Boletus caviar with garlic. Recipe for mushroom caviar with assorted vegetables

It is known that people in Rus' dabbled with mushrooms even before the adoption of Christianity. Although the word itself came into use only in the 16th century. Before this, peasants went into the forest to “pluck their lips,” which meant picking mushrooms. Moreover, they were collected by entire villages. And, of course, so that the harvest would not be lost, even then they tried to make preparations.

Garlic appeared relatively recently, only in the 19th century, when they learned to make the first canned food. Today this delicacy is prepared for the winter, added to pies and made into pizza toppings. Served as an appetizer meat dishes and just eat sandwiches with caviar.

Most often, mushroom caviar with garlic is prepared from fresh plants. This is due to the fact that salted and pickled mushrooms can distort special taste dishes.

A universal recipe may include the following ingredients:

  • fresh mushrooms - 0.5 kilograms;
  • garlic - 3-5 cloves;
  • vegetable oil- 3 tablespoons;
  • lemon juice - 1 tablespoon;
  • dill - 10 grams;
  • parsley - 10 grams;
  • spices.

In addition, you can add 1 onion.

How to cook:

  1. The mushrooms need to be peeled, cut, poured into a frying pan and simmered over low heat. Add water there so that the yummy does not burn. Mushrooms should simmer in a frying pan for at least 45-60 minutes.
  2. Finely chopped onion is fried in oil.
  3. The cooled mushrooms are scrolled in a meat grinder twice.
  4. Garlic can be crushed using a special crusher or grated on a fine grater.
  5. All prepared ingredients are mixed and added lemon juice and spices (pepper and salt).
  6. If the dish is served, it can be decorated with herbs.

This snack can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.

Preparation for the winter

It is worth considering that garlic is prepared according to a slightly different recipe. First of all, all the listed ingredients are taken in more. One jar for the winter is not serious. It is best to multiply them proportionally by 3-4 times (not 0.5 mushrooms, but 1.5 kilograms, not 1 onion, but 3, etc.).

In addition, there should be additional products on the kitchen table:

  • vinegar;
  • bay leaf.

So, how is mushroom caviar with garlic prepared? The recipe for the winter is:

  1. Peeled and finely chopped mushrooms should be boiled for an hour. Then rinse and wait until all the water has drained. Otherwise instead delicious snack it will turn out to be a watery paste.
  2. Next you need to fry the onion and add the mushroom preparation to it. Mix.
  3. Add spices to the mixture, Bay leaf. Simmer for 1.5-2 hours.
  4. Lastly, add garlic and a tablespoon of vinegar.

After cooking more hot snack put into sterile jars and put into the cellar.

Alternatively, you can store caviar in the freezer. Then there is no need to add vinegar during the cooking process.

The most delicious honey mushroom caviar

Experienced chefs are sure that the food tastes best with garlic.

To indulge in this delicious dish, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • fresh honey mushrooms - 1 kilogram;
  • onions - 2 pieces;
  • garlic - 4-5 cloves;
  • vegetable oil;
  • vinegar;
  • spices to taste.

Those who want to prepare a snack for a couple of days are recommended to use the first recipe described. In this case, there is no need to add vinegar. To treat yourself to mushrooms in the winter, you need to prepare them according to the second recipe.

By the way, to keep the caviar better, you can pour the remaining oil in which the onions were fried into the jar on top.

Do not spoil the dish with vegetables

Besides, experienced housewives We are sure that mushroom caviar with garlic turns out more piquant if you add vegetables to it. Most often found in recipes:

  • carrots (usually limited to one medium-sized root vegetable);
  • tomatoes (it is recommended to take 2-3 pieces per kilogram of mushrooms).

Moreover, vegetables can be taken in a duet, or you can use only one ingredient in the recipe. Carrots are usually grated and stewed together with onions. The tomatoes, in turn, are finely chopped and also sent to the frying pan. If the recipe contains both tomatoes and carrots, it is recommended to fry the mixture until golden brown. For those who prefer savory snacks, you can add a little chili pepper to the dish.

Porcini mushroom caviar

The recipe for porcini mushrooms looks different. This noble “forest dweller” is distinguished not only by its taste, but also by its cooking methods.

So, how is “white” mushroom caviar with garlic prepared? The recipe usually includes the following ingredients:

  • a kilogram of noble porcini mushrooms;
  • 3-4 tomatoes;
  • garlic to taste;
  • vegetable oil;
  • 50 grams of butter;
  • spices.

For caviar, choose the largest mushrooms, peel them and finely chop them. Then they are sent to the frying pan. You must first heat the vegetable oil and butter on it.

It is worth noting that porcini mushrooms are fried for 20 minutes, then they are cooled and crushed using a blender or meat grinder.

In this recipe, it is recommended to peel the tomatoes and also grind them through a meat grinder. In the next step, all ingredients are mixed. Then they go into the frying pan for a few minutes. The hostess just has to wait for the excess moisture to evaporate from the snack.

What other mushrooms can be turned into caviar?

Mushroom caviar with garlic can turn out delicious from almost any mushroom. Winning snacks come from:

  • oily;
  • champignons;
  • russula;
  • saffron milk caps;
  • chanterelles;
  • oyster mushroom;
  • milk mushrooms;
  • redheads.

In any case, the milk mushrooms must be boiled first. Even if this is not a preparation for the winter, but a dish for the holiday table. They even cook for at least 40 minutes.

In addition, nowadays caviar can be prepared at any time of the year. Frozen and dry mushrooms are suitable for deliciousness. Only in the first case, they need to be thawed and excess moisture drained, and in the second, on the contrary, they need to be soaked for several hours.

Even in winter you can find fresh mushrooms on store shelves. Most often oyster mushrooms and champignons. But sometimes honey mushrooms or porcini mushrooms also appear there.

When you have a multicooker at home

Modern housewives can prepare most dishes in a slow cooker. Mushroom caviar with garlic was no exception. The main thing is to maintain proportions.

For the snack you will need:

  • fresh frozen mushrooms - 0.6 kilograms;
  • onion - 2 heads;
  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • garlic - 2-3 heads;
  • vegetable oil - 5-6 tablespoons;
  • water - 2 liters;
  • vinegar;
  • bay leaf - 2-3 pieces;
  • spices.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the mushrooms in a bowl and cover with water. Add spices, vinegar and garlic, stir. Turn on the “Soup” program and set the timer for 20 minutes.
  2. Strain the cooled mushrooms through a sieve and grind in a meat grinder. Grind onions and carrots.
  3. Pour vegetable oil into the multicooker pan, add and stir the vegetables. Close the lid and set to “Fry” for 15 minutes.
  4. Then mix everything and set the “Stewing” program for 20 minutes.

The caviar is ready. You can put it in sterile jars or simply spread it on a sandwich.

There are a few more tips that you shouldn't ignore.

First of all, experienced housewives advise using loose mushrooms. nylon covers. It is not recommended to seal jars hermetically. The fact is that mushrooms without air create a good environment for bacteria to multiply. Including botulism, which is life-threatening.

You should not prepare a lot of mushroom caviar for the winter. It’s still safer to pickle mushrooms.

You can only cook from safe edible mushrooms. It is better to refuse such a snack when visiting unfamiliar guests. There is no guarantee that the dish is prepared according to all the rules.

In addition, there is no need to let children try it. This is too heavy food for the body.

Almost every housewife has her own tricks that she uses when preparing for the winter in order to preserve everything beneficial features, and also surprise you with its taste. People think that mushroom caviar can only be prepared during the harvest season. This is wrong. Using the recipes in the article, you will learn how you can put this fresh snack on the table even in winter.

How to cook for the winter

These include:

Lemon juice (half is enough for 1.5 kg);
table vinegar with a concentration of 9% (2 tbsp per 2 kg);
Some spices also have antimicrobial properties (for example, bay leaf, pepper, turmeric).
Jars for preparations for the winter must be thoroughly washed and steamed for about 15 minutes.
In addition, it is better if you also pasteurize them. Place them in a large and deep container, put them on the fire, filling at least half with water and boil for 30 minutes.

It is better to use the addition of one of the preservatives and pasteurization.

Classic boiled mushroom caviar

Using minimum set products, let's prepare a delicious snack.

We will need:

1.5 kg of the main component;
250 g onions;
4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
7-8 cloves of garlic;
salt and spices.
Fresh mushrooms clean, cut off all damaged areas and wash several times.

Never cook with mushrooms whose quality there is the slightest doubt.

Move them to large saucepan and put it on fire. As soon as the water boils, immediately drain and place on the stove with fresh liquid. Be sure to cook for at least an hour, then drain in portions in a colander and cool. in a natural way.
At this time, you can take care of the onion, which we cut into any shape and sauté in a frying pan with butter until browned. We install a meat grinder. With its help, we scroll 2 times through all the prepared products for caviar from boiled mushrooms.
Heat a thick-walled frying pan or cauldron. Pour oil and simmer the mixture over low heat with the addition of your favorite seasonings, chopped garlic and salt. Simmer covered for 15 minutes.

With carrots and onions

The whole family will love this savory snack. Its colorful appearance captivates the eye.

Let's prepare:

300 g onions;
6 cloves of garlic;
300 carrots;
1 tbsp. l. salt;
1 kg of mushrooms;
½ cup vegetable oil;
2 bay leaves;
pepper mixture.
Always remove the debris brought by the mushrooms first. It is better to rinse under running water, clean if necessary, remove damaged areas.
Let it cook in a saucepan with water, after boiling, change the liquid, add some salt and add bay leaf.
After about 25 minutes, the mushrooms should sink to the bottom, place in a colander and let cool slightly.
Peel the carrots and onions and chop them. Fry in a hot frying pan with oil. Grind together with the main component in a meat grinder.
Let it simmer for another half hour, but at low heat.

From frozen

The quality of caviar made from frozen and boiled mushrooms is no different. It is enough to take them out in advance and let them lie at room temperature.

Let's change the composition a little:

1.5 kg of champignons;
5 tomatoes;
300 ml vegetable oil;
700 g red onion;
We clean the onions and chop them. Place in a frying pan with oil for sautéing. As soon as you feel the aroma, add grated tomatoes and reduce the flame.

To remove the skin, just scald the tomatoes with boiling water.

Wash the thawed mushrooms, remove the blackened areas and cut into slices. Send to the onion frying, add the necessary seasoning and salt. We'll languish until full readiness.

Soy sauce added instead of salt will help enhance the flavor.

At the end, add chopped herbs, transfer to a blender bowl, and chop. After cooling a little, we arrange it in a beautiful bowl.

From dried mushrooms

The main difference will be in the training of “forest dwellers”.


1 kg dried chanterelles;
2 tsp. dry mustard;
4 onions;
garlic to taste;
black pepper;
a glass of vegetable oil;
2 tsp. Sahara;
Bay leaf.
In the beginning, to spawn them dried mushrooms, you need to soak the chanterelles. Fill them with water room temperature and leave overnight to swell. In the morning, drain the liquid, rinse, add fresh water, add salt and add bay leaf. We put it on fire. Cook for 30 minutes, constantly skimming off the foam with a slotted spoon. Place in a colander.
In a cauldron with butter, sauté the onion, add the chanterelles, and fry until lightly browned. Then grind with a blender. We breed spices a small amount boiled water and pour into the mass. Mix thoroughly.

Mushroom preparation from dried mushrooms

We will cook from the caps of porcini mushrooms, which are the most tender of all varieties.

We will need:

600 g mushrooms;
5 onions;
2 carrots;
salt and pepper to taste;
3 tsp. Sahara;
vegetable oil for frying;
3 tbsp. l. vinegar.
Mushroom caviar prepared from dried mushrooms according to the principle previous recipe. That is, we soak the caps overnight, change the water and cook for about half an hour. Fry the onions and carrots first until soft, then add the porcini mushrooms.
When light appears on the caps golden crust, grind everything in a meat grinder, season, add salt and pour in vinegar (add it little by little, constantly tasting so as not to overdo it). If you are going to store it for a long time, transfer it to clean jars, pasteurize for 30 minutes.

Salted mushroom caviar

This is perhaps the simplest cooking method. That's it, because the first stage of this dish has already been passed. We don't need to boil and fry the mushrooms; they can already be served. But let's add more ingredients there.
The most important thing will be the onion. Its quantity depends on weight finished product. You can also add carrots if desired. All vegetables are sauteed in vegetable or olive oil.
It will take no more than half an hour to prepare caviar from salted mushrooms. Let's get it canned product from the jar, place in a colander and rinse thoroughly, removing excess salt. Let the water drain and dry a little.
Then simply chop together with the vegetables in any way:
chop very, very finely;
Let's use a meat grinder;
crumble blender.
Add your favorite seasonings to taste and mix well.

Mushroom dishes are a decoration of Russian cuisine, but it is no secret that the onset of progress and urbanization is gradually reducing the number mushroom dishes in our diet. Limitless possibilities to collect the purest and edible mushrooms, cook from them all year round Many dishes that were almost the main diet of our ancestors are gradually becoming a thing of the past.

Even after purchasing mushrooms, many housewives only know how to prepare 3-5 recipes for dishes that include mushrooms. Only real mushroom pickers know almost everything about mushrooms: what mushrooms should be collected and at what time, how long should boletus, milk mushrooms, russula be cooked, what mushrooms are ideal for pickling, pickling, drying, stewing, what foods do they go perfectly with? Let's try to at least improve this situation a little.

Mushroom caviar from boiled mushrooms - basic technological principles

When preserving food, first of all, pay attention Special attention the issue of safety of prepared products – to mushroom canned food this requirement is doubled. Let us briefly formulate the basic rules of mushroom canning:

The main principle of canning, ensuring long-term storage products - sterility of containers, careful sorting of ingredients to remove dirt and signs of spoilage of vegetables. Shelf life is increased by pasteurization, which destroys harmful microorganisms. The duration of pasteurization depends on the volume of the cans, heating temperature, and the degree of preliminary heat treatment of the products.

Mushrooms have a dense texture and retain their shape even after prolonged cooking, but you should also take into account the degree of cooking of other components included in the dish: the consistency of the caviar components in ready dish should be the same.

When stewing, vegetables and mushrooms, which consist primarily of water, retain at least 50% moisture. For preparations, use purified water.

The tightness of the closure protects the workpieces from the access of air, which, together with the products, contributes to the development of pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, you need to carefully check the quality of the closures of the cans.

If products are prepared without pasteurization, then it is necessary to increase the content of natural preservatives in the products: salt, acetic acid, sugar. But sometimes this technique is not very suitable, because it significantly changes the taste of the product, not for the better.

When you use an unfamiliar recipe for the first time, do not take risks; it is better to pasteurize the product to avoid unnecessary troubles, even if the authors of the recipes emphasize that everything has been tested.

Some natural spices, in addition to taste and aroma, also have an antimicrobial effect: hot peppers, turmeric, bay leaf, juniper and other natural spices. Since in home canning Since various artificial stabilizers are not used, as in production, it is necessary to take into account the properties of spices in the process of home preparation.

Fresh spices when canning, it is better to add 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking or stewing in order to better preserve their aroma in the jar.

If you are not well versed in the types of mushrooms, then just buy those that are grown in greenhouses: champignons, oyster mushrooms, some types of honey mushrooms. Of course, the taste and smell of caviar from such mushrooms will be less intense, but you don’t have to worry about health safety - these mushrooms can be safely used for any dishes without prior boiling.

Mushroom caviar in a jar or in freezer– this is an opportunity to quickly prepare pies or pizza, soup, cabbage rolls, stuffed eggplants, zucchini or tomatoes, add it to meat solyanka or use for cooking cereals and beans.

Mushroom caviar from boiled mushrooms - a universal recipe


  • Boiled mushrooms: 3.5-4 kg
  • Onions: 300 g
  • Carrots: 300 g Salt: 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • Ground pepper (red or black): 10 g
  • Vegetable oil: for sautéing
  • Vinegar 9%: 10 g

P preparation:

  1. Selected and washed, Forest mushrooms should be boiled until fully cooked. Typically, cooking edible mushrooms takes about 40 minutes. It is necessary to change the water once during cooking.
  2. Place the boiled mushrooms in a convenient bowl. Let them cool a little.
  3. Puree the mushrooms. This can be easily done using a kitchen blender or meat grinder. Do everything slowly. It's important not to leave whole pieces mushrooms in bulk.
  4. Take vegetables - onions and carrots. Finely chop the peeled onion, grate the carrot root coarse grater. Fry them in oil. This should take about 15 minutes.
  5. Send mushroom puree for frying. Add salt and pepper immediately.
  6. Cook for about 30 minutes. Then pour in the vinegar, but do it at the end, literally a couple of minutes before the end of the process. Cook to completion.
  7. Sterilize the jars and boil the lids for a couple of minutes.
  8. Fill a sterile container with caviar. Screw on the lids.

For canning, use coarse kitchen salt that is not iodized.

Often, some recipes indicate the amount of salt, sugar and vinegar in grams, while in others the measures are written in tablespoons. This creates confusion that wastes valuable time in the canning process. Make a sign for yourself and attach it in a visible place in the kitchen so that you never forget how many grams and what is contained in a tablespoon or teaspoon, so as not to be distracted from work by searching for tips on the Internet.

Canning jars can be prepared ahead of time so you don't have to waste time on the day you're preparing food for canning. Clean them normally baking soda, rinse under strong running water and dry in a preheated oven. Then sterilize the lids, dry them in the oven and cover the jars. The container can not be removed from the oven until it is needed, and if you need to empty the oven, then transfer the jars to the table and be sure to cover them with a towel to maintain sterility.

When preparing jars and lids for canning, always add a couple of spare jars to the required quantity: it may happen that a defect is suddenly discovered in the jars or lids, or a miscalculation required quantity containers will not be entirely accurate, but the product is already ready for packaging and must be laid out while hot. Free yourself from unnecessary fuss in the kitchen during the hot preparation season.

Mushroom caviar from boiled mushrooms turns out very tasty and aromatic. Be sure to prepare this delicious snack for the winter so you can enjoy it every day. This dish goes perfectly with a variety of side dishes.


mushrooms – 1 kg;
onion– 250 g;
carrots – 250 g;
garlic – 4 cloves;
vinegar essence– 1/3 tsp;
refined vegetable oil – 70 ml;
salt – 1 tbsp;
peppercorns – 3 pcs.;
bay leaf – 2 pcs.;


1. Clean the mushrooms from dirt and debris and rinse them in running water. Take a container and pour it into it cold water, put the mushrooms here.

2. Add peppercorns, bay leaf, cook for 25 minutes. Be sure to add some salt to the liquid. As soon as the mushrooms are at the bottom, they are ready. Drain the brine from the container, transfer the mushrooms to a sieve and rinse. Let's start preparing the vegetables. Peel the onion and chop it into small cubes.

3. Peel the carrots and grate them on a coarse grater. Chop the garlic small pieces. Heat a frying pan or frying pan, add oil, and transfer the vegetables here. Reduce the heat and simmer the mushrooms until fully cooked.

4. Grind mushrooms and vegetables using an electric meat grinder or blender. Transfer the resulting mixture into a frying pan. Add spices. Season with vinegar.

5. Fry the caviar for half an hour under the lid. Add garlic to the treat before finishing cooking. As soon as the liquid has evaporated, turn off the heat.

6. Place the caviar mixture into sterilized jars and close the lids. We send filled containers to be sterilized (liter ones for an hour, and half-liter ones for half an hour). We carry out sterilization in an oven or pan with liquid. We twist the jars, put them upside down, let them cool.

Mushroom caviar of boiled mushrooms for the winter

We offer one more delicious recipe extraordinary caviar. Believe me, your household will appreciate this snack!


mushrooms – 1 kg;
onions – 200 g;
lemon juice – ¼ citrus;
vegetable or olive oil– 3 tbsp;
black ground pepper, salt - to your taste.


1. Take the mushrooms, remove dirt and rinse thoroughly.

2. Send the prepared mushrooms to cook for 1 hour.

3. Place the mushrooms in a colander to drain excess liquid.

4. Remove the skins from the onion, finely chop the vegetable, and send to fry. We take out a meat grinder and chop the mushrooms and onions.

5. Add some salt to the resulting mass, add pepper, transfer to a bowl, and leave to simmer for 10 minutes.

6. After cooking, pour lemon juice over it.

7. Place the caviar into clean jars, send them to be sterilized, and roll up the lids.

8. Cool and place in the refrigerator or basement for storage.

How to make caviar from honey mushrooms for the winter: a simple recipe

In order to prepare this very satisfying and tasty snack you will need inexpensive and simple products. This treat can be served not only for everyday, but also for festive occasions.


honey mushrooms – 3 kg;
vegetable oil – 200 ml;
onions – 5 pcs.;
salt - to your taste.


1. We clean the honey mushrooms, transfer them to an enamel container in which we boil salted water in advance.

2. Boil for 20 minutes, place in a colander and rinse, wait until all the liquid has drained.

3. Take a meat grinder, put on a fine mesh, and grind the product (pre-boiled).

4. Remove the peel from the onion, cut it into two parts and also grind it.

5. Mix the vegetable with mushrooms, add salt, heat the frying pan with oil, and add the mixture. Fry until the liquid evaporates, stirring all the time. Cook for half an hour over low heat.

6. Distribute the snack into jars, which we sterilize in advance and close with lids (plastic).

7. Set the filled containers aside to allow the workpiece to cool. We move the jars of caviar into the refrigerator.

That's it, these mushroom snacks will give you and your household true pleasure during your meal, and will make your holiday table more vibrant and original!

Mushroom caviar from barns with garlic for the winter is a creative and modern preparation that will be an excellent addition to a winter dinner. Many people use caviar in winter as a filling for pies, pizza and other bakery products. The most important thing is that mushroom caviar from barns for the winter is properly prepared. In this case, it will be tasty and healthy.

Garlic-mushroom caviar “Spicy”

A delicious preparation for the winter is prepared with any mushrooms. Of course, it is best to use honey mushrooms, but if you have barns, they will not spoil the taste either.

To prepare this recipe you will need:

Mushrooms – 2 kilograms;
onions – 4 medium-sized pieces;
sunflower oil;

salt, pepper and spices

Important: You should not use mushrooms that you are not sure are edible. Therefore, it is best to focus on pigs, they are perfect for the presented recipes.

If you like it spicy, then add chili peppers, spices and other ingredients that you like. In this case, there are no restrictions, especially if you want to experiment. We begin the preparation in stages so as not to miss anything:

1. Pre-washed barns need to be cut into cubes. Next, put them in a saucepan, add water and cook for about 12 minutes.
2. Afterwards you need to change the water and let the mushrooms cook for 10 minutes.
3. Cool the mushrooms and grind them through a meat grinder.
4. Finely chop the onion and fry.
5. After the onion acquires a golden hue, add minced fish, finely chopped garlic, salt and pepper.
6. The presented mixture should simmer for no more than five minutes.
7. Place the game in sterilized jars and pour hot vegetable oil on top. We roll up our preparations.

Cooking caviar from pigs does not require you to have any serious skills. Very simply following the prescribed instructions will allow you to make the blank. Use only fresh ingredients that will improve taste qualities caviar.

Vegetable caviar with mushrooms “Combination”

The combination of vegetables and mushrooms is simply incredibly interesting. To implement the presented recipe, you will need to take care of purchasing vegetables in advance. You can pick any type of mushroom in the forest, as they are all suitable for caviar. The preparation will be an excellent addition to the festive table, and you can really surprise your guests.

To prepare the presented caviar we will need:

Mushrooms – 1 kilogram;
onion – 300 grams, it is better to take red shallot;
carrots – 500 grams;
garlic - one small head;
vegetable oil, salt, pepper.

Almost all recipes have the same ingredients, but the taste is really different, since they are exposed to different heat treatment. So you can add your own ingredients.

We start preparing as follows:

1. Cut the barns into small pieces.
2. Chop the onion into rings, then divide in half again.
3. It is recommended to grind the carrots.
4. Put the frying pan on the fire, pour oil and add our vegetables and mushrooms.
5. Next, fry until golden brown.
6. To add piquancy to the dish, you need to add hot pepper and crushed garlic.

The presented mushroom caviar does not belong to winter preparations, but is most suitable for immediate consumption.

Preparation for the winter “Mushroom”

Interesting and delicious winter preparation will be a great decoration festive table in winter. If you really want to please your guests and give them the opportunity to enjoy a unique and savory snack, then feel free to proceed.

For this we need:

Cowsheds – 2 kilograms;
onions – 3 medium-sized pieces;
carrots – 2 pieces;
garlic - one small head;
vegetable oil;
nine percent vinegar - 2 tablespoons;
salt pepper.

Advice! It is not necessary to use fresh mushrooms; they can also be dried. The only aspect is that they need to be pre-soaked.

Instructions for preparing our preparation:

1. Wash and boil the mushrooms first.
2. Grind the carrots and finely chop the onion.
3. Fry the vegetables in a frying pan until golden brown.
4. Mushrooms need to be dried after cooking.
5. Next, pass the vegetables, mushrooms and garlic through a blender. We should get a fine porridge.
6. Then add salt, spices and put our caviar on the fire to fry. 15 minutes is enough to bring the workpiece to readiness.
7. Afterwards, we sterilize it in the standard way, that is, in boiling water, after first distributing the caviar into jars.

You can sterilize jars in any way convenient for you. There are no restrictions in this aspect. The most important thing is to use the cans without damage so that the sealing is reliable.

Mushroom caviar with tomato juice

Sour and incredibly tasty mushroom caviar with barns will pleasantly surprise you. It is very easy to prepare, but milk mushrooms are most often used instead of milk mushrooms, as they have a crispy consistency.

For the recipe we will need to prepare:

Pig houses or barns – 2 kilograms;
garlic - one small head;
carrots – 2 medium-sized pieces;
tomato juice – 400 grams;
sunflower oil;
salt, pepper, spices.

Mushrooms should be those that you have collected within the last 48 hours. Prepare mushroom caviar as follows:

1. Mushrooms must first be prepared, washed and peeled. Afterwards you need to boil them and rinse them in cold water.
2. The resulting cowsheds must be passed through a blender to obtain a finely chopped mixture.
3. Vegetables finely and send them to fry in a cauldron.
4. After the vegetables are fried, add the remaining ingredients, pour the mushrooms with tomato juice.
5. The presented mixture should simmer for about half an hour.
6. Finely chopped garlic is added towards the end of cooking.
7. Place the resulting mixture in liter jars and place in boiling water for 30 minutes.
8. Roll up the lids and place the containers in a warm place.

You can use the preparation immediately, without waiting for winter. The recipe is very simple and interesting. Tomato juice soaks milk mushrooms and pigs and they become incredibly tasty. Today, storing the presented workpiece will not be a difficult task for you, since when proper sterilization banks last for several years.

Basic principles of cooking technology

The variety of ingredients cannot be limited. You can add something of your own depending on your individual preferences. Very often added instead of garlic, garlic Sause, the combination with carrots and onions will be incredibly piquant. That is, there are no restrictions, the most important thing is to use fresh products.

It is recommended to take care of the mushrooms in advance before cooking. They are boiled in salted water and poured into a colander. After they have settled, and all excess water drains, the barns will be ready for further action.

Important! If you are not going to roll up the jars, but want to start eating caviar right away, then its shelf life is no more than five days when stored in the refrigerator.

Sterilization is also very important stage, without which the workpieces will not be for a long time stored. Jars should be washed thoroughly before use. It is best to use liter containers; they are optimal for such workpieces.

Mushroom caviar is prepared using also modern household appliances. You will need a meat grinder or blender through which you can twist everything. Harvesting milk mushrooms for the winter in the same way is done very often. You should not combine mushrooms, as they will ruin the integrity of the dish; it is best to use only one variety.