How to cook regular sushi rice. How to cook sushi rice

How to cook rice for sushi? This is a dilemma that newcomers to Japanese cuisine regularly face.

Which variety to choose? How to cook it correctly? How to make a dressing? Believe me, despite the differences in our cultures, in Japan they also adhere to the principle: the simpler, the better. Therefore, just by understanding the nuances, you will manage sushi rice quickly and easily!

Rice is the main component of sushi, so when preparing it you should take into account all the recommendations of Japanese chefs. If undercooked, it will spoil the taste of the dish; if overcooked, it will ruin your rolls. The lack of pronounced taste is also considered “bad form” in the Land of the Rising Sun. Therefore, we understand the recipe for preparing sushi rice thoroughly!

5 secrets of sushi rice

  1. The Japanese use rice varieties for their favorite dish, which we call “Japanese” and “Mistral”. If you can’t find them in the supermarket, you can get by with regular round-grain. This will not make the rolls worse - it has been proven by culinary specialists from many countries around the world.
  2. Boil the rice until tender, using water in a volume of 1:1.5. This means that 200 grams of rice requires 300 ml of water. In this proportion, the cereal will not boil over and will retain its shape.
  3. Rice grains must be washed before use. Do this in a bowl, in running water. You need to drain the water many times until it remains cloudy. The grains of rice that float to the surface are also removed: the Japanese consider them spoiled. And all the black particles of poorly cleaned cereal.
  4. At the beginning of cooking, a cube of nori seaweed (kombu) is placed in cold water. It gives a special flavor to sushi rice; the recipe later requires removing the nori before boiling the water so that the taste is not spoiled.
  5. The classic sushi recipe calls for a vinegar dressing. It is sprinkled over the rice after it is cooked. The grains of rice are carefully turned over so that the dressing is distributed evenly. You can’t mix them, otherwise a mess will form. Both the rice and the dressing should be hot, but not fiery, so the rice should be allowed to cool after boiling.

Sushi rice recipes

Once you learn how to make sushi rice, you'll be free to make any type of dish at home, from Philly sushi with smoked salmon to Dynamite shrimp and avocado rolls. There are many recipes for preparing the base of the dish.

I present the most popular and simple ones.

The simplest recipe


  • 200 gr. rice;
  • 700 gr. water.

For refueling:

  • 2 teaspoons;
  • 2 tablespoons sugar;
  • 3 tablespoons rice vinegar (can be replaced with apple cider vinegar).

If you use Japanese rice, you need to rinse it several times until the water runs clear. It will not lose its stickiness. If you use regular rice, you only need to rinse it once to maintain its stickiness.

After rinsing, pour cold water over the rice, put on the fire and bring to a boil. After boiling, reduce heat and simmer for 15 minutes without a lid. Remove from heat, cover and leave for 10 minutes to allow the rice to absorb the remaining water.

To prepare the dressing, stir salt, sugar and rice vinegar in a small saucepan. Place on the fire and stir constantly until the salt and sugar dissolve. Bring vinegar to a boil, remove from heat, cool.

Pour the dressing over the rice and stir gently. To prepare sushi, use rice at room temperature. Sushi rice is used within one day, it cannot be stored and used later.

Here are more popular recipes for making sushi rice

Recipe No. 1

  1. Rinse the rice, pour into a saucepan, and cover with water. Place a piece of nori in cold water. Remove the nori before boiling. After this, do not open the lid again.
  2. Bring to a boil over medium heat. Reduce heat to low and simmer for 10-15 minutes. The water will be completely absorbed.
  3. Turn off the heat and remove the pan from the stove. Keep covered for 15 minutes.

Recipe No. 2

  1. Pour the washed cereal with water: 2 cups for 1 cup of rice.
  2. Leave to swell for 30 minutes.
  3. Bring to a boil on the stove, covered.
  4. Reduce heat to low and simmer for 10 minutes.
  5. Remove from the stove; do not open the lid for 20 minutes.

Recipe No. 3

  1. Rinse the rice and add to boiling water.
  2. Reduce heat and cover the pan.
  3. Simmer the rice grains until the liquid is completely absorbed.

Recipe in a slow cooker

Preparing the base of the rolls is possible not only in a saucepan. Let's learn how to cook sushi rice in a slow cooker.

  1. Rinse the cereal and soak for 30 minutes if it is Japanese rice. When using regular round grain, there is no need to soak.
  2. Place in a bowl and add water at the rate of 250 ml per 200 g of cereal.
  3. Set the “Buckwheat” or “Rice” mode. If they are not provided, use the “Baking” mode with a timer for 10 minutes, then turn on the “Stewing” mode for 20 minutes.

How to Make the Perfect Sushi Rice

Preparing the dressing

An equally simple question is how to prepare a dressing for sushi rice. You will need 3 components:

  • rice vinegar - 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon.

This volume is enough for 450 grams of finished cereal (using 200 grams of dry rice).


  1. Pour vinegar into the pan.
  2. Add sugar and salt.
  3. Stir over medium heat until completely dissolved.

It turns out to be a classic dressing for sushi rice, but the recipe is complicated in that you can’t always find rice vinegar here. If it is not available in stores, you can prepare an analogue yourself.

Vinegar for sushi

Option #1

You will need:

  • grape vinegar - 4 tablespoons;
  • sea ​​salt - teaspoon;
  • sugar (white, brown) - 3 teaspoons.

Mix everything and dissolve over the fire, without bringing to a boil.

Option No. 2

You will need:

  • apple cider vinegar - a tablespoon;
  • salt - half a teaspoon;
  • sugar - teaspoon;
  • hot water - 1.5 tablespoons.

Preparation is similar to the first option.

Option No. 3

You will need:

  • table vinegar 6% - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • soy sauce - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • sugar - a teaspoon.

Mix everything and heat to dissolve.

If you don't have vinegar, you can use lemon juice. Mix it with a small amount of sugar and drizzle over the rice.

Ginger for sushi

Some sushi recipes call for the use of ginger to achieve a tangy, spicy flavor. The question of how to prepare ginger for sushi is also easy to figure out.


  1. Peel the fresh root (weighing about 400 g), cut into thin pieces - “petals”. Boil for a minute in boiling water or rub with salt and leave overnight. In the morning, wash off the salt.
  2. How to cook chicken in the oven: 10 cooking tips

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How to cook rice for sushi and rolls so that the roll or nigirizushi does not fall apart when dipped in the sauce, or look askew on the serving plate? Rice is used so often in Japanese cuisine that it’s time to talk in more detail about its preparation. This is the most difficult and rather tedious stage in an exciting action, but you can’t do without it.

How to select and wash grains, whether it is necessary to cover the pan with a lid when cooking and how to determine readiness - we will tell you about these and other aspects of preparing rice for rolls and sushi.

How to choose good rice for rolls and nigiri

Cooking rice begins at the Japanese food shelf in a supermarket or specialty store. Yes friends, How no matter how hard you try cook rice for sushi By all rights, if the gluten content is low, a fiasco is inevitable. Here we need a “golden mean”:

  • the rice should not turn into a paste on one side, otherwise the rolls will spread;
  • on the other hand, do not try to get a crumbly “pilaf”, or the roll will begin to crumble when you try to grab it with bamboo sticks.

To ensure that Japanese-style gatherings don’t go wrong, consider the five rules of choice.

  1. Sushi houses Can cook round grain rice. How Elite varieties cannot be better suited: such grain is large, regular in shape, without cracks or breaks. It contains a lot of starchy substances, so the grains of rice will stick together well and the sushi will keep its shape.
  2. As for the color, it is definitely white and opaque. Steamed, transparent options, and brown rice are strictly not suitable.
  3. An almost win-win option is special Japanese rice. The best varieties are sushi and koshi-higaru, brands are Sen Soi, Blu Dragon, Urutimae, Motigome.

Choice is choice, but the benefits of a product can only be appreciated if you know how to cook sushi rice at home.

Stages of preparing rice for rolls

There are many recipes for cooking cereals; five basic steps with minor variations are immutable.

  1. Sushi rice needs to be washed. This is done in a small bowl under running water. This step requires special attention: the cereal will have to be washed 8-10 times before the water becomes clear. It is better to throw away the floating grain - it is low-quality cereal.
  2. Place clean rice grains in a saucepan and fill with water. The cooking ratio is 1:1.5. For example, to prepare 300 grams of grain, take 450 milliliters of water.
  3. Flavor the rice. Nori for sushi and rolls is like bay leaf in European cuisine. A piece of seaweed thrown into a pan of cold water will add a tart sea aroma to the entire dish. Be sure to remove the seaweed as soon as the water starts to boil.
  4. Let's start cooking. Cooking time and temperature largely depend on the cooking method and type of sushi. Generally, cook sushi rice it takes no more than 15 minutes.
  5. Season the finished rice with rice vinegar. To do this, the rice must cool slightly. The ratio of grains and dressing depends on the sushi recipe. The main thing is to combine the ingredients correctly. First, do not pour the sauce over the cereal, but sprinkle it evenly. And second, porridge paste is not suitable for making sushi, so carefully separate the hot grains and turn them over with your fingers.

The theory is over, let's move on to practice. Let's try make sushi rice at home according to different recipes.

Boil sushi rice in a saucepan

The bottom area of ​​the cookware must correspond to the diameter of the burner. Have you chosen? Then let's get started:

  • add food and fill with cold water in a ratio of 1:1.5. Turn on the burner to medium heat, heat it up and put in the rice;
  • as soon as the water boils, reduce the heat to low, cook until tender for 10-15 minutes: the rice should absorb all the liquid;
  • a prerequisite for traditional sushi rice recipe– “ripening” hot rice for 5-10 minutes. Therefore, we remove the pan from the stove, but do not remove the lid. To eliminate excess moisture, place a waffle towel or cotton fabric under the lid;
  • The cereal is cooked, but it is still far from being a base for rolls. Let's prepare the vinegar dressing.

Combine a tablespoon of Japanese wine and rice vinegar, add 1/2 teaspoon of sugar and 2 of the same tablespoons of salt. Mix everything thoroughly until the grains of ingredients are completely dissolved.

Place moderately hot rice in a damp container. Sprinkle the dressing over the grains, periodically turning the grains with a wooden spatula (you can use your own hands at home). Once the rice has cooled, start rolling or forming nigiri sushi.

Method for beginners: hardly cook, but let it sit

How to properly cook sushi rice a novice cook and can’t digest the cereal? There is a recipe where the cereal is not kept on a hot stove for a long time. First, thoroughly wash the cereal, the next steps are as follows:

  • the proportion of grain and water is different: 175 grams of rice are poured into 300 milliliters of water;
  • put the pan on medium heat, bring to a boil, boil for 2 minutes, turn off the burner;
  • leave the pan with the lid closed on the stove for 10 minutes. During this time, the rice will swell and absorb the remaining water;
  • Now remove the base from the stove. Open the lid: this way the cereal will infuse and excess moisture will come out.

Preparing the sauce for sushi

Do not let the grain cool completely - season with vinegar ahead:

  • For 2 tablespoons of rice vinegar, take 1 tsp. sugar and salt;
  • mix the ingredients and heat them slightly in a water bath;
  • Place the rice in a bowl, sprinkle with dressing and gently mix the cereal.

Now the sushi rice is not only cooked, but also completely ready for use in Japanese recipes.

Multicooker for preparing grains for sushi

At home sushi rice convenient prepare in a slow cooker: How As a rule, this technique allows you to more accurately regulate the temperature. True, sushi bars prefer the traditional method. It is believed that this way the rice is over-steamed. But why not make it easier for yourself at home:

  • rinse the cereal thoroughly, and also soak the Japanese rice for 20-30 minutes in cold water;
  • transfer the grain to the multicooker bowl and add water in the standard ratio for sushi;
  • set the “Rice” or “Buckwheat” mode and cook for 13 minutes;
  • if there are no special parameters for cereals, you can use “baking”. In this mode, cook the rice for 10 minutes, then switch to “stewing” and keep the grain for another 15-20 minutes.

Open the bowl and let the rice “cook” and cool at the same time. Well, then we treat the rice base with vinegar dressing.

Dressing rice for rolls - the main difference

There are others sushi rice recipes and rolls. But what’s interesting is that the cooking process is the same everywhere: washing, hot stove, “ripening” the finished grain. The sauce may vary:

  • Rice vinegar is replaced with apple cider vinegar and flavored with honey and salt;
  • sometimes “classics of the genre” are mixed with the same volume of lemon juice, salt and sugar

Choose the appropriate option for yourself and delight your friends and family with beautifully decorated rolls and nigiri sushi.

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Preparing sushi fillings is a creative matter, but the rice base does not allow liberties. Here we need to follow technology. In Japanese restaurants this process is put on stream. Let's see, how to cook rice for rolls at home, when the equipment includes an ordinary saucepan and maybe even a microwave.

First, about the rice for the rolls. We need it with high gluten, because we need sticky porridge, not crumbly. It is ideal to buy Japanese rice grains for sushi. For example, “Fushigon”, “Sen-Soi”, “Koshi Hakari”, “Sushiki”. However, without consequences for the result, it can be replaced with Russian-made short grain rice.

Before, How cook rice for rolls, necessary prepare necessary utensils and equipment:

  1. In addition to the pan, you will need a wooden spatula and a wooden mixing bowl, a deep colander for draining, and a small bowl for the sauce.
  2. The pan should have a “reserve” for the swelling of the cereal and a thick bottom. It's good if the lid is glass. Then you can observe the process without opening the pan. Before cooking, make sure the uncooked rice and water are less than half full.
  3. You need a timer, right? how to cook rice for rolls at home Without minute-by-minute observance of time, time will not work out.

Don't make the base dressing ahead of time. The composition is prepared while the boiled grain is “resting” and is immediately applied.

How to make vinegar sauce for seasoning cereals

Rice has one peculiarity - its taste is weak and bland. And this, oddly enough, is a huge advantage of this cereal, since the cook will be able to add any flavor to it. In our case, it is a tart taste, a slight sourness.

Every sushi chef has several variations of rice roll dressings “hidden” in his arsenal. We offer with the following ingredients:

  • Rice vinegar – 50-60 ml;
  • Fresh lemon juice – 1-2 teaspoons;
  • Soy sauce – 0.5-1 teaspoon;
  • Sugar – 3 tsp;
  • Salt (preferably sea salt) – 1 tsp.

How to cook refueling in . Pour vinegar and lemon juice into a gravy boat. Now mix in the dry ingredients. Stir until the “flowability” dissolves. Only now can you add soy sauce and mix again. Let us repeat, the vinegar dressing is prepared before the rice is cooked.

Let's start cooking

It doesn’t matter whether you cook in your favorite saucepan or in the microwave, you always use cereal and water in a ratio of 1 to 1.5. Rice is washed very thoroughly only in cold water. The water will have to be drained 10-12 times, no less.

Making rice in a regular saucepan

We rinse the grain until the water is clear, place it in a sieve/colander and let it swell for 20-30 minutes so that the grain swells a little more and cooks more evenly.

  1. Lay out the grain and add water. To properly prepare rice for rolls, stick to the recommended ratio of ingredients. Focus on this indicator: the liquid should cover the cereal by 1/5 of the volume of rice.
  2. Cover the pan with a lid and place on the stove at medium setting. As soon as the rice starts to boil, immediately set it to minimum and cook for 15 minutes. Do not let it boil violently and do not overcook, otherwise you will get a paste. In fact, the cereal is languishing.
  3. When the time is up, remove the pan from the stove. Place a cotton cloth under the lid and close the lid again for 15 minutes. Our cereal “ripens” to the correct consistency. Just don’t completely cover the container.

A common stumbling block for home sushi chefs: Do I need to rinse rice for rolls after cooking?. Experienced masters are categorically against this step: the porridge will become watery and lose gluten. Excess moisture is absorbed by the lined fabric, and unnecessary shells are already washed away when processing raw rice.

Next up is the vinegar dressing. The rice should be well warm – almost hot. Place it in a wooden bowl and sprinkle with the prepared sauce portionwise, gently stirring from bottom to top with a wooden spatula. Let the porridge cool to room temperature, then roll any rolls, nigiri, or gunkans.

Recipe in a slow cooker

The process is strikingly similar to the previous method. There are some advantages for inexperienced sushi chefs. The rice will definitely not burn or overcook (if “that” mode is selected).

So, how to cook rice for rolls in a slow cooker in stages:

  1. Wash the cereal in running water, let it swell and transfer it to a multi-cooker bowl. The cereal/liquid ratio is the same as when cooking in a saucepan - 1:1.5.
  2. Fill with water and set the “Rice” mode (sometimes “Grains” or “Buckwheat”). Cooking time – 20-25 minutes. But here we must also rely on the recommendations of the equipment manufacturer.
  3. After the timer clicks, indicating readiness, do not open the lid. The cereal needs to sit for 10-15 minutes.

Now the rice base can be transferred to a wooden bowl and sprinkled with marinade. That's it, the rice for the rolls is cooked. Start experimenting with your favorite Japanese dishes.

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Have you noticed that our world has become multicultural? Once upon a time it was difficult to imagine that spices cost tens of rubles, because they had to be transported from Asia, along a long and full of dangers, and it was also completely unthinkable to eat potatoes - a child of American fields, which came to Europe only with the ships of pioneering seafarers . But the world has changed! Today, if we wish, we can get almost any product from different parts of the Earth, and the cuisine of different countries has become part of our regular diet. Almost every city has a restaurant dedicated to Italian, Chinese, Spanish and, of course, Japanese cuisine, which has recently become commonplace for many. We eat sushi in restaurants, order it at home, cook it ourselves, however, we still know little about the food that belongs to the mysterious Japanese culture.

From the history

Sushi can be considered a very ancient type of food and, oddly enough, its origins can be found in South Asia, where cooked rice was used to preserve raw fish. In this process, rice was not considered part of the dish - it was only a raw material for processing seafood, and was often simply thrown away, acquiring an unpleasant smell and texture after salting. And only in the 7th century, through China and Thailand, this method of conservation found its way to Japan. Today, narezushi is prepared using this method in the land of the rising sun. It was only in the 17th century that rice became part of the sushi dish, and soon they began to produce rice vinegar, which eliminated fermentation processes. As you noticed, fish in sushi in those days was marinated, and it was only in the 19th century that chef Yohei Hanai from Tokyo suggested using it raw for cooking. Since then, the dish has been simplified so much that it can be prepared at home.

Sushi or rolls?

However, even in its simplified form, this dish is often a mystery to us. Even having made it part of our daily diet, we have not gotten rid of some stereotypes regarding sushi. And the first stereotype that we often encounter is the pronunciation of the name itself. In fact, it would be more correct to pronounce this word “sushi”, but the well-known “sushi” has already become so popular that it is difficult to imagine another option. This pronunciation is explained by the same thing as the pronunciation of the words “geisha” and “rickshaw” - borrowing not directly from the Japanese language, but from European adaptations. The second stereotype is the habit of believing that “sushi” and “rolls” are the same dish, while “rolls” are just one of the varieties of sushi that are prepared in a special way. So it is preferable to call a dish prepared by rolling rolls.

So what is the peculiarity of rolls among other types of sushi? First of all, because rolls are rolls rolled with seaweed (it doesn’t matter where exactly the seaweed is - inside or outside the roll), while sushi can be prepared in any other way. By the way, all types of sushi, except rolls, can really only be made with seafood, while rolls can include any product. Among all types of sushi, only rolls can be served hot. Finally, sushi is mostly made by hand, while the rolls are rolled using a bamboo mat.

Not only rolls...

There are currently six known types of sushi.. The first, and most ancient, is the one mentioned above narezushi. In general, the technology has changed little since ancient times: cleaned fish is stuffed with salt and placed in a wooden barrel, where it is pressed down with a heavy stone - tsukemonoishi. The fish will remain in this form for ten days, and then it will be transferred to water for a while. After the “cold bath,” the fish is moved to a new barrel, where it is lined with layers of cooked rice, which is again partially sealed with a heavy stone. The water that appears in the barrel is scooped out. And only after six months the finished dish can be eaten.

Another type of sushi - inarizushi, sushi with filling. It's usually a bag of deep-fried tofu filled only with rice, so here the sushi rice is not the material, but the filling. However, sometimes tofu is replaced with omelette or dried pumpkin.

And here oshizushi, pressed sushi, is made using a special device - oshibako, in which rice is pressed into a dense substance, which is cut into sticks.

And here's the view chirashizushi– on the contrary, otherwise called scattered sushi, because in it the ingredients are scattered over a plate of rice.

Type of sushi nigirizushi, unlike the above exotic types of this dish, is well known to any of us. These are small lumps of sushi rice, pressed with the palm of your hand, onto which a small amount of wasabi and a thin piece of seafood filling are spread. Sometimes they are tied with a strip of nori seaweed. A subspecies of nigirizushi is gunkan-maki, which is otherwise poetically called “warship”. This type is an oval of sushi rice surrounded by nori, to which a filling of caviar, natto or pasta salad is added.

Well, and finally, our most common sushi - makizushi, which are otherwise called by our favorite word “rolls”. These are cylindrical rolls of rice and filling, rolled into a dry sheet of nori or a thin omelette, which is made using a bamboo makisu mat.

Rice is the head of everything

Although the highlight of sushi is those exotic ingredients for us, the basis and common to all types of this dish is sushi rice. That's why it's important to choose sushi rice, but also to prepare it correctly. There are many ways to prepare rice for rolls. Here are some of them.

Method 1. Rinse sushi rice with cold water until the water runs clear and then leave it on a sieve for an hour. After the rice has “settled”, it must be placed in a pan and filled with water (there should be 1/5 more water than rice). For flavor, you can put a 5-centimeter piece of konbu seaweed in water heated over medium heat, which should be pulled out until the water boils. After the water in the covered pan boils, you need to reduce the heat to low and leave until the rice has absorbed all the water. Then, you need to remove the pan from the heat and let it stand for 10-15 minutes. Meanwhile, in a measuring cup, combine a tablespoon of Japanese rice vinegar or white wine vinegar, half a teaspoon of sugar, and 2 teaspoons of sea salt. Stir until the crystals are completely dissolved. Place the rice in a wooden bowl and pour over the resulting mixture, and then turn over with a wooden spatula (but do not stir!). Allow the sushi rice to cool before preparing the rolls.

Method 2. Rinse 175 grams of rice for rolls in a sieve until the water runs clear, cook it for 2 minutes in 250 milliliters of water, then turn off the heat and leave the rice to swell, covered, for 10 minutes. Then the rice should “rest” for another 10 minutes without a lid. Finally, add one teaspoon each of salt and sugar and pour in 2 tablespoons of rice vinegar. Heat the resulting rice and stir with chopsticks.

Method 3. Sushi rice is thoroughly washed in a flat-bottomed bowl, with the grains rubbing against the bottom and walls. The water must be changed periodically until it becomes clear. Drain the rice and then add water and let sit for at least 30 minutes. Pour the rice into the pan and add 1/5 more water than the rice, and place the pan over medium heat. Add a piece of kombu to the water, which must be removed before boiling. After boiling, reduce the heat and simmer covered for 10 minutes, adding sake or mirin, at the rate of 1 tablespoon per glass of rice, then turn off the heat and let it sit without lifting the lid for another 10 minutes. Mix vinegar seasoning: 7 - 8 tablespoons of rice vinegar, 1 tablespoon salt, 4 - 5 tablespoons sugar. Then take a bowl, which needs to be moistened with water acidified with vinegar and wiped. Place the rice in the center of the bowl and let it cool for at least 10 minutes. Then pour the seasoning over the mound of sushi rice. Stir the rice with a wooden spoon, which can also be fanned during the process, which will give it a pearly shine. Rice can be used for cooking when it reaches body temperature.

Method 4. Pour the washed rice for rolls into boiling water, reduce the heat and open the pan. Cook the rice in this way until the liquid has evaporated. In a small container, mix lemon juice, vinegar, salt and sugar, boil the mixture, reduce heat and wait for the sugar to dissolve. Pour the resulting liquid over the rice, close the lid and leave the rice until it has absorbed every drop. Then cool the rice.

Method 5. Rinse the rice for rolls, place in a pan and add water, leaving to swell for 30 minutes. Then put it on the fire, bring to a boil and reduce the heat to low, leaving it on the stove for 10 minutes. Let it simmer for another 20 minutes over low heat. Then dissolve salt and sugar in sushi vinegar over fire. Sprinkle the resulting mixture onto the rice laid out on parchment, mix with cutting movements and cool with a fan to body temperature.

Method 6. Place sushi rice in a large bowl, add water and stir quickly. Then drain the water and quickly rub the rice with your palms. Refill the dish with water and repeat the procedure until the drained water is clear. Drain the rice and then soak in an equal amount of cold water in a saucepan for 20 minutes. Then cover the pan with a lid and put on fire. Just before boiling, the heat should be reduced. Keep on low heat for 20 minutes until the water is absorbed. Finally, turn up the heat for 10 seconds and turn off. Place a paper towel between the lid and the pan and leave for 20 minutes, after which the rice can be treated with sushi vinegar.

Method 7. Rinse the rice for rolls thoroughly and dry, then place in a saucepan, add water and salt. Then the rice is simply boiled, and after it is ready, it is allowed to stand for 15 minutes. The rice is transferred to a deep wooden bowl, a mixture of plum vinegar and mirin is added, and then quickly mixed with a wooden spatula, being careful not to crush the rice. Then it needs to be cooled with a fan.

Method 8. Place the washed and dried rice in a saucepan with sake and brown seaweed. Leave for 1 hour. Remove the seaweed and simply boil the rice. When ready, let sit for 15 minutes. Mix apple cider vinegar, honey and salt, and then pour this mixture over the rice in a wooden bowl. Stir with a wooden spatula and cool with a fan.