How to cook fish steak in a frying pan. Recipe Baked fish steaks

Thinking about your holiday menu? Fish steak can be an excellent solution for a gala lunch or a romantic dinner for two. Don't think that this dish is too trivial. No, it’s no easier to cook steaks from fish than from meat. You'll have to tinker with both the choice of ingredients and the process. But what is the result!

Fish selection

Many types of fish are suitable for cooking steaks. But when choosing the main product, you should remember some features. Give preference to those varieties that have a dense, stable structure and a small number of bones. To cook fish steak in a frying pan, tuna, salmon, catfish, trout, fishtail and many other types are perfect. The optimal size is considered to be steaks that are the size of your palm or slightly smaller.

Beauty is in simplicity: how to make steaks

Before starting work, sharpen a large flat knife without serrations. A narrow, thin one may also be useful for thinning. Many chefs advise not to open the belly of the fish if you want to cut it for steaks. The abdominal muscles contain a large amount of fat, and if you make a cut, it will quickly render out during frying. It is easier to clean the contents of the belly after cutting into steaks.

Remove all scales and dry the skin with towels. Place the fish on a wooden cutting board and remove the head. Cut into portions. Fish steak is usually made about 1.5 cm thick and portioned pieces are prepared according to the number of guests.


The purpose of the marinade is to fill the pulp with the aromas of spices and speed up the cooking process. Before starting to fry a fish steak, many cooks briefly marinate the pieces. You should not pour vinegar into the fish; its smell will overwhelm its natural aroma. It is better to use lemon juice, soy sauce, and spices.

Extra salt is also not the best option. She salts only the top layer of meat, and the middle remains unsalted. But coarse sea salt is the best solution when cooking steaks.

You can take the following marinade recipe as a basis and supplement it with your favorite ingredients at your discretion. You will need:

  • juice of half a lemon;
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • sprig of rosemary;
  • a pinch of sea salt;
  • taste.

Mix the dry ingredients and rub the steaks with them. Place the fish in a bowl in one layer, sprinkle with rosemary needles. Pour in the lemon juice and olive oil, distributing the liquid evenly. After 15 minutes, turn the steaks over and leave for another 15 minutes. Pieces marinated in this way can be baked over coals or in the oven, cooked in a slow cooker or double boiler, and, of course, fried in a frying pan.

Cooking steak in a grill pan

Most models of these frying pans include the ability to cook food without using oil. But many experienced housewives are confident that a small amount of olive oil ensures the appearance of a beautiful crust. It not only tastes good, but also allows you to “seal” the juices and fat inside the piece, preventing it from leaking out. Add about a tablespoon of olive oil before you cook the fish steak on the grill pan.

A recipe with a photo makes it possible to understand how beautiful the surface of a piece baked in a ribbed frying pan looks. To get the same result, cover the container with a lid for the first 5-7 minutes and cook over low heat. During this time the fish will steam. Then remove the lid and add gas - this will allow you to bake a beautiful crust. If the oil and fat start to splatter too much, cover the pan with a special mesh.

and its features

Such dishes appeared on the market relatively recently, but have already managed to acquire many fans. If you have this wonderful utensil at your disposal, be sure to cook a fish steak in a gas grill pan.

Products in such a frying pan are laid out in one layer either directly on the grill, or first wrapped in foil. In the second case, the steaks will be juicier and softer; in the first case, a more pronounced crust will be obtained.

You can place vegetables on the grill along with the fish: eggplants, carrots, bell peppers, onions. You can serve them with fish as a side dish. Cooking time will average 20-25 minutes.

Serving and garnishing

Fish steak is a festive dish. It is worth choosing a worthy addition to it. If you don’t have the opportunity to be fancy with a side dish, you can even serve regular mashed potatoes or boiled rice. A good pasta will also work.

An excellent addition would be baked white or green asparagus, broccoli or green pea puree. Serve soy, bechamel or white cheese with the fish.

In the summer, you can do without hot food altogether. Fish steak can be served with fresh seasonal vegetables and olives. Don't forget about delicious white or rye bread.

Tell me how to marinate red fish steaks..

    Try this: Fish steak
    3 large steaks (salmon, trout), olive oil, dried herbs, black pepper, salt, lemon.
    For the sauce: dill, garlic, sour cream, mayonnaise, salt.
    Leave the steaks whole, do not remove the skin. Then the fish after cooking will be much more beautiful and will retain more juice. Rub the steaks on both sides with oil and salt. Spices and herbs can be rubbed on only one side - then the steaks will look more beautiful when served - on the side that is not sprinkled with spices, the meat will retain its beautiful pink color. If desired, you can sprinkle the fish with lemon juice. Bake the steaks on a wire rack at high temperature for 10-15 minutes - the fish cooks very quickly. Meanwhile, prepare the sauce: chop the dill finely and grind with salt. Grind the garlic with herbs. Mix with sour cream and mayonnaise in equal proportions. The best side dish for this fish and sauce would be boiled new potatoes.

    The marinade can be made like this
    1. To ensure that fried or baked fish always turns out juicy, tender and aromatic, experienced chefs first marinate it in lemon juice with the addition of various spices (oregano, white pepper, black pepper, a mixture of peppers). This marinade is ideal for red fish, imparting a noble aroma of lemon and white pepper.
    2. More suitable for salmon. Mix sour cream and spices (to your taste). Marinate for 30 minutes.

    Interesting tip: I read somewhere that fish likes the three “p’s” - salt, pepper, acidify. Therefore, I add salt, pepper and plenty of lemon juice. You can use soy sauce instead of salt, but not everyone likes its taste.

Fish steak is a piece of the front end of a fish with ribs, cut across the grain. Such pieces can be obtained from any large or medium-sized fish.

For example, salmon, chum salmon, tuna, halibut and even shark. It is not necessary to cut the fish yourself; today in grocery stores there is a huge selection of ready-made frozen steaks from various raw materials.

Housewives just have to defrost them properly and fry them.

Fish steak - general cooking principles

Fish for steak should have dense flesh and a minimum number of bones. It is advisable to purchase large fish, since the correct steak should be the size of your palm. On a ready-made store-bought steak, the flesh should be elastic, not moving away from the bones and without dark spots. Be sure to pay attention to the expiration date of the fish.

Fresh fish need to be thoroughly washed, gutted, and if necessary, remove scales and fins. Then the front part should be cut into steaks no more than 3 cm wide. Afterwards, each piece should be dried with paper towels.

Store-bought fish steaks should be removed from the packaging and defrosted at room temperature to ensure the meat remains intact.

Marinate steaks can be in soy sauce, white wine, olive oil or lemon juice. Sometimes they are cooked in batter or breaded with flour.

Fry fish You can use it in a frying pan, oven, grill, convection oven or slow cooker. First, you need to fry it on one side with the lid open, then turn it over and cover it with a lid. At the very end, remove the roof again and fry the steak over high heat until golden brown.

Garnish For this dish you can choose fresh vegetables, boiled cereals or mashed potatoes. Fried fish steak goes well with fresh, finely chopped herbs.

Salmon fish steak


Two frozen salmon steaks;

One lemon;

Olive oil;

A pinch of ground red pepper.

Cooking method:

1. Remove the steaks from the store packaging, place them in any bowl of a suitable size and leave at room temperature for 1-2 hours to thaw. This method of defrosting is more practical, since the fish pulp does not lose precious juice.

2. Rinse the steaks quickly and dry them with napkins or a paper towel.

3. Wash the lemon, wipe it, cut it in half and squeeze out the juice.

4. Mix lemon juice with red pepper and salt in a bowl. Place the steaks in this bowl for a few minutes. Stir lightly.

5. Dip the steaks in olive oil and place in a frying pan heated with oil. Fry on one side until a crispy crust forms. Turn the steaks over to the other side and cover the pan with a lid, while reducing the heat slightly. Fry until done.

6. To ensure a crispy crust, at the very end, fry the fish for several minutes without a lid.

7. Serve with fresh vegetables and sauce.

Swordfish steak with green butter


Two swordfish steaks;

20 ml lemon juice;

A couple of black peppercorns;

Olive oil;

80 g butter;

A couple of basil sprigs;

3-4 small mint leaves.

Cooking method:

1. If necessary, defrost the steaks, wash and dry.

2. Grind black peppercorns into powder.

3. Sort basil and mint, choosing fresh and green leaves. Then place the leaves in a bowl of cold water for 5 minutes. Rinse them and dry them.

4. Rub the steaks with pepper and salt. Fry in olive oil in a frying pan on both sides (about 4 minutes) until crispy.

5. Soften the butter at room temperature.

6. Grind basil and mint leaves into a paste in a blender. To make the greens chop better, you need to add a little liquid to it. In this recipe it is lemon juice.

7. Mix the “green gruel” with butter until smooth. Place the butter in ice-freezing molds. Place in the freezer to harden.

8. When portioning the finished fried steaks into separate plates, place a cube of green butter on each piece. When serving such a dish, the butter will melt directly on the fish, releasing the aroma of fresh herbs.

Haddock fish steak in batter


Two haddock steaks;

Vegetable oil;

80 g wheat flour;

One raw chicken egg;

Ground black pepper;

60 g sesame seeds;


Cooking method:

1. Rinse the steaks and dry them.

2. Wash the egg, dry with a towel, break the shell and pour the egg into a bowl. Beat with a fork until smooth.

3. Sift the flour.

4. Rub the steaks with salt and pepper.

5. Dip the steaks on both sides in sesame seeds, then in flour, then in eggs and finally in breadcrumbs.

6. Place the breaded pieces of fish in a frying pan with heated oil.

7. Fry steaks on both sides until golden brown.

8. Serve with mashed potatoes or boiled rice.

Salmon fish steak with citrus fruits in the air fryer


Two salmon steaks;

One lemon;

Half an orange;

A pinch of dry dill;

A pinch of dry basil;

Olive oil;

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the fish pieces with water and air dry.

2. Make juice from lemon and orange and mix in a bowl.

3. Place the fish in a bowl with citrus juice for 5-10 minutes.

4. Sprinkle the marinated steak with salt and dry herbs. Place on the air fryer rack and close it with a lid.

5. Turn on the air fryer at 200-250°C and continue cooking for 20 minutes.

6. Serve, garnishing the steaks with olives and lemon slices.

Frozen salmon fish steak with ginger and spicy sauce


One frozen salmon;

Vegetable oil;

Spoon of hot sauce;

8 g dry ginger;

Ground black pepper.

Cooking method:

1. Defrost the fish in air for several hours, then rinse a little with cold water and dry with a paper towel.

2. Remove the scales from the fish from the tail to the head, rinse the salmon with water.

3. Place the fish on a cutting board; it is convenient to place a paper towel folded in two or three layers under it, then the board will not slip.

4. Cut off the fish's head. Divide the fish carcass into two parts. This recipe only requires the front end with the ribs. Then we cut it into pieces about 2 cm thick - steaks. Depending on the weight of the fish, steaks can be cut from 6 to 8 pieces. The remaining tail part can be left for preparing first courses.

5. Mix salt, hot sauce, pepper and ginger. Rub this mixture onto the steak. Leave for a few minutes in a cool place.

6. Brush the fish with oil on all sides.

7. Fry the steak in a frying pan, first on one side for about 5-7 minutes, then covering it with a lid on the other.

8. Serve with rice sprinkled with teriyaki sauce.

Tuna steak with rice in green sauce


Half a kilo of tuna steaks;

5 tbsp. l. soy sauce;

A glass of rice;

20 ml vegetable oil;

A couple of cloves of garlic;

A couple of sprigs of fresh basil;

30 ml lemon juice;

50 g hard cheese.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse fish steaks, dry and rub with soy sauce. Leave the fish in the refrigerator for several hours.

2. Rinse the rice thoroughly until the water is clear and boil in salted water until half cooked.

3. Place the marinated pieces on separated pieces of foil and place four tablespoons of boiled rice side by side in each portion. Pour over the remaining soy sauce and add a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Seal each portion with foil. Place in a preheated oven at 200°C for 20 minutes.

4. Grind the cheese.

5. Five minutes before the end of baking, remove the fish, open the foil and sprinkle with cheese. Continue baking. In the finished dish, the cheese will melt, and its upper part will acquire a crispy crust.

6. Peel and wash the garlic and basil. Grind in a blender into a pulp with the addition of lemon juice. This is steak sauce.

7. Place the fish and rice on a plate and pour over the green sauce. If desired, you can serve the food in foil.

White fish steak in the microwave


210 g white fish steak;

A small slice of lemon;

Lemon seasoning for fish;

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the steak with cool water and dry with paper towels.

2. Place the prepared fish steak in a special microwave-safe bowl. Place a slice of lemon on top.

3. Cover the fish with cling film and bake for 5-7 minutes at maximum power. The fish meat should be easily separated into layers.

4. Place the steak on a flat plate, season with salt and pepper and serve with baked potatoes and sauce.

To better grind the greens into a paste, add a little water or lemon juice to it.

To ensure a juicy steak, choose fatty fish and cook for no more than the allotted time.

For quick frying, marinate the fish in advance.

The most piquant seasoning for fish is green tea.

It is advisable to marinate the fish for at least half an hour.

For a crispy crust, roll the fish in flour or breadcrumbs.

To make the fish dietary, fry it without oil in a grill pan.

Do not cover the finished fish, otherwise it will become soggy.

It is better to sprinkle red fish with lemon juice at the very end.

Check the readiness of the fish with a fork. When you poke, the protein should come out.

If you cook fish in foil, then open it a few minutes before cooking so that the steak becomes golden brown.

Looking for a recipe using red fish? This means we bought pink salmon, sockeye salmon, trout or salmon. An excellent healthy product that nutritionists recommend for young and old to use for the prevention of many diseases.

How to cook in a frying pan? Yes, in such a way that you wouldn’t be ashamed to serve it to your family and guests? Like everything ingenious, it’s simple. But you will need: good fish, a little attention, and a creative approach to the task at hand.

Basic Rules

Even a novice cook understands that the best fish is the one that has not been frozen. Unfortunately, almost “the entire red catch”, presented on the shelves in a chilled form, nevertheless arrived already frozen. Therefore, the main thing is to find a product that has only survived the “ice age” once, because fish that have melted more than once is simply dangerous. It looks suspiciously pale, crumbles, and is covered with yellowish or dark stripes of ice.

The same sign can be used to identify well-worn frozen ones. So, when purchasing a semi-finished product, also exercise caution so that the dish turns out tasty, juicy and nutritious.

At home, cut the fish and cut the middle part of the carcass into portions one and a half to two centimeters thick, the size of the palm of your hand, or a little less. Rinse under cool water, dry with napkins.

Now all that remains is to sprinkle the steaks with lemon juice and roll them in breading and flour. For convenience at home, you can use a regular plastic bag.

Once breaded, place the fish in a frying pan with heated oil. The heat should be quite high at first, and as soon as a crust forms, turn it over. Then fry on the other side. Do not twist the fish by constantly turning it - you will damage the golden crust and the steaks will not be juicy.

How long to fry? The dish is ready, so press on one piece with a fork or knife, if clear juice comes out, you can serve. Do not cover with a lid! Want to avoid oil splashing? Cover the pan with a colander, bottom up. On average, medium-sized and thick steaks are fried on each side for 3-4 minutes.

Do you think we forgot about salt? No, the point is that it is better to salt the fish directly in the frying pan, so it will retain its juices, that is, it will be juicy and tender.

Professional chefs have a secret - to prevent the fish from burning, they pour a pinch of salt into the boiling oil in the frying pan at the very beginning.

Now you know how to fry a steak from a classic, basic recipe. This will give you the opportunity to invent your own options and try. Experiment with different ingredients. BUT... There is one more important subtlety that we saved for those who are willing to spend a little more time at the stove.

The magical power of marinade

All representatives of the salmon family have a rather dense consistency, so professionals advise marinating red fish before cooking in a frying pan, or. In addition, this procedure allows you to enrich and complicate the taste of seafood, and with simple manipulations you will prepare a completely different dish according to a different exquisite recipe.

How to marinate red fish steak? The process is not complicated, but it requires strict adherence to certain rules. Fish is a delicate product, and the marinade contains acids, so metal utensils should not be used. The best option is a glass salad bowl or bowl. The thinner the fish pieces, the less time it will take to marinate. By keeping the product in the marinade, you risk turning it into a “rag” product that has lost its elasticity and color. Therefore, 10-15 minutes is enough for the red fish to marinate and acquire additional flavor shades.

The following are used as marinades in different recipes: lemon juice, tomato paste or fresh tomatoes cut into slices, dry white wine, vegetable oils, sour cream, mayonnaise. If you don’t like the sourness in the marinade, you can add a little sugar.

For 4 servings: juice of one lemon, ground white or black pepper. Leave the fish in the resulting substance in a cool place for 15-20 minutes. Do I need to bread or batter to fry red fish? Everything is according to desire and taste. The batter turns out to be especially light and airy if it is mixed with mineral water and gas.

A simple batter recipe: 1 egg, beat, add some spices (pepper, dried basil, rosemary), salt to taste, half a glass of mineral water, 4-5 tablespoons of wheat flour. Whisk the mixture, enriching it with oxygen. Steaks can be coated with sour cream before dipping into batter, this will make them unusually juicy and tender.

Supreme culinary aerobatics

Portion-fried pink salmon, and even more so sockeye salmon or trout, is a dish that is not ashamed to include in the banquet menu. And there are recipes that are quite complex, refined, and more time-consuming and cost-intensive. But it's worth trying them. A recipe for red fish in almond sauce with a complex side dish, approved by professional tasters, chefs, nutritionists and simply food lovers.

For 2 servings take: 2 fish steaks, 70 grams of butter, half a teaspoon of ground white pepper, a little flour and salt.

Steaks are rubbed with pepper, rolled in flour and placed in a frying pan with melted butter, adding salt while frying on both sides. Then, leave it in the pan under the lid and simmer over low heat for 5-6 minutes.

Let's make the sauce: melt the butter in a saucepan, add a handful of ground almonds, squeeze out the juice of half a lemon, and add salt. Add white pepper to taste. This mass will thicken over low heat; a couple of minutes before the end, add finely chopped parsley and dill.

Garnish: potatoes cut into quarters, diced carrots, boiled cauliflower and broccoli. Move and place on plate with steak. Pour the sauce on top and garnish with olives, fresh herbs and lemon wedges. Looks very beautiful and tastes incredible! Treat yourself to this culinary masterpiece!

A wonderful recipe in the oven on skewers.

Steak is not just a fish, but the most delicious part of it.

Firstly, the carcass is cut across the grain, the flesh is tender, lends itself well to pickling, and cooks quickly.

Secondly, only medium cuts are used for steaks, that is, the stringy tail, and the fatty part at the head are not useful.

Thirdly, the pieces used are thick, approximately 1.5 to 3 cm, that is, they do not dry out and remain tender and juicy.

Fourthly, there are a lot of interesting recipes for cooking delicious steaks in a frying pan and in the oven. This means dinner or lunch will be delicious!

Fish steak - general cooking principles

You can buy steak at the store or cut up a whole fish carcass. The second option wins, as it is easier to determine the freshness of the fish. If the eyes are cloudy, the scales are matte and dry, it is better to discard the product. Prepared steaks are rubbed with spices and marinated in sauces.

What is usually used:

Soy sauce;

All kinds of spices;

Next, the pieces of fish are placed in a mold and baked in the oven, you can use cheese for sprinkling. There are a lot of interesting recipes in a frying pan. In this case, the fish is sometimes breaded or soaked in lezone to retain the juices inside.

Fish steak in a frying pan in flour breading

You need to fry fish steak in a frying pan very carefully; it is important not to overdry the product so that it turns out tender and juicy. Flour is used to give a golden brown crust.


2 steaks of any fish;

4 tbsp. l. oils;

1 tsp mixed ready-made fish seasonings;

Lemon juice 1 tbsp. l;

A little flour.


1. Mix fish spices with a pinch of salt and lemon juice. You can take a little more, depending on your taste.

2. Rinse the steaks, wipe dry with napkins, then rub with lemon seasoning on all sides. Set aside and let the fish sit for about ten minutes. You can leave it even for a few hours.

3. Now pour the oil into the frying pan and put it on the fire.

4. Bread the pieces of fish in flour so that there are no wet or empty areas left. Place in a heated frying pan and quickly fry until golden brown, two minutes is enough.

5. Turn the steaks over and you can cover the pan. Now cook covered for 3-4 minutes until the fish is ready. We check by piercing the thick part, the protein should stand out.

6. Remove the steaks from the frying pan onto prepared plates with herbs and vegetables, you can place thin slices of lemon on top, and immediately serve the fish to the table.

Fish steak in the oven in wine marinade

Recipe for a very flavorful fish steak in the oven. For the marinade you will need dry white wine. It is advisable to soak the pieces for at least 2 hours so that the fish is well marinated.


2 steaks;

110 ml wine;

1 tbsp. l. lemon juice;

1 pinch of salt;

1 pinch of black pepper;

2 tbsp. l. olive oil;

2 sprigs of rosemary.


1. Mash fresh rosemary sprigs to release their flavor. Place at the bottom of the container.

2. Mix salt and pepper.

3. Rinse and dry the steaks. Rub with salt and pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice, place on rosemary, cover the container, leave the fish for half an hour.

4. Open the container, pour white wine over the product. Leave to marinate for another 1.5 hours.

5. Remove the fish from the marinade and dry with napkins.

6. Take olive oil and rub the fish on all sides. Place in a baking dish.

7. Cook steaks for 15-18 minutes at 210 degrees. There is no need to lower the temperature, otherwise the fish will dry out quickly. It won't be tasty.

8. When serving, sprinkle the steaks with white wine or lemon juice, which will highlight the aroma of the dish.

Fish steak in a frying pan (grill)

Grill pans allow you to cook very tasty fish steaks. In addition, they turn out to be very healthy, since no oil is used for frying.


3 steaks;

30 ml soy sauce;

Pepper and salt;

3 tsp. olive oil.


1. Rub the washed fish steaks with spices and soy sauce.

2. Cut the lemon in half, squeeze the juice from one part directly onto the fish. Cover the bowl and leave the product to marinate for at least thirty minutes.

3. Listen to the pieces and shake off the marinade. Take a paper towel or napkin and wipe the fish dry.

4. Spray the steaks with olive oil so that a beautiful crust appears on the fish.

5. Heat the frying pan on the stove.

6. Lay out the steaks.

7. Cook for 2-3 minutes on each side until done.

8. Take the fish out onto a plate. Cut the remaining lemon half into thin slices and decorate the dish.

Fish steak in the oven (in cream sauce)

A version of a very juicy fish steak with cream from the oven. The dish can be eaten on its own, but it also goes well with boiled long rice and Italian pasta.


3 steaks;

0.5 cups cream (you can use any fat content);

50 g soft cheese;

Garlic clove;

Salt and pepper;

A couple of spoons of oil.


1. Rub the washed, dried pieces of fish with a mixture of pepper and salt (it’s better to use sea salt), leave for at least half an hour. You can use soy sauce for marinating or lemon juice.

2. Turn on the oven, let it warm up to 230 degrees.

3. Rub the pieces with vegetable oil, put them in a mold, and put them in the oven for 7 minutes. The main thing is not to overcook the steaks for more than this time. A light crust should appear on the fish.

4. Grind the cream cheese, gradually add cream and add one small clove of garlic.

5. Remove the steaks and pour the prepared cream over them with a spoon.

6. Return to the oven and bake for another 10 minutes.

7. Remove the fish steaks and serve immediately.

Fish steak in a pan with cheese

A recipe for a very quick but tasty fish steak in a frying pan. It is very important to use hard cheese for this dish, which will melt well on the hot fish.


2 steaks;

2 tbsp. grated cheese;

2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise or full-fat sour cream;

4 tablespoons of oil;

0.5 lemon;

2 sprigs of dill.


1. Pour lemon juice and spices over the fish pieces prepared for frying and let the seasonings soak in.

2. While the fish is lying, mix the chopped dill with sour cream or mayonnaise. There is no need to add spices if the fish is properly salted.

3. Heat the oil in a frying pan.

4. Place pieces of fish, fry on one side over high heat, turn over.

5. Immediately turn the heat down to medium level.

6. Lubricate the top of the fish with sour cream and dill sauce.

7. Immediately cover the fish with cheese.

8. Cover the frying pan and simmer the steak dish under the lid for 6-7 minutes. We'll see if it's ready.

9. Remove the steaks from the pan carefully so as not to damage the cheese layer.

Fish steak in the oven with tomatoes

To cook fish steaks in the oven you will need fresh, meaty and juicy tomatoes. With sour tomatoes this dish is not very tasty. Here white fish is used and the dish is baked in foil.


5 steaks;

3 tomatoes;

0.5 lemon;

100 g olives;

Spices, oil;

1 tsp. Provençal herbs;

3 tbsp. l. cheese.


1. Rub each piece of fish with salt and pepper, sprinkle with juice squeezed from one half of a lemon. Leave for half an hour.

2. Scald the tomatoes. Remove the skin. Cut the fruits into thick slices.

3. Place one steak on a piece of foil, put 2-3 slices of tomatoes on top, sprinkle with herbs and pack.

4. Collect all the steaks in separate pieces of foil.

5. Bake at 200 degrees for 20 minutes.

6. Take out the fish, carefully open the foil, push the ends apart to form peculiar plates.

7. Sprinkle the tomatoes and fish on top with grated cheese so that a light crust appears on the dish.

8. Increase the oven temperature to 230 degrees.

9. Bake the fish under the cheese for about ten minutes more.

10. Remove the steaks, transfer them to plates (with foil if possible), and serve.

Fish steaks in the oven on a vegetable bed

To prepare such steaks, you can use a bed of any vegetables, but carrots and onions are best. They are ideal for red and white fish.


4-5 steaks;

3-4 onions;

A couple of carrots;

Large sweet pepper (red or yellow);

4 tbsp. l. vinegar 9%;

Small lemon;

Mixed fish seasoning;

2 tbsp. l. olive oil.


1. Cut the prepared onions into strips. Peel the carrots and cut them too. But you can use a grater for Korean salads. Combine with onion.

2. Add vinegar, a pinch of salt and knead with your hands.

3. Cut one pepper into strips and combine with other vegetables.

4. Place vegetables in an even layer in the pan.

5. Rub the steaks with fish spices, pepper and salt, pour over fresh juice from the recipe lemon. If you have extra time, you can leave it for marinating.

6. Before baking the fish, spray the pieces with oil.

7. Place steaks on top of vegetables.

8. Place the dish in the oven for 25 minutes.

9. Cook at 200 degrees. You can serve the steaks together with a vegetable bed, adding fresh herbs.

If red fish steaks are used for baking, then you should not add a lot of spices. These species have their own special and unique aroma, it is important not to overpower it.

The steak will turn out nice and golden brown if you brush the fish with soy sauce or its mixture with honey before baking.

Don't have any spices for your fish? Just salt the pieces and sprinkle with lemon juice. It is ideal for all river and fish products.

Don't have foil for baking fish steaks? You can use a sleeve in a similar way, but it is suitable for temperatures no higher than 200 degrees.

When frying steak in oil, you need to heat the pan well. Otherwise, the product may stick to the bottom and a beautiful crust will not be able to form.