How to use coconut oil in food. Natural coconut oil

Buying a good cosmetic product is like meeting a new friend. But buying a product like this that can help with almost every beauty problem is already like finding the Holy Grail. Coconut oil, which is completely natural and available in online stores, is just such a versatile solution. Let's talk about the benefits of coconut oil in more detail.

Chemical composition of coconut oil

Vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3, C, E and K.

Most of minerals oil contains iron, calcium, phosphorus.

But its useful and medicinal properties coconut milk is primarily due to its rich fatty acids: lauric, myristic, palmitic, oleic, caprylic, capric, stearic, linoleic and capronic.

Calories in coconut oil - 899 kcal per 100 g.

Useful properties and benefits of coconut oil for the body

  • strengthens the immune system,
  • treats colds,
  • relieves headaches,
  • has an antifungal effect,
  • improves metabolism,
  • treats stomach ulcers,
  • strengthens the heart and blood vessels,
  • prevention of heart attacks,
  • removes excess cholesterol,
  • fights thrush,
  • helps with hemorrhoids,
  • promotes weight loss,
  • cleanses the body of toxins,
  • relieves stress and chronic fatigue,
  • improves performance,
  • heals wounds, cuts, burns,
  • cleans teeth from plaque,
  • protects skin from UV radiation,
  • soothes the skin and relieves irritation from sunburn,
  • saturates the skin with oxygen,
  • slows down the formation of wrinkles,
  • treats skin diseases,
  • helps cope with dandruff,
  • improves the condition of hair and skin.

Contraindications and harms of coconut oil

  • individual intolerance,
  • food poisoning.

As you know, everything is useful in moderation. Therefore, it is recommended not to abuse the amount of oil inside. Daily norm is 2-3 tbsp.

How to choose coconut oil

Coconut oil can be purchased in online stores, pharmacies and when traveling to countries where it is produced ( Dominican Republic, Thailand and etc.).

Given natural remedy is now gaining more and more popularity among girls and women who take care of themselves and prefer natural cosmetics and skin and hair care products. Unfortunately, due to this, you can find many counterfeits of the product. But only a high-quality product is beneficial.

It is necessary to give preference to organic, unrefined, cold-pressed oil. As a rule, the package says extra-virgin coconut oil.

This oil has a subtle, slightly perceptible odor and taste. Quality product It melts quite quickly in your hands and in a water bath. In a liquid state it has a transparent color. If you place Coconut oil into a refrigerator or cold room, it hardens, becomes opaque and turns white.

How to store coconut oil at home

Coconut oil has shelf life 12 months. It should be stored in a dark place, as sunlight is harmful to it. The temperature should not exceed +20°C.

The oil is stored in both solid and liquid form. The storage container must have a tight lid.

If the product acquires a poisonous yellow color, this indicates its deterioration.

The product is used in cosmetology, medicine and cooking.

Treatment with coconut oil. Folk recipes

For runny nose, colds, allergies. Rub a little coconut oil onto irritated areas to provide relief.

For digestive problems. 1 tbsp. oil + 1.5-2 cups warm water. Take the product 0.5-1 tbsp. 2-3 times a day. Also suitable for cleansing the intestines.

For headaches, for cleansing the body, whitening teeth. Lubricate with oil oral cavity, leaving it on for 20 minutes a day (preferably done at the beginning of the day before brushing your teeth). This procedure helps detox the body, relieves headaches and even brightens your teeth.

From sunburn. In the summer, excessive sun exposure often occurs; coconut oil will soothe the skin and help relieve irritation. Perfect fit .

For skin inflammation and skin diseases. Apply the oil to the problem area and leave it on for about 15 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and let the skin dry without using any other products. The antibacterial components of the oil will work to combat acne.

For weight loss. At overweight take 3 tablespoons of oil internally. a day before meals 30 minutes.

Coconut oil in cosmetology

Usage natural remedies Instead of industrial cosmetics, it is gaining more and more supporters. The product is used to care for the skin of the face and body, as well as hair.

Properties and uses of coconut oil for hair

A high-quality product stimulates hair growth by strengthening it and restoring the protective functions of the epidermis of the scalp. In addition, the oil saturates it with oxygen and helps cope with dandruff. Suitable for dry and oily hair.

The oil is usually used in the form of masks. Applying it to the ends of dry and damaged hair will help heal it due to the resulting moisturizing effect.

You can also apply it to any areas where the hair is thinning, including the eyebrows, this will promote their growth.

Coconut oil hair mask. It should be applied to the roots of the hair, and then using a comb, carefully distribute it along the entire length. It will be very useful to massage your head with your hands during the procedure. After applying coconut oil, wrap your head with plastic and a towel on top for insulation. Wait 30 minutes and wash off the product. The head should be washed thoroughly with shampoo.

Mask for dry hair. 1 tbsp. oil + pulp of 1 banana or avocado. Mix all ingredients until pureed. Apply the mixture to the scalp and distribute it over the entire length of the hair. Put on a special cap and wrap your head in a towel. After 60 minutes, rinse your hair thoroughly with shampoo.

Mask for hair growth. 1 tbsp. oil + 1 clove of garlic + 0.5 tsp. pepper The mixture of these components should be gently rubbed into the hair roots. Leave the mask on for 20 minutes, then wash off with shampoo.

Using coconut oil on the face

The product perfectly moisturizes the skin and gives it an even, healthy color. The epidermis is saturated with oxygen, as a result of which cells are renewed faster, the result is young and tightened skin.

Mask for the face. The oil is suitable for all skin types, but more so for oily skin. Apply a thin layer to a cleansed face in the morning and evening.

Important! The product should always be applied to damp skin.

Coconut oil for eyes. A cleanser applied to the sensitive skin around the eyes will help prevent wrinkles and bags under the eyes. But don't overdo it, use it sparingly as the oil is quite heavy. To wipe your face, replace it with almond and peach oil.

Coconut oil lips. Apply it to your lips before bed for hydration. It is not only healthy, but also surprisingly tasty.

Coconut oil for makeup removal. If you have difficulty removing mascara, use coconut oil for this purpose as well.

Uses of coconut oil for skin

Coconut oil for hands. Frequent hand washing causes dryness. Those who have this problem, or simply have rough skin around the nails, should lubricate the palms and cuticles with coconut oil 2 times a day.

Body scrubs made from coconut oil. The product is an excellent base for homemade body scrubs. You just need to mix it with granulated sugar(or ground coffee), and apply it to the skin. This composition gives elasticity and smoothness.

Coconut oil for shaving. Apply it to your skin before shaving to prevent irritation. Plus, this replacement of shaving cream will make it easier to clean the razor at the end of the procedure.

As we can see, coconut oil can be used not only as food, but also as a cosmetic or medicinal product.

And at the end of the article, we suggest you listen to the song Shakira - Coconut Tree (Coconut Tree)

Coconut oil has recently begun to gain popularity. And it’s not surprising - this product contains great amount vitamins, microelements, fatty acids. If you consume coconut oil regularly, you can significantly improve your health. Everyone knows the tribes of the Pacific Islands, which are famous good health and easily live to be a hundred years old. After analyzing their diet, scientists came to the conclusion that the main food for the people of this region is coconut - so affordable and tasty. Today we’ll talk about the benefits and harms of coconut oil, its use in treatment, cosmetology and cooking.

How to make your own coconut oil

Before using this or that product, you need to obtain it. Of course, it is very easy to buy coconut oil in a store or pharmacy, but the product may not always be good quality. When choosing coconut oil, pay attention to the way it is stored - the oil retains its beneficial properties best when stored. low temperatures. The oil should be in an opaque glass or plastic container. Remember, good coconut oil is not cheap - don't go for the low price. Unfortunately, a high price does not guarantee High Quality raw materials. Therefore we will tell you about home method obtaining natural coconut oil.

First you need to buy a coconut - fresh, whole, without damage or rotten areas. After this, you need to make a hole in the coconut to drain the delicious and sweet milk. The easiest way to make a hole is to use a screwdriver. Drink fresh coconut milk - it has many benefits and natural taste! Next, you need to split the coconut into several parts. To do this, you can use a hatchet, a small saw or a knife. After splitting the coconut into several pieces, you need to take a spoon and start scooping out the white coconut pulp. Try to do this carefully so that the fibers do not get into the white mass. Now the pulp needs to be crushed. This can be done using a blender, mortar, rolling pin or grater - whichever is more convenient for you. If the mixture does not grind well in the blender, pour a little water into it, the process will go much faster. After the pulp is crushed into shavings or porridge, it must be filled with hot, but not boiling, water. This is very important, do not expose the coconut high temperatures– otherwise the oil will lose its beneficial properties.

Flooded hot water the mass must be left for some time. At the same time, you need to regularly knead it and rub it with a spoon so that the oil comes out. coconut pulp in water. After about an hour, the mixture needs to be strained, poured into a jar and refrigerated. In the morning, you will find a layer of fat on the surface of the liquid - this is natural coconut oil. It can be transferred to a bowl, lower the dishes into hot water and pour liquid oil in a cream jar. This is done for ease of use. We have received unrefined oil, which is most beneficial for use in for cosmetic purposes. But for eating it is better to buy purified oil - it has more soft taste no bitterness.

Health Benefits of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil contains a huge amount of different fatty acids. That is why coconut has a beneficial effect on all organs. human body.

  1. For the stomach. Coconut oil gently coats the walls of the stomach, relieves symptoms of ulcers and gastritis, and heals wounds on the mucous membrane. It is very useful to use the oil against constipation. A tablespoon of oil on an empty stomach, and cleansing the intestines will not take long.
  2. For heart. Coconut oil is very beneficial for the functioning of the heart muscle. Coconut makes the walls of blood arteries more elastic and thins the blood. With regular consumption of coconut oil, blood pressure stabilizes.
  3. For processing. The oil has antifungal and bactericidal properties. It is widely used as a treatment for wounds and abrasions. The oil is effective against nail fungus, candidiasis, and herpes. Softens and soothes skin with eczema and psoriasis. Coconut oil is even used in the treatment of cracked hemorrhoids.
  4. Against cancer. Scientists have proven that regular consumption of coconut oil significantly reduces the risk of developing cancer of certain organs.
  5. For the nervous system. If you take the oil internally every day, the sheath of nerve fibers is strengthened, the person becomes much calmer, balanced, and stress-resistant. Treatment with coconut oil is included in the mandatory treatment of mental disorders. After just a week of taking the oil, you will notice that you begin to fall asleep easier, your sleep becomes calm and long.
  6. Oil for weight loss. The calorie content of one hundred grams of coconut oil exceeds 800 kilocalories. However, to assimilate them, the body will have to spend much more energy. This means that coconut oil allows you to actually lose weight.

In addition, the oil is effective in the fight against type 2 diabetes, it normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland, and with constant consumption, it significantly strengthens the immune system.

But the oil has gained the greatest popularity in the cosmetology field. It is so oily, but at the same time not thick, that it can be used as an expensive moisturizer. So, how does oil promote female beauty?

  1. Hair. Coconut oil perfectly moisturizes and softens hair, saturates it with vitamins, and gets rid of split ends. This allows you to restore painful curls after dyeing, bleaching, curling, sunburn, etc. Just warm the oil in your hands and distribute it over the entire length of your hair, leave the mask on for an hour and rinse it off with shampoo.
  2. Leather. The oil perfectly moisturizes the skin, is quickly absorbed and does not leave a greasy sticky layer. The oil can simply be used as a moisturizer for hands and face, or added to nourishing masks.
  3. Eyelashes and eyebrows. If you want to make your eyelashes thicker, fuller and more voluminous, you need to treat them with coconut oil every day. To do this, pour a little oil into a bottle of used mascara and apply the oil to your eyelashes every evening, as if you were painting them. Leave the oil for half an hour and then wipe your eyelashes and eyebrows with a dry cloth. You can wash your face only in the morning.
  4. A tan. Not everyone gets a beautiful tan - in some places a trace from a swimsuit will remain, in others the skin does not acquire a bronze tint. To correct this, before sunbathing, apply coconut oil to certain areas and the skin in these areas will get a beautiful golden hue.
  5. Heels. If the skin on your heels is hard, flaky, or even cracked, oil will quickly correct this situation. Apply coconut oil generously to your heels, secure with film, bandage and sock. Go to bed, and in the morning the skin of your feet will become soft, tender and silky.
  6. Massage. Coconut oil is often used as a massage raw material. It perfectly softens the skin, relaxes, is perfectly absorbed and does not leave a greasy residue on the skin. In addition, a massage with this oil is accompanied by a crazy coconut aroma.
  7. For children. Purified and disinfected oil is used to care for delicate baby skin. Its safe composition allows the oil to be used even for allergy sufferers. You can use lotions and creams with coconut oil against hives, heat rashes, and irritation.
  8. Soap. Coconut oil is added to raw materials for making soap. self made. This allows you to make a gentle product that does not dry or tighten the skin.
  9. Soothes the epidermis. The oil contains many components that soothe and heal irritated skin. The oil can be used after insect bites, sunburn, allergenic rashes, etc.
  10. Before shaving. Coconut oil is used not only by women, but also by men sensitive skin. If you apply a little oil to hard stubble, the skin will soften and there will be much less irritation after shaving.

Coconut oil is universal remedy, which should be in every girl's makeup bag. This is a cream, a makeup remover, a mask, and a medicine for insect bites. However, this is far from full list beneficial properties of coconut oil.

Where else is coconut oil used?

If you mix coconut oil with baking soda, the resulting composition can easily remove remnants of stickers and labels from any surface. Coconut oil will come in handy if you have pets. Add oil to the diet of a dog or cat - this will relieve the animal of dry and itchy skin and facilitate the removal of tangles from the intestines. Pure oil can be dripped into the ears to relieve your pet from inflammation and infection. You can also rub furniture with coconut oil to make it shine, remove gum from hair, and use it as an intimate lubricant. Professional lubricants based on coconut oil do not dry out for a long time, eliminate friction and fill the room magical aroma. However, the oil cannot be used in conjunction with a latex condom - this will stretch the material and may damage it.

I would especially like to say about food use coconut oil. Properly extracted and purified oil has pleasant aroma, a subtle nutty and milky taste that changes the taste of the main dish for the better. Coconut oil is used to season salads, and it makes incredible delicious glaze for desserts. Oil added to coffee is a real, tasty and useful alternative for vegetarians who refuse animal protein. Oil is added to sauces and marinades, baked goods and desserts, cereals, pasta, meat and fish, it is used to lubricate snack sandwiches, etc. One of the main conditions is that the oil cannot be heated, otherwise it will become useless and deprived of all its valuable components, although its taste will not change.

Contraindications for consumption and use of oil

Quite rarely, but it still happens that oil can also cause allergies. Before using the product for the first time, you must apply it a small amount of on the skin and check the reaction. If there is no itching or redness, the oil is good for your skin. The first use of oil inside should also be gradual. In general, oil is enough high-calorie product, therefore, you cannot take more than two tablespoons per day, even if you are obese. Otherwise the oil is absolutely safe. If you have chronic diseases, you should talk to your doctor about constantly eating oil.

Coconut oil is a real lifesaver that is used almost anywhere and everywhere. It is used in everyday life, in skin and hair care, in the kitchen, and can even replace a full first aid kit! This explains the incredible popularity of this type of oil. Keep coconut oil at home - believe me, it will run out very quickly!

Video: benefits of coconut oil

In order to understand which coconut oil to choose for food, you need to at least have a general idea of ​​the technology for its production.

There are two main ways to obtain oil:

2. extraction.

SPIN- this is when crushed coconut copra is pressed under pressure. If the copra is not preheated, such an extraction is called cold (according to international terminology - Extra Virgin). If it heats up, the spin is called hot.

EXTRACTION- this is when the feedstock is poured with gasoline or hexane so that the oil goes into solution, and then the gasoline or hexane is evaporated. In this way most of the vegetable matter is obtained refined oil, which is sold in our stores.

Oil obtained by any of these methods may be:

1. unrefined,

2. refined.

UNREFINED oil is filtered only from mechanical impurities. All additional substances (phosphatides (lecithin), waxes, free fatty acids, vitamins, water, etc.) remain. They give the oil its taste and smell. The biological value of such oil is higher than that of refined oil.

But unrefined coconut oil can only be heated to 137-177 degrees (read the manufacturer’s description in each specific case), that is, you can fry it only over low to medium heat.

REFINED- goes through several stages of mechanical and physical purification, as a result of which the oil is neutralized to taste and clarified.

Is this oil healthy? Yes, because the medium chain triglycerides that make coconut oil so prized remain in place. But biological value its lower than that unrefined oil due to partial loss of other useful substances during the refining process.

Refined coconut oil can be used for medium to high heat cooking.

I divided coconut oil on iHerb into 3 groups:

1. unrefined, cold pressed,

2. refined, cold pressed,

3. refined, in which the extraction method (cold or hot) is not specified.

I excluded the following options from the review:

Those in which the method of obtaining is not known;

Those that are not labeled “trans fat-free” or “non-hydrogenated”;

Those that come in combination with coconut flakes, that is, they are essentially coconut paste, although on the website they are called “oil”.

In each group, I arranged coconut oil in ascending order of price (from cheaper option to more expensive). The price was indicated in dollars based on 30 ml/g, excluding discounts.

Thus, if while reading this article there is a promotion on some brand from the list (as, for example, at the time of publication of this material - 20% on Nutiva) - it is necessary to subtract a discount from the price that I give.


Healthy Origins, Organic Virgin Coconut Oil, 54 oz (1,503 g) - 5/22 - 0.44

Now Foods, Organic Virgin Coconut Oil, 54 fl oz (1.6 L) - 28.49 - 0.53

Healthy Origins, Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, 29 oz (822 g) - 14.99 - 0.55

Jarrow Formulas, Natural, Highly Refined Coconut Oil, 32 oz (946g) - 18.44 - 0.58

Now Foods, Organic Natural Coconut Oil, 20 fl oz (591 ml) - 11.48 - 0.59

Healthy Origins, Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, 16 oz (454 g) - 8.81 - 0.59

Nutiva, Organic Coconut Oil, Virgin, 23 fl oz (680 ml) - 13.75 - 0.61

Nutiva, Natural Refined Coconut Oil, 29 fl oz (858 ml) - 17.7 - 0.62

Jungle Products, Coconut Oil, 14 oz (397 g) - 8.73 - 0.66

Nutiva, Organic Virgin Coconut Oil, 54 fl oz (1.6 L) - 02/35 - 0.66

Spectrum Naturals, Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, Unrefined, 14 fl oz (414 ml) - 8.9 (note maximum heating temperature is 137 degrees Celsius) - 0.65

Nutiva, Nutiva, Nurture Vitality, Coconut Oil, Cold Pressed, 15 fl oz (444 ml) - 9.95 - 0.67

Nutiva, Organic Superfood, Coconut Oil, Virgin, 15 fl oz (444 ml) - 9.94 - 0.67

Earth Circle Organics, Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, 16 oz (454 g) - 08/11 - 0.73

Nature's Way, Organic Coconut Oil, 16 oz (454 g) - 11.14 - 0.74

Diverse and due to its unique composition. Coconut oil contains lauric acid (44-52%), myristic acid (13-19%), palmitic acid (7.5-10.5%), capric acid (4.5-10%), caprylic acid (6.0-9.7 %), oleic (5-8%), stearic (1.0-3.0%), nylon (0.2-2.0%), linoleic (1.5-2.8%), hexadecenic (up to 1.3%) fatty acids. It almost does not react with air and even without a refrigerator remains usable for several years.

Coconut oil is considered the most suitable for balancing. Thanks to its cooling properties, it soothes, refreshes and cools the mind and emotions.

Benefits of coconut oil for external use

  • Help for hair.Coconut oil is one of the best sources nutrients that keep hair healthy. It promotes their growth and adds shine. Regular scalp massage with coconut oil gets rid of dandruff, lice and nits, and also restores damaged hair, providing it with the necessary proteins. Therefore, coconut oil is used in the production of various hair balms and creams.
  • Relieving stress load. Coconut oil has a calming effect and hence helps relieve stress. Applying coconut oil to the scalp followed by a gentle massage eliminates mental fatigue.
  • Help the skin.Coconut oil is also excellent remedy for massaging the skin in general. It acts as an intense moisturizer for all skin types, including dry skin. The benefits of coconut oil for skin are comparable to those of mineral oil. However, unlike mineral oil, it has no harmful side effects. Thus, coconut oil prevents dryness and flaking of the skin without causing side effects. It also inhibits the formation of wrinkles and age-related sagging skin.
  • Coconut oil helps in the treatment of psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema and other skin diseases, so it is used as base ingredient in various skin care products - soaps, lotions, creams, etc.
  • is an ideal product for caring for the delicate skin of babies and children.
  • Coconut oil is recommended for women to prevent osteoporosis, as it promotes the process of complete absorption of calcium.

Coconut oil for massage

Coconut oil is suitable for (Pitta people) - a full oil massage of the whole body. This massage is beneficial for the whole body, it tones, strengthens the body, and helps improve sleep.
For Pitta-type arthritis, it is recommended to lubricate the affected joints with coconut oil. Thanks to its cooling effect, it will help relieve inflammation and pain. (Pitta arthritis is characterized by pain, inflammation, and swelling of the joints, with pain relieved by cold compresses.)
For inflammation and bleeding gums, it is recommended to massage them with coconut oil.

Using coconut oil on the face:

Beneficial features coconut oil is determined by its composition, the main percentage of which is hyaluronic, lauric, myristic, and other saturated fatty acids. Thanks to these acids, the oil has a solid consistency, but is quickly absorbed into the skin. Using coconut oil can literally soften and smooth your skin in seconds, giving it a smooth and velvety appearance.

! Applicationcoconut oil helps maintain the health and beauty of any skin type, but it is especially recommended for dry, flaky, rough, and aging facial skin .

Coconut oil has excellent nourishing, softening and moisturizing properties, and after its application it forms its own invisible film on the skin, which performs protective functions and maintains the optimal balance of moisture in the skin for a long time. Using, you can quickly eliminate excessive dryness and flaking of the skin, protect it from roughening and the formation of cracks.

Coconut oil helps to significantly smooth out the skin and the shallow wrinkles present on it, increase the overall tone, firmness and elasticity of the skin, which makes it an ideal product for caring for already sluggish, flabby and aging skin.

You can use coconut oil on your face, lubricating it only with the most problematic areas of the skin (peeling, roughness, inflammation, irritation, etc.).

Coconut oil can be applied in its pure form. Based on it, you can make masks for the skin, face and hair. Also, coke oil can be used together with other moisturizing and nourishing agents for better absorption of nutrients.

Uses of coconut oil for hair:

Most often, coconut oil is used as a mask.

Apply the oil 30 minutes before washing your hair (you can leave it overnight). The oil is applied with massage movements from roots to ends, then washed off with shampoo. If you leave the oil on all night, it is advisable to put a plastic cap or scarf on your head so as not to stain your bedding, and also to improve the absorption of the nutrients in the oil. Then rinse with shampoo (the shampoo will need to be applied several times).

Coconut oil can be added to your favorite masks (thereby enriching them), a couple of drops is enough.

When using pure coconut oil, be careful with the amount. Since excess oil on the hair complicates the process of washing it off.

Using coconut oil for tanning

Natural coconut oil is often used in pure form before and after sunbathing.

Benefits of use:

  • promotes an even, tropical tan
  • moisturizes the skin for a long time
  • prevents your skin from drying out
  • prevents the appearance of premature wrinkles
  • absorbs quickly and does not leave a greasy sheen
  • hypoallergenic
  • Gently rubbing into the skin after sunbathing will soften the skin and ease the burning sensation if you are sunburned.

Coconut oil can be used in a solarium, both before a session (attracts a tan and also prevents the skin from burning and drying out), and after a session to once again moisturize the skin.

Special creams for solariums do not affect the protection of the skin, they simply speed up the tanning process and slightly moisturize, and besides, the creams contain a lot of harmful chemicals. Coconut oil is a completely natural product and has no side effects.

Coconut oil for stretch marks:

Coconut oil contains vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant. Thanks to the ability of this vitamin to protect cell membranes and prevent their oxidation. This vitamin, when applied to the skin, protects skin cells from degeneration, therefore, among other things, it is used in the treatment of stretch marks. The property of coconut oil, as an excellent moisturizer, also has a positive effect on solving this problem.

Using coconut oil for skin as a nourishing and moisturizing agent:

  • Shower with an exfoliating scrub.
  • Without leaving the bath, apply the oil to the skin with massaging movements.
  • Rinse off the oil with warm water and dry your skin gently with a towel. A very thin layer of coconut oil will remain on your skin.

Using coconut oil together with other oils and cosmetics :

To choose the most suitable oils for your skin, read the descriptions of each of them first. The proportions of the mixtures can be unlimited, but usually 1 part coconut oil is used to 2-3 parts of the other oil used.

In order to stir them, you must first melt the coconut oil in a water bath until liquid, and then add the other oil. The mixture must be stirred immediately and poured into some pre-prepared jar.

The oil preparation prepared at home can again be used as a cream for the face and for the skin around the eyes, for massage of the face and neck, or simply in the form of masks, applying the oil composition to the face for 20-30 minutes.

To add coconut oil to ready-made cosmetic creams, or, for example, to skin cleansers (milk, lotions, tonics), it is better to mix the oil with a single part of the product used. To do this, you need to melt a piece of butter in your fingers, in your hand, or simply in contact with your face, lubricate your skin with it, apply a spot cream on top, and then smear it together with the oil.

If coconut oil has thickened, then this fact only confirms its naturalness (melting point +25 degrees Celsius). For In order for the oil to melt, place the jar under running warm water or store it in a warm place, for example in the bathroom.

Revitalizing lip balm with coconut oil.
Grate on fine grater a small piece of beeswax and melt over the fire until liquid. Then add 1 tbsp to it. l. coconut oil, 1 tsp. shea butter and cocoa butter. Stir until smooth and remove from heat. After this, add a few drops of essential oils (violet, rose or lavender) to the mixture. If you still have an empty tube of lip balm or lipstick, then pour the resulting mass into it, and when it cools down, use it as a natural balm.

Coconut oil is obtained from dried copra (nut pulp) of the coconut palm - Cocos nucifera L. (arecaceae or palm family - Arecaceae or Palmae).

The coconut palm is a tree with an erect trunk 15-30 m high, on which ring scars formed by fallen leaves are noticeable. The palm leaves are large, up to 6 m long, grouped in groups of 15-30 at the top of the stem. The flowers are collected in very large inflorescences - complex panicles up to 1-2 m long, surrounded by a woody blanket that opens when blooming. The flowers in the panicle are unisexual. Female flowers are large, up to 3 cm in diameter, yellow, located in the lower part of the inflorescence. Male flowers are small, concentrated in the upper part of the inflorescence. The fruit is a dry drupe (coconut) 20-30 cm long, weighing 1.5-2 kg, ripens within 10-12 months. The name coconut comes from the Portuguese word "soso", which means "monkey", due to the peculiar resemblance of the endocarp of the fruit to a monkey's face. The nut pulp contains 60-65% valuable fatty oil. The cavity of an unripe nut contains up to 0.5 liters of clear, cool, sour-sweet, thirst-quenching liquid, rich in sugar and vitamins. As the fruit ripens, droplets of oil appear in the liquid, causing it to become an emulsion. white which is called coconut milk. It tastes even more pleasant, but no longer quenches thirst. Subsequently, the liquid thickens and thickens, turning into a white pulp called copra.

In the Maldives, coconut oil is mixed with fenugreek (shamballa, fenugreek), sandalwood and cinnamon: these mixtures improve blood circulation, toning the scalp.

In Tahiti, coconut oil is infused with red jasmine to create the emollient, conditioning aromatic oil Monoi.

In Indonesia, women simply wash their hair with coconut milk.

Simple Recipes for Using Coconut Oil:

Conditioning spa mixture for dry and weak hair from the island of Sumatra:

  • 2 tbsp. avacado oil;
  • 2 tbsp. coconut oil;
  • 2 tsp natural yogurt;
  • Juice of 1/2 lemon;
  • Two drops of sandalwood or rosemary essential oils.

Apply the mixture to your hair and leave for at least 30 minutes. Rinse off first with cool water, then with shampoo.

Balinese anti-dandruff remedy:

  • 1 tbsp. sea ​​salt;
  • 1 tsp dried mint, crushed into powder;
  • 1 tbsp. warm honey.
  • One drop each of peppermint and black pepper essential oils.

Mix the ingredients until a paste-like mixture is formed. Rub the mixture into your scalp for 10 minutes. Leave for 10-15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with shampoo.

Indian mask-shine Masala:

  • 1 tsp. black pepper grains, coriander, and cumin seeds;
  • 1/4 tsp. cloves, cardamom seeds and ground cinnamon;
  • 2 tbsp. l. coconut oil.

Grind the spices in a mortar. Store them in a cool place. Before use, heat 2 teaspoons of the mixture in 2 tablespoons of coconut oil for 15 minutes. Rub the mixture into dry hair. Then cover your head with a towel and leave for at least 20 minutes. Wash off with shampoo.

Maldivian softening wrap:

  • 2 tbsp. coconut oil;
  • 1/2 crushed cinnamon stick;
  • 6 drops of sandalwood essential oil;

Heat the spice with coconut oil for 15 minutes. Strain. Add essential oil. Rub the mixture into your scalp and distribute through your hair. Leave the mask on for 1-4 hours and then wash off with shampoo.

Natural coconut oil is made from the dried pulp of the palm nut (copra). The product exhibits a moisturizing, softening, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect on hair, skin and the entire body as a whole, which is why it is highly valued by nutritionists and cosmetologists. Its regular use will help maintain youth.

Benefits of coconut oil

Like most vegetable oils, coconut is pressed in two ways: cold and hot. The first option saves all useful material, but using the method is expensive, since very little vegetable pomace (10%) is obtained, which is found in coconut pulp. During hot pressing, the product partially loses necessary components, so it is much cheaper than the first one.

The benefits of coconut oil are due to its unique composition. The product contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, necessary for a person. Substances are not synthesized by the body, and can only be obtained from the outside. Coconut oil fatty acids:

  • capric;
  • caprylic;
  • stearic;
  • arachidonic;
  • linoleic;
  • palmitic;
  • oleic;
  • lauric;
  • myristic.

Fatty acids and metabolites help a person fight numerous pathogens, therefore preventing the development of various infectious diseases. The rich composition of the natural product boasts a high content of phosphorus, calcium, vitamins, C, A, E, which are the main substances that help preserve beauty and prolong youth.

For hair

Coconut plant extract is a godsend for any hair. This natural product is effective against hair loss, tangles and split ends. With regular use, the product will relieve the scalp from itching and redness, and remove dandruff. If a hair mask with coconut oil is applied constantly, the loss of protein will be minimized. No other natural product has demonstrated such remarkable results in maintaining the protein and natural pH balance of the skin. How to make a hair mask:

  • mix a spoon (tablespoon) of heated vegetable fat with a teaspoon of honey;
  • Using clean fingertips, apply the mixture to the scalp and along the entire length of the strands;
  • leave the mask on for 20-40 minutes, then rinse with shampoo and conditioner;
  • if possible, let your hair dry on its own;
  • repeat the procedure a couple of times a week.

For face

A product made from coconut pulp is successfully used for the face. The product is well tolerated by any skin type, easily absorbed, and goes well with other cosmetic products (lotions, gels, creams). Coconut oil is especially popular for wrinkles, as it stabilizes sebum production, rejuvenates and smoothes the surface of the skin. The plant extract is used widely for oily skin, as it quickly removes acne and pimples. Properties natural antiseptic actively resist bacteria.

For Tan

Squeezing dry pulp coconut provides an antibacterial effect on the epidermis, and the hyaluronic acid contained in the product creates a moist environment on the skin surface, normalizing water balance on the body, face, lips. Due to these properties, unrefined plant extract is widely used as protection against UV rays. Use coconut oil for tanning while visiting the beach or solarium to get an even skin color without damaging the health of the epidermis. When used during sunbathing, the product exhibits its best properties:

  • protects against ultraviolet exposure;
  • prevents redness of the skin;
  • regulates water balance, penetrating deeply into cells;
  • softens keratinization;
  • slows down cell aging and activates their regeneration.

For body

Coconut pulp extract is widely used in cosmetology and medicine to treat the skin. Correct Application unrefined product will provide a good opportunity to have velvety skin at any time of the year. How to use coconut oil for an attractive body:

  • after each visit to the sauna, steam bath, hot bath or shower, rub your skin from head to toe;
  • if you smear the plant extract on the décolleté area every evening, then the appearance of wrinkles in this area does not threaten;
  • Rub the product into your feet using massage movements, put on socks and leave overnight;
  • The cream will be completely replaced by unrefined coconut oil for the skin of the hands, which will not only moisturize the hands, but also strengthen the nails.

For stretch marks

Due to its multiple beneficial properties, the use of coconut oil for stretch marks is used in cosmetology. Specialists rub it on the body and perform an anti-cellulite massage. According to many women, this method not only effectively gets rid of cellulite, but also helps stretch marks to be less noticeable. The effect is especially visible on the chest, where stretch marks have formed after childbirth or sudden weight loss.

How to apply coconut oil to remove stretch marks? You should melt the product in a water bath, then rub it into problem areas. If the skin is thin and dry, then you need to massage daily for 10 minutes. For better effect, coconut extract can be mixed with other vegetable fat (olive, flaxseed, cocoa) and with essential elixirs (citrus fruits, rosemary, lavender).

From sun burns

After an unsuccessful tan, using coconut pulp extract will help quickly get rid of burns. When applied to the affected area, the product forms a layer that protects against viruses, bacteria, fungi, and external dust. By using coconut oil for sunburn, you relieve the skin from decay processes and reliably protect against infection. Natural product produces a local anesthetic effect.

During pregnancy

Many pregnant women's hair becomes brittle and prone to loss, and their skin becomes dry and stretch marks appear. The beneficial properties of coconut oil will help solve all these problems if you expectant mother there are no allergies to its components or other contraindications for such procedures. Although coconut squeezing has few side effects, it is best to consult your doctor before using it. During pregnancy, it is better not to use coconut oil in its pure form, but preferably mix it with other cosmetics.

Coconut oil for weight loss

The process of burning fat when consuming coconut squeezed inside is ensured by high content fatty acids. The product helps lower cholesterol levels, improve digestive processes, speed up metabolism. The aromatic vegetable fat is completely absorbed by the body, and its calorie content is 899 kcal/100 grams. There are two options for using coconut oil for weight loss:

  • Every day, instead of breakfast, you should take 1 tablespoon (tablespoon) orally;
  • or before meals, take 1 tablespoon (tablespoon) 20 minutes 3 times a day.

For food

For the human body, food must include three nutrients: fats, proteins, carbohydrates. The last two are easy to fill with vegetables, fruits, dairy products, and meat. It is difficult to obtain high-quality fats, so nutritionists recommend consuming coconut oil. This aromatic ingredient does not respond to high temperatures, so it does not lose its properties. Use natural vegetable fat instead of margarine and within two weeks you will see positive effect. So, coconut oil - food use:

Coconut oil for massage

Massage therapists love the natural vegetable fat of coconut because it moisturizes the skin like no other. Absorbent product medium degree, suitable for working with deep layers of the epidermis. When it comes to the smell of coconut, people have mixed feelings about it. Some people don't hear it at all, while others smell too much. How more product will be cleaned, the less odor it will emit. When using coconut oil for massage, the skin becomes perfectly soft and smooth. The natural product protects it from premature aging and gets rid of acne.

For eyelashes

Many women face the problem of excessive eyelash loss. This happens from the use of low-quality cosmetics, prolonged exposure to radioactive sun or after stress. With regular use of coconut oil for eyelashes, they become fuller, longer and thicker. The product enhances hair growth, strengthens it, restoring its former beauty. Regular eyelash care will help a woman look great even without using mascara.

Apply the product 2-3 times a week with a brush, having first cleared off any remaining paint. If mascara accidentally gets into your eyes, it may cause inflammatory processes. If a brush is not available, you can replace it with a cotton swab. When applying vegetable fat, you should strive to ensure that it reaches the roots as little as possible, otherwise a thin film will form on the mucous membrane, clouding the eyes. Leave the product on for 2-3 hours and then rinse off.
