How to make unleavened cottage cheese at home. Homemade cottage cheese from sour milk (heated)

It is useful for health-conscious people to know how to make cottage cheese from milk at home. Making home product, you can be sure that there is no harmful additives. There are so many recipes for making cottage cheese from milk with step by step description preparations.

Homemade cottage cheese can be made from cow or goat milk. Store-bought milk is also suitable for these purposes.

Features of pasteurized milk product:

  • During pasteurization, 60-80 percent of vitamins are lost.
  • From 1 liter of pasteurized product no more than 200 g of cottage cheese is obtained.
  • The final product is non-greasy and has a soft consistency (no grains). Suitable for baking and dietary nutrition.
  • The main store-bought ingredient is much more expensive.

It is not allowed to use milk with a long shelf life due to the addition of antibiotics to it.

Pros and cons of cottage cheese from a homemade product:

  • Contains a large amount of calcium and vitamins.
  • From 1 liter you get 250-300 g of cottage cheese and cream. The whey is suitable for okroshka.
  • The resulting cottage cheese is greasy, with a yellowish tint. Grainy.
  • Low costs.

In order to make cottage cheese from milk, you should prepare the main ingredient:

  1. Boil - bring to a boil.
  2. Make curdled milk from milk by adding breadcrumbs, citric acid, sour cream or calcium chloride. At this stage, it is important to remember that the desired effect cannot be achieved in the heat or in the refrigerator. Milk should be kept warm and not in the open sun.
  3. For pasteurized, you need a liquid starter: kefir, sour cream, fermented baked milk. Simply add the indicated products to the heated milk.

Crockery and equipment

It is advisable to use glass jars or clay jugs as utensils for creating homemade cottage cheese. They are not covered with a lid. Air circulation is important for the fermentation process. It is recommended to cover the top of the jar with a cloth.

Not allowed to use metal utensils. During fermentation, an oxidative reaction will occur and the taste of the final product will deteriorate.

When boiling milk, choose an enamel container that exceeds the volume of the liquid being poured - for 3 liters. milk 5 liter pan. This is due to the rise of the boiling product. It is recommended to choose a wooden spoon for stirring to avoid a chemical reaction.

Cooking technique

The techniques for making cottage cheese from fresh milk differ from each other in the way the product is heated and cooked.

In a slow cooker

  1. The multicooker is set to the “frying” mode, in which the milk is heated. Bring to a boil, but do not boil.
  2. Lemon juice is added in portions. The liquid coagulates.
  3. Use gauze to remove excess whey. What remains is cottage cheese.

In the microwave

  1. The main ingredient is poured into the baking container.
  2. The microwave is turned on at 400 W.
  3. The timer is set for 10 minutes.
  4. Cool the resulting mass and filter through cheesecloth.

Do not squeeze due to possible dryness of the final product.

In the oven

  1. The oven is heated to 150 degrees.
  2. Milk is placed in enamel pan, add a spoonful of sour cream, put in the oven for 45 minutes.
  3. Cool, drain the whey.

On the stove

  1. The minimum fire on which the dishes are placed is set.
  2. The liquid coagulates with regular stirring.
  3. Turn off the heat, allow to cool, drain the whey, filter and squeeze out the finished product.

Lemon milk recipe

Lemon milk curd can be prepared using the following ingredients:

  • 1 l. milk,
  • juice of 0.5 lemon.

Cooking method:

  1. Bring the milk to a boil, reduce the gas to a minimum.
  2. Add lemon juice, constantly stirring the curdled mass.
  3. When the curd is separated, drain the excess whey through a sieve and squeeze out.

Recipe with calcium chloride

You can also make cottage cheese from milk with calcium chloride.

For this we need:

  • 1 l. milk,
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of liquid calcium chloride.


  1. Heat the milk.
  2. Add calcium chloride and stir constantly.
  3. Bring the liquid to a boil, drain the whey through cheesecloth.
  4. Cool the product and squeeze out excess liquid.

You can use calcium lactate tablets, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. Ratio: 10 tablets per 1 liter. milk.

Experienced housewives try several cooking methods and choose the most suitable one for them, based on taste qualities final product. Homemade cottage cheese is suitable for baby and diet food.

This product is probably in every home. Especially if there are children or elderly people in the family, those who care about their own and their family’s health, or who are trying to lose weight. But sometimes, when we buy this product in a store and trust it, we don’t think about what and how it is made. Meanwhile, the contents of store packs and bags are very doubtful. Therefore, it is understandable that many people want to make cottage cheese at home. Because it’s not only simple, but also healthy and delicious. And everyone knows what they are made of and safe technology the cottage cheese was ready.

What products to make cottage cheese from: rules for making homemade cottage cheese

People who are used to not denying themselves anything natural, trying to lead healthy image life, they came up with more than one way. After all, cottage cheese is made from different dairy products. This is either milk, or kefir, or yogurt, sour cream or even fermented baked milk.

IMPORTANT: If you want cottage cheese to be tasty at home and retain all its benefits, take ONLY FRESH milk or products made from it and only from a trusted brand. And even better - straight from the cow!

Homemade cottage cheese from yogurt - step-by-step recipe with photos

But no matter what base product, the rules for preparing any of them are approximately the same. The main thing in this process is the timely and correct separation of whey. After all, excessive overheating will make the curd hard, and underheating will make it more difficult to separate the curd, and in general, it will be sour. So, let's get ready!


  • 750 ml curdled milk

How to properly prepare homemade cottage cheese - my grandmother's recipe

Curdled milk is fermented milk. I got it randomly. I forgot about the bottle of milk I started. It's sour. I kept it warm for a day. I made yogurt. But it can be done in another way. Leave the milk in a closed container in a dark place in the kitchen. A day is enough. Or put a tablespoon of sour cream per liter of milk and continue, as in my situation. But I got this beauty.

Step 1. Curdled milk

Yes, the curdled milk turned out to be excellent and dense. As I later became convinced, the consistency is simply ideal... Now the curdled milk needs to be gently transferred into a saucepan, where the cottage cheese will be prepared.

Step 2. Curdled milk in a saucepan

I’ll just warn you right away - you will need two pans. One is small, in which we already have yogurt, and the second is larger, so much so that the first one fits in it. Pour water into the larger one (so that it does not reach the bottom of the smaller one).

IMPORTANT: You can do without a water bath, that is, put the saucepan with yogurt directly on the fire, reducing it as much as possible. But in this case, you need to monitor the process very carefully, because the cottage cheese may turn out rubbery, that is, inedible.

Step 3. Serum in a steam bath

So, to avoid overheating, which is real on direct fire, we place a small vessel in a large one. Then we send it to the fire. Bring water to a boil. This will be a water bath. After a few minutes, you will see the serum begin to appear yellowish.

Step 4. Observe the separation of whey

IMPORTANT: You must not allow the curdled milk to boil!

But that is not all. It is important to wait for a certain moment. We need to turn up the heat a little. Then, without leaving for a second and without taking your eyes off the curdled milk, wait until such curd clots appear. They will gradually sink to the bottom.

Step 5. Curd curds

Remove the pan from the heat. Let the serum cool. And then there are several ways. The first is to strain the cottage cheese through a thick towel or a strainer.

Step 6. Strain through a sieve

But in order to get the desired mass, you still need to do some manipulations. Let's say you did it with a strainer. Keep the cottage cheese in it longer, or you can press it on top with a spoon. I did it with a strainer, and then threw it all on a towel to wring it out.

Step 7. Squeeze out the whey

IMPORTANT: If, after the first attempt with a small amount of curdled milk, you decide to make a larger portion, then this process will be made easier by hanging a towel (gauze). Just keep it there until the whey stops separating.

And you will get such beauty!

Step 8. Cottage cheese is ready

How to make cottage cheese from kefir

Kefir should only be fresh. And another piece of advice - take the one that is not liquid, but the one that is thicker, with a consistency reminiscent of my yogurt. Having poured a liter of kefir into an enamel vessel, we send it to water bath. Keep on low heat for at least 30 minutes. Cover with a lid and let it cool. And then the same algorithm - gauze or strainer. Or both.

A delicious recipe for making low-fat homemade cottage cheese

Yes, this happens too. Some are losing weight, some are contraindicated excess fat, someone’s liver or pancreas does not allow such luxury. Therefore, I advise you to buy non-farm milk - it has a high percentage of fat content. And for low-fat cottage cheese you also need low-fat milk. You can buy one percent milk at the store, or if you buy it from someone homemade milk, ask - they will do it for you skimmed milk. You can stand the milk and skim the cream several times.

Then you need to ferment the milk. But get ready for the fact that the process will take more than one day, as with yogurt. Therefore, put a couple of tablespoons of low-fat kefir into a liter of raw materials. And then everything is the same as in previous recipes. By the way, low-fat homemade cottage cheese will not be as loose as with regular milk, but everything useful will be preserved in it!

Homemade cottage cheese made from natural cow's milk, will cost almost half as much as the store bought one. It does not contain chemical additives and antibiotics, which increase the shelf life of raw materials. To get useful and safe product own production, you will have to go through three stages: turning milk into curdled milk, heat treatment and separating the mass from the whey.

Selection of raw materials

What base should I use for cottage cheese? There is an opinion that store-bought pasteurized milk is “dead” and is not suitable for such purposes. It’s better to go to the market or visit familiar farmers where you can get hold of a natural cow product.

Packaged milk is suitable for making cottage cheese if there are no other raw materials, but when choosing it you should take into account some nuances:

  1. Do not buy options with a long shelf life. They necessarily contain antibiotics, which prevent the raw material from turning sour.
  2. Choose a product with a fat content of 3.6% or more.
  3. Remember that 1 liter of packaged raw materials produces about 200 g of cottage cheese.

Pasteurized milk is more expensive than homemade milk, which is sold on the market. Manufacturers subject the product to heat treatment, so when reheated it will lose 60–70% of its nutrients.

Packaged raw materials also have several advantages:

  1. Curd made from store-bought milk has a soft and delicate consistency. It is not as grainy as the whole cow option.
  2. It is enough to mash the product with a fork to turn it into an airy, homogeneous mass, which is ideal for baking. There is no need to grind the fermented milk component with a blender or through a sieve.
  3. Cottage cheese made from pasteurized milk is suitable for people who are afraid of eating extra calories. The product is dietary, with minimal fat content and a delicate creamy taste.
  1. Natural raw materials contain a lot of calcium and other minerals that are useful for both adults and children.
  2. The cottage cheese turns out fatty, with a characteristic sour taste.
  3. Liter whole milk– this is 250–300 g of fermented milk product plus cream, which can be removed from the raw material in the first or second day of settling.

The whey remaining after straining the cottage cheese is used to prepare okroshka and added to the dough for dumplings or pies.

Preparing milk

If you are not sure of the quality of the cow product, it is recommended to boil it. High temperatures kill E. coli and pathogenic bacteria. You can heat the cottage cheese from sour milk, or rather, from yogurt, so the raw materials need to be brought to the right consistency.

Pour the whole or pasteurized product into a glass jar or clay jug. Iron pans and other containers are not suitable for settling milk. Fermentation triggers oxidative processes, and the raw material acquires an unpleasant aftertaste.

The jars are not sealed, but only covered with a towel or rag on top. The lid, unlike fabric, does not allow air to pass through, which accelerates the ripening of the product. The cloth also protects the raw materials from ultraviolet radiation. Milk left in the sun not only quickly sours, but can also turn green and spoil, especially if it is a pasteurized variety.

How to speed up fermentation
To get curdled milk in 1–2 days, add a piece of rye or black cracker to the raw material. Suitable fresh bread, because the main thing is the yeast contained in the additive. Mushrooms activate fermentation, and the milk sours in 12–24 hours, depending on the freshness of the product itself.

It is recommended to add 1-2 tablespoons of sour cream or 150-250 ml of kefir to boiled raw materials that have cooled to 40–38 degrees. The products contain lactic bacteria, which are responsible for fermentation. Better to use homemade sour cream or kefir, not store-bought.

Third option - lemon acid or table vinegar. A spoonful of the additive is diluted in 3–4 liters warm milk. Stir thoroughly and leave for 1–2 hours. The raw material turns into curdled milk almost instantly. Whey obtained from milk with vinegar should not be drunk or used to prepare okroshka. The product increases the acidity of the stomach, irritates the walls and can burn the mucous membrane. An alternative to vinegar is freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Pasteurized milk is mixed with dry bacteria or liquid starters, which are sold in pharmacies and large supermarkets. The additive is activated only in heat, so the raw materials are preheated. Bacteria turn milk into curdled milk in just 6-8 hours.

Right place
Containers with the workpiece should be kept warm:

  • next to the battery;
  • near the stove;
  • you can lean the jar against hot pan or a teapot;
  • Place it near the back of the refrigerator.

Milk quickly turns sour in the bathroom, because it is always warm there. The main thing is not to get it on the container with the product. sunlight, due to which vitamin C evaporates and the taste of the future cottage cheese deteriorates.

Important: In the refrigerator, fermentation processes are inhibited, and the milk does not turn into curdled milk, but simply becomes unfit for consumption.

Pasteurized or whole product Do not stir, crush, beat or shake. You need to wait until the milk separates into yellowish-greenish whey and large white breasts. If small flakes float in the container, it means the process is not finished yet. On average, 1 to 3 days are enough for the raw material to reach the correct consistency and it can be heated.

Heat treatment

Carefully pour the curdled milk into large saucepan: for 3 liters of product, you should take dishes with a volume of 5 liters or more. The curd rises a little during cooking and can escape if the container is too small.

Place the pan on an electric or gas stove, turn on the minimum temperature. The curdled milk needs to be heated, but not brought to a boil. It is recommended to regularly check the temperature of the liquid with your fingers: dip your index or middle finger into the raw material and wait 2-3 seconds. If it is too hot, reduce the power or turn off the stove.

Stir the future cottage cheese with a wooden or iron spoon, but not too often. When large lumps float to the surface, set the pan aside and let cool slightly. All that remains is to strain the cottage cheese and squeeze out the excess whey.

There is also a steam option heat treatment. Heat water in a large saucepan, and place a smaller container in it, into which the curdled milk is poured. Heat for 15–20 minutes until the small flakes form a large pile, resembling a jelly-like consistency.

Option with microwave
The method will appeal to girls who want to spend a minimum of time preparing a healthy product.

  1. Transfer the curdled milk to liter jar or a container for baking in the microwave with high sides.
  2. Set the power within 360 – 400 W.
  3. Timer for 10 minutes, do not cover the jar with anything.
  4. The finished curd will float to the surface, and the whey will turn transparent greenish. If it has a milky tint, you need to turn on the microwave for another 2-3 minutes.

All that remains is to strain the cottage cheese when it cools down. There is no need to squeeze the mass, it will turn out dry.

Tip: Setting the microwave to maximum power will not speed up the process. The mass dries out from high temperatures and burns at the edges.

Recipe in the oven
A convenient and easy way to heat cottage cheese is to put it in the oven. To get lean sour milk product, use only yogurt. If you need fatty cottage cheese, sour milk is mixed with sour cream: for 3 liters of the first ingredient, approximately 1–1.5 liters of the second.

Pour the ingredients into an enamel pan and cover. Preheat the oven to 145–150 degrees, simmer the curdled milk for 45 minutes. Turn off and leave inside until cool. Separate from the whey, let it brew and can be consumed.

Cottage cheese from a slow cooker

  • Pour the sour milk into a bowl.
  • Select the “Heating” mode.
  • Set the timer for half an hour if you need it dry. crumbly cottage cheese, then for 45 minutes.
  • Drain the mixture in a colander. After cooling it can be consumed.

Pour no more than 2–3 liters of sour milk into a 5 liter bowl. If there is too much curdled milk, it will run away during cooking and flood the multicooker.

Straining correctly

You will need a clean saucepan or large bowl, a thick piece of cloth or gauze, which is folded in at least 4 layers. Attach a colander to the container and place a rag inside so that its edges hang 4–5 cm from the bowl.

Pour the curd gradually, pushing big pieces spatula. When the whole mass is in a colander, it needs to be lightly compacted and knocked into one lump. Tie the gauze like a bag and hang it on a hook or rope. Place a bowl or pan under the cottage cheese, into which the remaining liquid will drain.

You don’t have to hang the gauze, but put a press on top:

  • one and a half liter bottle of water;
  • grindstone;
  • two-kilogram dumbbell.

Cover the top of the cottage cheese with foil or a plate. If you like a soft, “wet” product, 20–40 minutes is enough. To get dry, crumbly cottage cheese, you need to hold the press for 2–3 hours. Keep ready mass in a refrigerator. It is advisable to consume it within 3-4 days, because the homemade product spoils quickly.

The method works with any milk: whole, sterilized, pasteurized, or even lactose-free options. The raw materials do not need to be settled, just heat to 40 degrees and add 10% calcium chloride powder.

For 500 ml of base, take 1 tbsp. l pharmaceutical preparation. Stir the milk until the calcium is completely dissolved, wait until it boils. The mass will curdle and lumps will float to the surface. Cool the mixture and strain.

Important: You can eat no more than 100 g of cottage cheese prepared with calcium chloride per day, otherwise your mineral metabolism in organism.

Option without heat treatment

Pour the curdled milk into a plastic container or glass bowl and put it in the freezer. Wait until the mass freezes and turns solid white breast. Remove the curdled milk and place in a colander lined with gauze. When the mass has melted, hang it over a bowl and wait until all the whey has drained. Tender and puffed cottage cheese, reminiscent of mascarpone, ready to eat.

Curd mass for the little ones

Pour 3 liters of milk into a saucepan, bring to a boil

  1. Add 1.5 liters of kefir
  2. Switch the stove to low heat
  3. Leave for 10 minutes, stirring gently
  4. When the mixture has curdled, cool and place on cheesecloth.
  5. Mix cottage cheese with bananas, apples or other fruits. Blend in blender until smooth
  6. Delicious and healthy dessert ready for kids and adults.

Homemade cottage cheese is one of the most healthy products, which can be used at least every day. It will strengthen teeth, bones, immunity and improve your mood. And the cooking curd mass from whole or pasteurized milk will take only 40–50 minutes, not counting the time spent on purchasing and settling the raw materials.

Video: how to make cottage cheese at home

Cottage cheese is a healthy milk replacement, butter and mayonnaise. Cottage cheese contains many amino acids that help build muscle mass. This product is popular among athletes and gourmets healthy food, for people who want to lose weight. Pregnant women are advised to eat cottage cheese frequently. Women can use this product to make masks for rejuvenation. It is given to children as complementary food from 6 months of birth.How to properly prepare cottage cheese at home?

Real cottage cheese contains a lot of calcium and is a rich source of protein (casein). The calcium/phosphorus ratio in this product is 1:1,4, which promotes good absorption of calcium.

Cottage cheese is healthy and healthy product nutrition

Our body is 15% protein. High-quality protein can be obtained from cottage cheese. But it must be properly processed in order to kill lactobacilli in it and neutralize the products of the fermentation process. Substitutes for processed cottage cheese are: legumes(peas, lentils, beans and other products). These crops contain about 20% quality protein. The ideal ratio of proteins for the human body is to consume green peas with milk. Cereals contain about 12% protein.

The following varieties of this dairy product are produced by industry according to fat content: fat (19% - 23%), classic (4.0% - 18.0%), low-fat (1.8% - 3%), low-fat (0.6%) . Low-fat cottage cheese is used in weight loss diets. Nowadays a grain curd is being produced that contains more protein than regular curds.

The daily consumption of cottage cheese for an adult is 150 - 200 grams.

Mass composition and the nutritional value depends on the fat content of this product:

Nutritional value per 100 g.
Energy value 70 – 226 kcal
Squirrels 14 - 18
Fats 0.6 - 18 g.
Carbohydrates 1 - 1.5 g.
Vitamin A, hsv. 50 - 100 mcg
Beta carotene 30 - 60 mcg
Calcium 150 – 176 mg
Magnesium 23 - 24 mg
Sodium 41 – 44 mg
Potassium 112 – 115 mg
Phosphorus 217 - 224 mg
Iron 0.3 - 0.4 mg

The vitamins that are present in this product well regulate metabolic processes in the body.The proteins of this product are quickly absorbed in the body, unlike the proteins found in other foods. Cottage cheese proteins contain amino acids that support the good functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

V.V. Karavaev did not recommend taking store-bought cottage cheese or one bought at the market from grannies, since store-bought cottage cheese is sour, while homemade cottage cheese is bland and fresh. This food product is predominantly acidic, and we try to maintain an alkaline environment in the body . The acidity of store-bought cottage cheese is about 70% and depends on the ratio in it minerals. Depending on how old the product is, this acidity changes. So try to use freshly prepared curd.

Making cottage cheese at home.

To prepare it at home, it is advisable to use fresh village milk or unpasteurized milk, but pasteurized milk can also be used. The milk must be fresh. Proper preparation Homemade cottage cheese will take 2 days. According to recipes 3 and 4, it is done quickly, within 30 minutes.

If you need to cook skim cheese, then take milk with low fat content or skim the cream from the milk first. The yield from 1 liter of milk is about 200 - 250 grams, depending on the fat content.If you need to prepare a moister and softer curd, then reduce the spin time to 30 minutes, and to obtain a dry one - to 3 hours.

Cottage cheese tastes better when it's fresh. It should be stored in the refrigerator, in a bag or in a plastic container. Shelf life is 3 days and depends on storage conditions. For long-term storage it can be frozen. After a properly carried out defrosting process, the cottage cheese does not lose its useful qualities. Re-freezing it is not recommended.

It can be used to prepare cheesecakes, casseroles, pancakes, dumplings, salads and many other dishes. Or just spray it olive oil, a pinch of salt, pepper and sprinkle with fresh parsley. If you add a little sugar, sour cream to this cottage cheese and just stir, you will get an excellent breakfast.

Cooking cottage cheeseunleavened (1 recipe) .

Place a clean linen bag the size of the pan into the pan and fold the edges of the bag over the edge of the pan at the top. Place cottage cheese in a bag (at the bottom) and pour a large number of boiling water Boiling water needs to be poured into a bag. In a linen bag for 1 kg of cottage cheese, add 2 tablespoons of cumin, or calendula tincture or calcium carbonate powder in the amount of 4 teaspoons, or between the bag and the walls of the pan you can place 4 tablespoons of the following non-bitter herbs: calendula, St. John's wort, mint, sage or mixtures of them in equal proportions.

First, the cottage cheese must be kneaded well. After pouring boiling water, place the pan on strong fire and, stirring slightly, bring the process to a boil. If the cottage cheese turns out to be viscous, this indicates that protein denaturation has occurred. You need to add calcium carbonate (CC) to it and mix well. The boiling time for cottage cheese is approximately 3 minutes. If we overheat the whey, the product will turn out hard and in the form of grains, and if we do not overheat, then the separation of the whey will be poor and the curd will turn out sour.

After boiling, it must be cooled and hung to drain. This liquid or water contains acidic neutralized substances. If the dairy product tastes sour, then you need to pour boiled water over it again, stir thoroughly and hang again to drain the water. Due to their alkaline properties, calcium carbonate and herbs neutralize pathological acids that are formed during the fermentation process and protect the protein in the curd from denaturation.

Cottage cheese recipewith calcium (2 recipe).

Pour some water into the pan to prevent burning. Place the cottage cheese in a saucepan and add 0.5 liters of milk per 250 grams of cottage cheese. Mix cottage cheese and milk thoroughly. While stirring this mixture, keep it over low heat until the milk breaks down (protein coagulation).

After this, add calcium carbonate in the amount of 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of milk to neutralize fermentation products and protect the protein from denaturation. Mix our composition well. After this, increase the heat and bring to a boil. We take a colander and put clean gauze folded in several layers there. Then cool the cottage cheese and place it in a colander to drain the whey. The gauze with cottage cheese must be tied and hung so that excess whey and moisture are removed. To speed up the spin cycle, place a wooden plank on top and any weight on it. After 6 hours, the spinning process is completed and the product is ready for consumption. It turns out to be a tasty and healthy cottage cheese.

Cottage cheese recipewith calcium

Cottage cheese recipefromkefir andmilk (3 recipe).

This cooking recipe allows you to make homemade cottage cheese quickly. It is better to take kefir and milk in film (with a short shelf life) or farm milk. The fat content is high if you make it from 2.5% kefir and milk.Pour some water into the pan to prevent burning. Then pour milk and kefir into the pan.Add 2.5 liters of milk and 0.5 liters of kefir. Further processing is carried out in the same way as indicated in the 2nd recipe. Cottage cheese prepared according to this recipe is not scary to give to children, since the milk was brought to a boil.

Cooking cottage cheesefrom milk andlemon (4 recipes).

This recipe allows you to cook cottage cheese quickly. Take 2 packets of milk (1 liter) from the refrigerator and pour into a saucepan. Boil the milk until bubbles appear. Then squeeze the juice from half a lemon or lime into it and cover the pan with a lid. When the milk has curdled (curdled), remove from heat. After about 10 minutes, the curd gradually settles. After settling and cooling, strain. From the resulting whey, rich in sugars and milk fats, you can prepare unleavened pastries, porridges and pancakes. About 500 grams of a healthy and tasty product are obtained.

The daily intake of cottage cheese for the health of the body.

At the beginning of the process of healing the body, if performed according to the V.V. Karavaev system for two hours a day, daily norm intake is three tablespoons of cottage cheese per day. With an increase in the body's energy, this norm gradually increases to nine tablespoons per day. After regularly taking the norm, you will feel cheerful and well-being.

Cooking cottage cheese from milk and kefir (video).

Recipes for making cottage cheese are taken from the prevention and healing of the body and from personal experience. Additionally, we recommend getting good recipes homemade products in our article

Enjoy homemade cottage cheese! The benefits are guaranteed. Bon appetit!

To make the process more understandable, we have prepared step by step recipe with photo. Feel free to add to your culinary piggy bank any of the proposed options, and pamper your family natural cottage cheese how in pure form, so with various additives. It is prepared from milk, kefir, yogurt and other dairy products.

Heat treatment will take place at not too high temperatures. As a rule, the technology uses a water bath. To do this, place the pan with raw materials in a bowl of water. At high temperature processing and increasing the duration of the process, the cottage cheese deteriorates its quality. It becomes hard and dry.

For cooking you will need the following utensils:

  • Glass jar;
  • 2 pans of different diameters;
  • Colander or sieve.

Also, prepare the flap. natural fabric or gauze folded in several layers.

Before straining, wet the cloth (gauze) boiled water and squeeze it out, and then nothing will stick to it.

To make homemade cottage cheese, take milk from the cow or store-bought milk. In the first case, the yield is greater, the product is fattier, and from store-bought pasteurized milk it is softer and more tender.

When buying raw materials in a store, choose milk with a short shelf life and a fat content of at least 3.6%.

A by-product of making homemade cottage cheese is whey. She herself has nutritional value, besides, it behaves perfectly as a basis for dough. So don’t throw it away, but use it to make pies and okroshka.

How to make cottage cheese at home from homemade and store-bought milk: step-by-step recipe

Cottage cheese is a fermented milk product, it is obtained from sour milk, so the first stage of preparation is ripening. For this reason, long-term storage milk is not suitable; it simply will not sour. We take it in polyethylene (which, by the way, is cheaper). Be sure to look at the date of manufacture - only suitable for us fresh milk.

On a note

You can skim the cream from farm milk, but if you want to cook full-fat cottage cheese, you don’t need to do this.

Step-by-step preparation:

We talked about how to properly prepare delicious coarse cottage cheese at home from whole sour milk, they gave a step-by-step recipe, but you can do without a water bath. The pan with curdled milk is simply placed on low heat and warmed up. Be sure to be careful not to burn. After curdling, proceed as described above.

From kefir: fresh and frozen

You can quickly make cottage cheese from kefir. The yield will be less than from yogurt, but the taste is no worse. We skip the ripening stage and immediately place the container with kefir in a water bath. Don't forget to stir. The remaining whey can also be used, for example, to make pancakes or crumpets with it.

The heating temperature of kefir should not exceed 60°C, otherwise the cottage cheese will turn out hard.

Perfect for making homemade cottage cheese from kefir in a water bath. glass jar, just don’t forget to put a towel on the bottom of the pan so that it doesn’t burst when heated. The process will be similar to sterilizing canned food, with the difference that you do not need to bring it to a boil. The jar is convenient because there is no need to stir the mixture, and readiness can be easily monitored by the separation of the whey from the curdled mass. It is very visible through the glass.

A completely different technology is used for cottage cheese from frozen kefir. In this case heat treatment is not carried out.

Cooking steps:

  1. Place a pack of kefir in the freezer.
  2. After it freezes, remove it from the freezer and remove the packaging.
  3. Place the frozen kefir in a colander lined with a damp cloth or gauze folded in 2-3 layers. Place a colander over a bowl or pan.
  4. Leave to defrost for at least 5 hours at room temperature. The time depends on the air temperature.
  5. When all the ice has thawed, strain out the remaining mixture on the gauze and transfer it to a glass or plastic container.

Cottage cheese from pre-frozen kefir is dietary, tender and soft, without grains. The consistency is similar to cream. The taste depends on the quality of the original product.

If the room is cool, the defrosting process may take up to 10 hours. It is convenient to put the bag in the freezer in the evening, and in the morning put kefir ice on cheesecloth. Then fresh homemade cottage cheese will be ready for dinner.

In a slow cooker: with sour cream and sourdough

In a slow cooker, cottage cheese is prepared from kefir, fermented baked milk or sour cow's or goat's milk. If you have fresh milk and sour cream, then using a miracle saucepan you can also make delicious product, but it will take more time, the process will take about 12 hours, and possibly longer.

We will need such products;

  • Milk – 10 glasses;
  • Sour cream – ½ cup.


  1. Pour milk into the multicooker bowl.
  2. Add sour cream, stir. To make this easier, dilute the sour cream in small quantity milk, and then pour the liquid mixture into the bowl.
  3. Set the “Warming” mode and leave for half an hour.
  4. After 2 hours, turn on the heating again, but for 15 minutes.
  5. It is more convenient to leave the cottage cheese overnight, then in the morning the yogurt will be ready.
  6. To curdle at the final stage, turn on the multicooker in the “Warming” mode for 1 hour.
  7. Now all that remains is to pour the thick mass onto cheesecloth. First fold it several times and place it in a colander, and place it over the pan.
  8. Wait until all the whey has drained.
  9. Do not try to speed up the process by stirring the mixture with a spoon. Leave it alone, or, as a last resort, pull up the edges of the gauze alternately on all sides.
  10. As usual, move ready-made cottage cheese into a suitable container and place in the refrigerator.

Instead of sour cream, you can use any fermented milk product: kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt.

With special starter cultures, you can prepare a tasty and healthy fermented milk product in 8 hours. Excellent results are obtained with BakZdrav starter. The instructions included with it are very detailed. In a slow cooker this is done like this:

  1. In chilled boiled milk add starter, stir.
  2. Pour the mixture into the multicooker bowl, turn on the “Yoghurt” mode. If it is not there, then set the temperature to 35-40°C and leave for 8 hours.
  3. Using a spatula, cut the dense layer directly in the bowl into rectangles with a side of 2 cm (do not stir, just pick), set the temperature to 60°C, cook for 15 minutes.
  4. Strain through cheesecloth and cool.

Place in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours, after which you can serve. Children really like this cottage cheese. It can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days. If you add berries, fruits or raisins to it and pour syrup over it, you will get a wonderful dessert.

Homemade cottage cheese with calcium chloride

If you need to increase the calcium content, then use pharmaceutical drug calcium chloride 10%. It is sold in ampoules and bottles. Take precautions when using the ampoule.

To prevent glass from accidentally getting into the product, draw the drug with a syringe and a needle.

  • Milk – 300 ml;
  • Calcium chloride – 1 tsp.

How to cook:

  1. Boil milk
  2. Add calcium chloride, after which the milk will begin to curdle.
  3. Place on cheesecloth and strain.

This technology achieves two goals. Firstly, the preparation is very fast, no preparatory measures are required. Secondly, cottage cheese is enriched with calcium, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Calcified cottage cheese is often prescribed to children; it is useful for older people as a preventive measure for osteoporosis.

We have given several options on how to prepare cottage cheese at home. This can be done quickly using calcium chloride or without heat treatment by freezing and then thawing kefir. A very tasty and tender cottage cheese is made in a slow cooker. And there is also classic way which our grandmothers used. In each case, the consistency will be different, and the taste will also be different, so you need to try and choose what your family likes.