How to cook and drink strawberry liqueur Xu Xu? Strawberry liqueur Xu Xu (XuXu) Huhu strawberry liqueur.

What do you know about fruit liqueur and why is XuXu strawberry vodka so popular? You need to study information about the composition and manufacture of strawberry vodka. The new alcoholic product that has appeared in the vodka line has an enticing name and attracts the eye of every customer passing by the store counter. The original composition of the drink and bright attractive design will not leave the consumer indifferent.


The presence of sweet vodka on sale has long been known, but nothing was said about the drink with the fruit pulp included in it until the advent of KSU vodka with strawberry puree. The originality of the recipe lies in the absence of sugar and glucose in the production technology. So what gives sweetness to an alcoholic drink? The answer will surprise anyone: the addition of natural strawberries, processed to a state of puree, which is about 70% of the total composition of vodka. The general production technology of XuXu is as follows:

  1. Production and processing of puree from natural strawberries, including a strict selection of quality and sweet berries.
  2. Processing and pressing green lime juice (only natural, unclarified juice is used without added sugar or glucose).
  3. Addition of highly purified alcohol.
  4. Mixing components until smooth.
  5. Control and establishment of a fortress at a level of 15 °.

Natural strawberries for cooking XuXu

The only component of artificial origin is the dye E 129, used as a color fixer for the drink. According to all requirements and standards of food products, this dye is allowed for consumption. It should be noted that quality standards in Europe are very high and all requirements for the quality of food products and alcoholic beverages must be met in accordance with established procedures and rules. Therefore, there is no reason to doubt the certification of vodka produced in Bavaria.


Drink manufacturers have taken care of almost all vodka lovers by releasing several types of XuXu product. Species differ among themselves in the strength of the drink, the intensity of taste and bouquet.

XuXu Strawberry Vodka

For a consumer who prefers a liqueur with a rich taste and good strength, the manufacturer has proposed a drink that contains a sufficient content of purified vodka and has a sweet aftertaste of strawberry summer. The fortress is 15 °, has a bright color of ripe strawberries. Despite the indicated strength, when chilled, the drink is easy to drink and goes well with summer snacks. In a number of European countries, this liquor is consumed with ice and does not involve snacking. The only undeniable addition to the product is lime or unripe lemon, which smooths out the sweet taste of strawberries and refreshes the aftertaste of the drink. Produced in bottles, decorated in a colorful design solution, with a total volume of 0.5 liters.

XuXu Strawberry Vodka

XuXu Erdbeerdrink

A drink with a strength of 15 °, but unlike the previous type, it has a richer berry flavor and a sharp citrus flavor of green lime. The established content of strawberries is about 70%. The drink uses mild premium alcohol, diluting the sugary sweetness of strawberry puree.

An alcoholic product loved by many of the fair sex, characterized by lightness and airiness of the structure of the drink. With a 10-degree strength, the liquor is a light drink with a tonic effect. Produced in small bottles of 0.25 liters.


Opening a bottle with any drink, a person asks the question of who created the product and how. According to the history of the emergence of XuXu strawberry vodka, it was released to the public in 1997 by a manufacturer of alcohol liqueurs in Bavaria, after a series of food experiments to create an alcohol-containing drink containing strawberry pulp and puree. This drink is produced only in Germany using high-tech equipment.

Vodka Xu-Xu in a glass

Carrying out the necessary quality control, the manufacturer strictly monitors the naturalness of the product, the absence of chemical impurities and additives in the drink. The creators of this drink are famous for the release of tinctures with medicinal herbs obtained by making pure alcohol. A feature in the technology of such products is the use of natural wooden barrels, which helps to preserve the beneficial properties of plant components. The Germans have always been distinguished by their pedantry in observing the rules and technology for the manufacture of any food products, and in 1991 they created a light vodka with natural strawberries, designed primarily for a female audience. Who, if not women, loves summer, fruits and strawberries!


According to tradition, vodka must be cooled before drinking and drunk without diluting (shotter). Quite often this vodka is used in the preparation of cakes, ice cream and cold desserts.

You can prepare strawberry-flavored vodka yourself, for this you will need:

  1. Large, very ripe and sweet strawberries - 200 grams.
  2. Vodka with good alcohol purification.
  3. Two green limes or three large lemons.

Wash strawberries, dry on a napkin or towel to remove excess moisture. Grind in a blender and add the juice of squeezed lime or lemon to the resulting puree. Cool and add vodka.

Stir, serve in a glass with a wide cocktail tube.

Before serving, dip the rim of the glass in chocolate chips. And yet, if you want to use strawberry vodka, it is better to purchase a ready-made high-quality product from the manufacturer, which guarantees excellent taste at minimal cost and personal time.

Bottles of Xu-Xu vodka

Those who care about proper nutrition and monitor the amount of sugar in the product should not worry and worry, there is absolutely no glucose in vodka. The sweetness of the drink is given by natural strawberries, and no other sweeteners are used in production.

For people who are prone to eating low-calorie foods, the drink is just right, the energy value of XuXu strawberry liqueur is:

  1. Proteins - 0.17 g, about 1 kilocalorie.
  2. Carbohydrates - 29 g, about 1 kilocalorie.
  3. Fats - 0.1 g, about 113 kilocalories.

The maximum number of kilocalories in a drink will be about 120, which is quite an acceptable property for those who care about the figure.


Almost any of the cocktails contains vodka as one of the components. Fruit vodka is simply necessary in the preparation of mixed cocktails, which are alcohol-containing drinks with the obligatory use of berry puree. Fans of light cocktails can be offered a recipe, thanks to which the consumer will feel all the airiness and summer tenderness of strawberries with a tart lime aroma.

  • XuXu Strawberry Vodka - 50 ml;
  • chopped garden strawberries in a blender - 40 g;
  • cold mint tea - 90 ml;
  • crushed ice - 20 g

Pour mint tea into a glass with crushed strawberries and ice, add XuXu liqueur and mix with a cocktail spoon. Attach a strawberry to the edge of the glass. The drink is perfect for spending a romantic summer evening in the company of a loved one.

Strawberry Jazz:

  • XuXu Ten - 50 ml;
  • liqueur with a rich taste of citrus Grand Marnier - 80 ml;
  • sparkling mineral water - 50 ml;
  • crushed lump ice - 20 g.

Strawberry jazz cocktail:

One of the strongest cocktails with strawberry liqueur is suitable for a party in a noisy company. When serving, be sure to attach a strawberry to the edge of the glass.

6 Summer that is always with you

Considering the taste of the drink, it is impossible not to note its demand in winter, during the absence of fruits and berries. It is on a dank, slushy evening that you have a great opportunity to cheer yourself up with strawberry-flavored fireworks and a subtle citrus green lime flavor.

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Lovers of sweet alcohol know firsthand what Xu Xu liquor tastes like. It is a tincture of strawberry puree on vodka.

The funny name is translated from German as "smack smack". The drink is suitable both for self-drinking and for making cocktails.

Description of strawberry vodka

Xuxu liqueur is made on the basis of strawberries and vodka. It is produced by the German company Georg Hemmeter GmbH. The composition is completely absent of sugar, and the berry that is part of the composition gives a sweetish aftertaste. To achieve a delicate fruity taste with a slight sourness, a little lime juice is added to Xuxu strawberry vodka.

The drink has a pleasant taste and high quality, as evidenced by the gold award he received at the international competition World-Spirits Award, held in Austria.

The manufacturer claims that the drink is completely natural, but E129 dye is still added to it, which gives the liquor a bright red color. More than 60% of the drink is strawberries, which makes it possible not to use sugar in the manufacture.

How many degrees Xuxu

Xuxu liqueur has been produced since 1997, and from the very beginning, the manufacturer decided for himself the question of how many degrees would be optimal for a drink. Initially, the liquor was produced with a strength of 10%.

But the company did not stop at the original recipe, and through constant experiments and improvements, the optimal strength of Xu Xu strawberry liqueur was achieved - 15%. Nevertheless, a ten percent drink continues to be produced, it is called Xuxu ten.

Selection of ingredients

Due to its bright berry-fruity taste and aroma, as well as ease of drinking, strawberry drink has become very popular. Xuxu liquor is drunk on its own, having previously cooled to +10°C, used in the preparation of cocktails, and also added to desserts, fruit salads and pastries.

Vodka with strawberries can be purchased at a specialized alcohol store, or you can cook it yourself at home. In this case, it is important to choose the right ingredients, since the taste of the finished product directly depends on this.

As an alcohol base, you need to choose premium vodka, carefully purified, or rum. The main thing is that the fortress does not exceed 45%, and there are no extraneous flavors and bright aromas in the drink, as they will kill the taste of the berry.

Strawberries are not for everyone. Berries should be firm and sweet. Watery and sour strawberries will not give the finished liquor the desired sweetness and rich taste.

Ripe lime juice adds sourness to the drink. Green lime has a bitter taste, it can be replaced with lemon. If there is a fruit with an orange skin available, then it is better to use it, since there is no bitterness in it.

How to cook at home

Liqueur Xu Xu at home is easy to prepare. To do this, you need carefully selected ingredients, glass containers, sugar.

The proportions are:

  • 300 g of alcohol;
  • 650 g strawberries;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 50-100 ml lime juice.

The berries must be thoroughly washed and all stalks removed. Using a blender, you need to chop the strawberries, adding sugar and lime juice to it. The amount of juice varies according to desire: the more it is, the more sour the Xuxu liquor will turn out. Pour the alcohol component into the resulting puree (purified moonshine, cognac) and beat again.

The mixture must be filtered using a fine sieve or cheesecloth, poured into glass bottles, tightly closed and put away in a cool dark place so that the drink is infused. It will infuse for 2 weeks. After that, the liquor can be consumed. It turns out fragrant and sweet.

When making Xu Xu at home, the recipe may vary slightly. Chopped strawberries are poured with purified vodka and left for 2 weeks, shaking the contents daily. Then the mixture is filtered, the liquid is poured into a separate container, and the strawberries are again poured with vodka and infused for another 2 weeks.

Then it is filtered again and the separated liquid is mixed with the first. The berries are ground into puree and poured with an alcohol mixture. They insist another week. Strain from berry seeds. The drink is ready.

How to drink liquor: cocktail recipes

Strawberry vodka can be drunk on its own, but it is more common to prepare it with Xuxu. The simplest version of such a cocktail is a drink with the addition of champagne.

Add 2 tbsp to a glass of champagne. l. liqueur and a few grated strawberries. If there is a desire to slightly acidify the cocktail, then add 1 tbsp. l. lime juice.

With liquor, you can make a Mojito cocktail, popular with women.


  • 50 ml Xuxu liqueur;
  • fresh mint;
  • 300 ml of soda water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • crushed ice.

Put mint and sugar in the bottom of a tall glass and mash. Pour liquor on top. Fill glass halfway with ice and top with soda.

Fans of more tropical cocktails will appreciate the Banana Strawberry Shake. To prepare it, 1 banana is mixed in a blender with several leaves of fresh mint. Pour 50 ml of banana juice and 2 s into the puree. l. cream 11%, mix.

Lastly, strawberry liqueur is added. Its amount depends on how strong it is. All together again beat with a blender and pour into glasses. Garnish this drink with a slice of lime or strawberries.

If you want to make a more complex but interesting cocktail, then the Strawberry Daiquiri recipe will do.


  • 2 tsp Roma;
  • 200 ml Xu Xu;
  • 50 ml chocolate liqueur;
  • 20 g chocolate syrup.

Using a shaker or blender, mix strawberry liqueur, rum and 40 ml chocolate liqueur. The ingredients should be whipped for a minute. Chocolate syrup is poured into the bottom of a tall glass. Then the whipped liquid is poured in, and the remaining chocolate liqueur is carefully added on top so that the drink is in layers. Decorate with strawberries.

You can make a strawberry margarita. To do this, take tequila and strawberry vodka in a ratio of 2: 1 and 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice. All ingredients are mixed and the cocktail is ready. Traditionally, the rim of the glass for this cocktail is moistened with water and dipped in granulated sugar to form a sweet "rim".

XuXu is an excellent representative of this line of alcoholic beverages. It stands out from the rest thanks to its rich strawberry flavor, suggestive of slightly overripe and juicy garden fruits.

The drink appeared not so long ago - at the end of the last millennium. It is produced exclusively in Bavaria by Georg Hemmeter. From there it is shipped all over the world. If desired, a similar liqueur can be done independently, because the manufacturer claims that only natural ingredients are used to create it. And it's easy to believe, because even small berry seeds can be found in it!

The composition of the drink includes ripe strawberries - approximately 66% of the total volume of the product, the remaining space is accounted for by vodka. In addition, a small amount of lime juice adds an interesting touch to the taste of the drink. By mixing all the components in, you will get a liquor similar to XuXu, but, of course, not identical. Like any major manufacturer, Georg Hemmeter certainly has its own production secrets that are kept secret.

Who will use XuXu liquor?

This drink is primarily focused on the beautiful half of humanity. Sweet rich taste, incredibly pleasant aroma and beautiful color of the liquor will appeal to many women. The undoubted advantage of the drink is that, despite the rather high strength (about 15 degrees), it is practically not felt during consumption. In this regard, some care must be taken! You can easily get carried away with a drink and quickly get drunk!

How to drink strawberry liqueur XuXu?

How to properly serve and consume such a delicate drink? Much has already been said about the peculiarities of its taste, which allow us to draw the right conclusion - XuXu is best drunk in its pure form. Bartenders recommend doing it slowly, in small sips. First, the liquor should be cooled to 13 degrees and poured into shots (piles) or placed in small glasses, combined with ice cubes. So the drink will become more liquid and less strong.

The range of application of XuXu, like any other liquor, is quite wide. It can be served as a topping for ice cream or other desserts, as well as create a variety of cocktails based on the drink. As a rule, girls prefer to mix liquor with sparkling wine, giving the latter more sweetness and a magical aroma.

Strawberry liqueur xuxu (popularly known as xu or xu) of German production has a bright, opaque, rich raspberry tone, has a strength of 15 °. It is a sweet and pleasant tasting berry liquor. The manufacturer - "Georg Hemmeter" included vodka, strawberries, lime juice in the recipe, and food coloring E129 is used for color stability. But no matter how natural it is, it is still an unnecessary component that negatively affects health, and reasonable winemakers refuse it when producing xu xu liquor at home.

Drink Features

The original German alcohol is produced without sugar and is additionally colored with a “charming red” (official name E129) dye (as in the photo), and this is how it differs from a drink made at home.

After all, few winemakers will dare to include such additives in the recipe and refuse to sweeten the alcoholic product.

The second difference between factory and homemade alcohol: the original one also gives color to cocktails, while the homemade drink does not, but its strawberry flavor and aroma will be more pronounced. But the home-made xuxu liquor retained its main feature: it is recommended to drink from glassware, with ice, undiluted or added to champagne, chilled to 13 ° C - then it reveals its full bouquet.

Selection of ingredients

It's no secret that if you want to get a delicious alcoholic product at home, the ingredients must be of the highest class.

  • For liquor, it is worth taking high-quality alcohol, the strength of which does not exceed 45 ° (alcohol is diluted). Vodka (or well-purified moonshine), cognac, rum is suitable as a basis - the main thing is that its degree is not higher, and the taste and smell do not end up interrupting the strawberries.
  • Berries are chosen only ripe, whole, elastic, without spots and sour or other unpleasant odor. Ideally, these are homemade strawberries that have ripened in dry, sunny weather - they are sweet and not watery.
  • An orange-colored lime resembles a lemon-tangerine flavor, there is no bitterness in it, and a fruit of a green or yellow-green palette will traditionally be sour-bitter and can be replaced with lemon.

Recipe #1

It does not require an acidifier. The homemade recipe includes:

  • vodka or other alcohol (1000 ml);
  • strawberries (1 kg);
  • sugar (1 kg);
  • settled boiled water (500 ml).

Making XuXu liqueur at home is done in 5 stages.

  1. The berries are sorted, washed, allowed to drain, then the stalks are removed. Strawberries should be cut in half, and large varieties - lengthwise into 3-4 parts, put in a 3-liter glass jar.
  2. Berries are poured with alcohol prepared for the base, closed with a lid. The alcohol liquid should be 2-3 cm over the strawberries.
  3. The container with the ingredients is placed on the windowsill and kept for 2 weeks, the swollen lid is removed, the gas is released, and it is covered again. Then the strawberries are separated from the vodka, filtered through a sieve, the alcohol is additionally filtered so that there are no berry seeds.
  4. Make syrup: sugar is dissolved in a saucepan with water, put on fire. It should boil slowly for 5 minutes, it is necessary to remove the foam with a slotted spoon, remove from heat, let cool to 20 ° C.
  5. Combine vodka infused with strawberries with sugar syrup, mix thoroughly and bottle. Insist should be in a dark place for 7 days at room temperature.

Strawberry liqueur is stored at home in a bar for 1.5–2 years. Serve and drink should be the same as the original. In appearance, it resembles wine made from pink grape varieties, with a strength of 14–18 °, but the taste is sweet, slightly viscous, without sourness, and by insisting strawberries in the sun (on the windowsill), the winemaker gets a more saturated color of alcohol (photo attached).

Recipe number 2 with lemon


  • 0.5 l 40° alcohol;
  • 0.5 kg of strawberries;
  • 200 ml of settled water;
  • 250 g (or less) sugar;
  • juice from half a lemon.

Recipe for homemade strawberry liqueur XuXu with lemon:

  1. Wait until water drains from the washed, sorted strawberries, remove the stalks, put them whole in a 2 liter jar.
  2. Mix vodka with lemon juice, add to strawberries (berries should be submerged). Close the container with a lid, put on the windowsill.
  3. Strawberries are kept in vodka for 14 days (it will become faded, and the alcohol will be colored), filtered (do not squeeze!) So that there are no seeds, poured into a hermetically sealed bottle for storage, left in the refrigerator.
  4. Strawberries, on which vodka was infused, are put back into the jar, sugar is added, covered and insisted for 3 days, shaking the contents daily. Berries do not deform!
  5. The resulting strawberry syrup is drained, water is added to the jar, rinsed, filtered, everything is combined with vodka from the refrigerator.
  6. Leave the bottle of liquor for 5 days until the sediment settles. Gently filtered - alcohol is ready to drink.

This is a classic recipe and the output is very similar to the original XuXu liquor, with sourness, but moderately sweet.


Strawberry liqueur xu can be made at home using frozen berries. The taste, aroma and color of the alcoholic beverage does not change from this. Regarding proportions: in the original XuXu liquor, the manufacturer puts strawberries 65% of the volume of alcohol, and does not add sugar at all. But those who like to drink homemade drinks look for their perfect recipe, and then delight guests with new types of alcohol and share photos of the resulting product on the Internet. Join now!