Grappa color. Grappa drink - Italian and Crimean “grape vodka”

Among gourmets who are in search of original alcoholic drinks, special attention deserves grappa. This is exclusive Italian drink premium level, whose taste and aroma wins the hearts of lovers of strong alcohol.

The price for a bottle of an original European product can vary from one and a half to several thousand rubles.

Grappa - what kind of drink is it?

  • Essentially, this is Italian moonshine, which is obtained from grape pomace: stems, seeds, peel and pulp.

If earlier grappa was considered a drink of commoners and poor people who could not afford real wine, now it is put on the same level as elite alcohol.

  • Grappa is considered a national variety of brandy.
  • The best drinks are produced in the Veneto region, which is located in northern Italy.
  • Today you can buy Italian vodka of different strengths: in liquor store windows you can find specimens from 40 to 55 degrees.
  • Grappa is distinguished by its variety of flavors and visual presentation, so it can be a worthy accompaniment to an important dinner, business meeting, as well as a solid gift.

From the history of the drink

The drink got its name from the place where peasants first began to produce it. This happened in Bassano del Grappa back in the 11th century. The first written mentions of grape vodka date back to the 15th century: in the will of an Italian notary it was said that substantial reserves would be transferred to the heirs finished product And special apparatus for its distillation.

In the 90s of the XX century grape vodka from the shores of the Mediterranean Sea is becoming popular all over the world, and in order to preserve the national identity of the drink and eliminate unfair competition, the Italian government legislates the right to call only Italian brandy, which is prepared from local products, grappa.

Features of the drink


  • Grappa reminds strong wine with soft undertones and a bright fruity aftertaste. Depending on the manufacturer’s recipe, the assemblage may be supplemented with coffee, chocolate, spicy and berry notes.


  • Depending on the grape variety, the color of the drink can vary from golden to dark burgundy. These are always pure colors, not clouded by any impurities or sediment.


  • The bouquet of grappa vodka is a mixture of aromas of grapevine, berries, fruits and spices.

How to choose the right grappa

Recently, the drink has become popular on the “gray” market, where counterfeits are becoming increasingly common. To buy original grappa, and not falsification, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Packaging quality: real Italian brandy is always bottled in good glass with evenly placed labels without any glue smudges. IN excise products defective lids, chipping, etc. are excluded. At the same time, each manufacturer has its own authentic bottling container, so it’s worth familiarizing yourself with the branded assortment in advance on the brand’s official website.
  2. Excise stamp: on original bottles Foreign alcohol must be affixed with a label with excise tax information. This rule does not apply to free trade zones.
  3. Salesman: exclusive expensive foreign drinks are best purchased in specialized stores, where you can always request a quality certificate. It is unlikely that you will find real Italian grappa in a kiosk or grocery eatery near your home.
  4. Appearance of the drink: There is no sediment or cloudiness in the original grape vodka, it is always transparent and clean. Brandy is also distinguished by its viscosity and thickness: when poured, the grappa seems to stretch from the neck into the glass.
  5. Grappa price: real Italian vodka cannot be cheap. A volume of 300 ml can be purchased within a thousand rubles, and bottles with a capacity of 0.7 liters will cost 5-6,000 rubles or more. How much the original grappa costs can be estimated on the official websites of the manufacturers.

How to drink grappa

To feel the depth of the assemblage, experience the pleasure of the enveloping taste and undertones of aroma, you should adhere to the generally accepted canons for serving and drinking grappa.

  1. Depending on the age of the drink, it is poured warm or chilled, without diluting anything. In the first case, this applies to aged brandy, and young assemblages are recommended to be consumed at a temperature of 5 to 10 degrees. This way the bouquet of the drink, its amber and aftertaste are revealed better.
  2. Grappa is poured into cognac glasses or tulip glasses and drunk in small sips, savoring and exploring new accents of the unfolding aroma.
  3. As traditional snack Any hearty dish is suitable, as well as desserts: fruits, especially citrus fruits, ice cream or dark chocolate. The food tandem should be selected correctly depending on the taste nuances of the drink.
  4. Grappa is also the basis for many cocktails created by modern mixologists.
  5. If you are bored with pure European alcohol, you can prepare interesting mixes with national drink Italy: "Venetian Sunset", "Mint Grapes", "Dolce", "Italian Wife" and other alcoholic cocktails.
  6. Also suitable for grappa are recipes for drinks that are prepared using any other brandy. They can be easily found on the Internet.

Types of elite alcohol

Today there are many varieties of grappa, the recipe of which each manufacturer tries to supplement with its own proprietary component or offer a unique bottle design for traditional assemblages.

Among this variety, the most interesting tastes have:

  • Grappa di Sassicaia is a drink that is based on tandem hazelnut and amaretto liqueur. It has a golden hue and a warming aroma of cocoa mixed with coffee, vanilla and spices.
  • Grappa Nonino Riserva Antica Cuvee Fans of fruity accents will love it. This amber-colored drink harmoniously combines the sweetness of apricot notes with refreshing citrus, rich vanilla and almond. The aroma of grappa is reminiscent of fruits in sugar and fresh, just baked croissants.
  • Tradizione Nonino- clean grape drink transparent color, with the taste and smell of berry vine.
  • Il Moscato di Nonino Monovitigno- this option is for those who love fresh combinations. The crystal-clear drink mixed the sparkling aroma of grapes, the freshness of roses and the piquancy of sage, and filled the taste oriental notes figs and sour rose hips.

Grape grappaalcoholic drink, which is made from grape pomace. Although it is more comparable to brandy, this alcohol is often called Italian vodka.

Grappa is considered the national drink of Italy and belongs to the class grape brandy. Initially she was considered by-product after the production of wine drinks. It was made from seeds, grape stems, and juices, but customers liked it so much that it soon became a self-sufficient alcoholic drink.

Young grappa is a clear drink with a sharp taste, while aged grappa has a balanced taste and amber color.

The drink got its name from Mount Grappa, because it was first produced near it in the city of Bassano del Grappa. At the beginning of its history, it was a drink of peasants who drank “grape moonshine” from clay mugs in one gulp so as not to taste it . Modern grappa is considered a prestigious drink, a class no lower than whiskey. Grape grappa is widely represented on the international market today. The provinces of Friuli, Piedmont, and Veneto are considered to be its homeland.

Modern producers are experimenting with the technology of distillation of the drink, aging periods, as well as the grape varieties from which grappa is produced. So, the drink, aimed at the American market, is additionally sweetened fruit syrups to soften its taste. However, grappa attracts not only its taste, but also interesting design. It is bottled that resemble perfume bottles.

At the international level, grappa has the right to be called a strong alcoholic drink made exclusively in Italy.

Well-known manufacturers are Bric de Gaian, Ventani, Tre Soli Tre. Sometimes grappa is made not from grape marc, but from the grapes themselves, although not all winemakers accept this method.

Grappa and chacha - what's the difference?

The difference between grappa and chacha is noticeable in many ways. The first alcoholic drink is produced in northern Italy, and the second in Georgia.

In addition, grappa differs from chacha in the raw materials used. To produce chacha, ripe (sometimes unripe) grapes or other berries and fruits, such as cherry plums, mulberries, cherries, peaches, apricots, figs or persimmons, can be taken. To infuse grappa, alpine herbs, almonds, cinnamon and strawberries are added to the tincture, and exclusively Caucasian herbs and walnut membranes are added to chacha.

Also, the difference between alcoholic beverages lies in the stage of preparation of raw materials. To make chacha, grape cake is diluted with cold water, and to prepare grappa, the cake is softened with water steam and added to the drink. wine yeast And granulated sugar. And for chacha, yeast and sugar are not required.

In addition, the difference between grappa and chacha lies in taste and aroma. It is believed that last drink has a more pleasant taste and rich aroma.

Grappa also differs from chacha in strength. The Italian drink reaches a strength of 40-55 degrees, and the strength of chacha can reach 45-70 degrees.

Also, the difference between the two alcoholic drinks lies in the method of serving. Grappa is served chilled, and chacha should be room temperature. Georgian drink You can drink it before a meal to improve your appetite, while Italian is best drunk after a meal.

Types of grappa

According to the accepted classification, the following types of grappa are distinguished:

Giovane – has a sharp taste and is considered an inexpensive drink.

Affinata in legno – due to six months of aging, the drink acquires a more complex taste.

Invecchiata – grappa aged 12 months.

Stravecchia is a drink aged for at least 18 months. The strength of this drink is 40-50 degrees.

Aromatica – translated from Italian as “aromatic”, is made from Muscatel or Prosecco grapes.

Aromatizzata - made by infusing fruit.

Monovitigno is a single-varietal grappa that contains at least 85% marc from one variety.

Production Features

The production of grappa begins with the collection of grape marc. The quality of the final product depends on their quality. For good grappa, use pomace that contains 30-40% juice.

First, they are fermented, and then the resulting alcohol is aged in barrels. Barrels are usually made of oak. Thanks to this aging, the drink acquires a pleasant light brown hue.

Since grappa is often produced in the north of Italy, the grapes here have greater acidity, which means the taste of the drink will be richer.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of grape grappa are determined by its composition. In ancient times, grape alcohol was called “water of life”, or Aqua Vita. Grappa helps you warm up in a short time; a drink in moderation can improve blood circulation.

Use in cooking

Grappa is widely used in cooking.

So, in Italy it is used for marinating meat, as well as preparing desserts and cocktails.

It is not customary to dilute grappa with other alcohols, but it is often drunk in cocktails. For example, you can prepare a cocktail using original name"Italian wife" To prepare a cocktail you need to mix 10 ml lemon juice, 40 ml of grappa and 5 ml of Blue Curacao liqueur.

You can also make a Clover cocktail. It will require 30 ml of grappa, 10 ml strawberry liqueur, 20 ml lemon juice, egg white and strawberries. All ingredients are mixed in a shaker, poured into a glass with ice, and garnished with strawberries.

How to drink and what to snack on?

It is correct to drink grappa as a digestif, that is they drink it after a meal. As a rule, grappa is drunk chilled, without diluting. Drink high class It is recommended to consume at room temperature to experience its taste. It is customary to drink it from special glasses called “grappaglas” and have the shape of a tulip, but it is acceptable to replace the glasses with cognac glasses.

High-quality grappa has a pleasant taste of almonds, vanilla, and pepper. Glasses for this drink must have a long stem. Fill them three-quarters full.

In Italy, it is customary to add grape grappa to espresso. There is also interesting way use of this drink: It is drunk in a coffee cup. This method is called “let’s wash the cup.”

In order to understand the taste of grappa, you must first fill a glass with the drink, enjoy its color, and then drink a small amount of grappa, holding it in your mouth for a while to feel the taste and, of course, the aftertaste.

Grape grappa goes well with hearty dishes, as well as coffee, dark chocolate, fruits (especially citrus fruits), ice cream, and desserts.

To evaluate the aroma and quality of the drink, just use the following method. A little grappa is poured onto the hand, rubbed and waited for a few seconds. The drink should smell like fried bread or raisins. If the brush does not smell of anything, it means that this is a low quality product.

Grappa can also be consumed with pasta, risotto, tortellini and various deli meats(the drink goes best with lamb). In its homeland, grappa is added to freshly brewed morning coffee.

The Italian alcoholic drink can be enjoyed with a sweet dessert or served with oranges, chocolate or hot coffee.

Below is a video about grappa.

How to do it at home?

In order to enjoy the taste of grape grappa, you don’t have to go to sunny Italy; you can make the drink at home.

Good grappa must be made from unripe grapes: This will make the drink very aromatic.

It is necessary to squeeze the juice from harvested grapes. For grappa you will need not the juice itself, but grape pomace. Since grappa is considered a by-product of winemaking, you can first prepare wine, and from the resulting marc - grappa. Next, the pomace is placed in a container for fermentation. Excellent for these purposes wooden barrel or a large glass bottle, it all depends on the number of squeezes. You should not add various grape branches to the raw material, otherwise the drink will be bitter. At the next stage, sugar and yeast are added to the pomace. For 10 liters of cake, 5 kg of sugar will be enough, as well as 100 g of wine yeast and 30 liters of filtered water. The fermentation process should begin after 5 days, after which the container is placed in a dark place. At this time, the mash should be thoroughly mixed, the container should be carefully closed, and a medical glove should be used as a closure.

After a few weeks, the mash can be distilled. First, you should strain it several times to separate the pulp. A distillation apparatus is used for distillation. To get the most aromatic grappa, you need to cut off the “tail” and “head” of the drink, and leave the aromatic fraction. Therefore you need to use rectification apparatus, that is, the separation of alcohols. In Italy they use a copper alambic.

The next stage in the production of grappa at home is aging. The drink is kept in oak barrels, due to which it will acquire an attractive light brown shade. Grappa should be aged for at least 6 months, but so-called “young” grappa can also be consumed without aging. If desired, the drink can also be infused with berries or fruits. This grappa is called Aromatizzata.

Benefits of grape grappa and treatment

The benefits of this drink have long been known to medicine. Like other types of alcohol, grappa improves blood circulation and has a warming effect. It also tones the body and is a preventative against heart disease.

Harm of grape grappa and contraindications

The drink can cause harm to the body due to individual intolerance, as well as excessive consumption. It is not recommended to consume grape grappa for pregnant and lactating women and people with chronic diseases.

Grappa is called Italian grape vodka or Italian wine - and from this uncertainty alone it is already clear that such a drink really combines unique taste qualities that are difficult to compare with any other drink. It is usually classified as a premium drink, so putting a bottle of grappa on the table means indicating your high status.

A taste of Italian tradition

Like all drinks that came to us from sunny Italy, grappa has a long history of its appearance. It's amazing to think that the current elite drink appeared simply because of the human desire not to throw away even obvious waste! The main components of the drink are seeds, peel, remaining pulp - in a word, everything that is commonly called waste.

However, a unique recycling technique, steam treatment under low pressure and subsequent distillation made it possible to turn such a mass into an incredibly tasty alcoholic drink with a strength of 40 to 60%. From the very beginning, it was a typical “peasant” drink that peasants drank in one gulp. But today it is one of the most elegant and sophisticated types of Italian alcoholic products.

What do we know about grappa?

  1. Information about the first production of grappa and its first recipe have not survived to this day, but we can assume that the technology was almost identical.
  2. The term grappa itself is not that old, and it does not go back to the times of Ancient Rome, but only to 1876. A little more than one hundred years later, the Italians decided to finally “stake out” grappa for themselves.
  3. In 1997, they adopted a decree, which officially stated that grappa is a distillate produced from Italian grapes on Italian territory. Therefore, if you ever come across a bottle of such a drink, and the country of production is indicated as any other, then know that you cannot trust such products.

How to drink grappa: approach it wisely and carefully

This sophisticated drink requires a certain amount of attention (in fact, just like Italian girls). Italians themselves like to joke that they taste grappa, and not drink it like vodka. In its homeland, it is considered an excellent digestif and is often consumed after meals to relax and leave a pleasant aftertaste after the meal.

However, the question “how to drink grappa?” definitely arises, it’s worth encountering it at least once. The rules are quite simple, but in order for your time in her company to go as well as possible, you should still remember some features.

First of all, it is necessary to highlight how many varieties of this wonderful drink, which, albeit slightly, differ:

  • Young (Giovane)– the most common type of grappa, it is what is most often mistaken for vodka (it has a rather sharp taste and transparent color);
  • Aromatica– it is based on fragrant grapes, and therefore this variety has a deep, pleasant aroma;
  • Purified (Affinata)– having been aged for a year, this alcohol is distinguished by its soft taste and the play of golden colors on the surface;
  • Old (Invecchiata)– aging period is more than a year, but less than one and a half years;
  • Very old (Stravecchia o Riserva)– such a drink is infused before consumption for more than six months;
  • Made from one variety (Monovarietale)– characterized by the pronounced taste of the grape variety from which it is made;
  • Made from several varieties (Polivitigno)– characterized by harmony of tastes.

Basic rules of use

Figuring out how to drink grappa is quite simple:

  • It does not require any special temperature and is usually used at room temperature., however, it is customary to cool young grappa to 5-10 degrees, and only then drink it.
  • They drink it calmly, slowly savoring and enjoying the taste of every fruit, berry and spicy notes . Due to the unique technology of its production, this type of alcoholic product is always distinguished by a deep and varied taste, much broader than that of vodka or wine, with which it is so often compared.
  • As for etiquette, there are special glasses for serving grappa (they are called grappaglas), however, ordinary cognac glasses are often used for tasting, which is also allowed.
  • The glass is filled ¾ full, and tasting occurs slowly, one sip at a time. It is customary to linger the drink in the mouth, enjoying the full depth of taste.
  • Grappa is eaten as a hearty meal (after all, it appeared as a peasant drink for meals), as well as light desserts or fruit.

Cocktails with grappa

It is not customary to mix this Italian drink with others, unless we are talking about cocktails. There are plenty of these with grappa.


Nice sweet cocktail with sourness.


  1. 50 ml. orange juice;
  2. 50 ml. grapefruit juice;
  3. 50 ml. grappa

Cooking method:

Pour sequentially Orange juice, then grapefruit juice and finish with grappa. Stir and enjoy the taste.


A delicate and sweet cocktail, perfect for the ladies.


  1. 40 ml. grappa;
  2. 20 ml. pear liqueur;
  3. 20 ml. pear syrup.

Cooking method:
Mix the ingredients in a shaker, adding a drop of lemon juice if desired. Can be served with fresh or candied fruit.

"Italian Wife"

Grappa is a strong alcohol (40-55%) brandy class originally from sunny Italy. Its taste varies depending on the type of grape pomace that forms the basis of the drink and the sweeteners that are sometimes added to it.

Grappa is produced in a wide range, but only from local Italian raw materials. Manufacturing standards and the name of the drink have been protected by law since 1997, or rather by presidential decree No. 287, i.e. You can’t just take any grape moonshine and call it grappa. Out of 120 manufacturers, the House of Nonino is considered the best in the country.

Sometimes the drink is called grappa wine or grape vodka. But in fact it is grape moonshine or chacha or rakia. There are, of course, tiny differences, which will be discussed further.

Homeland: Northern Italy


The first written source mentioning grappa is the will of a notary from Piedmont dated 1451, in which he gave his relatives a device for distilling the drink and a sample of it. However, it is known for certain that grappa was widely produced much earlier - from about the 11th century, and it received its name not by chance, but in honor of the city where they first began to process winemaking waste - Bassano del Grappa.

But on the other hand, winemaking waste in Italian sounds exactly like “grapo”, “rapo”, “graspa”, etc. So we won’t insist that the name of the drink comes from the name of “the city at the foot of Mount Grappa.”

But in those dark ages, this alcohol became the drink of the lower classes, who could not afford wine. Its quality at that time was also very low. It was only in the 20th century that Italian producers turned the harsh drink of commoners into an exquisite digestif of aristocrats. In the 21st century, the quality of grappa has become so high that it has become on par with vodka, rum, etc. strong alcohol, overtaking some of them in price. Traditions of drinking it and a museum dedicated to the drink appeared.

Production technology:

Any winemaking waste is suitable for production - seeds, grape skins, some twigs, etc. In Italy, famous for its vineyards, there is such a good sea. But it's a shame to throw it away. Therefore, the raw material is processed using steam, sugar and wine yeast are added to it, and then distilled. The resulting 80% distillate is diluted to obtain the desired strength.

Most often, grappa is aged in wooden barrels. Limousin oak and forest cherry. Aging makes the drink not only golden amber, but also softer.

Types and varieties:

Once grappa entered high society, many types immediately appeared. There is even a certain classification of the drink.

  1. By age and endurance:
    • Giovane or blanca– young and unaged (therefore colorless), bottled as soon as distillation is completed. The taste is somewhat harsh and poor. Doesn't change taste over the years. Fragrant.
    • Grappa affinata in legno– aged in wood for at least six months. Softer young.
    • Vecchia or invecchia– aged in a barrel for at least a year.
    • Stravecchia or rizerva— aged in a barrel for at least one and a half years. Is the oldest. The taste is pronounced with woody notes, the color is golden, the aroma is rich.
  2. According to the homogeneity of raw materials:
    • monovitigno- one varietal grappa - it contains at least 85% pomace from one grape variety (indicated on the label), for example, from Muscat, Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon, etc.
    • polivitigno- many varieties - it contains cake different varieties grapes
    • acquavite d'uva- actually not grappa, but a distillate from all the remaining fermented wine materials. The quality of the drink is low.
  3. Taste:
    • aromatica- is considered “fragrant”, because it is based on aromatic grape varieties(Prosecco, Moscato)
    • aromatizzata- is considered “flavored”, because After making it, they insist on “flavorings”. They are berries (strawberries, black currant), fruits, herbs, spices (cinnamon), nuts (almonds), etc.
  4. By region of Italy :
    • Friuli, Venice - produces the best grappa
    • Piedmont, Trentino, Tuscany – produce good grappa

The most prestigious brands:“Alexander”, “Ventani”, “Tre Soli Tre”, “Bric de Gaian”, “Grappa Fassati Vino Nobile di Montepulciano”.

Effect on the body:

Like any alcoholic drink, grappa can be both beneficial and harmful to health.

The benefits are determined by the substances contained in grapes and oak, which pass into the drink during the production process, which equates the effect of grappa on the body to the effect of cognac (lowering blood pressure, treating the gastrointestinal tract, etc.).

So there needs to be a norm in everything. Regarding grappa, this is 30–50 ml per day.

How to drink grappa:

High society highly values ​​all kinds of traditions, sometimes creating them even from scratch and elevating them to cult. The same thing happened with grappa. Having ceased to be a peasant, she became high society, demanding the fulfillment of the ritual of drinking.

  1. Temperature

One thing applies here interesting rule– the older the drink, the “warmer” it can be. So, grappa aged for 1-1.5 years or more is drunk without cooling. The drink at room temperature (16-18°C) is savored, revealing its flavor bouquet and aroma. But if it’s still too hard for you to drink strong alcohol warm, or the grappa is young, then cool it to 5-10°C.

  1. Dishes

Grappa is poured into glasses with tulip-shaped stems or ordinary “cognacs” (snifters). White wine glasses and even coffee cups are also suitable for this purpose.

  1. Checking the quality of grappa

It is carried out in the kitchen, not in front of guests. Wash your hands with a non-scented product so that they are clean but odorless. Place 2-3 drops of grappa on your hand and after 10-30 seconds evaluate the result by inhaling the air near your hand. A low-quality drink will make itself known to sharp unpleasant smell. Good grappa will leave a trail of aroma on your hand. fried bread, raisins, etc.

  1. Drinking process

Grappa is a digestif, so it is most often drunk after dinner. pure form. The glass (if this is the one you take) is not completely filled, but only ¾ full.

The transparency of the drink and the smell are assessed (in this case, the glass or glass is held only by the stem, the hand does not touch the rest of the glass), after which a small amount lingers in the mouth for several seconds. The aftertaste contains vanilla and nut accords.

Don't drink grappa in one gulp!

The drink is successfully used to create cocktails.

A shot of grappa added to espresso is called Caffè Corretto in Italy. But to prepare it Any will do strong alcohol.

  1. Appetizer for grappa.

Being a strong alcohol, grappa requires hearty (vodka) snacks. If it’s completely Italian, then serve it with citrus fruits or ice cream, coffee, dark chocolate, and desserts.


Many people do not see the difference between grappa and chacha. This is partly true. But despite the identical production technology, chacha and grappa still have differences:

  1. Grappa has elite varieties aging for many years, chacha - no
  2. For grappa, only winemaking waste (from ripened grapes) is used, for chacha - all grape waste, including unripe fruits that have high acidity.
  3. Of the Vinorgada varieties, the sweeter and noble ones (like Muscat) are used for grappa, while the more sour ones, most often Isabella, are used for chacha.
  4. Grappa is poured into special stemmed glasses or cognac glasses, chacha – into vodka glasses

Homemade grappa. Recipe.

Make an imitation Italian alcohol It's not difficult at all at home. In addition, this is a great way to dispose of waste after making wine or grape juice.

For this you will need:

  • alcohol mashine(the more serious the better)
  • large fermentation container with lid
  • water – 30 liters
  • sugar – 5-7 kilos
  • wine yeast - 100 grams
  • grape raw materials - 10 liters


  1. Raw materials.

This is grape cake (skins - seeds), but sometimes the whole one can be used (if you have it like in a grape factory).

When planning to prepare grappa, juice from grapes for primary needs, for example, wine, squeeze carefully, keeping it up to 50% in the berries.

The grape variety and its ripeness are not of fundamental importance, despite the strange preferences of some people to use unripe berries.

As for grape branches, it all depends on individual preferences. Let's just note that they will give the drink excessive bitterness and astringency.

  1. Fermentation

Place the cake and sugar, wine yeast and cold water into the fermentation container. boiled water. After a week (sometimes earlier), fermentation should begin. The container is closed (not necessarily tightly, but tightly) and sent into the dark. From time to time the mash needs to be stirred, breaking up the cap of skins, etc.

Typically, fermentation is completed within 2-3 weeks and it can be distilled.

  1. Distillation

To begin with, the mash is filtered, carefully separating the pulp.

We carry out the distillation twice, the second time dividing the resulting distillate into fractions, i.e. highlighting the “heads”, “heart” and “tails” of the drink. For this, an ordinary cheap moonshine still is poorly suited, but a copper alambik (its smaller copy), although it will be a major option, will bring the taste of homemade grappa as close as possible to the original.

  1. Excerpt

The grappa you just received is now ready to drink. But it will be even better if you put it in an oak or cherry barrel for six months to a year to “rest.” You can even “forget” about it for a couple of years - this will only make the drink more subtle and refined. By the way, if there is no barrel, try infusing grappa, like one of the options homemade cognac- on oak or cherry pegs.

The second option is to infuse the drink with fruits - berries or herbs - spices. You can use nuts like almonds, hazelnuts, cedar, hazelnuts. Choose your favorite bouquet, for example, orange, cinnamon, etc. and fill it with the resulting alcohol. After 3-7 days, you get a fragrant deliciousness. Options with nuts, spices, and citrus zest can be aged for a month or more.

Of course, the resulting drink will be different from the store bought one, but this does not mean that it will be bad. By carrying out such a creative experiment more than once, you will hone your skills, and perhaps your grappa will surpass even Italian grappa in taste.

Cocktails with grappa

They are tasty, interesting, feminine. But the main thing about them is the possibility of experimentation, as a result of which grappa can replace vodka in any cocktails with vodka. However, the reverse exchange is possible in cocktails with grappa.

Simple cocktails usually consist of grappa (50 ml) and absolutely any juice (100 - 150 ml). They are served chilled, with ice and a cocktail straw.

Here is an example of several more complex options.

P.S. If you don't find bitters, cook without them!

Cocktail “Italian Wife”

You will need:

  • grappa – 40 ml
  • Blue Curacao liqueur – 5 ml
  • lemon juice – 10 ml

Let's prepare it like this:

This is a shot. The components are combined in a shaker and strained into a glass (without ice).

Cocktail "Clover"

You will need:

  • grappa – 30 ml
  • strawberry syrup (or liqueur) – 10 ml
  • lemon juice – 20 ml
  • protein chicken egg- 1 PC.

Let's prepare it like this:

Ice is placed in a glass. The components are combined in a shaker and poured into a glass. In some cases, no protein is added.

Cocktail "Manhattan"

You will need:

  • grappa – 10 ml
  • red vermouth – 25 ml
  • Angostura bitters - 1-2 drops
  • ice – 2-3 cubes

Let's prepare it like this:

The components are combined in a shaker and poured into a glass.


You will need:

  • grappa – 30 ml
  • Amaretto liqueur (other cherry) – 10 ml
  • ice – 2-3 cubes

Let's prepare it like this:

Ice is placed in a glass. The components are combined in a shaker and poured into a glass.

A true Italian cannot imagine a home holiday or family evening without a bottle of aromatic and strong grappa, also known as Italian grape vodka. The drink grappa is traditional for Italy; it began to be produced after the development of wine distillation technology. At first, vodka was considered exclusively a peasant drink, but later it reached the Doges. Subsequently, the drink grappa became a unique symbol of Italian winemaking and largely corresponds to the traditions of the peninsula and the mentality of the Italians themselves.

Origin of the drink

It is unknown when exactly Italian grape vodka appeared. At first, its production was a rational source for recycling waste from winemaking - berry marc, seeds, tails. Later, the grappa drink began to generate profit; raw materials, previously considered waste, became a source of money and later even acquired its own name - marc (French). The drink was produced specifically for peasants, but it appealed to the mass consumer and was put into production along with wines.

The birthplace of Italian grape vodka is considered to be the city of Bassano del Grappa, on the slope of Mount Grappa. Now the drink is supplied all over the world and is considered status. Among grappa, it also found its place, since it retains the notes of the specific grape variety from which it was made. Among tourists, the drink is one of the most popular souvenirs. However, Italian grape vodka has earned its greatest popularity in numerous provincial towns throughout Italy and is the most widely consumed type of alcohol.

Vodka or brandy?

Paradoxically, Italian grape vodka is in fact a drink comparable to brandy. The vodka recipe is in many ways similar to the moonshine brewing procedure and complies with the standards for this drink, that is, the strength is about 45-50 degrees. Sommeliers and winemakers are still arguing about where grappa should be classified, since it is original and unique in production. Many households do not disclose the recipe for vodka; in Italy, there are even competitions between producing cities.

Grappa, whether it is vodka or brandy, absorbs the taste and aroma of the grape variety that became the basis for the drink. Young grappa, less than a year old, really looks like regular moonshine, has a high strength, sharp taste, transparent color and bright aroma. A more aged drink has a rich amber color and has mild taste with pronounced notes of flowers, berries and jasmine, it is easy to drink, does not contain a strong ethyl aroma and is actually more reminiscent of a good brandy.

How is vodka grappa made?

In many ways, the production of Italian grape vodka is no different from that in the CIS. The raw material is grape pomace. For more prestigious types of grappa, choose those pomace that contain up to 40% grape juice and add a few seeds. Initially, the vodka recipe included all waste, but later production became cleaner. The raw materials are fermented and then aged for 3 to 18 months, depending on the grape variety, classification and buyer preferences. Oak is used as a material for barrels, then the grappa vodka gets a rich

Age matters

The older the grappa, the brighter and richer its taste. The question of how vodka is made largely depends on what type we're talking about. For young vodka, the barrels can be made of metal, since no special aging is required. Mass producers allow this. Households and family businesses that own small vineyards prefer to adhere to old recipe vodka and do not deviate from it.

Varieties of vodka

There are several varieties of grappa, from cheaper options that are virtually indistinguishable from regular vodka except for the grape flavor, to a status drink that is worthy of a place in even the most sophisticated wine collection. Grappa is divided according to the following classification:

  • Giovane (bianco), an Italian grape vodka, the name of which literally means “white” or “clear”, is the youngest drink, valued for its low cost, but has a strong taste, which is why sommeliers do not like it.
  • Affinata in legno - this drink was aged in oak barrels for at least 6 months.
  • Invecchiata - according to collectors, the most affordable grape vodka in terms of price and quality, aged for a whole year, has a mild taste, but not as pronounced as affinata in legno, which is considered a more feminine drink.
  • Stravecchia, literally "old" - the most aged Italian vodka, this drink is stored for 18 months, has a rich amber color and is very spicy aroma grapes and spices.

Bright aroma

Depending on the variety, the product is also divided into the following types:

  • Aromatica contains about 60% grape waste from one variety - Muscatel or Prosecco. Very aromatic drink, which is closer to wines than to vodka.
  • Aromatizzata, unlike the usual one, appeared in the south of Italy, a region rich fruit trees. The drink is infused with fruits, as well as fruit cake. It has a bright light taste and a more delicate aftertaste.
  • Monovitigno - Italian vodka, which contains more than 80% cake from one variety, which makes the taste of the drink brighter, is more common in the north, which is why taste palette sourness predominates.

In addition, grappa is divided depending on the region of production, since each household adds something different to the vodka recipe. Muscat varieties have a brighter sweet taste, white varieties have a sour taste. But regardless of this, good grappa always leaves behind an almond aftertaste.

Useful properties and taste palette

Like wine products, grappa has antiseptic, antihistamine and anti-inflammatory properties. With moderate consumption, Italian grape vodka can improve blood circulation, improve the functioning of the central nervous system and promote the outflow of bile from the body. Of course, it is better to choose more aged types of drink for consumption; they have a softer taste and richer flavor shades in the palette.

The taste of vodka depends on the variety that became the basis for production. In the north, grappa is sour, in the south it is sweeter and spicier. In France, they make their own analogue of the drink, which has a viscous spice flavor and is made from darker grape varieties. Initially, grappa was used as a distinctive product, served with both fish and meat. Later it became the basis for a number of recipes for hot dishes, including marinated meat. Now it is even used in cocktails, where it replaces regular vodka.

How to drink grappa in Italian?

IN modern Italy the drink is served as a digestif, that is, an “aftertaste,” at the end of the main meal. In this case, it replaces the usual one. For more accessible types of grappa, there is a universal drinking formula - serve chilled, without mixing. In this case, the taste of ethyl will be less noticeable, and the taste of grapes will begin to dominate the palette. More status types of vodka are served at room temperature, without any appetizer, so that a person can fully appreciate the taste of the drink and its aftertaste.

It is noteworthy that vodka is served in special glasses, which are called grappa glasses. They are shaped like a tulip, with a narrower neck to make the aroma of the drink more noticeable. Traditionally, before serving, it is cooled slightly, the glass is filled two-thirds full, and served to all guests on one dish. Drink a drink like good wine- savoring both the taste and aroma, holding the glass exclusively by the stem. After this, the owner is thanked for the meal. It is extremely impolite to leave unfinished vodka in a glass - this is a sign of disrespect for the owner.

Part of tradition

The Italians have an interesting tradition that is literally called “let’s wash the cup.” According to it, the drink is poured into espresso cups, thanks to which the remaining coffee is washed off. As a result, a fashion arose to add grape vodka to black coffee. Italians do not consider grappa too strong, and therefore drink it as an aperitif, at lunchtime and even in the afternoon. This unique product, which, like whiskey or brandy, has become a kind of business card countries. Grape vodka remains one of the most successful gifts as a souvenir from Italy, and therefore has gained considerable popularity not only in the West, but also in the CIS countries. This drink is worth trying!