Mustard from grains recipe. Mustard: benefits and harm to the body

Grainy mustard is a seasoning made from whole mustard seeds, which are brown in color (see photo). Mustard has a rich aroma and a rather pungent taste.

Popular in most countries of the world is French grainy Dijon mustard.

When choosing natural mustard beans, you should carefully examine the color of the grains. They should be colored, with small black dots. If the mustard has only a brown tint, it means that artificial flavors were used in production instead of natural spices. Also, the product should not contain essential oil.


The composition of high-quality grain mustard when manufactured at the factory includes the following products:

  • brown mustard seeds;
  • dry white wine;
  • salt;
  • granulated sugar;
  • wine vinegar.

Making mustard is not complete without adding aromatic spices: cloves, garlic, bay leaves, allspice, nutmeg and cardamom.

The product has an average calorie content, but you should not consume it in excess of the norm so as not to worsen your health condition.

Benefits and harms

The benefits of grain mustard for normal human life are undeniable. Due to the content of vitamin B and minerals (calcium, iron, magnesium), it is recommended to eat it for:

  • relief from severe headaches (migraines);
  • relief of asthma attacks;
  • increased appetite;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • prevention of rheumatism;
  • improved digestion;
  • accelerating fat burning processes.

However, mustard beans can have a negative impact on health. It is not allowed to be consumed by people who have diseases related to digestion, heart problems, or kidney problems. It is also not recommended to eat mustard if you have pneumonia and tuberculosis..

Use in cooking

The use of grain mustard in cooking is mainly in the preparation of dressings, marinades and sauces. So, by adding mustard to the sauce, you can season the vegetable salad with it.

Sometimes cooks prepare marinated champignons with grainy mustard. It is also great for cooking meat products (pork, chicken, chicken breast).

Grainy mustard is also eaten with a herring sandwich. To do this, smear the surface of the bread with mustard, and place a piece of fish on top.

In addition, mustard seasoning can also be used to preserve vegetables for the winter. Cucumbers, carrots, and onions can be preserved with it.

Some chefs recommend adding this seasoning to mashed potatoes, salted yogurt, souffle, cream and cheese sauces.

Dishes with grainy mustard turn out very aromatic and appetizing.

How to make grainy mustard at home?

It takes about fifteen minutes to make grainy mustard at home. The main thing is to follow the cooking recipe step by step, observe the specified proportions, and then you will get a very tasty seasoning.

To prepare homemade mustard seeds, you must first soak about two hundred grams of mustard seeds in one hundred milliliters of water for a whole day, adding one hundred milliliters of fruit vinegar. After time has passed, the container with mustard seeds should be boiled over low heat for about one minute, stirring constantly. Then you need to take three tablespoons of boiled grains and grind with a blender to a puree. And into a container with grainy mustard, add two tablespoons of granulated sugar and table salt to your taste, stirring well. Then add the crushed grains and stir. If there is not enough salt or sugar in the mustard, you can add a little.

Distribute the finished homemade grain mustard into a sterilized container, seal it with a lid and put it in the refrigerator. The product can be eaten only after two days. The shelf life of mustard is exactly two months.

Mustard is a tasty, spicy and aromatic seasoning that can complement the taste of almost any dish. It goes well with both meat and fish and vegetables. This product contains many healthy microelements. In this article you will learn how to make grainy mustard at home. Use simple recipes to add variety to your diet.

The recipe for making grainy mustard is simple.

  • Number of servings: 10
  • Cooking time: 20 minutes

The benefits and harms of grainy mustard

Mustard seeds have many beneficial properties. Regular consumption of this product will improve appetite and activate digestion. Grain mustard has a positive effect on blood circulation, normalizes the functioning of the liver and gallbladder, and has antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic effects. Despite the benefits, this seasoning also has some contraindications, namely:

    individual sensitivity;

    kidney pathologies;



    gastrointestinal diseases;

    intestinal colitis.

If a small amount of mustard does not cause you discomfort, a burning sensation in the stomach, or shortness of breath, you can safely increase the portion and include the product in your diet more often.

Application of grain mustard

A condiment made from whole mustard seeds is widely used in cooking. You can use it as a savory hot sauce. Meat products are often marinated in mustard, added to salad dressings, and used as an original breading. This seasoning will add an unusual taste and aroma to any dish and decorate it.

In folk medicine, there are many recipes based on mustard seeds. Self-prepared medicine will improve your appetite or get rid of a cold.

Grainy Mustard Recipe

Today you can buy ready-made grain mustard in almost any grocery store. However, homemade sauce is more natural, tasty and healthy. To please your household with such a spicy seasoning, use the recipe below.

To prepare grainy mustard you will need the following ingredients:

    250 g mustard seeds;

    ½ tbsp apple cider vinegar;

    ½ tbsp. apple juice.

We thoroughly wash the grains and place them in a small saucepan. Pour in apple cider vinegar and juice, cover with film and place in the refrigerator for 48 hours. When the sauce is infused, add to it:

    2 tbsp. l honey;

    20 grams of sugar;

    1 tsp salt;

    2 tbsp. l apple cider vinegar.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly and cook over low heat for 2 minutes. Grind the third part of the resulting product in a blender or crush it in a mortar, and then add it to the main mass.

Ready grain mustard can be stored in the refrigerator for 1.5 - 2 months. The spiciness of the seasoning directly depends on the color of the grains. If you want to make the seasoning hotter, replace some of the yellow grains with black or brown seeds. The longer this product is infused and cooked, the tastier it becomes.

Spicy and aromatic, as well as sharp and burning in taste - these are the first associations that mustard evokes. But in fact, if you go deeper, it is not only the most common seasoning in the world, but also an excellent disinfectant, effective medicine and cosmetic product. What is mustard, what is its relationship to human health, how much and to whom can it be consumed - we will talk about all this later in the article.

Chemical composition

Many owners sow mustard seeds on theirs. Dense half-meter stems grow from them, which bloom in inflorescences. But for medicinal, culinary and cosmetic purposes, only grains are needed, and the stems are used for...

Did you know?Mustard spread to Europe from Asia and was very popular back in the 1300s. This is evidenced by written accounts for 320 liters of mustard seasoning eaten at one of the Duke of Burgundy's dinner parties.

In all parts of the family, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and acids necessary for the full development of humans are found.

100 grams of crushed mustard seeds contain:

  • carbohydrates - 5 g;
  • squirrels - 4.4 g;
  • fats - 4 g;
  • unsaturated fats - 0.2 g;
  • alimentary fiber - 3.3 g;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids - 1 g;
  • monounsaturated fatty acids - 2.6 g;
  • sodium - 37 mg;
  • potassium - 38 mg;
  • calcium - 58 mg;
  • magnesium - 49 mg;
  • iron - 1.5 mg;
  • sugar - 0.9 g;
  • retinol - 71 mg;
  • calciferol - 0.1 mg;
  • cyanocobalamin - 0.5 mg;
  • ascorbic acid - 1.5 mg;
  • pyridoxine - 0.1 mg.

In addition, plant fibers of all parts of the plant contain glucosinolates characteristic of the family, in particular: sinigrin, sinalbin, myrosin and its enzyme. When in contact with water, these components form mustard oils, including allyl isothiocyanate, which provide a specific pungent taste.

Did you know? The status of the “mustard capital of the Universe” is securely assigned to the French city of Dijon. This happened back in the 13th century, when the production sector of the settlement switched to a popular seasoning. In 1937, the French product was awarded a Certificate of Authenticity of Origin. And today the best and most expensive mustard in the world can only be bought in Dijon stores.

Heated whole mustard seeds lose their pungency and, conversely, emit a pleasant aroma, but retain bitterness when chewed. This fact is explained by the effect of temperature on the tyrosinase enzyme. As a result of complex physicochemical reactions at the molecular level, caustic sulfurous substances are released. Chefs use these features of mustard by adjusting the level of spiciness of the seasoning.
Despite the fact that mustard contains fats, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids, the calorie content of the product allows it to be added to the main meal in sufficient quantities. 100 g of seasoning grains contain only 66 kilocalories.

What are the benefits of mustard?

Even primitive people knew about the beneficial properties of the plant, and contemporaries do not neglect them. On the contrary, mustard is successfully used both in and in official medicine.

Thanks to the interaction of beneficial components, the plant has a tonic, warming, antiseptic, enveloping and expectorant effect.

Important! If you cook mustard paste at room temperature or higher, it will turn out spicy. And ground grains poured with boiling water will give a softer and slightly sweeter taste.

For colds and coughs, many also use the so-called “grandfather’s” mustard plasters, pour mustard powder into their socks to warm them, and make compresses and rubs from it.

In addition, seasoning has a beneficial effect on the digestive organs, liver and gall bladder. It also normalizes metabolic processes in the body and helps increase appetite, but with heavy consumption it can have a slight laxative effect.
Using mustard's ability to enhance blood circulation, herbalists recommend it for the treatment of radiculitis, muscle cramps, neuritis, skin diseases, rheumatism and even infertility. Moreover, it is an excellent preventative against hypertension and atherosclerosis.

Nutritionists say that regular consumption of the product helps get rid of extra pounds and promotes sexual activity. And scientists have proven that people who constantly eat mustard seasoning have good eyesight.

For ladies who want to have voluminous hair, a hair mask with mustard will help. As a result of the warming effect of the components, blood circulation is stimulated, as a result of which the hair follicles awaken and hair grows.

Did you know? Today, many peoples revere mustard. For example, in Denmark the plant is considered a reliable protection against demons and evil spirits. For this purpose, mustard seeds are scattered in the home and not collected for 3 days - in order to attract happiness. But in the United States of America they even celebrate Mustard Day. This event takes place every first Saturday in August.


Many housewives have mustard - it is a piquant seasoning for various dishes, an effective medicine, and an indispensable component in a home cosmetology laboratory. Let's take a closer look at how to prepare homemade mustard paste and what to do with mustard powder and oil.

In cooking

Even in the ancient cookbook “De re coquinaria”, dating back to the 5th century, mention is made of the preparation of a spicy paste, which includes crushed grains of black pepper, mustard, as well as seeds baked over a fire, ground dry herbs,. All this was seasoned with vegetable oil. The resulting paste was seasoned only with spit-roasted meat.

Today, mustard is a traditional aromatic seasoning for cold and meat dishes. It is also an integral component for making sauces and mayonnaise. And whole and powdered grains of the plant are added as a preservative to all marinades.
But that's not all. Cooks often coat meat with liquid mustard before baking. Moreover, it can be and, and, and, and. The delicate surface of the product under such a cover retains its juiciness, does not burn and is imbued with a pleasant spicy aroma. And a thin crispy crust forms on top.

Important! Mustard never spoils or becomes moldy. But it can dry out, darken and lose flavor.

In culinary recipes in Belgium and the Netherlands, mustard soup is popular, which is prepared from cream, finely chopped salted lard and. Of course, the main ingredient of this dish is mustard.
In Asian cuisine, not a single meat or vegetable dish is complete without grains from this crop. Black varieties of the plant are used for salads, after frying the seeds in a very hot frying pan. And white varieties are stuffed into bacon and raw fish.
To avoid the effects of harmful chemical preservatives, many housewives prefer to prepare their own mustard paste. Moreover, at home it will not be difficult. For the classic version, you will need 7 teaspoons of mustard powder (it can be purchased in a store or obtained from grains ground in a coffee grinder), which should be combined with 1.5 tsp. granulated sugar and a pinch of salt.

Important! In order for homemade mustard to acquire a rich, bright yellow color, it is recommended to add turmeric or colorant to it.

Pour the mixture into a liter jar and shake well. Then add warm (40 °C) boiled water into the container in small portions. After this, the resulting mass is tightly covered with a lid and allowed to brew for about 5 hours. Then stir a teaspoon of any vegetable oil into the resulting consistency.

In medicine

The seeds of black mustard are most often used for medicinal purposes. They are used to make powder for mustard plasters, as well as mustard plasters. Similar remedies are used in official medicine for colds, coughs, bronchitis, neuralgia, and radiculitis.

Traditional healers advise eating several mustard seeds every day on an empty stomach. They will improve the functioning of the digestive tract and relieve constipation. In addition, many herbalists regard the seasoning as an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. First of all, it is recommended for patients with asthma and arthritis.

In medicine, there is an opinion that mustard promotes the resorption of tumors. To do this, just crush the seeds and dilute them with warm water. It is recommended to take such a drink three times a day, and it is advisable to simultaneously apply mustard compresses to the sore spot.

Some herbalists say that daily intake of powdered mustard diluted with water, drunk on an empty stomach, helps develop intelligence, as well as remove toxins from the body. That is why, in case of poisoning with pesticides, it is advised to take something “spicy”.
Pediatricians advise using special compresses in addition to mustard plasters for colds. They are prepared from 1 teaspoon of mustard powder and a glass of warm water. Apply for no more than 10 minutes.

Did you know? The fact went down in history that one day before a duel, King Darius sent Alexander the Great a bag of sesame seeds, which symbolized the large size of his army. Alexander reacted to this gesture instantly - he sent his opponent a gift of a bag of mustard seeds, which signified the strength and power of his troops.

For general strengthening of the body, improving immunity and appetite, some doctors recommend systematically taking mustard oil. The vitamins present in its composition can be stored for more than six months. But experts advise not to abuse such therapy, because mustard oil has both beneficial properties and contraindications.

In cosmetology

Thanks to the interconnection of beneficial components, the culture is valued by cosmetologists around the world. The fact is that the substance promotes skin rejuvenation, cell regeneration, and improves blood circulation. It’s not for nothing that ancient Indian beauties considered mustard drink the “elixir of youth.”

Modern cosmetologists use mustard powder and oil to prepare wound-healing and antifungal agents. In addition, the product has an effective effect on hair growth, improves its condition, nourishing it with useful substances.

Important! To prepare a mustard hair mask, the powder must be diluted with warm water. Under no circumstances should you use boiling water, as hot temperatures promote the formation of toxic oils.

Important in the process of preparing cosmetic products for scalp care do not overdo it with the amount of mustard. After all, this is, first of all, a potent medicine. Therefore, strictly follow the recipe and do not overexpose the substance on your body and hair. In addition, before application, it is recommended to do an allergy test on a small area of ​​sensitive skin.

Recipes of traditional medicine and home cosmetology

With the help of mustard you can prevent many diseases, as well as get rid of existing ones.

Let's look at the ten most popular recipes and advice from traditional healers:

  • To get rid of freckles, take equal parts of mustard powder, mix them with a decoction of white flowers and apply to problem areas every day before going to bed.
  • For colds, ARVI, bronchitis, mustard baths will be very useful. To do this, dilute 200 g of powder in a liter of warm water and pour the liquid into a bowl of water at a temperature of +35...36 °C. Place your feet in the prepared container and hold for about 10 minutes.
  • For fever, traditional medicine advises preparing medicine from 2 tbsp. l. Cahors, 1 tsp. ground Sarepta mustard seeds and a pinch of salt. All components are combined, mixed thoroughly and taken orally before each meal.
  • If you suffer from urolithiasis, make yourself a medicine from field mustard seeds. To do this you will need 1 teaspoon of ripe raw materials and 250 ml of boiled water. When the ingredients are combined, put the mixture on the fire and simmer over low heat for about 5 minutes. After this, let it brew for 2 hours, strain and drink 1 tbsp three times a day. l.
  • Hiccups will go away if you take mustard powder on the tip of a knife and dilute it with a teaspoon of vinegar. The resulting paste should be placed on the tongue and held for 3 minutes. After this, it is advisable to rinse your mouth with warm water.
  • For those who suffer from constipation, a recipe containing a third of a teaspoon of white mustard powder and a glass will be useful.
Homemade mustard *Take your eyes out* - recipes

Homemade strong mustard is the pride of any housewife, and its recipe is often kept a big secret. I will reveal it to you without even blinking an eye. It’s so easy to prepare that you can only wonder why some people don’t succeed. For example, I do everything by eye and without any measurements. I will tell you, dear readers, in more detail.

Simple ingredients:

Mustard powder;

One hundred grams of cucumber pickle;

A spoon of vegetable oil;

Spoon of sugar.


1. Open the mustard powder. I bought it in the spice department. We prepare vegetable oil - no more than a spoon, considering that the less it is, the “hotter” the mustard is. Open the jar of pickles and pour out some brine. It’s good if it contains vinegar, aromatic spices and everything else. I will use brine from store-bought gherkins mixed with homemade ones.

2. Take a few spoons of dry mustard and pour into a saucepan.

3. Gradually begin to introduce the brine, while stirring the mixture. We need to get a creamy mass - thin and non-liquid.

5. Then vegetable oil, still continuously stirring the almost complete mustard.

6. Well, actually, that's all! It’s not worth trying yet, but sending it to a jar and onto a battery is just the thing. For an hour or two. Next, put the mustard in the refrigerator and


7. As a result, in a few hours we will get an amazing, real Russian seasoning “Tear Out Your Eyes”. Important! We try it for the first time very, very carefully - no more than a gram. In the photo, I seem to be using it with spoons - this is to visualize the dish.


Homemade mustard - Natural, with spices

mustard powder - 150 g;
water - 1.5 cups;
olive oil - 1 tbsp. spoon;
honey - 1 tbsp. spoon;
ground cinnamon - 0.5 teaspoon;
ground cloves - a third of a teaspoon;
ground black pepper - a third of a teaspoon;
salt - to taste

Cooking method:

We have been making homemade mustard for a long time. It turns out to be much tastier than store-bought. And most importantly, without any unnecessary additives, preservatives, or vinegar. It's easy to prepare.

All spices are taken as desired and in the desired quantities, we take something like this. If you need less mustard, then use less water and less spices.
Boil water. It is advisable to pour a glass of boiling water into a container with a lid (we take a metal bowl). Then, constantly stirring the water, add mustard powder. You need to pour it in until it thickens. That is, grooves should remain on the surface and not be leveled (that is, like custard when making).

Then we level the surface in the middle, bring a spoon and pour boiling water on it. The water should lie above the mustard in a layer of approximately 5-7 mm, without disturbing the total mass.
Carefully close the container and wrap it for a day or more, but not less.
After a day, add oil (we use olive oil), honey or cane sugar to the mustard. Sprinkle salt and pepper evenly over the entire surface, but not in a continuous layer. We take finely ground salt from the mill, pepper also from the mill.
We also scatter the cloves evenly over the surface. It's better not to overdo it.
Scatter cinnamon over the surface. It smoothes out the acrid smell of mustard and does not particularly affect the taste, but you also need to be careful with it. In general, it’s better not to smell mustard without spices)))

Mix everything thoroughly. Ready. We taste it, if something is missing, then add more.

Perhaps you have your own spices for mustard. The main thing is not to overdo it with any component. But again, everyone has individual taste. Some people like it sweeter, some like it spicier.

Store mustard in the refrigerator. This amount is enough for about a month. It is stored well. Sometimes water comes out, then you just need to stir it. When using, it should be covered with a lid to prevent it from eroding. Opened, scooped, closed. Or put it into small jars.

It turns out very tasty! Can't compare with purchased one. Real, hot, but tasty. I must say that I didn’t eat mustard at all, because my stomach was sick. But now I spread it on bread in small quantities and eat it with soup. And not only with soup. I really liked it.
Bon appetit!


Mustard with milk


Mustard powder 50 g.

Vinegar 1 tsp.

Vegetable oil 1 tbsp. l.

Honey 1 tsp (maintains the strength of mustard)

Milk 150 g (does not allow mustard to age. It will not turn sour, since mustard kills sour-milk microflora)

A pinch of salt

Mix the products well and leave in an airtight container (a jar, for example) in a dark, cool place overnight. If you add more milk, the mustard will be thinner.

Mustard Seed Recipes


Black and white mustard seeds, water, herbs of Provence spice mixture, liquid honey, cinnamon, cloves, salt, allspice, wine vinegar or white wine (I used vinegar), olive oil.


Meanwhile, in a special bowl, I tried to crush the seeds with a mortar - this is not an easy task, and I did not crush all the seeds.

I poured mustard seeds into a jar, poured boiling water with seasonings (through a sieve), added a teaspoon of honey and a little cinnamon. The liquid should cover the seeds, but there should not be too much of it, otherwise the seeds will float as if separately. Pour vinegar (1 teaspoon) and olive oil. Leave to cool at room temperature, then put in the refrigerator. If you are not very successful in crushing the seeds, then you can either add a spoonful of mustard powder during the cooking process, or add mustard to the ready-made mustard, whichever you like best. Personally, I didn’t add anything, everything suited me! If anyone has any ideas on how to improve this recipe, I'm looking forward to your feedback! Bon appetit, everyone!

French mustard

mustard powder 50 grams
mustard seeds 50 grams
vegetable oil 2-4 tablespoons
wine vinegar, or apple, or other natural, and maybe lemon juice 4 tbsp. spoons
sugar 2 tbsp. spoons
salt 1/2 teaspoon
freshly ground colored pepper to taste freshly ground
optional and to taste cloves, nutmeg, cucumber pickle
Methods for preparing mustard, as well as the contents of various
there is a lot of variety, I have long since settled on this method, it seems to me that mustard prepared in this way has a pleasant taste and aroma, and at the same time has such a great vigor.
We won’t touch the mustard seeds for now, but pour the mustard powder into a bowl. Add boiling water in a thin stream and mix until you get a plastic mass.

that is, if the need arises to fashion something out of something right here and now, mustard could come in handy
Let's level it evenly, and carefully pour boiling water over a spoon a centimeter... one or two

And leave it until it cools.
Then carefully drain the water. It’s okay if the substance is runny

the seeds will take up the excess liquid. Then add sugar and salt, add vinegar, grate pepper, stir in seeds, butter

put it in a glass jar with a screw-on lid, screw it on tightly and leave it on the table overnight to mature
In the morning, if the mustard is too thick, you can dilute it with wine vinegar, cucumber pickle, or even some water
This mustard has a pleasant sourness, peaceful core, and the grains burst so deliciously on the tooth.

Take dry mustard seeds, crush them in a mortar or grind them in a coffee mill, and sift through a thick sieve. Put honey on the fire and boil. When the honey is browned, add ground mustard, dilute with boiled and cooled vinegar, stir until smooth and immediately seal.
For 1 glass of ground mustard - 1 glass of honey, 200 g of vinegar.

Pour dry mustard into a saucepan, pour boiling vinegar, add granulated sugar, pour in burnt sugar, stir well, put on the stove, boil, stirring, pour into a bowl and stir until it cools.
If the mustard turns out to be too thick, you can dilute it with hot vinegar.
For 200 g of dry room - 150 g of vinegar, 200 g of sugar, 1 tbsp. spoon of burnt sugar.

Add sugar and salt to mustard powder, stir and dilute with cold vinegar. It is necessary to stir it for at least an hour, and the more, the better, from this it will benefit in both taste and strength.
At 3 tbsp. spoons of mustard - 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 1 teaspoon of salt, 3 tbsp. spoons of vinegar.

Put sugar into the gray mustard, stir well and pour vegetable oil into this mixture, stirring constantly until the mustard turns into a very thick lump soaked in oil. Then pour crushed cinnamon and crushed cloves into it, dilute with cold vinegar until it becomes liquid, like porridge, then pour into jars, seal and put in a warm place for a week.
For 400 g of gray mustard - 200 g of sugar, 300 g of vegetable oil, b g of cinnamon, b g of cloves, 250 g of vinegar.

Take dry mustard, pour vegetable oil into it, stir, cover, and leave for 12 hours. Then boil the vinegar, pour it little by little into the mustard, stirring constantly until it cools; Add granulated sugar and burnt sugar, stir and place in a warm place for a week.
For 200 g of the room - 3 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil, 150 g of vinegar, 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 3 teaspoons of burnt sugar.

Put crushed cloves and sugar into the mustard, dilute it all with vinegar so that the mass is more liquid than ordinary mustard and so that there are no lumps, then put on the stove and cook until the mass becomes thick, like dough. Remove it from the heat and dilute it with cold vinegar to the usual thickness, pour it into jars and put it in a warm place for the first week, and then store it in the room.
Mustard prepared in this way can be stored for more than a year; if it thickens too much, it needs to be diluted with vinegar and stirred.
At 3 tbsp. tablespoons mustard - b g cloves, 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 4 tbsp. spoons of vinegar.

You need to bake good sour apples and rub them hot through a sieve. Then put the pureed apples in yellow mustard, stir, add sugar, dilute with vinegar, boiled with spices, as for pickling, you can add salt.
This mustard has an excellent taste, but it is better to use it no earlier than after 3 days.
At 3 tbsp. spoons of yellow mustard - 4 tbsp. spoons of mashed baked apples, 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 150 g of vinegar, 2 teaspoons of salt.

For a long time and repeatedly, I have been asked for a recipe for homemade grainy, non-spicy mustard. Those who have made mustard at home know that it is more difficult to make it non-spicy than spicy. And to take away the spice, you need to do some manipulations. First of all, long infusion, and then heat treatment. And the right choice of mustard seeds.

If you want the mustard to be spicy, replace 1/3 of the yellow mustard seeds with brown or black mustard seeds (brown ones are the piquant ones), and remove the mustard from the heat immediately after boiling.

By itself, mustard has an inexpressive taste and if it is notseason, and for example mix mustard powder with water, it will only be hot and bitter. It is vinegar, salt and sugar that are used to make the taste of mustard interesting and unusual. And choosing the same vinegar, sweeteners and other ingredientsfor mustard, you can modify its taste.

Whole grains are used to make grainy mustard. But after the second stage of preparation, part of the grains is selected and ground. This is to thicken the consistency and bind the grains together so they don't spread too much. But a very small amount is ground so that the consistency remains granular in the future.

And start preparingno need, at least, 2 days before you need mustard. A week is even better, since mustard benefits from a few days of “ripening” after preparation.

If you want to give such grainy mustard as a gifty basketsu can put , , homemade food will not be out of place in the basket, as well as what- a good ham and a stick or ring of sausage,both are, of course, vacuum packede. All this can be folded into a beautifulbread basket or whateveroh so stylishth tray, and carefully pack it. You will have both a container for the gift and a useful item as a gift.

About 350 ml

1st stage:

  • 200 grams yellow whole mustard seeds
  • 125 ml apple juice
  • 125 ml apple cider vinegar

2nd stage:

  • 1 tbsp. Sahara
  • 2 tbsp. honey
  • 2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tsp salt

1st stage:

1) Rinse the mustard seeds under cold running water and place in a small saucepan. Pour apple juice and vinegar, cover the dishes with cling film and place in a cool place to steep for 2 days.

2nd stage:

2) After two days, add all the ingredients for the second stage and bring everything together to a boil. Boil everything together for 2 minutes and remove from heat.