The fruit jackfruit is breadfruit! Jackfruit - beneficial properties of giant fruits.

Tropical jackfruit bread. This plant has the largest edible fruit from growing on a tree. Solid specimens ripen on the trunk, because the branches cannot support them. Not everyone can taste the jack fruit the first time, but then everyone loves it.
It’s not for nothing that jackfruit is called breadfruit: these are truly the closest botanical relatives.

The dimensions make the fruit stand out against the general background of tropical exotics. However, due to external similarity, tourists sometimes confuse jackfruit and. But these are independent species.

Historical excursion

Exotic pulp is rich nutrients, there are more carbohydrates here than in wheat. “In the homeland” the fruit is available to everyone, so jackfruit here is considered the bread of the poor. This is the national fruit of Bangladesh, one of the poorest countries in the world. The entire fruit is used, including the peel. Candied or pickled is considered a food product. The coarse one is used as animal feed. The carbohydrate-rich seeds are eaten roasted.
A yellow pigment is obtained from the fruit for dyeing natural fabrics. The most famous example is the saffron-colored robes of Buddhist monks.

Wood is valued for its resistance to pests and moisture. It is durable, has a beautiful golden range of shades. In demand as a material for furniture, musical instruments or houses. Raw materials for adhesives are extracted from it.

Botanical description

Jackfruit is an evergreen plant of the mulberry family. The tree reaches 22-25 meters. The leaves are densely colored, leathery, longer than 20 cm. When flowering, large flowers appear on the trunk, smaller ones - on the branches. The fruits are also located there. They mature in seven to eight months. The average weight of jackfruit fruit is 7-11 kg, some specimens reach almost a meter in length and weigh 35-45 kg.

What does jackfruit look like?

The standard answer to the question what is jackfruit is that it is the breadfruit of the tropics. The fruits are oval, with a yellow-green to beige-brownish skin. It is thick, dense, and can be smooth, pimply or with small spines. Color and structure are determined by the variety and degree of ripeness of the fruit. Fibrous pulp in shades of yellow or delicate orange. U different varieties soft, crispy or chewy. Consists of lobes with a large bone inside.

Distribution area

Homeland: India and Bangladesh. Today it is cultivated in Asia, East Africa, both Americas, the Philippines, and the islands of Oceania. Varieties from Southeast Asia or the Philippines are considered the highest quality: they are denser and more aromatic.

Jackfruit season in Thailand

Thais have a special relationship with jackfruit. In the local dialect, the name of the tree means “help, support, protection.” This is a symbol of physical health, luck, happiness. Therefore, it is present near anyone Thai home. The seeds, tinged with copper (considered a magical metal here), serve as an amulet against knife or gunshot wounds.
In Thailand, for exotic foods, the concept of seasonality is conditional: people come to Bangkok, Pattaya or another place to taste jackfruit whenever they want. Prices are always affordable.
The peak harvest time is January-May. Fresh fruit Markets are filled, intensive procurement is underway, and stockpiling for long-term storage.

Smell and taste of jackfruit

Unripe and ripe fruits taste and smell differently.
Everyone determines what jackfruit tastes differently:

  • Everyone agrees that fruits are sweet. Some people taste like berries, chocolate, caramel, or bubble gum.
  • Exotics are not always appreciated the first time. But subsequent tastings put everything in its place.
  • Ripe jackfruit has a similar aroma. Connoisseurs detect ephemeral “acetone” notes. Sometimes rotting onions, overripe melon or bananas smell the same. But they are created not by the pulp, but by the peel.
You need to evaluate the aroma of the pulp by peeling the fruit. The peel has a latex-“chemical” smell that interrupts the natural range of the fruit.
The pulp of overripe specimens smells unpleasant. It's better not to eat them.
Once you have tasted and “sniffed” jackfruit, you will not confuse it with anything else.

How to choose and eat

To enjoy exotic fruit, it needs to be chosen, prepared and eaten wisely.

Criterias of choice

Ripe fruits are defined as follows:

  • dense to the touch, but not super hard;
  • the peel is elastic, without dents, damage, or tears; yellow-green or with a brownish tint (unripe ones have green);
  • the aroma is pleasant, but not harsh; aggressive repulsive behavior occurs in overripe specimens;
  • when tapped, a ringing sound is produced (in immature animals the echo is dull).

In a cool place fresh fruits They don’t spoil for two months; in a warm place – for two or three days. Peeled fruits can be stored in the cold for up to five days. freezer- for months.

How to peel fruit

The main stage in preparing the fruit for consumption:

  • Before cleaning, remove the stalk.
  • Cut the fruit in half lengthwise, like a melon or. Large specimens are cut into quarters or smaller.
  • Wear kitchen gloves or lubricate your hands vegetable oil. This protects the skin of your hands from latex. It is contained in the peel and is difficult to wash off.
  • Use a knife to remove the core from the halves (it is inedible).
  • Press on the peel so that the pulp falls apart.
  • Slices are taken out from the fibers and the seeds are removed.
Experts advise letting the freshly picked fruit sit for a couple of days. The peel will soften and peel off easier.
Lifehack from Thai housewives: y unripe fruits cut off the peel, then turn out the pulp of the fruit.

How to eat

Depending on its ripeness, jackfruit is eaten as a fruit or vegetable. The pulp, flowers, and seeds are edible.
The pulp of greenish fruits is boiled, fried, baked, stewed:

  • suitable as a side dish for meat, fish, seafood - the pieces are grilled for a couple of minutes;
  • often added to hot dishes, spicy snacks, salads;
  • stuff baked poultry carcasses;
  • gourmets ennoble with pieces regular products nutrition to add flavor.

Ripe fruits are eaten fresh or processed:

  • They are used to make jelly, marmalade, and add to desserts and ice cream.
  • Jackfruit jam is a popular filling for baked goods.
  • Sometimes they just bake it.

The bones are consumed slightly toasted. The leaves are added to salads, including fruit salads. Salads, sauces, and desserts are flavored with flowers.

Calorie content and chemical composition of jackfruit

Breadfruit fruits are rich in carbohydrates and nutritious. However, they are almost devoid of fat. The vitamin and mineral complex makes them desirable for many.

Calories, nutritional value

Fresh fruit is not particularly dietary: 100 grams contain 94-97 kcal. Canned is a little “lighter”.
100 grams of pulp contain (g):

  • proteins – 1.44-1.47;
  • fat – 0.12-0.22;
  • carbohydrates – 22.41-23.43;
  • dietary fiber – 1.62-1.65;
  • ash – 1.01-1.05;
  • water – 73-75.

If you don't get carried away, the figure is safe.


Fruits are not just nutritious, a set of vitamins and minerals helps the body be stronger and more energetic.

  • the most “solid” are potassium (almost 300 mg per 100 g) and copper (187);
  • a lot of magnesium, calcium, phosphorus (33-37 mg);
  • microdoses contain sodium, manganese, iron, zinc, and selenium.

Of the vitamins, jackfruit has the most vitamins A and B9 (folic acid).
There are others: C, groups B (1, 2, 6), RR.

Healing qualities of the fruit

At the jackfruit beneficial features aimed at maintaining strength healthy person or recovery of the weakened.

Overall Impact

Medicine has recognized that the benefits of jackfruit are due to its components:

  1. Immunity. A high concentration of vitamin C strengthens the body's defenses, kills bacteria and viruses.
  2. Oncology. The phytonutrients that make up carbohydrates slow down old age, keep cells in good shape, and destroy cancer formations.
  3. Vision. Vitamins A, B2, C support eye health, helping to maintain good vision.
  4. Leather. Increased content Vitamin A and B2 (riboflavin) are beneficial for skin health. It becomes elastic and smooth. Nails and hair are strengthened.
  5. Digestion. The fibrous structure of the pulp improves metabolism, counteracts the formation of stomach ulcers, constipation, and helps cleanse the intestines. Removes bad cholesterol, heavy metals, toxins.
  6. Pressure. Potassium lowers arterial pressure, making the fruit a salvation for hypertensive patients.
  7. Bones. Magnesium and phosphorus strengthen the skeleton by facilitating the body's absorption of calcium. Vitamin C fights bone fragility, prevents osteoporosis, and helps produce collagen. Copper protects cartilage tissue.
  8. Anemic. Thanks to iron, hemoglobin increases, which is useful if you are prone to anemia. Children, adolescents, nursing mothers, and pregnant women are especially susceptible to this.
  9. Blood. Folic acid and magnesium stimulate hematopoiesis.
  10. Thyroid. Copper heals her, improves her work endocrine system as a whole, normalizes hormonal background. B6 is “responsible” for the health of the endocrine glands, A – for the growth of proteins, the formation of new cells, B12 drives away depression.


In the East, healers use all parts of the plant:

  • the roots are brewed for emergency relief from diarrhea;
  • flowers balance excess diuretics;
  • leaf tea increases lactation.

Roasted seeds are recognized as an aphrodisiac. It is believed that the pulp enhances potency.

Contraindications and harm

Restrictions and contraindications for jackfruit are minimal:

  • individual intolerance;
  • allergy to the components in its composition;
  • overeating (stomach upset).

A couple of pieces are enough for the first tasting.


Jackfruit is worth bringing home. The benefits and harms from it are incomparable. Restrictions are minimal; the fruit can be given to children. Regular dish, seasoned with pieces of pulp, becomes exotic and healthy.

Vegetarians will be especially happy, because exotics fully replace meat.

The fruit does not have to be eaten immediately: frozen pulp can be stored for months without compromising its taste and benefits.

Jackfruit refers to both the fruit and the trees on which it grows. Jackfruit is native to India and Bangladesh. Gradually, these trees became more widespread; they are now grown in many countries in Southeast Asia, the Philippines, and even in Africa and northern Brazil.

Jackfruit is considered a close relative of breadfruit., but not so popular due to unpleasant odor peels. After all, when the fruits are grown and harvested en masse, this becomes a rather serious problem. And yet, jackfruit is quite common; in South Asian countries its popularity is comparable to mangoes or bananas. These trees are also grown for wood. These trees make excellent houses, furniture and household utensils because termites do not eat it.

The plant itself can reach a height of 20 meters, and its dark green leathery leaves never fall off. An interesting sight is the blooming jackfruit. Larger flowers are located directly on the trunk, and smaller ones are located on the branches. From flowering to fruit ripening, it takes from 3 to 8 months. They form precisely closer to the trunk, because fragile branches cannot support the weight of massive fruits.

It is believed that the name of this plant comes from a corruption of an Indian word that means “big and round.” Really, Jackfruits are the largest fruits growing on trees. Their weight reaches 34 kg, length can be from 20 to 90 cm. The fruit itself is similar to a melon, but its thick peel has many protrusions, like pimples. The color of this fruit can be yellow-green or yellow-brown; unripe jackfruit is green in color.

The structure of the jackfruit is also interesting. Inside, it is divided into many lobes covered with a leathery film. Each segment consists of juicy yellow pulp and a seed, the length of which can reach 4 cm. Jackfruit pulp has a pleasant, delicate smell, reminiscent of a mixture of pineapple and banana. But the smell of the peel cannot be called pleasant. They say it resembles a rotten onion. When cutting jackfruit, you need to lubricate your hands with vegetable oil. The fact is that the peel contains a sticky substance, which will be difficult to wash off later. Some people prefer to peel while wearing gloves. Jackfruit can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 2 months, but in a warm place it spoils quite quickly.

Composition and calorie content of jackfruit

Jackfruit is low calorie product, per 100 g of pulp there are approximately 90 kcal. Due to its high carbohydrate content (22.4 g per 100 g), it is called "the poor man's bread" in India. This fruit is very nutritious. Jackfruit contains much less protein and very little fat. But there is a lot of water in it, there is alimentary fiber, ash and saturated fatty acids. Among the vitamins, the leading position is occupied by vitamin C; the fruits also contain vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, B9 and PP. Jackfruit is very rich in potassium, per 100 g of pulp there is up to 303 mg of this mineral, it also contains quite a lot of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, and contains sodium. Of the microelements, jackfruit contains the most iron; it also contains zinc, copper, manganese and selenium.

Benefits of Jackfruit

The main value of jackfruit lies in its nutritional value.. As already mentioned, it contains even more carbohydrates than bread. And at the same time, jackfruit contains much less calories, how flour products. Therefore, it can well be called a dietary product.

In Eastern medicine, jackfruit is used as a medicine.. Jackfruit pulp is used to treat pharyngitis, stomach ulcers and indigestion. In general, these fruits are useful for work gastrointestinal tract, the fibers they contain help normalize the intestines. This fruit also helps to keep a sober head during feasts, reducing the effects of alcohol.

In Vietnam, jackfruit is used in oriental medicine. The pulp of the fruit helps with pharyngitis and other diseases. It also helps treat stomach ulcers and indigestion. Its fibers are useful for the gastrointestinal tract. However, you should not eat this fruit in large quantities, because it has a moderate laxative effect. Jackfruit fruits are also good because they help lower blood pressure and strengthen the immune system. In some Asian countries it is also used to treat fever. Roasted jackfruit seeds are also known to act as an aphrodisiac.

Not only the fruits are useful, but also other parts of this plant. For example, the roots of jackfruit are used to treat diarrhea, and the flowers of this plant are used as an antidiuretic. In the east, nursing mothers drink a decoction of jackfruit leaves to increase their milk supply.

How to eat jackfruit

Jackfruit is eaten as in fresh, so they cook from it various dishes . You can make jelly, marmalade or jam from it. And if the fruits are unripe and green in color, then they can be cooked like vegetables - boiled, fried, stewed, etc. Unripe jackfruit is made into pies, used as a filling, or cut into cubes and baked. It is great as a side dish for meat and fish; it is also used as an ingredient in all kinds of salads and appetizers. You can even stuff chicken with it. Jackfruit slices can be stored in the freezer for quite a long time. And its seeds are usually roasted like chestnuts. They are also very nutritious and healthy.

Not only the fruits, but also the flowers of the jackfruit are eaten.. They are blanched and added when preparing spicy capsicum or shrimp sauce. Young leathery leaves can be added to papaya salad.

Of course, jackfruit pulp is used in the preparation of various desserts. It can be used to decorate ice cream, jelly, cakes and other sweets. In the east, they especially like to add jackfruit pulp to coconut milk. This makes a very tasty fruit salad.

Not long ago we met a very unusual fruit- This jackfruit , it is also simply called jack fruit. You can find out my impressions about him from this article.

Jack fruit, what is it?

Having visited Asia (Thailand) for the first time, we definitely wanted to see and try durian, which we had heard so much about. But we couldn't find him. As a result, in one of the hypermarkets we found cut into large pieces and individually packaged interesting fruit. Mistaking it for durian, we bought and tried it.

We were struck by the delicate fruity aroma and unusual structure of the fruit - it was absolutely not juicy, but at the same time very tasty. The fruit consisted of many individual slices, each of which, as if in its own house, had its own seed. It turns out that jackfruit seeds are also edible - they need to be cooked, but we had no such experience! The edible slices themselves consist of yellow fibrous plates that need to be chewed thoroughly. New fruit we liked it. Later we found out that it was jackfruit .

The next time we tried jackfruit, we noticed something special about it - it was very filling! After eating just a couple of pieces of this fruit, satiety quickly came, and the feeling of fullness persisted for quite a long time. And this is no coincidence, the fibrous structure of the fruit is a source of nutritious carbohydrates and fiber necessary for our gastrointestinal tract. You can read more about fiber in our article.

Jack fruit - how does it grow?

While visiting the local pagoda - a Buddhist temple, we decided to take a walk in the garden, which was located next to the temple. It was impossible not to notice unusual tree: it itself is not very large, but there were huge green prickly fruits hanging on it closer to the bottom. There was no doubt - it was jackfruit! Surprisingly, jackfruit fruits can reach a weight of 36 kg! So fruity! Subsequently, we often began to see such trees near residential buildings. It turned out that for Asians they are a symbol of well-being and health.

Unfortunately, tourists are not allowed to pick local fruits; all we have to do is capture this miracle of nature in a photo.

What are the benefits of jackfruit for the body?

Jack fruit is incredibly beneficial for human body If you are in Asian countries, be sure to try it! In addition to vitamin C, which most fruits are rich in, jack fruit has the following properties:

high magnesium content, which in turn allows calcium to be absorbed in our body;

high iron content helps increase hemoglobin;

not a small amount of copper The fruit contains a beneficial effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland.

These and many other properties of jackfruit make it very beneficial for humans.

How to eat jack fruit?

Naturally, it is best to consume it fresh, so its usefulness is preserved to the maximum.

The Asians themselves don’t do anything with it - they boil it, stew it, marinate it, and even fry it! There is an explanation for this phenomenon - the jackfruit tree bears fruit all year round, from each tree a lot of fruits are collected, the size of which we already know. It turns out that all this stuff needs to go somewhere, otherwise it will be lost! Therefore, local residents learned to prepare jack fruit for long term. This will be understood by those who have ever harvested apples during a harvest year - and what they do with them - jam, compotes, dried, marshmallows made and added to salads. A familiar situation, isn't it?!

Syn: Indian breadfruit, jack breadfruit, eve.

Evergreen tropical tree with oval leathery leaves, different sizes flowers on the branches and trunk, and huge edible fruits with a specific smell. Jackfruit is valued as a plant used in cooking, farming, and medicine, as it has many beneficial properties. Almost all parts of the jackfruit are used for medicinal purposes.

Ask the experts a question

In medicine

Jackfruit is a tree and a huge edible fruit of the same name. The main value of jackfruit is its nutritional value. Jackfruit contains a lot of carbohydrates, but nevertheless it is dietary product. Calorie content of jackfruit is 94 kcal per 100 g of product. Jackfruit is popular as a food product in its own right and an important ingredient in many recipes. Indian cuisine and other Asian countries. What are the benefits of jackfruit? Having laxative, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and other beneficial properties, jackfruit is successfully used in oriental medicine. The fruits of a tropical plant are used to normalize work digestive system, strengthening immune system. Eating these fruits helps lower blood pressure. Ripe fruits, rich in fiber, have a laxative effect and relieve constipation. Decoctions from the roots of the plant, as well as unripe fruits, are used to treat diarrhea and skin diseases. Infusion of the leaves of the plant increases lactation in women. Roasted jackfruit seeds have a stimulating effect on the body, give more energy, and increase performance.

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications to the use of jackfruit are: individual intolerance, tendency to exhibit allergic reactions, obesity, diabetes. Eating jackfruit may cause stomach upset as the fruit has laxative properties. Some people, after eating the pulp of the fruit, feel discomfort in the throat: it becomes difficult for them to swallow, and spasms appear in the throat. These phenomena go away on their own after 1-2 hours after eating jackfruit.

In cooking

Jackfruit is widely used in local cooking in Asian countries. The ripe pulp of the fruit is eaten fresh and used as an ingredient in salads and desserts. The banana-pineapple flavor of jackfruit gives dishes a special piquancy and refined taste. A popular fruit salad in India is made from jackfruit pulp, coconut milk and other fruits. Unripe fruits are used as vegetables - subjected to culinary processing: boil, stew, fry. It should be noted that locals cook not only jackfruit. The flowers of the plant are blanched, then served in combination with hot capsicum, or shrimp sauce. Young jackfruit leaves are always added to papaya salad. The peel of the fruit is pickled or placed in sugar syrup. Jackfruit seeds are also used in cooking, adding to various dishes. The peeled pulp of the fruit is added to soups, it is used to prepare a side dish for fish and meat, and it is used to stuff chicken. Jackfruit seeds are roasted and eaten like chestnuts.

In other areas

Jackfruit wood is especially valued in the furniture industry and construction because it has a golden hue, is renowned for its durability, and is not damaged by termites. Made from wood musical instruments, household utensils, various crafts and souvenirs. Latex is a sticky substance found in jackfruit fruits and leaves. Latex is extracted from the plant to make a quality adhesive.


Jackfruit, eve, or Indian breadfruit (lat. Artocarpus heterophyllus) is a perennial plant, a species of the genus Artocarpus (lat. Artocarpus). Belongs to the Mulberry family (lat. Moraceae). Jackfruit is considered a close relative of another species of the genus Artocarpus - Breadfruit (lat. Artocarpus altilis).

Botanical description

Jackfruit is a fairly tall evergreen tree up to 20-35 m tall. The leaves are dark green, leathery; They can be oval or pinnate in one specimen (a characteristic feature of jackfruit), up to 20 cm long. The plant is monoecious. Male and female flowers are inconspicuous, collected in small unisexual inflorescences. Male flowers are formed on thin branches, female flowers are larger, on thick pedicels, growing on the trunk itself, on the lower branches near their base and directly from the ground at the foot of the tropical tree. Pollination of flowers occurs with the help of wind and insects (in culture, they are usually pollinated by hand). Fruit ripening occurs in 3-8 months. Jackfruit fruits are drupes collected into long (up to 20 cm) and even meter-long giant infructescences. Therefore, jackfruit fruits are considered the largest of those edible fruits that grow on trees. The weight of the plant fruit can reach 35 kg, and the length varies from 20 to 90 cm. The peel of the fruit is thick, covered with cone-shaped pimples. The color of the peel varies from yellow-green to yellow-brown. When the jackfruit is fully ripe, its peel and seeds emit an unpleasant, persistent putrefactive odor, but the flesh of the fruit has a delicate, sweetish, banana-pineapple taste. The pulp of the fruit is fibrous, juicy, divided into lobes. Each lobe develops one light brown seed. One jackfruit can produce up to 500 seeds.


India is considered the birthplace of jackfruit ( Eastern Ghats) and Bangladesh. In India, the tree is common along with mango and banana. Cultivated jackfruit plantations occupy a vast area - about 26,000 hectares. The plant is also widespread in Southeast Asia, the Philippines, Thailand, and is found in eastern Africa (Uganda, Kenya). On the islands of Oceania, as well as in the tropics of the New World, except for Suriname and northern Brazil, jackfruit is a rare tree. Compared to breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis), jackfruit ranks second: local residents consider it less suitable for food purposes due to its unpleasant odor. Jackfruit is grown mainly for its good timber.

Procurement of raw materials

With food and medicinal purpose The pulp of the jackfruit is harvested, and the locals harvest the leaves, seeds and roots of the plant. Jackfruit leaves, seeds and roots are dried under a canopy, then stored for no more than 2 years in a dry room.

The fresh fruits of this exotic tree are practically inaccessible to European residents, but sometimes you can find fruits in supermarkets, adhering to simple rules when choosing a product. Jackfruit is mostly sold already peeled and cut into slices. But this one occurs tropical fruit and with peel. How to choose a fruit suitable for eating? It is believed that the yellow-green skin of the fetus should be dense, but not hard to the touch, without damage. An incompletely ripe fruit exudes light pleasant aroma, and they choose it. Overripe jackfruits have a strong, unpleasant odor (such fruits are excluded from sale due to the smell of the peel).

In addition to the unpleasant odor, the skin of the fruit contains a sticky substance (latex). Hands are lubricated with vegetable oil to easily wash them of latex. And yet, when cutting the fruit, you need to work with gloves. The seeds and core are also removed from the fruit. The pulp can be stored at room temperature no more than 3-5 days, frozen - up to 2 months.

Chemical composition

Chemical composition Jackfruit has a high content of amino acids (1.7 g), mono- and disaccharides, saturated fatty acids, fiber (1.5 g), lutein-zeaxanthin, and saponins are present. Many vitamins are found in the fruits: B vitamins, carotene, PP, but the leading position in this category is occupied by vitamin C. Jackfruit is rich in minerals and other biological active substances: calcium (34 mg), phosphorus (36 mg), sodium present, potassium (303 mg), magnesium (37 mg), manganese, zinc, selenium, thiamine, niacin, riboflavin, copper, sodium, folic acid. The pulp of the fruit contains a lot of water, virtually no fat, and contains 23 g of carbohydrates. The seeds contain 38% carbohydrates, 0.4% fats and 6.6% proteins.

Pharmacological properties

The rich vitamin and mineral composition of jackfruit determines its great benefit for the body. Jackfruit is a valuable source of potassium (303 mg per 100 grams of product). According to scientific research, a diet rich in potassium helps lower blood pressure and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle. In addition, the pulp of the fruit has coarse fiber– “ballast” substances that can reduce the synthesis of cholesterol, lipoproteins and the rate of absorption of disaccharides in the intestines, and this protects the body from sharp jumps blood glucose levels. The ballast substances of jackfruit fiber normalize the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract. Calcium and phosphorus in the fruit are effective protection skeletal system body, prevent the development of osteoporosis. The level of magnesium in jackfruit has a beneficial effect on the condition nervous system.

Jackfruit is also a rich source of vitamin C, has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, supports the activity of leukocytes. Possessing antioxidant properties, ascorbic acid protects the human body from free radicals and strengthens the immune system.

Use in folk medicine

Due to its beneficial properties, jackfruit has long been used in Eastern medicine for the prevention and treatment of many diseases. The pulp of the jackfruit helps with indigestion, ulcers and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, lowers blood pressure, and strengthens the immune system. A decoction of the roots of the tree is an effective astringent for diarrhea and stomach upsets, this remedy helps with fever and asthma. Jackfruit has anti-inflammatory properties. Due to its high content of vitamin C, it is used for treatment colds, pharyngitis. When used externally, lotions made from jackfruit decoctions heal wounds well and help with dermatitis and some skin diseases. Ripe fruit has a laxative effect, and a decoction of the leaves is used to increase the amount of milk in breastfeeding women. Unripe fruits have an astringent effect and relieve diarrhea.

A decoction of flowers has a diuretic effect and is used for edema, diseases of the kidneys and organs of the excretory system. The benefits of jackfruit are also known in China. folk medicine: Jefruit is known as a remedy for relieving symptoms of alcohol intoxication. The pulp of the fruit has a tonic effect and is useful for elevated physical activity. Roasted sunflower seeds The fruits are a strong aphrodisiac.

Historical reference

The jackfruit tree is the national fruit of the country of Bangladesh. Local residents believe that this tree, planted in the garden, brings good luck to the owner. People have long believed in the magical power of the plant's large seeds, considering jackfruit a kind of talisman that protects its owner from puncture wounds. Since ancient times, oriental healers have used the pulp of jackfruit fruits for the coordinated functioning of the digestive system, treatment of colds and fever. Residents of Southeast Asia have long known about energy effect seeds of the plant's fruits, which invigorate the entire body and increase performance.

In the 19th century, a yellow dye was obtained from the trunk of the jackfruit; at that time it was a valuable trade product. The Thais used this substance to dye cotton, silk and monks' clothing.

Because of high content carbohydrates (22.4 g per 100 g), in India locals call jackfruit “the bread of the poor.” Indeed, flatbreads baked from jackfruit dough taste like bread. The transformation of jackfruit into dough is interesting. Locals make a kind of bedding from banana leaves around the jackfruit tree. Then the fruit is knocked to the ground. The fruit is pierced with sharp sticks and left to ferment for some time. As a result of fermentation, a pulp of a peculiar consistency is formed inside the fruit. The jackfruit is kneaded into a dough, adding other ingredients for flavor.

The plant's name, jackfruit, comes from a corruption of an Indian word meaning "big and round." Jackfruit fruits are considered the largest of all that grow on trees.


  1. Ryabokon A. Cheerful encyclopedia of food healing plants. - Litres, 2015. – 373 p.
  2. Gritsak E. Vegetarian cuisine is the right choice. - Ripol Classic, 2008. – 254 p.
  3. Publisher A. Singapore: The Eighth Wonder of the World. – 2010. - 336 p.
  4. Schoolboy Yu. Plants. Complete encyclopedia. – 2013. – 245 p.
  5. Schoolboy Yu. tropical plants. Amazing flora of hot countries. - Litres, 2014. – 543 p.
Jackfruit quite unusual looking exotic fruit. The tropical forests of India are considered its homeland, from where it gradually spread throughout Southeast Asia.
Jackfruit has the largest fruits, similar in appearance to a green pimply melon. Their weight can reach 35 kg, and their length is 20-90 cm. On average, the weight of the fruit is about 10-15 kg. The jackfruit fruit is covered with a very thick peel, which has a ribbed surface that resembles small thorns. Its color is green before ripening and with a yellow or brown tint when ripe. The pulp of the fruit is juicy and aromatic, divided into segments attached to a thick white core. The space between the lobules is filled with hard, inedible threads. The pulp contains seeds. One fruit can have up to 500 of them! Jackfruits grow on trees whose height sometimes reaches 20 meters. One tree produces 200-300 fruits per year. The female flowers, from which the fruits are formed, do not grow on the branches, since they are very thin, but directly on the trunk of the plant. It takes 3 to 6 months for the fruit to fully ripen.

Taste and smell of jackfruit.

The smell of the fruit is compared to the aroma of pineapples, mangoes, bananas, but at the same time you can catch notes of acetone and onions (a very peculiar combination). Some people think that jackfruit smells chewing gum for the somewhat harsh artificial smell. Its taste is creamy and sweet. According to the consistency of the pulp, the fruit can be divided into two types, in one it is soft, reminiscent in texture raw oysters, and the second one is hard and crispy.

How to choose jackfruit

Most often, jackfruit is sold already separated from the peel, in ready-made peeled slices, since it is almost impossible to eat the entire fruit alone.
When choosing a whole fruit, you should pay attention to its peel. It should be dense, green yellow color without damage. The aroma of ripe pulp is very light, barely perceptible. But the peel smells like missing onions. Overripe jackfruit has a strong pungent odor and a brown rind. If you tap the fruit, it should make a dull, hollow sound when ripe.

How to eat jackfruit correctly

First of all, you need to cut the fruit into two halves lengthwise with a knife. Then cut out the core. Since the peel and core of the jackfruit contain latex, when separating it it is better to use gloves or first anoint your hands with any vegetable oil. This juice has the ability to stick to your hands and is practically not washed off. After this, you need to take out the slices, separate them from the peel and remove the white threads and start sampling the fruit.

Storing Jackfruit

When stored fresh in the refrigerator, jackfruit will last for about a week. You can remove the fruit slices, remove the seeds and place them in a container for 3-5 days. When frozen, the fruit does not spoil for about two months.

Composition and beneficial properties of jackfruit

Composition (100 g) – proteins (1.5 g), fats (0.3 g), carbohydrates (20-25 g).
Jackfruit ranks third after mango and banana in its nutritional value.
Its fruit is low in calories. There are 90 kcal per 100 g. In India, it was called "breadfruit" and called "the bread of the poor" for the amount of carbohydrates and starch it contains. There is very little fat and protein in the product, but it is rich in fatty acids, vitamins and minerals- potassium (necessary for proper bone growth), magnesium, zinc, manganese, copper. The element niacin included in its composition has useful action on the state of the nervous system and skin. Jackfruit has antiviral and antibacterial properties and improves immunity due to the vitamin C it contains.
This fruit is one of those that contains the highest content of B vitamins. And they are responsible for the functioning of our nervous system.
Jackfruit is a powerful antioxidant, rich in carotene, which in turn supports and improves vision functions.
The elements present in the fruit (isoflavonoids, lignans, saponins) are useful for the prevention of cancer. They help slow down cell degeneration, leading to degenerative diseases, and affect skin rejuvenation. Jackfruit is good for ulcers and digestive problems, excellent remedy to cleanse the intestines. It helps with high blood pressure, reduces the risk of heart attacks. It is recommended to consume jackfruit for anemia, to prevent thyroid diseases. Has the ability to increase sperm count.

Surprisingly, jackfruit can reduce the effects of alcohol in the human body. Roasted fruit seeds have an stimulating effect that can be compared to taurine and caffeine. It gives the human body additional energy (though not long term). Jackfruit is also suitable for those who are on a diet, as it is quite low in calories and at the same time nutritious.
A decoction of the leaves of the fruit helps increase the lactation of nursing mothers.

Uses of jackfruit

Cooking. Jackfruit is used to make jellies, jams, and marmalade. They make chips out of it. Added to fruit salads. Unripe jackfruits, like vegetables, can be stewed, pickled, fried, or made into various fillings for pies. They are said to taste similar to potatoes.
The pulp of the fruit is used to decorate ice cream and as an addition to desserts. It is served as a side dish for meat dishes, and sometimes they are added to them during cooking to get an unusual spicy taste. Chicken is also stuffed with the pulp.
Jackfruit leaves are mixed with papaya leaves to make a delicious salad.
Jackfruit juice mixed with coconut milk, very nutritious and refreshing.
The seeds of the fruit, which are called jacknuts, are consumed boiled, dried and fried. They contain virtually no fat, but great amount carbohydrates. In some countries they are ground, added to flour and baked into baked goods.

If jackfruit is to be preserved for a long time, it is dried in the sun and then, as needed, cooked in salted boiling water. Dried slices The fruit is as delicious as fresh.
In addition to the pulp and seeds, the flowers of the fruit are also used in cooking. They are stewed and added as one of the ingredients to shrimp sauce.
The peel of the jackfruit is pickled or sugared and then also used in cooking. It is also suitable as animal feed.

Industry. Houses are built from plant wood, furniture and even musical instruments are made. It is known for its durability and beautiful golden hue. Jackfruit wood is also not susceptible to fungus and termite damage. A yellow dye obtained from the peel and stem is used to dye fabrics. This dye is often used to dye the clothes of Buddhist monks in Thailand and Burma.
The latex contained in the trunks of the fruit is used to prepare glue. And some use it to produce chewing gum.

Harm of jackfruit

Some people may experience an allergic reaction caused by individual intolerance to the fruit. It can cause spasms in the throat, making it difficult for a person to swallow. Although this reaction is temporary, it is worth limiting the consumption of this fruit in such a situation. Jackfruit also has laxative properties, so if you overuse it, it can cause stomach upset.

Interesting facts about jackfruit

Among the peoples of Southeast Asia, there is a belief that a jackfruit tree planted in the yard of a house has the ability to bring good luck to it (for Thai name this tree means “help”, “support”). And the green seeds of the fruit, which have a copper tint, are very often used as talismans that protect against wounds caused by a sharp object.
Among jackfruits, there are types that have a very unique taste. One of the varieties tastes like alcoholic drink, another lemon, and the most delicious is Snickers chocolate (nougat with nuts).
The number of segments in a jackfruit depends on its variety. It is known that in some it can reach 400 pieces.
Jackfruits are enjoyed not only by people, but also by animals. They are happily eaten by monkeys and moths, thereby dispersing the seeds. In addition to insects, pollination is carried out by lizards, who love to feast on jackfruit flowers.
Jackfruit is a good substitute for meat in dishes and is therefore sometimes popularly called “vegetable meat”. One such common dish in the east is jackfruit curry.
Firm and crispy varieties of jackfruit are considered the most elite and delicious.

Due to the fact that fruit slices are not stored for a long time, most often you can buy it fresh in the evening (from 5 to 8 o’clock). After lying on the shelves for a day, they turn yellow, become more transparent and lose everything taste qualities, turn into a completely unappetizing jelly. Therefore, sellers mostly cut jackfruit immediately in front of the buyer. They enjoy very in an unusual way– turn the fruit inside out and select the slices.

The flowering of the fruit is very unusual. He has two types of flowers on one tree. The small ones are male and grow on the branches, and the large ones are female on the trunk or the thickest branches. The flowers have a peculiar appearance, more reminiscent of the embryo of a fruit, a small jackfruit. Their aroma is very strong, you can feel it even when the jackfruit tree itself is not visible. It smells like burnt sugar.

In Thailand, along with jackfruit, its seeds are also sold. They just require a separate fee for them.
In Malaysia, a variety of jackfruit was developed that, when ripe, contains absolutely no latex, which means you can cut it and eat it without worrying about the condition of your hands.
It has juicy orange flesh and is very a large number of seeds inside.