How to make berry jelly from gelatin. Delicious and healthy berry jelly

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Frozen berries and fruits for future use in winter will be an excellent basis for different desserts and drinks: smoothies, compotes, jelly, sweet sauces, mousses, jellies. It turns out especially tasty berry jelly– there are so many options and combinations you can come up with that even from two or three types of berries you can prepare something new every time. Frozen berry jelly with gelatin is made with whole berries or from puree; the juice is squeezed out of the berries and diluted with water, or gelatin is simply added to it. In any case, jelly from frozen berries will be not only tasty, but also a healthy dessert - after all, all the ingredients in it are natural, without dyes or other artificial ingredients. You can give it to children without fear, and of course you can also enjoy it yourself.
Any frozen berries or fruit and berry mixtures are suitable for preparation. The recipe with photo uses frozen cherries and blackcurrants. Since these berries are sour, we will add more sugar to the jelly.


- frozen pitted cherries – 200 gr.;
- frozen black currants – 150 gr.;
- instant gelatin – 1 sachet (15 g);
- water – 3 glasses + 3 tbsp. for gelatin;
- sugar – 4-5 tbsp;
- berries, fresh mint leaves - to decorate the dessert.

Recipe with photos step by step:

We measure required quantity berries There is no need to defrost them; the berries will thaw in the water when we cook the jelly base. But if the cherry has a pit, then you need to defrost it, remove the pits, and only then prepare the jelly.

Pour three glasses of cold water over the prepared berries. Place the pan over high heat and bring to a boil. In boiling water, the skins on the berries will burst and they will begin to release juice. Cook at moderate boil for ten minutes.

While the jelly base is being prepared, prepare the gelatin. Pour the powder with three tablespoons of cold water. Stir and let stand for a couple of minutes to swell.

When the gelatin has absorbed all the water, swells and thickens well, place it on water bath. Heat, stirring until dissolved. Gelatin cannot be boiled if high temperature gelling properties are lost. As soon as the gelatin becomes liquid, remove from the water bath.

By this time the berries are cooked. Now you need to strain the broth so that the jelly is transparent and homogeneous, without pieces of berry pulp. Throw away the cake or cook it light compote for 1-1.5 glasses of water.

Add sugar to the strained broth and place on low heat. While stirring, dissolve the sugar and bring the broth to a boil.

Turn down the heat to low (the broth should not boil) and pour in the liquid gelatin. Immediately begin stirring vigorously with a spoon or whisk.

Remove the bowl with the berry broth from the burner. Let it cool a little. We take out bowls or glasses - any transparent containers. Let's pour it out. Leave to cool to room temperature.

Place the cooled jelly in the refrigerator for three to four hours. The higher the container, the longer the jelly will take to harden. When completely frozen, decorate with frozen or canned berries, mint leaves and serve. Bon appetit!

For those with a sweet tooth who love to indulge light desserts, you'll like it homemade jelly, which can be made using gelatin. The component is tasteless and odorless, therefore ready dish will have the aroma of the berries or fruits from which it is made. The dessert turns out very tasty, beautiful and healthy.

How to make jelly

Sweetness in the form of jelly is very popular all over the world because it is not only tasty, but also useful product. It can be prepared using gelatin, pectin or agar-agar. These components help achieve the required consistency. To make the dessert delicious, you need to follow some rules on how to prepare jelly:

  • Do not use aluminum containers to make sweets. In such dishes, the mass may darken and develop a specific taste.
  • Improve taste qualities The dish will be helped by adding a small amount of wine or lemon juice.
  • You can prevent the formation of gelatin lumps by pouring it into a container with a warm bottom. The best option It is considered to place the container in a water bath.
  • The product must harden inside the refrigerator. The substance needs to be made into an elastic, dense mass, and not frozen, so do not put it in the freezer.

Many housewives buy ready-made powders because they are easy to prepare. The difference lies in the benefits of the product. At home, you can come up with many options: the jelly base is prepared from syrups, milk, sour cream, cream, alcoholic drinks, juices, compote, lemonade and other sodas (the child will love the Cola dessert). As a filler, add various fruits (apples, pears, oranges, pineapples, lemons), berries (gooseberries, cherries, red currants, grapes, strawberries), pieces of cottage cheese soufflé.

The product can be used as independent dish. It is recommended to use sweets prepared for the winter for diluting fruit drinks and preparing jelly. If you haven't canned the compote, stir a small amount of jelly with water. The product is used for decoration and filling confectionery: cakes and pastries. Jelly brings lightness and is a bright decoration element.

How to dilute gelatin

An important part of the process of how to make jelly from gelatin is the dilution of the thickener. The correct proportions will help you create a delicious dessert:

  • Compliance is important correct proportions. Gelatin powder should be diluted at the rate of 5 g per 50 ml of water.
  • It is necessary to pour the crystalline substance boiled water, which should be cooled first. Gelatin will swell from half an hour to 40 minutes.
  • Heat the resulting substance using a water bath. The process should be carried out until the powder is completely dissolved.
  • The finished gelling component should be mixed with the base for the dessert (compote, juice, milk).

How to make jelly at home

Making a sweet that has natural taste and aroma, better in your own kitchen. The process of preparing it is not labor-intensive and does not take much time. Recipes can be found great amount, all this due to the variety of ingredients that are suitable for use. You can use jam, juice or compote as a basis.

How to make jelly from juice

To prepare juice-based jelly sweets you will need following components:

How to make gelatin jelly with a juice base:

  1. Pour gelatin crystals into a glass and fill with juice to the top. Leave for 20 minutes to allow the gelatin to swell.
  2. Mix the substance with the rest of the liquid in an enamel bowl and place on fire. While the juice is heating, stir it. Wait until it starts boiling so that the crystals dissolve completely.
  3. Ready mixture pour into molds, cool room temperature, place in the refrigerator until completely frozen.

How to make fruit jelly

For a dessert with fruit filling you will need the following ingredients:

Step by step instructions on how to do it fruit jelly:

  1. Pour 1 tbsp gelatin powder. cold water, let it swell for an hour.
  2. Pour the juice into the pan, add the swollen gelatin mass. Taste the mixture; if it seems unsweetened, add the required amount of granulated sugar. Place the mixture on the fire, heat until the sugar and gelatin dissolve, stirring constantly.
  3. Pour half of the resulting substance into molds, add pieces of fruit. Then fill everything with the remaining base.
  4. Cool the dessert at room temperature and place it in the refrigerator to harden.

Required ingredients for plain jelly from frozen berries:

  • 300 grams of any frozen berries;
  • 20 grams of gelatin;
  • 100 milliliters of plain water;
  • A tablespoon of granulated sugar (you can add more for those with a sweet tooth);
  • Lemon acid.

How to make jelly from frozen berries with gelatin using a simple recipe:
1. The specified amount of frozen berries must be defrosted before starting cooking. To do this, just remove them from freezer and leave for one hour at room temperature.
2. When the jelly berries are defrosted, they should be crushed in a blender, or mashed with a spoon. Add granulated sugar and citric acid.
3. The specified amount of gelatin should be diluted in specified quantity regular cold water, then add a little water at room temperature.
4. Next, the gelatin mixture should be heated over medium heat, just a little, do not bring to a boil.
5. Berry puree in sugar and citric acid Place on low heat, add gelatin, and stir the mixture constantly.
6. The resulting mixture must be poured over special molds for jelly, wait until the mixture becomes cold and place the molds in the refrigerator to harden.

Recipe for currant and strawberry jelly

With gelatin, you can make it more traditionally, using only two varieties of berries. In addition, such a dessert will be perfect for an adult audience.

What you will need for preparation:

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  1. 400 grams of black currants and strawberries (you can use both frozen and fresh berries);
  2. 150 grams of dry white wine;
  3. Two tablespoons of lemon juice;
  4. 20 grams of gelatin;
  5. Sugar (the amount is selected based on taste preferences).

How to cook:
1. Frozen berries should be placed in a container, and the container should be placed in water at room temperature.
2. When the berries are defrosted, squeeze the juice out of them and strain.
3. Add to berries lemon juice, sugar, wine. Put everything together on low heat.
4. When the mixture boils, add required amount gelatin.
5. The entire resulting mixture must be poured into jelly molds, wait until it cools and put in the refrigerator until the dessert completely hardens.

Tip: To decorate the dish, you can add whole berries to the jelly, once it is poured into the molds.
To prepare jelly from frozen berries with gelatin faster, you need to buy instant gelatin, this is one of the secrets in preparing this tasty, juicy and sweet treat. You can also cook it with berries

Berry jelly – unusual, very tasty and healthy dessert, which at proper preparation retains taste fresh berries. This dessert can be used for decoration, as well as as an independent dish.

Frozen berry jelly recipe


  • frozen berries – 500 g;
  • dry gelatin – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • boiled water – 3 tbsp;
  • fresh mint - for decoration;
  • granulated sugar – 100 g.


Now we’ll tell you how to make berry jelly. So, first we choose the berries for the jelly. The most delicious desserts usually made from strawberries, blackberries, cranberries and different varieties currants If you have made up your mind and decided to make red currant jelly, then we take about 2 times less gelatin, since it contains pectin - a natural plant gelling substance.

Now we sort out the berries and wash them thoroughly. Place them in a colander and allow excess water to drain. We dilute dry gelatin in a glass ice water and leave for about 2 hours. After this, dissolve it in a water bath, stirring, but without bringing to a boil. We set aside a few prepared berries to decorate the finished jelly. Grind all other berries in a mortar or rub them through a sieve. Then let the released juice settle and pour it into a separate bowl.

Pour the berry puree into two glasses of boiled water and put it on the fire. Bring the mixture to a boil, add sugar and boil until the crystals are completely dissolved. After this, remove the dishes from the stove and let the berry broth cool slightly. Now strain the drink through cheesecloth, pour in the berry juice and, stirring, add the gelatin mixture.

Clean silicone molds pour over cold water, place the berries on the bottom and fill them with the prepared mixture. Then we put the dessert in the refrigerator to harden. Immediately before serving, lower the jelly molds for a few seconds very quickly. hot water and place the contents on a flat plate. Decorate the treat with fresh mint leaves.

Berry jelly recipe


  • sugar – 250 g;
  • frozen strawberries – 150 g;
  • frozen raspberries – 150 g;
  • lemon juice - to taste;
  • dry gelatin – 20 g.


Let's look at another way to make jelly from berries. We take out the frozen berries in advance and leave them for about 1 hour. Then grind the strawberries and raspberries in a blender, add sugar and pour in a little lemon juice. Beat the mixture again and leave for 15 minutes. We dilute gelatin in cold water. Place the berry mass on low heat, bring it to a boil, pour in the swollen gelatin and heat the mixture for 5 minutes. Then pour the mass into molds and cool. After this, place the dessert in the refrigerator until completely frozen.

Forest berry jelly with gelatin


  • frozen blueberries – 100 g;
  • frozen strawberries – 100 g;
  • frozen currants – 100 g;
  • lemon juice - to taste;
  • water – 100 ml;
  • gelatin – 20 g.


We select frozen berries from the refrigerator, place them in a bowl and leave to defrost for an hour at room temperature. Then grind the berries with a blender or mixer. Add lemon juice, add sugar and beat again. Pour dry gelatin into a bowl, fill with cold water and leave to swell. Whipped berry puree put on low heat, bring it to a boil, carefully pour in the gelatin and heat the mixture, stirring constantly. Rinse the beautiful molds with water, put some berries on the bottom and fill with hot jelly. Leave the dessert to cool, then put it in the refrigerator to completely harden for several hours.