How to make crispy French fries in the oven. Homemade French fries in the oven with oil or egg white

French fries are a universal side dish for meat, fish and a complete meal in their own right. You can enjoy delicious potatoes in a pleasant home environment if you cook them yourself. This will be discussed in our article.

Both adults and children love French fries - crispy on the outside, soft on the inside and incredibly flavorful. Many argue that French fries are very harmful, since when preparing them you need to use a lot of sunflower oil, which, when frying for a long time, can produce carcinogenic substances. And the frying process, again, is not the healthiest.

However, the taste qualities for which this dish is famous will leave only particularly persistent people aside. We will look at all the nuances of making French fries in this article.

How to cut French fries?

We have all seen ready-made French fries many times and enjoyed this simple and tasty dish. Few people try to cook it at home, but it’s as easy as shelling pears. First you need to peel the tubers and cut them into slices. Potatoes should be chosen large and mature.

You can make delicious French fries at home - it's much easier than you think!

Do not buy new potatoes for making fries - the density and taste of the finished product will be very different from your expectations.

It is important to choose the correct thickness of the slices so that the potatoes are well fried, but at the same time are not overly dried and burnt. The optimal size for the slices would be 1x1 cm. It is best not to cut strips that are too long so that the potatoes do not break when frying and turning.

After you have cut all the planned tubers, rinse them well and dry with a paper towel - this will remove all excess starch from the product. After this, you can start frying delicious potatoes.

How to cook frozen French fries?

Supermarkets sell frozen French fries. The use of such a semi-finished product has a number of advantages:

  • No waste - You do not need to peel and cut the tubers before cooking, they are already prepared directly for frying
  • Speed ​​of preparation also follows from the above. All you have to do is buy frozen French fries and throw them in the frying pan, deep fryer or oven
  • Time saving - You do not need to wash the tubers before cleaning, and after cutting, all products have already been thoroughly processed

You can buy frozen French fries in stores.

As already mentioned, French fries can be cooked in the oven, in a frying pan, or in a deep fryer. Let's talk in detail about each of these methods for frozen semi-finished products:

  • Cooking in the oven - this method of cooking has a significant advantage - you do not need to use oil. The resulting dish will be crispy and less harmful. Preheat the oven to 200 C and place the frozen potatoes on a baking sheet. Do not grease the pan with anything. During cooking, you need to stir the slices several times so that they are evenly fried. After 35 minutes the fries are ready, serve with sauce or salad
  • Cooking frozen French fries in the deep fryer - for this you will need a lot of sunflower oil so that all the potatoes are covered with it. Set the temperature on the machine to 200 C and place the slices in hot oil. The dish will be ready within 15 minutes
  • Cooking in a frying pan is not a complicated method, but at the same time, it is advisable for you to constantly be in the kitchen to systematically mix the slices - they fry very quickly in hot oil. You need to pour about 100 g of oil into the frying pan (based on 2 potatoes) and heat it up. After this, pour the potatoes into a well-heated frying pan. It is advisable not to put a lot of potatoes in one container: it is optimal to arrange the slices in one row so that they fry evenly and well. After 30 minutes, the potatoes can be served.
  • In these simple ways you can prepare delicious French fries from frozen semi-finished products. The taste of the product will be slightly different from a dish made from fresh potatoes, but if you are in a hurry or do not want to waste time, frozen French fries will help.

    Video: How to make frozen French fries?

    How long to fry fresh and frozen French fries?

    It is impossible to give an exact time required to prepare delicious French fries. Only in a deep fryer the cooking time does not exceed 15 minutes. Both in the oven and in a frying pan, it is advisable for you to periodically check the condition of the slices to see if they are sufficiently toasted and elastic. To do this, turn the potatoes every 3-5 minutes in a frying pan or in the oven.

    It is also important to consider the condition of the potatoes - are they frozen slices or just chopped potatoes. Frozen semi-finished products will require a little more time to defrost. Make sure that frozen water from the semi-finished product does not get into the pan, otherwise there will be a strong hiss and splashes when it comes into contact with hot oil.

    When defrosting potatoes, use warm water - place a bag of frozen potatoes in it and wait 5-7 minutes. After this, blot the moisture from the potatoes and start cooking.

    A delicious dish can be obtained from both fresh potato tubers and frozen products. Consider the fact that certain preservatives are usually used to store semi-finished products. Because of this, it is not advisable to give such a product to children, and even to adults - it is better to spend more time, but eat a dish made from high-quality natural products.

    French fries recipe in a frying pan

    Making French fries at home is not difficult. The easiest way is to cook the dish in a frying pan. Perhaps this method is not as simple as deep-frying, but not every housewife has such equipment in her kitchen, and a frying pan is an everyday housewife's utensil.

    French fries in a frying pan are radically different from fried potatoes

    To cook French fries in a frying pan you will need:

    • Potatoes – 1 kg
    • Sunflower oil 250 g
    • A pinch of salt

    Pour sunflower oil into the frying pan in a layer of 2-3 mm. While the oil is heating, chop the peeled potatoes. You can use a shredder for this. But then the slices will turn out to be of a shape that is not typical for French fries. If you want traditional fries, you'll have to work with your hands and a knife. Cut slices approximately 1x1 cm, rinse in water and place on a towel.

    You can also cook French fries in a frying pan, the main condition is that there is enough oil

    After the excess liquid has drained from the potatoes, place the slices in a frying pan. Fry the potatoes on each side for 3-5 minutes. In general, frying in a pan will not take you more than 25 minutes. After 15 minutes of frying, you can stir the slices more often, since the oil is already hot enough and the potatoes can fry faster.

    Spread a napkin on a plate and place the finished dish so that excess sunflower oil drips off the potatoes. French fries can be supplemented with sauces, various salads or meat products.

    Recipe for making crispy French fries in the oven at home

    In order to prepare a delicious side dish in the oven, you do not need sunflower oil. Some housewives are worried that the potatoes will stick to the baking sheet, so they grease the sheet a little. But if you don’t do this, the potatoes will still turn out very tasty and crispy.

    To cook potatoes in the oven you will need:

    • Potatoes – 1 kg
    • Sunflower oil (optional) – 20 g
    • Paprika – 15 g
    • Seasoning or salt

    French fries are baked in the oven without oil

    After you have prepared all the ingredients, turn on the oven and preheat it to 200 C. At this time, sprinkle the slices of chopped potatoes with paprika and roll them well in the seasoning.

    To cook potatoes in the oven you will need no more than 35 minutes. While cooking, turn the slices periodically to ensure they cook evenly, or turn the oven on to sear on all sides. This way you will reduce cooking time and get delicious crispy potatoes with an appetizing crust.

    Oven fries are lower in calories due to the lack of oil. The taste of this dish is very tasty, the slices are crispy and crispy. If you haven't made French fries according to our recipe yet, you should do it now.

    How to cook French fries in a slow cooker?

    You can try delicious French fries not only at McDonald's, but also cook them yourself. If you have such a miracle device in your kitchen as a multicooker, then the process of preparing this dish is greatly simplified.

    To cook fries in a slow cooker you will need:

    • Potatoes – 1 kg
    • Sunflower oil – 1 l
    • Seasoning or salt (to taste)

    The process of creating a delicious dish consists of the following stages:

    • It is necessary to wash, peel and cut the potatoes into slices
    • In the multicooker, select the “Baking” mode, set the time to 60 minutes
    • Pour oil and heat it in a slow cooker for 2-3 minutes
    • Place the potatoes in the bowl and cook for no more than 10 minutes

    It is best to fry potatoes in a multicooker twice - first for 10 minutes, then take them out, blot them and put them back in the multicooker bowl for 3-5 minutes.

    After this, delicious fries are ready. In a slow cooker you can also cook delicious meat that will go well with potatoes.

    Video: French fries without a fryer

    How to cook French fries in the microwave?

    Frozen semi-finished products are well suited for cooking potatoes in the microwave. To do this you will need:

    • Potatoes – 1 kg
    • Sunflower oil (optional) – 40 g
    • Seasoning or salt

    To cook fries in the microwave, it would be nice to have a special form. It looks like a sieve, only the holes are larger - about 1x1 cm. In this case, the slices need to be inserted directly into these holes.

    If you don’t have such a device, then you can use a regular plate. Place the potato slices in one row on a plate. It’s better not to pile up several rows of potatoes, so they won’t get fried.

    After you have cut the potatoes into slices and placed them in a mold or on a plate, set your microwave to maximum power and bake the fries for about 7 minutes. You can also use fresh potato slices for microwave cooking using the same recommendations.

    Cooking French fries in the microwave may be simple, but it is not entirely healthy. Since the microwave itself is a harmful thing, you should not overuse it, especially if you are preparing a treat for children.

    How to cook French fries in an air fryer?

    An air grill is a device that allows you to cook food using a stream of hot air. You can also cook French fries in this electrical appliance. Naturally, this is not the only cooking option, so you shouldn’t run to the store for an air fryer if you want to savor the fries.

    The advantage of this method is that in this way the potatoes are dietary and less harmful. And all thanks to the fact that the slices are cooked on a special grill, from which unnecessary sunflower oil drains. Thus, the finished product is not saturated with excess fat, which will certainly affect its taste.

    To prepare French fries in an air fryer you will need:

    • Potatoes – 1 kg
    • Sunflower oil (optional) – 60 g
    • Seasoning or salt

    Let's look at it step by step cooking process:

    • Wash, peel and cut the potato tubers into slices
    • Stir in salt and sunflower oil
    • Set the temperature on the device to 250C
    • Place the slices on the air fryer rack
    • Cook the potatoes for 10 minutes on one side and 15 minutes on the other.

    After this, the French fries can be transferred from the bowl to a plate and served with salad or fish.

    Air Fryer French Fries Recipe

    If you bought a newfangled deep fryer, but the taste of potatoes still leaves much to be desired, use certain cooking rules:

    • Be sure to rinse the cut potatoes well to reduce their starch content. Otherwise, the fries will be overcooked and will turn out soft rather than crispy.
    • Pat the washed potatoes well with a towel. Excess moisture negatively affects the taste of fries.
    • Oil should only be vegetable and refined
    • Place the slices only in well-heated oil
    • Do not salt potatoes before or during frying. If you fry salted potatoes, a crust will not form on them

    French fries in the deep fryer - a classic cooking method

    After following all the above rules, start cooking:

    • Peel, cut and wash potatoes
    • Dry the slices well
    • Pour oil into the deep fryer at the rate of 100 g of oil per 500 g of potatoes
    • Heat the oil and add the slices
    • Cook potatoes for 7-10 minutes

    The potatoes are ready. Carefully place the slices on a napkin to remove excess oil. After this, divide into portions, add salt, garnish with beautifully chopped vegetables and serve. Bon appetit!

    How many calories are in French fries?

    Many people believe that potatoes are a fairly high-calorie vegetable and try to exclude them from the diet during a diet. But in fact, the calorie content of potatoes is determined by the method of their preparation.

    If 100 g of raw vegetable contains 75 kcal, then French fries already contain 316 kcal. In calorie competitions, fries win among all potato dishes.

    If, despite these numbers, you still decide to treat yourself to a delicious side dish, try to cook fries in the oven or on an air fryer. This frying method uses the least amount of sunflower oil, which in turn will slightly reduce the calorie content of the product.

    Don't limit yourself to the joys of delicious food. You shouldn't overeat on these kinds of delicacies, but sometimes you can cut yourself some slack and treat yourself to such a tasty dish as French fries.

    Video: French fries. Cooking secrets

    Well, who doesn’t love tender and crispy French fries, which can be tasted in almost any catering establishment? Many people regularly visit fast foods only to enjoy french fries and burgers, which are problematic to make at home themselves. It is believed that to prepare French fries at home, you cannot do without a special deep fryer, and buying a deep fryer is a rather serious matter. This means a lot of money, space in the kitchen for a bulky appliance, and huge consumption of vegetable oil.

    However, there is a simple solution to this problem, and today I will show you how to cook delicious and not too unhealthy French fries in the oven at home. In our usual understanding, deep frying is a large amount of vegetable oil into which the product is completely immersed, which, no doubt, does not have the best effect on its calorie content. But in this recipe, thin potato slices are simply coated in oil on all sides, and then baked in the oven. The result is very tasty French fries with a soft center and a crispy, appetizing crust, which are not much different from their fast food counterparts, but certainly contain more benefits and fewer calories.

    Potatoes according to this recipe are prepared very simply and quickly, they practically do not require your attention while they are baked in the oven, so they can serve as an excellent side dish for any dish both on weekdays and on weekends. This is a safe dish to feed your children from time to time, and it is also a good idea to serve crispy potato slices at a children's party for everyone's enjoyment and benefit. Try making French fries in the oven using this recipe, and your family will certainly appreciate this simple and tasty vegetable side dish!


    • 6 medium potatoes (800 g)
    • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil


    1. To cook French fries in the oven, peel the potatoes and cut them into long thin strips of equal thickness.

    For this dish, it is advisable to use potatoes with a low starch content. Young potatoes are perfect, as are those sold in stores labeled “for frying.” Such potatoes hold their shape better and do not fall apart during cooking.

    2. Place the chopped potatoes in a large colander and rinse thoroughly under running cold water. This procedure will help get rid of some starch.

    3. Place potato slices on paper towels and dry thoroughly. Thanks to this, the potatoes will acquire a golden brown crust when baked and will not cook in their own juice.

    4. Place the potatoes in a bowl, pour over the vegetable oil and mix with your hands so that the oil evenly coats each slice.

    5. Place the potatoes on a baking sheet lined with parchment or a silicone mat in one layer. The indicated amount of ingredients is exactly designed for one large baking sheet.

    6. Bake French fries in an oven preheated to 220°C on the lowest level for 15 - 20 minutes, until the potatoes are browned on the bottom, then move the baking sheet to the highest level and cook for another 15 - 20 minutes.

    With this cooking method, there is no need to stir the potatoes during baking.

    Delicious homemade French fries are ready from the oven! This dish should be salted only after cooking, so that no juice is released from the potatoes, and served immediately, since after cooling and reheating, the potatoes will soften and will not be crunchy. Bon appetit!

    How to make diet french fries

    At first glance, it seems that potatoes cannot be a dietary dish in principle, let alone French fries. However, the increased calorie content of potatoes compared to other vegetables is due to their high starch content, which can be partially removed by soaking the cut potatoes in cold water for 30 minutes. In addition, it is advisable to give preference to new potatoes and varieties with low starch content.

    If you want to get the most out of this vegetable and at the same time enjoy crispy, delicious slices of French fries, I advise you to roll the potatoes in whipped egg white rather than in vegetable oil before baking. The protein creates a protective layer on the slices that prevents liquid from leaking and keeps the potatoes firm and crispy without adding extra calories.

    Homemade French fries baked in the oven are an excellent alternative to the classic version of this dish. Instead of frying the potato slices in a pan with a lot of oil, we simply bake them in the oven, thus minimizing the amount of fat and harmful substances.

    By adding any sauce to soft and appetizing potato strips, you get a tasty and satisfying dish. So, let's take a closer look at how to cook French fries at home.


    • potatoes - 1 kg;
    • turmeric - ½ teaspoon;
    • ground sweet paprika - 1 teaspoon;
    • salt - to taste;
    • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon.
    How to cook French fries at home quickly
  • For the recipe, choose medium-sized potato tubers. Rinse and clean. We cut each potato lengthwise into plates no more than 1 cm thick, and then chop them into approximately equal strips. You can use a special grooved knife for slicing vegetables, then the finished dish will look the most beautiful.
  • Place the potato slices in a deep bowl; to obtain a beautiful shade, sprinkle the slices with a mixture of turmeric and sweet paprika (do not confuse it with red hot pepper!).
  • Pour in the vegetable oil and thoroughly mix the potato strips to evenly distribute the additives.
  • Cover a large baking sheet with a sheet of parchment, and then place the potatoes in one layer. Bake, maintaining the temperature at 230 degrees. Cooking time can vary from 25 to 40 minutes - it all depends on the thickness of the straws and the type of potato used.
  • As soon as the slices are browned, remove the baking sheet from the oven and, making sure that they are soft and ready, sprinkle the potatoes with salt and stir.
  • Serve the fries warm. Serve with vegetables and herbs, use as a side dish or as an independent dish. A sauce, such as sweet and sour, will perfectly complement potato strips, the preparation technology of which can be found in the recipe.
  • French fries are a favorite fast food dish for adults and children, which are easily and unnoticeably eaten in the blink of an eye. But indulging in such food negatively affects digestion and the general condition of the body. Before reaching the table, potatoes are fried in a large amount of vegetable oil, which significantly increases their energy value and makes it difficult to digest. You shouldn't eat French fries often. It is worth mentioning the price of the dish.

    Considering these factors, making French fries at home will come in handy:

    • The dish turns out healthier.
    • You can add only your favorite spices.
    • The price is much lower than the restaurant price.

    Start your preparation by choosing the right ingredients. Take medium or large potato tubers so that it is convenient to cut into strips. Choose spices to taste. More often they use paprika, suneli hops or Provençal herbs without large particles.

    Calorie content

    The energy value depends on the method of preparation of the dish.

    Classic quick recipe


    • Potatoes – 6 pcs.;
    • Salt – 1.5 tbsp. l.;
    • Pepper, spices to taste – 1.5 tbsp. l.


  • Cut the peeled and washed tubers lengthwise, then into plates, and then into strips.
  • Place in a container and rinse off any starch.
  • Drain the water and place on a napkin to absorb any remaining liquid.
  • Place the potatoes in a bowl and sprinkle salt and spices on top. Mix thoroughly.
  • Place the potatoes in a single layer on a baking sheet covered with baking paper.
  • Cook at 200°C for approximately 10 - 15 minutes.
  • Video recipe

    Recipe with crispy crust


    • Potatoes – 4 – 5 pcs.;
    • Oil grows. – 3 tbsp. l.;
    • Garlic – 2 cloves;
    • Ground paprika, salt to taste.


  • Dry the peeled tubers from moisture and cut into strips.
  • In a container, combine paprika, salt, vegetable oil and chopped garlic. Pour the potatoes into the resulting mixture and mix thoroughly.
  • Place the slices on a baking tray lined with baking paper.
  • Cook in the oven at 200°C until crispy.
  • Diet french fries without oil with protein

    There is an opinion that French fries are a high-calorie dish. But reducing the energy value of a side dish is a feasible task!


    • Potatoes – 3 – 4 pcs.;
    • Egg white – 1 pc.;
    • Vegetable oil – 1 – 2 tbsp. l.;
    • Sea salt - to taste.


  • Cut the peeled and washed potatoes into long bars.
  • Lightly beat the egg whites and pass through a sieve.
  • Mix potatoes with egg white.
  • Place the slices on a baking sheet lined with parchment.
  • Bake the dish for 25 minutes at 200 °C.
  • Once cooking is complete, sprinkle the potato pieces with salt.
  • Serve with tomato or cheese sauce.
  • Video cooking

    It seems that French fries are a simple and familiar dish, however, cooking requires certain knowledge and skills:

    • It is important to change temperature settings during baking. To ensure the potatoes are soft in the middle and crispy on top, start cooking at 170°C and then increase to 200°C.
    • Choose new potatoes that don't crumble and are ideal for baking.
    • Preheat the oven before cooking.
    • Rinse the potatoes quickly so that the tubers do not soften in the water.
    • To obtain a golden brown crust, roll the pieces in flour.
    • Serve the dish hot.
    • Use your favorite seasonings to enhance the flavor.
    • Vegetable oil affects the taste of the dish, so use: corn, olive, cottonseed, a mixture of butter and sunflower.
    • To coat each potato slice with oil and spices, toss the pieces with your hands.
    • Cover the baking sheet with parchment or a silicone mat.
    • When choosing a seasoning, pay attention to the composition. If salt is already present among the ingredients, there is no need to salt the finished dish.

    Cooking in the oven will help preserve the vitamins, minerals and taste of the dish. French fries are a great side dish, a light snack, and a simple meal on their own. If you want such a delicacy, you don’t need to run to the nearest fast food restaurant. The dish is easy to prepare at home without any special material costs.

    Almost everyone, without exception, likes French fries. With modern service, you can easily order French fries at home. But it has one big disadvantage - it is very fatty and high in calories. Despite this, few people manage not to be tempted and screw up these potatoes. Let's take pity on our figure and cook French fries at home without excess fat.

    At home, fries are cooked in a conventional oven at a temperature of 220-240 degrees. You can add a variety of spices to suit your taste, adding variety to this recipe. For example, today I had French fries in the oven with sweet paprika, and they turned out very tasty and not greasy! The husband and child were delighted and asked to cook the potatoes again.

    Yes, the most important thing about this method of cooking is that you can safely feed these potatoes to your children.

  • Potatoes – 1 kg
  • Ground paprika – 1 tsp.
  • Sunflower oil – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Salt to taste
  • Preparation:
    • Our recipe will require 1 kg of potatoes. And I’ll immediately note that this amount will make half a pan of “fries”. Therefore, if you do not eat as much, divide the amount of ingredients in half. Although my family swept up these potatoes in one evening.

    • First of all, you need to peel and cut the potatoes into small strips.

    • Rinse the cut potatoes thoroughly under cool running water, otherwise they will simply stick to the baking paper during baking.

    • In a separate bowl, mix washed and dried potatoes with sunflower oil, paprika and salt.
    • And the last step is to place the potatoes on a baking sheet covered with baking paper or foil and spread evenly over the entire surface.

    • Bake French fries in the oven at 230 degrees for about 35 minutes. I have an electric oven; a gas oven may take even less time - 25-30 minutes. In any case, do not forget to keep an eye on the potatoes so that they do not burn.
    • As you can see, these potatoes are not deep-fried, but they taste almost the same. Which is very important, since we all try to make food not only tasty, but also as healthy as possible. You can serve French fries with any sauce or ketchup. Bon appetit!