How to make ginger drink? Ginger drink recipe for weight loss. Soft drinks

Ginger drink - vitamin tea based on ginger root with the addition of natural ingredients.

To prepare tea, the root is used in fresh, dried or ground form.

As the most active ingredients To reduce weight, add cinnamon, lemon, cucumber, and honey to ginger tea.

Aroma and unique taste the drink is flavored with fragrant herbs and small pieces dried fruits.

Ginger drink recipe for weight loss

Ginger with cinnamon

Finely chop twenty grams of root, throw it into a thermos, fill it with boiling water, add a little cinnamon and let it sit for about twenty minutes. Then strain and drink hot twenty minutes before meals.

Ginger drink with garlic

A fiery recipe. Mix twenty grams of dry ginger with three grams of chopped garlic. Pour 300 ml of boiling water over the hot mixture. Let it sit for fifteen minutes, strain and drink.

Kefir ginger drink

And one more effective recipe to combat appetite: grind 30 g of ginger, pour in 300 ml of one percent kefir and you can drink. A great addition to breakfast or dinner.

Cucumber Ginger Drink

To prepare a cucumber smoothie you need: 20 g ginger + fresh finely chopped sliced ​​cucumber+ some greens and a little salt. Beat everything in a blender. Then pour in three hundred milliliters of one percent kefir. The diet smoothie is ready.

Hot ginger drinks (for winter and autumn)

Ginger and honey drink

Orange – 4 fruits
Ginger root – 1 cut
Honey – 2 teaspoons
Boiling water – 200 ml

Squeeze the juice from the oranges, add peeled and diced ginger, add boiling water and let cool slightly. After cooling, add honey to taste.

Ginger lemon drink

Ginger root – 4 teaspoons
Honey – 8 teaspoons
Juice of one orange
Juice of one lemon
Cinnamon – 1 stick
Anise – 1 star
Boiling water – 700 ml

Grate the ginger root, mix with orange and lemon juice, add cinnamon, anise and pour boiling water. After cooling, add honey. Drink the infused drink throughout the day.

Warming tea with ginger and honey

Boiling water – 1 liter
Ginger – 4 cm
Orange – 1/2 piece
Mint – 1 bunch
Honey – 2 tbsp
Cinnamon – 1/3 tbsp. spoons

Throw peeled and finely chopped ginger, sliced ​​orange and mint into a saucepan with water, add cinnamon. Bring to a boil and set aside to cool for 10 minutes. Add honey. Drink a glass during the day, no more than 600 ml per day.

The infusion is suitable for both winter and summer. In cold weather, drink hot ginger drink for a warming effect, and in hot weather- chilled, to quench thirst. The taste of the drink becomes perfect on the second day.

Ginger drink for colds

Fresh ginger – 1-2 slices (0.5 cm)
Water – ¾ cup
Milk – ¼ cup
Honey – 1 teaspoon

Pour water into the pan, add ginger and boil for 2 minutes under the lid. Then pour in the milk and wait until it boils. Then remove from the stove and pour into a cup. After cooling, add honey.

The recipe is good for relieving cold symptoms and as an antiseptic.

Ginger decoction

Ginger – 15 g
Water – 300 ml
Black tea – a pinch
Honey – 1 tablespoon

Pour boiling water over the root and boil for a couple of minutes. Then remove from heat, add a pinch of black tea and wait a couple of minutes until it brews. Then strain the broth, add lemon and honey to taste. The hot drink with ginger is ready. Can be used to treat colds.

Ginger drink for immunity

Fresh grated ginger – 130 g
Cinnamon - 2 sticks or ground (1 teaspoon)
Black pepper – 6 peas
Cloves – 4 pieces
Whole nutmeg – ½ piece
Water – 270 g
Sugar – 300 g
Honey – 2 tbsp
Lemon juice – ½ spoon

Fill the ginger with water. Add sugar, pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves and boil for 20 minutes until the ginger is soft. Then cool, strain, add lemon and honey. The result should be about 400 ml of syrup, which can be used as an additive to tea.

Delicious and no calories Tips for those with a sweet tooth: how not to gain weight from ice cream. Can I eat it for breakfast or dinner?

Cold ginger drinks (for spring and summer)

Refreshing Ginger Ale

Ginger – 300 g
Sugar – 10 tablespoons
Water – 1.5 liters
Mint – 1 bunch
Lemon – 4 slices
Mineral water – optional

Add grated ginger and sugar to the water and simmer for 30 minutes. closed lid. Cool and pour the syrup into a bottle. Before serving, pour a few spoons into a glass. ginger syrup and add mineral water. Stir the mixture and garnish with a slice of lemon and mint leaves. Can be refrigerated for one week.

Refreshing with lemon juice

Melissa – 1 teaspoon
Ginger – 10 slices
Brown sugar– 1 teaspoon
Ice – 1 cube
Juice of one lemon
Boiling water – 1.5 liters

Pour boiling water over lemon juice, lemon balm and ginger. After 10 minutes, remove the lemon balm leaves and add sugar (to taste). Serve the cooling drink with an ice cube.

The root is stored in the refrigerator for no more than a week, then it begins to lose its valuable properties. You cannot use cellophane for storage; I wrap the spine in a dry paper napkin and place it on the refrigerator door. When purchasing, pay attention to the freshness of the ginger. It should be tight to the touch, free of stains, and light sandy in color.

Many people have been using incredibly for a long time beneficial root ginger, which has positive influence on the body. Some people know it as a seasoning and use it ground ginger during the cooking process. And some people often see recipes using it, but often do not dare to experiment.

Today, gourmets themselves have proven that the use of this additive not only gives the usual dish recipe unique taste, but with its help you can carry out treatment and thus cleanse and protect the body. Modern people not only use the root for cooking, but it is also included in many medical supplies. Ginger drink is also very famous for weight loss, but not many people decide to use it.

The main advantage is considered to be knowledge and accessibility of this product. After all, a drink made from ginger, just like the ground root, was discovered many centuries ago. And since modern connoisseurs use it without looking at a recipe, you can buy it at almost every turn.

When prescribing a weight loss program to clients, experts insist on using required product every day, in particular, drink all kinds of drinks with ginger and even eat it raw. And in medicine, ginger easily outperforms various herbs that are also used in medicines.

Ground ginger is found in many seasonings that people use to prepare treats for their loved ones. It goes well with other spices and foods. May be included in recipes for some types of light beer. Most often we find ginger in powder form, which has a characteristic gray-yellow color. It is sold in small hermetically sealed packages, and if you pour the contents into a container, ginger can easily be confused with flour.

For medicinal purposes, the pharmacy also has ground ginger powder, various tinctures and decoctions. To purchase such products you do not need a prescription from a doctor. Let's take a closer look at the properties of ginger, ginger drinks and recipes for their preparation.


As stated earlier, ginger has many different properties and has special benefits and effects on the body. It is indispensable in medicine and in the kitchen. It came to us from abroad, where they were sure that ginger could be used as an antidote. This is due to the fact that it contains zingerone, shoagol and gingerol, which are often used in the treatment of cancer cells. The root has a peculiar smell, as well as an unusual, pungent taste.

Ginger root contains:

  • lipid;
  • starch;
  • various vitamins;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • sodium and potassium.

There is information that it also contains phelandrin, cyonel, essential oil, citral, borneol, gingerol and camphin. Among the amino acids, lysine, phenylalanine, methionine, and many other components were discovered. Such data allow us to confidently assert that ginger drink and simply eaten ginger will bring great benefit, especially if it is prepared correctly.

Nowadays, people are increasingly using ground root as a seasoning for preparing their favorite dishes. The aromatic and pungent taste of raw ginger is not to everyone’s taste. But knowing about magical properties this product, everyone is trying to add it to their diet. So many people come across recipes for various healthy drinks, among them there must be a drink with ginger.

Of course, to fight germs and increase immune protection, it is best to eat raw ginger. But if the characteristic taste is rejected, drinks with ginger will ideally cope with these tasks, and they significantly improve digestion.

By consuming ginger drinks you can work up a good sweat; they are an excellent expectorant and analgesic, which once again confirms the positive effect on the body, especially during illness. It is good to drink ginger drink during periods of mass diseases for preventive purposes.

There is some belief that consuming ginger will be incredibly beneficial for men. It doesn’t matter if you eat it raw, add ground root to a dish, or drink a ginger drink. In any case, with regular consumption, a man will not experience problems with potency, and blood circulation will significantly improve. As a result, he will gain confidence in his own abilities and will noticeably increase in energy and strength. Doctors are also confident that if you eat and drink ginger drinks every day, you won’t have to think about prostate problems and prevent the development of prostatitis. So male body takes on new life.

It has also been proven to have a positive effect on female body, especially during menstruation, due to its sedative properties. To relieve severe pain, you can eat a few pieces fresh product or drink a drink with ginger, recipes for which can be easily found on the Internet.

If you drink a ginger drink while pregnant, you can not only strengthen your body and your baby, but also relieve toxicosis. Doctors also recommend using ground and fresh ginger for infertile women; it is also necessary to make drinks with ginger at least several times a week, which will not just remove inflammatory processes in the field of gynecology, but will also be an excellent thirst quencher.

To summarize, let us once again recall all the properties of ginger in any form:

  • improving the functioning of the digestive system;
  • increased immunity, overall positive effect on the body;
  • relieves pain in various diseases;
  • increases sweat secretion;
  • helps fight cancer cells;
  • helps remove gases from the intestines and relieves spasms;
  • relieves symptoms of nausea and pain;
  • improves the excretion of bile, promotes the formation of gastric juice.

Contraindications for use

Like any useful material there is some harm. To use ginger in medicinal purposes, it is worth considering that the product is potent, thanks to pungent taste– capable of warming, which means any consumption, be it drinks made from ginger or raw product, should not be taken during even a slight increase in body temperature. After all, at a very high temperature, the body may not be able to cope with the load.

Also, ginger drink should not be consumed during bleeding and during the hot season. Do not use this product if you have gastritis or stomach ulcers. It is still not advisable to use it in the last stages of pregnancy and while breastfeeding, so recipes containing ginger root in large quantities should be excluded from the diet.

Drinking drinks for weight loss

As mentioned earlier, ginger is often used specifically to lose weight. Many people are interested in several nuances correct use, as well as recipes for preparing a drink with ginger.

Experts are firmly convinced that for correct influence On the body, it is better to drink ginger drink before meals. So after the drink, appetite decreases, metabolism improves, due to which the formation of fatty tissue is significantly reduced. Drinks such as tea with ginger are not recommended to be consumed at night, as it increases alertness and energy. It is advisable to limit the amount of acid in tea; one slice of lemon is considered normal for one serving.

It is also worth remembering that the best and most effective drinks are those that are prepared independently and with the desire to achieve certain results. Today there is a huge selection of ginger brews, but we will look further at a few of the most popular recipes drink

So, the first ginger drink for all occasions is tea. The most famous example is classic tea with ginger. To do this you need:

  • 2 liters of water;
  • chopped ginger root - a few tablespoons;
  • 6 tablespoons of sugar or honey;
  • 4 tablespoons of citrus juice;
  • a pinch of ground black pepper.

It is necessary to boil water, add ginger to the container. Then honey or sugar is added and everything is mixed. After boiling, the resulting broth is filtered and mixed with pepper and juice. It is better to drink tea according to this recipe hot. It is also important to note that you can use fresh or dry ginger, but in the second case the recipe changes slightly. Then take half as much ginger and boil for at least 20 minutes over low heat.

You can also take a teaspoon of grated ginger, pour about a liter of boiling water and add honey. You can drink this tea either warm or cold. In addition, this tea helps to invigorate, refresh and helps prevent vomiting.

Another option is to take about 100 grams of ginger, peel and chop thin slices. They need to be poured with boiling water and let sit for about half an hour. Or boil the ginger in the same boiling water for about 10 minutes, and then leave the broth for about 15 minutes. You should also drink it before meals, in small portions, but only warm.

IMPORTANT! After boiling, the ginger needs to be removed from the broth, because when left in hot liquid for a long time, the product begins to develop bitterness.

Ginger tea with lemon is prepared as follows: take about 10 centimeters of the root, one lemon, a few tablespoons of honey and about half a liter of water. We clean the root using thin plates. Wash the lemon, cut it in half, squeeze the juice from one, and cut the other into circles. Place the ginger in a saucepan, pour in the juice and pour boiled water, mix all the ingredients and leave to brew for about 20 minutes. Then add honey and the remaining lemon, mix again and pour. It is completely ready to eat.

Ginger drink - excellent folk remedy to support immunity, treat colds and combat overweight. The root contains almost everything necessary for a person vitamins, minerals and amino acids, has the ability to cleanse the body of harmful substances and have a positive effect on metabolism. In this article we will look at how to prepare a ginger drink according to all the rules.

Effective recipes for weight loss: preparing healthy tea

What all of the methods below have in common is preparing the ginger for brewing. The root needs to be peeled, and then cut into slices or grated coarse grater. It is better to use the finished crushed raw materials immediately rather than store them in the refrigerator. There are the most different recipes preparing a drink from ginger: you can brew the root yourself, without adding additional components, and also make delicious tea with lemon, honey and even garlic.

For example, for those who want to curb their appetite before lunch, or in between meals, this drink is perfect: lemon, ginger, honey should be brewed in a thermos, let it brew for at least half an hour and take half a glass before meals. You will need 2 tablespoons per liter of water. grated root, juice of half a lemon, or just sliced ​​citrus, and a couple of spoons of honey. For taste, try adding spices - cinnamon or cloves.

You can also cook very aromatic drink: ginger, lemon, mint are brewed in a thermos or saucepan hot water, and then infuse for about half an hour. For a liter of water, take 2 tablespoons of ginger, juice or slices of lemon, a couple of leaves of dry or fresh mint. If necessary, the drink can be strained. Take delicious tea at least 15 minutes before meals, as well as throughout the day, especially if you are very hungry - this way you can pacify your appetite.

A very effective ginger drink for weight loss can be prepared by adding garlic to the grated root. The taste will, of course, not be the most pleasant, but the result will please you. Mix the ingredients in a ratio of 1:1:20 (ginger-garlic-hot water) and brew in a thermos. Leave for at least an hour, and then take half a glass of ginger drink before meals. The only thing is, do not put more ingredients than indicated in the recipe - an overdose of some substances contained in the root is fraught with problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

You can also brew ginger with green tea: prepare the drink (tea) as usual, adding a few pieces of root and lemon juice. Drink in small portions, as this combination of ingredients can have a strong diuretic effect.

Cure colds with ginger tea

If you are experiencing the first signs of a cold, you can brew a ginger drink and take 2-3 glasses a day. It will help strengthen the immune system, have a strong diaphoretic effect - drink the prescribed portion at night, lie down under a warm blanket, and in the morning the illness will be gone.

A drink made from ginger and lemon to treat colds can be prepared like this: pour 1-2 tablespoons of the crushed root with a liter of water and boil for 15 minutes, then cool, add fresh lemon juice and honey to taste. Drink in small sips. But keep in mind that this tea should not be consumed if you have heat. By the way, a drink made from ginger and honey, from ginger, lemon and honey, can be used simply as a preventive measure in winter for adults and children. Please note that if you are brewing a drink for the first time and have never eaten ginger, start preparing tea by adding smaller portions of the main ingredient: first brew 1 tablespoon of grated ginger with a liter of water, see how the drink is accepted by the body - whether there will be nausea ( it is possible with an overdose of the active components of the root). If everything is fine, increase the dosage to the recommended two tablespoons of raw material per liter of liquid. For prevention purposes, take 1-2 glasses delicious tea per day, and then “winter” diseases will bypass you.

Tea with ginger - perfect drink for the cold season. It not only warms perfectly, but also strengthens the immune system, protects against colds and other ailments. In addition, tea speeds up the process of losing weight without harm to health.

Today, finding ginger on sale is not difficult. It is sold in any supermarket and fruit shop. It is better to take a fresh root and grate it yourself, rather than using ready-made dry powder. To prepare tea classic recipe you will need: 10 g ginger, 1 lemon, 50 g natural bee honey, 0.5 l water.

  1. The root is peeled and grated on a fine grater.
  2. The resulting “chips” are poured with boiling water. Only after this can you add the juice of half a lemon to the drink.
  3. The container with tea is closed with a lid, wrapped in a towel and left to steep for 25 minutes.
  4. After the specified time has passed, slices of the remaining lemon and honey are added to the drink.

Sugar in this tea will be unnecessary; bee honey will add sweetness.

Recipe for cooking with cinnamon for weight loss

If you plan to use ginger tea for weight loss, then it must contain cinnamon.

1 tsp is enough. this aromatic spice. You also need to take: 3 tbsp. grated root and 800 ml of water.

  1. Chopped ginger and cinnamon are placed in a thermos.
  2. The ingredients are poured with boiling water and infused for at least 40 minutes.

The finished drink is consumed daily before meals on an empty stomach, 2 times a day - morning and evening.

Black tea with currant leaves

Ginger tea with the addition of currant leaves is very tasty and aromatic. It is better to use young leaves collected in the spring. To prepare tea you will need: 3 tsp. any quality black tea, the same amount of fresh crushed or dry currant leaves, 30 g ginger root.

  1. First of all, boiling water is poured into the tea leaves. You can change its quantity to your taste, choosing either a stronger or weaker drink.
  2. The brewed tea is filtered through a fine sieve or several layers of gauze, and then poured into a small thermos. Add chopped small pieces ginger root.
  3. If you use fresh currant leaves, you will need to first scald them with boiling water and only then use them in the recipe.
  4. After preparation currant leaves go into a thermos with black tea.
  5. The drink should be infused under a closed lid for at least 15 minutes.

The tea should be drunk hot with sugar or honey.

Green tea with ginger and milk to reduce appetite

If the main reason excess weight If you have large portions for breakfast, lunch and dinner, you can limit yourself with special green tea. In addition to the brew itself (1 sachet), for one serving of the drink you need to take: 1 tsp. chopped ginger root, 350 ml water, 130 ml full fat milk or cream (preferably homemade).

  1. For such a drink, the ginger should be grated very finely. If the fibers do not allow it to be thoroughly crushed, then you should first lightly freeze the product (about 25 minutes). After this procedure, the root rubs easily and quickly. The aromatic gruel is transferred to a strainer.
  2. The teapot is heated and boiling water is poured over it. Water for tea is poured into it, a tea bag and a strainer with crushed root are lowered.
  3. While the drink is brewing, milk is boiled or cream is heated in a separate container.
  4. All ingredients are combined in a ceramic container.

Tea is served to the table immediately (without long infusion).

Brazilian recipe - anti-inflammatory

Ginger also has an anti-inflammatory effect if used correctly. additional ingredients. Ready tea It is important to drink for colds and to eliminate problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The recipe mixes ginger root (30 g), turmeric (1 tsp powder) and homemade butter(10 g).

  1. The root is peeled and turned into a homogeneous moist pulp.
  2. Turmeric and softened butter are added to the resulting mass. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed together.

The drink is served in an unusual way: an aromatic spicy paste is added to 200 ml of hot milk. "Tea" is sweetened bee honey. During illness, you can drink it every three hours. It is also allowed to use this medicinal product as a preventative against colds and intestinal diseases.

Spicy tea with ginger, cardamom and cinnamon

Such hot drink will quickly warm you up even on the coldest day, and also speed up the recovery process from ARVI. To prepare it you need to use the following ingredients: 70 g ginger root, 6 cloves, 8 cardamom boxes, a pinch of cinnamon, half a lemon, 3 tsp. large leaf green tea.

  1. Pour boiling water over two spoons of tea and leave for 7 minutes. This is necessary so that the leaves open well and give the drink their rich taste.
  2. A slice of ginger root is peeled and cut into thin slices. It is better to put the juice released during grinding into a drink.
  3. The slices with liquid are transferred to a pan and sprinkled with all the listed spices.
  4. Tea is poured into the container along with the leaves. After boiling, the mass is left on low heat for 25 minutes.
  5. Lemon juice and fruit skin, cut into small pieces, are also added to the drink. After 5 minutes, you can remove the dishes from the stove and add the remaining tea to it.
  6. The drink will infuse for about 25 minutes.

After this, the tea can be reheated and served.

Strengthen your immune system with fruit tea and ginger

To strengthen the immune system, both children and adults should drink tea prepared with the addition of not only ginger, but also fruits and spices. You need to take: a handful of dried apples, 1 orange juice, 1 tbsp. grated orange and lemon zest, as well as chopped ginger root, 1 cinnamon stick, 1 star anise.

  1. Well-washed ones are poured into boiling water. dried apples, grated root, citrus zest and all the spices. The resulting aromatic liquid is simmered over low heat for 3-5 minutes.
  2. Tea is poured into a container removed from the stove and poured Orange juice. After another 5-7 minutes, the drink can be served, having first filtered through a sieve.

When the tea has cooled, you can add a little more water to it and, after boiling, simmer for 5 minutes over low heat. Next, the drink is served again to the table.

Refreshing iced tea with ginger root, mint and tarragon

Ginger not only warms well, but also refreshes in hot weather. Of course, in summer it is best served cold. For such a drink you will need to use: 1.8 liters of purified water, 1 tbsp. l. large-leaf green tea and chopped ginger root, a bunch of fresh herbs (tarragon and lemon balm or mint), 3 slices of lime.

  1. The sprigs of greenery are thoroughly washed. The top leaves are removed from them and placed in a glass container with a volume of at least 2 liters.
  2. TO fragrant greenery lime slices are sent. If you don’t have this ingredient on hand, you can replace it with your usual lemon.
  3. The stems of tarragon and mint are cut into short sticks and poured cold water and bring to a boil over medium heat.
  4. Immediately after the first bubbles appear, tea leaves are added to the container. Next, remove the pan from the stove and leave to steep for a couple of minutes.
  5. The resulting tea is poured into a glass container with green leaves and lime. In this case, you need to use a fine sieve or cheesecloth so that stems and other components do not get into the drink.
  6. As soon as the liquid has cooled completely, the dishes are moved to bottom shelf refrigerator where tea is infused and cooled.

The drink is served with sugar or honey. You can also add orange or grapefruit juice to it.

Ginger tea with honey and lemon

Besides the classic usual recipe There is also an unusual drink of this type, found by scientists in one of the ancient manuscripts. It is believed that it fills a person with vigor, energy and activates the protective functions of his body. For it you need to use: 3 tbsp. l. crushed fresh ginger, 1.3 liters of purified water, 100 ml of lemon juice, a pinch of ground black pepper, 80 g of honey, a few mint leaves. The following describes in detail how tea with ginger and lemon is prepared according to a unique recipe.

  1. After the water in the pan boils, add ginger root grated on a fine grater.
  2. After 5-7 minutes, pepper and mint leaves are sent into the container. There is no need to grind the latter.
  3. All components are cooked over medium heat for 15-17 minutes. The liquid should not boil too vigorously.
  4. After the specified time, the container is removed from the stove and infused.

The slightly cooled tea is carefully filtered, mixed with lemon juice and served. It is important to drink it for cough, runny nose and other signs of a cold.

Recipe for extreme sports: garlic-ginger drink

Lovers unique recipes you will certainly be interested in the option ginger tea with garlic. This drink is considered universal healing agent. It helps cope with stress, nausea (including seasickness), allergic reactions, various skin diseases, gastrointestinal ailments, coughs and colds. This is one of the best means to strengthen the immune system. To prepare it you need to use the following ingredients: 40 g ginger root, 2 garlic cloves, 1.8 liters of clean drinking water.

  1. The ginger root is thoroughly peeled from the top skin and cut into thin slices. You can use a special grater for this.
  2. The garlic is also peeled and chopped in any convenient way. For example, using a fine grater or a special press.
  3. Ginger slices and garlic are transferred to a thermos and poured boiling water. The liquid should infuse for about 2 hours.
  4. After the specified time has passed, the drink is filtered through cheesecloth and served.

If you are sick, you should drink tea throughout the day in minimal portions. You can add lemon juice and honey to the cup. This drink should be consumed with caution by people with stomach ulcers. It is especially useful during flu epidemics.

Ginger root - oriental spice, which came to us from Asia. Ginger is known as excellent remedy used in treatment of cardio-vascular system and digestion, helps greatly with colds. Because of the burning and unusual spicy taste it is used in many culinary dishes. Ginger root is consumed raw, boiled, dried and pickled, and a ginger drink is prepared for weight loss. This amazing plant can remove cholesterol from the body and prevent the formation of cancer cells.

Universal doctor

This popular name ginger root, which says a lot. First of all, ginger is capable of:

  • raise tone;
  • reduce toxicosis in pregnant women;
  • stimulate the activity of the thyroid gland;
  • remove toxins from the body;
  • cope with allergic and skin diseases;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • relieve toothache and headache;
  • reduce cholesterol levels;
  • speed up metabolism and lose weight.

In the fight against excess weight

A properly prepared ginger drink and its regular use helps to get rid of excess weight. Ginger drink for weight loss helps:

That is why ginger drink is popular among those who want to get slim. In order to achieve significant results in the process of losing weight, one use of this magic drink not enough. You also need:

  • eat moderately;
  • move more;
  • arrange one or two fasting days a week;
  • get enough sleep.

What are the results of regular use

  1. The weight comes off slowly, but does not return, since the likelihood of “breakdowns” is minimal.
  2. Even if the results are not as expected, the overall health of the body improves significantly. The figure is tightened as it appears excess water. The condition of the body as a whole is toned.
  3. You don't have to stick to a very strict diet. It is enough to give up sweets and starchy foods, and the result will be visible within a month.


For all its usefulness and versatility, ginger drink is contraindicated:

  • people suffering from high blood pressure;
  • for inflammatory diseases that are accompanied by high fever;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • with cirrhosis of the liver;
  • with stones in the gall bladder;
  • for diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • people suffering from allergic reactions.

Preparing the drink correctly

Preparing a drink from ginger has its own little secrets, thanks to which this drink will be not only tasty, but also healthy:

  • dry ginger is not as healthy as fresh ginger, but it is an excellent appetite suppressant;
  • large amounts of ginger can have negative impact on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • When preparing a drink, you should not add honey to boiling water. Optimal temperature water should be about 40 degrees;
  • When adding spices (cinnamon, cardamom, lemon), you need to pour boiling water over them.

  1. Ginger drink has invigorating properties, so it should be taken only in the first half of the day;
  2. You can drink a ginger drink in the amount of 1.5–2 liters per day, but no more;
  3. For effective weight loss, ginger drink is best taken twenty to thirty minutes before meals. Or you can take a glass of drink instead of a snack;
  4. Fresh ginger root will keep in the refrigerator for seven to eight days. Peeled ginger can be stored in freezer up to three months;
  5. You should absolutely not take ginger drink with aspirin, which thins the blood;
  6. Ginger drink is drunk only warm!

Miracle tea recipes for weight loss

Classic recipe ginger drink:


  • two glasses of boiling water;
  • a tablespoon of grated ginger;
  • juice of a quarter of a lemon;
  • a tablespoon of honey.


  • Place the grated ginger root in a container and pour boiling water over it;
  • let stand for ten minutes;
  • V warm drink put honey and add lemon juice;
  • Before drinking, strain the drink through a strainer;
  • You can increase the portions and prepare this drink in a thermos for the whole day.
  • Not only is it great for accelerating metabolism, it is good to take for colds, if there is no high fever.

Ginger mint drink:


  • ginger root - 20 g;
  • 5 g cinnamon;
  • honey to taste;
  • two glasses of boiling water.


  • cut the ginger root into thin slices (5–10 slices);
  • add lemon and cinnamon;
  • stir and knead slightly;
  • pour boiling water over it;
  • add honey to the cooled mixture.

Orange Mint Ginger Drink:


  • one liter of boiling water;
  • a small bunch of mint;
  • tablespoon grated ginger;
  • a quarter teaspoon of cardamom;
  • a quarter glass of lemon juice;
  • a quarter glass of orange juice;
  • honey or sugar to taste.


  • Grind the mint in a blender;
  • add ginger and cardamom;
  • pour boiling water;
  • leave for 30–40 minutes;
  • add lemon and orange juice.

Simple ginger drink:


  • ginger root;
  • liter thermos with hot water.


  • grate ginger;
  • add hot water;
  • honey, lemon and other spices can be added to taste directly into the cup before use.

Ginger drink with cinnamon:


  • ginger – 20 g;
  • a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon;
  • lemon or orange juice - a quarter glass;
  • liter of boiling water;
  • honey to taste.

Cooking method:

  • thinly slice fresh ginger root - 5-7 slices;
  • add cinnamon;
  • pour boiling water;
  • let cool;
  • add honey to the cooled mixture;
  • stir and add lemon or orange juice.

Ginger root with garlic:


  • two liters of boiling water;
  • one or two cloves of garlic;
  • ginger root – 20 g;
  • a teaspoon of honey.


  • Grate all tea components on a fine grater;
  • pour boiling water;
  • after cooling, add a little honey;
  • consume only warm;
  • this drink is capable of “dissolving” fat with double force without complications or side effects;
  • There will be no garlic smell, since the ginger will “destroy” the unpleasant odor.

Ginger drink with apples:


  • 30 g ginger root;
  • ten pieces of small apples;
  • two cinnamon sticks;
  • honey to taste;
  • five liters of water.

Cooking method:

  • peel the lemon;
  • grate the ginger root on a fine grater;
  • cut apples into slices;
  • add all ingredients + cinnamon sticks to boiling water;
  • boil for no more than two minutes;
  • cool and add lemon juice, honey.


  • ginger root - 20 g;
  • ground coffee - two spoons;
  • one or two clove stars;
  • 400–500 ml of water.


  • Brew coffee in the usual way with the addition of cloves;
  • let it brew for ten minutes;
  • add grated ginger;
  • add honey

Kefir drink with ginger and cinnamon:


  • cinnamon, red ground pepper– a pinch;
  • a teaspoon of ginger root;
  • a glass of kefir.


  • a glass of kefir;
  • add pepper, cinnamon;
  • stir and add ginger.

The process of losing weight with ginger drink is simple and pleasant. The main thing is to regularly drink any of the drinks you like at least three to four times a day before meals.


A lot of useful tips on using ginger from "Live Healthy":