How to make Ossetian pies. Ossetian pies at home

Have you tried Ossetian pies? If not, then you are missing out!

From tender yeast dough and a thick layer of filling, which Ossetian housewives never spared, the result is a very tasty and satisfying dish.

It is customary for them to welcome guests, treat family and friends, it is prepared every day or served for a holiday. In general, it is very difficult to imagine a feast in Ossetia without pies.

The recipe for this dish has been passed down from generation to generation, and therefore today we have the opportunity to try a national curiosity from one of the regions of the central Caucasus.

And thanks to the Internet Ossetian pie Anyone can cook. All you need is to follow the recipe and cooking traditions, which we will talk about in this article.

It is known that Ossetian pies have thousand-year history. The traditional shape of this dish is a circle with a diameter of 35 cm, although in honor of religious holidays a triangular shape may be used.

Such pies are filled with cheese and have a special name - Artadzykhonta. Regardless of the shape, it is customary to place separate dishes on the table on which these dough products are placed, three pieces at a time.

In this case, the top pie is slightly shifted to the left side (from the oldest at the table) so that the amount of baking can be seen.

The number "3" is a religious symbol that represents the unity of God, the Sun and the Earth. And only at wakes are Ossetian pies placed in 2 or 4 pieces.

The dough for this dish is prepared according to special recipe. If you do everything correctly, you will get a product that has a very soft, tender dough that melts in your mouth.

According to the recipe, it should be located not only below, but also on top of the filling.

If prepared correctly, the baked goods will be tasty and soft even the next day.

By the way, the thickness of the dough determines the skill of the housewife: the thinner it is, the more skillful the cook is considered.

An important characteristic of this dish is its satiety.

1-2 pieces are enough to satisfy even a very strong hunger. Therefore, Ossetian pies will become excellent option for a large company.

Satisfaction is achieved not only by the fact that the dough is used in double serving, but also the presence of a sufficient amount of filling.

Believe me, it is very difficult not to notice it in Ossetian pies. And the variety of options allows everyone to choose their favorite dish.

You can find a recipe for a pie with beans, with herbs (chopped beet or cabbage leaves), with meat, with cheese, with pumpkin, with potatoes and many others. The main thing is to follow the recipe to achieve the perfect effect.

Each option has not only its own cooking secrets, but also a separate name. The most popular and favorite recipes are Ualibakh (with cheese), Kartofdzhyn (with potatoes and cheese), Fydzhyn (with meat).

Baking Ossetian pies is not particularly difficult, however, to achieve an ideal result you should acquire some experience and skill.

Traditionally, only women are involved in preparing the dish, since such an activity is considered humiliating for a man.

However, if you like unusual and delicious dishes, this shouldn't stop you. Follow the instructions step by step, and creating traditional Caucasian pastries at home will not create any difficulties for you.

Traditional Ossetian pie: from origins to the present day

Ossetian pies today are not an exotic treat, they are a dish Caucasian cuisine It has long become familiar to us. And if traditional pies were prepared with cheese, now beet leaves, zucchini, cabbage, wild garlic and much more are used as filling.

Fydchin is also traditionally prepared - meat pie with beef - for important holidays. Most modern recipes are more modern versions, which, nevertheless, are liked by many. Today you can order Ossetian pies for every taste!

How to prepare the dough correctly

To successfully prepare a dish, you should first of all take care to prepare the dough correctly.

The traditional option involves creating a base with yeast grown on dough.

The resulting dough should be soft, pliable and still hold its shape.

Using the recipe below, you can get a version of the base that you can store in the refrigerator so you can take it out at the right time and prepare a delicious pie. However, no one forbids you to use it immediately when ready.

To create the dough, take:

  • dry yeast (1 tsp);
  • flour (1 tsp);
  • sugar (1 tsp);
  • milk (50 ml).

A portion of yeast should be mixed with flour and sugar. Then heat the milk and pour it warm into the resulting mixture. Now all this should be mixed again and put in a warm place to form foam.

In addition to the dough, you will also need:

  • warmed milk (100 ml);
  • kefir (250 ml);
  • flour (600 g);
  • butter (30 g);
  • salt (1 tsp).

To get the pie dough, you need to take a large bowl. Sift the flour into it, create a small depression and pour the dough into it.

You also need to add butter according to the recipe (melt it first), milk, kefir and salt. The contents of the bowl must be mixed very well, and then put the bowl in a warm place.

The dough will rise within 1-2 hours, depending on the room temperature. As soon as you notice readiness, you should knead the base well and begin to shape the products.

If the filling is already ready (you can make a pie with meat, herbs, pumpkin, potatoes and cheese), then start assembling the product.

Assembling the pie and baking

A very important and perhaps the most difficult stage.

If you do everything correctly, then the Ossetian pies will turn out “as they should”, and you will proudly display them on the table in front of your guests and family.

First of all, knead the dough. Then it needs to be divided into several parts (from 3 to 5) and each of them downloaded into a small ball.

Here it is quite difficult to indicate the exact size, since it all depends on the container in which you will cook or serve the baked goods.

Traditionally, the ideal size of the ball is considered to be one that easily fits in two women’s palms.

The next step is to place each piece on a floured table. Then you should form a circle from each part with your hands(!). You need to stretch the dough very carefully so as not to tear it.

Next, the filling is laid out on the base. Whatever Ossetian pie you prepare - with meat, herbs, pumpkin, potatoes, cheese or something else - remember that skimping on filling is bad form. Post it in large quantities.

Now we should turn our pie into a “bun”. And you need to do this so that the filling remains inside the dough.

To do this, the base is taken by the edges, stuck together with a “seam” in the center and turned into a new ball. This is where you want to avoid thick seams and dough clumps.

Be sure to check the tucks for strength. Now make a small depression in the center and pull the dough out from it with your hands so that sides are formed.

Smooth the top part again with your fingers, removing any accumulations of dough and uneven areas. The pie must be carefully shaped into a circle so that no gaps form anywhere.

The final touch - the formation of a small hole in the middle - completes the preparation for baking. This is done so that the dough does not swell or tear in the oven.

Bake in an oven at 200 degrees for 15 minutes. Before you put the cake in the oven, don’t forget to generously grease the top. butter.

Variety of fillings

You can put anything inside an Ossetian pie. The base goes well with meat and herbs, beans and pumpkin, potatoes and cheese, and even fruits and nuts.

The only thing that is important here is maintaining the proportion: 2 parts of filling to 1 part of dough. Depending on the contents, pies are usually distinguished by name.

Fidjin or meat pies

This filling is easy to prepare. It is important to remember here that meat pies should be eaten very carefully: firstly, the filling is very juicy, and secondly, it can be very hot.

The recipe for preparing the content is simple. First you need to take veal tenderloin(300 g).

After thoroughly washing and cutting into small pieces, put it in a meat grinder.

Here you need to add garlic (2 cloves) with herbs (1 bunch). Having finished with the meat, take 3 onions and chop them very finely.

Now mix the minced meat with onions, add pepper and salt (to taste). That's it, the filling for the meat pie is ready. Then all that remains is to assemble and shape the meat products.

Walibakh, Habizjen or cheese pies

This type of filling is the most popular. And all because cheese is one of the most beloved products in Ossetia. Previously, it was prepared from any type of milk (cow, goat, sheep).

For baking, one type of cheese or a mixture of different types. The most ideal option for pies with cheese is real Ossetian cheese.

However, if you are unable this product purchase, then the recipe allows you to replace it with Feta cheese. The main condition is that it must be very salty and quite fatty.

The dough recipe here is the usual one. You need to take 500 g of cheese and chop it. This can be done with your hands or using a fine grater.

If you want to make the cheese pie even more delicious, you can use not one, but several types of cheese. For example, baked goods made from fillings that are mixed together are delicious. equal proportion feta cheese with Adyghe cheese.

Another option is to use cheese with herbs. It can be beet tops, spinach leaves, etc. The recipe involves using cheese and herbs in approximately equal proportions.

Pumpkin or potatoes can also be added.

But in this case, you get pies that have a completely different name:

  • Tsaharajyn – cheese with beet greens;
  • Davonjin – cheese with wild garlic;
  • Kartofdzhyn – cheese with potatoes.

Kartofjin or pie with cheese and potatoes

The dough recipe here is the usual one. For the filling you will need 1 kg of potatoes, 2 onions and 500 g of salted cheese (of your choice).

Peel the potatoes, cut them and prepare mashed potatoes. Then add chopped onion and cheese to it. All this needs to be mixed, divided into several parts (according to the number of bases) and placed on the dough.

You assemble the pies, bake them and that’s it – you can serve them. Believe me, this one original recipe Men will definitely appreciate it and will not be stingy with compliments.

After all, such pastries will not only be tasty, but also satisfying (second only, perhaps, to a meat pie).

Ossetian pies

And that's true - they are amazing. Pies are baked for any occasion: for weddings, on holidays, on weekdays and for funerals. There is also a special serving tradition: for holidays there should be three pies on the plate, and for funerals - two.

Pies are baked with different fillings and they have different names: sacchargins- pies with cheese and beet tops, fytchina- with meat, walibahs- with cheese.



For the test:

250 ml sour milk(kefir, whey)
50 ml milk for the dough *
1-2 tsp. dry yeast (or 500 g flour)
1 egg
2 tbsp. l. sour cream
1 tsp. Sahara
A pinch of salt **
4-4.5 cups (about 500 g) flour

3 tbsp. l. melted butter, for coating pies

* The total liquid should be 300 ml per 500 g of flour. For example, there may be 200 ml of kefir and 100 ml of milk.
** A little salt, because... cheese is usually salty.

BY THE WAY: all products must be room temperature, the milk is warm.

For filling:

700 g ground beef(it is better to take fatty meat)
1 large onion
2-3 cloves of garlic
Salt, pepper, hot pepper - to taste

500 g Ossetian cheese(as a last resort, half suluguni with Adyghe cheese)
2 large bunches beet tops

BY THE WAY: if the cheese is very salty, soak it overnight in milk.



1. Place the dough. Mix 1/4 tbsp. warm milk, 1 tsp. sugar, 2 tsp. flour, yeast. Let rise for 10-15 minutes, or until the dough foams.

2. Sift flour into a bowl, pour in yeast, add kefir at room temperature, egg, sour cream, salt.

3. Stir until smooth. Let rise for 1-1.5 hours, or until the dough has doubled in size.
While the dough is rising, make the filling.

Meat filling (Fytchiny):

1. Grind the meat in a meat grinder along with the onion, hot pepper, garlic.

2. Then add salt and ground black pepper. The minced meat should be soft - not hard; to do this, dilute it with broth or just water.

Cheese and beet filling ( Sahraajin):

1. Finely chop or grate the cheese (can be passed through a meat grinder).

2. Wash the beet tops, chop finely and mix with cheese.

BY THE WAY: for those who do not like fatty meat, you can take lean meat and add melted butter to the minced meat. For taste, you can also add 1 clove of garlic, pre-fried, and a few sprigs of cilantro.

Preparing the pie:

1. Heat the oven to 200°C.

2. Lightly press down the dough ball. Place a ball of filling on it and pull the dough from all sides onto this ball, connect at the top and pinch.

3. Using your hands, knead the resulting ball into a pancake, make a hole in the middle and bake until browned, about 20 minutes.

4. Make the next pie while the first one is baking.

5. Remove the finished pie, place it on a plate and immediately grease it melted butter and cover with a bowl larger in diameter than the dish with the pie. The second pie is placed on top of the first and so on.

Ossetian pies

Hello, dear readers of the Culinary Diary!

Today I want to once again touch on the topic of Ossetian pies. Ossetian pies are such a thing that once you try it, you fall in love once and for all.

I tried to describe in detail the preparation of Ossetian pies using the example of very popular and widespread pies with cheese and potatoes.

A little later we learned to bake an Ossetian meat pie ().

It differs in dough, cooking method and serving.

But Ossetian pies are baked not only with meat and cheese. That’s what we’ll talk about today about the main fillings for Ossetian pies.

In addition, at the end of the article I will give a recipe for lean yeast dough for Ossetian pies. So, if you wish, you can bake a Lenten pie.

So, let’s remember the basic rules for preparing Ossetian pies:

  • the filling and dough should be the same (sometimes there is even more filling by weight than dough)
  • form the pies with your hands, distributing the filling evenly (look here again)
  • Ossetian pies have a lot of filling and a thin layer light yeast test. (Here in the video it is well shown exactly how to make Ossetian pies. The video is not mine, but I liked the clarity)
  • generously grease the finished pie with butter and cover for a few minutes until the crust becomes soft

Popular fillings for Ossetian pies:

  1. Cheese Pie , it is called "Walibah". Filling: fresh pickled cheese, mash until smooth, add salt if necessary.
  2. Potato and cheese pie - "Kartofgin". Filling - mashed potatoes and cheese, taken in a 1:1 ratio. Served with sour cream.
  3. Meat pie- “Fydzhin.” Unleavened dough, meat filling, better combination different types of meat. In details -
  4. Pie with cheese, beet leaves and herbs- "Saharajin"

Pies with this filling are very popular. Filling – a mixture of young beet leaves, green onions and dill with the addition of cheese, ground pepper and spices. To prepare the filling, wash the beet leaves, dry them and cut them thinly.
Green onions and dill also finely chopped, mixed with young pickled cheese
(I will repeat again and clarify, Ossetian cheese, brined from whole milk.

Can be replaced with feta cheese or Adyghe cheese. If there is no such cheese, you can replace it with a mixture of cottage cheese with hard cheese or even with processed cheese. Certainly, classic taste the real Ossetian pie will be changed, but what you get will also have a very good taste.) The ratio of greens and cheese in the filling for our green pie will be approximately the same. Add salt and ground black pepper to taste. The pie turns out very rich taste, the combination of greens and cheese conquers everything taste buds. I highly recommend serving it with big amount sour cream.

Products (for 1 pie):

  • Beet leaves – 150-200g
  • Green onion – 50-70 g
  • Dill (greens) - 30-40 g
  • Cheese - 200 - 250 g
  • Black pepper - 0.5 tsp
  • Salt - to taste

5. Ossetian pie with cabbage - “Kabuskadzhin”

Filling for cabbage pie - regular White cabbage with the addition of fried onions, ground black and red pepper. I highly recommend adding some ground nuts and basil to it - the taste will be much better. In general, I love all Ossetian pies with vegetable filling(in cabbage filling, pumpkin or bean filling), I always add my universal dressing.

This is an onion, finely chopped and fried in a decent amount of vegetable oil until Pink colour, some ground nuts, black ground pepper, paprika and chaman (fenugreek). If you don’t have these spices or you don’t like them, you can get by with just onions. Let's go back to cabbage filling. Its peculiarity is that the cabbage is chopped very thinly and is not subjected to preliminary heat treatment. The taste of the pie is different from what it would be like if we had first stewed the cabbage until soft.

Finely chop the cabbage, add salt and rub with your hands. The cabbage will settle and decrease in volume. Mix it with a dressing of onions, nuts and spices.

Products (for three pies):

6 . Ossetian pumpkin pie - “Nasjin”

The filling for Ossetian pumpkin pie is pale, but tasty :)

Another Ossetian pie with vegetable filling. Here we also have a pumpkin, just three on coarse grater and add a dressing of stewed onions, spices and nuts. Of course, it’s better to take a bright orange pumpkin. I didn’t have one like this, it was pale, but the taste was not bad. If the pumpkin is very juicy, you can squeeze it a little so that the filling does not turn out liquid. This type of cake is difficult to shape and may burst during baking.

Products (for three pies):

  • Pumpkin – 1 kg
  • Onion – 3 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil -120 ml
  • Ground nuts – 50 g
  • Black pepper - 0.5 tsp
  • Paprika – 1 tsp.
  • Hot red pepper, chaman, basil - to taste and desire
  • Salt – 1.5 tsp (to taste)

7. Ossetian bean pie - “Kadurjin”

Another filling for Ossetian pie, which I really like. This is a bean filling. The filling is also vegetable, quite suitable for Lenten pies. But, as you understand, the beans need to be prepared first. We do this exactly the same way as when preparing lean roll from beans. (Details) Soak beans (preferably white) for several hours, rinse and boil until soft. Pass through a meat grinder or beat in a blender, add a dressing of stewed onions, spices and nuts. Salt to taste. A pie with this filling has a pronounced nutty taste with a hint of spice and just melts in your mouth.

Products (for three pies):

  • Beans (dry) – 1.5 cups
  • Onions – 3-4 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil -120-150 ml
  • Ground nuts – 50-100 g
  • Black pepper - 0.5 tsp
  • Paprika – 1 tsp.
  • Hot red pepper, chaman, basil - to taste and desire
  • Salt – 1-1.5 tsp (to taste)

For Lenten pies, I advise you to make the proven and dearly loved Lenten yeast dough:

  • Flour – 5.5 -6 glasses of 250 ml volumes
  • Dry yeast – 2 packets
  • The water is warm (or potato broth if you do potato filling) – 0.5 l
  • Refined vegetable oil – 1 cup
  • Sugar – 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt – 1 teaspoon.

Please note that this dough contains an increased amount of yeast. The dough should be very, very soft. Mix very thoroughly and let rise once. This is very quick dough and very versatile for me. During Lent I make pies from it, pizza (also lean with tofu cheese), and even bagels with poppy seeds for tea.

This is our excursion today into the world of delicious and varied Ossetian pies.

Of course, Ossetian pies are also baked with other fillings. I've met many bakeries that make pies to order. The menu also includes pies with fish filling, and with chicken and mushrooms. There are sweet pies - with fruits and berries. Time does not stand still, and demand dictates supply. Simply, I talked about the fillings that I make myself. My Ossetian grandmother taught me the secrets of their preparation a long time ago, and I share them with you with pleasure and hope that they will be useful not only to me.

Bon appetit and success in the kitchen!

Discussion: 8 comments

    As a person born and raised in Ossetia, I want to say a huge thank you for your recipe for Ossetian pies - fillings! You said everything correctly - each filling has its own unique taste. Ossetian pies are the most delicious pies in the world! Thank you!

National cuisines, in particular the cooking of the peoples of the Caucasus, have long attracted the interest and close attention of even those people who live hundreds of thousands of kilometers away from their place of origin. The same recipe for Ossetian pies has already been mastered by many housewives, and this dish has taken its rightful place on the menu of our compatriots. This is explained not only by the taste qualities of the dish itself, but also by the mystical properties assigned to it by Ossetians - we all sometimes want a little magic in everyday life.

What do Ossetian pies say?

It would be more correct to say that they have, rather, religious and ideological significance. It is noteworthy that the owners of the recipe lay out the pies in piles of three pieces each. At the same time, according to one opinion, they personify the trinity of the world - the sun, water and earth; in another way, they connect God with the sinful world, that is, with earth and heaven. On the funeral table, one pie must be removed, since the sun will no longer shine for the deceased. At the same time, the recipe for Ossetian pies is also not so simple. Both cheese and meat, which are included in most pies, symbolize the well-being of the family in particular and the country in general. The thickness of the dough containing the filling is also important. If it is too large, this indicates the incompetence of the housewife, because of which her whole family may suffer.

Sponge dough

They say that this dish was once prepared without yeast at all. However, over the centuries of its existence, it has developed and modified through the efforts of many culinary specialists. Now the dough for Ossetian pies in most recipes requires sponge dough. And even if the very concept of “dough” scares you, overcome yourself and try to do everything right.

To begin with, take a teaspoon of sugar and yeast (necessarily dry). Both are poured into a glass, a tablespoon of flour is added, and everything is filled with warm water almost to the top. Place the glass in a warm place until foam appears. This usually takes about a quarter of an hour. Then a kilogram of flour is sifted onto a flat surface (for example, on a table), a hole is made in it, into which the dough is poured. A large spoonful of salt is poured there and heated water is gradually added. In general, you will need about half a liter of it, but you need to track it using the test.

If desired, you can add milk to the water - it will be tastier. Here opinions differ. Some people think that you need a little milk, while others advise taking the same number liquids. When the dough becomes semi-liquid, add half a stack of vegetable oil and continue to knead. After kneading is completed, the bowl is covered and placed in a warm place for about two hours. Then the base is kneaded again with more flour, since an Ossetian pie can only be made from elastic, but not sticky, dough. If it sticks to your hands, add flour and knead a little more.

You can do without dough

The one described above is not the only dough recipe for Ossetian pies. If you don’t want to bother with the dough or don’t trust yourself too much in this section of cooking, you can use another method. It allows you to implement the recipe for Ossetian pies without any damage to the taste. The ratio of products is similar, only the dough is replaced with half a liter of kefir (or full fat milk). Instead of yeast, add a teaspoon of soda. A large spoonful of sugar and the same volume of vegetable oil are added there as before. The kneaded dough is placed in a warm place, only now for about forty minutes. Subsequently, it is kneaded once again, as a control, and you can proceed to the most important thing.

Cheese secrets

If you look at it, any real recipe Ossetian pie - with cheese. And to get the right pie, need to take the right cheese. You can hardly get real Ossetian food in an ordinary metropolis. There are two ways out: either make it yourself, or take an analogue.

In the first case, go to the pharmacy and buy pepsin - it will replace your much-needed rennet. Next, take milk (some recommend yogurt) and add pepsin to it. In drops you just pour it in, in tablets you crush it first. After a couple of hours the liquid will form cheese curd, which must be cut and wait until the slices settle. Then the entire vessel is heated, and the young cheese is selected - first with a spoon, then small grains are strained through thick gauze. After 4 days, the cheese is ready to eat.

However, we note: you will get it of high quality, homemade, but by no means Ossetian. In the absence of the latter, it will be suitable for pies, but you will have to spend a lot of time and effort. If you don't want to mess around, look for it a worthy replacement. You can use feta as it, but not on its own, but in “company” with feta cheese or Adyghe cheese. The latter is good for Ossetian pies together with suluguni. Just make sure that any cheese you choose is fatty, but not salty. In the latter case, it must be cut and soaked a little.

In order for you to get real Ossetian pies, the weight of the filling must be equal to the weight of the dough. In this case, the cheese, if it is soft, crumbles with your hands. Harder varieties are grated. And don’t forget to roll out the dough very thin for all this richness!

Traditional filling

The most faithful classic recipe Ossetian pies imply the presence inside them of beet tops, cheese (in equal shares) and the usual greens - parsley, onion and dill. The latter is taken according to your taste, but it is believed that the more greens, the better. It is finely crumbled, mixed with cheese, grated by hand (or on a grater), and the filling is divided into three parts - according to the number of dough pieces.

If it's important to you proper preparation Ossetian pies, you should roll out and stretch the dough with your hands, not with a rolling pin. But if you are unsure of your abilities, use the usual method. A corresponding portion of the filling is placed in the middle of each resulting circle, the dough is wrapped and carefully sealed - similar to how they do it when preparing manti. Now the pies are rolled out into a thin cake, salted, turned over and rolled out again. Be careful not to damage the shell! All that remains is to add salt on the other side, sprinkle with flour and place in the oven until the pies are browned. Ready dish greased with oil, the cakes are stacked one on top of the other and served on the table.

Mushroom filling

If you are a fan of “silent hunting”, have no doubt - Ossetian pies with your prey will turn out juicy and tasty. Boil half a kilo of mushrooms. When cool, cut into smaller pieces and fry with three chopped onions. It's better to fry on vegetable oil. The cheese - this amount of mushrooms will take 300 g - is ground and combined with mushrooms and onions. The technology does not change further. Only for this juicy filling You need to make a hole on top so that excess liquid evaporates.

Potato pie from Ossetia

In our traditions, we cannot do without our favorite root vegetables at the table. And if you don’t enjoy life without them, prepare an Ossetian potato pie. The dough recipe remains the same, but for the filling, boil six large peeled potatoes and make a thick puree. No need to add milk or water. This pie will be tastier if you combine a quarter kilo of cottage cheese with the same amount of cheese, and only then with potatoes. Next, chopped dill is added. You can add salt to the filling - then ready-made flatbreads no need to add salt. All that remains is to bake the preparations and start eating.

For meat lovers

Not everyone agrees to make do with only vegetables and herbs. For such people - Ossetian meat pie, the recipe for which we provide. The most successful dish is obtained if you take equal amounts of lean cooked lamb, pork and beef. It is advisable not to grind them, but to chop them into small pieces, but if you are lazy, use a meat grinder. Onions and garlic are placed in the meat - both are at your discretion. For juiciness, a little broth is added to the minced meat, the filling is seasoned, mixed and infused a little for soaking. You already know the next steps.

Some people mistakenly believe that Ossetian pies can be filled with raw minced meat. However, remember: you need to roll out the cakes very thinly. From raw minced meat The dough will begin to get soggy and tear. So it's better to follow the rules.

In most cases, when Ossetian meat pie is baked, the recipe does not include cheese. However, there are options in which they coexist. Then meat and cheese are taken in equal quantities. Most often, the filling contains chicken.

Ossetian apple pie

Various charlottes and others culinary delights They probably cook with apples in any home. And those who love such desserts can master the recipe for Ossetian pies with these fruits. The dough remains the same, Ossetian (unless you can flavor it with vanilla if you wish), and for the filling, cut the apples into small pieces and sprinkle them with sugar. In winter, you can replace them with jam, but it should be dense, not “wet.” Since each flatbread will have to be rolled out already with the filling, before wrapping it must be leveled with a knife so as not to tear the dough.

Pumpkin for filling

It is also a traditional product in Ossetia. For 400 g of pumpkin they take 200 g of cheese and 100 g of butter. The pumpkin is peeled and seeds removed. The oil freezes. All three ingredients are grated on a coarse grater, peppered, salted and mixed thoroughly. The rest of the steps are already known to you.

If desired, Ossetian pumpkin pies can be made sweet, for example, when you cook for children. Then, instead of salt and pepper, sugar is added, and the cheese (it is still salted and spicy) is replaced with cottage cheese or curd mass.

What else are Ossetian pies stuffed with?

They are quite “tolerant” to different components. However, the following are considered the most successful.

Delicious and juicy Ossetian pies are made with stewed cabbage, fried onions and walnuts. There must be greens in such a filling, and plenty of them. Moreover, cilantro is especially appropriate in it.

It is better to take red or white fish as a filling. Moreover, you can use it either cut into pieces or in the form of minced meat.

Ossetian pies with beans are absolutely excellent - both whole and mashed. You just need to supplement it with fried onions and carrots.

Classic beet tops can be replaced with spinach. However, you will have to take twice as much of it, since during cooking it greatly decreases in volume.

Custom and spicy taste Ossetian pies are purchased by stuffing them with wild garlic and boiled eggs. Both fresh and canned wild garlic are used.

In general, experiment! Most often the results culinary fantasy turn out surprisingly successful.

Rules of use

First: before stacking, each flatbread must be coated with butter. If you like baked goods - great, no - you can get by with regular ones.

Second: you should only eat Ossetian pies with your hands. Don't worry about etiquette - it tastes better this way and the filling doesn't fall out.

Third: you need to cut them straight in a stack. Separating into separate flatbreads means breaking all customs and spoiling your pleasure. Note that the right amount sectors are considered either seven or eight, depending on the area in which the Ossetian lived. Decide for yourself how many pieces you want to make.

Many people not only lubricate the individual components of the stack with oil, but also dip individual slices in it. However, this is not necessary. If you think it will be too greasy, spreading it is enough.

If you have prepared Ossetian meat pie, the recipe advises serving it with next sauce: kefir, garlic and hot pepper. Add ingredients according to your taste. Wild garlic is also harmonious with such a filling - in broth or sour cream.

Surely you will like Ossetian pies - the photo perfectly demonstrates their appetizingness!

Ossetian pies

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If you approach the matter thoroughly, without haste, you will get Ossetian pies the first time, and you will proudly think of yourself as a talented cook. At least that's how it was for me. So that you too fall in love delicious pastries With national flavor, I made a selection: Ossetian pies recipes with photos step by step from different test and with with different fillings. Selected simple recipes Ossetian pies with potatoes and cheese and cabbage. I don't claim authenticity. The recipes are adapted to our realities, and how pies are baked in Ossetia is an art with centuries-old traditions and culture.

Ossetian pies are always round, just a large flat cake. Thin layers of dough on the bottom and top, and between them there is an abundance of filling. It can be very different: from meat, cheese, beet tops, cheese with herbs, potatoes, cabbage, beans. Traditions require making an odd number of pies for the feast and serving them, stacked and cut into sectors. Hot or cooled, with vegetables, herbs, meat and of course a decanter homemade wine wouldn’t be superfluous - what would a feast be without it? Yes, and they eat pies with their hands. No forks and knives.

Dough for Ossetian pies

The dough is made with water, milk, kefir, whey, ayran, often mixing one with the other. The best dough for Ossetian pies is considered to be prepared with yeast and fermented milk products. I made it with kefir. Soft and flexible, easy and pleasant to work with. And of course the taste is amazing!


  • wheat flour – 380 g;
  • fresh pressed yeast – 12 g;
  • fine salt – 1 tsp;
  • granulated sugar – 0.5 tbsp. l;
  • warm kefir 1% fat - 200 ml;
  • Sunflower oil – 3 tbsp. l.


We measure required quantity yeast - a little less than a third of a standard 50 g package. Combine with sugar and salt.

We heat the kefir, we need it warmer than room temperature, but not hot. While stirring, make sure that it does not curdle. Pour into the bowl with the yeast.

Pour flour through a sieve. As always, I advise you not to rush and not to add everything at once. Leave a little, add when kneading.

Stir, pour in sunflower oil. Normal, odorless.

Knead the dough directly in the bowl. At first the dough will be rough and tough. As you knead, it becomes soft and sticky. Flour must be added in very measured doses so as not to “clog” the dough.

Knead by hand for ten minutes, no less. After kneading, the dough should remain soft, light, slightly oily, and elastic. We put it into a bun, cover it and put it to proof.

Depending on the room temperature, the dough will work in an hour and a half. It will grow three times in size and become very fluffy and airy. We knead it and start molding. The dough is universal, suitable for any filling.

Ossetian pies with potatoes and cheese

Perhaps the recipe for Ossetian pies with potatoes and cheese is the most everyday and affordable option of all. There are always potatoes in the house, but buying cheese is not a problem. By the way, about the choice of cheeses. Traditionally they add to the filling pickled cheeses: Adyghe, Ossetian, sheep cheese or from cow's milk. IN modern recipes increasingly used hard cheeses as the most accessible. If you can buy pickled cheeses, great; if not, make the filling with hard cheese.


To prepare Ossetian pie with potatoes and cheese you will need:

  • yeast dough (recipe above);
  • potatoes – 7-8 pcs;
  • cheese or feta cheese – 200 g;
  • any fresh herbs– a bunch or two;
  • butter – 70-80 g;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • salt - to taste;


  • flour for molding and filling - approximately 0.5 cups;
  • butter for greasing pies.

How to cook Ossetian pies

We make the dough according to the recipe above, and while it is rising, let's prepare the filling. Peel and boil the potato tubers in salted water, cutting into pieces. Let's leave a little of the broth, salt the rest - it won't be needed. Mash the potatoes with a masher, adding a little broth. We make the filling quite cool.

Add butter, chopped herbs of your choice (I used parsley and celery), ground pepper. We connect everything.

Grate cheese or feta cheese. I specially made an Ossetian pie with potatoes and cheese durum varieties, having bought a piece of Dutch. But I will tell you that Ossetian pies with cheese are very tasty. Let's try - you should like the filling, bring it to the ideal taste.

We begin shaping Ossetian pies. Divide the dough into three or five pieces. Be guided by the size of the frying pan. I have a small one, I made five pies. Can be baked big pies on a baking sheet - whatever suits you. We make koloboks from dough and filling. The photo shows that there are almost as many potatoes as dough.

Sprinkle the work surface with flour and knead the dough with your palm into a fluffy cake.

Place the filling in the middle. Lifting the edges and lightly stretching, we collect them over the potatoes in the center, carefully fastening them together. The folds are not thick, make sure they do not gather on one side.

We get a new bun - dough on the outside, filling on the inside, a neat pinch on top. Check that the pie is sealed tightly, otherwise the potatoes will come out.

Now press down with your hand and make a flat cake again. And we begin to carefully pull it out with our fingers and palm from the center to the sides according to the size of the frying pan.

Sprinkle a baking sheet or frying pan with flour. We move the pie. Make a hole in the center with your finger to allow steam to escape.

The oven is already preheated to 200 degrees. Place the pie in the oven and bake for 15-17 minutes. The top is golden - ready! You can increase the temperature a little - you know better how your oven bakes; if it’s quiet, bring it to 210-220 degrees.

Hot, piping hot, remove the pie onto a plate on which to serve. Generously grease with butter so that the whole pie is buttery, and it also gets into the filling. Cover with a bowl and move on to the next pie.

We stack the finished Ossetian pies one on top of the other. We lubricate each one well so that when you put it hot pie, the bottom was also soaked.

Cut Ossetian pies with potatoes and cheese into segments and serve.

Ossetian pie with cabbage

For the recipe for Ossetian pie with cabbage, I made yeast dough using water. Just as soft and tender, only the taste is different, simpler. In this recipe, the main thing is the filling, you can rest assured: Ossetian pies with cabbage are delicious made from any dough.


To prepare the dough for the Ossetian pie you will need:

  • fresh yeast – 10 g;
  • salt – 1 tsp;
  • sugar – 2/3 tbsp. l;
  • wheat flour – 400 g;
  • warm water – 250 ml;
  • sunflower oil – 4 tbsp. l.

The filling is prepared from the following products:

  • white cabbage – 0.5 medium fork;
  • onions – 2 pcs;
  • carrots – 1 piece;
  • tomato sauce– 3 tbsp. l;
  • salt, pepper - all to taste;
  • sunflower oil – 4-5 tbsp. l.

Cooking Ossetian pie step by step

Stage one - dough. Combine yeast, salt and sugar in a deep container. Pour in water, add flour in two additions (pour in half, stir, add the rest). Pour in sunflower oil.

First knead in a bowl, then on a work surface sprinkled with flour. At first, the dough will be loose and lumpy; you need to knead it for 10-15 minutes, rolling it away from you, folding it and rolling it again.

After about ten minutes, the loose dough will become homogeneous, but not yet completely elastic. We continue to knead it with our palms, if it is very sticky, add oil.

As a result, we get a smooth rounded ball. The dough for Ossetian pies must certainly be soft and pliable so that you can stretch it with your hands. These pies are not rolled out with a rolling pin, everything is done by hand. Cover the bun and leave in the bowl for an hour or longer, until it triples in size.

Stage two – filling. Finely chop the onion into cubes. Three carrots on a coarse grater. Shred the cabbage into thin strips.

Fry the onion in hot oil until soft, add the carrots. Fry for two to three minutes.

Add cabbage and salt. Stir until it loses volume. Cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes until softened.

Add tomato sauce and a little sugar for a balanced taste. If the cabbage is dry, add a little water.

Simmer covered for 15-20 minutes until cooked through. At the end, add pepper or other spices. Let cool.

Stage three - shaping Ossetian pies. The dough tripled in size during proofing. We crush it around the edges and in the center, letting out the air.

Divide into five pieces or three large ones. Guideline - a piece of dough for a small pie fits in one palm, for a large one - in two.

We make round koloboks and cover with film. After about five minutes, knead one into a flat cake on a plate sprinkled with flour.

Place the filling in the center, about the same volume as the dough.

Pull up the edges and pinch the dough over the filling. Firmly, pressing one tuck to the other.

We make the folds thin, evenly around the entire circumference, so that they do not gather in one place.

Turn over with the pinched side down and press down with your palm.

Sprinkle a frying pan or baking sheet with flour. We transfer the workpiece. Gently press and continue to stretch to fit the pan. In the middle we make a hole, a recess.

We bake Ossetian pies at medium level in hot oven with a temperature of 200 degrees.

After 15-20 minutes the top will be browned and you can take it out. Grease the hot pie with butter, generously so that it drips. Cover. We bake the rest.

We stack hot Ossetian pies with cabbage one on top of the other, like pancakes. Cut into triangular segments and serve.

Fillings for Ossetian pies

The choice of fillings is quite large. In addition to potatoes and cabbage, pies are baked with meat, chicken, beet tops, feta cheese and even beans. I will write the main types of fillings, and you choose which one you like. Interesting feature: depending on what’s inside, each type of pies has its own name: habizdzhyn - with cheese, kabuskadzhyn - with cabbage, fydzhyn - with minced meat, kartofdzhyn – with potatoes and cheese. Also available with beans, wild garlic, beet tops, and pumpkin. They are all delicious and worth making and trying.

Filling with beet tops and cheese

  • beet tops – 300 g;
  • parsley, dill - a bunch;
  • salt - to taste;
  • Adyghe cheese– 300 g;
  • flour – 1-2 tbsp. l (if necessary).

We collect the greens in bunches and cut off the stems. Rinse under cold water, dry on a towel. Cut into thin strips and press lightly. Salt. Grate the Adyghe cheese or break it into small pieces. Mix, if the filling is watery, add flour.

Meat filling

  • beef or veal – 250 g;
  • salt and pepper - to taste;
  • cilantro or dill - a bunch;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • onions - 2 large heads.

Cut the onion as finely as possible. We will cut it, not three or grind it in a meat grinder. We make minced meat from the meat, mix it with onions, peppers, and chopped herbs. Salt. Everything is ready, you can bake pies.

Wild garlic filling with eggs

  • wild garlic – 3-4 large bunches;
  • egg – 3 pcs;
  • salt - to taste;
  • butter (melt) – 2 tbsp. l.

We wash the wild garlic bunches and separate the stems. We chop the leaves finely, after drying them. Boil the eggs hard and mix everything. Salt. Pour oil so that the filling does not crumble.

Cheese and pumpkin filling

  • pumpkin without peel and seeds – 250 g;
  • Ossetian or Adyghe cheese – 250 g.

Three pumpkins on a coarse grater. Squeeze out the juice. Grate the cheese and mix both ingredients. Salt and pepper.

I showed different recipes Ossetian pies step by step, with photos, so that you have at hand detailed instructions, and you were able to repeat everything. But if you suddenly have questions, ask, I will be happy to answer. I am sure that having cooked Ossetian pies at least once, you will cook them again and again, trying new fillings. Delicious pies and Bon appetit! Your Plyushkin.

Ossetian pies - the video recipe will show all the details and nuances of preparation.