White mushrooms, their description, photos, and recipes: how to cook them deliciously. The most delicious pickling of tremors

characterized by the following description of appearance:
  • the diameter of the cap of an adult mushroom can vary between 40-80 mm;
  • at the initial stage of development, the cap has a convex shape;
  • older specimens are distinguished by a prostrate or funnel-shaped cap with characteristically rolled edges, as well as depression in the central part;
  • the surface of the cap is white, with slight darkening in the central part;
  • there are no pronounced concentric zones on the surface of the cap;
  • the cap has dense pubescence, and in the rainy season it can be slimy;
  • the plates are of an adherent type or have a slight descent, often located, narrow, white in color;
  • leg no more than 40 mm high, up to 20 mm in diameter, cylindrical in shape with a narrowing at the very base;
  • the surface of the leg may be smooth or have slight pubescence;
  • in adult specimens the stem is hollow, uniformly colored with a cap;
  • dense pulp white, quite fragile, has a weak mushroom aroma;
  • Characterized by the abundant secretion of white, milky, caustic juice by the pulp, which does not change color when exposed to air.

Older specimens of Lactarius pubescens have a smooth cap surface and acquire a fairly pronounced yellowish coloration. Such fruiting bodies are not suitable for food.

Chemical composition and benefits

The pulp of the white trumpet contains a significant amount of B vitamins, as well as vitamin A and ascorbic acid. The undeniable advantage of this forest mushroom has a beneficial effect on vision, as well as improving the condition of hair and skin. Total calories white trumpet is no more than 21–23 kcal per 100 g of pulp, so dishes from the fruiting bodies of this milkweed can be consumed even if you have a tendency to overweight. The amino acids contained in mushroom pulp are quite easily absorbed by the human body.

However, it is important to remember that the use of white mushroom as food should be avoided in the presence of chronic diseases such as pancreatitis and cholecystitis. It is not recommended to eat dishes with white fiber if you have diseases accompanied by a decrease in the acidity of gastric juice.

White volnushkas are traditionally used in our country exclusively for pickling, and people say about this variety of edible milkweed like this: “White volnushka is a noble mushroom.”

White mushroom: description (video)

Distribution area

As a rule, this fungus is characterized by the formation of mycorrhiza with birch trees, so most often Lactarius pubescens is found on the edges of birch groves. It grows somewhat less frequently in young coniferous and birch forests.

The mycelium forms a significant number of fruiting bodies, so Lactarius pubescens is characterized by growing in fairly large groups. Peak fruiting occurs in the last summer month and the first ten days of September. The main difference between the white milkweed and other white-colored milkweeds is the pubescence on the cap.

Cooking methods

Many novice mushroom pickers refuse to collect white mushrooms, due to the rather mediocre taste qualities mushroom if cooked incorrectly. Lack of correct pre-treatment fruiting bodies can provoke severe irritation of the mucous membrane oral cavity, and also often causes nausea, vomiting, and dysfunction digestive system.

To get not only tasty, but also the most healthy mushroom dish, whitefish should be subjected to mandatory primary processing:

  • the collected fruiting bodies must be thoroughly cleaned of forest debris and contamination in the form of soil particles;
  • the content of caustic juice in the mushroom pulp implies a mandatory process of soaking peeled mushrooms;
  • Fruiting bodies should be soaked for at least 48 hours, periodically replacing the water;
  • Immediately after soaking, the mushrooms should be rinsed under running water.

Despite the fact that most often they prefer to salt and pickle volushki for the winter, there are several recipes for preparing them immediately after soaking. You can enjoy the taste of these mushrooms in soups, and white mushrooms are also good fried, boiled and stewed.

Belyanka in batter

For a kilogram of mushrooms you will need a tablespoon of salt, a liter of water, a little flour, garlic and dill to taste, butter for frying.


  • boil the peeled and pasted primary processing mushrooms in salted water until half cooked;
  • add any spices or seasonings to the broth and boil the mushrooms for about another quarter of an hour, periodically removing the foam;
  • strain the mushrooms, cool slightly and, dipping in flour, fry until golden brown.

Whitefish soup

For 0.3 kg of mushrooms you should take an onion, one medium-sized carrot, a bunch of greens, a small amount of vegetable oil, a couple of liters vegetable broth.


  • past preliminary preparation Pour boiling water over the fruiting bodies for about a quarter of an hour;
  • rinse under running water and chop relatively finely;
  • cut the onion into half rings and the carrots into cubes, then fry in a small amount of vegetable oil;
  • add mushrooms to the sautéed vegetables and fry over medium heat for a quarter of an hour;
  • pour the broth into the pan and bring to a boil;
  • cut the potatoes into cubes and add to the broth;
  • add the fried mushrooms and vegetables and simmer for five minutes.

How to pickle white mushroom: recipe (video)

The end of summer and the beginning of autumn is the season of “silent hunting”. Mushroom lovers go to collect them. Many people know that dishes made from them are not only very tasty, but also healthy. They are rich not only in proteins, but also in fiber and vitamins. As soon as mushroom pickers and housewives do not prepare them for the winter. Salted mushrooms, namely white mushrooms, are especially good. Interested in how to salt white mushrooms? It's not difficult, there are several ways. This is not only familiar to everyone cold method, but also hot and dry.

Cold salting of whitefish

People call white mushrooms pickled mushrooms. This is because they have a bitter taste. By appearance Reminds me of a white butterfly. The description can be found in any encyclopedia. The taste of the whites is more delicate. To salt them, they must first be thoroughly cleared of debris and washed. Next they are soaked in a running water cold water under a light load, otherwise they will float and the bitterness will remain. After three days, drain the water and place the mushrooms in a colander. How to salt the whites further? Very simple. You will need half a pack of salt for 2 kilograms of slices, dill seeds, bay leaves, peppercorns. Sprinkle each mushroom on both sides with salt and place it in a pan or barrel. Press down firmly on top with a weight. Cold salting of whitefish is coming to an end. After three days, put everything back into a colander and rinse a little boiled water. Next, the whites are placed in sterile jars in layers. Between each layer add garlic cloves, peppercorns, Bay leaf and some dill seeds. Pour boiling vegetable oil over everything.

Hot salting

You can salt mushrooms using a cold method if there are conditions for soaking and time. But if this is not the case, then it’s good to use the hot method. How to salt whites in a hot way? It's also easy. It's faster. First, we thoroughly clean them and rinse them a little. Then put it in boiling water salt water, this is necessary in order to get rid of bitterness. If there are a lot of mushrooms and you need to boil them in several stages, then this should be done in clean water. You cannot use old broth, otherwise the bitterness will not come out. After boiling, drain everything in a colander. When the water has drained, add a little salt to each whitefish and place it in a pan, preferably enameled. Add horseradish and currant leaves. We place the load on top. It is important to remember that this method is not suitable for all mushrooms, but only for white mushrooms. After 6-8 days they are ready. For the winter, you can put them in jars and fill them with heated oil.

Dry salting method

Many people know how to salt whites cold and hot, but not dry. Thoroughly clean the mushrooms of debris and, if possible, do not wet them. The dirtiest ones can be cleaned with a damp cloth. Then sprinkle each mushroom with salt and place in a container. Place a weight on top and leave for several days. After cooking the whites, transfer them to clean jars and add spices and herbs to taste. Hot oil will not only improve the taste of the mushrooms, but will also help preserve them. Salted whites should be stored in a cool place.

In addition to traditional pickled tomatoes and cucumbers, in the kitchen of a good housewife you can also find a jar of twisted mushrooms. Experienced mushroom pickers know firsthand how to pickle white mushrooms. Oh how good they look on festive table in winter! Some say that tastier than mushrooms can not found.
Very spicy taste It is the salted whites that have this property. To prepare such a snack yourself you will have to be patient. First of all, you will have to go into the forest so that only fresh and perfectly clean specimens get into the jar. And of course, to please yourself delicious mushrooms with potatoes, you need to find proven cooking recipes. Or better yet, several. So, I propose to use my favorite methods of salting whitefish, which the whole family is crazy about.

What is the difference between pickling and salting mushrooms?

Marinating and salting are two of the most known methods harvesting mushrooms for the winter. The first method is only suitable for tubular mushrooms, which include porcini mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, and honey mushrooms. The second is usually used in preparations of agaric mushrooms. You can salt tremors, milk mushrooms and white mushrooms. Each of them implies that the mushrooms must be well washed and cut into pieces convenient for processing.

Don't know how to marinate mushrooms so that they turn out delicious? The secret is that the ingredients are poured with a marinade prepared with mushroom broth. This will give the workpiece a specific natural taste. Most often, the liquid becomes cloudy due to the fact that the mushrooms crumble during cooking.

You can marinate mushrooms with pure marinade. To do this, the ingredients are pre-boiled. In this case, the filling remains transparent, but the taste is not lost, and perhaps even becomes richer.

Salting volushki or whitefish is different in that during the preparation process there is no need to prepare a marinade. Some recipes require brine to be poured over the mushrooms, others simply allow you to sprinkle the ingredients with spices. It is this method of processing that makes the mushrooms salty, crispy and extremely tasty.

How to salt white mushrooms for the winter in tubs

Belyanki can only be eaten salted. And, of course, you need to choose only young, not overripe mushrooms, so that they have a dense consistency and can be well salted. If you suddenly come across a large mushroom, you don’t have to throw it away, but put it in a jar, after cutting it into several parts. Whites according to this recipe have unusual taste, since garlic harmonizes well with them and gives several spicy notes.

You will need:

1 kg of white mushrooms;
50 g coarse salt;
4-5 cloves of garlic.

Cooking process:

1. You need to start cooking by selecting a container in which the whites will be salted. If you want to use wooden tubs, then they will need to be filled with a special disinfectant solution.
2. Next, sort through the mushrooms - remove all rotten parts. After this, rinse the selected material thoroughly.
3. This stage involves heat treatment, so the white mushrooms need to be placed in a large saucepan, filled with clean water so that the mushrooms are completely covered with it. Next, add a little salt and bring the contents of the pan to a boil. You can leave the workpiece alone for half an hour and go about your business. Just don’t make the fire too high, otherwise the water will quickly boil away and the whites will not cook, but stew or even fry.

4. When the water boils, you can add your favorite spices.
5. After the allotted cooking time is up, the mushrooms will need to be placed in a colander and washed. It's better if you do this cold water so that the whites cool faster. Excess liquid should drain.
6. After cooking, only pulp should remain from the mushrooms. You will need to lay it out in an even layer on the bottom of the tub, compacting it well. Every mushroom layer topped with coarse salt and garlic cloves.
7. When all the whites are covered with salt, put oppression on top, and cover with a blanket or any dense material on top.
In a week it will be possible to take a sample.

Hot salting of whitefish in jars

Glass jars, which are simply sterilized over steam, are excellent for hot pickling. This process will help preserve food in jars for the winter, and it has its secrets. In addition, this cooking method allows you to preserve the product for a longer period.


2 kg of whites;
55 grams of salt;
1 liter of water.

To prepare this dish using my method, you don't need any special skill. I’ll now tell you how to pickle white mushrooms in jars for the winter.

1. First, place a large saucepan of clean water on the fire to keep it warm while you process the mushrooms.
2. The whites need to be sorted out in the same way, that is, remove all the wormholes, dry leaves and damaged or broken areas. It is best to rinse them several times in clean water or soak them. After this, let the excess moisture drain.
3. The cooked products should be placed in a pan with already warm water and salted. Do not use all the salt, as you will need it later. While the mushrooms are cooking, skim off the foam. After 10 minutes the process can be completed.
4. When the mushrooms are ready, their pulp should be placed in a colander and dried a little. All the liquid will drain only after a few hours, so you can do something else. To avoid waiting so long, take gauze and wrap the mushrooms in a “bundle”, which you hang over a basin or deep plate. This will allow the water to drain faster.
5. Next, put the mushroom mixture in a large container, or another pan, in layers, sprinkling them with coarse salt. They should also be covered with oppression and left to salt for a month. After this, the salted whites can be transferred to clean, sterile jars and screwed on with lids.

Salting whitefish without heat treatment

Salting whites in a cold way is quite simple, which is important for the housewife. The main thing is that such a snack turns out incredibly tasty. For this the recipe will do any convenient container - an enamel bucket or glass jars. But the most delicious ones come out in wooden tubs– it’s not for nothing that our ancestors prepared not only mushrooms, but also vegetables and even fruits this way.

For the recipe you will need 1 kg of white mushrooms and 60 grams of coarse salt.

How to salt whites in a cold way:

As a rule, only the caps are taken from white mushrooms, and the legs are thrown away at the stage of picking or cleaning mushrooms. First, you need to sort through the crop and discard bad specimens and rotten parts. Then the mushrooms must be filled with cold water and left for a while so that all the smallest particles of debris are cleaned. They are usually left for several days.

When you are absolutely sure that the mushrooms are clean, they need to be dried and prepared for processing. Large whites are cut into several parts, but small ones can be left whole. So that in the end it turns out delicious snack, salting should take place in good mood and without the slightest haste. So, if you are in a hurry today, it is better to postpone preparing the preparations for another day.

The container in which you plan to salt the whites must be “lined” with salt so that the bottom is not visible. Coarse salt is perfect for this task, so if you only have fine salt, it’s better to go to the store for coarse salt. Thanks to it, you can achieve better salting.

Mushrooms are placed in a container in layers, which you need to sprinkle with salt each time. The layer of mushrooms should not be more than 5 centimeters - watch this! Don't be afraid to oversalt. Before eating, mushrooms still need to be soaked in cool water for several hours.

So, you need to transfer mushrooms with salt until the container or ingredients run out. Last layer It must be salt.

Salted whites should be covered with a clean cloth and covered with oppression. After 40 days, the first sample can be taken. It is at this time that you can transfer the mushrooms into sterile jars and order them with lids.
Such a preparation can stand for more than a year and not deteriorate if you store it in a cool place - in a cellar or refrigerator.

Along with pickled tomatoes and cucumbers, salted white mushrooms are popular; not all snack lovers know how to salt them in jars or barrels and prepare supplies for the winter. Salted whites are very delicious mushrooms, their main advantage is their spicy taste. Their cap color is white with a slight creamy tint, which is visible in good lighting. Belyanka is a type of wave, it looks like a pink wave, but differs from it in density and shade. In dry weather, the pink trumpet takes on a white tint, and then the white trumpet is practically indistinguishable from the trumpet. These mushrooms are eaten only salted. How to pickle them correctly?

The white mushroom is similar in appearance to the white mushroom, but differs from it in its density and creamy hue.

Salting white mushrooms for the winter: hot pickling

For pickling, only the caps are used, the legs are not used. Fresh whole mushrooms are suitable, without kinks or wormholes, not overripe. Harvest cleaned of grass, leaves and pine needles, washed thoroughly, the legs are separated from the caps. If the caps are large, they are cut into 2-4 parts.

In order to make salting, you need to have on hand:

  1. A saucepan.
  2. Mushrooms.
  3. Oppression.
  4. Salt.
  5. Spices: dry crushed dill, laurel leaves, blackcurrant and cherry, allspice, horseradish root, garlic cloves, coriander, cumin, cloves, tarragon.
  6. Glass jars.

Garlic, dill, bay leaves and black currant leaves are used to pickle mushrooms.

Glass containers are sterilized. The harvest is sorted, washed, stored in enamel pan, water is added in such a volume as to completely cover the mushrooms. The contents of the pan can be lightly salted. Cook over low heat for half an hour while stirring. Seasonings are added during cooking small quantities. You can use a small bunch fresh dill, which is tied with threads. When the cooking time has expired, the bunch of dill is removed from the pan, the whites are placed in a colander, washed under cool water, and allowed to drain. White mushrooms are placed in sterilized jars and sprinkled with salt (take 50 g per 1 kg of mushrooms). The contents of the jars are seasoned with garlic, placed under pressure, and kept in a cool room. Mushrooms are ready to eat in a week.

Salting whitefish can be done according to a different recipe. 1 kg of prepared raw materials is placed in a pan, half a glass of water and 2 tbsp are added. spoons of salt, bring to a boil. When the brine boils, mushrooms are immersed in it. When boiling, stir the contents of the pan to avoid burning. When the brine boils along with the mushrooms, you need to remove the foam and add spices to taste. The whites are cooked with frequent stirring for 10-25 minutes. They are considered ready when they settle to the bottom; the brine should be clear. Place the mushrooms in another wide pan to cool quickly. Then they are placed in a sterilized container, filled with hot brine, and covered with a lid. The brine is taken in a ratio of 200 ml per 1 kg of boiled whites. Mushrooms are ready to eat after 1.5 months.

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How is cold salting done?

To pickle mushrooms, coarse salt is used.

Belyanki and volushki are salted using the cold method for the winter if there is a lot of time and conditions for soaking. The prepared harvest is placed in a pan with clean running water, salt is added at the rate of 10-20 g per 1 liter, and placed under light oppression. After 72 hours, the water is drained and the raw materials are placed in a colander. Sprinkle the bottom of the pan with salt. Then the raw materials are laid, each layer is sprinkled with salt. The contents of the pan are placed under pressure. After 3 days, the mushrooms are washed with boiled water and placed in pre-sterilized jars. Spices are added: chopped garlic, dry dill, bay leaf, allspice. Everything is poured with boiling vegetable oil.

Another cold pickling recipe. Soaked mushrooms must be laid in rows. They are arranged with spices, sprinkled with food rock salt. When all the raw materials are placed, cooled boiling water is poured into the pan. A wooden circle is placed on top and oppression is placed. It is necessary that all raw materials are under brine. New portions can be added when the mushrooms have settled. The filled container is placed in a cold place.

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How to make assorted mushrooms?

When the mushroom harvest is low, some snack lovers make mushroom platter for pickling. Harvesting mushrooms for the winter using this method is suitable for lamellar species: saffron milk caps, mushrooms, honey mushrooms, milk mushrooms, etc. You can use spices allspice, laurel leaves, black currant, horseradish, garlic, cumin, cloves, coriander.

You can sterilize jars and lids in the oven, double boiler, microwave or water bath.

Spices are taken in small quantities. If you add too many spices, they will kill the mushroom flavor. Some mushroom pickers salt their crops without adding spices.

The cleaned and soaked raw materials must be placed in a barrel or keg. When such containers are not available, enamel buckets, pans, and glass jars are used. Galvanized tin and clay utensils are not used. The selected container is washed and dried over steam.

First, the prepared mushrooms must be soaked in lightly salted water for 48 hours, the water is changed 1-2 times a day. The mushrooms are covered with a wooden circle. The container with the harvest is placed in a cool room. The soaked raw materials should be washed with running water. Then it is placed in a sterilized container, laid down with the caps, layers of 5 cm are made. The bottom of the container is sprinkled with salt (salt consumption is 30 g per 1 kg of mushrooms) and spices, all layers are sprinkled with salt, and transferred with spices. Cover the top with a clean cloth, a wooden circle, and place pressure on the circle. After 3-4 days, the mushrooms are immersed in brine; if this does not happen, the weight of oppression is increased. After 30 days, mushrooms can be eaten.

After cold salting, the mushrooms are canned. Home canning always very tasty. To do this, the mushrooms are transferred from the container in which they were salted into an enamel pan along with the brine. Everything is put on fire and brought to a boil. The contents of the pan are stirred periodically.

Jars and lids with rings are sterilized. After boiling, the mushrooms are kept on low heat for 3 minutes, then they are transferred to a sterilized hot container and covered with lids. Place in a bucket of water, which is heated to 60°. Pour enough water so that it is 3-4 cm below the lids. A wooden grid or thick canvas is placed at the bottom of the bucket; the cans should not come into contact with the bucket. The bucket is closed with a lid.

Bring the water to a boil over low heat. From the moment the water boils, 0.5 liter jars are sterilized for 25-30 minutes. Then the container is removed from the bucket, sealed with a seaming key, placed on a thick cloth with the neck down, and cooled at room temperature.

Homemade pickling of mushrooms is an excellent way to prepare aromatic supplies for the winter; types of pickles made independently are excellent dishes daily and holiday menu.

It is quite easy to prepare these products cold; they are salty.

To do this you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • Mushrooms (any kind, for example, honey mushrooms).
  • Salt.
  • Horseradish root.
  • Dill.
  • Garlic.

Recipe of this preparation includes the following items:

  1. First, you need to wash the food well. For convenience, you can use a sponge or toothbrush. If there is dirt on the mushrooms, the pickling jar may explode. If they are damaged, they should be cut off.
  2. Next, take a pan, the bottom of which is filled with salt. Then add mushrooms, salt again, and so on until the pan is filled to the top.
  3. You should also put dill and chopped garlic between the layers.
  4. A press is placed on top of the pan. Its contents should be infused for 3 days. During this time, the mushrooms will release a lot of juice, which will serve as brine for harvesting.

IN glass jars, which were prepared in advance, you need to place the horseradish root. Mushrooms with brine can be sealed in jars.

How to pickle mushrooms correctly (video)

How to cook and pickle white mushrooms correctly

It is best to choose young products for pickling; they make the most delicious preparation.

Ingredients needed:

  • (about 1 kg).
  • Garlic.
  • Salt.

The preparation method includes the following steps:

  1. These products are best salted in glass containers. The fact is that they are well sterilized and tend to retain a lot of steam.
  2. The products are washed well with water, after which they need to be sorted. Whites for salting should be selected of high quality, not spoiled, otherwise the container may explode. They should be transferred to a glass container and filled with water. The water must be salted.
  3. Next, the container is placed on the stove to boil water. The whites should boil for 30 minutes. If you wish, you can add your favorite spices to the boiling water at this stage.
  4. After the whitefish are cooked, they are removed from the water and passed through a colander. This action must be mandatory so that all the water from the mushrooms is drained.
  5. Then the products are sprinkled with salt in a glass container and infused for 1 week.

How to hot pickle mushrooms in glass jars

Grocery list:

  • Pecheritsy.
  • Water (for 1 kg of pecherits there are 3 glasses of water).
  • Coriander.
  • Carnation.
  • Bay leaf.
  • Garlic.

Step by step method preparations:

  1. First, you need to sort through the products and remove spoiled ones. If there are damages on the pecheritsa, they should be removed with a knife.
  2. At the second stage, the mushrooms need to be cut. If they are small, then this action is not necessary. You should also chop the garlic.
  3. When the water boils on the fire, you will need to add salt, after which you will need to add the pecheritsi. They should boil for 15 minutes. During this time, quite a lot of foam will form in the container, which should be removed.
  4. After 15 minutes, you need to add spices to the container. Let the pecheritsa cook for another 5 minutes.
  5. Then the previously chopped garlic is added to the mushrooms and this entire mass can be placed in a sterilized container.

Before sealing, brine is poured into the jars - the water in which the pecheritsa were boiled.

The best recipe for pickling mushrooms for the winter


  • Champignons or porcini mushrooms.
  • Mint.
  • Water.
  • Vinegar.
  • Bay leaf.
  • Carnation.
  • Salt, sugar.
  • Garlic.


  1. First you need to prepare the champignons for pickling. They must be washed and dried. If the mushrooms are small, then it is better not to cut them, but to salt them in whole.
  2. They should boil for 5 minutes in boiling water. The water needs to be salted a little.
  3. In the meantime, you can start preparing the marinade. To do this, add spices, mint leaves and a few cloves of garlic to boiling water.
  4. Then the champignons are transferred to the boiling marinade and boiled in it for 10 minutes. You should not immediately roll them into jars; the mushrooms should be steeped in the marinade.

Sealing the champignons should occur only after they have cooled. Glass containers sterilized in advance.

Mushroom preparation for the winter with cabbage: the most delicious recipe

In order to prepare it, you need the following ingredients:

  • Mushrooms.
  • Cabbage (there should be more cabbage than mushrooms).
  • Water.
  • Carrot.
  • Apples.
  • Salt.
  • Sugar (to taste).

Recipe for the preparation:

  1. Cabbage and mushrooms are washed. The stalk is removed from the cabbage, after which it is chopped. If the mushrooms are small, it is better not to cut them.
  2. Apples are cut into strips, carrots are grated.
  3. You need to prepare the brine. To do this, boil water and add salt. If you want to achieve a sweetish taste, you can sweeten the water a little.
  4. In a separate deep container, lay out sliced ​​fruits and vegetables in layers. It doesn't matter in what order they will be laid out. The entire mass is poured with brine on top. A press is installed at the top of the container. The workpiece must be steeped in brine for 1 day before it is rolled into jars.

The workpiece must be stirred hourly so that everyone is immersed in the brine. When the day has passed, you can start rolling the workpiece into glass containers.

Mushroom salad for the winter: a wonderful preparation recipe

Required Products:

  • Tubular mushrooms (on standard portion salad you need to take 1.5 kg of mushrooms).
  • Tomatoes.
  • Sugar.
  • Bulgarian pepper.
  • Vinegar.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Carrot.
  • Bulb onions.
  • Salt.

How to prepare this salad:

  1. To make the salad tasty, all products must be strong and fresh. This is especially true for mushrooms. If there are spoiled ones among them, then they must be removed.
  2. All vegetables along with mushrooms must be washed and dried. Products can be cut in any way. Should you cut mushrooms? It depends on their size; small fruits can be cut in half or pickled whole, but large ones can be cut into several parts. It is recommended to immerse them in water while other vegetables are chopped.
  3. The only product that needs to be boiled before pickling the salad is mushrooms. They need to be immersed in boiling water for 5-7 minutes. The water must be salty.
  4. After this, the broth must be decanted. It is convenient to use a colander for this.
  5. To remove all the water from the food, you need to hold it for a while. hot frying pan.
  6. After this it is taken large saucepan, at the bottom of which a little butter is placed. Then you need to put chopped vegetables and mushrooms in it. The contents on the fire will quickly release juice, and the mass will be stewed in it. It is enough to simmer the workpiece for 15 minutes.
  7. While this process is taking place, you can start sterilizing the jars in which the salad will be stored.
  8. The workpiece, along with the extracted juice, is immersed in a sterilized container and rolled up.

Stunning crispy milk mushrooms for the winter (video)

Cooking recipes mushroom pickling so many. Therefore, in order to allow yourself to enjoy such a delicious dish in the winter, you need to take steps to prepare it in the summer or fall.