How to make beet juice. Beet juice

Freshly squeezed beet juice is a true storehouse of vitamins, minerals and a number of other useful substances.

Beet juice contains:

  • vitamin C;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin F;
  • nicotinic acid or niacin;
  • an impressive amount of minerals: calcium, potassium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, chlorine and iodine.

The calorie content of this drink is not high - only 42 kcal per 100 ml. The same amount contains 1 gram of protein, 9.9 grams of carbohydrates - and no fat. But there is a lot of water - almost 84 grams.

Another advantage of beet juice compared to regular consumption of the root vegetable is its low fiber content. Therefore, taking the drink is much more pleasant and easier than eating the same amount of raw beets.

Benefits and harms for the human body

Let's look at the benefits and harms of red beet juice. The effect this healing drink has on the body is simply priceless. Thanks to its rich composition and its beneficial properties beetroot drink is widely used in both folk and traditional medicine.

How useful:

  • Maintains an optimal level of hemoglobin in the blood due to its iron content (read about how beets affect human blood).
  • It copes well with swelling and constipation due to its pronounced diuretic and laxative effect (you can learn more about the prevention and treatment of constipation in adults and children using beets in).
  • Improves complexion and skin condition in general.
  • It has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, thereby reducing blood pressure.
  • Promotes kidneys and blood vessels (you can learn how to cleanse the body with beets).
  • Lowers “bad” cholesterol (read more about whether or not you can eat beets for pancreatitis and cholecystitis and in what form).
  • Improves the condition of the body as a whole, increases its endurance.
  • Due to the low glycemic index, it can be used for weight loss.
  • Increases the amount of oxygen that flows to the heart and muscles by dilating blood vessels. The effect is due to the high betaine content.
  • Strengthens the immune system.

Unlike root vegetables, juice has a more mildly expressed laxative effect.

Besides, The healing properties of freshly squeezed beetroot juice for the nose are well known.: It treats various diseases of this organ.

If the juice from the root vegetable is consumed correctly, it will not cause harm to the body.

However, difficulties often arise in selecting the optimal dose, so we will dwell in more detail on possible undesirable consequences.

Harm from drinking beetroot juice:

  • The appearance of an allergic reaction in the presence of increased sensitivity of the body. Not often, but this is also possible. Therefore, it is recommended to start drinking juice in a dosage of 30-50 ml at a time. This will avoid possible negative consequences.
  • Drinking juice in excessive quantities can cause nausea, stomach pain, diarrhea and even headaches.

As can be seen from the list, if there is any harm from beets, it is very little. You just need to be smart about the amount consumed and conduct a preliminary test to identify a possible allergic reaction.

Indications and contraindications for use

Despite the fact that beets are not classified as medicinal plants, at least no drugs are made from them, the therapeutic effect of the juice from this root vegetable is extremely high.

The main indications for use are:

There are few contraindications for juice:

  • Hypotension.

It should be noted that pregnancy is not a contraindication for drinking this juice.

How to prepare freshly squeezed beetroot drink?

One of the advantages of beet juice is undoubtedly its availability.. Root vegetables can be bought in any store all year round at a very affordable price. Therefore, it is not worth preparing juice for use.

When fresh, it will sour, and during pasteurization a large amount of vitamins and minerals will be lost.

Important features during manufacturing:

  1. To prepare the drink, you should not use root vegetables with light veins. Uniformly red fruits, mostly oblong in shape, are ideal.
  2. First you need to remove the top third of the beets along with the tops.
  3. The juice is made only from raw beets. The boiled product is useless for these purposes.
  4. The drink needs to sit in the refrigerator for at least an hour before using. This will avoid deterioration in health and dizziness.
  5. Shelf life in the refrigerator is two days.

How to make juice?

Juice can be made either with or without a juicer. Let's figure out how to squeeze juice without a juicer at home. To do this, you only need a grater and a piece of gauze.

It is better to use a plastic grater. A metal grater will promote oxidation of the juice.

Use the side with the smallest holes so that the grated beets have a pulp-like consistency. It will need to be folded into gauze and squeezed thoroughly.

Instead of a grater, you can also use a blender or food processor. This technique does an excellent job of grinding, and the resulting product only needs to be squeezed out using gauze.

How many root vegetables do you need to take to get 100 ml of juice? To make 100 ml of juice you will need approximately 2-4 medium-sized root vegetables.

Having looked at how freshly squeezed red beet juice is beneficial for the body, we will further analyze how and in combination with what other products you can drink it.

With honey

For this recipe you will need to mix beet juice with honey in a 1:1 ratio. Recommendations on how many tablespoons of fresh beet juice you should drink vary from person to person.. It is usually recommended to take the resulting product in the amount of 1-2 tablespoons 3 to 5 times a day before meals.

Juice with honey for insomnia can be preheated slightly to 40 degrees.

With apple

It is used for atherosclerosis, low hemoglobin levels, neuroses, high blood pressure, fragility of blood vessels and impaired elasticity. For hypertension, you should drink 100 ml of the product in the morning. In other cases, the juice should be divided into two doses. It is not recommended to drink the drink after five in the evening. The course of treatment is three weeks.

  1. Apples should be used soft, sweet varieties. The beets should be thoroughly cleaned and rinsed with running water.
  2. The juice is made at the rate of 3 apples 1 beet. It is important to follow the manufacturing technology. To begin, squeeze the juice out of the beetroot and put it in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.
  3. Then freshly squeezed apple juice is added.

Take small sips, no more than 50 ml at a time.

With cucumber

It is used to cleanse the body of waste and toxins and is used for weight loss. To prepare you will need 1 beet and 2 medium sized cucumbers.

Fresh cucumber is added to the infused beet juice and mixed.

For weight loss purposes, take 20 minutes before meals. The optimal course is a month.

This recipe can also be varied by adding celery and lemon.

With celery

The product has a pronounced detoxifying effect. Lowers blood pressure, helps cope with stress, blocks the formation of cancer cells and promotes weight loss.

To make it you will need to take 1 small beet, 1-2 stalks of celery and 2 carrots.

  1. Initially, the juice is squeezed out of the beets and placed in the refrigerator to infuse.
  2. After which freshly squeezed juice from carrots and celery is added to it (read what are the benefits and harms of juice from beets and carrots and how to take the drink).

You can drink 100 ml, mainly in the morning. The course of treatment is two weeks.

Useful video

We invite you to watch a video about the benefits of beet juice and how to use it:


Thus, we looked at the benefits and harms of raw beetroot drink, what it helps with, and how to take it. Freshly squeezed beet juice is a great helper in the fight for good health. and an attractive fresh look. Take it as a course, remembering to follow the manufacturing recommendations, and an excellent result will not take long to arrive.

If you are still unsure whether to give beet juice children, then you have come to the right place.

Let's figure out how healthy it is to drink juice from such a product, and in general, what vitamins are present there.

Beets contain a whole bunch of useful substances

Firstly, a large amount of vitamin A, potassium, chlorine, phosphorus.

It is not for nothing that the juice from this product is used as an additive to medications.

Frequent use will significantly increase hemoglobin in the blood in a short period of time.
Immunity is also increased and the heart function is normalized.

Beetroot juice in its pure form is quite concentrated and has a pronounced color. In this regard, people who immediately start drinking in large quantities may feel malaise, dizziness, or even nausea.
This product is very good at cleansing the body of excess production. But not everyone likes it.

That is why you should take beet juice in small quantities, measuring in tablespoons or even teaspoons. Later, the dose can be gradually increased.

Juice precautions

You need to be especially careful with small children.

Give one spoon to your child and observe the body's reaction. If nothing happens, repeat the process.
It is necessary to give 2 times a day, no more. For adults, the dose can be increased.

To make juice, you will need:

  • Beetroot 300-400 grams
  • 2-3 pcs. carrots
  • 2-3 firm apples

All this should be washed and peeled, similar to preparing carrot or apple juice. Next, you need to cut it into pieces and put everything into a juicer.
If it is not possible to squeeze through a juicer, it is fashionable to do it manually.
To do this, all products must be ground in a manual meat grinder until smooth.
Then squeeze out all the juice by hand through cheesecloth or a fine sieve.

Of course, this is not the easiest way to prepare beet juice for children, so it’s better to suggest this to your husband.

The healers of Ancient China were the first to draw attention to the medicinal properties of beets and the roots of this plant. There are references to the healing effects of beet juice in the works of Hippocrates and other scientists of past eras.

Thanks to detailed studies of the chemical composition of root vegetables and the resulting juice, modern scientists have largely confirmed the achievements of traditional medicine and even expanded the scope of influence of these useful natural products. What are the beneficial properties of juice, are there any contraindications to taking it? And for what diseases will the drink bring the greatest benefit to human health?

Composition and beneficial properties of beet juice

The benefits brought by juice depend entirely on the presence of a variety of biologically active substances in beets. At the same time, 100 grams of juice contains 42 kcal, and the nutritional value of the product is determined by:

  • 83.4% moisture;
  • 1% proteins;
  • 9.9% carbohydrates, most of which are mono- and disaccharides;
  • 1% fiber;
  • as well as a small amount of organic acids.

The benefits and harms of beet juice are determined by all the bioactive substances in its composition.

Since raw root vegetables that have not been subjected to heat treatment are used in the production of juice, almost all vitamins, macro- and microelements, as well as organic acids, pectins and anthocyanins are transferred into the medicinal drink.

Fresh juice contains many vitamins, including:

  • vitamin B1, which supports the functioning of the nervous and digestive systems;
  • vitamin B2, which controls human growth and reproductive ability;
  • Vitamin B9, essential for the functioning of the human hematopoietic and immune system;
  • vitamin PP, which takes part in the synthesis of a number of hormones;
  • ascorbic acid, which counteracts infections, provides the body with energy and supports defenses;
  • Vitamin P, which is responsible for the elasticity and permeability of capillaries and vessel walls.

Beet juice contains a lot of plant proteins and amino acids. The product, recommended by doctors for the treatment of a wide variety of diseases, includes a wide range of mineral compounds.

And if you drink beetroot juice correctly, the benefits from this procedure will be maximum.

For example, iodine contained in beet juice is an essential element for the functioning of the endocrine system. Manganese, zinc and fluorine have a direct effect on metabolic processes, reproductive function and hematopoiesis. Potassium, which is extremely abundant in fresh burgundy juice, is a key element in protecting blood vessels and the heart against the risk of developing atherosclerosis, heart attacks and strokes.

Anthocyanins, which color beets such a rich color, also play an important role in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

These substances can normalize blood pressure, neutralize vascular spasms, resist the formation of cancer cells and protect the body from other negative influences. Pectins also have a protective effect, preventing heavy metals, radionuclides and harmful microorganisms from causing harm to humans.

However, the beneficial properties of beet juice are not limited to this. A drink containing iron can have a beneficial effect on enriching tissues with oxygen. In addition to iron, the sodium, magnesium and potassium present in the juice affect blood quality.

Beneficial properties of beet juice and contraindications for taking the drink

Since childhood, beet juice has been well known to most people as a folk remedy for the common cold, but the scope of action of the remedy is not limited to this.

The juice, which has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and disinfecting property, can be used for sore throat and other diseases accompanied by inflammatory processes.

If for colds the juice is used for rinsing and drops in the nose, then lotions and compresses with liquid are used to treat bruises, abrasions and superficial wounds, including pustular lesions and abscesses. In this case, beet juice exhibits not only an anti-inflammatory, but also a wound-healing effect.

The vitamins in the drink are in an easily digestible form, so drinking beet juice is useful for vitamin deficiency, during exhausting physical and mental stress, after an illness, when the body most needs quick, effective support. If you drink beetroot juice correctly, a person’s endurance noticeably increases, sleep normalizes, and feelings of anxiety and fatigue disappear.

Beetroot juice helps improve performance, improve memory and serves as an effective prevention of atherosclerosis.

Beetroot drink promotes:

  • blood thinning and better flow;
  • cleansing blood vessels of calcium deposits, which sometimes lead to heart attacks and strokes, clogging of veins and exacerbations of varicose veins.

Drinking beetroot juice is also useful for anemia, hypertension, liver and pancreas disorders, gastrointestinal problems and cancer diseases.

Low-calorie, rich in vitamins and other substances essential for the body, the drink is useful for overweight, the need to remove waste and toxins, thyroid disorders and many other dysfunctions. Having laxative properties, the juice helps ease bowel movements.

Women of childbearing and older age know about the drink’s ability to relieve cramps and improve well-being during menstruation and menopause.

True, when drinking the drink internally, it is important to take into account not only the beneficial properties of beet juice, but also contraindications.

This is especially true when pregnant women take the juice. On the one hand, the vitamin and mineral composition of the drink can be a serious help for a woman carrying a child. On the other hand, during pregnancy, beet juice is a risk factor due to possible allergic reactions and irritation of the intestinal mucosa.

Pregnancy is not the only condition when taking juice should be taken with the utmost seriousness and caution.

For what diagnoses is drinking beet juice not beneficial, but harmful? In addition to urolithiasis and other inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and ureters, the following are considered contraindications to taking beetroot drink:

  • low pressure;
  • increased acidity;
  • diabetes mellitus and predisposition to this disease;
  • gout and related joint lesions;
  • tendency to diarrhea.

Due to the activity of the drink, beet juice is not given to children, at least until the age of three.

With regard to beet juice, some people experience individual intolerance, which is expressed in allergic reactions, digestive disorders, vomiting and other unpleasant symptoms. To avoid such negative consequences of a health procedure, it is important for even a healthy person to know how to properly prepare beetroot juice and drink this healthy drink.

How to make beet juice?

The juice obtained from intensely colored fresh root vegetables has the greatest benefits.

Before pressing, the beets are thoroughly washed and the coarse rhizomes and apical part are removed. When the juice is ready, put it in the cold for a couple of hours, after which the foam that has formed on the surface is removed.

If you do not keep it in the refrigerator before drinking beet juice, the already specific taste of the drink can cause unpleasant sensations. The product can retain its beneficial properties for up to 48 hours, but if the juice is pasteurized, the shelf life increases, but the benefits of the drink decrease.

How to drink beet juice correctly?

Beetroot juice in its pure form, especially in a person unaccustomed to its taste, can cause a lot of unpleasant emotions from dizziness to stomach cramps.

Therefore, it is better to start drinking beet juice with diluted natural carrot, pumpkin or other juice. Most often it is recommended to take three or four parts of a softer and more familiar drink for one part of beet juice, gradually increasing the proportion of healing beet juice.

Take a glass of juice cocktail twice a day, and pure beet juice should not be drunk without a break for more than two weeks. After this course, take a break for another 14 days, and then, if there are no unpleasant consequences, the juice intake is repeated.

As a complement to beets, carrots, juicy varieties of pumpkin, peaches and apples are most often used in a medicinal cocktail. A small amount of ginger, orange juice and berry fruit drinks add unusual notes to beet juice. Fans of vegetable cocktails can add juice from tomatoes and cucumbers, celery stalks or spinach leaves to beetroot cocktails.

Video about the benefits and harms of beet juice

How to prepare beetroot juice to treat colds or varicose veins can be found in various medical journals. How to make beet juice yourself will be described below. The main thing when using any of the recipes below is to carefully follow the manufacturing technology. At the same time, the correct choice of root vegetables for juice and compliance with the recommendations for using the drink are also important.

Extracting juice from fresh beet roots

Freshly squeezed beet juice is good for constipation, colds, problems with veins or hematopoiesis. To prevent these diseases, pure juice should be drunk for 15 days. To obtain the drink you will need fresh root vegetables, which should have a bright red color. They should not have visible streaks of a whitish tint. It is better to choose root vegetables with a slightly elongated shape.

Beetroot juice can be prepared at home using a juicer. The technology for preparing the product is as follows:

  1. The vegetable is rinsed in water, all the tops and ¼ of the top are cut off.
  2. After this, the root vegetables are placed in a juicer, thereby obtaining juice. It is better to collect it in glass dishes.
  3. Then the glass container with the beet liquid is placed in the refrigerator. There the beet liquid settles for 2 hours. During this time, all toxic ingredients that can harm the human body come out of it.
  4. When infused, foam will appear on the surface of the drink, which must be skimmed off. After the above infusion period, you can use the drink for its intended purpose.

Doctors recommend consuming 50 ml of juice per day, and then gradually increasing this dose to 100 ml. Many people are interested in how long beet juice can be stored. The shelf life depends on how much juice you need to get for consumption. When fighting a cold or constipation, the drink is rarely consumed for more than a week. How to store small quantities of product? Fresh, squeezed juice is stored in the refrigerator for 1-2 days.

A large amount of freshly squeezed beet juice will have to be pasteurized at 85°C, and then all the resulting juice will have to be rolled into jars, which will need to be kept in a cellar or cool room. The shelf life in this case increases to 6-12 months.

The above recipe can be used to make beet juice without a juicer. To prepare it, grind the vegetable in a blender or use a grater, and then squeeze out the liquid from the chopped root vegetables with gauze. After this, infuse and consume the drink in the same way as described when using a juicer. The shelf life of the product does not depend on the method of production.

Extracting juice from boiled beets

How to properly prepare a drink from thermally treated root vegetables? The recipe for preparing the healing liquid is as follows:

  1. First, red root vegetables that have an elongated shape are selected.
  2. They are thrown into a saucepan and filled with warm water (no need to remove the peel).
  3. Boil the beets until tender. You can bake it in the oven, covering the fruits with foil.

After the end of the heat treatment, the fruits must be peeled. Then they are loaded into a juicer or crushed on a grater with small holes. You can prepare juice from the resulting pulp by squeezing it out using gauze.

After this, the drink is allowed to sit for 20 minutes, and then the resulting juice is diluted with clean water in equal volumes.

You can drink the product 0.15 liters per day, but it is recommended to start using 70 ml per day, gradually increasing the dose. This type of juice is easier to store than the freshly squeezed version. A drink made from boiled beets can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. You can be treated with the resulting juice (fresh juice) only after consulting a doctor.

To restore immunity, you can use a smoothie recipe made from beetroot tops. Its preparation begins by collecting the necessary ingredients:

  1. Medium-sized beets - 2-3 fruits.
  2. Apple - 2 pieces.
  3. Beet tops leaves - 4 leaves.
  4. Water - 200 ml.
  5. Honey - to taste.

Using a blender, beat the root vegetables, tops and apples. Pour the mixture with water and beat 1 more time. Add honey and use the finished product.

Drink made from beets and apples or carrots

Beet-apple juice is made from small apples and small beet roots. All fruits should not have cracks. The recipe for making the drink is as follows:

  1. It is recommended to clean the beets well and rinse them in running water.
  2. You can leave the apples in the peel, but remove the middle of the fruit. For 3 apples there should be 1 beetroot.

Vegetables and fruits are individually minced in a meat grinder or grated. The resulting mass is squeezed out using gauze. The beetroot drink is placed in the refrigerator for 1 hour. After this, use a mixer to mix the apple and beet juices.

The beets and carrots recipe calls for 1 carrot and 3 beet roots. First you need to peel the beets and remove their tops. After this, using a juicer, fresh juice is obtained from the vegetable.

Squeeze the liquid from the peeled carrots into a separate bowl. Beetroot and carrot juice can be obtained by thoroughly mixing both liquids. Then the resulting product is poured into a glass vessel. Without sealing this container, place it in the refrigerator. She stays there for about 3 hours. After this, beetroot and carrot juice can be consumed 30 minutes before meals, 2 times a day, 0.1 liter. If the carrot-beet drink turns out to be concentrated, then it is recommended to dilute it with clean water in a 1:1 ratio.

You can make a drink from all these vegetables and fruits. Make beet, carrot and apple juice from the following ingredients:

  1. Large apple (not sweet) - 1 fruit.
  2. Beet root vegetables - 3 pcs.
  3. Large carrots - 1 pc.

There is no need to peel apples and beets. Only the tops and the top of the root crop are removed, and the middle of the apple is taken out. Peel the carrots.

Separately squeeze the juice from each vegetable and fruit, and then mix everything thoroughly. After this, you need to put the product in the refrigerator to settle. The process lasts about 120 minutes. The medicine is ready. It can be used immediately after waking up in the morning, after about 15-20 minutes. The course of therapy lasts 60 days. The medicine helps strengthen the heart muscle and improve immunity.

All types of drinks described above are best used by dividing the daily dose into 3 doses. It is not recommended to use more than 250 ml of medication per day, otherwise an allergy may develop.

When used against constipation or to normalize intestinal function, juices should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:9. If this is not done, a stomach ulcer may develop. You can drink no more than 0.15 liters per day. The course of therapy lasts no more than 6 days.

A drink made from carrots and beet roots cleanses the liver well. Dose - no more than 0.18 liters per day. This amount is divided into 3 doses of 60 ml. It is recommended to drink fresh juice before meals. Before use, you should consult your doctor for possible contraindications.

This mixture can also be used for hypertension. The drink is diluted with water in equal volumes. Drink 0.1 liter 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

A mixture of beet, apple and carrot juices is used to stimulate the immune system. The initial dose is 60 ml per day. It is gradually increased to 0.15 liters per day.

To strengthen the heart muscle after a heart attack, it is recommended to drink a mixture of beets and honey. Dose - 50 ml of beet juice with 5 g of honey per day.

Any person who cares about health knows: many useful substances and vitamins are contained in fruits and vegetables. Red beets also belong to this group. Each product is unique in its composition and taste, and you need to understand them. It is important to know how to drink beet juice, because the wrong dosage can lead to unpleasant consequences. It’s easy to make a body cleanser - you can buy the vegetable in any store, and to prepare it you will need a juicer or grater.

Benefits of beet juice

This vegetable contains the optimal amount of calcium and sodium in a ratio of 1 to 10. The substances provoke the dissolution of calcium that has accumulated in the blood vessels. Beetroot juice is a powerful body cleanser. Other properties:

  1. The product is recommended for hardening and varicose veins, and the chlorine contained in the vegetable takes part in cleansing the gallbladder, liver, and kidneys.
  2. Pectin protects beets from heavy metals and radiation. The beneficial compound prevents the development of harmful microorganisms in the intestines.
  3. The vegetable contains proteins and amino acids that have anti-sclerotic properties.
  4. Beet juice is beneficial for the body in the process of hematopoiesis, has a positive effect on the formation of red blood cells, improves memory, and dilates blood vessels. Beetroot contains a lot of metals. The high content of zinc, manganese, and copper stimulates hematopoiesis in the human body, improves sexual function, and accelerates metabolism.
  5. Zinc improves vision and stimulates insulin production, which is useful after myocardial infarction.
  6. Those substances that give the vegetable its red color (pigments) help reduce blood pressure, strengthen capillaries, and relieve vascular spasms.
  7. Beet juice will be an excellent remedy against insomnia and stress.

Benefits of beet juice

A huge number of vitamins, their unique combination and action are priceless. The composition allows the use of beets and their juice both as a medicinal product and as a food product along with other ingredients. The healing properties of the vegetable make it useful for:

  1. Menstrual pain.
  2. Blood problems.
  3. Slagging of the body. Drink beet juice for constipation to cleanse the intestines. Children often have intestinal problems, and you don’t want to give your child medications right away. To cope with this problem, beetroot juice is given to children, which will replace many tablets.
  4. Many liver diseases. The juice cleanses it and improves metabolism.
  5. For obesity and overweight.
  6. For hypertension. Beetroot juice reduces blood pressure and normalizes the condition of blood vessels.
  7. From a runny nose. Beets increase the body's resistance to viruses and stimulate the lymphatic system.
  8. For high cholesterol, atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease.
  9. Hypothyroidism.


Anyone who decides to use this remedy needs to know how to drink beet juice: the drink has a number of contraindications. They coincide with those of the vegetable as a whole. You should not drink beet juice:

  • if urolithiasis is diagnosed;
  • there is chronic diarrhea (due to the laxative effect of beet juice);
  • for rheumatoid arthritis, gout;
  • for diabetes mellitus;
  • if you are hypotensive;
  • for kidney diseases;
  • if you have high acidity;
  • for heartburn.

How to drink beet juice correctly

This is a unique remedy that effectively combats many problems and has its own rules for use and preparation. For example, drinking pure beet juice in large quantities is dangerous. In case of an overdose, nausea, dizziness, and increased heart rate immediately appear. You can drink no more than 100 g of undiluted beet juice at a time. It is better to start with 50 g, gradually increasing the amount. For various diseases, the drink is consumed according to certain patterns.

During pregnancy

Due to the presence of folic acid, beet juice is beneficial for pregnant women. This element prevents the development of congenital pathologies in the fetus. It is recommended to start drinking beet juice even before conception, when you have just decided that you want to have a baby. Rules for taking during pregnancy:

  1. Freshly prepared juice should sit in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.
  2. It is better to dilute it with water 1:1.
  3. You need to start using it with a small dose - 1 tbsp. per day.
  4. Over the course of a week, increase the dosage to 100 g per day.

For weight loss

When following a diet, it is recommended to drink beet juice diluted with another juice, for example, carrot juice. The drink contains a minimum of calories, but has a rich supply of useful elements. Beetroot juice reduces appetite and at the same time cleanses the intestines and has a laxative effect. You should drink it 30 minutes before meals, 30-50 g at a time. The course of treatment cannot exceed 3 months.

For treatment

Many people prefer to combine traditional medicine with folk remedies, which include beets. Its naturalness is not questioned, which is why some people prefer such methods of treatment. There are recipes for preparing beet juice with other ingredients to treat many diseases. Below are examples of using beets for various problems.

For oncology

You should not prepare beet and carrot juice if you have cancer. Need a clean drink. Cancerous tumors are treated by long-term administration of 100 ml three or four times a day. It is recommended to drink the drink 20 minutes before meals. If you feel unwell or nauseous after taking it, reduce the dosage to 50 ml in the first 5 days of taking it. The positive effect is greater if beets are present as an ingredient in your diet.

For sore throat

Sore throat is a common occurrence in people with weakened immune systems in the spring and autumn, when sudden changes in weather occur. To treat with beets, you need to prepare the tincture as follows:

  1. Grate the raw beets on a fine grater. You should have a glass of mass.
  2. Add st. l. vinegar.
  3. The mixture should infuse for 1 hour.
  4. Remove the liquid from the mixture: gargle 5-6 times a day.

For the liver

Beets have a beneficial effect on liver function, normalize metabolism, and help cleanse the body of toxins as a whole. For treatment, you need to make a special drink from several types of juice. You need to start taking it in small portions of 50 ml 3-4 times a day. Next, the dosage should be increased to 500 ml per day. To prepare the drink you need to mix the following types of juice:

  • beetroot – 3 parts;
  • carrot – 10 parts;
  • cucumber – 3 parts.

How to make beet juice at home

Any folk remedy must be properly prepared for maximum effectiveness. It is not only the sequence of adding ingredients that matters, but also their quantity. The correct choice of components and preparation before cooking influences. All you need is a juicer for carrots and beets. If you don't have one, you can use a fine grater. Below are recipes for the most popular drinks with beets.

Freshly squeezed

For a clean drink, you need to choose beets that are bright red in color without light streaks. It is desirable that the root crop be elongated. Rules:

  1. Trim the tops and top third of the vegetable.
  2. Run the vegetable through a juicer. If you don't have one, you can use a fine grater. Using gauze, strain the juice from the mixture.
  3. Be sure to leave the freshly squeezed beetroot drink in the refrigerator for 2 hours so that harmful substances are removed from it.
  4. Remove the foam that forms on top.
  5. You should start taking 50 ml per day, increasing the dosage to 100 ml per day.
  6. The duration of the course in its pure form is 2 weeks.


  1. Fill the container one-third full with carrot juice.
  2. Add fresh beetroot to it (1 part).
  3. Stir the drink well until smooth.
  4. If the juice tastes too strong, you can dilute it with a little cold water.
  5. Place the drink in the refrigerator for 20 minutes or throw in a few ice cubes.
  6. Use half an hour before meals 3 times a day.

From carrots, beets and apples

  1. Pass all components through a juicer or beat with a blender in a ratio of 1:1:1.
  2. You can add ginger for taste.
  3. Be sure to let the drink stand open for at least 2 hours in the refrigerator.
  4. Use in the morning on an empty stomach.
  5. You need to drink for at least 3 months.

Video about the beneficial properties of beet juice