee. If the filling is too runny, you can use a banana. This fruit is capable of thickening the cream.

Cottage cheese filling with gelatin

If you need to achieve the stability of the dessert, then curd cream for a biscuit cake with gelatin is what you need. Such filling turns out to be light and weightless, and baked goods always have a neat appearance. When using a gelatin layer, it should be borne in mind that the cakes must be fairly moist, otherwise the dessert will turn out to be dry.

You will need:

  • half a kilogram of cottage cheese 9%;
  • large package of gelatin (40 g);
  • sugar;
  • one and a half glasses of sour cream;
  • half a glass of warm drinking water;
  • two packs of vanilla sugar.

Step by step guide:

Advice: if the cream still begins to solidify, it should be put on moderate heat and, stirring constantly, bring to the desired consistency.

Butter dessert

Cream of cottage cheese with butter is the favorite type of filling for many confectioners. Such an impregnation has a smooth, thick consistency, which makes it very obedient even in the hands of an inexperienced cook. Unlike classic butter layers, cream with cottage cheese turns out to be very light and does not make baking heavier. This dessert is perfect for filling and decorating cakes, pastries, cupcakes, and other goodies.


  • a kilogram of cottage cheese;
  • half a kilo of butter;
  • a few tablespoons of lemon zest;
  • three glasses of powdered sugar (the amount can be adjusted at your discretion).


Tip: If the cream is used for decoration, it can be given the desired color. This will help food colors, which should be introduced immediately after the curd.

Delicacy with condensed milk

The recipe for curd cream for biscuit with condensed milk is distinguished by its simplicity and rich creamy taste. This layer is reminiscent of the popular Bird's Milk dessert. Any cake will become much tastier if you soak it with a filling based on condensed milk and cottage cheese.

You will need:

  • a can of condensed milk;
  • half a kilogram of fat-free cottage cheese;
  • a glass of powdered sugar.

Step by step guide:

  1. Turn cottage cheese into a homogeneous mass using a sieve or blender.
  2. In a deep bowl, combine condensed milk and powdered sugar.
  3. Begin whipping at low speed. Increasing the power, slowly introduce the cottage cheese. Beat until fluffy, smooth.
  4. The cream can be used immediately or cooled slightly.

Tip: If the filling seems too sweet, you can add a little freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Cream with cottage cheese and sour cream

The cottage cheese cream turns out to be very lush, delicate and airy. Sour cream gives such properties to the layer. The filling perfectly penetrates even the driest cake layers. For the cream, you must use products with the highest percentage of fat.


  • a kilogram of fatty cottage cheese;
  • one and a half glasses of sour cream 30%;
  • two incomplete glasses of granulated sugar;
  • a bag of vanillin.


  1. Turn the curd into a homogeneous mass in a standard way.
  2. Add vanilla, sugar and beat with a mixer for 5 minutes.
  3. Without stopping to work as a mixer, gradually introduce sour cream. Beat all the ingredients until the volume increases several times.
  4. Send the finished layer to a cold place for one hour.

Advice: this cream is in perfect harmony with chocolate. To make the cocoa-flavored filling, melt two chocolate bars in a water bath. After cooling the mass a little, add it to the finished cream and beat again with a mixer.

Banana tenderness

The cream with cottage cheese and banana turns out to be so delicate that it just melts in your mouth. Dessert with such a filling has a delicious taste and wonderful aroma. The consistency of the layer can be changed by increasing the amount of kefir. The saturation of the dessert depends on how many bananas are used, the more there are, the brighter and sweeter the taste.

You will need:

  • half a kilogram of cottage cheese;
  • half a glass of fatty kefir;
  • a few ripe bananas;
  • a bag of vanilla sugar.

Step by step guide:

Tip: The finished cream should be tasted. If the bananas haven't produced enough sweetness, you can increase it with powdered sugar.

Little tricks for great enjoyment

Making cottage cheese cream is a creative process. By experimenting with the ingredients, incredible results can be achieved that will delight all tasters. Properly selected natural ingredients will make baked goods not only tasty, but also healthy. So that the dessert always turns out to be "5+", a few simple rules should be followed:

Having filled the pastries with cottage cheese cream for the cake, you can not worry that the dessert will remain invaluable. Products with such a filling always evoke admiration and gratitude from everyone who was lucky enough to eat them. Bon appetit and the most delicious cakes!

Attention, only TODAY!

A cream based on cottage cheese is prepared quickly, does not require heat treatment, but it turns out to be light and fluffy. Cottage cheese must be taken with a fat content of 5% or more (preferably homemade). In order for the cottage cheese cream for the biscuit cake to be the most airy, the dairy products that are used in the recipe must be whipped in a blender in advance.

Traditional curd cream requires only available products and only 15 minutes of time. It is only important to strictly follow the technology of its preparation.


  • 300 g of cottage cheese 9% fat;
  • 440 g icing sugar;
  • 2 g vanillin;
  • 70 g butter.

Cooking method.

  1. The oil is allowed to melt a little under natural conditions and combined with curd and vanilla.
  2. Beat the ingredients with a mixer on medium speed until fluffy.
  3. Next, the composition is mixed with a spoon, adding powder in parts. First, it is better to sift it through a fine sieve.
  4. All components are beaten again with a mixer on a minimum setting for 3 minutes. You should get a light, airy cream.

Helpful advice: if the curd cream is too thick, the biscuit cakes need to be additionally moistened with impregnation (for example, fruit, alcoholic, coffee).

Cooking recipe with gelatin

Gelatin cream is ideal for multi-layered colored cakes: in the context of such a dessert looks very impressive.

Required products:

  • 480 g of cottage cheese with a fat content of 5–8%;
  • 80 g sugar;
  • 100 g icing sugar;
  • 20 g of granulated gelatin;
  • 120 ml of boiled chilled water.

Cooking technology.

  1. Gelatin granules are poured with water and left under room conditions for 40 minutes to thicken (the way gelatin swells may differ from manufacturer to manufacturer, so you need to read the information on the package).
  2. The solidified gelatin is heated in a water bath and then cooled.
  3. Combine cottage cheese, powder, sugar, gelatin. Stir with a whisk.
  4. Before use, the curd cream with gelatin is placed in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.

Curd sour cream

To prepare this cream, only 3 components are required, but it is very important to follow the technology here. If you beat the food for longer than necessary, the air mass will turn into a liquid.

The cream will be fuller if the sweetened sour cream is cooled in advance.


  • 250 g of cottage cheese with a fat content of 8%;
  • 400 g sour cream fatter;
  • 160 g granulated sugar.

Cooking method.

  1. Take a homogeneous cottage cheese or rub it through a sieve so that not a single grain remains.
  2. Sugar is dissolved in sour cream.
  3. Combine sweet sour cream and cottage cheese and beat until lightness with a mixer on a slow mode for strictly 8 minutes.
  4. Sour cream-curd cream is cooled for 40 minutes before use.

Helpful hint: the cream can be supplemented with seasonings to taste: cardamom, cinnamon, natural vanilla, as well as candied fruits, dried fruits and toasted nuts.

How to cook in a multicooker?

With the help of a multicooker, in 15 minutes it will be possible to make a custard, which can be used not only for spreading the cakes, but also for decorating the dessert.


  • 250 g of cottage cheese;
  • 0.5 liters of milk;
  • 200 g granulated sugar;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 50 g wheat flour;
  • 100 g butter.

Cooking steps.

  1. They take out the oil in advance to make it softer.
  2. Beaten eggs, sifted flour, melted butter and sugar are mixed. Beat the cottage cheese separately and combine with the total mass.
  3. Milk is poured into the multicooker bowl and the "Heating" mode is turned on. Warm until warm.
  4. Milk is poured into the main composition in a thin stream. Mix well.
  5. The resulting mixture is poured into a slow cooker and put on the "Stew" mode for 5 minutes (if you need a thick cream - for 8 minutes).
  6. The finished cream is cooled first on the table, then in the refrigerator.

Chocolate curd cream

This cream attracts with an exquisite and memorable taste: with sourness from cottage cheese, with a slight bitterness from chocolate.

Required components:

  • 600 g of fatty (better homemade) cottage cheese;
  • 100 g milk or dark chocolate;
  • 400 ml whipping cream;
  • 100 ml of fat milk;
  • 20 g of instant gelatin;
  • 1 g vanilla;
  • 50 ml of strong brewed coffee;
  • 60 g granulated sugar.


  1. The cream is cooled beforehand and then whipped with half of the cooked sugar into a strong foam.
  2. Gelatin is soaked in water and heated in a water bath.
  3. Cottage cheese is ground with the rest of sugar and vanilla. Filter the coffee and pour it into the curd mass, mix well.
  4. The chocolate is broken into slices, poured over with milk and melted in the microwave or in a water bath.
  5. Combine all ingredients in a large bowl and mix gently.

Condensed milk

Thanks to the addition of condensed milk, the cream acquires a pleasant creamy taste. So that the layer does not turn out to be overly sweet, the components are diluted with fresh lemon juice.

Required products:

  • 350 g of cottage cheese;
  • 100 g of condensed milk (uncooked);
  • 50 g icing sugar;
  • 1 g vanilla;
  • 180 g butter.


  1. In a capacious cup, beat the pieces of butter with powdered sugar with an immersion blender or mixer.
  2. Continuing to beat on a slow mode, condensed milk is introduced in portions (a spoonful at a time).
  3. Cottage cheese is ground through a fine sieve and added to the first mass. Continue to beat with a mixer at low speed.
  4. The resulting cream is placed in the refrigerator for 30 minutes before sandwiching the cake.

Curd yoghurt cream

The product is very light, has a delicate taste and low calorie content. It is preferable to take yogurt without additives and supplement it with natural juices.

For cooking you will need:

  • 500 g non-grained cottage cheese 5% fat;
  • 400 g of natural yogurt;
  • 20 g bagged gelatin;
  • 80 g granulated sugar;
  • 120 ml of water;
  • 40 ml of concentrated juice of your choice.

Cooking technology.

  1. Gelatin is poured with cold water for 40 minutes.
  2. Beat the cottage cheese with a mixer, add yogurt and continue to beat. In the process, sugar is poured.
  3. The swollen gelatin is heated in a water bath until the granules disperse.
  4. Continuing to beat the curd-yoghurt mass, add gelatin and juice.
  5. After thorough mixing, the cream is placed in the refrigerator for 30 minutes to fix.

Curd banana cake layer

Banana is able to improve the consistency of the cream, so if the composition is not thick enough due to the low fat content of the cottage cheese, you should add this fruit.

You will need:

  • 0.5 kg of cottage cheese;
  • 3 medium ripe bananas;
  • 2 raw yolks;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 200 g sour cream;
  • 100 ml of milk;
  • 70 g sugar;
  • 10 g vanilla sugar.

Cooking method.

  1. Beat the yolks first separately, then with sugar. Grind thoroughly until the sand dissolves.
  2. Heat the milk, put sweet yolks in it and, bringing it to a boil, turn off the stove. The mixture is cooled at ambient temperature.
  3. Separately combine cottage cheese, sour cream, slightly melted butter, vanilla sugar. All are whipped in a blender.
  4. Milk-yolk mixture is introduced, mixed.
  5. The finished cream is placed in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  6. Cottage cheese creams are ideal for all biscuits. They go well with light, chocolate cakes, both simple and with various fillings.

Making a sponge cake with cream at home is not difficult. The taste of the dessert depends not only on the quality of the cakes, but also on the layer.

The ideal option is cottage cheese cream. By the way, slices of fruits or berries, the color palette of which is very diverse, will help to revive it, to make it interesting and colorful.

Recipe: Sponge cake with a layer of curd cream and a fruity note

Pound the dough out of:

glasses of flour; four eggs; 2/3 cup granulated sugar; a bag of vanilla sugar; a pinch of salt and a teaspoon of baking powder.

The finished cakes are soaked in syrup from a can of rolled apricots.

100 g each of powdered sugar and sour cream with a fat content of 20%; 0.3 kg 9% fermented milk cheese; 4 canned apricots.

Decoration for a cake with curd cream: one chocolate candy or several slices of chocolate. Grate the candy on a coarse grater to form shavings.


  1. Place eggs, vanilla sugar, and regular sugar in a bowl.
  2. Use a mixer to turn the mixture into a homogeneous fluffy mass with bubbles.
  3. Pass the flour through a sieve and mix with baking powder.
  4. Pour dry ingredients into a bowl in portions, beat well until a not very thick dough.
  5. Line a high-sided form with parchment paper and pour out the dough.
  6. Place the crust in the oven, which should be preheated to 190 degrees.
  7. After 30-35 minutes, check the readiness of the baking with a match, if necessary, leave the cake in the oven for another 5 minutes.
  8. First chill the sponge cake in the form, then remove from the form and place on the wire rack.
  9. Divide the cold biscuit lengthwise into two parts, then saturate with syrup from a jar of apricots, as required by the recipe
  10. Make a cream by rubbing sour cream, cottage cheese and powdered sugar.
  11. Put one part of the crust on a board or tray, brush it on top with a thick layer of curd cream.
  12. The next layer consists of canned apricots, cut into slices and spread close to each other on top of the cream.
  13. Make a layer of cream again.
  14. Cover the structure with a second cake layer.
  15. Spread the remaining curd cream over the cake on all sides. Smooth the surface with a spatula.

When decorating dessert, grate a chocolate bar. Sprinkle the treat on top.

Before serving, the treat should be kept in a cool place, it should be soaked for three to four hours.

Get the Recipe: Parsla Sponge Cake

If you have never made this cake at home before, I advise you to correct this mistake as soon as possible.

Having tasted a treat at least once, you will make it your favorite dessert.

The delicate structure and delicious taste will win your heart forever, I assure you, because I know what I am talking about.

Sponge cake ingredients:

4 eggs; 120 g of premium flour and sugar; baking powder bag; a pinch of salt and a quarter teaspoon of vanillin.

Curd cream consists of:

½ cup white sugar; A 200-gram pack of cottage cheese with a fat content of 9 to 15%; a teaspoon of vanilla sugar and 250 ml of 33% cream.

Decorate the cake with cottage cheese cream with cocoa powder, you will need 2 tablespoons without a top.

Curd cream with vanilla aroma perfectly complements the airy sponge cake, making it delicate and refined.

If you have doubts about the sprinkling, and your hand still reaches for the chocolate chip, then I dare to assure you that my version is more suitable.

Cocoa has a neutral taste, this chocolate powder will accentuate the taste of baked goods, add piquancy and special taste to it.


  1. Beat eggs in a deep bowl. They need to be fresh and clean before you start breaking them.
  2. Turn on the mixer and beat the eggs at maximum speed until a foamy mass is formed (as in the photo)
  3. Gradually add granulated sugar to the bowl. Work the mixture with a mixer for about five minutes, until it brightens and increases in volume several times
  4. Sift flour into a separate bowl, mix it with other bulk ingredients: baking powder, vanilla sugar and salt. If you decide to use an extract instead of vanilla sugar, add it to the beaten eggs.
  5. Do not skip the stage of sifting flour, this will affect the splendor of the biscuit.
  6. Pour dry mixture into a bowl, stirring everything with a spatula. Do not try to make heavy movements, the mass should not fall off. Therefore, move the spatula not in a circle, but from the bottom up, as if turning the dough
  7. Watch the consistency of the dough, it should turn out to be moderately thick, but at the same time it is easy to pour from the bowl into the baking dish. The amount of flour that you put into the dough can be increased by a couple of tablespoons, it all depends on the size of the eggs and the gluten contained in the flour.
  8. Take a rectangular baking sheet measuring 20x30 cm. If it is large, the biscuit will turn out to be thin, and the cake itself will be low and inconspicuous. Line the baking dish with parchment paper and pour the dough out of the bowl.
  9. Smooth the surface with a spatula if necessary.
  10. Preheat the oven to two hundred degrees. Carefully so that no air bubbles come out of the dough, place the baking sheet on the middle shelf in the oven.
  11. Bake the biscuit for 10-15 minutes, observing it only through the transparent door. In no case should you open it, there is a risk that the air structure of the cake will be irretrievably lost.
  12. When the biscuit acquires a golden brown surface, turn off the oven and remove it on the table.
  13. Flip the cake onto the wire rack, carefully peel off the parchment. Leave to cool completely.

In the meantime, make a curd biscuit cream:

  1. In a bowl of suitable size, mix the cottage cheese, fine-crystalline sugar, vanilla.
  2. Process the mixture until homogeneous with an immersion blender. It should not be lumpy, but have a smooth and delicate structure.
  3. Pour the chilled, high-fat cream into a bowl that will need to sit in the freezer for a few minutes. Such preparations will help speed up the whipping process. Use a hand whisk or mixer, in the second case, the work will be completed much faster.
  4. If your cream doesn't whip for some reason, add a thickener or regular potato starch.
  5. Combine curd and whipped cream together. You will get a delicate and delicious cream with a vanilla aroma.

Forms the cake on a rectangular platter or tray:

  1. First, the cake must be divided lengthwise into two equal parts. Use fishing line or culinary string for convenience. Make shallow cuts on the sides of the biscuit with a knife, as if marking the boundaries of the cut. Wrap the sponge cake with thread, inserting it into the cuts, cross the ends, and pull on them until the cake is completely divided.
  2. Put the first sponge cake on a platter, apply cream (one third)
  3. Repeat layers: biscuit, curd cream (1/3 of the total volume)
  4. Lubricate the sides of the biscuit with the remaining cream and smooth with a wide-bladed knife (see photo).

It remains to sprinkle the cake with cocoa powder. It is more convenient to do this with a sieve, so the sprinkling will lie evenly and evenly.

But do not rush to serve dessert yet, it must be sent to the refrigerator and allowed to stand for several hours. If you can't wait any longer, after two hours you can carry out a tasting by cutting into portions.

If a cake with cottage cheese cream is intended for several people, say, guests have come to you, then you can bake another biscuit cake by hammering in the dough from half of the products that the recipe requires.

My video recipe

I bring to your attention a recipe for a delicious strawberry cake with curd cream. This pastry is based on biscuit cakes soaked in sugar syrup. I made cottage cheese cream from homemade cottage cheese and sour cream, but store-bought ones are also suitable, the percentage of fat depends on your taste preferences, as well as the amount of sugar. If you come across dry cottage cheese, you will have to add a little more sour cream, you need to look at the consistency of the cream. And if the cottage cheese is very grainy, be sure to wipe it through a sieve or beat with a blender. You can decorate the cake in various ways, the main thing is to turn on your imagination. My sweet tooth rated this cake at the highest point, I hope you will like it too. Let's start!

Prepare the required foods.

Wash the eggs well and divide them into whites and yolks.

Beat the whites with a mixer until light foam.

Then, without stopping whipping, add sugar in portions. Beat whites with sugar until firm peaks.

Shake the yolks with a fork until smooth.

Add the yolks in portions to the protein mass, beating with a mixer for another 2-3 minutes.

Add sifted flour and very gently, from bottom to top, stir with a spatula. The dough should be fluffy and airy.

Prepare a baking dish. Cover the bottom of the mold with parchment paper, lay out the dough.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake the biscuit for 30 minutes, until golden brown. Do not open the oven door during baking, otherwise the cake will not rise.

Leave the finished biscuit in the form for 5 minutes, and then transfer to the wire rack and allow to cool completely.

While the biscuit is cooling, you need to prepare the sugar syrup. To do this, combine water with sugar in a saucepan, stir and put on fire.

While stirring, boil for a couple of minutes, until the sugar is completely dissolved. Remove syrup from heat and cool to room temperature.

Cut the cooled cake into 3 layers.

Soak the cakes with syrup.

Prepare the cream: combine cottage cheese, sugar and sour cream.

Using a mixer, beat everything until fluffy. If the curd is too grainy, grate it through a sieve or beat with a hand blender. The amount of sugar can be added to your liking, and you can also use powdered sugar instead of sugar.

Wash the strawberries well, remove the stalk. Cut the strawberries into thin slices. Put the cake on a dish and grease with cream, spread the berries on top of the cream.

Place the second cake layer and repeat the procedure with the cream and strawberries. Thus, collect the whole cake.

Smear the sides and top of the cake with cream as well.

Now let's turn on the imagination and decorate the cake. I garnished the sides of the cake with sliced ​​strawberries, and the top with whole and halved berries. Strawberry cake with curd cream is ready. Send it in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours (preferably at night) so that it is well saturated and can be served on the table.

Hardly anyone will refuse a piece of such a cake, especially a sweet tooth.

Bon Appetit!