Elixir of health – prepare garlic oil. Garlic oil

A briquette of butter can be so flavored with dill and garlic that it turns into a green and incredibly spicy mass that hardly anyone will dare to try. Herbs and spices should be added sparingly to just highlight the taste.

If garlic can be added to taste, depending on your preferences, then little dill is added and only for light aroma, a large number of dill - dramatically changes the taste of this recipe.

There is no need to heat the oil, aiming for softness. The briquette is placed in a bowl and left for 30-40 minutes at room temperature. When it looks like a soft cream, you can start working.

Finely chop the dill leaves and soft parts of the stems. The greens are placed in a bowl with oil.

Garlic is squeezed through a press. Regular fine cutting using a knife will not allow you to achieve such uniformity.

Add salt, everyone should focus on their preferences.

To obtain perfect consistency, you need to use a blender. Speed ​​- medium, whipping time - 1 minute. Garlic oil can be served beautifully in the form of a cylinder.

For this you will need a little more dill, a piece cling film or a regular new file. A rectangular piece of film is spread on the table, sprinkled with dill, butter is spread on top, and leveled.

The resulting cylinder is sent to the freezer for 40-50 minutes, then the film is removed, garlic oil according to the recipe, place it on a regular plate and place it on the refrigerator shelf.

The cylindrical briquette will not lose its shape; it can be cut into thin or thick circles. Now you can enjoy wonderful taste, with the aroma of dill and a slight taste of garlic.

Option #2: Spiced Olive Garlic Oil

Everyone has heard about the benefits of olive oil, but this product is not in great demand and can stand untouched on a kitchen cabinet shelf for weeks, while its neighbors with sunflower oil will quickly become empty.

If you combine butter with thyme and garlic, you get a delicious salad dressing. It is added to sandwich pates, they water it Italian pasta and whole boiled potatoes.

Recipe ingredients:

  • olive oil- 250 ml.
  • thyme - 1 teaspoon
  • garlic - 7 cloves
  • black peppercorns - 10 pcs.
  • red hot pepper - 1 ring.


Olive oil acquires the aroma of garlic only during heating; it can be heated in a water bath or in the oven at a minimum temperature.

Select any refractory molds with lids; you can pour everything into one large container or distribute it into two small ones. Wash the garlic, wipe it with a napkin; no moisture should remain on the cloves.

The cloves are cut in half and thrown into the oil. Add black peppercorns and one ring of red hot pepper.

Thyme can be either fresh or dried. Cover the mold with a lid and place in the oven, temperature - 150 degrees and keep in the oven for 40-50 minutes.

Then pour into a suitable container and put in the refrigerator. Now the aroma of garlic and thyme will clearly appear in the taste. If you are going to use the oil within the next week, you don't have to strain it.

Garlic can be put on sandwiches or added to sauces. Strained garlic oil will keep in the refrigerator for about a month.

Garlic - spicy vegetable, which culinary experts call the “crown” of all seasonings, and many traditional healers use it in their recipes and potions.

Garlic oil is no less useful; it is not only effective against many diseases, but also helps preserve the cloves of the vegetable for the winter for use as a food supplement. In the article we will talk about the properties of such oil, methods of preparing it at home, various recipes preparations for the winter and the rules for their storage.

Garlic oil: beneficial properties

Our ancestors, who lived several hundred years ago, knew about the benefits of such a product. From those times to this day, the recipe has been relevant. By preparing garlic in oil for storage for the winter, you are doing two useful things at once - saving the spice cloves in order to use them in various dishes and get valuable oil rich in healing properties.

Healing properties of oil

  • Oil, like garlic itself, is a leading product in the fight against malignant cells.
  • Cleans blood vessels, dissolves blood clots and atherosclerotic plaques.
  • Reduces blood cholesterol levels.
  • Increases immunity, reduces the tendency to colds.
  • Removes poisons and toxins from the body.
  • Improves blood circulation.
  • Strengthens the heart and vascular system.
  • Dilates blood vessels, relieves chronic headaches.
  • Fights various inflammations in the body.
  • Improves appetite and digestion.
  • Reduces blood sugar (effective for type 2 diabetes).
  • Has a diuretic effect.
  • Relieves inflammation of the urinary tract.
  • Effective for cholecystitis.
  • Helps heal the liver.
  • It is an excellent anthelmintic.
  • Promotes healing of wounds, cuts, eczema and other skin lesions.
  • Prevents prostatitis in men and painful menstruation in women.

And these, perhaps, are not all the properties that garlic-infused oil has.

How to make garlic butter

Making garlic oil at home doesn’t require any difficulty.

The product is made this way:

  • Prepare in advance glass jars with screw caps, rinse and dry them.
  • Peel the garlic cloves, rinse, dry and place them tightly in jars.
  • Fill the jars with garlic with any vegetable oil (can be unrefined, regular vegetable, olive) up to the neck and screw on the lids.
  • No more spices or seasonings need to be added.

Important: the vegetable heads must be clean, without damage, darkening or other defects.

How to store garlic in oil for the winter

Storing garlic in oil prepared in this way also does not require any special conditions - it can easily stand in the refrigerator all winter. To ensure that the blanks do not spoil, you can sterilize the jars immediately after twisting. In this form, they can stand outside the refrigerator, but always in a dark and cool place. Once opened, it is advisable to use up the garlic cloves within 10 days.

If you don't use garlic very often in your cooking, use small jars rather than large ones.

To start using this oil to treat diseases, it must be infused for at least 2 weeks. After this period, pour it into another container, strain through cheesecloth, and also store it in a cool, dark place.

As a seasoning, garlic can be taken out at any time from the moment the jars are closed.

Garlic in oil: recipe in Italian

An Italian recipe for making garlic oil allows you to get a gorgeous, aromatic preparation, which can be added to salads, main courses, sauces and much more.

You will need

  • Olive oil (no other is recommended) – 0.5 l.
  • Garlic – 300-400 gr.
  • A couple of chili peppers.
  • A few peas of black allspice.

Prepare clean jars with screw caps in advance.

How to do

  1. Peel the garlic cloves and cut into thin slices.
  2. Pour the oil into a frying pan and heat it up.
  3. Add the chili pepper, cutting it into several pieces and peppercorns.
  4. When the oil is hot, add the garlic and fry everything over low heat for 15-20 minutes. As soon as the garlic starts to take on golden color, he's ready.
  5. When hot, place the seasoning into jars and seal with lids. It is better to store this garlic in the refrigerator.

According to your taste and discretion, you can add other spices and herbs to this preparation. There are no restrictions here, but it is important to always use olive oil when frying, since when heated it does not release any carcinogens.

Quick recipe for garlic in vegetable oil

This method of preparing garlic oil is suitable if you want to start using it as early as possible.

  • For a 0.5 liter jar, take 200 grams of peeled garlic cloves.
  • Pass them through a special press and put the paste into a jar. Pour hot vegetable oil over the crushed garlic and screw on the lid. Store in the refrigerator.

After 5-7 days the product is ready. It is suitable as a seasoning for dishes and as a medicine.

Now you know how to prepare garlic in oil for the winter yourself. The cloves are suitable as a spice for any dish. The oil itself can be used as salad dressings; it will not only add pleasant aroma dish, but will also add benefits to it.

The product is also used in for cosmetic purposes– when rubbed into the scalp, it strengthens the hair, promotes its rapid growth and healthy looking.

You can buy garlic oil at the pharmacy, and now they are even producing it in capsules, especially for oral administration. But the product prepared with my own hands at home, will always have greater value than something bought in a store and produced under unknown conditions. It is not recommended to take the oil internally for pregnant women, young children and people with stomach ulcers during an exacerbation.

Due to its antiseptic effect, garlic is widely used in medicine. Garlic promotes better absorption of food, has a strong anthelmintic, analgesic, antibacterial, bronchodilator, antispasmodic and sedative effect. Studies by epidemiologists have shown that among those peoples who regularly eat a lot of garlic, the incidence of cancer is much lower than among peoples who neglect it as a remedy.

Beneficial properties of garlic oil:

efficient remedy for headaches; relieves spasms of cerebral vessels.

- relieves shortness of breath.

– increases the body’s resistance to colds and other infectious diseases (used for diseases such as bronchitis, flu, tuberculosis).

- stimulates the functioning of the stomach and intestines, increases the secretion of gastric juice and bile, suppresses the processes of putrefaction and fermentation in the intestines.

— restores and rejuvenates human tissue.

- improves hair growth and quality.

- cleanses purulent wounds and accelerates the epithelization of long-term non-healing ulcers.

– protects organ cells from damage by free radicals and heavy metals.

- prevents atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels, dilates them, lowers blood pressure.

- stimulates sexual functions.

- helps with menopausal neurosis, accompanied by headaches and insomnia.

Preparation of garlic oil:

1 way.

Fill a glass half-liter jar ¾ full with garlic mass (peel the garlic and pass through a garlic press), pour in the rest of the volume with vegetable oil. Let it sit for 2 weeks with occasional shaking of the container. Then we let it settle and then filter it.

Ready garlic oil has a pungent garlic smell.

Method 2.

Peel a medium-sized head of garlic, crush it and put it in a jar, pour in 1 cup of unrefined sunflower oil. After 1 day, pour 1 tsp into the infusion. lemon juice- mix. Leave for a week in a cool, dark place.

Take 1 teaspoon of garlic oil 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for cerebral atherosclerosis, sclerosis, coronary heart disease, shortness of breath, gastritis with low acidity of gastric juice, constipation. This is an excellent vasodilator and cleanser.

The course of treatment is 3 months. Break – 1 month, then repeat treatment.

This oil can also be used to restore joint mobility: rub garlic oil into the sore spot with massage movements, tie it with a warm cloth and leave overnight. The procedure should be carried out within 1 month.

Have you been to the pharmacy lately? If so, be sure to go and check out the displays. There, along with various medications, you will see a lot of interesting things. It's about about “folk remedies”, among which you will definitely come across garlic oil. If you think about it, you can come to an amazing conclusion: doctors have finally recognized that not only science has the right to help them. That is, it is often easier to preserve human health with those medicines whose recipes go back centuries. You and I already knew this. But the “smart heads” from science for a long time defended a different opinion. They tried to “ignore” obvious facts.

Doctors secretly, almost in a whisper, recommended their folk remedies. Garlic oil often appeared in these “secret negotiations.” Now it can be found in almost any pharmacy. Why is it needed, what to do with it? And do you need to run to a pharmacist or can you prepare it yourself? Let's figure it out.

About the benefits of garlic

Probably everyone knows that this plant is used to protect against all kinds of evil spirits. But for some reason they refuse to include pathogens among its ranks. How did our ancestors reason? Garlic drives out any demon, including the one that brought the disease. You will say that this is stupidity, only uneducated people can reason like this? May be. Just try using garlic oil for a cold, for example, and see for yourself that people were wiser before. And it’s not necessary to experiment on yourself. We should study what they painstakingly collected for us. It turns out that garlic “kills” almost any microbes. Colds and runny noses are child's play for him. It is able to overcome bronchitis, flu and even tuberculosis. It also helps with coughs.

Garlic thins the sputum and comes out much easier, releasing Airways. But more important is that it strengthens the body's resistance. That is, its use increases immunity, which is very important in our time. Imagine, you don’t have to do exercises in the morning, go out into the fresh air, toughen up, and watch your diet. Just apply garlic oil and you're good to go (just kidding!). Of course, you need to take care of your body. And invite garlic to help.

So do you need to run to the pharmacy?

The question is important. It should not be taken lightly. Of course, you can find a description of the process of preparing the drug. But this is a rather painstaking task. The fact is that the acidity of garlic promotes the proliferation of pathogens various diseases, which include botulism, are extremely dangerous disease. If you are not sure that you can rid your products of these “pests”, then do not get down to business. Although garlic oil is not difficult to make at home. There is only one catch - sterilization of the product. Therefore, it is recommended to seriously evaluate your capabilities and talents. Otherwise, you will not be preparing a miracle cure, but a “poison”. What kind of treatment is there, sheer sabotage.

Recipe number one

Are you already interested in the question of how to prepare garlic butter? Do you want to quickly take advantage of this wonderful elixir? Take your time. Take care of the garlic. It must be thoroughly cleaned and rinsed. Cut each clove into two longitudinal halves. While it dries, take care of the container. The glass bottle must be thoroughly washed and sterilized. As soon as the process is completed, place the garlic in it and close it tightly so that nothing extra gets in there. Now it's time for the butter. It is recommended to use olive oil. Read the label. It should indicate that it is cold pressed. This material is recommended by all experts. Proportions: take one large head of garlic for half a liter of oil. Please note that the ingredients should not come into contact with the plastic. This harms the medicine. Now heat the oil to 180 degrees. Fill the bottle with garlic. Seal carefully. The product must be kept in a cool place for about a week. Please note: the refrigerator is not suitable for this.

After a specified period, the oil is filtered using gauze. Pour into a sterilized container. Now you can store the butter in the refrigerator. As you can see, any careful and meticulous person can prepare garlic oil at home. Call for help with attentiveness and scrupulousness, everything will work out.

Quick garlic butter. Recipe No. 2

Let's be honest: how many of us “lay down straws” in advance? Do people often prepare miraculous elixirs ahead of time?

After all, we have all found ourselves in a situation where we had to “bite our elbows” and scold ourselves for our lack of foresight. If we knew that we would get sick, then, of course, we would have prepared the product a month ago. Now what to do? You have to wonder how to make garlic oil quickly, “skipping” the infusion period (which is also the longest). It turns out that this is also possible. Prepare the garlic as described above. Pour oil (two cups) into a heatproof container. Add a few black peppercorns and a little thyme. Place the garlic in slices on the bottom of the dish. The cut should touch its surface. We place our container in the oven. It is not recommended to raise the temperature above 150 degrees. We'll get it in fifty minutes. Check the garlic cloves. If they become soft, then it's ready. All that remains is to strain and place in a sterile container. The “potion” is stored in the refrigerator for no more than one month. But we needed it urgently, which means it will end quickly.

Where will we use it?

We figured out how to prepare an amazing elixir. Now it remains to figure out what to do with it, how to use garlic oil. The application of the product is varied. It is recommended to use it with food, make compresses, or bury it in the nose or ears. It all depends on the diagnosis. If you want to improve your health, then take two tablespoons. If you can, just drink it (in four doses). When the body cannot cope with its taste, or it is disgusting, then add it to food. Please note that products containing this drug should be consumed from plants. The easiest way is to pour it on bread or dress a salad. Here's your medicine along with vitamins.

For kids

Babies up to one year old can also be given garlic oil if necessary. Parents' reviews of this product are generally positive. Most often it is given to babies during seasonal surges of colds and flu. If the child is only a few months old, then the same number of drops of the drug are added to the drink. For older children, the dose is increased. But giving more than half a teaspoon is dangerous until the age of four. Then progressively. By the age of seven, a child can already handle a whole teaspoon. And then we move on to dessert. From the age of fourteen, “adult doses” are used. Try not to disgust the children. Add to food. So they won't understand that you are treating them.

For hair beauty

This miraculous remedy was enjoyed by beauties who trembled over their appearance. They found out how beneficial it is for hair. Dandruff or itching, dryness or hair loss, any of these problems go away if you apply garlic oil correctly. User reviews surprise and delight knowledgeable people. It's easy to use. You need to rub a little product into the hair roots with gentle movements. Put on your bathing cap and go to bed. In the morning, wash your hair thoroughly. The cycle of procedures lasts at least a couple of months. You will be surprised how many new hairs will appear on your head! And you will forget about the problems caused by fungi forever (well, almost).

For general strengthening

At a time when the flu is sweeping across the country with a “terrible pace”, killing everyone without permission, allow family members to remain calm. Prepare a bottle of oil, add a teaspoon to milk or water in the morning. This problem will bypass you. It was not for nothing that the ancients used garlic against evil spirits. The devil of a cold, walking in cold weather, will run away from you like incense.

External use

For compresses, use a mixture of oil and water or decoctions. It is necessary to warm it up, moisten a piece of gauze and place it on the affected areas. Then cover with film and wrap it up. Used for skin diseases caused by microbes. The oil can be applied to purulent wounds, wipe pimples, and so on. If the ear is inflamed, then the remedy is simply instilled there. The same goes for the nose. If you have a runny nose, use garlic oil. Just be careful, because it can cause irritation of the mucous membranes.

Garlic oil is a very valuable product. If you haven’t yet had time to appreciate it, then don’t be lazy and make your first bottle. Most likely, she will not be the last. Good luck and health!

Everyone is well aware of the abundance of beneficial properties garlic has. It is consumed raw, dried, and all kinds of tinctures are prepared. However, tinctures are typically based on alcohol, vodka, or alcohol-containing ingredients. Their benefits are undeniable, but not everyone and not always can use such compounds.

Therefore, garlic oil is an excellent alternative to tinctures. It has a wide range of beneficial properties and can be used by almost everyone who needs to treat or prevent a particular disease.


Basically, beneficial features The list of garlic oils can take a long time. Therefore, we will focus on the main ones. This will allow you to understand how essential oil made with garlic can actually be in your home.


As such, garlic oil is not harmful. It’s just that this remedy is contraindicated for certain groups of people.

  • For those who suffer from glomerulonephritis, and only in its acute form.
  • Those who have an intestinal or stomach ulcer, but in an acute form.
  • Women who are going through the breastfeeding period.

Plus, before use you should pay attention to certain factors:

  • People suffering from epilepsy should always consult a doctor before consuming garlic oil;
  • If a person diabetes, before consuming oil, you should check your sugar level;
  • Severely ill people and pregnant women should not use this product without consulting a doctor;
  • When taking specially prescribed antiviral drugs, they should not be combined with garlic oil. Studies show that sometimes garlic causes a weakening of the effects of one or another component of medications. Therefore, the effectiveness of treatment may be lower than expected.

For the treatment of blood vessels

Many drugs containing garlic-based oil are preventive agents against atherosclerosis.

As is known, when regular use This product significantly reduces cholesterol levels and also lowers blood pressure. This is a proven fact.

However, it is not recommended to fight against atherosclerosis, as well as arterial hypertension, with garlic oil. There are several important reasons for this:

  • The product has minor antipertensive and antiterogenic effects. Therefore, most doctors prescribe ACE inhibitors and sartans to patients, which replace garlic oil.
  • It is impossible to reduce cholesterol and blood pressure once and for all. Therefore, the effectiveness of the oil will only manifest itself if you take it throughout your life. Plus, research shows that its benefits are not as great as many alternative drugs.
  • There are a fairly large number of other foods that can also lower cholesterol and blood pressure without posing a health hazard. A prime example is the cucumber. Its diuretic effect reduces the volume of circulating blood, thereby reducing blood pressure. The presence of fiber in the composition reduces cholesterol levels and improves intestinal function.


There are a number of diseases that, unfortunately, humans suffer from. Nevertheless, it is possible and necessary to fight them. Often chemical medications can be replaced with simple but very healthy garlic oil, which has rich medicinal properties.


For this disease, the use of oil based on onion and garlic is allowed. To prepare the medicine, you need to take about 10-15 drops. each of the oils, diluted with a glass of water and taken four times a day an hour before meals.


Prevention, as well as direct treatment of influenza, as well as other acute respiratory viral infections, is carried out by many people using garlic oil with the addition of honey. To make such a product, you need to add about 5 milliliters of oil to 20 grams of liquid honey. A mixture of such potent substances ensures rapid recovery. Hot (but not strong) drinks with garlic oils are also suitable against the flu. To do this, just make fresh tea and add 3-5 milliliters of oil. It is important to take the medicine regularly - every 3 hours.

Problems with the nasopharynx

It is recommended to drink tea, juice with added oil, and also do a massage with this product. To do the rubbing, you need to drop a few drops of oil on your hands and then spread it on the patient’s skin. Special attention Focus on the areas of the wrist, neck, back of the head, apply oil to the temples.

Treatment of problems with the heart, lungs and general strengthening of the body

A mixture of 100 milliliters of vegetable oil is perfect for such problems, fine salt and garlic squeezed through a special press (take about 5 cloves). The mixture is added to mashed potatoes or just eat it with bread.


If you have a cough, grind the garlic, mix it with oil and rub this mixture on your back and chest. It also helps with radiculitis and osteochondrosis. You should rub the appropriate places on the body.

Constipation, gastritis, cerebral atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease and shortness of breath

Against this seemingly diverse set of diseases there is one thing in common and very effective remedy- garlic oil. You need to take it 1 teaspoon three times a day, and always 30 minutes before meals. The course lasts 3 months, after which a break is taken for a month and the three-month course is repeated again.

Rheumatic pain

Chop or crush the garlic very finely. Mix it with oil (vegetable) and place on cheesecloth. Apply to places where there is pain. The compress should be kept for approximately 60-90 minutes.


Compresses help a lot. To prepare it, use pharmacy essential oils made from garlic. Add a couple of drops of oil with a few drops of rosemary oil. Mix this mixture with 10 milliliters of purified water and make compresses on the affected skin.

Garlic oil capsules

Quite often in pharmacies you can find garlic oil, which is offered in capsule form. This great alternative oil homemade. There is no need to fuss with them, they are easy to take, and because of the shell there is no characteristic garlic taste and smell.


The capsules, in addition to the garlic oil itself, also contain amino acids, gelatin and vegetable glycerin.


The properties of the capsules are even superior to some homemade recipes for garlic-based oils:


There is a huge list of problems for which the use of garlic oil is recommended. This list can include ARVI, influenza, decreased immunity, gastritis (subject to low acidity), dysentery, chronic constipation, worms, oncology, problems with the spleen, skin diseases, frequent headaches, rickets, asthenia, diabetes, cystitis, etc.


The product is taken three times a day, two capsules. It should be consumed half an hour before meals. Be sure to write down 100 milliliters of water (half a glass).


The same as when using any other garlic oil.


You don't have to go to the pharmacy to get quality and healthy oil, prepared with garlic. It is quite possible to do it yourself.

Today there are quite a lot of recipes, each of which is easy to prepare and does not require any special ingredients that you would not find at home or in the nearest store.

In fact, all oils differ from each other in the base oil itself, as well as in additional components.

Sunflower garlic oil


  • Garlic - one head;
  • Vegetable oil(take only unrefined) - 500 milliliters.


  • The product is peeled and each clove is divided into two parts.
  • Garlic is placed in a thoroughly washed container and covered with a lid.
  • The oil is heated to 180 C and poured into a bowl with garlic. The mixture is stored in a cold place for seven days. However, you should not put it in the refrigerator.
  • After seven days, strain the oil using several layers of gauze. Place only in sterile containers.
  • Storage is carried out in the refrigerator.


This oil is well suited for salads and can also be used for cooking. different sauces. This way of cooking, you can make healthy oil using an olive base.

Butter with garlic


  • Butter - 200 grams;
  • Seven cloves of garlic;
  • Salt;
  • Pepper – ground black;
  • Dill to your own taste.


  • Remove the oil in advance and let it sit at room temperature. This is necessary for the product to melt.
  • In the meantime, peel the garlic, make a paste out of it, chop the green stuff finely, and mix everything together thoroughly.
  • Now add the rest of the ingredients.
  • Next, all components are mixed into a single mass. Cover the resulting mixture with a lid or film and then place it in the refrigerator.


With the help of this oil you can not only improve your health, but also have lunch delicious sandwich. It is also suitable for grating meat and poultry for further baking.

Linseed oil

Alas, many people lose sight of such useful and rich in vitamins oil. And you can make a great mixture out of it using garlic. Due to this, you can significantly reduce the risk of stroke (by 38%).



  • Peel the garlic and make a paste out of it and put it in a jar.
  • Mix together with the butter and place in the refrigerator where the mixture will be stored.
  • Shake off the mixture several times a day for a week. After seven days the oil is ready.


Used as very useful, and at the same time very unusual seasoning to salads.

Express recipe


  • Thyme - to taste;
  • 2 heads of thick garlic;
  • Black pepper (corns only);
  • Oil (of your choice) - 400 grams.


  • Divide the garlic into cloves, cut lengthwise into two parts.
  • Place the product in the pan. The garlic should be cut side down.
  • Fill with oil. You can use any oil you like.
  • Add the specified spices.
  • Place the pan in the oven preheated to 150 degrees. It takes about an hour to prepare the express oil.
  • Remove the oil, cool, pour into a clean container and store in the refrigerator. Please note that the mixture has a limited shelf life of 30 days.

Application: Used as salad dressings, jacket potatoes and so on.

It is obvious that garlic oil carries great benefit, like garlic itself. But if garlic is not always appropriate to use in pure form Due to its characteristic odor, the oil gets rid of this deficiency of garlic, maintaining unsurpassed beneficial properties.

Most importantly, garlic oils are prepared in simple home conditions; their preparation does not require a lot of time or a set of expensive, rare ingredients. Literally half an hour of your time, and you have an excellent dressing ready for salads and various other dishes.

The oil not only brings benefits, but also provides excellent aroma to dishes, unique taste, which many people really like.

Don't forget about capsules with garlic oil. Their beneficial properties are similar, but many people find them much easier to take than garlic. Whatever one may say, not everyone likes butter, and certainly not everyone can eat garlic every day. So capsules are a great alternative.

For information on how to make garlic oil, see the program by Yulia Vysotskaya.