How to color eggs with food coloring in an original way. ideas on how to decorate Easter eggs with your own hands

Hello dear readers!

A bright holiday is ahead - Easter. And according to tradition, Easter cakes are prepared in advance and eggs are colored. The two most basic attributes of this holiday. There is an article on my blog in which I describe the process. You can check it out.

But today we’ll talk about how you can paint eggs with your own hands at home.

Why are eggs painted for Easter?

Easter eggs and Easter cakes are the main symbols of the holiday. The tradition of dyeing eggs began with Mary Magdalene. IN Orthodox Church she is revered as a saint and myrrh-bearer who preached about the risen Christ in Rome. One day she came to the Roman Emperor Tiberius with a sermon.

And in ancient Rome it was customary to come to the emperor with a request only by bringing him something as a gift. Wealthier people brought gold. And those who could not afford it, brought something from the household.

And so, when Mary came, she brought an egg. It was white, as usual. And she said to the emperor: “Christ is Risen.” The Emperor, in turn, thought this was funny. And he said that he would believe it only when the egg turned red. This is what it sounded like: just as an egg is white and not red, so the dead do not rise again. And the egg immediately turned red.

The emperor was stunned and replied: “Truly risen!” So another tradition appeared, it comes to the house with these words.

How to paint eggs for Easter with your own hands?

There is a wide variety of coloring methods. First, I will analyze the classic and most common one. We will paint with husks from onions and beets. But we will improve it a little. We will get them not only red, but also with a pattern. This method is also good because we will use natural ingredients. In which no chemicals will be used.

To do this, we need onion peels, beets grated through a coarse grater, a couple of parsley leaves and boiled eggs.

Take white eggs. The paint shows up better on them!

Painting process:

1. Let's start with beets. Take a small bowl and put the grated beets in it. Fill it with boiling water. Just a little bit.

2. Then add the eggs. They should sit for about 20 minutes. It all depends on the degree of coloring. If you want them to be brighter, then hold them a little longer. We leave it aside.

3. Now I’ll show you how to make patterns. Take a leaf of parsley, for example. Place it on the egg. To ensure that the sheet adheres well, moisten it. In this way we cover the egg on all sides.

3. Now we need an old sock or stocking. Better stockings. Naturally, it must be clean. In our case, I use a nylon stocking. Now you need to carefully put it on the egg with leaves. So that the parsley leaves do not fall off. And tie it or tie it with a thread. Place in a saucepan with onion skins.

4. Now pour boiling water. We put it on fire. You can also just put an egg, without a pattern.

The more you cook, the brighter the color will become.

5. Check the eggs that are in the beets. They turned out light red. Lay them out and wipe with a paper towel. And the stuck pieces of beets give a certain pattern.

To make the eggs shine, you need to rub them with vegetable oil. To do this, wet a paper towel with oil and rub it with a thin layer.

6. Once we have finished cooking in the husks, take out the eggs. Let cool. They can also be wiped with vegetable oil for shine. This is how they turned out.

Painted eggs: a simple and original way

The Easter holiday is always associated with spring, flowers, sun and great mood. And it’s not surprising, because there is something magical about this holiday. And you can decorate it with the help of originally painted eggs. Let's look at the entire dyeing procedure step by step.

First option

1. Prepare the paint in advance. We will use liquid dyes of three colors: red, yellow and blue. We breed as described in the instructions.

2. In order for the paint to dry efficiently and without streaking, you need to make a special stand. Let's make it simple. We need a sponge and needles. We stick the needles into the sponge in a circle, as shown in the figure. The circle should be of such a size that the egg does not fall through.

3. After hard-boiling the egg, dry it with a paper towel.

An important condition for high-quality staining is the maximum possible egg temperature. Those. so that it is hot. This will help fix the color better.

4. And blot the tip from below with a paper napkin to remove the resulting droplet. And then we put it on a stand so that the paint dries. It dries very quickly, because... the egg is still warm.

5. The next step is to repeat the exact same procedure, but only with yellow paint. We also lower the egg by 1/3, but on the other side.

At the intersection of red and yellow paint, a Orange color. We also place the egg on the stand,

6. And finally the third stage. In exactly the same way, but with the second unpainted side we lower it into Blue colour exactly in the middle. And wait for 1-2 minutes. As a result, blue combined with red produces purple. And in combination with yellow it gives green. Thus we get rainbow egg, which consists of six colors with clear transitions.

Second option

Another easy way This is to make original lines on the egg. To do this, you don’t need ordinary electrical tape. We cut it into thin strips and gradually glue these strips tightly in a circle.

You need to double-check how you glued it to make sure no air gets under the tape. Otherwise, water will get in there and color the egg underneath.

Third option

I want to show you another original and at the same time simple way. One of my favorite. It's called marble chips. For this we need onion peels, a bandage and brilliant green.

1. First of all, using scissors, finely and variedly chop the husks. Or if it’s dry, grind it into pieces with your hands. various shapes pieces.

The smaller the pieces, the smaller the pattern will be.

2. Cut the bandage into two wide strips. We lay it out so that the two strips are perpendicular to each other. It's like a cross. In the center of the strip we place an egg rolled in the husk. To make the husk stick better, you need to moisten the egg. And carefully roll it up.

3. Once rolled, roll it tightly. We twist it at the base with regular threads. We do all this in such a way that the bandage fits the egg as tightly as possible. To press the husk more tightly.

5. Then add a full tube of brilliant green to boiling water. The more green you pour, the richer the color will be.

And you mean very important point! The pan must be made of stainless steel so that it can be easily washed later.

6. At the end of this procedure, take out the eggs. Carefully cut the bandage itself at the base. We rinse. And the result is a very beautifully colored egg.

Making original Easter eggs with your own hands

Probably many will agree with me that painting eggs in monochromatic colors is kind of boring. Therefore, we will look at several ways to decorate and paint in an unusual way. If you like to creatively decorate something for the holiday, then you should like it.

For all methods, we will need egg dyes, which must be diluted according to the instructions.

Polka dots

To paint polka dots, we need regular candle wax. All we need to do is draw circles on the egg with wax using a cotton swab.

Then let the wax cool. By the way, you can draw any pattern you like. Next, lower the egg into the paint can. But be careful, it shouldn't be hot. Once the paint has dried, you can remove the wax from the egg.

You can use a stand for drying paint, which we discussed above: a sponge with needles.

We do it with an elastic band

For the next method we will need rubber bands. Wrap the egg as you like. And then just dip it in the paint for a while. After the paint has dried, carefully remove the rubber bands.

Stripe patterns

For the next option you will need thin tape. Glue it to the surface of the egg. You can use both painted and unpainted. Dip it into the paint for about half a minute. Remove the tape from the dried egg.

Unusual pattern

In order to make such a drawing, you just need to add vegetable oil to the paint. And lower the egg for a few seconds. Then we take it out. As you can see, we received such divorces. Let dry completely.

Tricolor Rainbow

First we color the entire egg. Then we dip it on both sides. We have already discussed a similar method above.

Drawing in grains

For the next method we need rice. Pour it into a separate glass. Add a couple of drops of dye to it. And mix. You want the rice to be colored, but not wet. It is better to do this procedure in a plastic container. Since you will need to add an egg, close the lid and shake everything together.

But I suggest you apply another color. Add another color to the same rice. This way you can combine different colors. Again, throw the egg into the container, close and shake. This is what we got in the end.

Bright multi-colored pattern “Wave”

Now I will show you the coolest and most favorite method. To color an egg this way, simply wrap it in a paper towel.

Apply a small amount of paint on top. We combine colors according to your taste. Leave the egg in the napkins for half a minute so that it is saturated with paint.

And then unfold the napkin. And the result is a wonderful drawing. This way you will definitely surprise your family and friends.

How to paint with natural dyes?

Easter eggs made from jelly

Well, together we’ve looked at more than 10 painting methods. And I hope I answered the question - How to paint Easter eggs with your own hands? But the most important idea of ​​this article is that you can give free rein to your imagination. All methods do not limit, but only give a chance to create and create masterpieces.

It seems like a simple dyeing procedure, but how many unusual and beautiful things can be done. Visual illustrations will help you with this.

Thank you for reading the article and for your attention. Like and like the article. Share information with friends. And I look forward to your comments below. Happy holiday, Happy Easter. Good luck to you!

Easter 2018 is coming! On this spring day, you want everything on the table to be bright and festive. There are many ways to beautifully paint eggs for the holiday with your own hands. Along with, they must be present at the celebration and delight with their appearance, original painted eggs.

We will try and learn. The main thing is not to be afraid to start and everything will definitely work out.

Important! An hour before boiling the eggs, remove them from the refrigerator to allow them to come to room temperature. This is necessary so that the eggs do not crack during the cooking process.

In the article you will find:

Original decoration of eggs for Easter with gilding

Cut the foil approximately 15x15 cm in size. Wrap the egg in it so as to achieve the smoothest possible surface. Trim off excess foil. Apply a pattern. Such an egg can be eaten, since the colors did not come into contact with the shell.

Coloring eggs with food coloring - "Bright Beauty"

Dilute food coloring. Dip the egg into it for 5 minutes. Remove and let dry. Dip the same egg into the dye by 1/2 volume and hold for 5 minutes. Remove and leave to dry. Dip the same egg again in 1/4 volume of dye for 5 minutes. Remove and let dry. Eggs can only be eaten by people who are not allergic to food dyes.

Decorate eggs with your own sprinkles

Coat the egg with paste. Roll in food sprinkles or hand-stick sprinkle elements to the shell. In the same way, you can decorate the egg with small pieces of foil (4x4 mm).

Hand-painted eggs - “Russian avant-garde”

Using children's wax crayons and felt-tip pens, you can paint eggs with any abstract designs. Involve children in this activity.

We draw on Easter eggs ourselves - “Palm Sunday”

Draw on hard-boiled eggs acrylic paints for glass or ceramics willow sprigs. Easter symbols will look very elegant and festive. Choose eggs of different natural colors for your design: from white to dark beige.

Beautiful decoration of eggs for Easter - “Children's cartoon”

Buy plastic doll eyes from a sewing supply store and glue them to hard-boiled white eggs, add smiles drawn with a marker. It will work out funny faces, which children will surely like.

How to paint eggs using honey watercolors - “Landscape”

Buy edible honey watercolors and paint a landscape picture using some white eggs. Let it be on one blue sky and bright sun, on the other there is grass and flowers, some can be painted in colors ladybugs. All together they will create the impression of a bright spring meadow.

Decorative eggs for Easter - “Water manicure”

Do you want your Easter table to be decorated with decorative eggs painted with bright multi-colored patterns? You will need: plastic egg blanks, several bright nail polishes and a plastic cup.

Fill a glass with water two-thirds full, add a few drops of varnish and carefully stir the varnish with a toothpick. Dip the egg into the glass, use a toothpick to push it down so that it is completely under water, then take it out with two fingers and, holding the egg, make a couple of strokes with your hand so that the varnish dries faster. Repeat the same manipulation with the remaining eggs.

Yes, these will be decorative eggs that cannot be eaten, but they will help create a festive atmosphere in the house, and if you package them in an original way, you will not be ashamed to give them to relatives or friends.

Natural dyes for eggs. What color do you get when using them?

Listed here are only natural dyes that you can safely use to color Easter eggs and not worry that it will harm your health.

Brown dye

Onion peel

How to do:

Boil the onion skins for half an hour, drop the eggs into the broth, and cook until a bright color is obtained. Boil eggs with brown shells in coffee and tea for half an hour.

Yellow dye



Place white eggs in a small volume of hot water, add 4 tbsp. l. turmeric. Put on fire for 1/4 hour.

Red dye

How to paint

Squeeze a few glasses of beet juice. Dip boiled white eggs into it for 9 hours.

Orange dye


How to do:

Squeeze out a few glasses carrot juice. Keep white eggs in it for 9 hours.

Pink dye


Squeeze out a few glasses cranberry juice, boil white eggs in it for 20 minutes, leave for 12 hours.

Green dye


How to do:

Place boiled white eggs, a few spinach leaves, and a bunch of parsley in a small amount of water. Boil for 10 minutes and cool.

Blue dye


How to do:

Brew hibiscus with boiling water and let cool. Dip boiled white eggs into the resulting broth for 15 minutes and check the color every 3 minutes.

Egg basket

Surely there is a decorative wicker basket in your home. Cut a paper egg carton to fit the basket and paint it the same color as the basket. Place the package in the basket, place the colored eggs in the cells and decorate with additional flowers and ribbons as you wish.

Egg stand for Easter table

From cardboard toilet paper rolls, multi-colored crumpled paper, ribbons, lace braid, artificial flowers and beads, you can make such beautiful egg stands that the eggs themselves don’t even need to be painted.

An easy way to paint eggs for Easter using a rag (video)

What decoration methods make eggs inedible?

  • Coloring with permanent markers.
  • Use of aniline, acrylic and other synthetic paints for decoration.
  • “Decoupage” - decorating eggs with fragments of napkins using glue (eggs can be eaten if a paste made of flour or starch is used).

Easter for the Orthodox is a bright holiday. It is so good that preparations for this holiday take place in an atmosphere of joy and happiness. Dye eggs for Easter with your family, gather young and old. Take my advice and come up with your own coloring pages. Enjoy the holiday with all your heart and it will bring you happiness.

Good luck and all the best!

Very soon the brightest holiday of all Orthodox Christians will come - Bright Easter. I am sure that already now, many housewives are starting to collect a variety of buns, cottage cheese Easter cakes, Easter cakes, pies and, of course, egg coloring.

There are many ways to paint eggs for Easter. It is this topic that I want to devote today’s article. If you decide to paint eggs beautifully and unusually, then this post is for you. Here I tried to collect the most interesting and original, in my opinion, methods on the issue posed.

This activity is quite interesting, and the most important thing is that the children really like this process. I still remember how, as a child, when my mother painted eggs on Easter, my sister and I also took part in this. Although at that time there were no various dyes, but there were standard set flowers, but we still really liked the end result.

And now you can buy paints in a variety of tones and shades, even pearlescent. But also natural natural dyes no one has canceled them either, and they definitely need to be taken into account. And if you use your imagination, you can get very beautiful eggs who will decorate the festive table with their presence.

Tips and secrets for preparing and coloring Easter eggs

  • It is best to use white eggs for painting.
  • Before boiling eggs, keep them at room temperature for several hours. Most likely, the shell will not crack until the end of cooking.
  • It is necessary to add 1-2 tablespoons of salt to the water.
  • If just before coloring you wipe the eggs with alcohol or soap solution, then the paint will lie more evenly and the color will be richer.
  • To add shine to painted eggs, after painting they should be thoroughly dried and rubbed with vegetable oil.

Easter eggs - marbled using napkins

By painting eggs this way you will get a very beautiful, marbled, rainbow pattern. Everything is done quite simply, and the result is simply amazing.

We will need:

  • boiled eggs
  • food colors - yellow, red and blue
  • paper napkins
  • medical syringe - 3 pcs.

How to paint:

We dilute 3 colors of liquid dyes (yellow, red and blue) in hot water. Follow the instructions on the package, as paints are different and each has a different ratio of liquid to dye.

Wrap the boiled egg in a disposable napkin.

Advice! Wear rubber gloves to avoid getting your hands dirty while painting.

Using a syringe, apply paint to the egg one by one. If you do not have a syringe, you can replace it with a regular teaspoon.

After applying the dye, you need to press the napkin tightly to the shell.

Leave the egg for better coloring for 10 minutes.

Let's unfold it and admire the result. In order to Easter eggs shiny, lubricate them with vegetable oil using a cotton swab.

Rainbow eggs for Easter 2019

By dyeing the eggs using this method, they will receive a rainbow coloring. A great way that won’t take much time and will delight your eye with all the colors of the rainbow.

What do you need:

  • boiled eggs
  • food colorings

Dyeing method:

Just as in the previous method, in separate bowls we dilute 3 colors of dyes - blue, red and yellow.

First, dip part of the egg into red dye and hold for 2-3 minutes. Let it dry.

We repeat the procedure with yellow dye.

The final step will be blue paint.

The first and second methods can be done simultaneously. And in the end you will get these festively beautiful Easter eggs that will perfectly decorate the holiday table.

How to beautifully paint eggs with nail polish?

Easter eggs turn out very beautifully if you use regular nail polish for coloring. Look how beautiful it turns out.

You will need:

Staining procedure:

For this painting method, it would be a good idea to use rubber gloves.

These are the beautiful eggs with a marble tint that you can make using regular varnish. Simply and easily.

We paint it speckled using rice and dyes:

It is very easy to get incredibly beautiful testicles using regular rice. The most important thing is that by using this method and experimenting, you can get a whole palette of different colors.

To do this you need:

  1. liquid dye of any colors.
  2. plastic jars of rice


Pour rice into plastic jars.

Pour a little dye and mix.

Place the boiled egg in a container with rice. Cover with a lid or hand and shake several times.

To obtain multi-colored specks, you need to repeat the procedure with the same egg, only with a different color.

Experiment and share your results.

Decoupage Easter eggs 2019

The decoupage technique means that we will cover the finished eggs with stickers. We use colored napkins as stickers. Let's see what happens.

Need to:

  • colored napkins
  • boiled chicken eggs
  • egg white

How to do:

Separate the bottom layer from the napkin.

Cut out the pictures you like.

Coat the egg with white using a brush. Attach a sticker.

Apply the sticker over the entire surface.

As you can see, everything is quite simple. And the result is excellent.

Marble Easter eggs in onion peels with green stuff

Would you like an incredibly beautiful marbled color for your Easter eggs? With this method you can achieve this result.

What do you need:

  • Onion peel
  • Raw eggs
  • Zelenka - 1 bottle for 10 eggs
  • Nylon (gauze, bandage)


How to paint in onion skins with a pattern?

If you want some unpainted design to remain on the painted egg: be it a leaf or a heart, or something else, then this method is for you.

Take a leaf from any plant or cut out any shape from paper.

Attach the stencil to the egg and cover it with nylon. Tie both ends with thread or elastic.

Boil the eggs in the onion skins for 15-20 minutes. If you want a richer color, cook longer.

Remove the eggs from the bags. Rinse with water.

This is how the drawings turn out. By the way, you can do the same with dyes. You just need to color already boiled eggs, but the technology remains the same. Happy creativity!

Striped Easter eggs - easy and simple

I offer another unusual option for painting. Striped eggs turn out to be very unusual and elegant. Everyone will be interested in how you achieved such smooth transitions.

Dilute any food coloring in 100 ml. hot water.

Place the egg in another glass and pour 1/3 of the resulting paint along the wall of the vessel.

After 10 minutes, pour in another 1/3 of the liquid.

After 10 minutes, pour in the remaining dye.

After 5 minutes, remove the colored egg.

By doing this with different colors you can get beautiful striped eggs To Easter table. This process will take a lot of time, but the end result, I think, is worth it.

How to dye eggs in rags without dyes

Eggs can be colored without dyes. Silk rags come to the rescue. Men's ties are perfect for this purpose.

How to paint:

Raw eggs should be wrapped in pieces of cloth with the colored side facing the shell. Secure with an elastic band.

Wrap the top in rags and tie tightly.

Place in a saucepan, add water, add 2 tablespoons of vinegar and cook for 20 minutes.

Cut off the shreds. After complete drying, grease the eggs with vegetable oil.

That's the whole painting procedure without dyes. Just really?

Unusually beautiful “marble” Easter eggs

Another way to get “marbled” eggs. It is just as good as using onion skins and greenery. It turns out to be a very amazing drawing.

And this is done like this:

Pour 0.5 tbsp into water with diluted dye. vegetable oil and mix well.

Place the finished eggs in the dye and try to catch as many oil drops as possible on the surface of the egg. The more stains you get, the more beautiful the end result will be.

Blot the colored egg with a paper napkin (towel).

Jelly eggs made from gelatin for the joy of children

Easter is family celebration, and it’s very good when all household members take part in preparing for the holiday. I bring to your attention jelly eggs, in the preparation of which you can involve children.

What you will need:

  • Any natural juices - 200 gr.
  • Gelatin

How to do:

First, prepare the eggs. Pierce the top of the egg with a knife and pour the contents of the egg into a bowl. Eggs are quite useful for baking, so don't throw them away.

We rinse the empty testicle with water until clean water flows out of it.

Now you need to bake them in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 10 minutes.

Pour 10 grams into natural juice. gelatin and stir.

Using a small funnel, pour the juice into the egg cavity and leave overnight until completely set.

We clean the shell and you can use it.

Children will be very happy with these jelly eggs, especially if they take part in preparing them with you.

Used here Cherry juice, Orange juice, Coca-Cola, tangerine juice and tarragon.

Draw on the eggs with markers (felt-tip pens):

And the last method for today is drawings with a marker on ready eggs. It all depends on your imagination. You can draw anything you want. And here is a small selection for you.

We paint colored eggs in the style of “Angry Birds” (angry birds)

You can draw beautiful funny faces (emoticons)

Or these unusual patterns would also look good

And if you don’t want to bother at all, then you can simply label each egg with the color you want)))

If you found the article useful and found something new for yourself, then by clicking on the class you will share it with your friends on social networks. Well, that's all.

I congratulate you on the occasion Happy Easter! I wish you and your loved ones all the best. May your life be as bright and beautiful as Easter eggs. Be healthy and happy. All the best! Bye!

Along with the warm and sunny spring warmth, the good and bright day of Easter is approaching us. Every housewife tries to prepare fragrant and bright Easter cakes, cottage cheese Easter, various baked dishes and naturally colorful eggs for the festive table.

Colored gifts are given not only to relatives and friends, but also to people who are not always familiar, sharing the good news “Christ is Risen”, and hearing in response “Truly is Risen”.
Did you know that they are divided into certain types, and completely depend on the method of painting the paint. For example ,

  • Krashenki - painted in one color;
  • Easter eggs - have a certain design;
  • Specks - covered with chaotic drops or circles;
  • Drapes - designs will be scratched out on plain ones.

In this article, we tried to collect the most popular methods of coloring shells, revealing all the secrets and nuances to obtain the best result.

How to paint eggs with beets yourself for Easter

Before you start painting eggs, read the rules below so that this venture does not turn into complete disappointment.
Before you start cooking the eggs, you need to bring them to room temperature, taking them out of the refrigerator a couple of hours before cooking.

Add 1.5 tbsp of salt to the water per 1 liter of water. The salt will prevent the protein from leaking out if it does crack.
For a more uniform color, wash them thoroughly with a sponge before cooking.
In addition to chicken eggs, you can also paint quail eggs for the Easter holiday; they look very cute.

And to fix the paint, vinegar is added to the paint, 1.5 tbsp. for 1.5 liters of water.
For a more beautiful effect, you can rub it with a drop of sunflower oil. They will be glossy and very rich in color.

One of the simplest and most economical ways to color eggs is coloring with beets. And here we offer you take advantage in two ways to obtain shades of different saturation.

Painting with beet juice

What should be done :
Grind the beets and, using additional means (such as a juicer), squeeze out their juice;

If you don't have a juicer, simply grate the beets on the coarsest grater and, using gauze, manually squeeze out the juice.

Pour 1.5 teaspoons of 9% table vinegar into beet juice. There should be quite a bit of juice so that it completely covers the workpiece.

And leave them to sit in this juice for several hours. Periodically turn over them and watch the color saturation when it suits you, remove painted items and wipe on dry.

Coloring eggs with beet pulp

You can do it here too take advantage two ways :
You just need to chop raw beets and rub pre-boiled eggs with it until you get the shade you want. Then let them dry and lubricate them with refined oil.

Don't forget to wear rubber gloves, otherwise at Easter you will not only have colored eggs, but also no less colorful hands.

Rub also fresh beets and cook them for about 15 minutes. Then strain the broth and put the testicles in it overnight.
Depending on the chosen method and exposure time, you can get from a light pink tint to a dark burgundy color.

Painting with onion skins

To paint eggs in this way, you need to prepare in advance. Now even in stores they have begun to sell onion peels for a purely symbolic price.

But you don’t have to buy it at all, just a few weeks before Easter, don’t throw away the onion peelings while cooking. And by the right day you will have enough to paint.

Ingredients :

  • Onion peel - 1 bunch;
  • Eggs – 10 pcs;
  • Water – 1 liter;
  • Pan – 1 piece.

Let's get started:

Dry the onion skins first.
Pour water over the onion skins and put on high heat until it boils, then turn the heat to medium and let it simmer for 30 minutes.
When the broth is ready, remove it from the heat and set aside to cool to room temperature.
First remove the chicken from the refrigerator, leave for a couple of hours and wash thoroughly.
Strain the onion broth, very carefully transfer the preparations into it, room temperature, and put on fire for 10 minutes.
After the products have been painted, transfer them to another container and fill with ice water. Onion broth can be used several times, the quality of painting the eggs will not deteriorate.
Rub them sunflower oil for a glossy shine.

Marble method of coloring eggs

When inspiration strikes to create something original using improvised materials, we recommend using this method of painting. Thanks to simple tricks, the result is souvenirs that are not of ordinary beauty, and it is hard to believe that they are real.


  • Onion peel - 1 bunch;
  • Water – 1.5 liters;
  • Eggs – 10 pcs;
  • Nylon stockings – 1 pair.

Let's get started:

Start by cutting the onion skins into different pieces, with a maximum diameter of 1 centimeter.
Plus shred a white sheet of paper and mix them.

This is done so that the products are not completely painted, but just get a marble effect. You can also add red onion skins.

Preheated to room temperature, moisten with water and roll thoroughly in husks and paper.
Cut nylon tights into approximately 15*15 centimeter squares, and wrap the eggs in the husks in them. Tying them in the same way with a stocking is not a bow.
Place everything in a saucepan, add the remaining husks, add water and put on fire. When boiling, reduce heat and simmer for 40 minutes.
Then take out the products, free them from nylon and husks, and then cool ice water. Next, place them on a napkin and wipe dry. Be very careful when doing this.

Marble pattern in onion skins and brilliant green

This method is similar to the previous one, except for adding a few drops of regular brilliant green. It also has every right to exist, since it is thanks to the Green Diamond solution that the marble color turns out to be more pronounced and rich, try both methods yourself and choose the one that suits you best. Or maybe you'll like both.

Ingredients :

  • Onion peel - 1 bunch;
  • Water – 1.5 liters;
  • Eggs – 10 pcs;
  • Nylon stockings – 1 pair;
  • Green Diamond solution – 1 bottle.

Let's get started:

Grind the onion skins with paper and mix thoroughly. Wash the products at room temperature with a sponge and mix with onion peels. Cut the nylon tights into squares of 15 * 15 centimeters, and cut into strips for tying the blanks. Wrap them up.
Carefully place the crafts in a saucepan, pour in water, light the fire as high as possible, and put on the stove. As soon as the water boils, pour a bottle of brilliant green into it and let it simmer for at least 8 minutes.

When they are cooked, spoon them into cold water, cool and unwrap them.

In onion peel with a pattern

In addition to the monochromatic coloring of eggs with onion peels, there are also various options decorations with various patterns. We will look at several of them in more detail.

Easter eggs with plant pattern

For such decoration, you can use green leaves sold in the store, as well as house plants growing on the windowsill.


  • Eggs – 10 pcs;
  • Onion peel - 1 bunch;
  • Nylon stocking – 1 pair;
  • Green leaves – 10 pcs.

Let's get started:

Boil the onion skins for at least 30 minutes to obtain a rich broth.
Decorate each egg with one leaf and carefully, without crushing it, wrap it in a stocking.
Boil the chicken pieces in the onion broth for 10 minutes. Cool them under ice water and carefully unwrap them.

Easter eggs with rice pattern

Using regular edible rice You can also decorate it in an original way Easter souvenirs. They look unusual, that's for sure. And they are prepared literally from improvised means.


  • Eggs – 10 pcs;
  • Onion peel - 1 bunch;
  • Nylon stocking – 1 pair;
  • Rice – 150g.

Let's start:

Boil the chopped onion skins in salted water for 30 minutes. Wash the products thoroughly and roll in rice.
Make a bag out of nylon, pour 1 tbsp into it. rice and add an egg. Distribute the rice evenly. The bag should be tied as tightly as possible.

It's better to take long grain rice, since it does not boil over longer, and the drawing will turn out for sure.

Boil eggs with rice in onion broth for at least 10 minutes.
Cool the finished products and unwrap them.

Decorating Easter eggs with lace and onion skins

They look very delicate, painted with onion peels and decorated with a lace pattern. At first glance, it may seem that this is not a feasible task, but in fact there is nothing difficult here. Try it yourself, and you will see for yourself. The variety of patterns directly depends on the lace itself, on the width, number of patterns and monograms.


  • Eggs – 10 pcs;
  • Onion peel - 1 bunch;
  • Lace – 50 cm.

Let's get started:

First, prepare a strong decoction of onion peels. To do this, it must be boiled for at least 30 minutes.

For more rich color decoction, use the husk from different types Luke.

Then carefully wrap the washed chicken eggs, which must be removed from the refrigerator in advance, since they may burst immediately from the refrigerator, with lace. It is better to wet the lace first, so it will lie more tightly on the egg, and sew it with a needle and thread. Let the broth cool, put everything in it and put it on the fire. Bring to a boil over high heat and reduce it. Boil everything for at least 10 minutes, then spoon into another bowl and cool with cold water and pieces of frozen ice.
Remove the lace and lubricate finished product sunflower oil.

Decorating eggs in onion broth using the drapanka technique

We offer you no less interesting way egg decorations in drapanka style. First you need to boil them and cool them, and then very carefully scratch the design. Create drawings with the whole family, it will bring you closer together.


  • Boiled eggs – 10 pcs;
  • Pencil – 1 piece;
  • Elastic band – 1 piece;
  • Stationery knife - 1 pc.

You can start:

First, prepare a strong onion broth. in a standard way, cool it down. Warm the testicles to room temperature to avoid cracking. Boil in onion broth. Pat dry with paper towel and set aside to cool.
Using a pencil, draw an example of the future pattern on the egg. There are no special rules here, as in pysanka, you can draw whatever suits your heart. Using a stationery knife, scratch the design along the contour. Hold the knife with your whole hand, and not like a pencil, with two fingers, since it is not very easy. But it is not so difficult that this activity should not be given to children; they will also enjoy creating drawings on their own.
When the drawing is ready, use a careful eraser to remove the pencil and wipe thoroughly with a clean cloth. And to add shine, lubricate it with oil.

Decorating eggs with wax in onion broth using the pysanka technique

A very common method in Ukraine is decorating eggs with wax. But its implementation requires certain skills. Since wax decoration is done using special device“Pisachok” is a wooden stick with a thin funnel at the end. It is with this that the wax is collected and the design is applied.

Required tools:

  • Food coloring – 2 pcs;
  • Pissie – 1 piece;
  • Candle – 1 piece;
  • Eggs – 2 pcs;
  • Cotton pad – 2 pcs;
  • Vinegar – 50g.

Let's get started:

We take the products out of the refrigerator in advance and heat them until desired temperature, because otherwise the wax simply won’t lie down. Then we wipe them with a cotton pad soaked in 9% table vinegar. We dilute the dye according to the instructions on the package, not forgetting to add vinegar at the end to fix the color.
Light the candle and let it warm up to melt the wax. Dip the piss into the melted wax and heat it under the flame.
We begin to gradually apply wax to the surface of the shell.

You need to hold the pisser straight, but twist the egg with your left hand to get the desired pattern.

The surface on which the wax is applied will subsequently not be painted and will remain white, while the rest of the surface will acquire the required color.
Then we dip them in the dye and let them sit required time according to instructions.
Next, we clean the egg from the wax by heating it over a candle fire and rubbing it with a wool rag.
That's it!

How to dye eggs with natural dyes

The modern food coloring market is literally replete with the proposed color palette. But you don’t always want to eat souvenirs painted in this way, especially to give them to children. Despite the fact that all the labels say that the dye is food grade, this does not make it any easier. Therefore, we suggest you use our tips for coloring eggs with natural dyes.
After all, in addition to onion skins, there are many more wonderful vegetables and spices, which, although not so bright and rich, are still painted in different shades. Let's begin to gradually list them according to the desired colors.
From dark red to pink:
Brew as much as possible stronger tea“arcade” and boil in this broth for at least 10 minutes, the longer you cook, the richer the color will become. Another burgundy-pink tint will help recolor the decoction of grated beets.
Orange shade:
Carrots work great with such a bright color. It is necessary to grate it and boil for several minutes, then cool and put future souvenirs in it and boil everything together for at least ten minutes. For spices, paprika and ground red pepper will help you, 3 tablespoons per 1 liter of water and boil for at least thirty minutes.

Yellow shade:
This color can be obtained from the spice saffron (turmeric). Dilute three tablespoons of turmeric in half a liter of water and boil for several minutes over very low heat. Also cool it and boil the eggs in it. To get a yellow tint, use citrus peels or young birch leaves, if they have already appeared in your region.
Various shades of green: For this you can use the juice of various greens, for example, parsley, dill, basil. For a richer shade, use spinach leaves. Pre-boil the greens for at least thirty minutes, then cool and boil in this broth.

You can also use brilliant green for greens. But there is no need to cook the brilliant greens in the solution, just put them in it for a while, turning them over from time to time, until the desired shade is obtained.
Brown and gold:
Here you will need traditional onion peels or a strong coffee solution. Blue shades:
Here is your helper - red cabbage. Chop it finely, add water and a couple of tablespoons table vinegar. When the solution is infused, place pre-boiled eggs in it and wait for the desired shade.
Lilac shade:
The peels of the red onion will give a beautiful lilac hue, and if you boil them longer, you can bring them to a purple color.

When using food coloring, know that the longer you keep it in the solution, the more saturated the color will be.

Video tutorial on painting eggs in rainbow colors

And if you want to surprise your loved ones with original painting of Easter eggs, then we present to your attention very interesting video, revealing all the secrets of the rainbow color.