How to make pitted plum jam. Tricks for making prune jam - how to make jam from fresh and dried prunes

Products for making jam
Plums - 1 kilogram
Water - 150 milliliters (half a glass)
Sugar - 800 grams

How to cook plum jam
Wash the plums and remove the pits. Pour water into the pan, add plums, put on fire, cook after boiling for 10 minutes. Then rub the plums through a sieve and remove the peel. Return the puree to the pan, add sugar and cook until the jam has the consistency of liquid sour cream. Pour hot plum jam into hot sterilized jars, cool and store.

How to cook plum jam in a bread machine
1. Wash the plums, remove the seeds and cut into pieces.
2. Place the plums in a deep bowl, add sugar, shake several times, leave for 4 hours until the plums release juice.
3. Transfer the plum pieces with sugar into the bread maker bucket.
4. Set the “Jam” mode.
5. After the end of the mode, after about 1 hour and twenty minutes, the device will turn off.
6. Take out a bucket of jam to obtain a homogeneous consistency and grind its contents with an immersion blender.
7. Pour hot plum jam into jars and close with lids.
Amount of ingredients for cooking plum jam in a bread maker with a 1-liter bucket: 500 grams of sweet plums and 300 grams of sugar.

How to cook plum jam in a slow cooker
1. Remove seeds from washed plums and cut the fruits into pieces.
2. Place the pieces of plums in the multicooker bowl, add sugar and 3 tablespoons of water, stir.
3. Set the “Quenching” mode, its duration is about 2 hours.
4. Before the end of cooking, about 10 minutes before, open the lid of the multicooker, and if too much juice has been released during cooking, add pectin, gelatin or marmalade at the rate of 10 grams of gelling agent per 1 kilogram of plums.
5. Place the hot plum jam into jars and cover with lids.

This is my first jam. Before this, I made apple marmalade with great success. But it's actually very simple. But the plum jam... It seemed to me that this was a completely different story. And I put it off. One year passed, then another... And I still continued to doubt that so easily, at home, it would be possible to cook exactly the same jam as I remember it from childhood. Thick, thick, with bright color and unique taste. And only the appearance in the house of a hefty bag of late autumn plums “freed” my hands. “Even if I spoil a couple of kilos, then nothing bad will happen,” I thought, but I still decided to start practicing on smaller portions, and if everything works out, then prepare a row of jars of plum jam for the winter.


  • 1300 g sweet plums with pits (from which 900 g puree is obtained)
  • Zhelfix 2:1 sachet (yellow sachet)
  • 450 g sugar +2 tbsp. spoons

Making plum jam for the winter

My plums are ripe, ripe, sweet, sweet, so I use a minimum of sugar. I can decide on the exact quantity when I puree the plums. Minimum ratio: 2 to 1. If you take even less, the jam will not harden. And this happens due to the reaction of pectin with acid and sugar. Plums contain a lot of pectin, but not enough to make jam without long boiling. So we will use the Zhelfix gelling additive. It is now sold everywhere. Or on the shelves you can find other gelling additives for preserves, jams or marmalade. To take the quantity you need, see the instructions. It usually indicates how much raw material one bag is enough for.

I didn’t process the plums in any way before stewing - after all, they would burst anyway, and the seeds would remain in the sieve when I pureed them. I didn't add water. Plums immediately release a lot of juice, so they don’t burn. But if you are not sure about your plums, then add two to three tablespoons of water. Simmer the plums, stirring, until they become soft and burst.

Transfer them to a fine mesh sieve. Scroll through the plum porridge with a spoon and get this puree. Bones, peels and strange hard fibers remain in the sieve.

As you can see, the puree is still opaque and does not look very appetizing. I got exactly 900 g of puree (I remind you that the drain was 1 kg 300 g). So I measured out 450 g of sugar. Mix the puree with sugar and bring to a boil. Mix gelfix with 2 tablespoons of sugar. This is necessary so that it spreads evenly in the jam and does not stick together in a lump.

Mix vigorously. Bring to a boil and cook for another three minutes.

That's all. The color of this plum jam exceeded all my expectations. How bright, rich and thick. It's a simple miracle. While I was pouring the jam into jars, it was still liquid.

But as soon as it cooled, the mass turned out exactly as I wanted - thick. Can be spread on sandwiches. And, of course, bake a butter pie. What I will definitely do in my free time. Luckily I have a wonderful dough recipe.

Bon appetit!

Jam is one of the ways to prepare fruits or berries. In this article we will share with you how to properly cook homemade plum jam for the winter so that it turns out tasty, rich and thick.

Apple-plum jam recipe


  • white sugar – 995 g;
  • blue plum – 620 g;
  • apples – 610 g.


Wash the plums thoroughly, dry them on a towel, remove seeds and puree them in a blender into a homogeneous mass. We process the apples, rinse them and cut them into thin small slices. Combine the berry mass with the fruits, stir and heat until boiling over low heat. Next, add the required amount of sugar, stir and leave on the stove for 10 minutes. Then carefully remove the dishes, cool and boil the delicacy again. We repeat this procedure several times, and then pack the finished hot jam into pre-prepared heated dry jars, seal them hermetically, turn them upside down, wrap them and leave them in this state until completely cooled. We store the plum jam in a dry place and serve it with pancakes or use it as a filling when baking pies.

A simple recipe for plum jam at home


  • blue plum – 990 g;
  • water – 105 ml;
  • sugar – 830 g.


We wash the plums, remove the seeds and boil the fruits until soft, adding a little filtered water. Next, grind the plum mass through a strainer or beat with a blender, after removing the skin. Next, add sugar, mix and cook the jam until tender, stirring occasionally. Place the hot delicacy in warm jars, cover the top with gauze and leave at room temperature for 2 days. Afterwards, we roll up the lids and put the jam in the cellar for storage.

Recipe for plum jam with apricots at home


  • ripe apricots – 540 g;
  • garden plum – 520 g;
  • sugar – 615 g.


To prepare jam according to this recipe, carefully remove the pits from the plums and apricots and place the fruits in a saucepan. Steam the contents in a water bath until soft, and then puree with a blender, after removing the skin. Boil the mixture by half, add sugar, stir and simmer the jam over low heat until cooked. Pack the finished delicacy into dry small jars, close the lids and cool, turning it upside down. This jam has a pleasant taste and rich aroma.

Plum jam in a slow cooker


  • garden plum – 995 g;
  • – 1 sachet;
  • sugar – 980 g.


We sort the plums, discarding the spoiled fruits, rinse them, carefully break them in half and remove the pits. Then place the slices in a colander, rinse with cold water and leave to drain for half an hour. After this, place the prepared fruits in the multicooker bowl and add dry pectin. Stir, close the device with a lid, select the “Soup” program and time for exactly 5 minutes, stirring. As soon as the plums release a little juice, add the required amount of sugar, stir with a wooden spoon and continue to cook the delicacy in the same mode for another 5-7 minutes.

Without wasting time, sterilize glass jars and lids. Cool the finished jam completely, beat with a blender until smooth and spread the thick plum jam into jars. We roll up the workpiece with lids and store it in the cellar for the winter. Before serving, put it in a bowl or use it when baking pies.

Fruits and berries


Pitted plum jam will be a thick and transparent fruit mass, which will not only provide you with the entire set of vitamins necessary during the winter, but will also allow you to enjoy the delicate summer taste of plums even in winter. This preparation is perfect for preparing various homemade pastries with it or simply spreading the sweetness on a piece of bread for tea. If you follow all the instructions from the step-by-step photo recipe presented below, then you will definitely be able to prepare such winter preserves even the first time.

Plums are rich in pectin substances, which in turn are not only responsible for the thickness of the jam, but also for removing heavy metals from the body. Needless to say, any fruits and berries contain a large amount of vitamins, and they, in turn, keep the immune system in good shape. If you always have a supply of such plum jam in your pantry, then you definitely won’t be afraid of colds in winter. For some, children will definitely be delighted with the prospects of such treatment. Plums are those fruits that tolerate heat treatment very well, which has a very good effect on the taste and smell of the finished jam. At the same time, you have two options for making homemade plum jam using this simple recipe: make it look like jam or interspersed with pieces of fruit. Don’t worry, the taste of the product does not depend in any way on this choice.

Let’s quickly start preparing delicious and tender seedless plum jam at home for the winter!



    Let's prepare on the work surface of the table all the ingredients we need to make this jam. Be very careful when choosing plums: we need only the ripest fruits of the blue variety, in which the stone easily separates from the pulp. Only such plums produce amber transparent jam.

    We thoroughly wash the collected or purchased fruits in cold water, remove the stalks, if any, divide them in half and remove the seeds. Place the plum halves in a separate bowl, where they will dry slightly from moisture.

    To create this classic plum jam, the first step is to prepare the sugar syrup separately. It is really simple to prepare: pour cold water into an enamel pan or saucepan, the amount of which is indicated in the ingredients, add all the prepared sugar, mix the ingredients in the pan until smooth and bring to a boil. The syrup is cooked until all the sugar is completely dissolved as shown in the photo, this may take 5 to 10 minutes after boiling.

    Place the prepared plum halves into the pan when all the sugar crystals have completely dissolved. Cook the plum halves until softened and saturated with sweetness for 15-20 minutes. Please note that the cooking time directly depends on how ripe the plums you purchased. When the plums have softened enough, carefully pour the contents of the pan into a food processor and grind to a puree. You can also turn the mixture into puree using a regular hand masher, although it will take longer. Return the already crushed mass to the pan and cook the jam for 60 minutes over low heat after boiling again.

    As you noticed, we do not remove the skins from plums, because they are rich in vitamins, but you can do this if you wish.

    It is better to choose small jars for storing such preparations and sterilize them in advance along with the lids in the oven or microwave. Pour still hot plum jam into warm jars, then immediately roll up the lids. Preservation should be left in the kitchen under a blanket until it cools completely and only then put into the pantry or cellar.

    Homemade seedless plum jam is ready for the winter!

    Bon appetit!

Thick and fragrant plum jam is the oldest method of preserving fruits, which came from grandmothers and great-grandmothers. Recipes may differ, but they have one thing in common: making jam is a long process, in the classic version, lasting for several days.

The recipe for cooking jam involves slow and prolonged evaporation of the liquid (juice) from the plum fruit. During the cooking process, the pulp and skin of the plums fall apart, thereby creating the necessary homogeneous consistency. At the intermediate stage, if desired, the fruit mass is whipped with a submersible blender.

When cooking plum jam, you need to pay attention to some points:

  1. The best utensils for preparing dessert for the winter are wide, low saucepans or basins made of stainless steel, aluminum or copper. Some housewives boil the jam in the oven; in this case, you can’t do without a cast iron.
  2. The amount of sugar in the recipe depends on the sweetness of the plum and the method of storage for the winter. The required minimum is 100 g per 1 kg of plums. For the winter, such preparations must be stored in the cellar or refrigerator.
  3. At all stages of preparing jam for the winter, use low heat; it is advisable to place a divider on the burner.
  4. Some recipes contain recommendations to peel the plums or rub the finished product through a sieve. But it is undesirable to do this, because plum skin contains pectin, a substance that helps the sweet preparation acquire a thick consistency. In addition, the skin adds the necessary sourness to the jam, otherwise it would be cloying.
  5. If you don’t have a blender, and you get a plum with dense pulp or not ripe, after removing the seeds, you need to pass the fresh fruits through a meat grinder, and only then start boiling.

How to choose plums for jam

Any plum is suitable for harvesting for the winter, because these fruits contain pectin, which gives canned products the desired consistency, eliminating the need to add synthetic thickeners. But if you take into account some nuances when choosing fruits for a winter recipe, you can achieve a better result.

  1. Vengerka and Renklod are considered suitable varieties for making seedless plum jam for the winter; they have thin skin, sweet pulp and a pleasant aroma.
  2. If the pit is difficult to separate, then it is better to abandon the recipe for jam from plums of this variety, but it will make an excellent compote. However, you can steam the fruits with added water over low heat, and then rub it through a sieve, then the seeds will not become a hindrance. White plum jam is especially often prepared in this way for the winter.
  3. Only ripe plums or even overripe ones are suitable for canning - they boil faster.
  4. After harvesting, the fruits must be washed well in several waters and sorted: after examining each fruit, it is necessary to identify spoiled, wormy or hard ones.
  5. The last stage of verification: removing the stalks and removing the seeds.

Preparing jars for canning

Fresh plums are not stored for long, so canning them in jars is one of the best ways to preserve fruit products for the winter. To prevent the blanks from deteriorating, there is a technology for processing glass containers, worked out and improved by generations of housewives.

  1. It is advisable to take containers for jam for the winter with a volume of no more than 0.5-0.7 liters.
  2. Jars for preservation for the winter are washed with soda and hot water, and then sterilized.
  3. Simple sterilization in the microwave: pour a little water (100 g) into the bottom of a washed container and place in the oven for 3-4 minutes. You can place 2-3 cans at a time.
  4. Sterilization in the oven: place washed dry jars on a baking sheet in a cold oven. Turn on the gas to medium level and fry the containers for 5 to 20 minutes. depending on size. Remove when completely cool.
  5. Sterilization with boiling water and steam: fill the washed jars with boiling water to the middle and cover with clean lids, let stand for 5-10 minutes.
  6. Before filling with ready-made jam (and it is always packaged hot), the glass container must be heated so that it does not burst, and dry: extraneous moisture will lead to spoilage of the product.
  7. You can use any lids for twisting for the winter - metal or plastic, the main thing is that there is an air gap between the lid and the fruit mass.

How much to cook jam for the winter

There are two main methods in cooking technology: in one approach and in several approaches.

  • basic method;
  • cyclical method.

The first involves one-time cooking, in which the prepared plums are placed in a bowl with the amount of water required by the recipe. Cook the plums over medium heat with constant stirring for about 10-15 minutes. Then the mass is broken up with a blender and, adding sugar, boiled for 2-3 hours until the consistency of thick sour cream. The finished jam is packaged in jars, covered with lids and sent to the pantry for storage for the winter.

Advice! To save time when cooking jam, gelling additives are used.

The second is often used when preparing “five-minute” jam for the winter. The time intervals in the jam recipe are different. Place the prepared plums in a saucepan, cover with a lid and place on a moderately heated stove for 30-40 minutes so that the juice begins to evaporate. The mixture needs to be stirred periodically. Then the fire is turned off, and sugar is added to the hot plums, mixed and left for several hours (6-8), or overnight.

The workpiece is placed on the stove and cooked for another 30-40 minutes. At the end of the process, the raw materials are broken up with a blender if the consistency is not satisfactory. A test is made for sugar and, if necessary, it is added to the hot jam and left again for several hours. This is followed by the last cycle: cooking for 30-40 minutes. and another infusion, during which the evaporation of excess moisture continues. And finally, the last cooking is for half an hour with constant stirring, after which the hot jam is packaged in heated dry jars.

Advice! A simple dessert recipe for the winter can be made piquant by adding seasoning - cinnamon, ginger or chocolate. Grated zest and lemon juice are often added to yellow plum jam.

Pitted plum jam for the winter

A fragrant, thick delicacy that is equally good either spread on toast or baked with it into delicious cheesecakes or bagels. The recipe is simple:

  • 1 kg plums;
  • 1 kg of sugar (less possible);
  • 100 g of water.

Attention! You need to reduce the sweetness in the recipe, taking into account the fact that sugar is a preservative and poorly boiled jam for the winter can ferment if its quantity is not enough.

  1. The prepared plum halves are filled with water and placed on a burner with a divider. After boiling, cook for 20-30 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  2. The slightly cooled mass is blended with a blender until smooth.
  3. Place the bowl with the jam preparation on the stove, add sugar and begin to boil, stirring constantly. It’s good if the pan is wide and low, like a basin, in which case the evaporation of excess moisture will occur more intensely and the jam will cook faster. On average it may take 1.5-2 hours.
  4. The finished product does not spread on the plate if it is tilted.

Advice! To prevent the jam from burning during boiling, you can do this: place a wide frying pan on the stove with salt poured onto it. And in this frying pan place a pan with fruit mixture. The salt layer between the walls of the dish will not give excess heat, and heating will occur evenly.

Five-minute pitted plum jam

Five-minute recipe is a simple winter recipe that is suitable for a working woman and anyone who does not want to spend a lot of time cooking.

  • 1 kg plums;
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 1 package of gelling additive (Zhelfix, Jam, etc.).

It will take no more than half an hour to prepare the jam, not counting the time required to process the fruit raw materials.

  1. Chop the plum with a knife, add sugar and leave for several hours until it gives juice.
  2. Place the bowl with the fruit on low heat, bring to a boil and, after cooking for 5 minutes, remove from the stove. Cover the container with gauze to allow air access.
  3. After cooling, blend the mixture with an immersion blender and cook for another 5-10 minutes. At the end of cooking, add the gelling agent according to the recipe on the package.
  4. Pour the hot jam into jars, roll up the lids and, turning over, cover with a blanket for further slow cooling.

Plum and apple jam

The combination of apple and plum in jam guarantees thickness to the recipe due to the fact that both fruits contain pectin.

  • 1.5 kg plums;
  • 1 kg apples;
  • 1.2 kg sugar.

This simple recipe involves peeling both apples and plums. Cut out the cores of the first ones, and remove the seeds from the second ones. The peel will make an excellent compote - concentrated and aromatic.

  1. Chop the apples and mix with the plum halves.
  2. Add sugar and cook over low heat for 20 minutes.
  3. Remove from heat, cool slightly and puree the hot mixture with a blender.
  4. Place on the burner and simmer for 40 minutes.
  5. Pack the hot jam into jars and cover with boiled lids.

Amazing color, delicious aroma and desired thickness distinguish this simple recipe for plum and apple jam for the winter.

Plum jam in a slow cooker

The convenience of cooking jam in a slow cooker is that you don’t have to be tied to the stove and constantly stir the product being prepared.

  • 1 kg plums;
  • 800 g sugar;
  • 150 g of water.

Advice! Using the same simple recipe, plum jam is prepared at home in a bread maker.

  1. Mix all ingredients in the bowl of the device.
  2. Boil the mixture in the “Baking” mode for 15 minutes.
  3. Puree using a blender.
  4. Cook for another 2 hours in the “Stew” mode.
  5. Pour hot into warm jars, roll up the lids and put under a blanket until completely cooled.

Advice! If it seems that the jam is a bit runny, you can add agar-agar (25 g per 1 kg of product) or another gelling additive to the recipe.


Plum jam is prepared according to different recipes, but they have one thing in common - both adults and children love this simple tasty delicacy.

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