How to put wine from. Stage V: wort preparation

There is always something to do for the first time. If you decide to try yourself in winemaking, you need to get acquainted with the small nuances of the process. There are few of them, but they must be observed. The most important thing is absolutely clean dishes; wooden, glass and ceramic vessels are used for cooking. So how do you make wine at home?


Where to start

Glass bottles and cylinders have positive and negative qualities. The pluses include the volume of containers, ranging from three liters to sixty. They are convenient for transportation (currently they produce braided bottles). They are good for storing finished product. The disadvantage is the need to pour wine often to ventilate it and enrich it with oxygen. Also, glassware is subject to temperature changes, which will create some inconvenience. Therefore, craftsmen tend to work with wooden barrels and barrels. Such dishes perfectly maintain the required temperature, the fermentation of the wort in such a container proceeds calmly, sunlight does not enter through its walls at all, and air penetrates quite easily. Wine in these containers matures faster. Barrels are processed, cleaned. The last step before starting cooking is fumigating the barrels with sulfur. Ceramic dishes for making wine are used very rarely.

The main stages of winemaking

Wines are made from different berries and fruits, are divided into red, white, semi-sweet. Cooking technology delicious drink has not changed since its inception. The process is improved over time, adjustments are made to it, experiments are carried out. These actions are aimed at only one thing - improving taste. The basis is the four stages of the procedure:

  • collection of raw materials and their preparation for use;
  • grinding components;
  • fermentation of the desired composition;
  • clarification of the final product.

Fruits and berries that are obviously overripe are suitable for wine. At the same time, they are carefully examined and selected. Completely unsuitable raw material with rot, mold, signs of disease. It is not subject to processing, as it obviously dooms the manufactured product to failure. It is washed well and thoroughly, the stalks and seeds are removed. The exception is grapes. If there is a white coating on the fruits, do not rush to get rid of it, as this is wine yeast for good fermentation. The wine will be aromatic.

The prepared ingredients are crushed, squeezing the juice out of the pulp, in any suitable way.

This is the most crucial moment in the preparation of any wine. In addition, it is the longest in time. This is the process of fermentation. The resulting wort is placed in a prepared container, and sugar is added. Instead, you can add wine sourdough. The container is covered with either a cloth or a lid. In this state, the contents are kept warm for several days (up to ten, no more). A feature in home winemaking is the scrupulous observation of the temperature, which must follow certain parameters: not lower than twenty-two degrees and not higher than thirty-five. If you miss this moment, fermentation will slow down and the wort will turn into vinegar. Such a basis is not suitable for making wine.

At the end of fermentation (visually this is determined by the color of the pulp, it becomes whitish, and its ascent), the fermented components are squeezed out. The resulting mass is filtered. Waste is thrown away. True, many winemakers use waste material for the second time. It is filled with water again and left to ferment. Strained liquid is poured into prepared jars, syrup is added. The bottle is closed with a rubber glove and left to required time warm to complete the fermentation process. The term of final fermentation varies from several days to three months. The container with wine should be in a dark room all this time.

Coming final stage- clarification of wine. If no signs of fermentation are visible, and the glove is in a hanging state, then you can start creating a transparent, sparkling drink. This will take some more time. A container with wine is placed in a cool and dark place, and kept for a month or a little more. Carefully, trying not to mix the liquid with the sediment, pour into containers. Then they are filtered again and bottled, they must be dry.

The process of making wine with your own hands

Red wine is made from scarlet fruits of various saturation. In this case, dark grapes are used. We need the following components:

  • grapes (9-10 kg);
  • sugar (3 kg);
  • water (5 l).

The quantity can be changed depending on the desired yield of the drink, the main thing is to observe the proportion of grapes: sugar: water (3: 1: 1.5).

We remove the grapes from the bunches of grapes, sort them out, carefully press them: with our hands and even with our feet. We fill the container by two thirds with products obtained from pressure and fill it with water. Watch its temperature (it should reach 23 degrees). There should be free space in the container, as the mass rises during fermentation. Keep the contents for several days (no more than five) in covered bottles, stirring the wort systematically.

Then we squeeze the pulp (do not forget that it should acquire a whitened hue), filter the liquid, filter it and pour it into dry containers. Adding sugar syrup. It is prepared in different sweetness (a matter of taste). For sour per liter of water we take 200 g of sugar, sweeter - one kilogram. We cook the syrup over low heat, stirring constantly, cook for half an hour. After cooling, mix with juice, mix, put on the same glove and leave to ferment. We clean and clean finished wine for some time to endure.

cook white, sunny drink can be from fruit light shades. If you want to cook apple wine, you will need fruits, sugar and water in an amount similar to previous recipe. The fruits are washed, the stalk and seeds are cut out, cut into slices and passed through a press. The prepared raw material is placed in a container. A small nuance - two to three cut apples are added to each container. Syrup prepared from a glass of sugar and a liter of water is poured into the infused mass for thirty minutes. The bottles are covered with a rubber glove or a special cap, and left in this state for ten days. Periodic stirring of the contents is necessary. The fermented drink is filtered and kept in a cold place for two months. Illuminate, spill and enjoy.

Semi-sweet wine, prepared independently, has its own differences and characteristics. The sugar content in such a drink is more than 20%, and the alcohol content is not higher than 12 degrees. The prepared drink is incredibly aromatic and delicate in taste. It also differs in the property of fermentation. For its manufacture, grape varieties with fleshy pulp are chosen. You should pay attention to the time of collection of raw materials, usually this happens in dry, warm weather. Another difference in preparation is that sugar syrup is not used. The wort is boiled, to which sugar is added to the taste of the manufacturer. All other processes are similar to other methods of making wine.

It is advisable for a novice winemaker to stock up on the necessary accessories:

  • special cover for fermentation;
  • thermometer for temperature control;
  • device for sampling wine;
  • siphon with filter;
  • sealing wax for clogging the container;
  • vinomer - sugar meter.

And remember, wine is not a means of intoxication, it is meant for enjoying fragrance, aroma bouquet, feel and color palette.

How pleasant it is to spend an evening at home in the company of loved ones with a glass of good wine. Especially when it's handmade. If you, your friends or relatives grow grapes on the plot, we recommend making wine from it. We will help you with this - below is the best step-by-step recipe on how to make Home wine from grapes.

We do not recommend using store-bought berries. The fact is that the natural process of fermentation of grapes occurs due to natural yeast contained on its surface. If you wash the berries, the yeast will be washed off and you will not succeed. Remember, grapes cannot be washed. For the same reason, it is very important that at least 2-3 days before the harvest there is no rain and sunny weather. In the case of purchased grapes, you can never be sure what kind of processing it went through before it hit the counter.

We give a simple recipe how to cook good wine independently from high-quality and proven products.

Classic wine recipe

The recipe consists of only two ingredients - grapes and sugar. Any will do a white or red grape variety that is fully ripe in your region. Because how sweet the berries of a particular variety are, the preparation will also depend, namely the amount of sugar added to the drink. If the berries are very sour (so much so that it reduces the cheekbones), you can also add a little water, but this is in extreme cases.

1. Grape harvest

To begin with, to make homemade wine from grapes, you need to harvest the grapes directly from the vine when they are fully ripe. It is better not to pick up berries from the ground, as in homemade wine may pass characteristic earthy aftertaste.

Please note that overripe berries (which have begun to ferment on the branch) and unripe ones cannot be used to make wine. Therefore, after harvesting, carefully sort it out, removing leaves, branches, overripe and unripe berries. If you plan to start making a drink not immediately (berries can be stored for two days), then before you make wine from grapes, you will have to sort it out again.

2. Berry processing

Now you need to pour the berries into a clean plastic bowl, wooden barrel or enamel pan(leaving a quarter of the volume blank) and transfer them. Doing so better with hands or a wooden pestle (popularly known as a pusher). As a result, you get juice and pulp - the pulp, skin and seeds of grapes remaining after squeezing.

3. Start of fermentation

In order for our raw materials to begin to ferment, it must be covered with a cloth and removed for 3-4 days in a warm, dark place. Optimum temperature while from 17 to 27 degrees Celsius. After 8–20 hours, the fermentation process will begin, and the pulp will float to the surface. To avoid the souring of the juice, once or twice a day it is necessary to mix the contents of the container.

4. Juice separation

After the specified time, you can drain the juice. This is done as follows: first collect the pulp that has surfaced from the surface and put it in a separate container. The remaining must must be filtered several times (2-3 will be enough) through cheesecloth to remove grape residues and saturate the drink with oxygen. From the remaining pulp, you can also squeeze the juice through gauze, after which you throw it away, it has already done its job.

At this step, we recommend trying the juice. If it turned out to be very sour (such that it reduces the cheekbones), you can add a little water, but not more than 0.5 liters per 1 liter of drink. Just keep in mind that sugar will be added later, which will lower the acidity, and water will lower the quality grape wine. Therefore, add water only in extreme cases.

Pour over grape juice in a fermentation tank - a large glass bottle or jar. You can also use a food grade plastic canister. Remember, about a third of the volume of dishes used should be left empty.

5. Installation of a water seal

To avoid the interaction of young wine with oxygen, as well as to remove carbon dioxide formed during the fermentation process, it is necessary to put a water seal on the bottle (jar, canister).

The most common design of a water seal is a plug with an inserted tube to which one end of a hose is attached. The second end is lowered into a jar of water. You can observe the fermentation process in the form of characteristic gurgling.

Of course, you can make a water seal yourself, if you have the right elements, but we recommend installing a device bought in a store. It is sold separately or together with a fermentation tank.

In addition, a rubber medical glove can be used as a water seal, in one of the fingers of which a small hole should first be made with a needle.

6. Active fermentation

For an active fermentation process, it is necessary to provide a suitable temperature - from 17 to 22 degrees Celsius for white grapes or 21 to 28 degrees Celsius for red. Do not allow the temperature to drop below 16 degrees Celsius, as well as sudden temperature fluctuations. Otherwise, fermentation may stop prematurely. In this case, the container should be in a dark place or be covered with a thick cloth.

7. Adding sugar

As practice shows, 2 percent of sugar in wine must increases the strength of the finished drink by 1 degree. If sugar is not added at all, then the wine will be less strong by no more than 10 degrees. And if you add, then the maximum possible strength is 14 degrees, at higher concentrations of alcohol, wine yeast dies and the fermentation process stops.

You can add sugar after 2-3 days of active fermentation. Try the juice, if it is sour, add sugar at the rate of 50 grams per 1 liter. For this, we recommend draining a liter of juice into a separate container, pouring required amount sugar, mix well until the crystals are completely dissolved and pour into the main bottle.

Repeat the procedure approximately 1 time in 5-7 days. After 2-3 weeks, you will notice that the sugar content of the drink practically does not decrease, which means that the sugar has ceased to be processed into alcohol and this amount is already enough.

8. Transfusion of wine, sediment separation

Usually a complete fermentation cycle lasts from 1 to 2 months, depending on the temperature conditions and the activity of the must fermentation. Moreover, if fermentation continues after 50 days from the date of installation of the water seal, it is better to drain the contents of the fermentation tank from the sediment into a clean container. Use a thin hose for this, be careful not to damage the sediment. We re-install the water seal on a new container and allow the wine to ferment.

Young wine should be drained if the water in the jar does not gurgle for more than one day (in the case of a water lock), or if the glove has fallen and deflated, while the juice has become lighter and a precipitate has formed. We do it immediately. If this is not done, young wine may begin to taste bitter, as dead yeast fungi precipitate, the long presence of which in the drink negatively affects its taste and smell.

Before pouring young wine into another container, it is necessary to rearrange it on a dais. In this case, a slight agitation of the contents will occur, so you must wait until the solids have completely settled, and only then proceed to drain. The technology is as follows: insert one end of a thin elastic tube or hose into a filled vessel, and the other end into an empty fermentation vessel located lower in level (on the floor). Be careful that the tube does not touch the sediment and is at some distance from it (several centimeters), otherwise it will go along with the liquid contents, but we do not need this.

9. Taste and strength adjustment

Active fermentation has already ended by this step, so the added sugar will not be processed into alcohol, but it can be used to adjust the taste of the final product. Focus on your taste preferences, while the maximum amount of sugar that can be added is 250 grams per 1 liter of wine. Let's do it overflow a small amount of liquids in a separate container. Then we dissolve the sugar there and pour the syrup into the main bottle, as in step 7.

You can also make fortified wine by adding vodka or diluted alcohol to it after fermentation, but not more than 15% of the total volume of the resulting drink. This method of adjusting the recipe contributes to better storage wine, but the taste will change a little for the worse. Therefore, this option is not for everyone. By the way, some people call fortified wine cocktail, as it goes well with juice.

10. Exposure

So, we fermented the grape juice, separated the sediment, adjusted the sweetness and strength, now the wine must be aged to saturate and form the final taste. homemade grape wine it is necessary to withstand at least one and a half (for white grapes) or two (for red) months, a maximum of a year. Further exposure will not affect the organoleptic properties of the drink, so it does not make sense.

Pour the young wine into a clean glass dish. It can be jars or bottles. The drink must be topped up to the top, so that there is no air left in the used container after its clogging. After that, remove the bottles or jars to a dark, cool place - a basement or cellar - for exposure at a temperature of 5 to 20 degrees Celsius.

As the sediment settles, the drink must be poured into other containers, as described in step 8. In this case, if you do everything right, clarification and a decrease in the turbidity of the wine will occur.

11. Bottling and storage

It is easy to determine the readiness of alcohol - when the sediment stops falling, homemade grape wine is ready. Its strength in this case will be from 11 to 13 degrees. Of course, if you did not attach it in step 9. For further storage wine must be poured into glass bottles, tightly closed with corks and put in a cool place.

12. Use

When we make wine from grapes at home, it usually tastes a little different from store bought, and it can also be a little cloudy, you should not be alarmed by this. You can drink homemade wine in pure form, or you can add ice cubes or juice (for example, cherry). Experiment, look for the perfect combination of flavors and proportions, then you will get the most delicious wine.

If you have your own recipes or additions to ours, share them with other readers of the site in the comments.

The intense rhythm of life and stress make us look for mental activities to relieve internal tension and relax. Making wine at home, learning all the subtleties of winemaking and options for homemade wine from various berries and fruits can serve as such a hobby. Alcoholic drinks made from grapes, raspberries, cherries, mulberries, currants and many other berries will delight you with their aroma and enchanting aftertaste.

Making wine at home is a process that includes several stages, having mastered which you will certainly become a master of winemaking. Your hobby won't take a lot of your time, but it will require patience, observation, and the desire to make magical nectar for the gods.

Suitable for making wine wine varieties grapes, fruits, berries. There are wines of various strengths and types, such as fortified, strong, dry, sweet, semi-dry and semi-sweet, varietal or blended.

How to make wine step by step at home

Stage I: preparation of wine yeast

To make the most delicious homemade wine, you need to prepare ahead of time, a week and a half before harvesting or purchasing raw materials, wine sourdough, the so-called yeast. Yeast microscopic organisms live in colonies on the outer part of berries and fruits. Especially a lot of them in grapes.

How to make wine yeast

Recipe #1

We grind a half-liter container of unwashed raspberries in a ceramic mortar (can be replaced with strawberries, cherries or currants), pour them into glass jar with a capacity of 1 liter, add half a glass of sugar and a glass of water.

We close the jar tightly with a lid and diligently shake its contents for high-quality mixing and dissolution of sugar. Pour into a dark bottle, cover with gauze in several layers and fix with an elastic band.

We put the bottle for 4-5 days in a dark and warm (25-27 degrees) place for the reproduction of lactic acid bacteria. After the set time, we filter the fermented mass through gauze and get a high-quality wine ferment.

Recipe number 2

Pour grated raspberries (2 cups) into a liter jar, add half a glass of water, a couple of teaspoons of sugar and the same amount of vodka or alcohol (we buy at the pharmacy) Alcohol can be replaced with vodka - 6 tsp.

Shake and add a few drops to the mixture. ammonia. We put the jar in a dark place with room temperature and try to shake the mixture every day. Wine yeast is ready in 3-4 days.

The leaven must be used no later than 10 days from the date of its preparation. During this time, the yeast will settle to the bottom of the bottle, and therefore it should be borne in mind that their concentration at the bottom of the bottle is much higher than under the neck.

For the so-called "cracker" we use the following proportions:

  • 200 g wine yeast: 100 g sediment: 10 liters of juice.

To make dessert wine:

  • 300 g: 10 liters of juice.

Stage II: preparation of raw materials

Only ripe fruits and berries are suitable for wine. Overripe fruits lead to rapid acetic souring, and in unripe, excess acid will prevent you from getting a drink. High Quality. Raw materials must be sorted out, rotten and moldy specimens removed without regret, otherwise even a few berries can destroy the entire volume of wine material. As you understand, bacteria that are objectionable to wine material live in such berries.

Berries and fruits should be collected on dry, rainless days. They do not need to be washed (microorganisms live on their surface), but immediately put into action. If the fruits have large seeds, then they must first be removed, otherwise the wine will be transferred to almond bitterness and an unusual smell.

Stage III: grinding raw materials or obtaining pulp

This is very milestone making wine at home! Usually the berry is crushed, and this applies not only to grapes. To do this, use a press, a meat grinder with a large grate and special graters.

All parts of fixtures must be made of stainless steel, wood or covered with ceramics. Wine raw materials have hyperacidity and on low-quality material, it quickly oxidizes, which leads to a slowdown in the fermentation process, extraneous tastes and odors of the final product.

It should also be noted that it is unacceptable to grind the berry or fruit in a puree. From puree we get juice to a minimum.

Stage IV: fermentation and squeezing of the pulp

During the work of microorganisms, the raw materials that you use for wine transfer color and aromas to the juice. Therefore, homemade wine made from ground berries and fruits is much tastier, has an intense color and aroma, when compared with a drink made from pure juice.

How to make homemade wine on the pulp?

We pour the crushed raw materials into glass bottle(or an oak barrel) with a capacity suitable for the entire amount of pulp. We add cooked wine yeast in the above proportion and purified water heated to 25 degrees - at the rate of 0.25 liters of water per 1 kg of pulp. Those. pour 1.25 liters of water into 5 kg of pulp. The fermentation tank should be filled to 2/3 of its volume, no more. You can also distribute all the raw materials in 3-liter jars.

We cover the neck of the bottle with gauze in several layers and put it in a room with a temperature of 20-22 degrees for fermentation, which becomes visible the next day. Fermentation is accompanied by the appearance of pulp on the surface foam cap, which we mix with the rest of the mass a couple of times a day, releasing carbon dioxide.

It is necessary to mix, otherwise the whole mass may turn sour and you will get not wine, but homemade vinegar. After about a week, the pulp can already be filtered, or rather, squeezed out. 10 kg of pulp yields approximately 5-6 liters of natural juice.

The first spin guarantees the most best quality wine material, elite, one might say. By adding water to the pulp after the first extraction and squeezing the juice again, we get a table grade of the drink. The technology for making berry or fruit wine at home involves mixing all the pressed products with the pulp in one container (the first and subsequent pressings). This stage will be discussed below.

Stage V: wort preparation

This stage answers the question of how to put the must to produce quality homemade wine. Must is the basis of wine, and therefore it must have the right parameters.

Natural must, as a rule, has high acidity and low sugar content. Only grapes and some fruits (apples, pears of some varieties) have good performance. The remaining berries give juice with high content tartaric acid and low sugar, therefore require dilution with water and the addition of sugar.

We take soft, filtered, odorless and neutral water for the wort. Sugar must first be dissolved, it is advisable to boil the syrup, pouring it into the wort cooled down.

All proportions of water and sugar depend on the fruits and berries from which you make wine. How sour juice, topics more water and add sugar. We summarized the basic proportions of sugar and water in a table:

Juice - 1 l Quantity of water, ml Amount of sugar, g Fortress, about.
Apple 100 240 14-15
Crimson 500 370 16-18
Cherry 500 350 15-16
Bilberry 200 300 14-15
A mixture of black and red currants 1100 530 13-15
gooseberry 200 250 14-15
  • 20 g of sugar in 1 liter of wort without water increases alcohol by 1%.

Those. if you add 180 g of sugar to a liter of must, then the estimated strength of the wine will be 18 vol. After analyzing the plate, you can already vary the water and sugar content for different juices. Also be sure to keep in mind that adding sugar to water increases its volume in the following proportion: 60 g of sugar in 60 ml of water gives 70 ml of syrup. Accordingly, the volume of wort will increase.

Experienced winemakers are advised to adhere to approximately the following proportions:

  • 3 kg of berries - 3 liters of water. Total - 6 kg. Then you need exactly a third of sugar. Those. Divide 6 kg by 3 and get 2 kg of sugar.

Such a calculation is, of course, easier to carry out, but it is very approximate. When you create your own recipe homemade wine, you will have your own proportions - according to your individual taste preferences.

Stage VI: fermentation of wine must and its further clarification

So, having prepared the wort and pouring the blank into the prepared container for two-thirds of its capacity, we need to build a water lock so that the resulting carbon dioxide leaves the container with the wort, and fresh oxygen does not enter. To do this, the bottle must be securely corked with a cork or any other lid, and a hole must be made in its center where a thin tube must be inserted to remove the gas.

Usually, a glass from a pharmacy pipette is inserted into the lid of the container and a plastic or rubber tube is put on it (it can be replaced with a thin cambric, which is sold in hardware stores). This tube should be lowered into any container with water.

We put the container with the prepared wort in a dark place (not completely dark, but without direct sunlight) with a room temperature of 20-22 degrees for about 20-25 days. For convenience, we put it not on the floor, but on a stable stool or stand, so that later it would be convenient to “remove the wine from the sediment”.

During the fermentation process, sugar turns into alcohol, releasing carbon dioxide, which escapes through the tube that you provided with the bottle of wort. The fermentation process gradually slows down, which can be seen from the activity of air bubbles in a jar of water.

For the next 2-3 weeks, the fermented wine material should be clarified. During this period, the yeast gradually dies, sinking to the bottom of the bottle, carrying all the solids in the wort with it. When this stage is completely over, we will need to separate this sediment from the settled product. This process is called "removing the wine from the sediment."

Stage VII: wine removal from sediment

This stage is one of the most important. If you overexpose the wine material with dead yeast fungi, then they will give it bad smell and bitter taste. Therefore, we must carefully drain the settled wine using a rubber or plastic tube with a diameter of about 1 cm.

Carefully, so as not to shake the bottle in any way (otherwise the sediment will easily rise and cloud our precious nectar), open it and lower the tube into the liquid, lowering its end at least 2-3 cm above the sediment level. With the free end of the tube, we produce a short suction of air and direct a stream of clarified wine into the prepared clean dishes.

Stage VIII: bottling and storage of homemade wine

So we got dry wine by preparing it at home. It is better to store it in the dark glass bottles (perfect option- factory bottle sparkling wine- champagne), close with corks and place in a horizontal position.

Store in a cool, dark place. We try not to shake them or shift them from place to place, since light fermentation can still occur for several weeks. The drink will become completely suitable for serving on the table after 60 days.

If you do not like dry wines, then you can add sugar when pouring into a container, but it is better to sweeten an already finished product, since homemade wine is stored worse with sugar.

If you want to keep sweet and dessert wines, then put sugar into the filtered starter drink, dissolving it. Then filter again. Pour into glass containers (preferably 0.7 l bottles) and place them in a horizontal position, store at a temperature not exceeding 10 ° C i.e. in a cold cellar. Under other conditions, the wine may begin to ferment and turn sour.

Preparation of homemade wine of different types

By varying the capacity of sugar and alcohol in dry homemade wine, we can make a drink for every taste and look:

As you can see, making wine at home is not difficult at all. And although this process is lengthy, it is also very interesting and exciting. This may well become your hobby, which benefits both health and wallet. By developing your intuition and winemaking skills, you will become a recognized master in just a few years, which we sincerely wish you!

Since ancient times, wine has been considered a noble and healthy drink. Light strength, aroma, rich taste- that's what made him different. Today, few people know how to make wine, the recipe of wines and skills have long been lost. Much easier to buy finished products in the store, but not everyone is looking for easy ways. homemade alcohol has huge amount advantages that both professionals and amateurs are able to appreciate.

Cherry wine: we select raw materials

How to do it - connoisseurs of a rich semi-sweet drink will ask a question. First of all, you need to choose the right raw materials. To achieve excellent taste, choose ripe, not lying berries with a slight sourness. It is strongly not recommended to take too much sweet cherry, otherwise you will end up with a very cloying wine.

After the berries are purchased, you can proceed to them preliminary preparation. Cherries are not washed, they are only sorted out, unsuitable (wormy, overripe, spoiled) are removed, they are cleaned of ponytails or leaves. The bones may or may not be removed, it is up to you. However, it should be noted that they can give piquant notes drink. In addition to berries, you should take care of clean water room temperature and sugar. To prepare 22 liters of wine you will need:

  • a bucket of cherries;
  • two buckets of water;
  • 7 kg of sugar;
  • must.

An ideal container for making wine is a barrel that does not let light through. Fill it up to 75% must, add sugar, water and crushed cherries. All components must be mixed, carefully cork the container and leave to languish.

Cherry wine: start fermentation

The fermentation process should not be left to chance, carefully monitor temperature regime. Ideal indicators should range from 20 to 25 degrees. If they rise higher, the mixture needs to be cooled. You can do this with ice cubes. If the temperatures are lower, then the mixture should be heated by adding warmer wort. After a few hours, you will notice that the berries rise from the bottom to the surface, a rich white foam forms. This stage takes about a week, every day is the future cherry wine stir at least 2 times.

The second stage of preparation is more passive, the drink does not need to be stirred, it must stand for at least 5 days. The risen berries are squeezed into a barrel, the pulp is removed. The main movement occurs at the bottom of the tank. Your next action- separation of wine, for this you need a hose (ideal - 2 meters long, 1.5 centimeters in diameter) and an additional bottle. Set the barrel with a drink on a raised platform, and a new container on a lower level. Make sure that the pulp does not get into the bottle, you only need to pour the wine.

Cherry wine: the final stage

How to make wine next? We tightly cork the bottle and send it to infuse for another two weeks at a temperature of 10 to 15 degrees. After the specified period, it will be necessary to pour the drink again according to the technology described above. Please note that you may need a fine sieve, it perfectly retains small particles of pulp. The container with wine should be closed loosely, the minimum distance will be enough for the release of carbon dioxide. After the second overflow, you will again need to wait a certain time, at least 10 days. As soon as a dense sediment forms at the bottom of the bottle, you can pour the drink for the third, final time.

Quite lengthy manipulations are completed. No bubbles are visible in the container, no slight hiss is heard. A distinct aroma of wine and its rich cherry flavor begin to be felt. Feel free to pour it into bottles and close tightly for long-term storage. The longer the extract of the drink, the softer and more pleasant it becomes.

Wine from apples: useful and pleasant

Now you know how to make wine. It should be noted right away that there are more simple algorithms taking less time and effort. let's consider new recipe For example apple drink. He is pleasant fresh taste and abundance useful elements. Among them are vitamins of groups B and P, as well as iron, magnesium and chromium.

So, how to make apple wine at home? You will need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • 10 kilograms of apples (the variety is not important, not too sweet and not too sour);
  • 3 liters of water;
  • wine yeast;
  • 3 kilos of sugar.

Wine from apples: the main stages of preparation

The whole process can be divided into the following stages, each of which is equally important:

  • Preparatory. We wash, clean the fruits from the skin and seeds, finely chop, mix with a part of the sand and fill with water. Within 5 days, the composition must be infused in darkness and warmth.
  • After the specified period, you should strain the juice into a previously prepared container, add sugar residues and wine yeast to it. The components are mixed and the languishing procedure is repeated.
  • We repeat the same steps, remove the foam and insist in a cold place for 2 days, then repeat the procedure.
  • At the end of all manipulations, the wine can be bottled and corked tightly.

Now you know how to make apple wine. If you want to achieve a special taste, use various auxiliary additives. Among them, preference should be given to mint leaves, crushed raspberries or mountain ash.

berry splendor

Much less often, we use berries to create alcoholic drinks. Do you know how to make wine from currants? There are a great many recipes for such a tincture. Blackcurrant wine is the most popular in this category. It has an amazing vibrant color. pleasant taste And divine aroma. In addition, such home-made preparations do not contain preservatives and are distinguished by natural, natural ingredients.

Starting to make blackcurrant wine

So, let's decide how to make blackcurrant wine. First, let's select all the necessary ingredients:

start process home winemaking necessary from the creation of the starter. Mix 100 g of raisins, 50 g of sugar and a small amount of water at room temperature. The container with the resulting composition must be removed in a warm, dry and dark place, previously covered with a cloth, for a period of 3 to 5 days.

Basic actions

After all the components are prepared, you can begin the process. Wash and sort the berries, remove the stalks, adhering blades of grass and leaves, carefully crush them to a puree-like consistency.

mix berry puree and granulated sugar, fill the composition with warm water (about 25 degrees) and carefully introduce the finished sourdough. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients until the sugar is completely dissolved. After that, the future wine is sent to languish in a dark place for a very long term, from 30 to 60 days. The specific time period will depend on the selected currant variety. After the drink is ready, it must be poured into separate containers and stored in a refrigerator or cellar. It is worth noting that the end result may differ in a fairly decent strength, about 12 degrees (10-15).

Redcurrant wine

How to make homemade redcurrant wine and how will it differ from a drink made from black berries? So, first of all, let's prepare the sourdough. To do this, we need a mixture of unwashed berries: raspberries and gooseberries. Mix 100 grams of each ingredient and add the same amount of granulated sugar. Pour the resulting mixture with warm water and leave to ferment under standard conditions, darkness and warmth. Fermentation period - 5 days. This is how the wort is produced, we will add the currant itself in the next step.

Cooking wine: a step-by-step plan

The second stage is the preparation of currant berries, they are sorted out, washed and crushed to a state of porridge. The easiest way to achieve this effect is with an ordinary wooden pusher. Then, about 3 kilograms of sand are dissolved in two liters of water, ready-made sourdough and processed berries are also added here. The resulting composition is best stored in a tall bucket or a special barrel. The container is placed in a dark place for 7 days, thoroughly mixing several times a day.

After the specified period, the most interesting begins. Strain the almost finished wine from the pulp of the berries, squeeze the juice out of them and add it to the drink. Pour it into ready-made bottles and seal them carefully. Now our main task will be to create a special device - a water seal. Take a transparent narrow hose, make a hole under it in the bottle cap and place one of its ends there. The other must be placed in a container of water and left for enough long term- 40 days.

Grapes are the best choice for homemade wine

Everyone knows that the most popular raw material in winemaking is grapes. How to make wine from grapes? Let's take a closer look at the recipe for making a dry alcoholic drink from this wonderful product. You can safely count on getting an excellent result, the drink will be very tasty, healthy and, most importantly, absolutely natural. So, we make wine at home.

  • We select grapes - all raw materials must be of excellent quality, otherwise you will get a drink with a bad taste at the exit. Berries should not be washed, they are beneficial bacteria(wine yeast), which promote fermentation.
  • We create natural wort. We crush the grapes with our hands until the state of the mess, for excellent wine we need bones, juice, pulp, peel - in a word, all the components.
  • We fill the bucket with 75% wort and cover it with gauze. If you are preparing white wine, then fermentation is carried out for a day at a temperature of 20 to 25 degrees, if red - for 5 days at a temperature of 25 to 30 degrees.
  • The wort must be stirred regularly, and as the foam appears, remove it. If the wine turns sour, then at the output you will not get a noble alcoholic drink, and ordinary vinegar.
  • Using gauze or a sieve, we remove the sediment and pulp, pouring the liquid into additional containers.
  • In the next step, you will need a water seal (a hose that will connect a container of water and bottles of young wine). We make wine at home professionally! In order not to use improvised means, you can purchase special devices. Fermentation lasts about two weeks - at a temperature of about 18 degrees.
  • Enjoy the result. Now you know how to make wine from grapes, you can already use it. However, remember that the drink can have a rather sharp taste. If you drink wine not immediately, but after a couple of months, then its sharpness will disappear.

Now you know how to make homemade wine. In almost all cases, this process requires a significant investment of time, effort, and certain skills. However, such an experience is certainly useful for many. Several attempts will allow you to get a great product with excellent taste and smell, in the quality and naturalness of which you can be sure. Minor consumption of such a drink several times a week will have a beneficial effect on health. However, it should be remembered that moderation and reasonableness are necessary in everything.

Homemade grape wine has always enjoyed considerable popularity at any table, so every winemaker, even a beginner, is happy to try to create wines according to various recipes, including and classic version- from grapes.

Your attention is the recipe for excellent grape wine: step by step and simply at home (with photos and instructions).

Choosing the right vintage for your wine

In order for grape wine (and not only homemade) to turn out really tasty and fragrant, it is necessary to use exclusively high-quality and, most importantly, right product- wine varieties.

Berries of these varieties are different small size and density on the bunch. Below are a few valuable advice from experienced winemakers regarding the selection and preparation of material for wine:

Advice. Grapes harvested for making wine should not be washed, because the white coating that forms on it is nothing more than wine yeast. Rinsing or even washing grapes is possible only if a sourdough with high-quality wine yeast is used.

Harvested grapes should be separated from the ridges, sorted out, removing all unsuitable, including dried and moldy berries. After preliminary selection, the berries are poured in small batches into a deep container and crushed. You can use a regular potato crusher or meat grinder. The berries should be crushed very carefully so that each of them gives all its juice.

The process of making wine

Creation quality wine- the process is quite simple, if you strictly follow all the steps of the recipe. The following is step by step process making wine.

Pulp fermentation

The finished pulp or crushed berries, previously separated from the combs, are poured into a suitable container and tightly covered with a cotton cloth. Keep in mind that the container should be filled with wine material only 2/3.

The pulp container is installed in a room with a strict temperature regime, falling in the range from 18 to 23 degrees. If the temperature is above the second mark, the fermentation of the pulp may be too intense, which will turn it into vinegar as a result. If the temperature is below the first mark, the fermentation process may proceed too slowly or even not start at all.

So, after a few days, the fermentation process will begin and the must will begin to separate from the pulp (juice, which is, in fact, young grape wine). The pulp and wort should be thoroughly mixed every day, otherwise the first one will simply turn sour and the taste of the unfinished product will be spoiled.

Grape must preparation

After 5-7 days after the start of fermentation, the pulp should be carefully squeezed out, thus separating the must from it. The first spin is carried out through a colander, the second through several layers of gauze. The purified wort should ferment. To do this, it is poured into a clean container (it should be filled only 3/4) and tightly closed with a cork with a tube.

Attention! Experienced winemakers believe that separating the pulp from the wort is an erroneous action, which in the future will deprive the finished product of a valuable deep aroma and delicate aftertaste.

If you want to leave the pulp, you should not squeeze it out, separating the wort: just pour all the product into a new container and close it with a lid with a straw. The tube will serve as a kind of protection against oxygen: one end must be lowered into a container of water, the other into wine.

At this stage, it is important to control the strength and sweetness of the wine, which depend primarily on the content of fructose in the product. You can adjust this indicator by adding one or another amount of sugar. In our area, mainly varieties with a low fructose content grow, respectively, if sugar is not added during the preparation of wine, it will turn out dry.

The dosage of sugar is usually taken as follows: about 1 tbsp. per 1 liter of semi-finished product. Sugar is added as follows: it is necessary to pour a little wort, heat it up and pour sugar into it, stirring the mass until the latter is completely dissolved. After that received sweet composition Pour back into wine container.

Blockage of semi-finished wine

At this stage, all the sediment should be separated from the finished must (to do this, you just need to drain the wine through a straw, carefully lowering the container with water below the container with wine). Be sure to check the product for the amount of sugar: if you like dry grape wine, then sugar is not needed. Otherwise, be sure to add it to the wine and mix thoroughly.

It remains only to pour the grape wine into a dark glass bottle and cork loosely (this is necessary so that the carbon dioxide residues contained in the wine find a “way out”).

Product sterilization

This is the last but not least step in making homemade wine. Some winemakers believe that this process should proceed naturally: the wine must be left in a dark, cool place for several months (2-3) until the fermentation process stops, after installing water seals on each bottle. During this period, the wine should be drained at least several times, removing the sediment.

There is another way to sterilize wine - forced. It is necessary to loosely close the wine bottles, wrap them with a cloth and place them in a container filled with water. A thermometer should be placed in one of the bottles and the product should be sterilized until its temperature rises to 60 degrees. After that, all the yeast will die and the fermentation process will completely stop. The remaining carbon dioxide will also leave through a loosely closed cork.

After that, you can tightly cork the bottles and send them to a cool, dry place. The Product That Passed It All preparatory stages right, will be able to score all that wonderful aroma and the depth of taste for which many love grape wine so much. Good luck!