Pink salmon baked in white sauce. Pink salmon baked in creamy sauce

Many people unfairly consider pink salmon to be a dryish fish that is unsuitable for baking. In fact, this is a common misconception, and red fish may well decorate the holiday table, since when baked or stewed with sauce, it is both tasty and incredibly beautiful. We will tell you how to cook pink salmon with cream sauce in this article.

About the product

Pink salmon (this is what experienced chefs often call pink salmon) is an affordable red fish because its price is low. Buying pink salmon will not be difficult. Due to its protein-rich composition (about 22-23 grams per 100 grams), pink salmon can easily be classified as a dietary product. It is ideal for children because its fat content is low - about 7 per 100 grams of product. It is difficult to find a more suitable fish for those losing weight, because it contains almost no carbohydrates, and the calorie content is at the level of 132 kcal.

Pink salmon is useful for its valuable chemical composition, which includes vitamins A, C, E, PP, many B vitamins. It contains large amounts of phosphorus, iron, potassium and iodine, selenium and many other elements that the human body needs for a normal, healthy functioning.

You can buy pink salmon in a variety of forms: frozen, fresh chilled, canned and salted, there is smoked and lightly salted pink salmon, and there are dried slices. But to prepare it in a creamy sauce, we still need fresh pink salmon.

Cooking methods

Pink salmon and cream are an amazing combination that, when properly prepared, gives an amazing, delicate and delicate taste. In this combination, you can prepare different types of dishes: aromatic steaks, pieces with vegetables and creamy sauce, creamy fish with a cheese crust and mushrooms. It even sounds beautiful, and it really looks festive.

Creamy sauce is versatile in its own way. You can bake and stew pink salmon in it, not only in a frying pan for a quick dinner, but also in pots with vegetables for a special occasion.

Pink salmon is marinated in a creamy sauce and served cold as a cold appetizer.

The “duet” of pink salmon and cream itself does not require a large number of additional ingredients, and therefore the preparation will not ruin you financially and will not take much time.

Sauce options

To make the dish especially successful, you need to have a good idea of ​​what you want to get - a spicy and piquant dish or a delicate dish with a milky tint. This is necessary to choose the right cream sauce recipe. Here are some options to help make your choice easier.

Classic gentle

For it you will need:

  • about 150 ml of cream of any fat content;
  • a teaspoon of plain flour;
  • 30 grams of butter;
  • a third of a lemon;
  • some fresh herbs;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

The greens are chopped and mixed with lemon juice from one third of a medium-sized lemon. Fry the flour until lightly brownish in a dry frying pan. Mix melted butter, flour and cream in a saucepan, add herbs and keep for about five minutes, stirring constantly over low heat. It is advisable to add salt and pepper to the prepared sauce. The resulting mixture should be poured over the prepared pieces of pink salmon for baking.

Cheesy spicy

For this sauce you need to take:

  • 100 ml cream;
  • processed cheese;
  • greenery;
  • butter;
  • spoon of flour.

We will create piquancy with a mixture of peppers and a small amount of basil and rosemary.

Fry the flour in a dry frying pan until pinkish. Melt the butter and gradually stir in the flour. Add chopped herbs, with the exception of rosemary, as this is already added to the prepared juice. Pour in the cream. Add processed cheese, previously grated. Bring to a boil over low heat, stirring constantly, but do not boil. Add the pepper mixture and rosemary. The sauce is suitable for serving already cooked pink salmon.

With vegetables and cream

This sauce is good for stewing pink salmon.

For it you will need:

  • 150 ml cream;
  • half a lemon;
  • small carrots;
  • onion;
  • greenery;
  • a little ground black pepper.

Grate the carrots, finely chop the onion, and fry in vegetable oil. Allow the roast to cool, mix it into the cream, add a few drops of lemon juice, herbs, and pour in the pieces of pink salmon prepared for stewing.

You can come up with your own sauce recipe. The main thing is that it does not burn; for this purpose, the creamy sauce, which contains flour, cannot be kept on the fire for a long time. It is acceptable to include products such as mushrooms, olives, fresh tomatoes, cut into pieces, lemon slices and lemon zest, cheese, sour cream and whatever you like - cream is quite tolerant of other ingredients.

Best Recipes

When preparing pink salmon in a creamy sauce, it is important to follow the recipe requirements, otherwise the noble and tasty fish, despite the presence of a delicate sauce, can easily be “dried”. We have put together a selection of delicious and time-tested recipes that will be useful both for everyday cooking and for preparing a holiday menu.

Traditional fish with cream

In addition to fish (it is advisable to take it in the form of steaks or cut steaks from a whole carcass yourself) and cream, mint and garlic are important ingredients of the dish. Both have a pronounced aroma, but when combined they give a unique note that leaves a pleasant aftertaste and is remembered for a long time.

Pink salmon steaks are rubbed with a mixture of sugar and salt and left alone for five minutes. Then the fish needs to be fried in vegetable oil until an even golden crust appears on both sides. Place cream, peeled garlic, mint leaves and sprigs in a blender and turn into a homogeneous mass. Place the fried fish pieces on a baking sheet and pour over the resulting creamy mixture. Bake for about 15 minutes.

Spicy creamy fish

Try to prepare fish pieces that are not very small so that they do not shrink during baking. Mustard will give this dish a special taste.

For a kilogram of pink salmon you need to take:

  • about 300 ml cream;
  • three large spoons of mustard;
  • greenery;
  • salt;
  • spices as desired.

It is advisable to marinate the chopped fish for 10 minutes with lemon sauce - you will need a few drops so that the fish does not sour. The cream is mixed with chopped herbs, pepper, salt and mustard until smooth.

Portioned pieces of fish are placed in a dish for baking or stewing and poured with sauce. You need to simmer the fish on low heat under the lid for about 20 minutes, bake for about 25 minutes.

Creamy vegetable mix

To prepare a bright and tasty dish you will need:

  • two red bell peppers;
  • large tomato;
  • half a kilo of pink salmon (you can take fillet);
  • 250 ml cream;
  • bulb;
  • spices (it is best to take dill).

The onion is cut into half rings and lightly simmered in hot vegetable oil. Then diced pepper and similarly chopped tomato are added to it. The vegetable mixture should be kept on the fire for no more than 5 minutes, after which it should be carefully and evenly laid out on the bottom of the form in which the fish will be cooked (you can put it in a baking dish, or you can put it in a multicooker bowl).

Pieces of fish, pre-salted and rubbed with spices, are placed on top of the vegetables. Chopped dill is added to the cream and poured over the fish. You need to bake for about 25 minutes in the oven or in the “Baking” mode in a multicooker.

"Dream Fish"

Nuts need to be peeled, placed in a blender and ground into flour. Rub the fish fillet with salt, sugar and sprinkle with lemon juice obtained from squeezing half a citrus fruit. The fish is left to marinate for 30 minutes.

The cream is cooled, finely chopped dill is added and nut “flour” is mixed in. After half an hour, when the fish is well soaked in the marinade, it is laid out in a mold or on a baking sheet with high sides and filled with a creamy-nut mixture. After 25 minutes the dish is ready.

Serve hot, sprinkling with a drop of lemon juice, sprinkling with cheese and garnishing with a sprig of mint and a couple of pistachios.

"Tender Fish of Haut-la-France"

Another recipe for a special occasion. Dry white wine gives it a special taste. In an ensemble with it, lemon “sounds”. The fish is baked whole, and therefore can be beautifully decorated and served on a large platter surrounded by lemon slices, fresh vegetables, and rice.

You will need:

  • medium-sized pink salmon;
  • 300 grams of cream;
  • lemon;
  • one and a half glasses of dry white wine;
  • spices;
  • greenery;
  • raw chicken egg yolk;
  • a little starch.

The fish is washed, cleaned, placed in a mold with high sides, salted and peppered, poured with wine and sent to the oven to bake until cooked. After 20 minutes, add the prepared creamy component.

To prepare it, grind the yolk, mix with cream, add a little starch and bring until thick with constant stirring over low heat. Add the herbs and pour the sauce over the fish; the wine should have evaporated by this point. You need to keep it in the oven for literally another five minutes for the fish to brown.

Some tips will help you prepare a tasty and beautiful dish:

  • When filleting pink salmon, leave the skin on one side, then the finished dish will not lose its shape;
  • choose small-sized molds for cooking in the oven: the wider the mold, the drier the dish will be, since the evaporation area will be large;
  • Serve fresh vegetable salad, boiled potatoes or rice as a side dish.

For a recipe for juicy pink salmon in creamy sauce, watch the video below.

Pink salmon is a tasty and valuable fish, but when cooked it is somewhat dry. In order not to spoil an expensive purchase and get an appetizing and tender dish, it is best to bake pink salmon in a creamy sauce in the oven.

Pink salmon in cream, baked in the oven, is prepared very quickly and simply. Just 30 minutes, including the time to prepare the fish, and you can treat everyone to juicy and aromatic fish.

By the way, this recipe can be used to cook not only pink salmon, but also almost any other sea fish. Excellent results are always guaranteed!

In addition to creamy sauce, sour cream sauce goes great with fish, as, for example, in the recipe for pollock baked in sour cream.

Ingredients for pink salmon recipe with cream in the oven
Medium size pink salmon 1 piece
Cream 10% 1 glass
Flour 1 teaspoon
Yolk (optional) 1 piece
Spices for fish 1 teaspoon
Salt taste
Dill greens for serving a few twigs
Lemon for serving a few slices

Pink salmon with cream in the oven recipe

We clean the fish, cut off the head, and remove the backbone. Leave the skin on the fish. Cut the resulting fillet into portions. Salt and pepper, if desired.

We are preparing the sauce with which we will bake the pink salmon. For it we need cream, flour, fish spices. To give the sauce a nice creamy hue, you can add yolk to it. Mix all sauce ingredients in a bowl using a whisk.

I already have salt in my spices, so I didn’t add any additional salt to the sauce.

Place the pieces of pink salmon in a suitable baking dish, skin side up, tightly to each other.

Pour in the prepared sauce. It is better that the sauce almost covers the entire fish. I didn’t cover it a little, since the cream in the box turned out to be slightly less than a glass (thanks to the kids :)).

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake the prepared fish for 15 minutes.

That's all. Pink salmon with cream sauce in the oven is ready. When serving, place the fish pieces on a plate, pour over the sauce, strained through a sieve, and garnish with herbs and lemon slices. Bon appetit!

Pink salmon is a type of salmon, so many people like it, even those who are cool about seafood. Surprisingly, there are not many fish lovers in the world. Basically, it is treated fondly in the East, where it is the main ingredient in almost every dish. Among Europeans, seafood is popular in Italy, Norway and Sweden.

The Slavs perceive it on their table much more indifferently, and very wrongly. Fish, especially sea fish, has a number of valuable properties due to its rich vitamin composition. And if you bake it in the oven, adding the most delicate creamy sauce to the meat, you will get a real delicacy that can conquer any sophisticated gourmet!

The benefits of pink salmon meat

The salmon family fish, called pink salmon, is not large. Perhaps because it only lives for a few years. Its meat is saturated with a very valuable and rare element - polyunsaturated fatty acid Omega 3, the beneficial properties of which everyone knows. This substance reliably protects our tissues and cells from harmful influences, protects against premature aging and destruction.

In addition, fish pulp concentrates a lot of minerals, including zinc, cobalt, molybdenum, fluorine, copper, phosphorus, iodine, zinc, iron, sodium and sulfur.

We are familiar with most of them only superficially, however, they are vital for the health of the body.

Regular consumption of fish can strengthen the bone system, stimulate immune functions, maintain optimal water-salt balance, regulate the activity of the endocrine glands, and normalize the processes of hematopoiesis and blood circulation.

The calorie content of fish is not too high, its maximum value ranges from 150-170 kcal per 100 g. Therefore, you can safely eat it during a diet. Moreover, its nutrients are directly involved in metabolic processes, especially in fat metabolism, which has a beneficial effect on the contours of the body. Pink salmon will help you improve your health and significantly prolong your youth.

Choosing pink salmon correctly

Unfortunately, purchasing fresh fish that was caught just an hour ago, in the southern and

central regions is almost impossible. Therefore, if you do not live in Dalniy

East, you will have to purchase a frozen product. Pink salmon is often sold pre-cut, and it is easier for cooking - you don’t have to spend a lot of time cleaning the fish and disposing of its waste.

But on the other hand, a whole carcass can be examined in detail for quality and freshness, but piece meat cannot.

The fish fillet should be pink or reddish, but not white. Its scales are silvery, shiny and smooth, without bulges, knots or spots. There is no need to talk about the smell of stale fish - here you can make your choice without our help.

Remember - the pink salmon fishing season occurs in mid-summer and continues until early autumn. Therefore, if in winter or spring they prove to you that the fish lying on the counter is almost just off the hook, rest assured that you are being deceived.

A simple recipe for pink salmon in cream sauce

  1. Pink salmon fillet – 400 g;
  2. Cream 20% fat – 400 ml;
  3. Dried herbs or greens;
  4. Seasonings and spices - to taste.
  • Pink salmon fillet is traditionally sold cleaned and cut, so no manipulation is required from you. It is enough to wash the fish thoroughly and cut it into portions. Rub each of them with salt and spices at your discretion, set aside for 15 minutes;
  • Meanwhile, prepare a creamy sauce that will make the red fish incredibly tender, juicy and soft. To do this, pour liquid cream into a deep container, season it with spices and seasonings to your taste, sprinkle 2 tsp. dry greens. Beat the mixture thoroughly with a whisk or fork;
  • Grease a baking sheet with butter or vegetable oil. Preheat the oven to 170 degrees;
  • Place the fillet pieces on a baking sheet so that there is some space between them;
  • Pour the sauce over the fish so that its surface is barely visible. If the sauce you have made is not enough, add more cream or milk. In extreme cases, you can get by with boiled water;
  • Place the dish in the oven for half an hour so as not to dry out the pink salmon. Your amazingly aromatic and airy dish is ready! It can be served with any side dish, but it goes most harmoniously with wild or brown rice. Garnish portions with an olive, a slice of lemon and a sprig of fresh herbs.

Alternative option: pink salmon in sour cream sauce with cheese

Another recipe for lovers of delicate milk dressings for baking. Here cheese will also add piquancy to the dish. Prefer hard and spicy varieties, ideally the famous Italian “Parmesan”.

You will get a dish that is not as light as in the first case, but in this version it can be safely served as a centerpiece on the holiday table. The ruddy golden crust covering the juicy red fish will not leave even the most picky guests indifferent!

  • Pink salmon fillet – 1 kg;
  • Sour cream 15-20% fat – 1 can;
  • Hard cheese (preferably spicy) – 200 g;
  • Vegetable oil - to taste;
  • Freshly ground allspice - to taste;
  • Spices and seasonings - to taste.
  • Prepare the fish fillet - clean it, rinse it, dry it and cut it into portions;
  • Grease a baking sheet with oil, then immediately place the fish on it. It is advisable to use a dense layer so that there is minimal space between the pieces;
  • Make the sauce. To do this, place the sour cream in a small deep plate and add a sufficient amount of spices to it. Pay special attention to dry or fresh dill - you will need at least 2 tbsp. Mix the sauce with a whisk, fork or mixer to obtain a homogeneous liquid mixture;
  • Pour the sauce over the fish until it completely covers the surface of the fillet. Preheat the oven to 180-190 degrees. Place the fish in the oven for 35-40 minutes. 5-7 minutes before cooking, generously sprinkle the fish with grated cheese. Serve the dish with mashed potatoes with milk or spicy rice.

We are sure that you will definitely be captivated by this little sea creature. Using our recipes, add ingredients to your own taste.

This is especially true for spices. You can also pre-marinate the fish in fragrant oil or soy sauce, if such options are to your taste. Enjoy the delicacy and bon appetit!

Pink salmon baked in cream is a popular fish dish. It is served in expensive restaurants and prepared at home.

How to prepare a tasty and healthy dish yourself in your kitchen? How to bake pink salmon in the oven and how to fry red fish in a frying pan? What are the beneficial properties and negative aspects of consuming this seafood? Find answers to these questions in our article.

Cooking recipes

Professional chefs and experienced housewives offer a wide variety of ways to prepare pink salmon. The most common of them are: baking in the oven and frying in a pan in a creamy sauce.

However, before you start cooking fish according to any of the recipes, you should carry out the preparatory stage.

To do this, pink salmon must be thawed and freed from bones, then rinsed under running water and cut into small pieces.

In a frying pan

To cook pink salmon in cream sauce in a frying pan, you need to take the following products:

  • pink salmon fillet – 1 kilogram;
  • cream – 200 grams;
  • onion – 1 head;
  • carrots – 1 piece;
  • spices for fish;
  • salt and pepper - to taste;
  • vegetable oil.

Pre-prepared pink salmon fillets should be sprinkled with fish seasoning. While the seafood is absorbing the spices, you need to work on the remaining ingredients of the dish.

So, carrots and onions should be peeled, washed and chopped: the onion should be cut into strips, and the carrots should be grated. Next, fry the vegetables in a well-heated frying pan in vegetable oil: first add the onion, and after a couple of minutes add carrots to it. When the vegetables are fried, place pink salmon on top of them. Pour cream on top and add spices.

Cover the pan with a lid and simmer over low heat for 20–30 minutes. After this time, turn off the heat, sprinkle the dish with fresh herbs and let it brew under the lid for another 5 minutes. Then the fish can be served to the table.

You will learn how to cook pink salmon in cream sauce in the following video.

In the oven

To bake red fish in the oven you will need the following ingredients:

  • pink salmon fillet – 500 grams;
  • cream – 500 milliliters;
  • cheese – 50 grams;
  • wheat flour – 1 tablespoon;
  • fresh herbs - optional;
  • lemon juice;
  • salt, pepper and other spices - to taste.

Pre-prepared fish must be marinated. To do this, pieces of pink salmon need to be grated with salt and pepper, and also sprinkled with lemon juice. Leave the seafood in this state for 20–30 minutes.

Also, at the very beginning of cooking, you need to turn on the oven so that it has time to warm up. The required temperature is 190 degrees Celsius.

While the fish is marinating, you should start preparing other products.

So, the cheese needs to be cut into small cubes (it is advisable to take solid varieties of dairy product). Pour the cream into a separate bowl, add flour to it and beat the whole mass (this can be done using an ordinary fork, whisk or mixer). It is important that there are no lumps in the creamy mass. We also add chopped fresh herbs of your choice (dill, parsley, etc.).

Now the creamy mass needs to be poured into a baking dish (it should be quite deep, have high and thick walls). We put the fish and cheese that have already been marinated in it.

Now the form should be placed in the oven and left to bake for 30 minutes. After this time, the baked dish is ready and can be served.

You can serve baked or fried pink salmon with fresh vegetable salads or side dishes (boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes, pasta, rice, porridge).

Positive and negative properties

First of all, it should be noted that pink salmon has a very rich composition; it is literally saturated with beneficial vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

It is thanks to this that red fish is able to have a number of positive effects on the human body.

For example, eating pink salmon slows down the aging process, activates the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract, and normalizes water balance and hematopoietic processes.

In addition, systematically eating pink salmon can reduce the risk of heart and vascular diseases.

At the same time, it is worth understanding that not every person is allowed to eat red fish. First of all, contraindications apply to those who have individual intolerances and suffer from allergies.

People who suffer from diseases of the liver and digestive system, as well as those whose bodies cannot tolerate phosphorus or iodine (fish contain quite a large amount of these elements) should also avoid eating pink salmon.

    To prepare this dish for 2 servings, we need half a pink salmon carcass weighing 300-400 grams. The head and tail parts are used to prepare fish soup. The carcass needs to be washed and cut crosswise in half. One half can be removed, and the second half can be cut crosswise into 4 steaks. The skin and scales may not be removed (up to the chef's discretion). It is advisable to season the steaks with salt and ground black pepper. In this form they should marinate for 10-15 minutes.

    Take one carrot and a quarter (or half) of a large onion. Vegetables need to be washed and peeled.

    Grate the carrots into strips and cut the onion into half rings.

    Pour some vegetable oil into the frying pan and heat it up. We put our cuttings there.

    Stirring constantly, simmer the chopped vegetables over low heat until almost done. The onion takes on a characteristic “carrot” hue. The vegetable base should not be overcooked.

    We place our pink salmon steaks directly on a bed of fried onions and carrots.

    Pour one glass of boiling water into the frying pan and add bay leaf. We begin to simmer the fish over low heat. You can cover the frying pan with a lid. The fish takes about 10 minutes to cook. There is no need to turn the pieces of pink salmon over. Gradually the water boils away and the fish is ready.

    Let's prepare the gravy. In a separate bowl, mix one tablespoon of flour, a teaspoon of Achim soy sauce, two tablespoons of any ketchup and add a little water. Stir the gravy until no lumps of flour disappear. Pour the resulting sauce over the contents of the pan and let it boil.

    The gravy hardens before our eyes, taking on a jelly-like state. Remove the frying pan from the heat and let the dish sit for 7-8 minutes to soak the pieces of fish in the resulting gravy.

    Pink salmon stewed with vegetables in gravy is ready. Pour the gravy generously onto the plates. Place two pieces of fish directly onto the gravy. Boiled rice or potatoes are ideal as a side dish for this dish. Lay out pieces of potatoes and slices of spicy pickled tomatoes (you can use fresh tomatoes). Decorate the dish with dill sprigs. Bon appetit! Happy New Year!