Storing chicken eggs. Early research into the effects of low temperatures on eggs

Among frozen foods, vegetables and fruits are most often found, but raw or boiled eggs- very rare. Many even doubt the correctness of storing this product in this way, they say, the taste will spoil. Others, on the contrary, talk about the rational use of food: if you don’t have time to consume it before the expiration date, freeze it. Is it really possible to freeze chicken eggs, and how to do it correctly - we will tell you later in the article.

Is it possible to freeze chicken eggs?

Disputes on this matter are not unfounded, because raw foods during freezing, they tend to expand in volume, which is due to the presence of a water component. As a result, the shell cracks, and its particles can get into the food, infecting it with various kinds of bacteria. That's all the arguments in favor of why eggs should not be frozen.

Did you know? The laying hen is considered the most prolific bird. She can lay more than 300 eggs in a year. And to satisfy humanity’s annual need for this product, 567 billion will be needed.

If you freeze this workpiece without the shell in a closed plastic container or in a plastic bag with an airtight zipper, there are no contraindications. For the convenience of further use of egg products, it is important to mark the date of freezing and the number of pieces. In this form, eggs can be stored for 12 months. But only fresh and high-quality specimens are suitable for such preparation.

Loss of their taste, as well as consistency, is possible only with gross violations of freezing technology. If everything is done correctly, everything nutrients And taste qualities will be preserved in their original form.

How to freeze correctly

Few housewives know about methods of freezing eggs, because, without exaggeration, this is the most unexpected product, which can be subjected to similar storage. And in boiled, raw and shelled form. Let's look into the details.

Hard boiled eggs

Typically, this method involves separately freezing the hard-boiled yolk and white, but most chefs advise storing yolks in this way, since the protein consistency does not change for the better after freezing.

Did you know? China is considered the world leader in egg production, where about 160 billion eggs are collected annually. And the primacy in the consumption of this product has been assigned to Japan, where every resident eats one egg a day.

Here detailed instructions how to do it correctly:

  1. Place the eggs in a saucepan and pour cold water and place on the stove. After boiling, set the heat to slightly above medium and keep the product in boiling water for another 7 minutes.
  2. Drain hot water and fill the pan with cold. This nuance allows the eggs to cook evenly and cool quickly.
  3. Peel the shell and remove the white.
  4. Place the yolks in one layer in a saucepan and re-fill with cold water so that it covers them by 2.5 centimeters.
  5. Cover the pan with a lid and boil the contents. After this, immediately remove the container from the heat, otherwise the yolks will lose their elasticity. Leave them in the water for 10 minutes. After that, strain or remove with a slotted spoon.
  6. Carefully transfer the product into a plastic container and close the lid tightly. Now the vessel can be placed in the freezer.

Important! Make sure that the lid of the container fits tightly, otherwise the yolks will crystallize and become unsuitable for consumption..

This method involves preparing a yolk-white mixture.

It is carried out as follows:

  1. Carefully break the shell and remove the contents into a clean and dry bowl.
  2. Mix the composition until a homogeneous mass is obtained, trying to ensure that as little air as possible gets inside.
  3. Be sure to add a pinch of salt and sugar (can be replaced with honey). Stir again. This is necessary so that after freezing the eggs do not become grainy. To use this preparation as an ingredient for savory dishes, you can limit yourself to salt, counting on half a teaspoon for each glass of the mixture.
  4. If desired, the mixture should be passed through a sieve to ensure uniform consistency.
  5. After this, the liquid is poured into a dry container for freezing so that there is about 2 centimeters of space left to the surface, closed tightly and sent to the freezer. If the container is filled to the top, the eggs will expand when freezing and lift the lid, which will not have the best effect on their subsequent texture and taste characteristics.

Did you know? Japanese scientists from the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) have created genetically modified chickens that lay eggs containing the protein interferon beta. The medicinal substance can be found in pharmacies, but its cost starts from 100 thousand US dollars. As it turned out, this component is effective in the fight against cancer, as well as hepatitis, multiple sclerosis and a number of other serious diseases.

Whites and yolks separately

If for further culinary processing You only need whites or yolks; you can immediately separate them and freeze them separately.
They do it like this:

  1. Break the eggs and carefully separate the whites and yolks into separate dry containers.
  2. Add half a teaspoon of salt to the container with the yolks for each glass of raw mass (for salty dishes) or one and a half tablespoons of sugar (for sweets).
  3. Mix well by hand and pour the contents into a container and cover with an airtight lid. Now the yolks can be sent to the freezer. Just don’t forget to attach a sticker to the container with the date of freezing, the number of yolks used and additives, so as not to confuse the sweet and salty ingredients.
  4. Now move on to the proteins. They need to be stirred quickly (after standing, they are easier to beat). If the composition contains thread-like particles, pass it through a sieve.
  5. Pour the protein substance into a freezer container, close the lid tightly and place in the freezer.

In this form, fresh egg whites and yolks can be stored for several months.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to freeze food that has already been thawed once.-this leads to a manifold increase in the number of bacteria on them, and consuming them is extremely dangerous for health.


After heat treatment, only yolks are suitable for freezing. They store well without losing their original properties and texture. Boil eggs the traditional way.

Further actions are simple:

  1. Separate the whites from the yolk core. They must be used quickly because they lose their structure during the freezing process.
  2. Place the peeled yolks in a saucepan and cover with cold salted water. Cover with a lid and bring to a boil.
  3. After 5-10 minutes, remove the product from the cooled water and grind it in a way convenient for you.
  4. Place the yolk in ice-freezing molds, and when frozen, pour into a plastic zipper bag or container. In this form it will be convenient for you to use the workpiece.

What to do with eggs after freezing?

Frozen eggs can easily replace fresh ones. Typically, such preparations are used for preparing baked goods, omelettes, salads and other culinary masterpieces. It is important to defrost the composition first. Experienced chefs It is advised to do this by placing the container in a cool place to avoid sudden temperature changes. Also, do not forget that eggs in any form are very sensitive to bacteria. When the thermometer readings are + 4°C and above, the risk of dangerous infections increases.

If you need to quickly defrost a product, place an ice container under running water. cold water- this will speed up the thawing process. Take into account the warnings of doctors and always use such preparations only in those dishes that subsequently involve a long heat treatment at a temperature of about +71°C.

Separately frozen yolks are suitable for making creams, scrambled eggs, pancakes, and whites are useful for icing and sponge meringue.
If a hard-boiled product has been frozen, it can be used for casseroles, side dishes and salad dressing.

Chicken eggs are one of the main products that each of us uses, if not every day, then several times a week for sure. Lucky are those who have their own chickens and their eggs are always fresh and they know exactly how old they are. Most of us buy eggs in the store and quite reasonably the question arises about the expiration date chicken eggs, how many and how they can be stored.

According to GOST 31654-2012, chicken eggs are divided into:

Dietary eggs;

Table eggs.

Store-bought table eggs can be stored for a maximum of three months, depending on the temperature. According to GOST:

The shelf life at temperatures from 0 to + 20 degrees is only 25 days;

The shelf life at temperatures from minus 2 to 0 degrees is 3 months.

These terms determine the period for selling eggs.

How long can chicken eggs be stored after the sell-by date?

Buying eggs on the last day of the sell-by date does not mean that they are spoiled and you should immediately use the entire package on the same day. Their shelf life doesn't end there. After the last date of sale in the refrigerator, they can preserve their best qualities at least another three weeks.

To extend the shelf life, it is recommended to store them in the same packaging that you bought, i.e. closed cardboard or plastic container. The best place for such eggs, not the refrigerator door (the temperature is higher there), but in the main compartments of the refrigerator.

How to store chicken eggs in the refrigerator

Every refrigerator has an insert for storing eggs. It is usually located on the door. Many people like to transfer eggs from store-bought packaging into these cells after purchase. It may look nice, but it is still recommended to always store eggs in their original carton. For what?

First, the cardboard protects the eggs and prevents them from absorbing strong odors and flavors from other foods stored in your refrigerator. Egg shells have many tiny pores through which any odors are easily absorbed.

Secondly, there is a sell-by date on the package and you will always know how long ago you purchased this package of eggs and how long they will remain suitable for consumption.

Thirdly, when opening the refrigerator, a constant temperature is maintained inside the refrigerator, which cannot be ensured on the door. Temperature changes, even if not very large, will affect the safety of eggs and their shelf life.

These are the general requirements for storing eggs in the refrigerator. Not all of us buy several dozen eggs at once. Most people buy a package with only one dozen. It can be used quite quickly. Therefore, storing such an amount on the door is not prohibited at all.

The main thing is to provide the required temperature. At unstable temperatures, pathogenic microflora may begin to multiply, which will lead to a decrease in shelf life and spoilage.

At a temperature below 1 degree (which can be ensured in the main chamber of the refrigerator), they can be stored from 4 months to six months.

Eggs should always be stored with the pointed nose down. This position will ensure the centering of the yolk.

Before storing them, inspect the shells for integrity. Eggs with cracked shells are best used immediately or frozen.

Is it possible to freeze chicken eggs?

Most advice says no, you should not freeze chicken eggs. When frozen, their taste is lost. And yet you can freeze them. Raw eggs are easy to freeze if you prepare them first. How to do it? Here are simple instructions.

Whole eggs: Beat the eggs until combined. Pour into freezer containers and seal tightly. Label the container with the number of eggs and the date and frozen.

Squirrels: Crack the egg and separate the whites one at a time, making sure that the yolk does not mix with the whites. Pour them into freezer containers, close tightly, indicate the quantity egg whites and freezing date.

For faster thawing and easier removal, first freeze each egg white individually in an ice cube tray, then transfer to a storage-safe container. freezer.

Yolks: egg yolks require special pre-treatment. They have the properties that when frozen they become gelatinous and then practically impossible to use anywhere.

To avoid this, first separate the yolk into a small bowl. At 4 chicken yolks add salt (on the tip of a knife or 1/8 teaspoon) or 1.5 teaspoons of sugar. Beat them lightly.

Pour into a storage container, write down the date and number of yolks and what was added.

If you use them in the future to prepare sweet dishes, add sugar. Regular, baking - salt. For baking (if it is sweet), you can add sugar.

Can be frozen boiled yolks, which you will later use for fillings and side dishes. To do this, carefully pour the yolks into a saucepan or frying pan (so that they do not combine) and add water so that it reaches about 2-2.5 centimeters above the yolk.

Cover with a lid and quickly bring to a boil. Remove from heat and let stand, covered, for about 15 minutes.

Use a slotted spoon to transfer to a container (you can first place it on a sieve to drain excess water). Can be frozen in cling film or foil.

It is not recommended to freeze whole eggs or whites this way. They become hard and watery.

How to use frozen eggs

Before using frozen eggs, remove them from the freezer and leave them in the refrigerator overnight. You can defrost by placing the container under cool water (but not in the microwave or stove). Use frozen eggs as soon as they thaw. They cannot be stored.

2 tablespoons frozen egg whites are equivalent to 1 fresh.

1 tablespoon of thawed yolks is equal to 1 fresh yolk.

3 tablespoons of whole frozen eggs is proportional to 1 large fresh one.

Is it possible to wash chicken eggs before storing?

On chicken shell There is a natural coating that protects the egg from bacteria getting inside.

When washing eggs, this coating is washed off and bacteria can easily get inside the egg through the pores. If the eggs are clean, which depends on how the bird is kept, then the eggs should be clean and should be washed before cooking.

When you are ready to use the eggs, simply rinse them under warm tap water. There is no need to use any detergents. Regular tap water perfectly washes away all the dirt from the shell. It just needs to be warm to prevent bacteria from getting through the shell.

If there is manure left on the shell, then wipe this place with a dry woolen cloth or a slightly damp cloth, but only in this place.

A very dirty egg can be washed in warm water. It should then be thoroughly wiped and dried before storing.

Store washed eggs inside the refrigerator in a cardboard box, stamped with the date.

So, in short:

  • Do not wash eggs until you are ready to use them. Once you wash off the coating, you have removed the protective barrier against air and bacteria.
  • If the eggs are very dirty and need to be washed, use warm water and try to use them immediately, or at least refrigerate them immediately.
  • Washed eggs can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 months, but they will not be as fresh as unwashed eggs from the same period.
  • If you are in doubt about freshness, do a test before using the egg.

How to store chicken eggs without refrigeration

Experienced poultry farmers recommend keeping fresh chicken eggs that have just been taken out of the nest for a day in the room. They will taste better. Fresh eggs don't even need to be refrigerated if they are going to be used soon. In fact, they can be stored at room temperature, although refrigeration will extend their shelf life and keep them fresh for longer.

Many people do this, putting a basket of eggs in the pantry. But you need to know that one day of such storage is equal to 7 days of storage in the refrigerator.

According to GOST tolerances, at temperatures up to 20 degrees they are edible for 25 days.

In summer, as a rule, chickens lay much more eggs and it is impossible to use all of them in a short period. To keep eggs for longer long term our ancestors left us many ways. The easiest way is to lubricate them sunflower oil. Some people use lard or Vaseline for this, some use a paraffin-rosin mixture. Lard and butter are still more acceptable. This natural products, which cannot always be called the last two.

Before laying, eggs need to be inspected for cracks and sorted, if any.

Wipe off clean cloth(preferably wool) from stuck straws or other material from the nest.

Treat each egg with the chosen product.

Eggs prepared in this way can be stored in a pantry or veranda throughout the winter. The main thing is that there is no sub-zero temperature. Eggs freeze already at minus 2 degrees.

Once upon a time, peasants sprinkled eggs with oats or other cereals. Every peasant had such barrels and chests and they stood in cold rooms.

You can wrap each egg in newspaper and put it in a box, sprinkling them with sand.

The eggs were stored in ash and lime mortar.

Now such storage methods are still not entirely relevant even for modern farmers.

How long can raw chicken eggs be stored in the refrigerator?

The exact answer depends largely on storage conditions - to increase it, store in the refrigerator at all times.

What is the shelf life of chicken eggs?

Many will be surprised, but chicken eggs have practically no expiration date. Under appropriate storage conditions, they can be edible after six, seven or even more months. In principle, none of us buys that many eggs at once.

What to do if chicken eggs are frozen

Thaw them. It is better to do this by putting them in the refrigerator. You can place a bowl of frozen eggs in a pan of cool water. The main rule is that you need to defrost gradually, then there is less risk of damage to the shell. These eggs should be used as quickly as possible.

How to properly store chicken eggs

The answers to this question are in the article. But to make things more specific:

The best storage place is in the refrigerator, not on the door, but inside the chamber.

The egg storage temperature should not exceed 20 degrees. As temperatures rise, the shelf life of eggs and storage time decrease.

At a storage temperature of about 0 degrees, the shelf life can be 4 months or longer.

You need to store it in opaque packaging, preferably in the one you bought.

Always store with the pointed tip facing down.

Eggs are not washed before storage. If washed, be sure to store them in the refrigerator and use such eggs first.

How long can frozen chicken eggs be stored?

At a freezer temperature of about minus 18 degrees, eggs can be stored for 10-12 months. But they will be suitable for consumption even after this period.

How long can raw eggs without shells be stored?

Sometimes when preparing a dish you only need whites or yolks. And the rest of the chicken egg is not used in the recipe. These eggs can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2-4 days. Be sure to place them in a container with a lid and place them in the place in the refrigerator where the temperature is lowest. The best way save - freeze.

How long can boiled eggs be stored?

Boiled eggs remain edible for one week unless shelled.

Peeled eggs (regardless of whether it is a white, a yolk or a whole egg) can be stored for the same period and be sure to be placed in a container with a lid to avoid drying out.

Dishes prepared from eggs can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3-4 days.

  • Serve eggs and foods made with eggs immediately after cooking, or refrigerate and use within three to four days.
  • Serve all egg dishes within two hours of preparation.
  • Cold egg dishes and drinks should be kept on ice.
  • If your recipe calls for eggs at room temperature, submerge them in warm water for a few minutes.
  • Do not eat eggs that are cracked or uncooked from the refrigerator for more than two hours.
  • Use a glass or metal bowl instead of a plastic one when whipping the meringue. IN plastic dishes it turns out less voluminous.
  • The yolk and white separate best when they are cold.
  • Egg whites will whip better to a larger volume if they sit at room temperature for 20-30 minutes before beating.
  • Unless otherwise noted, most recipes call for large eggs.

How to properly store chicken eggs?

Immediately after purchase, eggs should be placed in fridge. It is recommended to store eggs in the coldest place of the refrigerator (closest to the back wall) separately from other products and in special packaging. Although most refrigerators have a special compartment on the door for eggs, it is not correct to store eggs in the refrigerator door. This is the warmest place, and the refrigerator is often opened and the eggs are exposed to frequent temperature fluctuations.

Why is it better to store eggs in packaging?

IN eggshells there are thousands of pores through which different odors, as well as bacteria, can penetrate. Therefore, eggs must be kept in special trays and away from foods with a strong smell, so they stay fresh longer. In addition, storing in egg trays will prevent the spread of bacteria from eggs to neighboring products.

What is the best way to store eggs - sharp or blunt end down?

Eggs are best laid sharp end down so that the yolks are located in the center. In this position, the eggs will be able to “breathe” and maintain their freshness longer, since the blunt end has more pores through which oxygen enters the egg and carbon dioxide exits. In addition, at the blunt end of the egg there is air space, which may contain bacteria and when turned over blunt end they float to the top and fall into the egg.

Can eggs be stored in the freezer?

No, you should not store eggs in the freezer - they will freeze there. The ideal temperature for storing eggs is +4°C.

How long do eggs last in the refrigerator?

Fresh eggs stored in the refrigerator 4-5 weeks from the date of manufacture. It is not recommended to store eggs for more than 6 weeks, even in the refrigerator. Eggs are stored for quite a long time due to the fact that there is a protective film on their surface. Therefore, it is advisable to wash them immediately before cooking.

How long can boiled eggs be stored?

Hard-boiled eggs in their shells can be stored in the refrigerator up to 7 days, but it is better to eat them within 3 days. When boiling, the protective film on the shell is destroyed, which helps the egg to be stored longer. Dishes with eggs must be stored in the refrigerator. Egg salads are stored for 3-4 days, stuffed eggs- 2-3 days.

Can eggs be stored at room temperature?

It's possible, but it's better not to. Without refrigeration, eggs spoil very quickly; even in one day at room temperature they lose their freshness. One day of storing eggs at room temperature is equal to a whole week of storing them in the refrigerator.

How much does one chicken egg weigh?

Egg weight ranges from 35 to 75 grams. Average weight chicken egg is 50-55 grams. This means that a dozen medium eggs can weigh 500-550 grams, and a kilogram will be approximately 20 eggs.

How much do they weigh egg white and the yolk separately?

The weight of the yolk is approximately 1/3 of the weight of the entire egg, and the weight of the white is 2/3 of the weight of the egg. That is, in an average egg yolk weighs 17 grams, and egg protein weighs 34 grams. And in one kilogram there will be 59 yolks or 30 whites.

What determines the color of the yolk?

Color egg yolk- light yellow or bright orange - depends on the chicken’s nutrition. Contained in chicken feed carotenoids give yellow yolk. Carotenoids are very common natural pigments in nature that are yellow, orange or red. They give color to many plants, including vegetables and fruits. How more chicken eats food containing carotenoids (corn, alfalfa, grass meal), the brighter the color of the yolk. However, not all carotenoids give color to the yolk. For example, canthaxanthin and lutein give the golden yellow color to the yolk, but beta-carotene does not affect the color. It should be noted that the color of the yolk does not affect the quality, nutritional value and the taste of an egg.

A hatching egg is an egg that is placed in an incubator or placed on a laying hen for hatching. Unlike a table egg, a hatching egg must have an embryo.

At poultry farms, all eggs that are intended to be placed in an incubator are checked using a special device to determine the presence of an embryo in them (read about what ovoscopy of chicken eggs is and how it is carried out, and from here you will learn about the rules for selecting and testing material for obtaining offspring). At home, a guarantee that the egg is hatchable is provided by the cohabitation of females with a rooster. Moreover, not all eggs can contain embryos.

Saving features

ATTENTION: The room where it will take place must be equipped with special devices that allow you to measure humidity levels and temperature. In this case, there should be several such devices. This will allow you to obtain reliable data.

The place where the material will be stored must be well ventilated. Since the shell is very thin and delicate, it absorbs various odors and aromas. You should avoid drafts that affect the evaporation of moisture. After all, it is this that is so important for eggs.

Can it be stored at room temperature?

You can store material for producing chicken offspring at room temperature if it does not exceed 12-18 degrees. It is best to place the eggs on a windowsill with an open window.


If you maintain the required temperature and humidity levels, you can store eggs for 5-7 days. It has been proven that if you hold the material at room temperature for the specified time before incubation, the chicks hatch much better.

But the storage duration is influenced by the following factors::

You will find more information about the incubation period of chicken eggs in.


At what temperature should chicken eggs be stored? If eggs will be stored for more than 14 days, then it is worth maintaining a temperature of 8-12 degrees. If the material lies no longer than 8 days, then the egg storage temperature can be at 15 degrees.

2-day storage is allowed at a temperature within 18 degrees. This temperature regime is below the “physiological level” (19-27 degrees). So significant development of the embryo is not observed at this temperature regime.

IMPORTANT: The growth of a chicken embryo can be restored at a temperature of 21-22 degrees. But with these indicators, its development is abnormal: the blastodisc grows, there is no differentiation of the germ layers, deformity occurs and the development of the embryo is inhibited.

Table 1 - Temperature conditions

Incubation period Days Temperature Humidity Turn Ventilation
1 1-7 37.8-38.0 °C 55-60% 4-8 times a day -
2 8-14 37.8-38.0 °C 50% 4-8 times a day -
3 15-18 37.8-38.0 °C 45% 4-8 times a day2 times a day for 10-15 minutes
4 19-21 37.5-37.7 °C 70% - -

Learn in detail about the incubation mode of chicken eggs in different periods and also look at the tables optimal temperature, humidity and other factors by day are possible.

Ways to maintain the right heat

Stability temperature regime in the incubator depends on the comfortable temperature in the room where the incubator is installed. This is especially true for incubators with PVC walls. Plastic conducts heat well if it's cold outside.

Temperature maintenance is influenced by the volume of liquid that is concentrated in the incubator tray. The higher the water level, the more stable it is maintained.

In addition, it is extremely important to ensure a regular supply of fresh air. At first, air exchange should be minimal. But as the embryos develop, air exchange increases. Air is very important in the last days, when the embryo switches to pulmonary breathing:

Consequences of incorrect conditions

Overheating of eggs is hyperthermia. Taking into account the influence of this factor over time, various changes in the development of the embryo are observed:

  • If the temperature is increased to 40 degrees and above, then within 2-3 hours in the first days of incubation the embryos die and the formation large quantity blood tracks. Some of the embryos continue to develop with severe symptoms of various deformities.

    Among them, it is worth noting head deformities: non-healing or underdevelopment of the skull, due to which a cerebral hernia is formed, and unilateral or bilateral underdevelopment of the eyes occurs - anisophthalmia.

  • If overheated, on the 3-6th day of incubation, the amnion and abdominal cavity are formed. The latter remains open, with the internal organs exposed.
  • When overheated during the middle incubation days, hyperemia of the embryonic membranes and embryos occurs. They develop hemorrhages under the skin and in internal organs. The amnion fluid is scarlet in color, hemorrhages in the allantois are noticeable.
  • If overheated in the last incubation days, premature pipping and hatching occurs. The chicks are small, and their umbilical cord does not heal well.

The process is complex and responsible. In addition to the fact that you need to prepare high-quality material, it is also necessary to observe a number of conditions during its storage, one of which is normal temperature conditions.

If you do not constantly monitor it and exceed the norm, this is fraught with the production of young animals with deviations and deformities.

Most often they are used to hatch chickens. Read our materials about what equipment options exist and how to make such a device yourself, as well as what it is like at room temperature according to SanPiN.

This process is not as complicated as it seems at first glance, although it requires increased attention and responsibility.

Useful video

Watch a video about the features of storing hatching eggs: