Cold borsch pieces. Beetroot soup, cold borscht

A fragrant, delicious dish that can quench thirst, satiate and delight the eye with its bright ruby ​​color - this is cold borscht! Do you think soup can't be cold? You are wrong! The best step-by-step recipes will help you diversify your summer diet with benefits for your body.

Step-by-step recipe for cold borscht - food preparation

Prepare cold borscht from beets. The vegetable must be fresh, without signs of rot or spoilage. The dish tastes best from freshly picked root vegetables. The beets are thoroughly washed and boiled, then cooled and chopped.

Fresh cucumbers, radishes, potatoes, eggs, and herbs are also added to borscht. Cucumbers and radishes are washed, cut into strips, potatoes and eggs are pre-boiled, cooled, and chopped. Eggs can be included in the main composition of the dish or used as a decoration for finished borscht. The greens are washed, dried, and finely chopped.

Often, for satiety and taste, boiled meat, sausages, and smoked fish are added to vegetables in borscht.

The “broth” for cold borscht can be beet broth, kefir, sour cream diluted with water, homemade bread kvass, yogurt, etc.

Spices are not added to the dish, using only salt, pepper and a little sugar. Vinegar adds sourness to borscht, which can be replaced with lemon juice or sorrel.

Before serving, the borscht must be cooled and seasoned with sour cream if desired. The dish can be served with a crust of bread or homemade rye croutons with garlic or horseradish.

1. Lithuanian-style cold borscht: step-by-step recipe


Three medium-sized beets;

Two fresh cucumbers;

Chicken eggs - four pieces;

Onion greens - five stalks;

Dill greens - one bunch;

Kefir with high fat content - seven glasses;

Sour cream - one hundred grams;

Salt - ten grams;

Fresh parsley for serving - four stalks.

Cooking method:

1. First, prepare all the vegetables: wash the beets, fill them with water, add a little salt and cook over medium heat until tender. Remove the cooked beets from the water and place them in a bowl of cold water to cool them faster. Then remove the peel, chop it on a coarse grater, and place it in a clean pan.

2. Pour water over the eggs and cook over medium heat for at least five minutes after the water boils. Cool the eggs by placing them in cold water. To prevent the eggshell from cracking during the cooking process and the whites from leaking out, add a little salt to the water before cooking. Peel cold eggs and cut into medium cubes.

3. Wash fresh cucumbers thoroughly, cut them into medium cubes along with the peel.

4. Place the prepared beets, eggs, and cucumbers in a saucepan of a suitable size and stir.

5. Wash the dill and onions, shake them off, chop them, add them to the pan with the vegetables, and stir again.

6. Add light-fat sour cream to the vegetable mixture, add salt and pepper as desired, mix everything thoroughly.

7. Dilute kefir with a small amount of boiled, cooled water (use about half a liter of boiled water per liter of kefir). Pour the diluted kefir into the pan with the vegetables.

8. Place the prepared cold Lithuanian borscht in the refrigerator to cool.

9. When serving, pour into plates and sprinkle fresh parsley on top.

10. Also place a flat bread box with sliced ​​black bread on the table.

2. Cold borscht: step-by-step recipe with sausage


Any boiled sausage - a small piece;

Two fresh cucumbers;

Radishes - six pieces;

Dill, parsley - half a bunch;

Three chicken eggs;

Two medium beets;

Four medium potato tubers;

Three liters of beet broth;

Salt, sugar - ten grams each;

Acetic acid 9 percent - two teaspoons;

Sour cream - 150 grams for serving;

Dill, parsley for serving - four stalks each.

For beet broth:

Two small beets;

One laurel leaf;

3 peas of allspice;

Salt - ten grams;

Acetic acid - one tablespoon.

Cooking method:

1. As in the first recipe, first prepare all the necessary products: place the beets in slightly salted water and cook over medium heat until tender, cool in cold water. Wash the potatoes, also put them in salted water and cook over medium heat for a little more than half an hour (if you have young potatoes, cook for no more than ten minutes). Place the boiled potatoes in a separate bowl, cool and peel. Boil the eggs in lightly salted water for at least seven minutes until hard-boiled. Wash fresh cucumbers and radishes. If the radish tastes bitter, peel it.

2. Grind the peeled, cooled beets on a Korean slicing grater.

3. Cut cucumbers, sausage, potatoes and eggs into thin strips with a sharp knife. Wash the parsley and dill and chop.

4. Place all prepared products in a deep saucepan.

5. Cook beet broth: wash two beets thoroughly (rinse the beets very well, using special brushes so that the broth does not turn out dirty). Place the vegetables in a small metal container, fill with water, add a bay leaf and three allspice peas, add a little salt, put on high heat, bring to a boil and after the water boils, pour in a little vinegar and cook over low heat until the beets soften. When the beets become soft, remove them, strain the broth through cheesecloth, and cool.

6. Pour the cold beet broth into a saucepan with chopped vegetables and herbs, pour in acetic acid (you can add lemon juice instead of acetic acid, the taste of the finished cold borscht will not change), add salt, add sugar, mix everything well.

7. Place the finished cold borscht in the refrigerator to cool.

8. Pour the chilled borscht into portioned plates, put one tablespoon of medium-fat sour cream in each, sprinkle with fresh parsley and dill. Also place on the table a flat plate with lightly toasted rye bread horseradish croutons. You can make croutons this way: cut the rye bread into thin slices, place them on a frying pan and fry in the oven for ten minutes. Cool the toasted bread. Peel the horseradish roots well, rinse, and grind in a blender into a homogeneous paste. Dilute the horseradish pulp with a small amount of water (about five tablespoons of water per horseradish). Grease the fried pieces of bread with the prepared spicy mixture.

9. You also don’t have to dilute the cold borscht with sausage with beetroot broth in advance, just put the vegetable mixture with sausage on plates and everyone will add the broth in the exact amount they need. If there is not enough salt in the borscht, then when serving, you can add a little salt to the dish to your taste.

3. Cold borscht: step-by-step recipe with smoked cod


Three small beets;

One medium hot smoked cod;

Two fresh cucumbers;

Onion greens - eight stalks;

Five sprigs of parsley and dill;

Medium fat sour cream - half a glass;

Acetic acid 9 percent - 30 ml;

Sugar - twenty grams;

Salt - half a teaspoon.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the beets thoroughly with running water, place in a deep iron pan, add water, place over medium heat and cook for about forty minutes until the vegetable is ready.

2. When the beets are cooked, cool them by placing them in a bowl of cold water, this will allow them to cook faster and cool down.

3. Peel the cold beets, cut into thin strips or chop on a grater for Korean slicing.

4. Place the chopped or grated beets in an iron container with cold boiled water, place over medium heat, bring to a boil and pour in acetic acid (be sure to add vinegar to the beets so that after boiling the beets do not lose their rich red color). Or instead of acetic acid, you can squeeze the juice of one lemon.

5. After boiling, strain the broth and cool.

6. Wash the onion, chop it, sprinkle it with salt and mash it with your hands.

7. Cut fresh cucumbers into medium cubes and mix them with onions.

8. Place the cucumbers and onions in the chilled beet broth, add a little salt (if necessary), sprinkle with sugar and add sour cream, mix everything thoroughly until the sour cream is completely dissolved. Place the borscht in the refrigerator to cool.

9. Meanwhile, place chicken eggs in cold water, boil over medium heat for seven minutes, transfer them to cold water, cool, peel and cut into four equal parts.

10. Cut the smoked cod, remove all existing bones, cut the fillet into medium pieces.

11. When serving, pour the borscht into portioned soup bowls, place a slice of boiled egg and a piece of cod in each, and garnish with fresh parsley and dill leaves on top. If there is not enough salt, add a little salt.

12. Also, when serving, place a separate plate with slices of black or rye bread.

Step-by-step recipe for cold borscht - secrets and useful tips

Cold borscht turns out especially beautiful and bright if sweet beets such as “Bordeaux” are used for its preparation.

Also, so that the beets do not lose their color during cooking, add a little acetic acid after boiling water.

This may seem strange, but cold borscht turns out tastier and richer if you cut all the ingredients into strips rather than into cubes.

Cold borscht tastes better if it sits in the refrigerator for at least an hour. The longer the better.

Be sure to season the dish with sour cream, so the taste of the borscht will be more tender and richer. Bon appetit.

Step 1: Prepare the potatoes.

Wash the potatoes, removing all soil, sand and other dirt. Place the vegetables in a saucepan, add water and put on fire. When the water boils, the heat will need to be reduced. Cook the potatoes until they become loose, usually about 40 minutes.
Boiled potatoes will need to be cooled, peeled and cut into small cubes.

Step 2: Prepare the eggs.

After the potatoes, put the chicken eggs to boil. They just need to be boiled in lightly salted water for 12-15 minutes. Then cool sharply by placing the eggs in a bowl of ice water and peeling them.

Mash hard-boiled chicken eggs with a fork or grate, or cut into small pieces with a knife.

Step 3: Prepare the cucumbers.

Rinse fresh cucumbers, peel them if necessary, and then cut the vegetables into small cubes or strips.

Step 4: Prepare the ham.

Remove inedible skin from ham or boiled sausage and cut into small cubes or thin strips.

Step 5: Prepare pickled beets.

Our beets are already ready, pickled. I have grated pickled, so you don’t need to do anything with it at all, just open the jar. But if you have prepared beets whole or in large pieces, you definitely need to cut them into smaller pieces.

Step 6: Prepare the greens.

Wash the dill, parsley, as well as green onions, dry and chop into small pieces.

Step 7: Mix cold borscht with pickled beets.

Place all ingredients in a suitable sized salad bowl.

Mix everything thoroughly to create a salad.
If you do not need to serve cold borscht right now, then store it as a salad in the refrigerator.

Step 8: Season the cold borscht with pickled beets.

Place the mixed ingredients into portioned bowls, pour cold boiled water into each bowl, add salt and sour cream or mayonnaise. Mix everything well and serve cold borscht with pickled beets to the table.

Step 9: Serve cold borscht with pickled beets.

Cold borscht with pickled beets is a summer soup, but who said that you can’t enjoy it both in autumn and winter, because all the ingredients necessary for its preparation are on hand all year round. Prepare this delicious and filling dish for lunch, haven't you stocked up on pickled beets? Why not use them right now.
Bon appetit!

On our website you can find a recipe for grated pickled beets, which is just right for preparing cold borscht according to this recipe. To learn how to pickle grated beets, go.

You can also season cold borscht with beetroot broth, kefir or other fermented milk product.

It is not necessary to add sausage to cold borscht with pickled beets; you can prepare a vegetarian version of this soup by removing the meat product, but adding radishes, among other vegetables. Or you can prepare cold borscht with fish or sea cocktail.

The cold borscht recipe is a salvation for those who, even in the heat, do not want to give up liquid food. Besides The dish is rich in vitamins.

The summer dish is tasty and low in calories.

Required Products:

  • fresh green onions - a few feathers;
  • one beet along with the broth;
  • carrot;
  • two eggs;
  • half a fresh cucumber;
  • a teaspoon of vinegar;
  • herbs and other spices are used to suit your taste.

Cooking process:

  1. You need to start cooking according to the classic recipe by preparing the vegetables. Boil the beets and be sure to leave the resulting broth. It is filtered and left for a while to cool.
  2. In another container, carrots are boiled separately from the beets.
  3. Now all the boiled vegetables, including fresh cucumber, need to be cut into thin strips and placed in deep plates. Green onions are also chopped and added to other products.
  4. Boiled eggs are cooled, cut into halves, placed on plates with vegetables, and the whole thing is poured with already cooled beetroot broth, previously mixed with vinegar.

In Lithuanian

For many, this is a completely unusual recipe, but if you like okroshka, then you will like the dish.

Required Products:

  • three small beets;
  • fresh green onions;
  • two cucumbers;
  • four eggs;
  • liter of low-fat kefir;
  • a few spoons of sour cream;
  • dill and salt.

Cooking process:

  1. Prepare the beets, boil them, peel them and grate them. Place it in a deep bowl where all the products will be mixed.
  2. Cut the boiled eggs into pieces into the selected container.
  3. Do the same with cucumbers, onions and other greens.
  4. Add sour cream, salt here and mix.
  5. Mix kefir with a little water and pour this mixture over the dish. Leave in the refrigerator for a while before serving.

With pickled beets from a jar

Cold borscht with pickled beets from a jar is a way to give an ordinary dish a new taste.

Required ingredients:

  • several potatoes;
  • pickled beets – approximately 200 grams;
  • two fresh cucumbers;
  • three eggs;
  • herbs, sour cream, spices.

Cooking process:

  1. First, boil the potatoes directly with the skins on. When she's ready. Peel it and chop it into cubes.
  2. Next, do the same with the eggs: boil them, let them cool and chop them into small squares.
  3. The beets in the jar should already be grated, which means you don’t need to do anything with them. Just mix with already chopped produce.
  4. Now chop cucumbers and herbs into the same container.
  5. To serve, the vegetable mixture is placed on a plate and poured with cold water mixed with sour cream. If you do not plan to serve the dish right away, it is better to store it in the refrigerator as a salad.

Cold borscht with sausage

You can prepare cold borscht not only with vegetables, but also with meat products, such as sausage.

Required Products:

  • 300 grams of sausage or sausages;
  • two beets;
  • 3-4 potatoes;
  • two fresh cucumbers;
  • a small spoon of vinegar;
  • greenery;
  • three eggs.

Cooking process:

  1. First of all, you need to prepare a container in which all the products will be mixed.
  2. Beetroot, already peeled, is boiled in a saucepan. Then you need to take it out, grate it, and leave the broth to cool.
  3. Boil the potatoes, cut them into small pieces and put them in a bowl with the beets.
  4. Add boiled and chopped eggs, sausage and herbs there.
  5. When serving, the resulting mass is placed on a plate, salted and poured with the chilled broth that is left over from the beets.

With smoked cod

The name of this dish may not sound very appetizing, but the result is a very tasty soup.

Ingredients required for cooking:

  • two cucumbers;
  • smoked cod, which can be replaced with other fish if desired;
  • three eggs;
  • beets - 2 pieces;
  • sour cream - to taste;
  • herbs and spices.

Cooking process:

  1. Unlike other cooking options, here the beets will be boiled in their skins and only after they are ready they need to be cooled, peeled and cut into thin strips. Add water again, bring everything to a boil and leave to cool. There is no need to pour out the beet broth; it will serve as the liquid base for the borscht. To cool quickly, all this can be placed in the refrigerator.
  2. Now you need to prepare the vegetables. Cucumbers are cut into small pieces, the same goes for green onions. All this is placed in the already cooled broth with beets. Now you can add sour cream and mix everything well.
  3. While the future borscht continues to cool, it’s time to boil the eggs. As in other recipes, they are cut into halves and used a little later.
  4. When you are ready to serve the borscht, you need to take a deep plate, first put the egg halves in it, then the finely chopped greens that you decide to use. It could be dill, parsley or both. Then the fish is laid out in small pieces and the whole thing is covered with beetroot broth with cucumbers and onions.

To prepare you will need:

  • several potatoes;
  • a liter of kefir, preferably not fatty;
  • two beets;
  • a bunch of fresh green onions;
  • liter of boiled water;
  • four eggs;
  • a small spoon of salt and herbs.

Cooking process:

  1. First of all, immediately boil everything you need. These are potatoes, beets and eggs. Boil potatoes and beets in their skins, then cool and peel. Eggs should be hard-boiled.
  2. Take a deep bowl where you place the chopped onion and dill.
  3. It is best to grate cucumbers, potatoes and beets on a coarse grater. Then add them to the greens.
  4. Mix the resulting vegetable mass well. Pour in kefir and about the same amount of water, making sure it’s not too liquid.
  5. Don’t forget to salt the dish, and when serving, place eggs cut into halves on plates.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Cold beet borscht, the step-by-step recipe for which we have prepared for you today, is similar in composition and method of preparation to both beet soup and. The main ingredients - boiled beets and the broth in which they were boiled - are reminiscent of beetroot soup. And potatoes, eggs, fresh cucumbers and all kinds of greens give it a similarity to okroshka. To make cold borscht taste sour, add lemon juice to taste at the end of cooking or season the borscht with sour cream. In addition to vegetables and eggs, you can add meat products: sausage, ham, boiled meat or chicken, but even without meat it will be tasty, satisfying and nutritious. In the summer heat, cold beetroot borscht will be wonderfully refreshing and satisfying.


- beets – 2 pcs. medium size;
- water – 1.5 liters;
- fresh cucumber – 2 pcs;
- green onions - a bunch;
- parsley, dill - a small bunch;
- eggs – 2 pcs;
- potatoes – 3-4 pcs;
- salt - to taste;
- lemon juice, horseradish, mustard or sour cream - to taste.

How to cook with photos step by step

Peel the beets. Cut large root vegetables in half, leaving medium or small ones whole. Fill with cold water, put on low heat and boil until tender. Depending on the size, the beets will cook for 1.5-2.5 hours. When a fork easily penetrates the pulp, the beets are ready. Remove from the broth and cool to room temperature. At the same time, boil the potatoes and hard-boiled eggs, and cool too.

While the vegetables, eggs and broth are cooling, prepare everything you need for the borscht. Cut the green part of the onion feathers into small rings. Peel the cucumber, grate it on a fine or coarse grater (cut into strips, cubes - whichever is more convenient for you).

Add finely chopped eggs to the greens or grate them and break them with a fork.

Grate the cooled beets on a fine grater. Add to the rest of the ingredients.

Rinse the parsley and dill under cold water. Finely chop with a knife.

Cut the potatoes into small cubes. Mix all the crushed products. Add salt to taste.

Mix with cold beetroot broth. Don’t be confused by the fact that the color of the broth is not saturated enough, the beets will give up their juice, and the color of the infused borscht will be bright and very appetizing.

Let the cold borscht sit for at least half an hour - during this time it will gain color and become tastier. When serving, add sour cream or season with lemon juice, grated horseradish, mustard, and ground pepper. Bon appetit!
Try also

In the hot summer, you want to cook only light and low-fat food, and therefore cold borscht with beets can be your salvation. With its help, you can make the usual menu more varied and interesting.

Recipe for cold borscht with beets

Summer beet soup is a special type of everyone’s favorite borscht, which in a new version will sparkle with new colors for you. If you want to know how to properly prepare cold red borscht with beets, then carefully read the recipe:

  • Take two small beets, peel them and cut them into very small cubes.
  • Place in a saucepan, add water, add a little vinegar and cook until tender.
  • Strain the broth, removing the beets.
  • Peel three boiled potatoes and cut into cubes, and two fresh cucumbers into strips. Also chop a bunch of green onions with a knife. Combine prepared vegetables with beets.

Before serving, season the borscht base with horseradish, sour cream, sugar and salt to taste. After this, arrange the vegetables on plates, fill them with broth and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Cold borscht with beets and sausage

A delicious summer soup can not only satisfy your family members, but give them strength and put them in a good mood. This dish will refresh the participants of the lunch during a hot day, and will also give a feeling of lightness. The recipe for cold borscht with beets and sausage is quite simple:

  • Peel one boiled beet and grate it. Then put it in a saucepan, pour in three liters of water and bring the broth to a boil.
  • After this, reduce the heat, pour a little vinegar into the soup, add salt and cook until the beets are cooked.
  • Separately, boil four chicken eggs and five medium-sized potatoes, and then chop them with a knife.
  • Cut several fresh cucumbers into strips and chop the greens as desired.
  • Cut 300 grams of boiled sausage into cubes, and then put it together with vegetables in a saucepan. Mix the ingredients and put the finished borscht in the refrigerator.

When the soup has cooled, pour it into bowls, add salt and pepper. Serve the dish with sour cream, mustard and grated horseradish.

Cold borscht with smoked cod

Since ancient times, our country has prepared borscht with boiled or smoked fish. The taste of this soup cannot be described, which means that we could not help but mention its recipe in this article. How to cook cold borscht with beets and cod, read below:

  • Boil one beet (200 grams) until tender, peel and cut into strips.
  • After that, put it in a saucepan, fill it with water, add vinegar and bring the broth to a boil.
  • Place cucumbers (100 grams), cut into strips and chopped green onions into the cooled broth.
  • Pour the borscht into bowls, add half a boiled egg, pieces of smoked cod, chopped herbs and a spoonful of sour cream to each bowl.

As you can see, cold borscht with beets is prepared very quickly and does not require any special manipulations. But men really like it, and they will certainly take note of this original dish.

Cold borscht with kefir

We suggest you try another version of beet soup, which is prepared with kefir. Cold borscht with beets turns out to be more satisfying and very healthy. And we will prepare it as follows:

  • Mix one and a half glasses of kefir with one glass of water or the same amount of beetroot broth. Add salt to taste and mix well.
  • Cut 100 grams of beets and two boiled potatoes into strips. Add green onions and chopped herbs to them.
  • Place the vegetables on plates and pour the kefir mixture over them. Top each serving with half a boiled egg and a spoonful of thick sour cream.

We are sure that cold borscht with beets will appeal not only to fans of dairy products, but also to everyone else.

Cold borscht on yogurt with sorrel

This cold summer soup recipe will help you out on a hot day. Fresh herbs will give it a special taste and freshness. How to quickly cook cold borscht with beets? The recipe will not seem complicated to you:

  • Sort, rinse and boil 100 grams of sorrel until tender. After this, drain it in a colander and cool.
  • Boil one beet (150 grams) in their skins until tender, peel and cut into strips.
  • Place the prepared products in a saucepan, add peeled and finely chopped fresh cucumbers (three hundred grams). Pour curdled milk over the vegetables and add chopped dill, green onions and radishes.

Cold beetroot soup

Prepare this bright soup and delight your loved ones with a new taste. Cold borscht with beets is especially good if you prepare it from young vegetables and fresh herbs. Beetroot recipe:

  • Boil one large jacket potato and one chicken egg until tender.
  • Peel one large raw beet and cut into four pieces.
  • Pour water into a saucepan, bring it to a boil, add salt and boil the beets in it.
  • When the beet pieces are soft, remove them from the water, grate them, and then return them to the pan. To ensure that the beetroot preserves its bright color, immediately add lemon juice to it.
  • Peel one fresh cucumber and cut into thin strips. Cut the potatoes and egg into cubes.
  • Arrange the vegetables on plates, pour beetroot broth over them and garnish with halved boiled quail eggs.

Cold borscht with ham

This easy soup is sure to please your family. A wonderful combination of fresh vegetables, ham and aromatic herbs will not leave even the most severe critic indifferent. To prepare cold borscht with ham, you will need:

  • Peel one beet, one potato and one carrot. Place the vegetables in a saucepan with water and cook until tender. Don't forget to add cloves, bay leaves and peppercorns to the broth.
  • Ten minutes before readiness, add green beans (12-15 pods) to the vegetables.
  • Peel one large cucumber and cut into cubes.
  • Grate the boiled vegetables or cut them into cubes.
  • Cut 150 grams of ham and a few boiled eggs into cubes.
  • Chop green onions as desired.
  • Mix all the ingredients in a separate bowl and add salt to them. Then place the borscht base in the refrigerator to cool.

When it's time for lunch, place the vegetables and ham on plates and pour cold broth over them. You can serve the dish with sour cream, horseradish or mustard.

Prepare cold soups as often as possible during the hot summer. This way you will give yourself and your loved ones the desired feeling of coolness even on the hottest days.