How to salt mushrooms using the hot method. Mushroom pickling recipes

In September, it is customary to collect and prepare mushrooms. Many avid mushroom pickers are looking forward to the “silent hunting” season to go into the forest for full baskets of porcini mushrooms, aspen mushrooms, honey mushrooms and boletus mushrooms. With the same pleasure, then deal with the hassle of canning. Any feast will be decorated with pickled mushroom platter or salted mushrooms. There are a lot of recipes and salting nuances.

Basics of delicious pickling

The main difference between cold and hot pickling is only the time spent on canning. Preparations using the cold method take longer before finished product ready and can be eaten. Typically, cold pickling does not require additional spices or other ingredients, just salt. Prepared mushrooms are placed in jars or other suitable containers, sprinkled with salt, and a press is placed on top. Before you start pickling mushroom preparations, you need to know how long different types should be cooked:

  • saffron milk caps - 4−5 days;
  • valui - at least one and a half months;
  • milk mushrooms - month;
  • waves - month;
  • whites - 40 days.

Hot canning is suitable for those cases when you need to get quick snack on

festive table. There is no need to wait months: the appetizer will be ready within a week after baking. Those types of mushrooms that can taste bitter should be boiled in salted water for 20 minutes (milk mushrooms and honey mushrooms - no more than five minutes). You can simply pour boiling water over russulas, whelks and volushki, then immerse them in water for half an hour. hot water, wash and, sprinkle with salt, put under pressure (similar to the cold salting method). This method is ideal for home use.

Recipes for pickling mushrooms will differ depending on the type of raw material. Each mushroom has its own cooking characteristics. If you take them into account when salting, you can get a stunning snack for strong alcohol or an addition to a meat or vegetable main course.

Cooking recipes can be selected based on the recommendations of experienced chefs:

  • for pickling, it is better to take mushroom caps;
  • the hot method is ideal for honey mushrooms, pigs and stitches;
  • if the mushrooms turn out to be too dirty, you need to soak them for 2-3 hours in water with salt;
  • When preparing mushrooms using the hot method, it is advisable to add 1 tsp. citric acid per liter container;
  • ideal containers for pickling - wooden tubs and barrels.

Any container - wooden or glass - must be rinsed thoroughly before starting preparation. Glass jars must be sterilized by steaming or in a hot oven.

Mushroom recipes

The most popular for pickling are milk mushrooms, saffron milk caps, honey mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, butter mushrooms and boletus mushrooms. All recipes for pickling mushrooms are similar. The only differences are in the cooking time and additional ingredients.

Garlic milk mushrooms

For milk mushrooms, the hot salting method is recommended. It has a lot of advantages. In the future, pickling will not have an unpleasant aroma, cooking mushrooms will remove the bitterness, and the cooking time will be significantly reduced. It is this option for preparing milk mushrooms that is considered the most reliable for mushrooms, which are considered conditionally edible. The ingredients you need to take are:

Clean with an old toothbrush fresh mushrooms from debris and dirt. The legs need to be cut short, leaving at least 1 cm under the cap. Cut off rotten and suspiciously soft areas with a knife to healthy pulp. Cut large fruits into smaller pieces. Pour water over the prepared mushrooms, add salt and bring to a boil. Cook the milk mushrooms for at least five minutes, skimming off the foam from time to time. After 5 minutes, remove the milk mushrooms using a slotted spoon and rinse under running water in a sieve or colander.

Leave to drain and cool. In the meantime, you need to prepare sterilized jars. Sprinkle a little salt on their bottom, put two peppercorns, a few sprigs of dill, two currant leaves. Place the cooled milk mushrooms on the spices. Spread the spices and milk mushrooms in layers. Do not pour out the remaining mushroom broth - they need to fill the jars, wait until all the air comes out and then close nylon covers.

Metal lids will not work in this case. Jars with milk mushrooms should cool in the room; after complete cooling, they should be moved to a cold place. After a month, the white milk mushrooms can be placed on the table.

Salted saffron milk caps

To save everyone useful properties and the qualities of these mushrooms, they must be salted cold. As stated earlier, this is one of the most simple methods, requiring neither cooking nor boiling. The only condition is that you cannot use plastic or iron containers for pickling. Wooden or glass containers are ideal. To pickle saffron milk caps, you need to take the following ingredients:

Only fresh, young saffron milk caps are salted. They must be carefully cleaned of dirt with a brush, washed under running water and dried on a towel. After drying, place in a container where the salting process will take place, after pouring a certain amount of salt on the bottom. Place the saffron milk caps up, each mushroom layer add spices and salt. When the container is completely filled, place a weight on top and send it to a cool place for a month. Then you can taste salted saffron milk caps.

Spicy honey mushrooms

Honey mushrooms - universal ingredient, suitable for both hot and cold pickling. In the first case, the product will be ready for use earlier, in the second, honey mushrooms will retain more beneficial properties. Choosing cold method, it is worth remembering that two weeks are enough for honey mushrooms to be ready.

Wash the leaves in cold water and dry. Take a ceramic container, place horseradish leaves on the bottom, place washed and peeled mushrooms on top of it, caps down, and lightly salt. Place dill sprigs, currant and cherry leaves, pepper, garlic cloves and bay leaves on the honey mushrooms. Place a plate or a smaller diameter lid on the workpiece, and place pressure on top. Send the workpiece to a cold place for five days.

Drain the resulting liquid, place a second layer of honey mushrooms on top and the same amount of leaves, spices and herbs. Don't forget to add salt before adding spices. The procedure is repeated until the honey mushrooms or space in the pickling container runs out. Then put several layers of gauze under the oppression and send mushroom preparation for two weeks in a cold place.

Pickled oyster mushrooms

Oyster mushrooms are record holders for the speed of salting and pickling. They are salted and soaked in marinade faster than all their relatives. They need less than a day to completely salt and marinate. Their undeniable advantage is also that oyster mushrooms all year round can be found on sale at affordable price. Oyster mushrooms are rich in protein, iron, coarse fiber. Preserving oyster mushrooms is easy and simple; even a novice housewife will quickly master this recipe. For it you need to take the following ingredients:

Wash the oyster mushroom in running water, cut off the rough roots. Separate the caps from the stems, put them in a saucepan, add water and put on fire. After boiling, cook for ten minutes, skimming off the foam periodically. Pour water into a separate container and add salt to it. Bring to a boil, drain in a colander and leave to drain. Add spices and vinegar to the marinade. Place mushrooms, cut into slices, and garlic into prepared jars. Pour in slightly cooled marinade and close with nylon lids.

Leave at room temperature or put it in the refrigerator. After a day, you can eat pickled mushrooms.

Butter in brine

Like honey mushrooms, boletus can be pickled either cold or hot. There is nothing complicated about cold pickling, the only thing is that you need to wait two weeks before full readiness oily. The recipe involves using the most plain brine- boiled water and salt. The components you need to take are:

Prepare clean enamel dishes. Place the boletus in it, caps down, and on top - chopped garlic, allspice, bay leaf and salt. Then a second layer of mushrooms and again spices on top. Repeat the procedure until the ingredients run out. Place a plate on the mushrooms and place a jar of water on it - this will ensure that the brine is released and the butter is evenly salted. You can add a little boiled water, if the secreted juice is not enough. The butter should remain at room temperature for a day. Place them in jars and fill with the resulting brine. Store for 2-3 weeks in the refrigerator.

Quick porcini mushrooms

Porcini mushrooms are a very common part of the diet of post-Soviet countries. It's incredibly tasty and useful product. They deteriorate very quickly after harvesting, so you can’t hesitate to pickle them. The proposed method will make it possible to enjoy the fragrant mushroom appetizer. To prepare it you need to take the following ingredients:

Porcini mushrooms need to be sorted and soaked in water for an hour. During this time, change the water several times. Use a brush to remove all dirt and debris. Cut off the parts of the legs with the soil. Cut especially large boletus mushrooms into several pieces. Pour water into the pan, add salt and place on the stove. As soon as the future brine boils, send all the other spices there. Place prepared boletus mushrooms into boiling brine and reduce heat. Cook the mushrooms for at least 20 minutes, then drain in a sieve or colander. Do not pour out the brine.

Sterilize jars. Place the mushrooms in the prepared container, tightly, caps up. The brine should cool down.

Pour the cooled marinade over the preparations, seal the jars with nylon lids and place them in a cool place for storage. After 48 hours, you can treat your family and friends to fragrant porcini mushrooms!

Pickling mushrooms is the easiest way to prepare for future use. All mushrooms are suitable for pickling

How to pickle mushrooms

Salted milk mushrooms

We carefully clean the milk mushrooms and rinse them under cold running water. Cut large milk mushrooms into medium pieces. Place the mushrooms in a container and pour cold water for 5-6 hours so that the bitterness goes away. Then boil the milk mushrooms in salted water (2 teaspoons of salt per 1 liter of water) for 20 minutes, then rinse under running water. We do not pour out the water.

Peel the garlic and horseradish root and chop finely. Place the milk mushrooms in a container, caps down, in several layers. Salt each layer, arrange with currant leaves, garlic and horseradish, dill seeds and pepper. Cover with gauze and place the weight; if there is not enough brine, add the water in which the milk mushrooms were boiled. Leave the milk mushrooms to salt for 2-3 days. Then we transfer the mushrooms into sterilized jars and press them on top currant leaf. We close the jars with nylon lids and store them in the refrigerator or cellar.

Milk mushrooms - 1 kg, salt (not iodized) - 4-5 tbsp. l., garlic - 5-6 cloves, dill seeds - 5 tbsp. l., horseradish root - 1 pc., black pepper - 6 peas, currant leaves.

Salted chanterelles.

To begin with, the chanterelles must be thoroughly cleaned of all contaminants and rinsed thoroughly in cold water, and this must be done carefully, trying not to damage the mushrooms. Then boil the chanterelles in salted water for 15 minutes, place them on a sieve and wait until all the liquid has drained and the mushrooms have cooled.

Then pour a layer of salt onto the bottom of a glass or enamel container and place layers of chanterelles with their caps down, sprinkling each layer with coarse salt. When the container is filled with mushrooms, cover it with a cloth, place a wooden circle or dish on top and apply light pressure (for example, you can use a bottle filled with water).

Leave the mushrooms for 3 days until they produce juice. Then you can add new mushrooms and continue to repeat this operation until the shrinkage is completely completed. Then the chanterelles must be taken out to a cold room for further storage(you must ensure that the mushrooms are completely covered with brine). The chanterelles will be ready in 1.5 months.

For 1 kg of freshly picked chanterelles: 50 g of coarse salt (and cooking salt at the rate of 10 g of salt per 1 liter of water).

Mushroom platter.

Clean the mushrooms from dirt, wash them thoroughly and soak in water for three days (change the water several times). Then boil for 15-20 minutes. and rinse with running cold water. Let the water drain and sprinkle the mushrooms with salt. Place the mushrooms in a saucepan, layering with pieces of horseradish, oak leaves, cloves and garlic cloves. Keep it under pressure for a month, reduce it, and after 10 days put the mushrooms in jars, pour oil on top and close the lids. Keep refrigerated.

For 3 kg autumn mushrooms(volnushki, milk mushrooms, etc.): 3 tbsp. l. coarse salt, horseradish, oak leaves, clove buds, garlic, vegetable oil.

Mushrooms “Assorted”.

Clean the mushrooms from dirt and cut off the roots. The mushrooms, milk mushrooms and russula should be soaked in cold water for about 6 hours, and the saffron milk caps should simply be washed. Place a layer of salt on the bottom of the prepared jars and place the mushrooms there, sprinkling with salt. Place pressure on top. When the mushrooms have settled, add more until the jars are filled to the top.

Leave for 5 days at room temperature. Then check whether enough brine has appeared; if not enough, increase the load. After 15 days, the mushrooms will be ready, and they should be stored in a cold place.

For 1 kg of mushrooms - 40 g table salt(4 tsp).

Salted mushrooms with crunch.

After the mushrooms have been cleaned and soaked for at least 1 hour, boil them in salted water with spices for 20-30 minutes. Drain the broth, rinse the mushrooms in cold water, drain in a colander and let dry. After this, add spices and salt to the container (at the rate of 1.5-2 tablespoons of salt per 1 kg of boiled mushrooms) and cover with a napkin, a mug and a weight.

You can eat mushrooms after 3-5 days. The mushrooms are salted, now you need to save them. Mushrooms can be stored in a tub or pan in the cellar or refrigerator, because... mushrooms should always be in brine. But you can put them in jars, pour vegetable oil on top, close plastic cover and store refrigerated. From this quantity you will get 5 cans of 0.8 liters each. The oil prevents the brine from fermenting or molding, and if the mushrooms are too salty, they can be washed with cold water.

For some, the arrival of autumn is a sad event: the days are getting shorter and it’s getting colder. Some, on the contrary, look forward to this time of year to enjoy its colors and gifts. Most people who like to pick and eat mushrooms fall into the second category. They know that the most productive time is September. Gourmets anticipate how they will enjoy it in advance. Salted mushrooms, for which every housewife has a recipe and in more than one version, pickled, fried and stewed, are always welcome guests on the table. And, of course, these gifts of the forest are harvested for future use, for the winter. Salted mushrooms are not the easiest recipe: you will have to tinker with it. However, the result is worth it. So, salted for the winter.

A little about security

In all families where walks through the autumn and summer forest are a tradition, children with early years They suggest that not all mushrooms are healthy. However, it would not be amiss to remind you of this. Many edible species mushrooms have “doubles” that lead to serious poisoning. Therefore, it is better to spend your first mushroom hunting trip in the company of an experienced friend.

Forest products traditionally used for food also require serious consideration. Almost every recipe for pickled mushrooms for the winter begins with recommendations for pre-treatment products: soaking or cooking. These points should not be skipped under any circumstances! Mushrooms, even completely edible ones and growing in a well-known place, perfectly accumulate harmful substances.

Preparatory stage

Sorting is where salted mushrooms begin. Cooking recipes first of all call for sorting out the forest “prey” and dividing it into types. Different varieties mushrooms tend to require slightly different processing, so it’s best not to mix them. Then everything is cleaned of debris and dirt in running water.

The next stage is soaking. There are different recommendations in this regard. In some cases, it is allowed to omit this step (for example, when preparing salted porcini mushrooms). The recipe for preparations from the gifts of the forest, characterized by bitter milky juice (svinushki, bitters and others) always involves soaking them for 3-5 days or even boiling them. It is necessary to keep trevulushka, valui, whitefish, and milk mushrooms in cold salted water for about three days. In this case, it is necessary to keep the mushrooms under pressure in a place where the temperature is maintained at a low temperature. The water must be changed at least twice a day. To prevent the mushrooms from turning sour, it is recommended to add salt to the solution - approximately 3% of the weight of the main product.

Two methods

There are two options for how to cook salted mushrooms. Recipe cold billet involves pre-soaking forest gifts according to the principles described above. Hot method It starts with boiling the mushrooms. For the first method, milk mushrooms, volnushki, russula, valui, violins, white mushrooms, and saffron milk caps are suitable. Almost all other mushrooms are salted hot.

(cold method)

Fragrant and bright saffron milk caps are the favorites of many gourmets. To pickle them, the following ingredients are used per kilogram of mushrooms:

    black currant leaves - 20 g;

    salt - 40 g;

    bay leaf - 2 g;

    allspice - 4 peas.

The saffron milk caps are cleared of debris, placed in a colander and doused with boiling water twice. Then they are washed in running water. Spices are placed at the bottom of a suitable bowl, and mushrooms are placed on top of them with their caps facing up. Each layer (5-6 cm) is sprinkled with salt; currant and bay leaves and a couple of peppercorns are also added on top. The mushrooms are covered with a clean piece of cloth, on which a lid is placed (wooden or enamel with the handle down, it should fit freely into the dish). A pressure is placed on it, for example, a washed and scalded stone (not brick or limestone!), wrapped in gauze. You should not use metal objects as cargo.

After two to three days, a brine should appear above the pressure. If this does not happen, the load must be increased. Every 2-3 days, the excess brine is drained until the mushrooms are completely compacted.

You need to store saffron milk caps in a cool place, about twice a week you need to change the fabric and wash the wooden board or lid.

Not only for saffron milk caps

You can cook other salted mushrooms in a similar way. The recipe is suitable for milk mushrooms, white mushrooms, and russula. For the former, the same amount of salt is retained. For volushkas and russula, take a little more - 50 g.

Ryzhiki can be eaten after 10-12 days. Other types of mushrooms require longer salting: milk mushrooms - 30-40 days, trumpets - at least 40.

hot cooking recipe

The second pickling option involves boiling the main ingredients. This is the method most often used to prepare porcini mushrooms for the winter. For one kilogram take:

    salt - 2 tablespoons;

    bay leaf - 2-3 pieces;

    black currant leaf - 2-3 pieces;

    cherry leaf - 4-5 pieces;

    black pepper - 4-5 peas;

    dill - approximately 5 g;

    cloves - 3 buds.

Before you need to prepare (calculation of ingredients is given specifically for prepared mushrooms). They are cleaned of debris, the caps are separated from the stems (either only the caps are salted, or the caps and stems are salted separately). Large parts of mushrooms are cut to the size of small ones. Water is poured into the pan at the rate of half a glass per 1 kg of prepared forest products. Pour all the salt into the liquid and let the mixture boil. Then mushrooms are dipped into it. Cook them for about 30 minutes, stirring constantly to prevent burning. After all the foam has been removed from the broth, you can add spices.

It’s easy to tell when the mushrooms are ready: they begin to sink to the bottom, and the brine becomes clear. After finishing cooking, the caps or stems need to be cooled. To do this, it is convenient to throw them into a large container. Then the porcini mushrooms are transferred to the prepared container, filled with brine and closed. Liquid should not be more than 1/5 of the mass of the main ingredient. Porcini mushrooms are ready in about 40-45 days.


You can also pickle other types of mushrooms using the hot method. Depending on the variety, the cooking time from the moment of boiling varies:

    greenfinches - 5-8 minutes;

    milk mushrooms - 5-10 minutes;

    boletus and boletus - 20-30 minutes;

    russula and volushki - 10-15 minutes;

    honey mushrooms - 25-30 minutes;

    valui - 30-35 minutes;

    The saffron milk caps are not boiled, but only doused with boiling water two or three times.

Almost all mushrooms can be eaten after 40-45 days. Valuis take a little longer to prepare: they need to be aged for about 55 days.


There is a method known to many housewives by which more long term You can save salted mushrooms. Recipes for preparing them for the winter include preserving them. Already prepared mushrooms transfer to a saucepan along with all the liquid and put on fire. Bring the mixture to a boil (don't forget to stir!). After this, the hot mushrooms are immediately placed in sterilized jars and covered with lids. The container is placed in a pan of water and left to boil. Half-liter jars are sterilized for 12-15 minutes, liter jars for 15-20. It is important to note that the brine should be approximately 20% of the mass of the mushrooms. If it is less, it is necessary to increase the volume of liquid. 1 tablespoon of salt is dissolved in a liter of water, and the jars are topped up with this mixture.

Salted mushroom dishes: recipes for caviar and salad

Mushrooms prepared using one of the described methods are good both in winter and summer, both on their own and as an element variety of dishes. For example, they are ideal for hearty salads, which are especially relevant during the cold season. Before preparing any dish, if necessary, salted mushrooms are soaked or washed.

For salad with tomato dressing you will need:

    salted mushrooms - 0.5 kg;

    garlic - 2 cloves;

    tomato paste and vinegar - one tablespoon each;

    vegetable oil - 50 ml;

    green onions, dill, parsley.

Tomato paste is beaten with vinegar and oil. Chopped garlic and herbs are added to the mixture. Mushrooms are cut into strips. They are then mixed with the sauce.

You can prepare another salad with salted mushrooms. The recipe includes 100 g of pickled cucumbers, carrots, beets, potatoes and cabbage per 300 g of harvested forest products, as well as 50 g onions, 50 ml vegetable oil, sugar, salt and parsley. Vegetables (carrots, beets and potatoes) need to be boiled, peeled, cut into cubes, and shredded cabbage. Onions are cut into half rings, pickled mushrooms and cucumbers into slices. The ingredients are mixed and seasoned with oil. Salt and sugar are added to taste. Ready dish garnish with parsley.

No less popular is caviar made from salted mushrooms. Its recipe is also quite simple. For 300-350 g of mushrooms, take one onion, salted or pickled cucumber. You will also need:

    vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. l.;

    mustard - 1 tsp;

    vinegar (5%) - 2-3 tbsp. l.;

    salt and pepper.

Mushrooms can be chopped or minced. To them you need to add finely chopped onion and cucumber. Then the mixture must be seasoned with oil and mustard diluted in vinegar. After this, the caviar is salted and peppered, mixed thoroughly and served. If desired, you can add greens to the dish.

Salted mushrooms are a recipe that requires careful preparation of ingredients and a lot of time, so not all housewives decide to make such preparations. However special taste And spicy aroma This dish is well worth the effort.

offers you an article about pickling mushrooms . Salted mushrooms are extremely tasty and deservedly enjoy respect throughout the world. festive table. But, before you start pickling mushrooms, it is very important to know the basic rules for pickling mushrooms. And, if you want to “live until your golden wedding” and not have health problems when eating mushrooms, then it is very important to know basic rules for mushroom pickers .

Methods for pickling mushrooms:

They salt milk mushrooms, saffron milk caps, chanterelles, greenfinches, nigellas, podgrudki, whites, volnushki, russula, serushki, valui, smoothies, violins, reds, bitters, plums, rows.
Mushrooms are thoroughly washed in clean, cold running water in vats, tubs, bathtubs, and low, wide containers. In case of severe contamination, soak for 3-4 hours in a 2-3 percent saline solution.
Large mushrooms are cut into pieces along the diameter so that greatest length the pieces did not exceed 4-6cm.
There are three ways to pickle mushrooms:
dry (for saffron milk caps and russula); cold with preliminary soaking (for milk mushrooms, podgruzdki, volnushki, valuevs, belyankas, violins) and hot with pre-boiling(for everyone else).
Hot-salted mushrooms become ready to eat in a few days; they are quite soft and less stable during storage. The advantage of the hot method is not only the speed of processing (the mushrooms are not soaked), but also that the mushrooms immediately, without “shrinking,” fill the container tightly.
Cold canning is longer: 1.5-2 months; In this case, the mushrooms turn out to be hard and have a pleasant crunch when chewed; they are stored very well. To remove bitterness, mushrooms are soaked in clean water, changing it several times. You need to soak in a cool place. Soaking times for each mushrooms - different. Milk mushrooms, volnushki, russula are soaked for 5 hours to a day, and valui, black milk mushrooms, bitter mushrooms, and violins are soaked for 3-5 days. More valuable mushrooms are washed thoroughly, not soaked or boiled. To do this, place the mushrooms in cold water overnight so that adherent leaves, stems, moss, etc. come off. In the morning, sort the mushrooms and rinse thoroughly clean water and salted.
The amount of salt is recommended from 3.5-4.5% by weight of mushrooms.
It should be remembered that only certain mushrooms are prepared by soaking: russula, milk mushrooms, russula, volushki, etc. But honey mushrooms, valui, svinushki, stitches, morels are prepared only using the hot method, because when they are prepared cold, severe poisoning with fatal outcome.
You can salt mushrooms in enamel and glass containers with a wide “neck” so that you can place a mug with a load. But it is best to use tubs or barrels made of hardwood or spruce.
The barrels in which there were mushrooms are washed with warm water using brushes, soaked for 10 - 15 days in clean cold water, changing it every 3 days, and then steamed with soda ash (50 g per 10 liters of water) or juniper.
Salted mushrooms are ready-made snack, and are also widely used in fillings, salads, etc. They can be washed or soaked before use. Well-soaked mushrooms can be fried.
It is possible to process salted mushrooms into pickled ones.
The most favorable temperature for storing salted mushrooms is
from 0 to 4 *C.

Dry pickling of mushrooms:

It is better not to wash the mushrooms before salting, but to thoroughly clean them with a brush and wipe them with a damp nylon cloth. If the mushrooms are washed, then after the water has drained, they are placed with their caps down in layers of 5-6 cm in barrels, ceramic or glass jars and sprinkled with dry salt at the rate of 6% by weight of the mushrooms (or 40 g per 1 kg of mushrooms). Then a free-flowing circle is placed in a container filled with mushrooms, and light pressure is placed on it. After 3-4 days, when the saffron milk caps settle and give juice, add fresh mushrooms and salt. Store in a cellar or refrigerator.

Cold method of pickling mushrooms:

During cold salting, the mushrooms are soaked to remove bitterness. To do this, prepared mushrooms are placed in barrels or barrels with a double lattice bottom and a hole for draining water. Mushrooms are poured with cold water, covered with a clean cloth and a wooden circle so that they do not float. For oppression, washed stones from durable flint rocks that do not dissolve in juice are used salted mushrooms. The barrels are placed in a cool place and the water is changed at least 2-3 times a day. Soaking continues for 3-5 days. When the mushroom caps do not break, but bend, stop soaking: the mushrooms are ready for salting.
The soaked mushrooms are placed caps down in layers of 5-6 cm, sprinkling each layer with salt and spices according to the recipe. Bottom of the vessel and upper layer mushrooms are covered with a large layer of salt according to the recipe. The filled barrel is covered with a circle on which oppression is placed. After 2-3 days, add a new batch of mushrooms, repeating this operation until the mass stops settling and the container is filled to its maximum. Then it is topped up with 6% salt solution and sealed.
There are other methods of salting.
Soak mushrooms (volnushki, russula, milk mushrooms) in cold water for 5-6 hours, just rinse the saffron milk caps. After this, place the mushrooms in rows in an enamel or glass containers caps down. First add a layer of salt to the bottom of the dish, put black currant leaves, cherries, horseradish, and dill stems. Sprinkle each layer of mushrooms with salt and spices to taste: pepper, garlic, bay leaf.
For 1 kg of mushrooms - 40 -50 g of salt. After salting, cover the mushrooms with blackcurrant, cherry leaves, dill stems, put a clean cloth, a wooden circle and pressure. After 1-2 days, the mushrooms will settle and produce juice. If there is not enough brine, increase the load. If mold appears, the fabric needs to be changed and the load washed. Mushrooms are ready in 30 -40 days. Store in a cool place.
To avoid souring of mushrooms when soaking in hot weather, salting is used with preliminary blanching: the mushrooms are placed in a colander in boiling water for 3-5 minutes or scalded 2-3 times, then quickly washed with cold water and salted in the same way. Cooked mushrooms by blanching are ready for consumption in 7-10 days.

Hot method of pickling mushrooms:

Hot way pickles are also used in the absence of conditions for soaking mushrooms, in hot weather, and also if it is necessary to speed up their processing. You can boil any mushrooms before pickling, but conditionally edible ones are prepared only in this way; the bitterness is removed faster and they acquire elasticity.
1 way. Peeled and washed mushrooms are boiled in lightly salted water. If you have several servings, do not cook them in the same solution, as they will darken and the bitterness will not be completely removed from them.
Boil milk mushrooms, russula, valui, and volushki for 20-30 minutes, rinse in cold water, and place in a sieve. Place in a bowl, sprinkle with salt: 40-50 g per 1 kg of mushrooms. Season with garlic, onion, horseradish, dill, tarragon. Place a weight on top. Store refrigerated. After 6-8 days, the mushrooms are ready and consumed cold.
Method 2. At more The mushrooms are placed in mesh blanching containers made of stainless steel, or in willow baskets cleared of bark and boiled in salted (2-3% salt) water for 15-20 minutes. Volnushkas and whites are blanched for 5-8 minutes, bitters, valui, skripitsa, which have especially bitter juice, for up to 25 minutes. In this case, be sure to remove the foam. Blanched mushrooms are placed on sieves to drain the water. Then the mushrooms are salted in the same way as with the cold method, adding 6% salt from the weight of the prepared mushrooms. To undergo lactic acid fermentation, salted mushrooms are kept in barrels for at least a month. For 10 kg of salted mushrooms, 650 g of salt, 1 g of pepper and 2 g of bay leaf, 50 g of dill, 20-30 pieces of cloves and blackcurrant leaves are consumed.
Preparation of semi-finished product for further use.
Boil porcini mushrooms, aspen mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, oak mushrooms, butter mushrooms, honey mushrooms until tender for 10-20 minutes (for 1 kg of mushrooms - 1 glass of water and 45-60 g of salt), put in sterilized jars, pour in boiled vegetable oil, tie with paper and Keep refrigerated. These mushrooms are a semi-finished product that can be used later for pickling mushrooms or cooking in fried; in soups, fillings.

Ecology of consumption. Food and recipes: Sprinkle a layer of salt on the bottom of a wooden or ceramic dish, put half of the leaves of currants, cherries, horseradish and 1 umbrella of dill...

1. Pickling mushrooms - cold method


● mushrooms (mushrooms, black and white milk mushrooms, volushki, russula) - 1 kg
● salt - 100 g
● currants - 10–12 leaves
● cherry - 5–6 leaves
● horseradish - 2 sheets
● dill - 2 umbrellas
● bay leaf - 2–3 pcs.
● peppercorns - to taste
● garlic - to taste


Wash milk mushrooms, milk mushrooms or russula and cover with cold water for 5–6 hours. (The mushrooms are not soaked, but only washed). Sprinkle a layer of salt on the bottom of a wooden or ceramic dish, put half of the leaves of currants, cherries, horseradish and 1 dill umbrella. Place mushrooms in rows, sprinkling each layer with salt, pepper, garlic and bay leaf.

Place the remaining leaves on top, cover with a clean cloth, then cutting board or a plate and apply pressure (in 1–2 days the mushrooms will settle and release juice. If they release little brine, you should increase the pressure). The fabric must be rinsed from time to time. The mushrooms will be ready in 30–40 days. After this, they must be moved to a cold place.

2. Mushroom caviar for the winter


● boiled mushrooms – 2 kg
● onion – 3 large onions
● carrots – 3 pcs (large)
● vegetable oil – 2 cups
● bay leaf – 3 pcs.
● black pepper – 10 peas
● salt
● vinegar 9% – 1 tbsp.


For cooking mushroom caviar you can take porcini mushrooms, boletus and aspen mushrooms, russula, boletus and boletus mushrooms, champignons and honey mushrooms. Caviar can be prepared from one type of mushroom or from different ones.

Wash the mushrooms, cut into pieces and boil in salted water for 10-15 minutes.

Drain the mushrooms in a colander, rinse with cold water, and let the water drain.

Pass the mushrooms through a large meat grinder.

Peel the onions and carrots, finely chop the onions, grate the carrots on a coarse grater.

Fry the onions and carrots in vegetable oil, then add the mushroom mixture.

Salt the caviar to taste, add the remaining vegetable oil, bay leaf and pepper.

Simmer the mushroom caviar for 1.5-2 hours, stirring from time to time, making sure it doesn’t burn. At the end of cooking, add vinegar and mix well.

Place the finished caviar in dry, sterilized jars and roll up.

Store mushroom caviar in a cool place.

3. Hot pickling of mushrooms


● white milk mushrooms – 1 kg
● dill umbrellas
● garlic – 3-4 cloves
● salt – 2 tbsp.
● black pepper – 10 peas
● black currant leaves – 10 pcs.


Wash the milk mushrooms thoroughly, cut large ones into pieces. Wash the greens, peel and chop the garlic.

Boil salted water and add milk mushrooms to the boiling water and cook for 5 minutes.

Pour a little salt, 2 peppercorns, an umbrella of dill, a blackcurrant leaf into the bottom of a sterilized jar and put one layer of milk mushrooms on top.

Place milk mushrooms in layers, sprinkling with salt and spices.

Firm the milk mushrooms and pour the water in which the mushrooms were cooked on top so that all the air comes out.

Cover the jar with a boiled plastic lid, cool and put in the refrigerator.

The milk mushrooms will be ready in 1-1.5 months. Store salted milk mushrooms in the refrigerator.

4. Solyanka for the winter with mushrooms


● boiled mushrooms – 1 kg
● white cabbage – 0.5 kg
● tomatoes – 0.5 kg
● carrots – 0.5 kg
● onions – 300 g
● sunflower oil – 150 g
● vinegar 9% – 2 tbsp.
● bay leaf, black and allspice


Boletus, boletus, porcini mushrooms, russula and honey mushrooms are suitable for making hodgepodge. Wash the mushrooms well, peel them, chop large ones and boil in salted water for 10-15 minutes.

Wash the vegetables, peel and cut into small strips. Sauté onions and carrots in small quantity vegetable oil.

Add chopped cabbage and tomatoes, the remaining oil, salt to taste and simmer over low heat for 20-25 minutes. Then add boiled mushrooms and simmer until done for 25-30 minutes.

5 minutes before readiness, add bay leaf, pepper and vinegar, mix well, simmer for 5 minutes.

Place the prepared hodgepodge with mushrooms in dry, sterilized jars. Roll up the jars, turn them upside down, wrap them and leave until completely cool.

5. Marinated boletus


● butter,
● vegetable oil 1 tbsp. on liter jar,
● vinegar 70% – 1 tbsp. on the jar
● garlic – 2 cloves

for marinade per 1 liter of water:

● coarse salt – 2 tbsp.,
● sugar – 3 tbsp,
● peppercorns – 5-6 pcs.
● allspice peas – 3-4 pcs.
● bay leaf – 2 pcs.
● cloves – 1 pc.


It is better to remove the skin from the butter, it is stored with much less. But in principle, you don’t have to remove the young mushrooms, but simply scald the washed mushrooms with boiling water and vinegar and drain the liquid.

Rinse the peeled boletus in water. Large mushrooms can be cut into 2-3 parts. Fill hot water. Add a few drops to the pan acetic acid so that the mushrooms do not darken.

Bring mushrooms to a boil. Drain the water. Then pour fresh boiling water again and cook for another 10 minutes.

Place the finished butter in a colander and drain the water well.

Prepare the marinade. Add spices to boiling water and boil for 5 minutes. Meanwhile, sterilize the jars. Plastic lids Rinse well and pour boiling water.

Place the butter into the prepared jars, without compacting, and pour in the marinade. Then add chopped garlic to the butter. Pour vinegar into each jar. Pour boiled vegetable oil on top. Cover the jars with lids.

Keep refrigerated.

6. Mushroom powder


Forest mushrooms- 1 kg,
● cloves - 4 buds,
● black pepper - 7 peas,
ground coriander- 0.5 tsp,
● bay leaf - 1 pc.


Sort the mushrooms and cut off any contaminated areas with a knife. Cut the mushrooms into thin slices. String it on a thread or fishing line, hang it above the hob at a distance of 50–60 cm and leave it for several days.

When the mushrooms are completely dry, put them in a blender and grind into powder.

Place cloves, black pepper and bay leaf in a mortar and grind, mix with mushrooms.

Keep mushroom powder in a dark, cool place. You can use it to make soups, mushroom sauces and gravy.

7. Salted milk mushrooms in Altai style


● milk mushrooms – 1 kg
● salt – 40 g (2 tbsp without a slide)
● bay leaf – 1 pc.
● allspice – 5 peas
● horseradish root
● dill
● garlic – 1-2 cloves


Rinse the milk mushrooms well. Before salting, milk mushrooms must be soaked for 2-3 days in cold, salted water. At the same time, change the water 3-4 times a day.

Wash enamel pan or glass jar with a wide throat. Place the milk mushrooms in a bowl in layers, sprinkling them with salt and spices.

Cover with gauze, place a plate on top and place a weight. Make sure that the mushrooms are covered with brine.

The milk mushrooms will be ready in 30-35 days.

8. How to pickle porcini mushrooms


● porcini mushrooms
● marinade for 1 liter of water
● vinegar 6% – 100 ml
● salt – 50 g
● bay leaf – 1 pc.
● black pepper – 5 peas
● allspice – 3 peas


Young, firm porcini mushrooms are used for pickling. Clean the mushrooms from debris and wash them well; chop large mushrooms.

Boil the mushrooms a little (about 5 minutes), drain in a colander and rinse with cold water.

Prepare the marinade - add salt, vinegar, spices to the water and bring to a boil.

Add porcini mushrooms to the marinade and cook over low heat until the mushrooms settle to the bottom.

Immediately place the finished mushrooms in sterilized jars, pour in the remaining marinade, and roll up the jars.