How to make your own pumpkin flour from seeds - step-by-step photo instructions. Austrian cake made from pumpkin flour

Pumpkin represents the maximum healthy vegetable, rich in many vitamins and minerals. Absolutely all of its parts are used for human food as an independent product or ingredient in some dishes, with the exception of the peel, which is fed to livestock. Flour made from pumpkin seeds has also gained wide popularity today. What is the reason for this? Let's take a closer look at the properties of the product.

Geography and history of appearance

People knew about the beneficial properties of pumpkin back in the days of Ancient Egypt, which is confirmed by many archaeological finds. At that time, this product was consumed exclusively by noble families. After spreading knowledge about the benefits of pumpkin, the vegetable gained popularity as a healing product and in Europe, but most often only pumpkin oil was used there. It was in the Middle Ages, when its popularity was at its peak, that the remains of seeds after pressing were learned to be ground into flour. Pumpkin powder then became widely used in medicine and cooking.

Only in the 16th century was the product brought to Asia, where it subsequently received maximum distribution. The benefits of pumpkin flour were appreciated not only by oriental healers, but also by chefs. The product is widely used today as a component of many national dishes countries of the East and it is still in the Asian regions that most vegetables are grown for seeds for making flour.

Flour has recently become widespread among modern nutritionists, but many experts from Europe and America already recommend using it as food for the prevention of many diseases and as a component of complex treatment. Pumpkin flour often found on devotee menus healthy eating and vegetarians.

Taste qualities

The quality of the product largely depends on the type of pumpkin from which the seeds were taken for processing into flour. Also, many properties of the product are influenced by the method of processing and grinding. It is best to purchase flour from gymnosperm pumpkin varieties; it is the flour that is in maximum demand due to its pronounced taste.

Of course, only quality product. Flour is often used as independent dish, added to sauces, cereals, dressings and baked goods. Bread or pie made from pumpkin flour becomes delicious golden color, unique aroma and shade of taste. Absolutely all baked goods with the addition of this product are distinguished by their fluffiness and softness. Flour helps to increase shelf life; baked goods made with it do not spoil for a long time and do not become stale.

Product varieties

Pumpkin flour is made from the seeds of the plant by grinding. To ensure that the product is of the highest quality, only certain varieties of vegetables are used. Gymnospermous types of pumpkin are best suited, but large-fruited or hard-barked ones with good quality indicators can also be used. Each batch is produced only from a specific pumpkin variety, which further determines the variety of the final product.

Flour from gymnosperm varieties is more popular among consumers because it has pronounced product properties. Also, such vegetables are more acceptable for producers, because their seeds are easy to process.

It is important to note that there are no low grades of pumpkin flour. Regardless of the pumpkin variety, all vegetable seed products are classified as “premium” and can be sold as stand-alone products or as part of special baking mixtures.

Chemical composition

The benefits of processed pumpkin seeds are in many ways identical to the benefits of the “mother” product - the pumpkin itself. Flour has unique composition, enriched with many vitamins, minerals and amino acids that are very rarely found in nature. The final processing product retains:

  • vitamins of group B, A, C, K, H, PP and F;
  • vegetable proteins;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • mineral compounds of zinc, calcium, phosphorus and so on;
  • bioflavonoids and amino acids (about 50 items).

Among similar products, pumpkin flour is the champion in terms of zinc, potassium and magnesium content. Among the amino acids in its composition, a special place is occupied by arginine, lysine, glycine, glutamine and many others that have a positive effect on the work immune system. The composition, rich in useful substances, helps prevent the development of diseases such as hypertension, diabetes and obesity.

Useful properties of flour

The product rich in arginine prevents early aging of the body, being the strongest natural antioxidant. Amino acids also help strengthen the body’s immunity, have anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and anti-allergic effects.

It is believed that pumpkin flour can even prevent the development of tumors in the body. Arginine in the product lowers blood sugar levels.

Zinc in flour controls and normalizes metabolism in the body, takes part in the process of hematopoiesis and the formation of immunity. This element is indispensable for men's health, since it occupies an important place in the functioning of the reproductive system, stimulating the production of testosterone and improving spermatogenesis. The product also stimulates potency and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the prostate gland as a whole. A lack of zinc in any body, including women, can provoke the development of infertility, deterioration of memory, vision and mental abilities. Zinc is also important in work nervous system and prevents the development of depression and developmental delays in children. One can talk endlessly about the beneficial properties of all the substances contained in flour; it is not for nothing that this product is considered a real storehouse of health.

Pumpkin flour, the benefits and harms of which are incomparable, can be safely used together with any medicines. It has a beneficial effect on the liver, healing it and relieving the toxic load. For those suffering from problems with digestive system the product will become an excellent alternative other, heavier types of flour.

As part of complex therapy, pumpkin flour can be taken for treatment and prevention:

  • anemia;
  • type 2 diabetes mellitus;
  • obesity;
  • diseases of the excretory and reproductive systems of men and women;
  • skin diseases (acne, diathesis, eczema, urticaria, herpes, psoriasis, and so on);
  • liver diseases;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • skin damage (cuts, bedsores, burns);
  • allergic reactions;
  • chronic inflammatory diseases.

Also, the product will ideally cleanse the body of toxins and waste, improve the functioning of the nervous system and the entire psycho-emotional state of a person as a whole. Pumpkin flour perfectly strengthens the immune system, helps prevent the occurrence of tumors, proctological diseases, ailments of the respiratory system, throat, oral cavity and vision. Also the product will great solution in the prevention of seasonal vitamin deficiency, an additional source nutrients for athletes.

Prohibitions on use

It is important that flour can be consumed by nursing and pregnant women, children, as well as people weakened after illness or surgery. This product is prohibited only for those who have individual intolerance of this vegetable, or patients with cholelithiasis and cholecystitis.

For those on a diet, you should know that the nutritional value of 100 grams of the product is 305 kilocalories.

Use in cooking

Recipes with pumpkin flour can be found on many culinary sites. It is used mainly as a thickener for sauces, dressings or first courses and as a component that improves the taste, enriches the dish with vitamins and extends shelf life. It is important to know that no dishes are prepared directly from pumpkin flour alone; the product is only added to wheat flour in the amount of 2 tablespoons per kilogram of the main powder.

In combination with spices, pumpkin seed product can be used for breading meat products. This flour goes well with wheat flour, as well as with any dried fruits, nuts, cereals and vegetables. Most often, the product is an auxiliary component in recipes for bread, pies, sweet bars and halva.

Use in cosmetology

To heal and rejuvenate the skin, pumpkin seed flour can be used in various masks and creams. The composition of the product is rich in amino acids involved in collagen synthesis. Zinc helps normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and prevent the formation of acne. To achieve maximum cosmetic effect It is recommended to use flour both as an external agent and as part of food.

How to take pumpkin flour? You can simply dilute 1-2 teaspoons of the product in water or another drink and drink this mixture twice a day. The duration of the course is 2-4 weeks. It is advisable to repeat the procedure every season.

Regular consumption of flour will help prevent hair loss and dandruff, as well as strengthen hair and nails.

Some time ago I thought that the healthiest flour was whole grain and started buying it for homemade baked goods. However, soon, becoming interested in proper nutrition and mastering new recipes, I discovered that they often use flour made from various seeds and nuts - flaxseed, pumpkin, amaranth, almond, coconut, apricot, etc. Use of these types of flour in cooking It allows you not only to diversify your diet, but also to get a lot of essential nutrients, microelements and vitamins from food, that is, to make food more healthy and nutritious.

And if previously it was very problematic to find flour made from seeds and nuts on sale, in recent years all types have become available for purchase in online stores and offline health food stores. The most important thing is that the quality of the products is high, that all storage conditions are met and expiration dates are in order, then you can be sure that the flour will only bring benefits.

My first acquaintance with online store Food-Bio It was very successful, I was very pleased with the quality of the ordered goods, so literally a month after the first order, I placed a second one there. This time I decided to purchase several types healthy flour - flaxseed, pumpkin and apricot, coconut oil and again, the grated cocoa that I liked so much last time.

Pumpkin is held in high esteem in our family! Every year we grow pumpkins at the dacha, sometimes so many ripen that a few pumpkins are left even for spring.

We cook from it variety of dishes, we eat the seeds raw or add them to porridge, but pumpkin flour I have never bought one, but I have long dreamed of trying to cook something with it. It is not surprising that pumpkin flour I started using it the very next day after receiving the parcel.

Pumpkin flour has amazing properties and is suitable for consumption by almost every person with rare exceptions.

Pumpkin flour Food-Bio packed in paper bag, equipped with a reusable zip fastener, which is very convenient to use and allows you to seal the bag hermetically, preserving all the properties of pumpkin flour.


Natural flour pumpkin seeds, made from raw, peeled pumpkin seeds, defatted by first, direct, cold pressing, ground in a mill (coarse grinding).

Thus, flour is a crushed cake obtained as a result of squeezing pumpkin seed oil. It is difficult to imagine how much work was put into obtaining this valuable product.

Pumpkin flour is a homogeneous finely ground powder of a marsh-green color; there may be small lumps in the mass, but this is because the flour is still a little oily, even after squeezing out the oil. The flour has a pleasant nutty aroma and taste; a slight bitterness is felt in the aftertaste, but this bitterness is precisely from the seeds, and not rancid. Pumpkin flour is slightly heavier than regular wheat flour, but at the same time more airy.

I honestly didn't think that appearance pumpkin flour is so unusual, when added to baked goods you can hardly feel it, but the appearance ready food changes slightly and acquires a characteristic shade.

The simplest recipe is probably this: healthy cocktail, which can easily replace a snack and even evening reception food.

Elementary preparation! A tablespoon of pumpkin flour is mixed with a glass of kefir, preferably low-fat.

Similarly, you can mix flour with milk, obtaining a kind of welling. Those who like something sweeter can add a sugar substitute or natural syrup to this cocktail.

The cocktail is not only nourishing and healthy, but also very tasty. I gladly drink this kefir with pumpkin flour in the evening to eliminate the incipient feeling of hunger, since I go to bed late, and under no circumstances should I overeat at night.

You can add a tablespoon pumpkin flour in porridge, salad or soup. Is not a large number of will be lost in the general mass, but will increase nutritional value dishes.

Pumpkin flour can be used to prepare dough for pancakes and pancakes, but I used it to make exactly pumpkin pancakes.


Raw pumpkin................................................... .....300 gr

Egg................................................. ....................2 pieces

Wheat flour................................................ 3-4 tablespoons (half can be replaced with pumpkin flour)

Salt................................................. ...................on the tip of a teaspoon

Sugar................................................. ..................2 tablespoons

Scroll through a meat grinder raw pumpkin, drain the excess vegetable juice, beat in a couple of eggs, add a pinch of salt, sugar, mix everything thoroughly.

Next, you need to gradually add flour. You can cook either with regular wheat, but this time I decided to use wheat and pumpkin in a 1:1 ratio. The dough should be quite viscous.

Into the red-hot vegetable oil lay out ready dough in small portions, approximately 1 tablespoon. With this size, the pumpkin is well fried and the pancakes will not be soggy.

Fry on each side for 3-5 minutes until golden brown.

Serve ready-made pancakes with sour cream or liquid honey.

It turns out very tasty, and how healthy it is!


Realizing that I really liked pumpkin flour, I decided to bake healthy cookies with its use.

Pumpkin flour................................................... .........1 glass

Wheat flour................................................ ......1 glass

Egg................................................. ..........................1 piece

Butter................................................ ....100 gr

Sugar................................................. ........................2-3 tablespoons

Salt................................................. .........................on the tip of a teaspoon

Ground cinnamon................................................... taste or a third of a teaspoon

Pumpkin seeds................................................ .a handful of

Soda and vinegar or baking powder...........a third of a teaspoon

Butter leave for a while room temperature until it becomes soft. Grind it with sugar and salt until a homogeneous viscous mass is obtained.

Add the egg to the oil and beat. The result is an airy, oily mass.

Add sifted flour to it, you can take turns, you can add both wheat and pumpkin flour at the same time. Knead until smooth.

Add cinnamon slaked soda or baking powder, pumpkin seeds.

Mix everything thoroughly, I knead the dough with my hands.

Form a ball and place the dough for half an hour to an hour. freezer to make it easier to shape the cookies later.

Once the adze has cooled, you can take it out and start rolling it out.

Sprinkle the worktop with flour so that the dough does not stick to it, roll out the paste to a thickness of about 0.5-0.8 cm.

To be honest, I didn’t expect that shortbread their pumpkin flour is so delicious!

I am sure that this is not my last pack of pumpkin flour, because there are still so many recipes that I have not tried.

You can purchase pumpkin flour using the link [link].

The cost of a package weighing 500 grams is only 160 rubles.

This is the lowest price for pumpkin flour, which I saw in online stores. In regular health food stores you can buy only 200 grams of pumpkin flour for the same amount. Therefore, it is not surprising that in online store Food-Bio it's always fresh, because it's own production and the flour is produced the moment an order for it is received.

Meets the requirements of the BGBK diet, adapts to the Paleo diet, LOD

In the beloved children's story, a pumpkin transforms into a carriage to transport Cinderella to the fateful ball at the prince's palace. And in real life, the more we learn about the beneficial properties of this seasonal fruit and vegetable, the more a comparison with her fairy-tale character arises. Pumpkin is a truly amazing vegetable, a real “pharmacy in the garden.” It is gratifying that the increasing use in medicinal cooking Pumpkin seeds are also found. Grinded into flour, they can take their rightful place in the list of products for alternative gluten-free baking. Pumpkin seed flour can now be bought in Russian health food stores (unlike Western ones!..). And I, as before, prepare pumpkin flour by grinding pumpkin seeds in small portions in a regular coffee grinder.

I propose to try an easy-to-follow modified recipe for a sponge cake, the homeland of which is the Austrian land of Styria - an area famous for its large pumpkin harvests and an abundance of all kinds of creativity associated with this fact. This cake can be baked in round shape for cupcakes or in a regular narrow rectangular one.

In traditional Austrian recipe One glass of flour and the same amount of ground pumpkin seeds are requested. Having set myself the goal of completely eliminating flour from the dough, I use only crushed seeds. But options are also possible.

Pumpkin seeds have a relatively low oxalic acid salt content. Supposedly pumpkin flour is even smaller per serving. Oxalate finished product will be lower if you follow the traditional version, using white rice flour as BG.

8 servings


  • 2 cups pumpkin flour (or ground pumpkin seeds) - for, or if not Paleo restricted, you can use equal amounts of pumpkin flour and gluten-free flour of your choice (rice for)
  • 4 eggs (whites and yolks separately)
  • 1/2 cup coconut sugar for Paleo diet (or if not restricted, can substitute equal amount of powdered sugar or 1/4 cup xylitol)
  • 1/4 cup coconut sugar (or the same amount if Paleo diet restrictions apply) regular sugar or a few drops of stevia extract to taste)
  • 1.5 tsp. vanilla extract (if there are no restrictions, you can replace 1 tbsp. rum)
  • a little cinnamon (do not use on a low oxalate diet)
  • 1 tbsp.


  1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius (350 F).
  2. Separate the whites from the yolks.
  3. Using a mixer, beat the whites into a strong, stable foam ( as for meringue) with 1/2 cup coconut sugar (or powdered sugar or other sweetener according to diet).
  4. Grind the yolks with a spoon with 1/4 cup of coconut sugar (or other sweetener according to your diet).
  5. In another bowl, sift all remaining dry ingredients—flour, baking powder, and cinnamon (if using).
  6. Add vanilla extract (or rum) to dry ingredients. Pour in the yolks, mashed with sugar. Mix well with a spoon.
  7. Carefully add the whites whipped with sugar. The dough will be thick, not fluffy and not very evenly combined with the whites. But this fact, oddly enough, does not spoil the final result at all!
  8. Place the dough in a well-greased baking pan. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 C until golden crust on the surface of the cake (about 25-30 minutes).
  9. Allow the finished cake to cool completely. Remove from the mold and pour over the cream of your choice:
  • from whipped with a fork and sweetened according to the diet, chilled coconut cream (BGBK, Paleo, LOD), or
  • if you can’t control the level of oxalates in your diet, use cashew cream according to the recipe or about ½ the amount of cream prepared according to the recipe below.

Nutritional properties: 1/8 recipe (with coconut sugar) 137 calories, 6 g fat, 1 g sat., 93 mg cholesterol, 46 mg sodium, 196 mg potassium, 1 g fiber, 16 g carbohydrates, 6 g protein, 12% DV of magnesium, 14% zinc DV

The image is enlarging...

Cashew cream

Yield 1.25 cups


  • ¾ cup raw cashews, soaked for 2-3 hours and then rinsed
  • 2 tbsp. melted coconut oil or pumpkin seed oil
  • 3 tbsp. honey
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp fresh lemon juice
  • 1/4 tsp. sea ​​salt
  • 2-4 tbsp. water, if needed for mixing


Place all ingredients except water into a blender. Turn on the blender and, adding water one spoon at a time, mix the contents until a creamy consistency is obtained.

Nutritional properties: 1/16 of the cream formula contains 60 calories, 4 g fat, 2 g sat., 0 mg cholesterol, 0 mg sodium, 2 mg potassium, 5 g carbohydrates, 1 g protein.

It has been proven that pumpkin flour is a product that contains a large amount of protein. It is completely gluten free. Thanks to these indicators, this product is one of the most useful for humans. If you take this powder, you can not only improve your immunity, but also lose weight.

Composition and calorie content

The most important advantage of pumpkin seed flour is that it chemical composition rich not only in protein, but also in valuable amino acids. The amount of the former reaches 50%. Carbohydrates are only 15%, and the fat level reaches 10%. The calorie content of this product is low, only 300 kcal per 100 g.

The chemical composition of pumpkin seed powder is rich:

  • arginine: this substance is necessary for the formation of muscle tissue, therefore pumpkin powder so popular among athletes;
  • glycine and glutamine are substances that normalize the functioning of the central nervous system: they help normalize sleep patterns and are responsible for resistance to stressful situations;
  • lysine helps improve the condition of skin, nails and hair, is responsible for the quality of cartilage tissue and joints;
  • with the help of leucine you can accelerate tissue regeneration;
  • isoleucine. This the best option for people suffering from diabetes: it helps increase insulin levels in the blood.

Pumpkin seed powder is highly beneficial due to the fact that it contains a large amount useful substances:

  • Vitamin A helps eliminate eye diseases and significantly increases tissue regeneration throughout the body;
  • Vitamin E is a component that is necessary for good heart function. With its help, the functioning of the circulatory system is normalized;
  • with the help of vitamin F you can remove toxins from the body, normalize cholesterol production and regulate blood pressure;
  • vitamins of group B – B1 promotes rapid metabolism. If we consider the benefits of vitamin B2, it improves human immunity. B5 is a substance that is necessary for better work stomach, liver and kidneys;
  • Vitamin C helps protect the body from various bacteria, viruses and restores cells;
  • Thanks to vitamin T, you will never face the problem of anemia or obesity.

The benefits of pumpkin seed powder are justified due to the large amount of minerals in its composition. Zinc improves heart function, genitourinary system(which is more important for men) and helps improve the immune system.

Phosphorus, which is rich in pumpkin seed powder, has a positive effect on brain activity and is involved in the formation of teeth and bone tissue. Calcium makes bones stronger. Iron keeps the thyroid gland in good condition and protects the body from bacteria.

Magnesium, which is present in large quantities in pumpkin flour, helps improve metabolism and has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and liver. Selenium, entering the body, protects cells from cancer formations.

Beneficial features

If we consider beneficial features such flour, they are quite significant. It is often used in the fight against helminths. It has bactericidal and antiallergic properties.

Flour can be used to treat the human reproductive system. It is used for prostatitis, adenoma and impotence. The product can be used to treat infertility.

There are other beneficial properties of pumpkin seed flour:

  • helps in the treatment of many organs (heart, liver, kidneys, stomach, intestines);
  • heals the skin and copes with diseases such as seborrhea, herpes, acne or acne;
  • if you regularly take this flour, you can resist diabetes mellitus(types 2 and 3), obesity and cancer cells;
  • improves immunity. The body becomes more resistant to viruses;
  • helps cure anemia. It is most beneficial to use pumpkin powder for those who have a predisposition to this syndrome;
  • helps improve mood, cope with stress, normalize sleep and increase a person’s mental capabilities.

Rules of use

The active use of this powder is observed in dietary nutrition. Some doctors prescribe pumpkin flour for prevention or treatment dangerous diseases, which pharmaceutical drugs cannot always cope with.

Athletes often use this powder because... it helps maintain a stable weight.

If people fast or are vegetarians, this product will replenish the lack of protein in the body. It is recommended to consume this flour most in autumn and winter. It is during these periods that a person experiences a lack of vitamins and minerals.

You can take this powder in the form of a cocktail. To prepare it you will need to mix 1 tbsp. l. flour and 1 tbsp. any dairy product. If you like cinnamon, you can add a pinch to your cocktail. For 1 month you need to drink several glasses a day.

Doctors recommend drinking 1 tbsp. on an empty stomach in the morning, and the second at night, before bed. If you do not want to drink such cocktails (this often happens due to intolerance to dairy products), you can add the prepared powder to different dishes.

Application in cosmetology

Pumpkin seed flour is often used in cosmetology. This is due to the fact that it contains vitamins, amino acids and zinc. Thanks to these components you will provide elasticity to your skin. The amino acids in the powder help produce collagen.

If you decide to use flour in cosmetology to eliminate existing wrinkles, add it to your creams. You can mix the powder with water (until the consistency of sour cream is obtained) and apply it in this form to the skin of the face. This way the effect appears much faster.

Thanks to zinc in its composition, pumpkin product helps eliminate acne and pimples. To do this, add a little tea tree oil to the mixture of flour and water.

In addition to cosmetic procedures try to consume 2 tsp every day. such torment. It will improve the condition of your nails and hair. The former become stronger, and the latter become softer and healthier.

Harm and contraindications

Like all food products, pumpkin flour can not only be beneficial, but also cause harm. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body. If you are in large quantities Using this crushed powder may cause diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. This means that your intestines are not able to digest such an amount of flour.

If your body is not used to receiving a lot of fiber, flatulence may develop. Gradually accustom him to this diet. You need to start with small doses and gradually increase them.

It is contraindicated to consume a stale or expired product: its shelf life is only 1 month after preparation.

Making at home

If you want to make pumpkin seed flour at home, then you won’t need a lot of time and effort. It is necessary to select high-quality seeds of the crop. First, take a pumpkin (it's better if you grow it yourself). Take the seeds out of it, remove all the mucus, rinse them and dry them.

Place the seeds in a blender and grind several times. This way you will be sure that the flour has really turned into powder and there will be no lumps in it. After this you need to sift pumpkin product to eliminate large pieces.

You can make a powder from the pulp. You need to cut the fresh pumpkin into small pieces and place in the oven for 40 minutes. When they are dry, they are crushed using the same principle as seeds.

Storage Features

The beneficial properties of the product are not lost if the powder is stored correctly at home. Give preference to jars that have a tight-fitting lid. The less air gets inside, the more beneficial substances will be preserved and the longer the powder can be used.

Optimal conditions are 15-20 °C, i.e. Pumpkin seed flour should be stored at room temperature. Air humidity should not exceed 40%.

Comparison of pumpkin and wheat flour

These types of flour do not replace each other. Pumpkin flour does not contain gluten, so it is advisable to use it in diet and proper nutrition. It contains a large number of other useful substances.

Pumpkin flour: benefits and harms

pumpkin flour

Tasty breakfast. Omelette. Sesame and pumpkin flour

The wheat variety is not characterized by many vitamins and minerals, but it has more carbohydrates and fats. If you prepare a dish from chopped pumpkin, you will feel full longer. It makes the most delicious bread.

Not only is it easy to prepare this type of flour at home, but it is also useful for human body. If you love baking but don't want to contribute to weight gain or obesity, it's easy perfect option for you.

The main thing is the optimal dosage so as not to cause harm to the body. Introducing powder into your diet will not only improve your immunity, but also preserve your youth. It is worth considering that in some cases the use of flour can be harmful.

After finishing gardening and relaxing at the dacha, it’s time to take care of your own health. Pumpkin flour- this is the first assistant who will cope with many helminth settlers that are undesirable for the human body.


Who among gardeners does not know that the most delicious berry the one who hasn't been under running water? Who could avoid the temptation to eat the first strawberry straight from the garden, from the bush? How can you wash raspberries? There will be nothing left of her after water procedures!

This is how we become acquainted with geohelminths. The most famous is roundworm. Toxocara and pork roundworm are less known.

Everyone believes that there are no such guests in the soil of his plot! Yes, if the main fertilizer is compost, into which dog feces and toilet contents, humus from a pig farm or cattle manure are added.

Which summer resident does not have a barbecue? Who doesn't enjoy a get-together with meat cooked on the grill? There are no such!

No matter how big a pumpkin is, there are not many seeds in it. For example, a Russian pumpkin weighing 3-4 kilograms can yield only one hundred grams of flour.

Pumpkin seeds are well dried until they rustle.

The pumpkin needs to be washed well and wiped with a clean cloth. This is important because the seeds will not be cooked.

The mill and drive are the Mixi system from Zepter.

Select the seeds, trying to leave as little pulp on them as possible. Place on clean paper and simply dry. For example, on a shelf in the pantry if there are animals, cats or dogs in the house.

The first stage of grinding is large seed coat flakes.

Then grind the seeds. It looks something like this. Place a portion of seeds into the mill container. It should be such that the movement of the knife is free.

Seed grinding is complete.

First, use a knife to crush the seeds into large particles. In this case, the seed itself will be fragmented much more than the shell.

Further reduction will occur in the same proportions: the seed will turn into flour, and the shell, although it will become smaller, will still be much larger than the flour particles.

All that remains is to sift the resulting mixture of bran and pumpkin flour.

The last thing is to sift and separate the bran from the pumpkin flour.

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