How to check whether eggs have spoiled or not. How to identify a rotten egg in water

Every week you bring home huge bags with the most different products presented on the shelves of markets and supermarkets. On the one hand, this makes your life much easier, but on the other hand, it complicates it, because not everyone can constantly keep in mind the expiration date of all this gastronomic diversity. Remember how often you opened the refrigerator door and wondered: “How long have these foods been sitting here?” We are sure that this problem is familiar to many first-hand. This is especially true for eggs. Although this is a very delicate product, it appearance does not change over time, and therefore it is almost impossible to determine the freshness of an egg by eye. Of course, it’s no secret that you can break an egg and try to determine its freshness by smell, but there are other ways. Here are some ways to check the freshness of eggs:

1. Submerge the eggs in water

Place the eggs in a deep container with cold water. If they remain lying on the bottom in a horizontal position, then they are very fresh. Eggs, slightly raised at an obtuse angle upward, are no longer fresh, but can still be used in preparing hot dishes. Eggs that float to the surface are spoiled and cannot be eaten! We recommend that you get rid of them as soon as possible.

Eggs float to the surface because over time, the moisture inside evaporates through the shell and the resulting “free” space is replaced by air. The more air inside the egg, the higher it floats. And, of course, the older it is.

2. Check the white and yolk

Break one of the eggs and pay attention to the condition of the yolk and white. If the yolk is convex and the white is viscous and tightly gathered around the yolk, the egg is very fresh. However, if the yolk is flat and the white is runny, this is a sign of a stale egg.

Cause: Over time, the protein chains (different substances connected to each other) fall apart, and therefore, in an old egg, the yolk and white are loosely bonded together.

3. Shake the egg

If you don’t hear any extraneous sounds when shaking, then you can safely eat the egg - it’s fresh. If splashes or squelching sounds are heard, it means that air has entered the egg and expanded the natural air bubble. You can no longer eat such an egg.

4. Pay attention to the expiration date

The packaging of eggs always contains information about the expiration date, which you should pay close attention to. The supplier guarantees that, subject to storage rules, the product will remain fresh. In general, eggs can be eaten for some time after the expiration date, but before doing so, it is strongly recommended to check their freshness using the methods described above.

When eating eggs, Special attention need to pay attention to hygiene. Please note the following recommendations:

  • Buy only fresh eggs and use them before the expiration date.
  • Store eggs in the refrigerator - salmonella bacteria do not multiply at temperatures below 6°C. At room temperature their number is increasing. Please note that subsequent cooling will not help the situation.
  • When preparing dishes using raw eggs, use only very fresh eggs.
  • Cook the eggs for at least 5 minutes in boiling water.
  • If eggs have expired, they can still be eaten for some time, but only if thoroughly cooked. Salmonella bacteria are killed at a temperature of 70°C.
  • If the shell of an egg is damaged, it must be cooked immediately. This product can no longer be stored.

Where is the best place to store eggs in a Liebherr refrigerator?

Eggs can be stored in refrigeration chamber no more than 15 days. In the freshness zone

However, so far these have been scattered mentions. Let's summarize the material in the form of an article "" and for this we offer you a fairly universal method for diagnosing and removing spoilage (using eggs).

Find out the damage by the eggs! Until she recognized you :) Why do we stop at the egg? Because the egg is a very ancient and very universal method of working with negative things. Thus, the egg as such is directly connected with the beginning of the Universe in many mythologies of the world. For example, our modern world, as the Slavs believed, arose precisely from a world egg floating in the world’s oceans.

Naturally, modern eggs It's a long way from the great egg. But nonetheless, regular egg- nothing more than symbol first egg. Therefore, it becomes to some extent artifact. That is, eggs have much greater potential compared to other things like wax, hair, and so on. In terms of artifactual and symbolic potential, the only thing comparable to an egg is water (a symbol of the ocean in which that same egg floated). And, oddly enough, it is water that will help us identify spoilage in eggs.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves. First, let's remember the basic definitions.

Words " damage" comes from the word " spoil". And you won’t believe the word “spoil” - directly related to the egg. This is probably also why you can recognize spoilage by eggs, and also remove it most effectively with the help of an egg. How does the word "spoil" relate to eggs? The sequence reconstructed from the etymological dictionaries of Vasmer and Chernykh is as follows:

One form of the word " spoil" - word " tattered" - rotten egg. This form is present in Czech as zaprtek(spoiled egg), and in Slovak in the form zaprtok(scrambled egg). An older form of this word preserved in Lithuanian is: pereti, perei meant " hatch eggs". And, in turn, this form has an even more archaic version, preserved in Latin: perio, which means " I give birth, I bear". Ultimately the word " spoil" (like the word " damage") through intermediate meanings associated with eggs, goes back to the Proto-Indo-European root * per-, meaning to bear, to give birth.

So, spoilage is really directly related to eggs. Which may well justify the effectiveness of eggs in removing spoilage.

So let's get back to our sheep. That is, we will continue to recognize spoilage by eggs. Manifestations of damage are varied, but always destructive:

  • these are long-term illnesses,
  • and long-term painful lack of money,
  • and troubles at work,
  • and love troubles...

In general, damage is when everything is bad. And not by itself, but by someone’s evil will. After all damage- this is always the result of purposeful magical actions. Damage is always caused; it will not fall on a person on its own. That’s why it’s scary: after all, in order to “spoil” a person, evil forces and negative energies are used, so people who have been damaged feel melancholy, sadness, fear, and despondency. Damage decomposes not only the body - that would be half the problem, but also the soul, in which case one cannot expect that everything will “go away on its own.” Fortunately, there are reliable ways to remove damage.

We've dealt with the damage, let's move on to the evil eye. The evil eye is similar to damage, but still it is not the same thing. Fundamental difference is that evil eye- This is an involuntary action. Someone looked unkindly, said something rude, got very angry or envious... And he probably didn’t want to cause harm, but he had enough strength for a bad thought to touch him. You can jinx both in person and at a distance, although in the first case the negative effect will be stronger.

Most often, beautiful and successful people are subject to the evil eye, and those who, for some reason, are energetically weakened, which happens when they are sick or severely tired, also easily fall under the evil eye. In terms of its effect, the evil eye is much weaker than damage, but it can also cause a lot of trouble.

As the title suggests, this article will talk about ways and means by which you can determine whether you have damage or not. Modern literature and the Internet describe many in various ways. But despite a large number of, all of them can be divided into two groups:

  1. External
  2. Domestic

The first category includes (as I believe is clear from the name) all methods in which the presence of damage is determined by external signs and signs, or by using some kind of rites (rituals). Well, for example, you found in your house or under your threshold a tuft of hair, scattered earth, a needle, a dead animal, or just a puddle of water (there are a lot of options). Among the ritual methods, perhaps the most common are methods for determining damage using eggs, pins, candles, and wax.

  • constant bad luck, everything falls out of hand;
  • constant depression;
  • all tests and examination results are normal, but you are still sick;
  • an unreasonable feeling of fear and misfortune;
  • rises for no apparent reason heat. There are no manifestations of the disease, except for a temperature above 39. After some time, the temperature also suddenly drops and does not rise again;
  • causeless diarrhea or vomiting, which, like fever, quickly goes away on its own
  • fear - a person who has not previously suffered from any phobias begins to be afraid of the dark, heights, closed spaces or something else inexplicable;
  • chills or trembling without illness or fever;
  • a protracted illness that cannot be treated appropriately, or illnesses following one after another;
  • a chain of bad luck, troubles, misfortunes;
  • melancholy and torment, nightmares, forebodings. A person experiences an unquenchable mental yearning and does not know why and suffers, unable to cope with his incomprehensible illness;
  • and so on.

The signs of the evil eye are not as obvious as those of damage, but they can still be detected. For example:

  1. A burning sensation in the eyes, as if a speck had gotten into the eye, even though there was nothing in the eye. The eyes become watery and there is a fear of bright light.
  2. A series of minor troubles and minor ailments is also a sign of the evil eye. If a major loss or serious illness speaks of damage, then little things that seem to cause little harm, but make life sick, are the evil eye.
  3. Loss of strength, feeling of heaviness throughout the body, drowsiness and clumsiness.
  4. Minor family quarrels and disagreements that happen “out of nowhere” are a sign that someone was jealous of your family happiness and jinxed it.
  5. If something is constantly breaking in the house, this also speaks of the evil eye.
  6. Insomnia.
  7. No appetite or, conversely, a constant feeling of hunger.
  8. Irritability, constant bad mood.
  9. Infertility, sexual impotence.

External signs of the evil eye are much more elusive than those described internal or than external signs damage. Therefore, you shouldn’t get carried away with them - it’s not far from paranoia (every time you shy away from anyone who looks at you strangely...).

Thus, with the help of internal signs, you can suspect that you are under damage or the evil eye. How can you confirm/refute suspicions? It’s very simple - using external methods in general and ritual methods in particular. And the main one is the determination of spoilage using an egg.

Ritual recognition of damage by eggs.

Naturally, there is great amount ways to use eggs to determine spoilage. Let's list the most frequently used ones.

How to tell if eggs are spoiled - option number 1.

Have to take a raw egg, definitely from domestic chicken. The egg is taken in the right hand and the following words are whispered over it:

Roll the egg, from right to left, from west to east, from north to south, from the most pure angel to the dark demon. Tell the whole truth about God’s servant (name).

Next, they begin to roll the person out with the testicle - they roll it around the body in circles, always clockwise. It takes quite a long time to roll out, there is no need to rush. First they roll around the head, then circles on the chest, stomach, back, legs, feet. Once you've rolled everything out, you need to take a saucer and break the egg. If it is of normal color, if the yolk has not spread, everything is fine. And if the egg is dark, cloudy, the yolk is spreading, there is some damage and treatment is needed.

Option for recognizing spoilage by eggs No. 2.

To diagnose spoilage using a chicken egg, you need to break it into a transparent vessel filled with cold water. The egg should be poured in so that the yolk remains intact and the contents are not shaken. Next, you need to place the glass with the egg on the person’s crown for five minutes. You can also have a glass or glass jar Place the contents at the head of the bed at night while you sleep.

It is believed that if the egg has not undergone any changes, then the human biofield does not contain negative programs. If there are multiple and noticeable strands of protein on the surface of the water, then this is the evil eye. It is also unfavorable if egg white has lost transparency or bubbles are visible on the protein threads going up to the surface of the water. This is damage. Even worse, black dots or bloody streaks have appeared.

It should be noted that to carry out self-diagnosis, it is necessary to use the freshest possible egg, and not chlorinated water, but spring water, since chlorinated tap water is likely to become cloudy or contain bubbles.

The third option is how to determine spoilage using an egg.

Take a glass jar, pour water into it and carefully break a raw egg into it so that the yolk does not spill! Hold the jar above your head, then bring it to the back of your head, to your forehead, to your chest, to your groin, to your feet. At each of these places, hold the jar for about five minutes: this is necessary for the egg to absorb all the evil that is poisoning you.

Close the jar and place it at the head of your bed overnight.

In the morning, carefully examine what happened to the egg and water. If there is spoilage, the egg will turn black and the water will become cloudy. If not, the water will remain clean and the egg will not change in any way.

Option for recognizing spoilage using eggs No. 4.

Pour 3/4 cup of water (this is enough), hold the egg in your hands, then quickly and carefully break the egg into the glass (without damaging the yolk). Sit on a chair or armchair, tuck your chin to your chest and carefully place a glass of water and an egg on your crown. Supporting the glass with your hand, sit without moving for 3 minutes. You can change hands if you get tired, but be careful not to stir up the water.

After 3 minutes, remove the glass from your head and carefully inspect for unpleasant things.

As you can see, the systems are similar. The only difference is the method of bringing the egg to the person being diagnosed, as well as the time for “manifestation of the negative” - for the occurrence of manifestations in the egg. How to choose more The right way and time? With practice, of course :)

Interpretation of types of signals from eggs regarding spoilage.

So, the general idea of ​​all the listed methods for recognizing spoilage by eggs is that an egg poured into water after a certain time acquires various unnatural characteristics. That is, it signals the presence of a particular condition in a person. The following list will help you interpret signals from eggs in more detail:

  1. If the water is clear and the yolk has not changed and lies in the white, and the white lies in a heap, there is no damage to you.
  2. If the yolk is whole, but the whites rise up columns, like the fringe of a jellyfish, there may be one such column or several, then damage has been cast on you. This is not a very serious damage, mainly for failure in family life, for loneliness, for tears. Such damage often lasts for 3-7 years. After this period, the energy of damage is absorbed into the ether.
  3. These columns (we call them “candles”) look more like cobwebs, then this is a very slight damage. Such light damage can be caused by “amateurs,” as I call them, i.e. those who bought a book about black magic and practice doing nasty things to their friends, whose lives seem better to them than their own. Such damage still brings a streak of slight bad luck, incomprehensible ailments, quarrels in the family, troubles at work. Light damage caused by “amateurs” does not last more than a year.
  4. If the protein columns have bubbles, then the damage is strong and was done not by an amateur, but by a professional. Such damage is usually done so that you are haunted by failures and debilitating minor illnesses that are difficult to treat, or are not even recognized by doctors; more often this damage is done to harm your financial success. Such damage begins to work suddenly. That is, everything comes at once and it is unclear why, although before everything always worked out perfectly. This damage could be ordered for you by a business competitor or even a neighbor or friend whose car is worse than yours, for example.
  5. If the posts have bubbles and blackheads, or bubbles on the white columns and black dots on the yolk, then the damage was done to death or using grave soil. In this case, the one who ordered the damage hates you so much that only your death will bring him or her relief. This is usually someone who is incredibly jealous of you, or someone who you stand in the way of, or who believes that you have taken something away from them. Damage to death usually begins to take effect after 21 days and takes a person to the grave within a year.
  6. If there is squirrel on the columns bubbles, A The yolk around the edges looks like it's cooked, the damage is done so that you live, but suffer. The same damage is sometimes shown by green, gray or brown spots on the yolk in the absence of protein suppositories.
  7. If there are no protein columns, but simply the yolk is all boiled, that is special kind damage. This is a restriction so that you never feel free anywhere, even in your own home. And there are no locks, and there are no bars, but as if tied hand and foot, stew in own juice, and there is no happiness, and you want to howl like a wolf. In some cases, no one intentionally inflicts such damage on a person, he himself causes it on himself. Usually, this happens if a decent person is guilty of something, no one knows about his guilt, and his conscience does not give him peace. He longs for atonement for his guilt and, as it were, punishes himself, as if he puts himself in a “prison.” And he sets the term of his “confinement” for himself. It is very difficult to remove such damage, because a person subconsciously resists help, especially if he believes that he has not yet atoned for his guilt.
  8. If there are protein candles With bubbles And black dots, and the edges of the yolk severely scalded with green or gray spots in the middle of the yolk, this is the most terrible damage - damage to death in terrible torment. At this point, the customer’s hatred of you for such damage has reached a pathological level. Onona not only want to get you out of the way, they want to see and enjoy your torment. Usually this is a person you know well. The most common damages are aimed at your finances and personal happiness. Damage to death is very, very rare.

By the way, a piece of advice: if damage has been detected, then the glass in which the diagnostic egg was contained should be thrown away.

Removing egg damage.

Naturally, having talked about diagnosing damage using an egg, one cannot help but say at least a few words about removing damage. To remove spoilage, the already familiar egg is traditionally used. Moreover the simplest way- use the same egg with which you determined the presence of spoilage.

The procedure is very simple: pour the contents of the fortune-telling glass into the toilet and wish goodness and love to the one who sent you the damage. Most often, of course, they recommend saying something like “let everything come back to you a hundredfold,” but there are a couple of nuances here. Firstly, vindictiveness is by no means the best assistant in witchcraft matters. Vengefulness is energy low level, and it may not only not remove the damage, but also strengthen it.

The second point that needs to be taken into account: what if you caused damage to yourself? Or did they jinx themselves? And you wished the same thing for yourself, but 3 times more? Or did a loved one and close person do this out of ignorance - and now you are suffering with him (when some kind of terrible illness manifests itself)?

Therefore, you should not think about revenge when removing damage. And don’t let the “professionals” who are egging you on to do it do it.

By the way, after the ritual of removing damage in this way, you can carry out a control check with a new egg. If the results have worsened, it means that a professional is working against you and he has figured out that they are digging under him. If the results are the same or less, it means that the energy of the damage is high, and you need to repeat the procedure of pouring the damage into the toilet. This is done until the egg says that there is no spoilage. Or until you feel better - which is also not bad.

Well, the absence of diagnostic signs is an excellent indicator; you have removed everything you could. Congratulations!

So, for your own safety, recognize the damage by looking at your eggs!

Based on materials from 7777 best conspiracies from the best healers in Russia,

Sometimes even the most responsible housewife cannot remember how long chicken eggs have been in her refrigerator. A stale product can cause poisoning to the whole family, so be sure to check its suitability before cooking. The problem of expired products can occur not only in spontaneous markets, but also in supermarkets that have a well-known name.

Eggs contain vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates and fats, and amino acids. They occupy a place of honor not only in adults, but also in children's diet. In terms of importance, they can be placed in second place after milk.

Do not start cooking until you are sure excellent quality eggs Don't forget that they may be sold out weeks before they hit the shelves. How to determine whether an egg is rotten or not?

Why are they useful?

The protein of this product is completely digestible human body. It is better to eat them boiled or fried. But raw ones can be dangerous if they contain an infection. They are rich in magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, zinc and other useful elements.

They should definitely be eaten by people who are rarely exposed to the sun, because they contain a lot of vitamin D. It is simply irreplaceable for strengthening bones. Lecithin has a beneficial effect on liver function, brain activity, and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Lutene improves vision, and choline prevents the development of cancer cells. Folic acid indispensable if you are planning to become a mother.

The shell contains more than 30 trace elements, approximately 2 grams of calcium. It is useful to use in combination with lemon juice. Grind the shells, mix and add a teaspoon to food.

But to get all these benefits, you only need to eat a good, fresh, quality product.

How to check the quality?

How can you tell if an egg is rotten? Unfortunately, some unscrupulous consumers indicate the expiration date incorrectly. Therefore, the housewife must learn to determine the freshness of an egg “by eye”. Then it will be possible to avoid indigestion and other serious diseases that can only be treated in a hospital.

Rotten and fresh differ according to the following basic criteria:

  • The three-day product does not have unpleasant odor, as opposed to spoiled;
  • If you shake a fresh egg, there will be no noise inside;
  • The contents are rotten if they do not sink in a container of water;
  • Unwind it - if it doesn’t stop for a long time, it means it’s been lying there for a long time.

The easiest way to recognize a rotten egg is to smell it. Stale has a characteristic smell that is difficult to confuse with any other. Another criterion is the yolk. It should not shake or knock against the walls. If you put it in the light, the yolk should be clearly visible. On a flat surface, rotten food will spin for a long time - this is another method that helps determine freshness.

Many people know how to identify a rotten egg by placing it in water. This method is based on the laws of physics. Fill a glass with two-thirds of the water and place the egg in it. If it is “not older than” 3 days, it will immediately drown in water. Week-old eggs will remain tilted, while rotten ones will float on the surface.

This is due to the fact that they are not airtight. Microorganisms can enter the pores that are present on the shell. If putrefactive processes have already begun, gases will be released that rise to the surface.

Of course, these methods cannot always be used in a store. The quality of the product is affected not only by weight, but also by the time when it was demolished. Eggs that are not yet three days old are assigned premium. A week-old product is classified as the first grade, and a three-week-old product is classified as the second.

How can you identify a rotten egg without breaking it?

Its surface should be uniform, without cracks or chips. If the shell has a grayish tint and no shine, then it is already stale.

There is another verification method that will help the buyer in the supermarket determine the freshness of the product. You need to use an ovoscope - a special device for transillumination. When a dark yolk is immediately visible and it is closer to the shell or sticks to it, darkening is visible, which means the product is “old”. Damaged ones are not visible at all. If you don't have a device, you can hold the product up to a light source and make sure there are no dark spots under the shell.

When you crack the egg, carefully examine the yolk. IN fresh product it is tight and convex. If it is not fresh, the yolk will be flat and the white will be watery. Fresh ones are much more difficult to clean than old ones.

How to store?

IN fresh they can be stored for quite a long time, but no more than six weeks. They must be placed in the refrigerator separately from other products.

They absorb foreign odors very quickly. In addition, infections can enter through the pores if contaminated meat or fish is lying nearby. To close the pores, lubricate the shell with vegetable oil.

They need to be folded with the sharp “nose” down. Then the yolk will not affect the air layer, and will “settle” in the center. In this position, you can store in the refrigerator for up to five weeks. If the shell is cracked, they need to be eaten as quickly as possible.

When temperatures rise, such as in the summer, food spoils much faster. How do you know what the eggs haven't spoiled without breaking them? Just read this article to the end!

So, if you want to know if you can still eat eggs that have been in the refrigerator for a few days, write down these tips. They will allow you to determine the degree of this delicate product.

Eggs are a food that you need to be especially careful with. After all, if they are not of the first freshness, then this may cause serious intoxication.

Therefore, before you start cooking anything, it is important to make sure that the eggs haven't spoiled.

How do you know if eggs have not spoiled?

There are several ways to check whether eggs are fresh or whether they are headed for the trash bin. For example, if you shake an egg and hear The egg hits the shell, which means that it is no longer fresh.

But there are other ways to check this.

Place the egg in a container of water

To do this, you will need a transparent container of water, such as a jug. Dip into it and carefully watch what happens next.

  • If the egg quickly sank and remained at the bottom in a horizontal position, this means it is fresh.
  • If the egg will begin to slowly descend and remain at the bottom in an inclined or vertical position, this means that it is already on the verge.

Moreover, the greater the angle of inclination you observe, the older egg. However, it can still be eaten and is quite safe.

  • If the egg does not reach the bottom and remains floating in the middle, this indicates that it has already spoiled and it is better to throw it away.
  • And if you see that the egg remains floating on the surface, this means that it has gone rotten. The fact is that when organic matter decomposes, it releases gases, thanks to which the egg does not sink. Throw it away quickly, but very carefully, because Rotten eggs have a terrible smell.

Boiled eggs

  • If you boiled an egg and, cutting it in half, saw that the yolk was located in the center and the air chamber was small, this means that the egg was fresh and can be safely eaten.
  • When the yolk is closer to the shell and you see a lot of empty space, the egg has gone bad.

Break the egg

Another easy way to check that eggs have not gone bad is to break them onto a plate.

  • If you see that the egg is not spreading too much and the yolk is intact, it means it is fresh.
  • Otherwise, it is better to refrain from using a stale product.

Check the date on the shell

The moment at which the hen laid her eggs is called “week 0” and this date is always indicated on the shell of each egg. From the third week they are no longer safe to eat and should be removed from sale.

Why? The shelf life of eggs ends in the 4th week from the labeling date.

From this moment on, eggs begin to lose their organoleptic properties and caution must be exercised when consuming them. especially after the 6th week.

Also, to the eggs, store them in cardboard packaging, in a cool and dry place.

Subject to these conditions, They will remain in perfect condition for up to three weeks.

If you're making something with eggs and have some leftover, you can store it in the refrigerator in an airtight container. Then they can be eaten even 3 - 4 days later. However, in any case, it is best to check carefully raw protein or the yolk for any odor or strange color.

Remember that in the summer, especially in the heat, food spoils much faster. We do not recommend storing any products for more than 2 days.

Experienced cooks recommend that before adding an egg to a dish, break it into a separate bowl to check if it is rotten. However, the smell of rotten eggs still remains and spoils the rich aroma of the kitchen cooking. It is possible to determine the freshness of eggs without breaking the shell; there are even several ways to do this.

Water test

One of the most popular tests for egg freshness is testing with water. Pour fresh, cold tap water into a saucepan that is at least as high as the length of an egg, or simply fill the sink with water. Drop the eggs one at a time and watch what happens to them:

If the eggs settle to the bottom, then they are fresh, they are no more than 2-3 days old; - if the eggs lie on the bottom, but at the same time move up and settle down again, then they are about a week old; - eggs sink to the bottom with a sharp tip and balance on it, which means they are stored for about 2-3 weeks; - if the eggs float on the surface of the water, they are very old and, most likely, have had time to rot.

This test is one of the oldest; it was first described in cookbooks beginning of the 18th century.

Very fresh eggs are not suitable for all dishes; for example, for hard-boiled eggs it is better to use products that are more than a week old

Listen to the eggs

Another way to identify a rotten egg requires good, sensitive hearing. Bring the egg to your ear and shake gently, listen. If there is something splashing and gurgling inside the egg, it means it is rotten. The sound of a rotten egg will be barely audible. Fresh eggs do not make any sound when shaken.

Smell the eggs

Wash the eggshells with water or a fragrance-free detergent and smell the shells. Hydrogen sulfide breaks down the egg membrane and penetrates the porous surface of the shell, which is why you can smell it from rotten eggs.

Keep an eye on the date

Eggs rot over time or when bacteria get inside through punctures or cracks through the protective membrane, so when choosing eggs, pay attention to the date and check the integrity of their shells. If you bought fresh whole eggs, you don't have to worry about them for 1-2 weeks. If you have a lot chicken eggs and you won't have time to use them all in a few weeks, freeze them.

How to get rid of the smell of rotten eggs

If you break a rotten egg in a hurry or the test for rottenness does not produce results, then you are faced with the problem of how to get rid of the smell. Naturally spoiled rotten egg the food will have to be thrown away. In the kitchen, open the windows to create air circulation.

In a saucepan on the stove, put water and vinegar to boil, add 1 teaspoon per 100 ml of water table vinegar, you can also add any essential oils with a pleasant smell, especially essential oil lemon or orange. Put spices in the water - cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves. The smell of vinegar will soon disappear along with the smell of hydrogen, and the smell of spices will return coziness to your kitchen.