Of healthy products without. The most useful product in the world

From time immemorial, great healers said: “We are what we eat!” If earlier there were skeptics who argued with this axiom, now there are hardly any. To combat diseases and prevent them, scientists conduct detailed studies of everything that surrounds humanity. And, of course, they study what kind of diet is needed, which foods are harmful to the body and which are beneficial. Thanks to their efforts, there is now a list of useful products that can give us good health, excellent mood, energy and longevity. So, let’s take a closer look at what these products are.

Healthy vegetables

It’s probably no secret that the leading positions in health benefits, of course, are occupied by natural products - vegetables, fruits, berries, nuts, etc. So, let's start in order.

Best Greens for Health

Bright green lettuce, dill, parsley and their green counterparts not only decorate any dish, but also carry a lot of healing substances.

  1. Salads, iceberg leaves, arugula, spinach, sorrel and others are filled with vitamins of the entire group B, A, C, K, PP, E, D and others. They contain magnesium, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, etc. These are natural fibers that cleanse the body of toxins, waste and putrefactive accumulations. They can be consumed fresh, frozen and thermally processed.
  2. Kale (curly) cabbage is not fully appreciated and forgotten. But it contains a lot of amino acids, a number of vitamins, Omega-3, fiber, organic acids, essential oils, minerals.
  3. Dill is a frequent guest on our tables. The smell alone evokes appetite and is associated with freshness and health. It is enough to consume 100 grams per day fresh and the body will receive a set of useful substances, the functioning of the cardiovascular system will be regulated, the nerves will calm down, hormonal levels will be normalized, it will help cope with insomnia, and prevent hair loss and skin problems. It has diuretic properties, regulates blood pressure, and is superior in ascorbic acid content to lemon and currants.
  4. Parsley is a natural antibiotic containing phytoncides. The composition is rich in vitamins, micro and macroelements. Useful for inflammatory, infectious and oncological processes, cleanses the body, eliminates diseases of the oral cavity, respiratory tract, genitourinary system, kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract, etc.


Every year we wait for summer to enjoy the sweet fruits of apple and pear trees. But their citrus fruit companions are also available to us at any time of the year. Let's look at the most useful of them.

  1. Apples are the most popular and favorite product of the majority of the population. They are always at hand, and during the season they produce a rich harvest, supplying us with useful substances. Fiber, vitamins, microelements, acids, carbohydrates, antioxidants. Apples are also rich in ascorbic acid, which supports the immune system and protects against infections, colds, etc.
  2. The pear with its granular structure, like a soft brush, cleanses us of any impurities and toxins. Fruit pectins absorb heavy metal particles, regulate metabolism, remove excess fluid and prevent fat from accumulating. There is vitamin C, A, D, E, K, B, macro and microelements, acids, fiber, etc.
  3. Oranges are a set of fats that are healthy for the body; they also contain magnesium, potassium, vitamins, a lot of ascorbic acid, and coarse fibers.
  4. Bananas contain fiber, pectins, vitamins, macroelements and especially potassium and magnesium. Thanks to this, bananas calm the nervous system, eliminate insomnia, stimulate joy hormones - endorphins and improve mood, bring cheerfulness and energy.
  5. Lemon – a couple of citrus slices covers the daily requirement of vitamin C, A, and reduces the level of bad cholesterol. Contains trace elements and minerals, calcium is involved in strengthening the bone structure, and a set of pectins stimulate peristalsis, destroy putrefactive bacteria, flavonoids have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  6. Avocado cannot be called a citrus, but we include it in this section because of its exotic nature. As a rule, consumers put it on a par with lemons, tangerines and oranges. The fruit is a set of unique substances, thanks to which you can cope with a lot of health problems. Avocados contain a lot of potassium, which helps regulate the functioning of the cardiovascular system; the element has a beneficial effect on nerve endings, eliminates anxiety, aggression and insomnia. The components of folic acid prevent cancer, especially breast cancer, and non-fatty acids reduce the level of bad cholesterol. Vitamin K is involved in the process of blood clotting, inhibits the development of osteoporosis, and reduces to zero the effects of the strongest poisons - coumarin, aflatoxin, etc. The product is good for the thyroid gland, acids burn excess fat. Avocado is often spread on bread instead of butter for weight loss, to relieve constipation, and to quickly heal wounds.

Nuts and seeds

They contain many useful substances. But the majority are occupied by magnesium, calcium, potassium, manganese, zinc, selenium and other trace elements. They are able to quickly saturate the body and prevent the feeling of hunger from developing for a long time. Useful for mental activity, provide the body with antioxidants, etc.

  1. Macadamia is not yet so popular in our country, but nutritionists strongly recommend paying attention to this exotic product. It contains a lot of fats - monounsaturated, very healthy.
  2. Coconut – contains healthy types of fats, acids, fiber stimulates intestinal function, removes toxins and burns subcutaneous fats. Indicated for diets for weight loss and recovery of the body after serious illnesses and operations.
  3. Chia was in demand among the ancient Aztec tribes; now it has become fashionable among vegetarians, and this is wonderful. In small grains, approximately half consists of fiber, cellulose, which cleanses the body of all toxins, waste, putrefactive accumulations, bacteria and heavy metal particles. 100 grams of seeds contain a daily dose of calcium, magnesium, manganese, etc.
  4. Walnuts have amazing taste and great benefits for our health. 7 nuts are enough and your cardiovascular system and strong immune system will be in order. The product also contains fiber, vitamins B, A, K, E, D and others. Nuts contain a lot of calcium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, etc.
  5. Peanuts are actually legumes, but we tend to call them nuts. The amazing-tasting beans contain fiber, antioxidants, vitamins, macro, microelements, minerals, a large amount of calcium and nutrients.
  6. Almonds have a high concentration of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, selenium, iron, copper, retinol and vitamin E. Almonds have a lot of protein, and non-fatty acids reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood, preventing strokes and heart attacks. The maximum daily dose is 30 grams - nuts are high in calories!


This type of product is available to everyone without exception, and it stores well and does not require special cooking skills. In addition, cereals are presented on the shelves at any time of the year. Let's start with the most familiar ones.

  1. – a champion not only among cereals, but also among many food products in terms of the content of vitamins, microelements, minerals, fats, acids, etc. There is cobalt, calcium, zinc, iodine, iron, amino acids, fiber, Omega-3, phospholipids, carbohydrates, a small percentage of fats and proteins. This is the best dietary product, with the help of which the body is saturated with unique substances and at the same time gets rid of waste and toxins. Low calorie content allows you to quickly get enough and not feel hungry for a long time. Slow absorption regulates blood sugar levels and burns calories. Buckwheat strengthens the walls of blood vessels and regulates the functioning of the cardiovascular system, saturates blood vessels and small capillaries with oxygen, calms the nervous system, eliminates anxiety, insomnia, prevents thrombosis, and reduces the level of bad cholesterol.
  2. Rice, especially the brown, unpolished variety, contains many vitamins, especially B1, magnesium, and fiber. With regular consumption, stool and metabolism are normalized, and toxins are eliminated. This is an excellent detox product, thanks to which you can remove excess fluid, heavy metal salts, and putrefactive bacteria. The sorbing effect reduces the risk of developing arthrosis and gout due to the absorption of uric and other harmful acids. This burns a ton of calories, which promotes healthy weight loss. Magnesium and calcium have a positive effect on the condition of the heart, nervous system, strengthen bone structure, and have a wonderful effect on the condition of hair, skin, and nails. Brown rice is indicated for high blood pressure, to prevent cancer, infectious and inflammatory processes.
  3. Lentils are legumes that contain coarse fiber, proteins, vitamins B, C, minerals and acids. Calcium, manganese, magnesium, iodine, potassium - this is not a complete list of useful substances. Doctors recommend including products in the diet of children with gastrointestinal ailments, liver and kidney failure, after serious illnesses and operations.
  4. Oats, oatmeal, is perhaps the most popular among supporters of a healthy diet. You should start the day with a small portion of porridge or cereal filled with milk, then the body will receive an amazing set of useful elements for the day - fiber, vitamins, antioxidants, beta-glucans, which reduce the level of bad cholesterol, giving vigor and energy. The components can lift your mood, improve your hearing and vision. Acids improve intercellular communication, thereby regulating brain function, increasing mental abilities. For this reason, oatmeal is extremely necessary for children, schoolchildren, and students. Soft fibers normalize microflora, improve peristalsis, and prevent inflammatory, infectious and oncological processes.
  5. does not contain gluten - gluten that causes allergic reactions. It contains a lot of coarse fibers, fiber, magnesium, potassium, and calcium. In addition to the fact that we get useful substances, we also lose extra pounds.

We would like to immediately draw your attention to the fact that we will be talking about meat provided by bona fide companies and farmers. It should not contain antibiotics, hormones and other chemical components that affect the rapid growth and weight gain of meat products. You need to understand that a product that contains only natural food cannot cost a penny, but you still shouldn’t skimp on your health.

  1. Beef is an excellent supplier of Omega-3 acids, iron and proteins. Only beef liver can compete with beef in terms of the amount of iron, important for our body, which is involved in hematopoiesis and prevents inflammatory, oncological and autoimmune processes in all organs. An important product for supporters of low-carb diets.
  2. Chicken, turkey, guinea fowl, rabbit. Suppliers of proteins, amino acids, polyunsaturated fats that neutralize the effects of dangerous fats. They contain vitamins and antioxidants; for this reason, broths with these types of meat are indicated after severe operations, in diseases to increase immunity and defenses. White meat is an excellent product for those who want to lose weight and at the same time get the optimal amount of protein, carbohydrates, etc.
  3. Chicken eggs are an excellent source of natural, animal protein. Thus, those who do not want to eat the meat of “killed animals” can replace the necessary supply of proteins with an egg. They also contain lecithin, lysine and other acids that are responsible for blood quality, nutrition of connective tissues, and providing the body with healthy cholesterol.

Seafood and fish

Almost all of us have heard about the Mediterranean diet - healthy, nutritious and at the same time allowing us to cleanse the body of excess fats, waste, and toxins. It includes easily digestible species.

  1. Shrimp is a favorite food item for most of us and that's great. Hard fibers, like a brush, sweep away all the debris in our intestines on their way, including putrefactive bacteria and fecal stones. Amino acids, antioxidants, iodine, zinc, selenium, proteins, carbohydrates, calcium, potassium and magnesium have a positive effect on the condition of the entire body. The quality of hair, nails, skin improves, the functioning of the heart, liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary, endocrine systems, etc. is regulated.
  2. Clams - snails, mussels and oysters are among the most nutritious and easily digestible types of marine life. For this reason, they are an excellent substitute for the best varieties of meat. Omega-3 acids, a number of amino acids, microelements and antioxidants help strengthen the immune system and prevent inflammatory and infectious diseases. A large amount of iodine normalizes the activity of the endocrine system, regulates the gastrointestinal tract, peristalsis, and removes heavy metal particles from the body.
  3. Salmon fish varieties are rich in vitamin D, they contain concentrated Omega-3 acids, iodine, calcium, magnesium and other beneficial substances. A set of useful substances nourishes brain cells and improves thinking abilities, memory, vision, and hearing. Excellent effect on the condition of all internal organs, hair, skin and nails.
  4. Trout, tuna, and sardines contain a group of vitamins, but most of all A, C and B. White fish meat is indicated for serious diseases; unsaturated fatty acids reduce the level of harmful and increase healthy cholesterol, which prevents strokes, heart attacks and other diseases. They also contain a lot of Omega-3 acids, calcium, iodine, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus.

Blueberries, blueberries, strawberries are rich in amino acids, vitamins A, B, C, K, PP, E, D and others. In addition to replenishing the body with elements important for improving the quality of blood and tissues, they improve vision, normalize metabolism, and regulate stool. Berries are also indicated for problems with vision and hearing. Acids thin the blood and prevent blood clots from forming, while fiber cleanses the body.

Olive oil, ginger root, rye bread and other products are also healthy, the rich composition of which can be found in other articles on our website. Eat right and be healthy!

Food is the source of energy for all functions of our body and directly affects our body and mind at every stage of our lives. There are many reasons why a healthy diet is important, including preventing disease, maintaining a healthy weight and quality of life. In our article today, you can adopt 10 healthy foods that should make up the majority of your diet. The more you use these healthy foods in your diet, the more effectively your body will be able to increase lean muscle mass with regular training and avoid fat storage.

What effects does this healthy food have:

  • Building muscles
  • Promotes weight loss
  • Strengthens bones
  • Fights cancer
  • Improves immune function
  • Fights cardiovascular diseases

Entire meals and snacks can be created from this healthy food, but it is not necessary. You just need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Include two or three of these foods in each of your three main meals of the day and at least one of these foods in each of your three snacks.
  2. Combine these healthy foods so that you get a combination of proteins, carbohydrates and fats with each meal.
  3. Make sure you get some protein with every snack.

  • Superpower: muscle building, appetite control
  • Secret weapon: protein, monounsaturated fat, vitamin E, folate (in peanuts), fiber, magnesium, phosphorus
  • Fights against: obesity, cardiovascular disease, muscle loss, cancer
  • Allies: pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, avocado
  • Enemies: salted or smoked nuts (high sodium content leads to high blood pressure)

You've probably heard about good fats and bad fats. Some are on your side, while others are simply playing dirty tricks. Fast Food falls into the second category, but nuts are our saviors and healthy food items! They contain monounsaturated fats, which clear arteries and help you feel full. All nuts contain a lot of protein and monounsaturated fats. But almonds are the king among nuts. Eating two handfuls a day of this healthy food (about 50 grams of almonds) can suppress your appetite, especially if you put them in your stomach along with a quarter liter of water!

Lentils, peas, hummus, beans.

  • Super Strength: Builds Muscle, Helps Burn Fat, Regulates Digestion
  • Secret weapon: fiber, folate, iron
  • Fights against: obesity, cardiovascular disease, colon cancer, high blood pressure
  • Allies: no
  • Enemies: Overcooked beans (high in saturated fat), baked beans (high in sugar)

Most of us have a very negative attitude towards legumes (especially peas) due to their laxative effect. But they have a good effect on your heart. Plus, the more you add these healthy foods to your diet, the more you will be able to control your hunger. Legumes are low in fat and rich in protein, fiber and iron - nutrients that play a critical role in building muscle and losing fat. Despite all the disadvantages of the influence of legumes on the intestines, they are a healthy food and occupy one of the key levels in our current hit parade of healthy foods on.

  • Superpower: neutralizes free radicals (molecules that accelerate the aging process)
  • Secret weapon: vitamins A, C and K, folate, beta-carotene, calcium and magnesium, fiber
  • Fights against: obesity, cardiovascular disease, cancer, stroke, osteoporosis
  • Allies: Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, Brussels sprouts), asparagus, bell peppers
  • Enemies: no, as long as you don't fry or stew them

Vegetables are healthy food that is packed from head to toe with all the important and necessary nutrients for the body. For example, just one serving of spinach provides the body with a daily dose of vitamin A and half of vitamin C. It also contains folate, a vitamin that protects against heart disease, stroke and colon cancer. Broccoli is high in fiber and packed with more vitamins and minerals than any other food. If you are a rabid green hater, then just hide them. Puree the vegetables and add it to some sauce. The finer you chop, the less taste, and the easier it is for the body to absorb nutrients.

Skim or low-fat milk, yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese.

  • Super Strength: Strengthens bones, promotes weight loss
  • Secret weapon: calcium, vitamins A and B12, riboflavin, phosphorus, potassium
  • Fights against: obesity, cancer, osteoporosis, high blood pressure
  • Allies: no
  • Enemies: Whole milk (high fat)

Dairy products are undoubtedly the healthiest food product and contain the proteins, carbohydrates, amino acids we need, as well as many vitamins and microelements. But the most important and well-known component of any dairy product is, of course, calcium, which strengthens our bones, teeth and nails. Recent studies found that people who consumed 1,200 to 1,300 milligrams of calcium per day were able to lose twice as much weight as those who took less calcium. This mineral prevents weight gain by increasing the breakdown of fat in the body and inhibiting its formation.

Low-fat yogurt, cheese and other dairy products can play a key role in your diet. But milk should become the main source of calcium for your body. Liquids take up a lot of space in the stomach, so the brain receives a signal that you are full to capacity. A cocktail of milk and chocolate will help kill two birds with one stone - get a dose of calcium and curb your cravings for sweets.

  • Superpower: Increase energy and sex drive, lower cholesterol, maintain blood sugar levels
  • Secret weapon: complex carbohydrates and fiber
  • Fights against: obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, colon cancer
  • Allies: High-fiber grains
  • Enemies: Sweet grains

Oatmeal is another healthy food that you can eat for breakfast to give you the energy you need for the day ahead, or two hours before your workout to give you the strength you need to perform. For convenience, you should buy instant oatmeal, but unsweetened and unflavored. To enhance the taste, use milk and all kinds of berries. Oatmeal contains soluble fiber, which means it attracts fluids and stays in the stomach longer than insoluble fiber (like vegetables). Soluble fiber helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood by reacting with digestive acid (which is made from cholesterol) and removing it from the body. When this happens, the liver must remove cholesterol from the blood to reduce digestive acid and cholesterol levels.

Research has shown that oatmeal maintains blood sugar levels longer than many other foods, keeps your insulin levels stable and ensures you won't be hungry for the next few hours. This is good because the spike in insulin production slows down your metabolism and sends a signal to your body that it's time to start storing fat. Because oatmeal breaks down slowly in the stomach, it causes fewer insulin spikes than foods like bagels. Just one single oatmeal for breakfast increases metabolism by 10%. Oatmeal increases free testosterone levels in the body, increasing your body's ability to build muscle, burn fat, and increase sex drive.

  • Super Strength: Build Muscle, Burn Fat
  • Secret weapon: protein, vitamins A and B12
  • Fights against: obesity
  • Allies: no
  • Enemies: no

For a long time, eggs were considered pure evil and not a very healthy product, and doctors recommended “throwing eggs at passing cars,” but never into your stomach. That's because just two eggs contain enough cholesterol to exceed your daily recommended value. But more and more research shows that eating one or two eggs a day will not raise your cholesterol levels. In fact, most of the cholesterol in the blood is made by the body from dietary fats, not dietary cholesterol. That's why you should take advantage of eggs and their powerful protein composition.

  • Super Strength: Boost Testosterone, Build Muscle, Burn Fat
  • Secret weapon: protein, monounsaturated fat, vitamin E, niacin, magnesium
  • Fights against: obesity, muscle loss, wrinkles, cardiovascular disease
  • Allies: cashew, almond and olive oil
  • Enemies: Sweet and trans-fat peanut butter

Yes, peanut butter has its downsides: it's high in calories. But it contains heart-healthy monounsaturated fats that increase your body's production of testosterone, which in turn helps build muscle and melt fat. In one 18-month study, people who added peanut butter to their diet had significantly better weight loss than those who ate a very low-fat diet.

Recent research from the University of Illinois found that people who consumed monounsaturated fat before meals (in this case, olive oil) consumed 25% fewer calories during meals. Peanut butter works on the exact same principle because it's a quick and versatile snack—and it's delicious.

This diet, which includes the healthy indulgence of peanut butter, won't leave you hungry, is easier to follow, and won't make you a victim of junk food. Just one word of caution: Due to the high fat content, you should not overeat on peanut butter. Limit yourself to 3 tablespoons per day. And don't forget to look at the label when buying peanut butter - choose only natural peanut butter, not brands containing sugar.

  • Superpower: protect the heart, improve vision, improve memory
  • Secret weapon: antioxidants, fiber, vitamin C, tannins (cranberry)
  • Fights against: cardiovascular disease, cancer, obesity
  • Allies: Most other fruits, especially apples and grapefruit
  • Enemies: jam (lots of sugar)

Depending on the taste, any berries will be considered a healthy food. However, raspberries contain powerful levels of antioxidants - versatile compounds that help the body fight heart disease and cancer. Flavonoids in berries improve vision, coordination and short-term memory. One small cup of raspberries contains 6 grams of fiber and more than half your daily value of vitamin C.

Blueberries are also packed with soluble fiber, which, like oatmeal, keeps you feeling full longer. In fact, it is one of the healthiest and most nutritious foods you can eat. Blueberries beat 39 other fruits and vegetables in antioxidant activity rankings. Strawberries contain another valuable type of fiber called pectin (as do grapefruits, peaches, apples and oranges).

  • Super Strength: Build Muscle, Improve Immune System
  • Secret weapon: protein, iron, zinc, (beef), omega-3 fatty acids (fish), vitamins B6 (chicken and fish) and B12, phosphorus, potassium
  • Fights against: cardiovascular disease, obesity, mood disorders, memory loss
  • Allies: beef, lamb, chicken, fish
  • Enemies: sausages, bacon, pork, ham (all fatty meats)

Protein is a classic muscle-building nutrient. Is the foundation of any sound nutrition plan. Turkey is one of the leanest meats you can find. It combines almost a third of the body’s daily needs for nicotinic acid and vitamin B6, and contains a lot of zinc and iron.

Beef is another classic tool for building muscle. But it also has a downside: it contains saturated fat. To further reduce saturated fat, focus on (tuna and salmon) because it contains a healthy dose of omega-3 fatty acids as well as protein. These fatty acids lower levels of the hormone leptin in the body. Recent research shows that leptin directly affects metabolism: the higher your leptin levels, the easier it is for your body to store calories as fat.

Researchers studying the diets of two African tribes found that leptin levels in a tribe that frequently ate fish were almost five times lower than in a tribe that ate mostly vegetables. Also, men who do not eat fish doom themselves to a 3-fold risk of developing prostate cancer than those who eat fish regularly. It's all omega-3s that prevent the development of prostate cancer.

  • Superpower: prevents the body from storing fat
  • Secret weapon: fiber, protein, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc
  • Fights against: cardiovascular disease, obesity, cancer, high blood pressure
  • Allies: Brown rice, whole grain pasta
  • Enemies: Processed baked goods (white bread, bagels, donuts)

A person always craves carbohydrates because the body needs them. The main thing is to consume those that have been least processed - carbohydrates in which the fiber remains intact. Grains like wheat, corn, oats, barley, and rye are the seeds of cereals and are divided into three parts - the germ, bran and endosperm. The endosperm surrounds the sprout and is nutritionally hopeless. It contains starch, some protein and some vitamins. The sprout is a small part of the grain. While it is small, it has great nutritional power. The sprout contains proteins, oils and B vitamins - thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and pyridoxine. It also contains vitamin E and the minerals magnesium, zinc, potassium and iron. The bran is the third part of the grain and the part where all the fiber is stored. This is the coating around the grain that contains B vitamins, zinc, calcium, potassium, magnesium and other beneficial minerals.

So why this whole biology lesson?

Here's why: When food manufacturers process grain, guess which two parts they get rid of? Absolutely right: bran, which contains all the fiber and minerals, and sprout, which contains all the proteins and vitamins. What remains is the nutritionally bankrupt endosperm (that is, starch) from which bagels, white bread, white rice and almost all other baked goods are made. Crazy, isn't it? But if you eat foods made from all three parts of the grain - whole grain bread, pasta, long grain rice - you get all the nutrients.

Whole grain carbohydrates play an important role in a healthy lifestyle.

In an 11-year study of 16,000 middle-aged people, scientists from the University of Minnesota found that eating three daily servings of whole grains could reduce a person's risk of death over a ten year period by 23%. Whole grain bread helps keep insulin levels in the body low, which prevents the body from storing fat. Carbohydrates - the right kind of carbohydrates - are good for you.

Warning: Food manufacturers love to cheat. Sometimes, after processing the wheat and stripping it of all its vitamins, fiber and minerals, they use molasses to turn the bread brown and then put it on the grocery shelf with a label that says "wheat bread." It's a trick! In fact, real nutritious bread and other unprocessed foods will have the word "whole" - whole grain or whole wheat grain. Don't be fooled!

Are you eating right?

The human diet consists of many foods, but not all of them are beneficial to the body.

All food components contain harmful and beneficial substances.

There are a number of products whose content of microelements and vitamins is colossal. They are the ones who are considered healthy, which is increasingly gaining popularity in domestic and foreign culture.

Let’s figure out what foods are included in the concept of a proper diet, what “healthy food” means, and choose the healthiest foods.

Important food for a healthy human body

The most important elements necessary for the functioning and development of the body are proteins, carbohydrates and fats. The healthiest products should contain all these substances in sufficiently large quantities. These products include:

  1. Fish.
  2. Nuts.
  3. Legumes.
  4. Porridge.
  5. Dairy products.

Fish is a unique product that contains Omega fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and essential amino acids. Also, in terms of calorie content, fish is significantly superior to meat in the ratio of fats and carbohydrates; it contains more protein. Regular consumption of fish has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair, nails, skin, cardiovascular and skeletal systems.

Nuts are valued for their nutritional value and calorie content. A small handful of them contains the same amount of calories as a piece of meat. It is a storehouse of vitamins and fatty acids. A regular portion of nuts will improve memory, normalize the nervous system, and improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

Porridge is a dietary product that normalizes intestinal function and cleanses the stomach. Athletes often consume buckwheat and rice in their diet, since these cereals are dietary and have a positive effect on the body.

What athletes can eat: list

The diet of athletes differs from the usual.

Due to increased physical activity and accelerated metabolism, they need to consume high-calorie foods.

Products for athletes should contain a large amount of microelements, amino acids and protein.

What you need to eat with proper nutrition: a list of essential ingredients

The basis of proper nutrition is eating food whose caloric content and nutritional value would be maximum. In this case, the amount eaten should be equal to the calories burned per day. Moreover, the products must be natural.

The diet should include:

  1. Cereals (oats, wheat).
  2. Beans (beans, peas).
  3. Cereals (semolina, rice, buckwheat).
  4. Vegetables (carrots, beets, peppers, potatoes, zucchini).
  5. Fish (cod, herring, salmon, carp).
  6. Meat (pork, beef, chicken).
  7. Nuts (walnuts, almonds, peanuts).
  8. Fruits (bananas, oranges, kiwi, apples).
  9. Oils (olive, sunflower).
  10. Mushrooms (chanterelles, porcini, oyster mushrooms).
  11. Lactic acid products and products made from them, for example cheesecakes, yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese up to 5% fat.

And this is not the entire list of healthy foods that are included in the context of proper nutrition. In spring and summer, for example, it is worth adding more herbs and green vegetables. With such a varied and proper diet, a person will quickly begin to lose weight (if there are extra pounds). The body will receive all the necessary substances and calories without overloading the intestines.

TOP ingredients for nutrition when losing weight: table of permitted ones

Nutritionists have created a list of the most beneficial foods for the human body.

The top includes:



A storehouse of vitamins and minerals, they cleanse the intestines and contain few calories; 100 g of red apple contains 46 kcal.

They perfectly break down proteins into amino acids and help fight the formation of fat.


They reduce the feeling of hunger due to the fact that they reduce insulin in a person’s blood and saturate the body with vitamins, for example, vitamin C.


Another source of vitamin C, promotes fat burning and activates protein metabolism.

It will help compensate for the lack of vitamin A and B in the body, contains minerals such as potassium, calcium and sodium.

Preserves the youth of the skin and promotes the breakdown of fat cells.

Actively helps improve eye condition and contains a powerful dose of antioxidants.

Contains a large amount of protein and a minimal amount of carbohydrates, and is also valued by nutritionists for its high iron content.

An ideal breakfast that will saturate the body with fiber and cleanse the intestinal tract of various toxins; an equally significant advantage is that oatmeal will relieve a person from the feeling of hunger for a long period of time.

Chicken meat

Contains proteins that promote muscle growth and no fat.

Source of fatty acids and rare microelements.


Green tea

The antioxidants it contains help fight various viral diseases and oncology.

Ginger root

Accelerates metabolism, helps to gradually cleanse the body of waste and toxins.

Dried fruits

They reduce the feeling of hunger and contain fiber, vitamins and minerals.

Hot red pepper

Metabolism activator, actively burns fat deposits.

Responsible for cleansing the gastrointestinal tract and contains a vitamin complex and is low in calories.

A source of vitamins and fiber, helps improve vision.

Provides the body with protein of plant origin.

They have a high protein content and perfectly compensate for the lack of vitamin A in the human body.

Recommendations from professionals: what foods are optimal for health and what not to eat

Refusal of dinner negatively affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, chronic diseases worsen as the time interval between meals increases.

Fasting for a long period can turn on the “economy” mode, which triggers the mechanism of storing fat and reducing calorie consumption. Thus, the body feels a lack of supply of the required amount of nutrients from the outside, thereby making energy reserves. The last meal should be 1.5-2 hours before bedtime. If you want not to eat after 6 pm, then this is possible. But in order to truly deceive the body and achieve the desired weight loss effect, you will have to go to bed at 8 pm and follow a strict daily routine.

Expert opinion

Taisiya Galushina

general practitioner, nutritionist, transfusiologist, project expert site

The amount of calories burned affects weight; when a person burns more than he consumes, he loses weight. In this case, physical activity and proper nutrition contribute to weight loss: it doesn’t matter when you consume calories, in the morning or in the evening, if they are excess (more than you burn), then weight gain occurs.

Not eating after 18:00 is a myth and has more serious consequences in the form of breakdowns and trips to the refrigerator at night, poor sleep and decreased mood. Try to carefully select products for a late dinner. In this regard, it is not recommended to consume juices, light broths, hot chocolate, etc. for dinner, since these products allow you to feel full for no more than 1 hour. It is also not recommended to consume foods for dinner that take too long to digest, such as smoked meats and fried meats.

Ideal foods for dinner - these are vegetable salads with low-fat sour cream, seafood in their own juice, lean meats (chicken, turkey, beef, boiled rabbit, without oil and spices), low-fat fish (tuna, flounder, blue whiting, pink salmon, etc.), fresh vegetables (spinach, tomatoes, bell peppers, cucumbers, cabbage, celery), boiled, stewed, steamed and baked vegetables, hard-boiled eggs, scrambled eggs with herbs, dairy products with minimal, and ideally zero fat content: light cottage cheese, kefir, natural yogurt, curdled milk, light cheese (tofu, feta cheese, ricotta), unsweetened berries and fruits (oranges, kiwi, pineapples, blueberries and others).

It is worth noting that the benefits of food will depend not only on its composition, but also on the quantity. Healthy fats should form the basis of your diet; foods such as olive oil, fish, nuts and avocados contain a high percentage of fatty acids. When combined with fruits and vegetables, as well as grains, they reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases by an average of 80%.

In order to add more healthy foods to your diet, you should change your usual recipes, for example, nutritionists recommend frying chicken breast in ground nuts or flax seeds. Porridge with the addition of almonds and hazelnuts will be no less useful.

If a person cannot eat nuts for medical reasons, then nutritionists recommend eating more fatty fish - herring, tuna and salmon. The optimal number of fish meals is 2 times a week.

To harmonize nutrition, doctors advise expanding the range of foods as much as possible and, depending on this, introducing more proteins. You should not completely deprive yourself of harmful treats, or sooner or later a person will begin to refuse healthy foods.

Albina Komisarova, famous Russian nutritionist

The basis of proper nutrition is balance and rationality; you need to listen to your own body and follow a diet. In order to eat properly, you need not to exclude fats and carbohydrates, but to control their quality. Losing weight is not the main goal, health is most important.

Nutritionist Margarita Koroleva

To lose weight, you need not only to eat healthy and healthy foods, but also to maintain water balance. And under no circumstances give up delicious treats - chocolate, etc.

Dr. Michael Greger, American nutritionist, scientist, author of books on healthy eating

Many people are confused about the basics of proper nutrition. For most, this means eating grass, fruits, and vegetables. Minimum calories. Rigid frames. But that's not true! The basic principle of proper nutrition: more is better. The more healthy foods your body gets, the better it will perform.

Useful video

Watch a video about which foods belong to a healthy diet:

Main conclusions

Remember that a person will only lose weight if he changes his lifestyle and thoughts!

Among modern people, there is an increasing desire to lead a healthy lifestyle. This is inextricably linked with proper, healthy nutrition. The requirements for the food that appears on our table have become higher.

Anyone who wants to prolong their youth, who thinks about their health, is always interested in what is the healthiest product in the world?

We present to your attention the top most useful products in the world.

The healthiest food in the world is the avocado. Avocado contains a huge amount of Vitamin B, antioxidants, and fatty acids. Due to this, this fruit successfully prevents atherosclerosis and cancer. Avocado reduces, improves the functioning of the heart and nervous system, and affects the formation of red blood cells. Lutein, which is part of avocados, has a beneficial effect on vision. In addition, this fruit is good for the immune system and improves body tone.

Broccoli definitely takes second place. This is the undisputed leader in Vitamin C and protein content. Eating this vegetable improves vision and has a beneficial effect on the skin thanks to beta-carotenes. Methane works with the digestive system to prevent ulcers and other diseases. The removal of toxins is facilitated by the high fiber content, which cleanses the entire body. Broccoli proteins contain very important amino acids. Broccoli is especially valued for its folic acid content. This biological material is vital for preschool children and women, especially those who plan to become mothers in the near future. Folic acid is destroyed during heat treatment, so it is better to eat broccoli raw or steamed.

The top healthy food product continues to be ordinary white cabbage. It has vast deposits of Vitamin B, C, K, U, fiber, protein and minerals. Cabbage is excellent for digestion and fights stomach ulcers. White cabbage is recommended for overweight people, because it perfectly removes cholesterol. Cabbage prevents the development of atherosclerosis. The vegetable is well suited for patients, because it contains an extremely small amount of sugar and starch. The fiber in cabbage has a beneficial effect on intestinal function, preventing hemorrhoids and constipation. White cabbage is especially useful when eaten raw, pickled or stewed.

Spinach. This recently popular low-calorie product contains a huge amount of carbohydrates, proteins, fatty acids, Vitamins B, C, PP, A, E, K, and fiber. Spinach is one of the most useful plants in the world. The usefulness of the product is explained by its ability to destroy toxins, improve metabolism, help the nervous and circulatory systems, prevent cancer, and have a positive effect on vision. Spinach is completely absorbed by the body and retains its qualities with relatively mild heat treatment.

Carrot. Carrots, so familiar to us all, however, have a completely unique chemical composition. It contains such useful materials for humans as essential oils, carotene, magnesium, iodine, iron. Carrots have always been indispensable in diets, the treatment of vitamin deficiency, intestinal pathologies, metabolic disorders, in the treatment of tumors, and anemia. Eating carrots strengthens the nervous system and is a good diuretic. Fresh carrots are recommended, but you can also boil them a little.

The healthiest foods in the world are apricots. This guest from the south contains pectins, tannins, starch and organic acids that work hard to fight cholesterol, toxins and heavy metals. In addition, this fruit contains huge deposits of Vitamins A, C, B, which strengthen the immune system, prevent cancer, improve skin, and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Apricot improves metabolism, which is why it is very good for diets and fasting days, and also strengthens the nerves.

Celery. The stems and roots of this fruit are a source of protein, minerals and organic acids, which slow down the aging of the body and help the functioning of the nervous system. Celery essential oils promote the production of gastric juice. This fruit is very useful for diabetics and the elderly, because it helps normalize the water-salt balance and helps in the fight against arthritis, rheumatism, and gout. Celery is also a food that has wound-healing, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic properties.

Blueberries, strawberries and cranberries. These delicious berries contain a lot of organic acids, antioxidants, and tannins. Blueberries are very good for vision, they improve bowel function and relieve constipation. Strawberries are a storehouse of vitamins, have a beneficial effect on the digestive system, and are recommended for anemia and atherosclerosis. Cranberry will help with viral hepatitis, cystitis, hypertension, polio, rheumatism and diabetes.

Grape. It contains as many as one hundred and fifty compounds that are very important for human health. Among them are vitamins and minerals, tannins and essential oils, carbolic acid. Grapes will help in the fight against diseases such as arthritis, oncology, and anemia.

Citrus. These southern fruits are excellent sources of Vitamin C, essential oils and antioxidants, pectins and organic acids. Citrus fruits lower cholesterol, improve immunity and metabolism, and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood circulation.

Apples - no one will argue about their taste and benefits . They contain acids that the body needs to resist harmful bacteria. The main benefit of apples is their positive effect on the digestive and cardiovascular systems. Quercetin, one of the components of apples, fights cancer. Just one apple a day is enough to fulfill doctors’ recommendations and improve your well-being;

Onions are a savior from many diseases . The health benefits of foods such as onions are undeniable. It helps improve the functioning of the liver, thyroid gland, and cardiovascular system, improves immunity and fights colds. Onions are one of the few that retain their beneficial qualities when exposed to high temperatures. The phytocides included in its composition kill harmful bacteria and microorganisms;

Garlic– normalizes microflora, fights colds and infections, reduces cholesterol. Although garlic does not retain almost all its beneficial properties during heat treatment, it is better to take the time and at least sometimes eat fresh garlic;

Greenery- this group includes dill and parsley, lettuce, sorrel, arugula, plantain and nettle. Can at least one table do without it? Since childhood, we have known about the vitamins contained in greens. But it is worth paying attention to easily digestible amino acids. In addition, greens are fiber that cleanses the entire digestive tract;

Asparagus– a vegetable that cleanses the body. It nourishes the brain, promotes the removal of toxins;

Kiwi– boasts a rich composition of vitamins. It is recommended for hypertensive patients, people with vascular diseases and overweight;

Pepper. It can be spicy and sweet. Hot pepper improves metabolism, so it is often included in a weight loss diet. Capsacin, in its composition, improves stomach function, preventing the proliferation of harmful bacteria. Sweet peppers are high in not only vitamin C, but also luteolin. Even in small doses, it prevents the development and takes care of the cardiovascular system;

Oatmeal- a storehouse of vitamins, microelements and proteins. Oatmeal has a beneficial effect on digestion and lowers blood pressure;

Strawberry– a berry rich in iron, zinc and many vitamins. Promotes heart function, good vision, immunity;

Brown algae – a product from the depths of the sea, which is a leader in the supply of iodine and calcium to the human body;

Orange– a fruit rich in vitamin C, as well as pectins, which kill “bad” cholesterol in our body;

Grapefruit– a fruit rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants, frees the body from free radicals, prevents cancer and cardiovascular diseases;

Nuts– a source of vitamins and minerals, increase potency, improve heart function, vision, and reduce the likelihood of diabetes. Nuts are very convenient to include in your diet as a snack;

Beans– legumes, which have a rejuvenating effect, contain a huge amount of protein, potassium, and fiber. It is a real gift for the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract;

Fish and seafood – a storehouse of unsaturated fatty acids, which are so beneficial for our body. Fish reduces the likelihood of ischemia and lowers cholesterol;

Milk and dairy products – a source of calcium that strengthens our bones, hair and nails. And if experts recommend whole milk only to children and pregnant women, then fermented milk products are useful for everyone without exception, because they normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;

Buckwheat- a source of iron and many other important microelements. Buckwheat will strengthen the immune system, improve blood composition, and enrich the body with useful substances;
The list of healthy foods continues with green tea - a savior for the risk of strokes and problems with immunity. Naturally, you should choose only high-quality tea that does not contain chemical additives;

Flaxseed oil o - leader in the content of such useful substances as unsaturated fatty acids, namely Omega 3 and Omega 6;

Honey– an excellent natural sugar substitute. Honey is great not only for colds, but also for our cardiovascular system;

Quinoa– grain, a source of protein, removes cholesterol and fats, is a “slow carbohydrate”;

Beet- a unique vegetable because it contains many very rare nutrients. Beets increase potency, are useful for good brain function and blood circulation;

Brown rice – a source of fiber, helps the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, reduces the incidence of cancer and urolithiasis;

Artichoke– a vegetable rich in fiber and Vitamin C. Artichokes are a gift for your digestive tract;

Watermelon– delicious berries containing lycopene, which prevents the development of oncology and cardiovascular diseases. And yet, there is practically no fat found in watermelons;

Bananas– a natural antidepressant. Contains Vitamins A, B6, C, and has laxative properties;
The rating of food products by usefulness is completed olives– both green and black olives are a storehouse of elements useful to the human body, such as Vitamin E and iron. Don't forget about good quality olive oil, which also has all these properties.

Take care of yourself, smile more often and!

Yuri Okunev School

Hello, dear readers and blog subscribers! Yuri Okunev is with you again.

Every day the range of products on our shelves becomes richer and allows us to make our table more beautiful and varied. But does the progress of the food industry affect the quality of products? Does it grow with quantity? Unfortunately no.

How can we protect our health and choose the food that will have a beneficial effect on our well-being?

Despite the banality of the phrase, this is true. Food is the “building material” of our body. Brick by brick, the diet shapes our cells. Scientists and nutritionists are sounding the alarm, proving to consumers that not everything is good that is beautifully packaged.

The life experience of fans of proper nutrition and my personal observations suggest that by consuming certain foods, the list of which I will give below, you can strengthen your immune system, lose weight, and improve your well-being and mood. So, let's look at the most useful foods for the human body.

  • Vegetables

Cabbage contains more vitamin C than citrus fruits, and its calcium content is not inferior to milk. At the same time, cabbage promotes the formation of red blood cells, strengthens the heart muscle and is a godsend for nutritionists due to the fact that it speeds up metabolism and regulates fat metabolism. Note to dear readers: this vegetable is worth adding to the menu for shiny hair and strong nails.

An excellent competitor to cabbage, but at the same time goes well with it - carrots. It can be boiled, fried, stewed, steamed or eaten fresh - it all depends on your culinary talent. Carrots contain carotene (vitamin A), a beauty vitamin, and minerals. Fructose, lecithin, proteins, glucose, amino acids and starch make carrots a good way to strengthen the immune system, for the spine, and visual acuity. It perfectly strengthens the gums and is best absorbed in a duet with sour cream.

You can learn more about the benefits of certain vegetables from the table below.

There are a great variety of vegetables, which means you can make your diet not only healthier, but also more varied.

  • Fruits

Let's start with apples. They contain acids that fight harmful bacteria. Eating these fruits slows down the increase in the number of cancer cells and maintains the necessary level of microelements. I'm sure you can find a variety to suit your taste.

Bananas, which have already become a native fruit, despite their exotic origin, are suitable for those who have difficulties with the gastrointestinal tract, as they are well and quickly absorbed and satisfy hunger, while saturating the body with natural sugars and chemical elements. Potassium contained in bananas is beneficial for the functioning of the brain, heart, blood vessels, muscle and bone tissue, and also helps reduce stress.

  • Cereals and legumes.

They have been an integral part of our menu since ancient times. Cereal crops include plants of the grain group: oats, barley, millet, rice, rye and others. They are valuable for their content of fiber, carbohydrates, minerals and proteins and because they help lower cholesterol, improve bowel function, and stabilize blood sugar.

Legumes are another of the recommended and available foods that are rich in protein and potassium. For example, beans, a real storehouse of fiber, are essential for good functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Legumes compete with meat and cottage cheese in terms of protein levels, which will definitely please vegetarians and those who fast. In addition, it has a minimum of calories and a maximum of antioxidants.

  • Milk

We have known about the benefits of milk since early childhood. Dairy products are liquid calcium and phosphorus, an ingredient for healthy teeth and nails, it helps our heart, blood vessels and thinking. Easily digestible protein is beneficial for both children and adults.

  • Oils

Vegetable oils are also worth mentioning. The leading position is taken by olive. It contains monounsaturated fatty acids, is good for the heart and is effective in the fight against cholesterol plaques, and is also good in salads, soups, cereals, main courses and on an empty stomach, as it helps maintain blood pressure and joint health. Memory and thinking will also be in good shape thanks to the oils.

It is advisable to have at least 5-6 types of oils in your kitchen. This can be flaxseed, sunflower, corn, mustard, sesame, pumpkin and walnut and grape seed oils. Melted butter perfectly tones and rejuvenates, strengthens the immune system and nervous system.

Sweet and healthy

Well, friends, are there fewer and fewer frightening thoughts about the dominance of junk food? And rightly so! Go ahead.

What do you think can replace sugar, which bears the terrible title of sweet poison? Of course, honey! It contains many enzymes, organic acids, trace elements and proteins. Take it for problems with the liver, gastrointestinal tract, and respiratory organs. Honey is also good for strengthening the immune system. Add it to tea, baked goods, porridge and water: it will calm you down, help you restore strength, and in the evening help you fall asleep faster.

Nuts are a storehouse of vitamin C, an excellent remedy for normalizing stomach acidity and intestinal functions. The nervous system, brain function and memory also depend on the presence of nuts on our table.

Dried fruits, the consumption of which normalizes digestion, fights hypovitaminosis, improves well-being, the condition of the skin, hair and nails, are the best way to replenish the supply of vitamins in the winter-spring period. But it is worth remembering that dried fruits contain more calories, and consume them carefully: in small portions, soaked or in compotes.

Shining on the outside, cleansing from the inside

But what about those who not only monitor their health, but also work on their figure? Let's see what you should eat not only to cleanse your body of harmful substances, but also to lose weight.

  • Cucumbers, bell peppers, tomatoes - this is a minimum of calories and a maximum of vitamins. Can be eaten fresh or as part of dishes.
  • Avocado is a source of dietary fat and should be eaten in the morning.
  • Grapefruit is a master at breaking down fats.
  • Oatmeal and buckwheat - remove toxins and satisfy hunger, good for breakfast.
  • Kefir – calcium and beneficial bacteria. A great evening snack.
  • Green tea - contains antioxidants and is rich in vitamin C, it cleanses well of toxins.

After just a week or two of eating this way, you will see a certain result: your body will become slimmer, and your digestion will work like clockwork.

So, you are convinced that there are actually a lot of necessary and nutritious foods. If you combine them correctly in your diet, your well-being will only make you happy.

For a deeper study and implementation of knowledge about proper nutrition into daily life practice, I recommend that you read healthy eating course from yoga master Nikolai Vysochansky.

Eat the healthiest foods for humans and don’t get sick!

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