How to cook a delicious goulash. How to Make Chicken Goulash with Gravy

Those who come from the USSR will probably remember beef goulash, which is very popular in kindergartens and school canteens. Just do not confuse it with a real Hungarian goulash, cooked in accordance with all the rules. This recipe is prepared very simply, and does not require special expenses. The dish could rightfully be called "beef with gravy," but for some reason the omnipotent "Public Catering" gave it the proud name of "Goulash."

A minimum of labor and food is a maximum of pleasure for those who want to plunge into childhood memories sweetheart for a few minutes. Well, if you were ordered to be born after the collapse of a great country, cook, try what they fed your grandmothers and mothers when they "walked under the table." Such goulash can be given even to small children, and if you show your imagination and add garlic and spices, it will turn out to be surprisingly tasty!

To prepare goulash you will need:

- beef meat - 500 gr.;
  - onion - 1 pc.;
  - carrots - 1 pc. (optional);
  - flour - 1 tbsp;
  - tomato paste - 1 tsp;
  - sour cream - 1-2 tbsp .;
  - bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  - vegetable oil
  - salt to taste, in our case 0.5 tsp;
  - you can pepper.

How to cook goulash "from childhood"

We cut the beef meat into small pieces, put it in a deep pan. Add chopped onion rings, grated carrots, vegetable oil and water. Water can be added half a cup. It is important to ensure that it does not boil away, and add liquid until the meat is cooked. It’s not worth pouring the entire portion of water right away, because then you will get boiled meat, but we still stew.

We continue to simmer this whole mixture over low heat. Carrots are not the main ingredient, so they can be ruled out. Pieces of meat can also be pre-fried, but since it will be stewed until cooked, this can not be done.

As the water evaporates in the pan, add it a little bit. On average 500 gr. beef enough 1 cup of water or more. Water slightly covers the meat and in this broth it is stewed until fully cooked.

About 10 minutes before the meat is ready, it can be salted and bay leaf and peppercorns added.

Meat preparation time is difficult to determine, as it can be different (Read:). At a minimum, an hour and a half is needed to cook goulash. In order to determine the degree of readiness of a dish, it is necessary to check it with a fork or knife. The finished meat becomes soft and easily separated from the main piece.

How to make delicious goulash gravy

Cooking sauce (or gravy) will not take much time. In a glass filled to half with cold water, pour the flour and stir vigorously with a fork. Then add 1 tsp. tomato paste and, if desired, sour cream. Sour cream in goulash is not a mandatory ingredient, so you can do without it. Everything is mixed to a homogeneous consistency and poured into a frying pan.

Stew a dish with sauce for 5-10 minutes. Thick sauce can be diluted with boiled water and boiled again.

Step-by-step recipes for making classic beef goulash: basic with tomato paste, sour cream and tomatoes in a slow cooker, with three types of sweet peppers, with hot pepper and basil, as in the dining room

2018-04-03 Irina Naumova





In 100 grams of the finished dish

12 gr.

11 g


   6 gr.

171 kcal.

Option 1: Classic Beef Goulash Recipe

Beef goulash is a Hungarian dish, loved in almost all countries of Western and Eastern Europe. In Hungary, goulash is always prepared from beef, juicy pieces without bones are selected. Our housewives have long been familiar with this recipe; they also prepare it with gravy and vegetables. Boiled rice, potatoes, pasta, cereals and cereals can serve as a side dish. Cooking does not require special culinary skills. The main thing is to make beef soft and tender, literally melting in your mouth. We will tell you how to do it.


  • five hundred grams of beef;
  • onion head;
  • carrot floors;
  • one tablespoon with a hill of flour;
  • two tablespoons tomato paste;
  • bunch of dill with parsley;
  • three tablespoons of oil;
  • flooring tea l cook salt;
  • floors of tea and a hammer of black pepper.

Step-by-step recipe for classic beef goulash

For goulash, beef is taken without bones, only the flesh. It is desirable that there is no fat and layers.

Wash the pulp, cut into small pieces.

Heat a deep frying pan with butter, send chopped beef pulp to it and cook over high heat, stirring constantly. We need a golden crust to appear, and the juice to be sealed inside.

While the beef is fried, peel and finely chop the onions. Add to the pan as soon as the beef is gilded.

Quickly clean, wash and grate half the carrots. Add to the meat and onion, mix and fry for another three minutes.

Sprinkle all the ingredients in a frying pan with flour and mix vigorously. We pass for another minute and introduce the tomato paste. Stir well with a spatula.

Now we need to fill everything with water so that it covers all the ingredients. Stir and simmer for about forty minutes over low heat. Close the lid.

After the specified time, check the beef for softness, if the meat has not yet reached, detect another twenty minutes.

Slices of beef should be tender, juicy, thawing in the mouth.

Rinse and chop the greens, transfer to the goulash, season with spices and stir. Close the lid and detect another five minutes.

So, the delicious and fragrant goulash is ready. Serve with your favorite side dish along with gravy.

Option 2: A quick recipe for classic beef goulash

If you have a slow cooker, cook goulash in it - the finished dish will be more flavorful and healthier due to the coating of the device and its tightness. In addition, we will spend less time cooking. We only need to prepare the ingredients, combine them in turn in the bowl, and then just turn on the desired program and go about our business.


  • seven hundred grams of beef pulp;
  • a quarter kg of sour cream;
  • two onions;
  • three garlic teeth;
  • one carrot;
  • one bulg pepper;
  • three tomatoes;
  • leaf of lavrushka;
  • spice.

How to quickly cook classic beef goulash

Rinse the beef flesh, chop into slices with a knife and send to the bowl of the multicooker.

We do not pour oil, immediately turn on the Baking program, set the timer for half an hour and simmer juicy slices.

Stir occasionally with a wooden or silicone spatula.

Free the bulbs from the husk, finely chop. Peel the carrots from the top layer, grate coarsely on a grater, and squeeze the garlic through a press.

We send everything to the multicooker bowl, mix and wait for the sound signal.

Rinse, scalp and peel the tomatoes. Skip through the blender. Sweet peppers are cleaned from seeds and fibers, cut into cubes.

So, half an hour has passed, add tomatoes and peppers along with sour cream, spices. Put a bay leaf.

Pour a glass of water, mix the contents of the bowl and select the “Stew” program. We catch an hour and a half and go about our business.

During this time, the beef will become very soft, and the gravy will be aromatic and tasty.

When a beep sounds, open the lid and feel this divine aroma. Serve with your favorite side dish.

Option 3: classic beef goulash with three kinds of sweet peppers

Bell pepper makes goulash more juicy. To make the dish brighter and more effective, use peppers of different colors: red, green and yellow. Add spicy spices and sour cream.


  • seven hundred grams of beef shoulder blade;
  • two large onions;
  • three garlic teeth;
  • three bulg of pepper of different colors;
  • two tablespoons of oil;
  • chayn l of caraway seeds;
  • chayn l paprika hammer;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • two hundred grams of sour cream.

Step by step recipe

Why do we take a shoulder blade? To a small amount of fat made goulash more satisfying and juicy. Cut off the excess, leave a little, rinse the meat and cut into pieces.

Peel the onions and garlic from the husks, chop finely. Sweet peppers are cleaned of seeds and cut into thin strips.

You can cook goulash in a cauldron or pan with a thick bottom, and a ducklings will do. Pour oil into a container, heat and over high heat begin to fry pieces of beef.

When the meat acquires a golden crust, take out and put in a bowl.

In the same fat and oil, fry the onions along with garlic and bell peppers. It will take us about seven minutes. Do not forget to periodically mix with a spatula.

Now put the pieces of meat back, pour the spices, salt and pepper indicated in the recipe. Pour two hundred milliliters of boiling water, stir everything.

Close the container with a lid and simmer for about forty-five minutes. Reduce the fire to a minimum.

When the goulash is almost ready, introduce sour cream and stir. Tomite a couple of minutes, when everything does not boil again.

Serve hot with garnish.

Option 4: Classic beef goulash with hot pepper and basil

If you do not like spicy dishes, replace hot peppers with sweet ones. Paprika is often added to goulash, it gives a special flavor. We add basil to dill and parsley, it perfectly complements most dishes.


  • eight hundred grams of beef;
  • bulb;
  • three carrots;
  • three tbsp flour;
  • three tablespoons of oil;
  • two tablespoons tomato paste;
  • two leaves of lavrushka;
  • floors of tea and paprika;
  • chayn l of red pepper;
  • two garlic teeth;
  • floors tsp salt;
  • one stack of broth or water;
  • three branches of basil;
  • three branches of dill and parsley.

How to cook

Rinse the beef, cut into small slices.

We put a cauldron or a duckweed on fire, pour oil and heat over high heat. Add the beef and fry for three minutes without reducing the heat.

Finely chop the onion and add it to the meat. Mix and cook until the onions are soft.

We clean and rub the carrots coarsely, send to the cauldron and continue cooking until soft.

Rinse the basil, chop. We shift to the cauldron, pour paprika and red pepper. Stir with a spatula.

Pour the flour, mix and cook for another two minutes.

Dilute tomato paste in broth or water. Sell \u200b\u200bthe garlic through a press and add there. Mix everything and fill it in the cauldron.

Close the lid and turn down the heat. Cook for about an hour.

Grind dill with parsley, and put in goulash after the specified time. Add bay leaf and stir everything.

Salt, pepper and simmer another five minutes. Then remove from heat and let it brew.

Before serving, do not forget to remove the bay leaf, we no longer need it.

Option 5: classic beef goulash as in the dining room

Ah, what a goulash used to be! If you happen to visit the dining rooms of the times of the USSR, then you will surely agree that there was a surprisingly tasty and tender beef goulash. We will try to repeat and prepare a delicious treat for the whole family. It is better to cook in a cauldron or a chicken bowl, a pan with a thick bottom is also suitable.


  • one kg of beef;
  • large onion head;
  • fifty ml of oil;
  • a shot of vodka;
  • floors of tea and paprika;
  • two hundred ml of water;
  • three tablespoons tomato paste;
  • clove of garlic;
  • leaf of lavrushka;
  • salt and pepper.

Step by step recipe

We take beef without stones, cut off the excess fat, veins and cut into small slices.

Cut the peeled onions into thin quarters of rings.

We put the container for cooking on the fire, pour oil and heat.

First, start frying the beef slices. The fire must be strong, we need the golden color of the crust.

Transfer the onions into a bowl, salt, pepper to your taste and continue to fry until the onions are brown.

Pour in a glass of vodka and wait for the complete evaporation of alcohol. This is done to soften the meat.

Pour in two-thirds of a glass of water, cover and simmer over low heat for another hour.

We take another pan, we do not pour oil. Pour the flour and dry it until golden brown. Pour an almost full glass of water and stir until all the lumps are dissolved.

Stir the tomato paste in a glass of water and pour it into the goulash along with the flour mass. Sprinkle paprika, add bay leaf, chopped garlic and mix.

Close the lid and after boiling cook another ten minutes. Then you can turn off the fire and serve goulash to the table.

It is sometimes pleasant to recall the old and to please the family with a simple meat dish with aromatic tomato sauce. Want to learn how to cook goulash? Read our article to the end and learn many useful recipes.

Goulash (in translation this word means “shepherd’s soup) used to be considered ordinary food of shepherds in Hungary, it was cooked at the stake.

In today's reality, goulash is a meat dish, combined with any side dish. This is an ideal meal in the winter, perfectly satisfying the feeling of hunger.

Goulash can be prepared from beef, pork, poultry and lamb. After a successful hunt, the shepherds made it from the carcass of a hare and game. If you decide to cook the dish according to the classic recipe using beef, buy a tenderloin, pulp of the back leg, brisket or shoulder blade.

When buying lamb, stop your gaze on the collar or shoulder blade, for the pork goulash the back, the upper part of the ham, the brisket and the neck are suitable. A loin is not the most ideal option, a dish from this part of the lamb will be dry and tough.

When choosing, pay attention to the color saturation of the meat, the darker it is, the older the animal. The veal is lighter, it has a pink hue, with age, the yellowness of fat becomes clearer. If the beef has a brownish tint, the piece lay in the store for a long time.

The best recipes

Hungarian goulash

How to cook goulash? The traditional recipe is simple. Fry onions in fat in a cauldron, in a frying pan or in other dishes with thick walls, add pieces of meat there, sprinkling them with sweet paprika and caraway seeds. Stew the meat in your juice, then pour the boiling meat broth or water, the vegetables cut into pieces (potatoes and bell peppers), pour the tomatoes a quarter hour before being ready.

At the end of cooking, dip the dumplings from unleavened dough seasoned with dill and garlic in a boiling dish. Do not give them a shape - pinch off pieces of dough and throw them into a container with boiling meat. Goulash with dumplings is ready!


  • 650 grams of pork;
  • 70 grams of tomato paste;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 tablespoons of flour;
  • 1 tablespoon of salt;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • a quarter of a teaspoon of pepper;
  • cooking oil.

To cook goulash, cut the pork into small pieces, brown them in olive or sunflower oil. Add 70 grams of tomato paste to the meat, slightly stew. Pour 2 cups of boiling water into a pot with thick walls, salt, pepper, add a couple of bay leaves, simmer for 1 hour under a lid over low heat.

Fry the onions in one pan and the flour in a second until light brown. Sprinkle the onion with flour, add the broth, mix to dissolve the lumps. Pour the thick mass to the meat, bring to a boil. Remove the bay leaf. Voila, the goulash is ready!

Like in kindergarten


  • half a kilogram of beef (chicken, pork or turkey);
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoon of flour;
  • 1 teaspoon tomato paste;
  • 1 tbsp. a spoon of sour cream;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of refined sunflower oil;
  • 4-5 bay leaves, half a teaspoon of salt.

Cut the pork (beef or chicken fillet) into slices, stew with onion and grated carrots in your juice over medium heat with a small amount of sunflower oil. Then add a glass of water and simmer until soft, checking the readiness of the meat with a fork. At the end of cooking, salt, put a bay leaf.

Dilute 1 teaspoon of tomato paste with a tablespoon of flour and the same amount of sour cream, diluting the mixture with half a glass of water. Stirring the meat continuously, pour the mixture into the pot, simmer for about 15 minutes to thicken the mixture.

How to cook goulash in To do this, you need to turn on the "Frying" mode, and then "Stewing". You can also set the temperature and time using the Multi-Cook or Multi-Chef functions. Below is one of the options for pork goulash.


  • 800 g of pork pulp;
  • 1-2 bulbs;
  • 1 carrot;
  • a glass of broth;
  • 4 tablespoons of sour cream;
  • 2 tablespoons of tomato paste (ketchup);
  • 1.5 tablespoons of flour;
  • salt, sweet paprika, adjika;
  • cooking oil for frying.

To start cooking goulash, cut meat into small pieces across its fibers. Remove large pieces of fat, fat, veins.

Roll the meat in flour (sprinkle through a sieve and stir until the pieces are evenly coated, or put in a bag of flour and shake so that a light flour layer remains).

Cut onions into thin half rings, and grate 1 carrot on a medium-sized grater. Pour cold sunflower oil into the bowl, put onions and grated carrots on the bottom, add salt.

Set the “Baking”, “Frying” or “Multi-cook” mode by setting the temperature to 120 ° C. Total cooking time - 10 minutes: 5 minutes. - for vegetables and another 5 minutes. When add meat.

When the vegetables “get tired” a little, put the meat in the bowl and fry for another 5 minutes, stirring so that the meat does not release juice, “seals”.

After frying, turn on the “Braising”, “Multi-cook” or “Multi-cook” mode for 1-1.5 hours. At the beginning of the stew, pour tomato sauce or juice, water and sour cream into the multicooker bowl. Adjust the volume of water to your liking. It is better that the meat when stewed is covered with a sauce of sour cream with tomato paste.

Add paprika, ground chili, allspice or adjika mixture, garlic. You can also experiment by adding Suneli hops, Provencal or Italian herbs, curry, Mexican mix, etc.

Shuffle everything, close the lid. After 0.5 hours, check if you need to add boiling water or boiling broth. Add the finished dish to taste. Serve with rice or buckwheat, pasta or mashed potatoes.

In the pan


  • 0.5 kilograms of beef (or veal);
  • carrot;
  • onion;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of tomato paste;
  • frying oil, salt.

Diced peeled carrots and onions, chop the garlic. Wash the beef, cut into small pieces.

High with non-stick coating (or cast iron with thick walls), heat and pour a little sunflower oil on it. Sauté the onions, garlic and carrots until they are rosy. Put the pieces of beef in a pan, make the fire stronger, sauté them for 2 minutes until white. Pour in a pan a glass of boiling water, tomato paste, mix. After boiling the liquid, cover the pan with a lid and put on low heat to extinguish for 1-1.5 hours.


  • 1 kg of beef;
  • 1 tbsp. l flour and tomato paste;
  • 2 onions;
  • salt pepper;
  • cooking oil.

Cut the meat into pieces, place them in a pre-oiled baking sheet with high sides. Sprinkle with onion, sliced \u200b\u200bin half rings. Salt, add spices, put in the oven, setting the temperature to 200 ° C, for a quarter of an hour. Then mix the meat with onions, put again in the oven for 10 minutes.

Pour flour and tomato paste into a bowl, adding cold water in a thin stream, mix or whisk. The mixture will come out with a cloudy tint, but it's not scary, the color will change during the preparation of the gravy. Pour the meat on the baking sheet with it, mix so that the pieces do not stick together, and put it in the oven again for 25 minutes. Mix, set the temperature at around 180 ° C and let the meat languish for another half hour.

If using a small baking sheet or pan, cover the top with foil.

With prunes


  • 1.5 kg of beef;
  • 2 medium onions;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 7 cloves of garlic;
  • 15 prunes;
  • sour cream and tomato paste;
  • sunflower oil for frying;
  • basil, allspice, bay leaf, salt;
  • 2 tablespoons of flour.

Cut a piece of beef into small pieces of oblong shape across the fibers. Lay them in a cast-iron cauldron or other container with high sides. Pour boiling water so as to cover the meat. Add bay leaf and cloves of garlic, allspice, bring the broth to a boil. Cover, tighten the fire to the weakest level and cook for about half an hour.

Chop the onion finely, carrots into thin sticks, squeeze 3-4 cloves of garlic under a press. Sauté onions in sunflower or olive oil until golden brown, add garlic. After a couple of minutes, pour the carrots, mix everything and fry on low heat for 5-7 minutes.

Add a little basil, other herbs to your liking, salt and cook for another 5 minutes. Sprinkle fried onions with carrots and garlic, boil for another 5 minutes. Stir in a bowl 4 tbsp. l tomato paste, 2 tbsp. l sour cream and the same amount of flour until the lumps disappear. Add the mixture to the cauldron with meat, add 5-7 prunes, cover and simmer over low heat for about half an hour until soft. Remove from heat and leave under cover.

What to serve as a side dish?

All the culinary specialists know that by choosing the right side dish for the dish, you can turn it into a magnificent masterpiece. It’s good to serve mashed potatoes, boiled young potatoes, buckwheat, rice porridge or pasta for goulash.

The most refined "accompaniment" is needed for a beef dish, this meat has a very delicate taste, harsh aromas are unacceptable. You can serve it with boiled asparagus beans, broccoli and corn, mashed potatoes. Pork and turkey goulash will be great with a sweet and sour garnish: cabbage, stewed in apple juice, rice with pineapple.

A lamb goulash needs a dish with a rich taste: beans, mashed potatoes with onions, eggplant caviar. Garnish in this case is necessary hot.

  1. Peel a piece of meat from tendons, films, cartilage, cut it into cubes and put it on a paper towel. When the water drains, you can start roasting the meat.
  2. If during the quenching all water boils, add boiling water.
  3. Fry each piece of meat until golden, to "seal" it if you cook goulash for adults and children from 3 years. When the top layer of meat is fried, the juice will be inside, the dish will turn out juicy.
  4. If the goulash is too thick, dilute the gravy with boiling water to the required density.
  5. 10-15 minutes before the end of the cooking, you can add grated pickled cucumber to add spice.


Cooking time depends on the type of meat, the age of the animal. If the multicooker has a pressure cooker function, it is possible to reduce the stewing time to half an hour.

Experiment and enjoy new tastes!

Today's dish we have is goulash recipe. Refers to Hungarian cuisine, previously prepared by shepherds in a pot on a fire with beef meat. Goulash is a thick, rich soup based on meat (beef, pork or lamb) and vegetables. There are plenty of cooking options, we will talk about the most delicious and popular. Many will say: "so this is meat stew." But, this is not so, due to the degree of density and saturation, the name of the dish immediately suggests itself “Hungarian goulash”. And also important components of the dish are paprika, caraway seeds and dumplings / gnocchi (small pieces of dough).

Goulash recipe with photo

  • beef or veal tenderloin (550g)
  • onion (2pcs)
  • flour (2 tablespoons)
  • cooked broth or some water (0.5-1 cup)
  • tomatoes (2pcs) or tomato paste (2 tablespoons) or (home-made ketchup)
  • vegetable oil, spices, fresh herbs, bay leaf

1. Pre-protected from veins, excess fat, washed meat, chop into small cubes, put in a heated deep frying pan and fry over high heat up to 5 min.

2. In the meantime, peel the onion, chop and add to the meat for 5-7 minutes. Just do not forget to knead all the time. Do the same with tomatoes and add to the meat (or pasta / ketchup) up to 5min.

3. Sprinkle the prepared ingredients in a pan with flour, spices, lavrushka, mix well and pour the broth / water. Knead again, cover and simmer for 60-90min over low heat.

After cooking, sprinkle with fresh herbs and let it brew for up to 7 min. You can use it as a separate full-fledged dish or prepare a side dish. The choice is yours! If you want the soup to be thicker and more saturated, add potatoes for 20 minutes before cooking.

Pork goulash recipe
  • pork (400g) fillet or neck
  • flour (1 tablespoon)
  • dried paprika (1 tbsp)
  • onion (1pc)
  • tomato paste (1 tablespoon)
  • sugar (1 tsp) + salt
  • bay leaf (2pcs), vegetable oil

1.Wash the pork meat, dry it with a paper towel, chop into small pieces (cubes) and send it to a hot skillet with oil to fry over high heat for up to 5 minutes.

2. In the meantime, let's take onions: chop, and send to the meat to fry until soft. Be sure to add spices, paprika, salt, pepper. After 15 minutes, we pour the flour, knead thoroughly and surely stew for a couple of minutes to get rid of the taste of flour. Next we send tomato paste, sugar, spices, mix and fry for literally 3 minutes.

3. Pour the prepared ingredients into the broth with ready-made or boiled water, so that it completely covers the contents. Add the same lavrushka and boil for up to 30 min under a closed lid until soft and thickened. Note: if you don’t like the gravy, you can still hold the dish on the stove without covering it with a lid to evaporate the liquid. Garnish rice, potatoes, buckwheat, spaghetti.

Goulash with Gravy Recipe
  • beef meat (500g)
  • tomato sauce (1 tsp)
  • potato (400g)
  • bell pepper (1 pc.)
  • onion (2pcs)
  • garlic (2 prongs)
  • carrot (2pcs)
  • dried paprika (1 tbsp), caraway seeds (pinch)
  • ready-made broth or boiled water (1l)
  • oil, spices, herbs
How to cook real goulash recipe?

1. Pour finely chopped onions into a preheated, deep skillet and fry until soft. After - turn it off, let it cool slightly, sprinkle with paprika and knead.

2. Chopped prepared beef (washed) into 1cm cubes, pour into a separate frying pan heated and fry until blush. Transfer the cooked oil to a saucepan, add the cooked onion, chopped garlic, caraway seeds, pour the broth / water, knead and send to simmer for 2-2.5 hours on low heat. Note: if necessary, add water.

3. In the meantime, we will take up vegetables: peel the potatoes, chop them into 1cm cubes and send them to the meat 20 minutes before being ready. Do not forget to salt / pepper the dish. We carry out the same manipulations with pepper, carrots - chop into cubes, into a saucepan and season with tomato paste. Pour some more water. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer another 15 minutes. After cooking - sprinkle with fresh herbs and let it brew for up to 10 min.

4. If you wish you can add dumplings to the Hungarian soup. How are they prepared? Break the egg in a bowl (1pc), season with spices, add flour, knead a thick dough and place under a film for up to 15 min. Tear pieces off the dough and just throw in the soup to cook.

Goulash recipe in a slow cooker
  • beef / pork meat (550g)
  • sour cream (2 tbsp) can be cream
  • flour (1 tablespoon)
  • tomato paste (3 tablespoons)
  • vegetables (onion-2pcs; Bulgarian pepper-1pcs; carrots-1pcs)
  • water / broth (1 cup)
  • spices (paprika, salt, pepper), fresh herbs

1. In the usual mode, we wash the meat, dry it with a paper towel, cut into cubes and send it to the slow cooker, oiled in the “frying” mode for 20 minutes. Let's prepare the vegetables: chop the onion in half rings, carrots, pepper and cubes. We spread it to the meat, sprinkle with spices - let it be fried.

2. Make the sauce: in a bowl, combine water / broth, sour cream and pasta with flour. Mix everything thoroughly with a whisk. Pour the finished mixture into the slow cooker, switch the “quenching” mode to 1.5 hours. After voicing the signal, sprinkle with fresh herbs, cover with a lid and let it sweat until 10min. Can be served!

Recipe number 5
  • chicken fillet (500g)
  • flour (1 tablespoon, without slide)
  • vegetables: carrot (1pc), onion (1pc)
  • tomato paste (1.5 tsp)
  • bay leaf, spices

1.Wash the fillet, chop into small slices and put it in a frying pan and fry for up to 5 min. Be sure to salt and sprinkle with spices.

2. Let’s take care of the vegetables: cut the onion into cubes, carrot on a grater or straw. Billets are sent to the meat to be fried until soft. A line of tomato paste and flour. After - mix well. And at the last stage, pour water / broth (1 cup), season with spices and simmer under the lid for up to 20 min. At the end of the process, sprinkle with fresh herbs. Goulash recipe is ready! For lovers of something tasty and hot, you can cook for lunch, a minimum of cooking time.

Many people like goulash with thick rich gravy more than ordinary goulash in liquid sauce. And cooking it is not at all difficult, just a couple of additional steps. We offer you a goulash recipe with gravy, which can be prepared both from pork and beef.


Meat (pork or beef)  - 600-800 grams

Onion  - 75-100 grams (1-2 small onions)

Carrot  - 80-100 grams (1 piece of medium size)

Wheat flour  - 1-2 tbsp

Sour cream  - 1 tbsp

Tomato paste  - 1-2 tbsp

Spice: salt, ground black pepper, bay leaf, dill (optional).

How to cook goulash with gravy

1.   Peel and grate the carrots (cut into strips or cubes).

. Peel and chop onions.

. Defrost and clean the meat for goulash. By the way, when buying frozen meat, be sure to pay attention to the color of the ice cubes. If it is pink, it means that the meat has been frozen twice and can be harmful to health.

4 . Cut the meat into small pieces (1-1.5 cm). It is softer and more tender than goulash from pork tenderloin, shoulder blades and neck. Beef is less fat, so in order to make the beef goulash soft, you need to cook the meat a little longer (1-1.5 hours) than pork.

. In a hot pan with vegetable oil, spread the carrots with onions and fry a little. Then add meat and spices (except salt), mix.

. Fry meat with carrots and onions over high heat for about 10 minutes, stirring regularly. This is done so that the meat, having absorbed the aroma of vegetables, seals it inside with its own juices. In the future, goulash will turn out juicy and tender, because when stewing all the juices will be inside each piece.

Add 1-1.5 cups of water, reduce heat to a minimum and cover with a lid. Stew the goulash until the meat is ready, about 30-60 minutes.

. In the meantime, prepare gravy for goulash. Half a glass of cold water is mixed with flour and sour cream. Add tomato paste as desired.

  When the meat is ready, you need to pour the sauce for gravy into the pan with a thin stream, constantly stirring. Now it's time to salt. Goulash is preferably salted at the very end of cooking, then the meat will be softer.

. Stew until thickened for 5-10 minutes. Add greens (optional).

Tasty goulash with gravy is ready

Bon Appetit!


Such a dish as goulash came to us from Hungary, however, slightly modified. Goulash is generally a traditional Hungarian soup, be sure to include meat. Even from the name of the soup, and it translates as "meat dish" - literally, it is already clear what the main ingredient is needed for its preparation. Goulash, by its nature, is a rich and very thick soup, which must be cooked over an open fire in a large cauldron, a meal of shepherds grazing cows, which is why veal or beef is necessary in the traditional Hungarian goulash recipe. And already in domestic spaces, the dish was transformed into excellent meat hot with gravy, a side dish to which can go pasta, and any porridge, and boiled, stewed potatoes.

The traditional recipe for soup is goulash:

  • Boneless meat, veal or beef flesh.
  • Fat lard.
  • Potatoes.
  • Onion.
  • Pepper - sweet paprika.
  • Tomato paste or fresh tomatoes, previously boiled for several minutes in boiling water.
  • Flour.
  • Greens were used already in later versions of the recipe - parsley.

They prepared the dish in the field, so it was fragrant and incredibly saturated, nutritious, which was necessary to get enough before the shepherd’s work for the whole day. So, two dishes are needed: a frying pan or a smaller cauldron, as well as a large cauldron, in which everything was brew and reached its readiness.

On a bacon, it is necessary to fry potatoes, slowly adding tomatoes, steamed in it, or tomato paste. While the potatoes are boiling in tomato, paprika is added, a little water. Everything boils and boils until half-cooked, now the most important thing is falling asleep. With a thin stream, it is necessary to put flour, stirring so that the potatoes do not pester to the bottom of the cauldron. Now you need all the products to be completely ready.

The cauldron, in which goulash soup will be prepared, must be put on fire, having collected water in it. Put potatoes with tomatoes and flour there, cook.

Now you need to fry the meat in pieces, adding onions to it. No other fat was used. On a large fire, meat with onions reached readiness, turned rosy and golden. We lay the meat for soup, cook until thickened, stirring constantly. Now the products are stewed together, absorbing juices and aromas, which in the end will delight any stomach.

Here such food, tasty and fragrant, Hungarians ate. Now goulash is rarely used as a soup, but today there is an incredible number of variations on the theme of goulash and its excellent, varied recipes. True, now it is more and more often called, familiar and more familiar to us by the word - meat stew.

Varieties and variations of goulash

Now there is so much goulash recipe that this dish can go up to any table, for everyone: both a meat-eater and a vegetarian, both a dietist and a food lover, are fatter, both for a child and an adult. You can cook goulash in a cauldron and in a frying pan, a pan on the stove or in a container in the oven, microwave, steam and multicooker. Goulash can also be cooked in bread, served as a first, second dish and snack. As the hostesses will like.

  • Pork goulash with gravy.
  • Beef and veal goulash with gravy.
  • Chicken and other bird goulash.
  • Goulash of mushrooms.
  • Soya goulash.

Although the word goulash itself pushes us to put meat into it, resourceful housewives use what is at hand, products that are more suitable and like for households.

Best goulash recipes

What is goulash of mushrooms, which does not include meat, is not even a hint of meat products. This dish is perfect for people who do not eat meat.

Mushroom goulash, vegetarian:  Ingredients

  • Large champignons - 700 g
  • Carrots - 3 pcs.
  • Onion - 2 pcs. It is better to choose large onions, so it’s tastier.
  • Flour - 150 grams
  • Sweet pepper, Bulgarian - 1-2 pcs. It all depends on size, the larger the fruit, the better. It is preferable to use red, it is sweeter and looks very beautiful in a dish.
  • Tomato paste - 5 tbsp. l As for the paste: you can choose according to your own taste, the one that you use more often. Tomato sauces are very tasty, especially sweet and spicy.
  • Tomatoes - 5 pcs. If there is no pasta, or tomatoes more to taste, take them. The truth will have to use more seasonings.
  • Salt, black pepper, basil, ground paprika, a mixture of herbs - whatever you like.
  • Sunflower oil - for frying.

How to cook mushroom goulash

Need a large deep frying pan, cauldron or pan. Cut all the ingredients into large squares, pour the tomatoes over with boiling water and peel them (if you use them). In a pan, let the onions simmer over low heat, then lay the carrots. It is unnecessary to make a big fire, since the vegetables are chopped coarsely, but we don’t need them to be raw in the middle and burnt outside.

Peppers can be added to carrots and onions when the vegetables are slightly stewed. Stir and cover. Now you can add mushrooms, just mix everything, you can add a little oil and make the fire a little more. Simmer the mixture of vegetables for 15 minutes, and then put the pasta or tomatoes, mix, add seasonings. After 20 minutes, fill with water.

After 10 minutes, you can add a little more water and pour flour, stirring constantly, without leaving the goulash unattended. Now put a minimum fire, open the lid. After 30 minutes, the dish is ready.

Veal or beef goulash with gravy and vegetables:  Ingredients

  • Beef pulp - 500 grams. Choose the pulp carefully, as it depends on how meat is juicy. The back is perfect, the shoulder blade is just as good.
  • Bacon - 200 g
  • Onion - 3 pcs.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Tomatoes - 4 pcs.
  • Potato - 5 pcs.
  • Garlic - 6-7 teeth.
  • Sweet pepper, Bulgarian - 2 pcs.
  • Ground paprika and salt, black peppercorns and caraway seeds.
  • Flour - 150 grams.
  • Parsley - 1 bunch.
  • Walnuts - 7 pcs. kernels.

How to cook goulash with vegetables

The bacon should be cut into small squares and put in a pan, put on a small fire. When the lard has already melted, add the onion sliced \u200b\u200bin half rings - stirring to fry until golden brown.

Cut the meat into small squares. In a bowl, mix seasonings and grate the meat well with them. Put the prepared beef in a saucepan and fill in half with water, put on medium heat.

Potatoes need to be cut into cubes as well, and after 30-40 minutes put to the meat without stirring. Then the regimen of sweet pepper diced, after 20 minutes it is added to the pan to the meat and potatoes. If the water has boiled, add another half a glass.

Now slice the tomatoes thinner. Put them in a pan with meat and vegetables, pour everything with water, cover and leave to simmer over low heat, occasionally mixing the ingredients.

Now we will make the so-called dumplings. Pour flour into a bowl, add crushed garlic to the egg. Salt everything, put finely chopped parsley, mix until a uniform dough is formed. Now blind small balls. So that the dough does not cease to hands, wet your hands in cold water.

20 minutes before the goulash is ready, put the dumplings, mix gently. Balls will be ready 5 minutes after dropping. Cover and let the goulash brew for about 1 hour.

Chicken goulash with gravy:  Ingredients

  • Chicken fillet or brisket - 1 kg.
  • Garlic - 1 head.
  • Carrot - 3 pcs.
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Fat sour cream (not cream) - 200 g.
  • Tomato paste or tomato sauce - 3 tbsp.
  • Salt, bay leaf and black pepper.
  • Flour - 2 tbsp. l
  • Sunflower oil or bacon for frying - if you want a tender dish, take vegetable oil, if more saturated - bacon.

How to Make Chicken Goulash with Gravy

Like any other dish, goulash should begin to be prepared by slicing the ingredients. Take the fillet or breast, rinse and remove the film, if any. Now cut the bird into small pieces, and fry it for 5 minutes over high heat in fat or oil. Meanwhile, the carrot mode with onions - circles or squares, as you like more.

When the chicken has already begun to brown, put the chopped vegetables in the pan, make the fire less, add oil, if necessary. As you know, carrots are very fond of oil, so it can be quickly absorbed.

Now take the tomato sauce and mix it with seasonings and sour cream, add all this to the pan 20 minutes after laying the vegetables. Stir everything, make a small fire and gradually add flour, mix again and cover.

After 15 minutes, add water so that it covers all the ingredients to the top. Shuffle everything, cover again. Stew, stirring occasionally so that the flour does not burn. Add bay leaves 20 minutes before readiness. Chicken goulash to cook faster than any other, the main thing is to stir on and off in time so that the meat does not become too dry and fresh.

Pork goulash, original: Ingredients

  • Pork - 700 grams. For a goulash, a neck is most suitable.
  • Soy sauce - 5 t.
  • Onions (regular white onions can be used, but leek is best) - 2 pcs.
  • Salt, cinnamon, sugar and pepper, ground ginger.
  • Flour or starch - 3 tbsp.

How to cook goulash with soy sauce

In a saucepan, heat half a glass of water and melt the sugar in it. Pour in the sunflower oil and heat everything to a boil, stirring occasionally. Put onions there, fry over medium heat. Put all the seasonings.

Dice the meat, rinse. Add to the mixture with seasonings and onions, the fire is strong. Fry for 10 minutes, stir, do not reduce the fire. After 10 minutes, pour in soy sauce and water (so that the meat is completely covered). Make a small fire, cover, let stand for 40 minutes.

After the right time, add flour. If using starch, dilute it in half a glass of water. Add to meat, stir constantly. Goulash will be ready after 30-40 minutes.

Some cooking tips:

  • If you are cooking poultry or beef goulash, add some cognac or red wine with the carcass. So the meat will be much juicier and softer. You can also marinate the slices before cooking in mineral water.
  • Before stewing meat, be sure to fry a few minutes until crusted. So it will not be easy soft, but also retain its flavor.
  • It is better to put salt at the end of cooking, so the meat will be soft, not fresh and hard.